Name: Ava, her parents never mentioned a surname. Aliases: Hey you, various derogatory names.
Gender: Female Age: 28
Race/Ethnicity: Mixed race, most likely caucasian and some sort of mediterranean or european descent. Place of Origin: Outskirts of Praetor City, Dall
Occupation: Tinkerer, scrapper/forager, “healer”
Character Attributes
Height: 5'6” Weight: 150lbs
General Appearance: Ava stands at an average height but bears the build of someone who has never quite been fed enough for the amount of manual labour she's done, slender, gaunt, but physically capable. Her hair barely touches the tops of her ears, obviously cut by herself, quite uneven, unkempt, and generally brushed out of her face with a layer of grime. She could be considered attractive, with her angular facial features, olive skintone, green eyes and pitch black hair, but the amount of dirt covering her from day to day tends to drive most suitors the other way. The most prominent feature on her, besides her constant scowl, is a stark white scar that runs from ear to ear, crossing dangerously close under her eyes and across the bridge of her nose. Her body is littered with scars, cuts and bruises in varying states of healing, mostly focused on her hands and forearms; two of her fingers on her right hand are missing, her pinky in its entirety and her ring finger from the second knuckle.
Day To Day Attire: Whatever is the most likely not to get caught in whatever she's trying to tinker with, generally dirty and torn pants/shirt, she cares little for appearance.
Making something out of nothing, she's constantly looking for and holding on to random scraps of other things to fix what she can, always seeing the use in what other people generally consider garbage.
Herbalism/medicine knowledge, she can clean your wounds, stitch you up and make you something that will make you feel better, from her constant exploration and delving into old world locations she figured out how to heal someone up pretty quickly.
Survival Skills, living outside the city changes a person, she can easily live off of the land and can hold her own in combat due to her upbringing.
Technophile, her greatest love and pursuit are old world relics and artifacts, anything she finds she studies intently to understand how it works and how to replicate it. She seems to be able to understand how old world tech works very easily.
Tactless, she's not the greatest people person. Her disdain for the “easy city life” causes her to look down on a lot of people if they can't take care of themselves, her choice of words tends to ruffle a lot of feathers from their bluntness.
Extreme dislike of the established monarchy and guild system, believes it's exploiting people and cares little about following its rules and expectations.
Unnerved/wary of magic users due to the lack of explanation on how magic works and who gets 'chosen' to be one.
Fear of magical fire and being trapped in a burning building. A panic will grip her if she sees a magician use it naturally and has reoccuring nightmares since childhood.
Items Of Note: Basic leather armour made out of scraps, well made but old and extremely worn backpack, various belt pouches and pockets for her growing collection of scrap, survival and medical supplies, a crude metal necklace that has charred finger bones and teeth dangling from it.
Walking Spear A well crafted metal spear, the material is extremely lightweight but very durable. Made perfectly for her height to double as a walking stick when needed. The tip is extremely long and visciously pointed and kept polished clean.
Spyglass A crude, but still functional metal tube with a well polished lense of glass at one end that allows her to see farther than a person normally would be able to.
Survival Kit Contains a bedroll, waterskin, flint and tinder, rations, caltrops, 50ft of rope.
Medicine Pouch Contains scraps of cloth, needle and thread, random bits of medicinal herbs, an old world stapler and scalpel.
Born into poverty in the outskirts of Praetor City, Ava and her parents never knew what typical comforts felt like, instead forced to scrounge whatever they could from garbage heaps and easily snagged items laying about both in and out of the city. Much of city life was a complete mystery to Ava, her parents having been blacklisted and exiled for hawking stolen goods and fake artifacts. From a young age, Ava knew she would need to rely on herself alone for nearly everything she could need. With her parents seemingly almost never around, she turned to foraging what she could from the garbage piles and eventually out into the wilds, learning to hunt and survive purely because she had to. While being terrible parents, they at least began her passion for the old world and tinkering, telling her grandoise stories of how the world used to be, the Broken, and how the monsters live in almost magical places with things you couldn't even imagine hidden within those ruins people dared not to enter.
Shortly after her tenth birthday, a neighbouring child discovered his affinity for magic, his untrained abilities manifesting in a great ball of fire, utterly disintegrating her family home and charring her parents, leaving not much more than a few blackened bones and teeth behind. With rage in her heart towards these unexplained powers, Ava fashioned what was left of her parents into a crude necklace as a reminder that she was truly on her own, and some hocus pocus was not going to help her despite how trained they may claim to be.
Her time is generally divided between venturing farther into the old world ruins than most would dare for that next piece of scrap or wonderful item she may find, and sitting in her tossed together shack crafting whatever she needs at the moment. While she has so far avoided the Broken and capture, her drive to capture one and take it apart piece by piece has made a few uncomfortably close calls as of late.
While she generally tries to keep a low profile, she is decently well known in the poorer areas of Praetor City as someone you can go to for help, wether it be fixing something, creating a whole new item, or cleaning hooligans up after a fight. Unlike most who charge coin for their aid, Ava tries to exlusivly deal in trade of goods and services. The town guard do know of her as well, her penchant for back alley trading to avoid the use of the guilds and supporting the monarchy has put a bit of a target on her head, which only grows with her vocal distaste for all of it.
Having been recently caught trading for stolen old world goods, again, she had three options; lose more digits, go to jail, or volunteer to go on an excursion the king was organizing into the depths of the old world, an option only held available to her due to her reputation and apparant knowledge in the subject. She jumped at the chance for exploration, despite technically working for the king, as long as it meant the possibilites of finding technology or other old world artifacts that she held so dear, who said she had to tell them about everything she found. The possibility of death looming in her near future seemed far better than rotting in a cell.
Name: Torielle Logan Aliases: Tori (nickname), Torielle Williams (maiden name)
Gender: female Age: 25
Race/Ethnicty: unknown (likely mixed) African descent Place of Origin: Alcatraz Priestdom (former San Fransisco)
Occupation: Wanderer, former soldier
Character Attributes
Height: 5’8 Weight: ~135 lbs
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Torielle has a faded, almost imperceptible scar on her forehead: while the scar’s shape is vague, it almost appears to resemble a burning key. Day To Day Attire: Torielle generally wears whatever she finds most comfortable; her current clothing are mostly muted colours, and are travel-worn but not quite threadbare; she also wears hardened leather armour that covers her torso and upper arms.
Weapons Proficiency: Torielle’s training as a Faith Keeper Soldier has prepared her to fight effectively with a number of different kinds of martial weapons; she prefers using a longbow, however will gladly take up a sword and shield if the situation demands it.
Tactical Thinking: Torielle is able to think quickly in stressful situations, and can be trusted to make tactical decisions at a moment’s notice.
Bravery: Torielle is not easily frightened, and is much more likely to fight to the death than to surrender or retreat.
Survival Skills: During her travels, Torielle learned how to take care of herself outside of the stable comforts of city living.
Self-Doubt: After losing her husband, as well as the religious fire that burned within her for so long, Torielle struggles with uncertainty, both in her personal beliefs and in her abilities.
Bigotry Toward the Faithful: Torielle goes to great lengths to avoid interacting with the Father’s faithful; when forced to do so, she is verbally abusive and rude, often threatening violence if the interaction lasts long enough.
Superstitious: Despite her clear hatred for the Father’s faithful, she still occasionally acts on the cultural and religious superstitions with which she was raised. Old habits die hard, after all.
