Fluid gender; most often appears female Dᴏᴍᴀɪɴ & Pᴏʀᴛꜰᴏʟɪᴏ Expression (Music)
The domain of Expression is fluid and everchanging- built on emotional development and release, fostered by an inquisitive nature and a fascination with the fantastical. It is characterized by especially strong emotion, rage and horror and terror alongside elation, joy, and hope. Dissenters and advocates as well as artists and visionaries find a patron in the domain of Expression.
In the portfolio of Music specifically, furies are inflamed as well as soothed, solace sought and sentiments expressed in a more dynamic field than written or even spoken word. Logical discourse is foregone for poetic verse, which is at times foregone altogether. as the patron of Music, Rytia relishes in the abstract and shuns the concrete- why would one ever state something outright when they can imply or allude to it?
Aʟɪɢɴᴍᴇɴᴛ Chaotic Good
To mortals, she is seen as a benevolent god, if unpredictable at best. No one can predict how music will motivate others, really- it is such a massively personal domain. She certainly means no harm against any race of mortals, regardless of their conduct (her domain would be incomplete without ballads of war and suffering, so she is by no means a pacifist) but instead actively encourages them to thrive independently.
To the other gods, this lack of favoritism is perhaps off-putting, her lack of overall direction and shape, favoring things that will have epic ballads and heroic cadences written about them as opposed to any ulterior motive. Her allegiances will ebb and flow, as fickle as the notes of the “cosmic masterpiece” she seems to think she is composing.
Pᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ A young deity, naïve and brimming with energy, quick to make judgment and slow to forget. Intelligent, quick-thinking, and massively creative, but a bit impulsive- prone to making decisions and judgments she will later grow to regret. She prides herself on her own empathic nature and deep, instinctive understanding of the psyche of any populace she’s had a hand in creating… After all, music puts to words that which keens and writhes in secret hearts and can’t be expressed in any other medium. Very much of feeling and less of reason, she can be a bit difficult to work with if her heart is not set on a task, wish-washing between all facets of it, but once her heart is set she becomes infinitely more determined. Fluid at best in her own emotional expression, one can find her a bit offputting- she will cry of death and mourning in one breath and whisper a song of love for one’s mother in the next. Rytia has a bit of a hero complex, still believing she needs to prove herself to the world and the other more-directly-involved gods of the realm.
Gᴏᴀʟs Rytia has no defined goal at this time. Eventually, she would like to become the patron of her own civilization, fostering a society that relishes in emotion, in creation. She also would maybe, just maybe, like to be hailed as a hero, have ballads and epic poetry written about her or her avatars. A foolishly almost-mortal desire, but what can one expect of one who is little more than a child? For the moment, her curiosity and inquisitive nature are getting the best of her, and she wonders what exactly is possible for her to do, questioning the bounds of the reality she's a part of.
Aᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴀɴᴄᴇ For most things, Rytia takes an incorporeal form – a swirling column of air and vivid colors and textures about five feet tall, seeming to effervesce an oddly-harmonic cacophony of bell tones around her everywhere she goes.
When she must appear “decent” she takes an almost-humanoid form. A young woman, though inhumanly slender- her visage is translucent, seeming more entirely transparent when in bright light. Her eyes are large and bright, hair falling to her knees, eternally changing through flowing pastel colors, and her body robed in a simple white gown swirling with foreign, complex musical notation. The aura of bell-tones follows her in this form as well, though it’s much softer when she takes this shape.
Mᴜsɪᴄᴀʟ Tʜᴇᴍᴇ To be determined. Or maybe written. I haven’t decided yet…