Attached: Torielle has an extreme fear of losing her locket, and is overprotective to the point of getting upset when people so much as look at it.
Items Of Note:
Hardened leather armour with a vine-like pattern carved lightly into it.
Longbow & a quiverfull of arrows. While it is possible for her to strap the bow over the shield on her back, she generally prefers to carry it.
Longsword strapped to her belt.
Shield strapped to her back.
A backpack containing a bedroll, a canteen, several days’ rations, a tinderbox and a compass.
A locket containing a miniature of her wedding portrait, a gift from her late husband. She hasn’t opened it since his death.
Born on the coast and growing up with the island of Alcatraz within view on the horizon, Torielle was once a zealous follower of the Father. Her mother was a missionary, regaling her with stories of her travels but fearing the job was too dangerous for her daughter to come along - a fear that proved valid when she failed to return from a trip to the Triumvirate. Her father was a Faith Keeper Soldier. When she was old enough, Torielle gladly accepted the mark of faith, and entered training to follow in her father’s footsteps.
It was in training where she met the love of her life - not a soldier himself, but an administrator working closely with her unit. They married not long after, and lived happily together for three years. Torielle felt nothing missing, and truly believed she was living her most perfect life.
Things changed when her husband was falsely accused of committing a series of murders. The circumstances surrounding his arrest and ultimate execution led to a major crisis of faith for Torielle, who ran away under the cover of night, ten days after his death. She wandered east into the Kingdom of Dall, unsure of where to go but driven by a desperate need to get away, and eventually made her way to Praetor City. Somewhere along the way, she found a sorcerer willing to erase the tattoo from her forehead, leaving behind a faint scar that hints at her past.
Name: Nicholas Armetian Jullian Matthius Kramer Aliases: Nick for short - is it that fucking hard!?
Gender: Male. Age: Twenty-five
Race/Ethnicty: German-American. Place of Origin: Salyia Triumvirate
Occupation: Formerly a Jester, currently a mercenary.
Height: Six foot one. Weight: 195 pounds
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Some scars on his body, please dont touch them... Day To Day Attire: Various, rags one day to armor. Depends what hand he is dealt, usually, rags lets be honest here guys.
Silver tongue - talk talk talk talk, do you ever shut up..? Woah that was a good joke maybe you aren't so bad...
Slippery - years of running helped when it came to losing people
I play dirty - sand to the eyes, kick to the groin man what a bitch fighter.
Connections - forming a last bonding is a key skill to have in a broken eats human world
Bridges, burnt! - why do you all have swords
Magic sucks - i just dont like magic, wizards and witches just aren't what they are cut out to be.
Paranoid - are you sure i dont know you from somewhere
Greedy - money first, this rat has to eat
Pride - trust me when it comes to this, i'm simply the best
Damned - i always feel like i'm going nowhere
Unorganized - i never can hold onto something, not even my clothes.
All things important!:
Worn Jester's hat: A jester's hat, keeping it classy san diego.
Steel dagger: A gift from a dead guy, thanks dead guy.
Raggedy clothing: Tragedy, lost my clothes to a roadside whore - such is life.
Bone Necklace: This is made from the people I've killed... Beware me. Truly, the best souvenir I've bought.
Leather backpack: All things important inside, warning prone to being worn.
Ever leave someone for dead?
That was probably the worst side of me that could show, I didn't want to leave him but also at the same time I wanted to live. Morals are a bitch but no one ever taught me ethics, it just comes to you naturally. That's what my fans say about comedy, magic casters and nobles they pay a lot to laugh. I coulden't imagine being them, bored out of their minds - how sad. I use to put on a show for people, with my friend Zach but after fighting some angry guys they fucked up Zach and I bailed out.
Great friend right, I look up to the stars and think man why was that guy such a loud mouth. I should mention Zach came after me with some angrier people, they always keep me on the move. I should thank him, he taught me how to run for my life which these days seems like a life skill everyone needs. I've been all over the kingdoms, just not the south. I can't seem to find a place to settle down, make enough money or enjoy. I've been told I live on a motor, I'm an adventurer I go where the money goes and I like to live fast - that's not a lot to ask for.
Yet, I'm living my life in fear, woe is me.. The tragic bard. The gods don't favor me, I've never been religious but I'd like to say there is a force above us since Joe, Jill and Jack can shoot fire or turn water to wine. I'm not much of a people person ironically enough. It's just a mask I wear, making people laugh but I do what the people want of me - I'm a pushover, a people pleaser. I relish some of the moments I've spent in comedy, but no more. I'm tired of getting by, I should be applying myself differently - will all these wars and conflicts kicking off I'd rather not sit in the middle cracking jokes. It's fun to make fun of something grim.
Going east I ended up in Praetor City, what a shit hole the women were ok but I've been robbed twice so far. There is the promise of a good job coming up soon, maybe I'll find something suitable and try to act the part and get a position. Something sinister, I always have a sinister feeling about everything maybe I'm depressed but I know if I don't fix up my act then it will be my last.
Hello, my name is Dead man walking - Nick for short, how do you do?
Intricate black Ouroboros tattoo on the back of her neck, often hidden by her hair.
Green and black tattoo of a Snake coiling up her right thigh, starting above her knee and reaching up over her hip bone reaching to the center of her stomach where it's biting into a scorched Earth.
Freckle under her lip on the right side.
Slave brand on her left inner forearm. More specifically the brand of a Sex Slave, or a 'Bunny'. She does her best to keep this covered at all times.
Day To Day Attire:Aeria is often wears patched together leather; usually skin tight. She will often wear, during casual occasions, a large fur brimmed jacket - which she often leaves hanging off her shoulders (Image). Beyond her usual attire she will wear a well fitted dress, though not preferred as her knife capacity is vastly diminished.
Physical Description:Standing at only five feet and ten inches and weighing one-hundred and forty-two pounds she holds a curvy, athletic build. Her body naturally curved, generally considered an attractive body type; a modest bust and shapely below the hips. Her skin tone is a light mocha color, often left without a smudge as she is quite meticulous to keep herself washed. Her eyes are a very light brown color with faint strands of green that can't really be seen unless up close. Her hair reaches down to just above the small of her back, raven black with a loose and natural wave.
Assassination - Aeria is a master of stealth assassinations and subterfuge.
Acting - Aeria is a brilliant actress, able to put herself into any personality or role.
Swiftness - Aeria is incredibly fast. Near inhumanly so.
Emotional Triggers - Aeria is often very in control of her emotions, though there are a few things that could trigger an strong emotional response.
Physically Weak - Despite her impressive speed her physical strength is quite low.
Distrusting/Untrustworthy - Not only does her life style lead to people not trusting her (Once they figure out who she truly is) but because of her lifestyle she doesn't trust many people, if anyone at all.
Items Of Note:
Daggers - Aeria keeps an array of knives hidden in her clothes.
Flash Powder Bombs - Throwing these pouches onto a hard surface creates a loud pop and bright flash, causing disorienting effects.
Various poisons - Aeria keeps several differing poisons that cause varied effects.
Mysterious Charm - Aeria has a strange charm attached to a thin chain; wearing it around her neck and often tucked and hidden under her clothes. She knows it's a treasured artifact though she doesn't truly know what it does. She retrieved it from a 'target' of hers a few years back. (Charm)
Sample Post
The cold air bit at the exposed skin of Aeria's face, her sitting atop a tall branch of a tree and using the foliage to conceal her. Her light brown eyes watching a small caravan as it rocked and creaked against the strong evening wind. The caravan was formed with a line of three carriages; the one in front and back holding valuables while the one in the middle held her target, all three driven by a hire guard with another walking on either side of each. A grand total of nine guards and her target.
Aeria had been tracking her target since The Plainsmen Federation. His name was Harold Grundt, a notorious 'entrepreneur' who gained his wealth from the misfortune of others; Sex trade, unjust loans, etc. And he was heading to the outskirts of Dall to expand his Empire. He was a bounty she took without warrant.
Aeria continued tracking the caravan, silently bouncing between the intermingled branches that could support her weight. She continued this until the sun slowly set, waiting for the brilliant glow of the setting orange sun to fade. As the carriage came to a stop to set the torches and before their eyes could adjust back to the light source it was her time to strike. Retrieving a flash powder bomb from a pouch on the small of her back she gave it a swift toss. The bomb smashing into a large rock shortly ahead of the leading carriage. With a loud explosion and a brilliantly bright flash of light. The explosion sent the guards in the lead reeling, the lead horses crying out in pain and forgetting their training. Reeling up on their hind legs they then burst into a full sprint sending the first carriage rocketing down the path and leaving the rest behind. It only got rid of one guard but the front two were disoriented and the rest frantic.
Knowing she had time for the front two she addressed the back line. Her strong legs threw her off the branch like a spring, vaulting her over the carriage and closest guard; a flash of her wrist and a dagger bit deep into the neck of the guard she flew over, her body rocketing towards the guard on the other side. Crashing into him her arms coiled around his jaw, using her velocity to snap his neck and send them both tumbling into the brush. By this time all the remaining guards had their swords drawn and looking around defensively for their target. As Aeria and the corpse's tumble came to a stop she quickly got to her feet in a low crouch, using the darkness and the brush to conceal her.
Aeria burst up from her crouch into a dead sprint towards the guard now standing at the back carriages driving seat, coming at him from a back angle. She took a running jump to clear the height, crashing into him and winding herself around him. They crashed off the carriage and into a roll, kicking off him she threw him forward using their momentum and her little strength to propel him into another guard and slowing herself in the process; knocking them both to the ground and knocking the wind from their lungs. The guard on the other side of the middle carriage was now making his way to their side. Twirling to her feet she produced a hidden dagger and swept around the back of the carriage to surprise him. Quickly she slammed the point of her knee into the center of his thigh forcing it to spasm, surge with pain, and cause him to fumble. Within a flashing streak of silver his throat split open; gargling he fell back choking on his blood. By this time the guard driving the middle carriage was making his way off. She quickly slid beneath the carriage. She watched the feet of the driver defensively moving along the side.
As the driver was parallel with herself she sent a straight kick into the side of his ankle, forcing his foot to slide into his other and knocking him off his feet. His head hit the side of the carriage on his way down and as he landed a dagger dug into the top of his skull, not having the strength to pull it free she left it there.
Pulling herself out from under the carriage away from those that remained she knew they were just about ready for a fight. She quickly snatched open the door to reveal her target, the wafting smell of urine assaulting her nose. Giving no pause she jammed another dagger into his chest and gave it a sharp twist. Hearing the remaining guards, now ready for a fight and rushing the carriage she fled, tearing through the forest on her swift legs and never looking back.
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Blackwall has a band of scars around his right arm in an intricate, flowing pattern. He has no other markings or piercings (nothing visible, at any rate). Day To Day Attire: Blackwall tends to dress in a somewhat grungy fashion, often favoring blacks and leathers in his attire. Chains and studs are a staple of his accessories, and he tends to show off his impressive musculature whenever the temperature permits.
Resilience: Blackwall is extremely tough and durable - able to withstand extreme physical punishment with little sign of distress.
Strength: Along with his tenacity comes ferocious strength. When he is enraged, he is known to put fist-sized dents and holes in wood, brick, and even metal surfaces.
Cursebringer: His past associations with citizens of the Triumvirate has left him with a special knack for bringing low his foes in combat. Dark magic radiates from Blackwall and infests nearby enemies, heightening their feelings of pain and weakening body and spirit alike.
Blunt: A man in Blackwall's position tends to last longer the more straightforward and brutal he is. This being the case, he has little interest (let alone skill) in intrigue or verbal maneuvering. He says what he means, means what he says, and this can easily land him in hot water.
Unmotivated: Wanting for little, Blackwall doesn't have any real sort of aspirations. He has urges, certainly, but nothing really drives him to better himself. Thus far, he has succeeded and grown stronger and more capable as a result, but any sort of physical failure is likely to be quite the blow to his self-image.
Addict: Sully has a love for strong drink, coarse women, and a number of illicit substances. Most notable, however, is his love of violence. He will often purposefully escalate conflicts to the point of blows, and he begins to get agitated after going a period of time without a decent scuffle.
Spells: Less of a spellcaster and more of a source of magical energy, Blackwall is aware of a couple magical effects that he has been imbued with.
Pain Feeding: Blackwall thrives on the fear and pain he can put into others. Through the magic he has been imbued with, he can bolster his own life force and strength by absorbing the pained and terrified energies of his victims. When he is done with them, they tend to feel drained of all feeling, but the fear quickly returns in his absence.
Furious Curse: When he craves violence, and focuses his attention on a single target, Blackwall can inflict a curse on them that amplifies the pain, panic, and terror that they feel under the onslaught of his blows. This sometimes feeds into his Pain Feeding effect, driving him into an even greater frenzy.
Blood of the Pit: The general magical energy that suffuses Blackwall grants him some additional benefits. He can see clearly in dark or dimly lit environments, he is (seemingly) immune to disease, and when he is in a frenzy, he is untouchable by fire. There are also some who say that he can smell fear, though the validity of this claim is unclear.
Items Of Note:
"The Irons": A pair of tools/weapons that Blackwall carries at all times. One of them ("Hooligan") is a multipurpose tool with a blade and pick at one end, and a claw at the other. The other ("Headache") is a hefty axe.
The Devil's Own Stogies: A special blend of smokable plants, these cigars are by far the best (and least offensive) way for Blackwall to come down from a frenzy, make friends, and generally maintain his sunny disposition.
Rebel Leathers: Resembling the raiment of the legendary Gods of Stone and Metal and Hog Riders of antiquity, this black leather attire is resistant to wear and tear, and provides good resistance against the elements.
Rations: A few days worth of dried meats and fruits, slightly-stale potatoes, and thick loaves of bread.
"Peace Offering": A fairly large flask kept in a pouch affixed to his belt, Blackwall takes every opportunity to fill this with whatever strong drink he can manage to find.
Born in the Delphian Empire (in what was once New York State), Blackwall grew up in poverty, surrounded by violence, and filled with indignant anger. For as long as he could remember, he hated his father for siring him - for bringing a child into his cesspool of a lifestyle.
So, as soon as he was able, he began down a path that would certainly lead to his own demise. He regularly beat up children his own age for their food or what paltry sums of money they might've been carrying, and built up a reputation for his cruelty. He killed his first man - his own father - at twelve, just so he wouldn't have to share a roof with the man or provide food for the one he blamed for all of his own misery.
While he began to slowly grow in reputation and esteem among the more violent elements of Delphian society, Blackwall only ever considered his own wellbeing. He took up work for one of the larger criminal organizations - breaking fingers and kneecaps for a bit more money, food, and privilege - but never really considered himself a part of their family.
It was only after his tenth year among the syndicate that Blackwall caught wanderlust. He had tired of conditions in the Empire, and wondered if he might have better luck (and payoff) elsewhere. His departure and subsequent wanderings brought him into the territory of the Salyia Triumvirate, and to the attention of some of the unscrupulous wizards who called that territory home.
In exchange for his willing service to their cause (a concept that Blackwall was used to at that point), he was promised comfort and pleasure, as well as the means to ensure his enduring victories and successes. Such an offer was far too appealing for him to pass up, so Blackwall entered service with a small cabal of Salyian wizards.
Another decade passed, and the cabal he served was absorbed into a larger group - one that saw him as unnecessary to their goals. After swearing himself to the Law of No Tongue, and undergoing a Blood Magic ritual to keep himself from betraying the Triumvirate, Blackwall was released from his service and sent on his way.
Now, having wandered and worked his way south, Blackwall does odd jobs for various enterprising organizations. Up-and-coming criminal organizations value him for his willingness to get his hands dirty, his reputation, and his undeniably effective methods. He has yet to give his allegiance to any of these groups, however. They simply don't scare him the way that the Salyian wizards did, and he would never dream of submitting to anyone who didn't either scare the hell out of him, earn his respect, or promise him an ungodly amount of wealth and pleasure.
Race/Ethnicty: Caucasian (Finnish) Place of Origin: Plainsman Federation
Occupation: Broken Hunter/Tracker
Character Attributes
Height: 6'2 Weight: 190
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Geoff's body is littered with various stab, slashes, even burn scars. Though you'll most likely never see them. Day To Day Attire: His normal attire tends to be what he wears in the field. Light enough to help keep him agile and provides decent protection. Over the armor He tends to wear a ragged old cloak
Strengths: (What is your character best at? Where do they excel?)
Tracking- Through the time that Geoff has spent in the wild, he's able to spot and follow tracks. He's also able to identify what the tracks belong to.
Broken Slayer- Many years of taken contract and acting as a guard has made Geoff a expert on taking down The Broken. Though he has taken his fair share of damage he's consistently learned from his mistakes.
Combat Proficiency- During his time as a hunter, Geoff has learned how to effectively use the weapons of his trade. Those weapons being the sword, dagger and his bow
Survival- Knowing what plants can be used for food and medicine is one of the most important skills to have in this world.
Weaknesses: (This includes physical, emotional and psychological weaknesses)
Fear of Magic- That which cant be explained or not natural is not meant to be. Geoff is unnerved by the unnatural nature of magic and its seemingly limitless use.
Distrustful- In the uncivilized world, Geoff has found that a majority of people are out get you. The guards that were hired for that caravan trip those are bandits. Geoff has thus learned that not to trust people till they earn it.
Religious- While not necessarily a negative trait, Geoff can face persecution for his beliefs mainly because he follows his peoples belief of paganism/shamanism. Those that hear of his belief believe him to be a savage/ barbarian.
Items Of Note: (Weapons, clothing, armor, trinkets, ect. You don't have to put down everything they carry, just the things you believe are worth noting.)
Item: Tools of the trade- Geoffs most prized possessions would be his armor, sword, dagger and his bow.
Item: Survival kit- bedrool, flint and steel, dried rations, water skin, few medical supplies.
Item: Sacrificial Dagger- Geoff carries with him a knife given to him by his father before he left his tribe. This dagger made of stone and bone, is purely used for his religion.
Geoff was born and raised in a small nomadic tribe in the northern most part of old North Dakota. They're a simplistic people, living off the land, moving with the animals. As a child Geoff's father taught him how to use a bow and how to stalk and track their prey. For many years this was how his life went. Helping the other members in his tribe when they went hunting. One day during a hunt he and his father stumbled upon a decrepit city. His father grew quiet and there was a look of fear in his eyes. Geoff was curious though, he'd never been this close to one of the forsaken cities. As the drew ever further away, Geoff finally questioned his father asking why they didn't continue to follow their hunt. His father responded saying that that place while it might've held ancient secrets also carried a very dangerous foe; The Broken. With a glance behind him, Geoff promised himself he'd one day return.
Now a young man, Geoff started growing restless. The image of that ancient city stuck in his mind. He requested a audience with his tribes Elder and Shaman. He told them of his wanderlust and thirst for knowledge. The two leaders of the tribe asked him what caused such a thirst. He told them of the decrepit city he found with his father. The Shaman spoke softly to the Elder, telling him that it would only bring misfortune to the tribe if Geoff stayed. The Shaman told the Elder that he feared he would bring them to the tribe and it would be the end of their way of life. With a nodding of his head, the Elder permitted Geoff to leave and once his wanderlust was quenched he'd be welcome back.
After telling his father of his talk with the leaders of his tribe, his dad gave him a few items to help him on his journey. One of those items being a very well made sword, Geoff graciously accepted the gift. Despite not knowing how to use a blade that well. Grabbing a few items he would need, Geoff started to leave the town before his father called out to him one last time. He handed a Geoff a worn knife that was wrapped in well aged leather. His father told him that when he got the chance to make a sacrifice to The God of the Road for safe journeys.
As time passed Geoff eventually stumbled upon a small band of traders. After being disarmed and questioned on how he stumbled upon them. He was given back his items, not knowing the way of the land, he requested that he be allowed to travel with them and that he could act as a scout and hunter to earn his keep. The traders cautious at first accepted the proposal telling him he'd be working with their current scout. He and that scout became comrades after awhile. One night while they made camp, Geoff asked if one of them would teach him how to use his sword better since he knew only the basics.
Eventually they made their way to a small village and Geoff was given the option of leaving if he so desired. Besides their bad introduction, Geoff had grown to like these people and wanted to stay with them. The traders were happy to have another scout with them. He fell into a routine while he was with them. Scout ahead during the day, hunt if he say any prey, then train at night rinse and repeat. That's how it was for a two months. Till one day while Geoff and the other scout were away from camp. Geoffs group was attacked by a group of tribal raiders, though they slew many they eventually fell. As the sun started to fall, he and the scout made their way back to their camp only to see it destroyed. The scout noticed that the people that attacked his group were tribal, and knowing his partners background quickly confronted Geoff. With a sword drawn and pointed at Geoff he demanded to know why he betrayed them. Geoff tried to explain that they weren't his people. Calling him a liar and a traitor, the scout told Geoff that they should've killed him when they first met him, vowing to make things right his partner now enemy attempted to run through Geoff with his sword. Geoff was able to dodge the attack and drew his own sword. Geoff knew there was no reasoning with his ex-friend and that it was now a fight to the death. While nearly matched one for one, Geoff was quicker then his would-be murderer. After what seemed like forever Geoff was able to strike a killing blow on his once mentor. Gathering what few supplies remained Geoff quickly left the dead and decaying group.
Now on his own Geoff traveled further than he ever had gone. He eventually made his way to one of the larger cities and started posing as a guard for hire. After several minor contract both for guarding trade caravans and scavenger teams, he was given the opportunity to be hired on for a VIP who was searching for something of great importance in one of the nearby cities.
The VIP that Geoff was working for was a Warlock. Truth be told the first one that he had met. Once the group was gathered the Warlock told them of their mission they were to guard him while he searched for very old tome in one of the nearby cities but he needed a guard, not to many though just a small group. Geoff took the role of the scout. As they neared the old city, Geoff felt eyes on him everywhere he went. After quickly catching up to his group he told them that they were being watched but he didn't know by what. The Warlock simply stated The Broken. They are the ones watching us. Luckily it is too cold for them. The group continued to move on despite Geoff's warning. Eventually they stumbled upon the place they were looking for. The cities Grand Library. Making their way inside they were attacked by a small group of broken. Ending them as fast as they could the warlock started his search for this old tome. After being attacked two more times eventually all that remained of the original group was Geoff and the Warlock. With a cry of surprise the Warlock had finally the book he was looking for. Not needing to hold back anymore the Warlock unleashed a a spell of arcane fire that burnt everything in its path. Until that moment Geoff had never seen true power but after that moment he had seen it and it terrified him. After the two scavengers evacuated the now burning building they rushed their way out of the city and started their journey back to the city.
Once back and paid, Geoff took a few days of R&R on the last of his short break he found a letter in his hotel room.That letter was a writ from the Kingdom of Dall, summoning him to the capital for a important mission. Intrigued by the opportunity he quickly gather his belongings and left for the short journey there.
NAME Stein Faurenghaust ALIASES "Wizard Extraordinaire" pretty much only Stein calls himself this
GENDER Male AGE Thirty-Two
RACE/ETHNICITY Caucasian/Mixed Genetics-Maybe Irish, Maybe Scottish, Maybe Neither PLACE OF ORIGIN Delphian Empire
OCCUPATION Ex-Artifact Hunter; Wizard
Character Attributes
HEIGHT 6'0" WEIGHT 238lb
TATTOOS/SCARS/PIERCINGS Stein has a nasty scar on his lip and down his cheek. If asked about it, the story changes every time. His favorite one is about going head-to-head with a very ferocious Broken. DAY TO DAY ATTIRE Prone to wearing lavish attire of various colors and patterns. A large coat is usually shrugged on his broad shoulders leading to an ornate tunic punctuated by numerous scarves covering his neck and thick wraps of clothing around his mid-section--this may be to camouflage the burgeoning middle he's gained over a few years over of relaxed life. Comfortable, though far less elaborate pants, lead down to sturdy boots. He also has a low hanging belt containing his most valuable scrolls and a shoulder pack that holds the rest of his belongings. Neither of them are very attractive but very utilitarian. Along with that, he's always adorned in his spectacles, quite nearsighted, but there are few magnifying lenses that he can rotate and use to get a better look at things.
Elemental Magic As an adept wizard, Stein knows a variety of elemental spells, and he can summon them, and identify them, with a well-practiced ease.
Artifacts Unintentionally, Stein's occupation has led him to learn quite a bit about the artifacts of the old world. He can piece together their basic use. By all means, he is far from a savant, but he can at least tell you if they're working and the value of them.
Quick Learner Having to survive as he did, he had to pick things up fast. It only takes a few times of watching something, or a couple of times of doing something, for him to get the hang of it. This stretches from the arcane to the mundane.
Record Keeping Probably not the most useful of skills, but Stein can remember people, places, and things quite well. He tends to scribe them down in extensive vellums that he either keeps on his person or that he sells to vendors looking for maps or information. He is quite the cartographer.
Arcane Magic Not Stein's strong suit, and as such he relies more on scrolls for these magics than he would like to admit.
Physical Endeavours Now, Stein isn't a fragile butterfly on the wind or anything. He used to be quite practiced in these things... until he wasn't. He's fallen out of shape, and prone to attempting to flex his brain instead of any of his muscles.
Egotism Seeing beyond his own nose is quite hard. He will do anything for profit or gain, as long as it suits him in the long run. He's lived a life where he's been the only one that mattered, and it's hard for him to visualize anything else.
Cowardice There's something in Stein's background that still haunts him behind his pale eyes. It causes him to freeze in the most dangerous of situations. Fortunately, he has magic. Unfortunately, it does nothing if he seizes up and doesn't use it.
fulmen ignem- Fire Bolt:Elemental A basic spell in which Stein summons a mote of fire and hurls it his enemies. It isn't enough to incinerate something on impact--unless that something is made of dried paper or wood.
magicae deprehendere- Detect Magic:Arcane A small spell to detect if magic is around him its various forms. He can't detect exactly what magic it is, but he can usually tell the intensity of it.
horrendum tactus- Shocking Touch:Elemental As the name implies, Stein has to be touching someone to activate this power. But it sends an electrical charge through their body, that does damage--not fatal--but could lead someone to being knocked out or being pushed into seizures. If used in a discretionary way, it could possibly restart someone's heart.
lapis praesidium- Stone Protection:Elemental This spell calls the earth from underneath Stein, if there is any, to either form a wall anywhere around him, or cloak him stone like armor. If the latter is used, his movement is extremely reduced, but the armor stays on him--unlike the wall which is unmovable.
fluctus tonitrui- Thunder Wave:Elemental SEnds out a boom of thunder, in the direction that Stein is facing, that damages opponents but also sends them back. It can also cause them to become temporarily defeaned if they take the brunt of it.
glacies tempestas- Ice Storm:Elemental Stein takes the precipitation in the air and freezes it by reducing the temperature around it in staggering degrees. This leads to hail sized chunks to far larger, depending how much moisture is in the air, descending from the air at his target. The spell isn't very precise and is usually used more as a blanket technique for charging enemies.
catena fulgur- Chain Lightning:Elemental Probably Stein's strongest spell, but he's capable of summoning the intensity and power of lightning into his hand and project it out, piercing through someone or something's body. And if there is another person/creature within five feet it will connect with them. The intensity of the spell tiers down with each person hit.
Evoker's Staff A tall staff crafted from wood and metal, with an ornate design on top with a blue stone inlaid in it. It looks well worn from years of use.
Parchment & Ink Basic supplies that allow for Stein to record his thoughts, notes, observations, etc. He also may use the ink to draw upon his hands and arms various notes about spells and arcane information.
Volumes of Vellums A few scrolls that he keeps on his person that hold arcane magic.
Traveller's Pack Nothing extraordinary of note, just the basic supplies for survival. Money, rations, maps, tinderbox, rope, etc.
To hear Stein tell the story of his life, it would begin on a fateful night with storms bustling in the horizon and a destiny not realized. Unfortunately, his life started out quite the opposite. There was no grand fate in store for him, just a lot of bad luck that culminated into his creation.
The Delphian Empire was no place to raise a child, and yet he popped into existence like an unwanted blister. Stein's mother had, at one time, been of some importance and very minor wealth, but she'd blown it all gambling and drinking. It was hard to know how'd she won over his father, a man that actually worked hard. For a time, they had a good thing, but like a rock attached to a paper boat--and other lazy metaphors--their relationship was doomed to drown. And they may have done just that, had Stein not appeared. His father, far better than his choices in women, promised to take care of the child. Stein's mother quickly disappeared back into the cogs of the Empire. The truth of it was, not a week later her knifed corpse was found in a ditch. Yet, that's not how Stein's father would tell it. He'd say that the woman was a powerful witch, and the winds of wonder had taken her far away from here. That she'd be the hero of someone else's tale. It was these fanciful lies that would fuel Stein's own imagination. And oddly enough, that imagination would become a reality.
Many years later, Stein in his younger teens, found himself cleaning out a noble house whose members had been assassinated in one ill-fated night. His father and he had been hired for almost nothing to clean out a decrepit mansion that held no worth, but quite a bit of junk. The young man wandered upon an old broom with a woven-sack covering its head. He grabbed it, and without thinking, used it to clean some cobwebs out of dusky chandeliers. As he stood on the top of a small ladder, Stein leaned too far forward, causing it to tilt and tumble underneath him. A quick yelp escaped his lips before he found the staff crackling in his hands. An electrical charge dispersed around him, and he landed safely on the ground. Mystified and a bit stupefied, he stared at the broom. He reached forward and ripped off the woven top to find that he held a staff in his hands. His father's stories of his mother beat into his brain, and he knew what he had to do.
Stein managed to smuggle the staff out with a handful of junk. He'd bring it back home and tuck it into the nook of their ramshackle house. At night, when no one was looking, he'd practice with it. Years passed, and he became quite proficient in elemental magic, but he was no master. He might have kept his abilities hidden had it not been for a debt collector showing up at their home. Apparently, his father owed some money that he was unaware of owing. That night, the man cried into the corner, while trying to tell his son it was fine. He had it covered. Stein knew better.
The next day, Stein found a job as hired "muscle" for a group of artifact hunters. He felt something deep in the pit of stomach rumble wildly about the entire prospect. He'd reveal himself as a magic user, but if the money was enough to save his father--he didn't care. Unfortunately, the mission wasn't at all as advertised. He'd been placed with a group of others that displayed various talents, and they entered an old city--crumbling and dangerous. They were beset upon by the Broken almost immediately. Stein watched as many of the group were mauled in the most unnatural of ways. Using what magic he knew, he managed to protect himself, and unknowingly, his employer. Mordecai, as Stein would learn his name, was very interested in the burgeoning powers that the young man possessed. He would take Stein under his wing and help develop that talent. He'd teach the other about reading, writing, and of course about the artifacts that he wanted to obtain from various parts of the old world. After some years of this, he'd put Stein at the head of his artifact hunting missions.
These would be the golden years of the young man. Using what power he had, he'd scavenge and procure exactly what Mordecai asked. This made Stein a rich man quite quickly. And yet with that growth came his downfall. Butting heads with Mordecai, Stein disavowed the man. Fortunately, Mordecai wasn't the vengeful sort, but he may have had something to do with future events of they young man. Something, Stein could never prove to this day.
Stein had become a bit of a folk hero in the small space that he occupied in the Empire. He'd taken on the moniker "Wizard Extraordinaire," which led people to put their faith into him blindly. And oh, did he play the part. He was prone to boisterous speeches and moments of self-aggrandizing. So, Stein found work forming his own artifact hunting groups, and had some mild success there. That was until a mission--one that he does not speak of--left him the lone survivor with nothing to show for it. He knew it felt bad when he first stepped into it, but his father had recently passed, and he threw himself recklessly into his work. It was then that he retired from the game altogether, living off of his wealth... until he couldn't.
Debt collectors came to his homestead quickly enough, only to find it quite vacated. Rumor had it that the "Wizard Extraordinaire" had escaped to Dall, but the rumor wasn't worth the money to track him down.
Name:Galey F. Cohm Aliases:Tin can, Tin man, get the point
Gender:Male Age:Twenty-Seven
Race/Ethnicty:Mixed(African-American, Caucasian) Place of Origin:The Kingdom of Dall
Occupation:Knight of His Majesty's Second Royal Guard
Character Attributes
Height:5'11 Weight:195lbs.
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:Gashes gained from numerous battles dot his body, scarred over now. Day To Day Attire:He spends day-to-day protecting the royal family, so his attire mainly consist of armour atop simple clothing, the most important of these garments being the surcoat, emblazoned with the Dall cote of arms.
[☩] Swordsman- He wasn't selected for the royal guard for his good looks. Galey isn't the best but still better than your average swordsman. [☩] Intimidating- To the low-life criminal or common folk, the armor is enough to make them falter slightly [☩] Connections- Due to his upbringing, he's met and retained some assets, which has prove valuable on a few occasions.
[☩] Grudge Holder- He just won't old fires burn out [☩] Trust- Unless he knows the individual, gaining his trust is nearly impossible [☩] Hot Headed- When instigated, he won't stop until the opposition is tasting dirt.
Items Of Note:
Item: ZwerInstead of accepting the empire issued decorative blade, he chose to keep this rather drab looking blade
Item: LiteratureMostly new text from the period, but 1 or 2 old world text are stuffed into the traveling bag
Item: AllowanceJust over 200 coins, to be used for whatever on his journey
Sir Galey,
As of receiving this letter you are officially relieved of duty in His Majesty's Blue Footman. Your armor and weaponry will be returned to quartermaster promptly, you will however be retaining your accolades. This is NOT a discharge. It had been brought to my attention when your regiment returned from aiding our allies that the regiment had came under surprise attack in the night. The ambush resulted in numerous casualties, and the loss of Commander Hendricks. However, when the Commander fell, you displayed exemplary leadership and aided in routing the enemy. After consulting the surviving Men, it was unanimously decided that you would be promoted to acting Commander. As of receiving this letter, you will head to His Majesty's Palace and receive your new blade. Your new armor will be awaiting you at the Royal Smith's forges, to be fitted. Congratulations, Commander.
Sincerely, Commander Idex
Commander Galey,
Yet again a Letter has been sent to your quarters, and only spanning the time of two years! Many doubted my official recommendation, but you've proven them wrong with proving yourself more than able of the role. Ah, but this letter has more important meanings rather than just idle sayings. Through careful deliberations and consulting His Majesty, I've decided to conscript you into His Majesty's Second Royal Guard, the regiment who is currently under my command. as you did two years prior, your weapons and armor will be returned to the quartermaster, and you will report to The Royal Palace to be bestowed upon the new title. However, I must warn you of something; the position is very...lax compared to your current position. Your duties are quite simply to accompany the Royal Family, and make sure no harm shall befall them. Unless Dall faces another war, which mind you is very unlikely, your duties will remain as such. Congratulations, Knight
Knight Galey,
By Royal Decree, His Majesty King Astius II has summoned you to the Palace to discuss matters pertaining to the recent discovery of the Old World city. You are to answer this upon receiving this letter.
--Steward Balm
Galey set the missive aside, pondering the reason he'd been summoned. He would answer it, as would any summoned by His Majesty, but with the print being so vague, deduction of the reasoning were nearly impossible. After a moment, he gathered his vestment, slipping it on and heading outdoors. The streets of Dall were bustling with activity as per usual, perhaps even more so than usual with the news spreading like a sickness. Soon, these streets would be lined would adventurer and sellsword alike, all seeking their own slice of fortune. Galey let a brief chuckle part from himself before setting off down the cobblestoned road towards the Royal Palace.
"Guardsman". Prompted a passing soldier, clad in armor akin to his but with a flowing purple vestment.
"Knight". He replied with a subtle nod, the ordinary means of addressing your fellow man. The passing man was of His Majesty's Regulars, assigned to patrol the streets of Dall. Keeping the peace was usually simple, save for the odd moment when thugs decided to test their prowess against one of them. They were, to put it simply, subdued.
Trekking just another few minutes, Galey found himself at the ornate golden gates of the Palace, and at the spears of the Guardsman. "State your business, if you have any"
"Answering His Majesty's Summons". Yet the guards did not ease off, instead pressing closer still with visages hidden behind elegant masques of steel. "Display the missive".
"I do not have it on me, I left it-""Then no entry shall be permitted. Step away from the Palace gates"
The puzzled look upon Galey's face soon faded to just a twinge of anger, pushing the spear tips aside with his gloved hand. "Are you stupid? Do you not see the emblazoned vestment I wear? I am of His Majesty's Second Royal Guard! Anyone could tell you that..".
"And anyone could also tell you that I don't give a damn. Now get going or you'll get stuck..". The pair sneered, shifting to a 'at ease' standing. "I see..". Spoke a voice from behind the pair. Baritone, yet with an underlying tone of leadership; a voice used to giving orders. "So the gate guards are completely blind, yes?". The voice belonged to Commander Idex, a stout man clad in imposing armor. His silvered hair was combed back today and his face clean shaven, atypical from the normally bearded man. This was obviously an important day.
"N-No Sir!". They stammered, turning to attention towards the commander. "Oh? But this man is a Royal Guard, permitted to walk the Palace grounds. Yet you forbid him to pass..". The pair looked to each other, both a cesspit of trepidation and nervousness. The one whom addressed Galey was the one to speak. "I- We know of this Commander. But we were told not to allow anyone inside without His Majesty's Approval or a Summons.." Idex regarded them with a soft chuckle. "Ways of the old, my friends! Ah, you see in light of the newest discovery, many men and women will be coming to these gates. All answering to the call of his Majesty. Those all ways will be..revised". Idex looked over to Galey, ushering him along.
They passed vibrant blades of jade, sturdy oaks with leaves bellowing in a dance with the wind, and all tied together with a marble fountain at the garden's centre; grandeur equal; to if not greater than the Palace.
The Palace had architecture like no other in the district. The reigning monarch some three centuries earlier had shipped in an architect from an overseas district. She knew his ideas, although perhaps common where he came from, would be sufficiently exotic in her kingdom to inspire awe in the populous. And so instead of the peaks in the roof, she had gold domed towers instead. She had an open porch at the front held up with most ostentatiously detailed pillars, painted in brilliant white. Inside there were no doors on the ground floor, only arches. The flagstone floor had been shipped in also and was made with a stone of soft blue hues that had never before been seen in the district. After completion it's designer had been executed to ensure he could never make a replica.
Despite however many time Galey had been here, the Palace still enthralled him so. The Guardsman here happily let the pair in, and they walked the noiseless halls, each footstep crying out in an echo. His Majesty's chambers lie just ahead and Galey took a moment to rake his hair for imperfections. Once they approached the door heavy breaths were taken, and they stepped inside.
And the King righted himself in his throne, a benevolent smile on his face. He had on an elegant long tunic of silk, embellished with interlaced strands of gold. His trousers were simply white and his shoes stained black. The chair was carved of a fine oak, crested with several jewels and decorative metals forming an elegant coat of arms. Galey and Idex promptly knelt, which was cut short by a simple gesture from the King.
"Guardsman Galey, you are aware of why I brought you here, yes?"
"No, Sire. I just received the missive this morning"
"Ah! I forget things sometimes I'll tell you then". He took a sip from his chalice before leaning forward some. "You are aware of our scouts findings, yes? Well, you'd have to be deaf not to. You see, I've issued a calling of sorts to all the Kingdoms, looking for avid adventurers to plunge into the ruins and recover old world artifacts.."
"I'm aware..but what does that have to do with me, Sire?"
"Well, who is to say that they won't take the artifacts for themselves? We both know of the..unsavory denizens of this land. Who is to say they won't take it to another Kingdom and sell it there?"
"That is something I did not consider, Sire.."
"Ah, it is something my steward thought of. He is quite the smart fellow. Anyway, I've decided that I would send one of my most trusted Guardsman to accompany whomever arrives to the ruins, Me and Commander Idex both thought that should be you".
"I am most honored, Sire. I will not let you down".
"Oh, I know you won't...and one more thing. There is a promotion riding on your success, Knight". Galeys heart beat wildly, enough to where it may have pierced his armor. "Commander Idex is getting pretty old, is he not?""Still younger than you..". "Oh hush! Anywho, he had been pondering retirement for quite some time now. And who better to take his place than his most trusted guard?"
Galey smiled like an idiot, wanting to hug the man but thought better of it."Come, Await the arrivals with me"
He stood on the Kings right, thinking only one thing. What a lovely day
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa Open bob and vagene plees I'm a dank ass meme This CS is brought to you by Solaire! PRAISE THE SUN FUCKERS I even make myself wonder what's wrong with me
Name: Kilasu Evara (Modern); Kilasu Sandfoot of the Dia'ti (Tribal) Aliases: The Desert Rose; The Violet Witch; The Marble Mage; Aes'mena (She who gives.)
Gender: Female Age: Twenty-eight
Race/Ethnicty: Scottish, Irish, Caucasian Place of Origin: The Scorch (South-Eastern Arizona, South-Western New Mexico, Central-Northern Mexico)
Scar on the left side of her forehead that passes down across her eye and through her cheek.
Two small, polished bones are worn as earrings. The bones are about an inch in diameter, and curve downwards.
A similar style bone, albeit smaller, pierces her naval, and from it dangles a small golden chain with a tiny amethyst on the end.
Black tattoo of a fist-sized, flaming orb on her left shoulder. Small fiery bird caricatures swoop from the orb, over her shoulder, and along her collarbone in the pattern of a desert rose. The Orb is the symbol her clan.
Day To Day Attire: Typically: A green denim jacket that hangs to her thighs; a white cloth scarf that she can wrap protectively around her face; And her Bug-eye goggles. Otherwise, she favors lighter, loose shirts; sturdy pants, especially khaki; and a pair of boots.
Tribal Training: As a clanswoman, Kilasu learned to survive in the Burning Sands, a brutal stretch of sand and rock her people called home. Ki is armed with impressive survival skills when it comes to the scorching days and freezing nights of the dunes and deserts. In theory she should beable to survive elsewhere, thanks to her studies. This has given her a good fortitude and has served as a constant source of endurance training.
Dune Runner: Ki is quite lacking in the raw strength department. However, what muscle she does have is complimented by her high agility and speed. Afterall, in her clan, one does not walk across the burning dunes - They run. Inner Peace: One of the two things her clan is known for it their seemingly unnatural serenity. This comes from a lifelong practice of meditation, of balancing one's innermost self. Though, this is good for more than just calm thoughts and steady breathing. This meditation can be used as a buffer from outside stimulation, it can help a person ignore temperature, noise, hunger and other distracting perceptions.
Knife Fist: The second thing her clan is known for is the Knife Fist, which is a series of calculated and precise martial arts thought to have devolved from eastern Asia, where a man could kill another with just a simple touch. The Knife First style does not rely on strength, but rather speed, and the accuracy to hit the opponents weak areas, and pressure points. This art revolves around three principles; Pain Compliance, Blood Flow, and Impact Pressure.
Scholar: Kilasu has an inner drive to learn and create. She draws passion from reading, especially ancient texts, and attempts to utilize this knowledge in new, and innovative ways. She's fluent in multiple, modern day languages, and has some limited understanding of ancient languages.
Store Magic: Ki, through meditation, can store arcane energy into her marbles to be used at a later time.
Small: Kilasu has little in the way of strength, and because of her stature even her endurance only goes so far. She is a small woman, and often finds herself compared to having the same presence as a backpack full of water.
Humane: She has a good heart, and hates to see others downtrodden and bullied. This has gotten her into trouble more than once, and will continue to do so. Ki is very pationate about helping those who deserve it, regardless of their status or class.
The Giver:Ki is prone to helping those who having nothing by giving what she has, even until she has nothing left. This often leaves her hungry, broke, and without many possessions of note.
Discontinuity: Ki has one major drawback to her "wondrous" gift of magic — It doesn't work on herself. She has found no way to manipulate, or trick her powers into working on herself. This includes using the magic of another to reflect her spells back at herself, the magic just fizzles out and dies.
Burnout: The overuse of her arcane powers will result in a steadily rising pain in her body. It starts akin to muscle fatigue, and Ki has only ever pushed herself until it became a searing, crippling pain. She is unsure what will happen beyond that point, aside from her eventual death. The pain will fade overtime as the arcane power builds back up inside of her.
Lose Your Marbles: Kilasu channels her magic through marbles, which she imbues with her arcane energy and inscribes runes onto. If she loses her marbles, she will be unable to utilize her magic. Also, creating new marbles to use takes time, and thus cannot be done "on the fly". Furthermore, her marbles can only be controlled at maximum of fifteen feet in any direction from her body.
Heated: A bit of a dark side to Ki's rather stoic, and upbeat personality, she can be a bit of a hothead. Despite her proficiency in meditation, certain things just really get to her, and that can lead her to make rash decisions. This usually happens when someone pushes her buttons too far, assuming they know what actually bothers her, or when she feels the need to protect someone.
"Lucerna Lumen" (Lamp Light): A spell that makes one or more of Kilasu's marbles glow with bright white light.
"Partum Obice" (Create Barrier): Creates a barrier of solid arcane energy that blocks physical objects and magical energy. It can be broken from physical or magical impacts, or dispelled.
"Gravitas Luminare" (Lesser Gravity): Reduce the total weight of an object or person by counteracting the pull of gravity.
"Gravitas Maior" (Greater Gravity): Increase the total weight of an object or person by amplifying the pull of gravity.
"Maiores Celeritate" (Greater Speed): Amplify the speed of an object or person. This can result in muscle and tendon damage.
"Rescindentes Magicae" (Nullify Magic): A channeled, over time ability that attempts to dispell and negate harmful, or debilitating magical effects.
"Ignorare Mobos" (Ignore Ailment): Allow the target to ignore their perception of a given ailment, whether it be mental or physical. Such as; Pain, Stress, Discomfort, Insomnia, Emotional Duress, Etc. Does not remove the ailment.
"Arcanus Ignis" (Arcane Fire): Enchant a weapon with violet, arcane fire. Projectiles emit a brilliant, violet blaze and explode on impact. The size of the explosion is relevant to the size of the projectile, and the force is determined by the projectiles speed. Melee weapons ignite with purple fire, and burn their targets.
"Imbuere" (Imbue): A spell that Kilasu uses to finalize prepared scrolls by imbuing them with her magic, or enchant an object to serve as the conduit for casting. Additionally, Ki can create an "Arcane Bomb" if she imbues an item that is not prepared, or is prepared improperly, as there is nothing to contain the arcane energy.
Items Of Note:
Favored Garb: Green, Thigh-length denim jacket, long white scarf that doubles as a head wrap, and her bug-eye goggles.
Messenger Bag: A large, over-the-shoulder messenger bag that contains Ki's supplies. It also contains the extra marbles not in her pockets.
Arcane Marbles: Somewhere along the line, her tribe decided to use precious gemstones as their conduits for casting instead of the far more common wand or staff. With time, this evolved into using magic marbles, a practice Kilasu is known for. When not directly controlling them, the marbles float closely around her, and glow as she gathers and casts her arcane energy. The marbles are about the size of a golf ball, and what color they glow is respective to their actual color.
Arcane Scholar Supplies: Basically what she needs to perform her experiments, imbue new marbles, and create scrolls. Also includes tattooing implements, and some scholarly supplies.
Savia Leaf Rollies: Contained in a metal tin, these are basically the old world equivalent of cigarettes.
Survival Gear: Basic supplies to survive in the wilderness.
The Dia'ti people are renown in the southwest as merchants who primarily trade in what one would expect from a tribe; Jewelry, Meat, Assorted animal parts, and so forth — With one addition, old world relics. Many things turn up in the dunes where they roam, as the ever shifting wind is prone to uncovering many secrets. This is where Kilasu grew up, though with a much different lifestyle focus. From a young age Ki was watched over and taught by the clan's Shamans, most of whom inherit no magical ability. Rather, Shamanism was a set of practices and rituals intended to shape a person as a voice of reason and guidance. Ki was chosen at an early age to become a shaman through a set of tests designed for children, However, fate had greater plans.
She was still a child, attempting to learn how to commune with the dead, when she met Akillik Fire-eyes. He was what her tribe called Aen'gedai, or "Divine Hand", a term applied to those who exhibited magical ability. It was he who first sensed the dormant ability within Ki, though at the time he was unaware exactly what type of magic she would wield. He took over her apprenticeship, and before little Ki could wrap her head around what was happening, she had said her goodbyes and left her clan. Brimming with excitement, She traveled along the dunes and deserts with Akilik as he attempted to train her and bring forth her magical ability. As luck would have it, his task was not easy.
Aki, as Kilasu fondly referred to him, was met with constant failure. They travelled from village to village, collecting magical texts and seeking wisdom for other Aen'gedai. They would stay at a village for a time, where Akilik would offer council and guidance, and regale others with tales of his travels. Then, they would move on. Most of their days were spent in the shade, practicing various incantations. Their nights were spent jogging across the dunes, where Akilik would have Ki recite and memorize various information. He taught her about her people, animals, and other cultures. She learned other languages, and even how to piece together broken, archaic text. He taught her the forms and stances of the Knife Fist, though initially he had intended the lessons to be somewhat of a backup plan, as he assumed Ki would have magic to aid her. Teadionally, all Dia'ti were taught the Knife Fist anyways.
Three years of training garnered no success. Try as he might, Akilik could not get Ki to even so much as gather her energy. Until, he finally got a break. They had traveled far north, near the border of the Plainsmen Federation, when Akilik and Ki met an interesting stranger. He was an old hermit, self-proclaimed, who introduced himself as "The Grey Man". Together the three of them shared a meal, and their stories. Akilik shared his purpose in traveling so far from home, explaining that he was trying to unlock the secrets of Ki's magic. The hermit pondered Akilik's plight and asked him how exactly he was trying to accomplish that task.
Akilik explained the basic principle, one that all his people learn by: Gather the energy in the hands, recite the incantation, and a spell was cast. "Perhaps, you ask the air for what it cannot give, when you should ask the rock for its stone," The Grey Man contemplated. He smiled cryptically, and left shortly thereafter. Kilasu immediately wrote his words off as a nonsensical, and useless riddle. Akilik was not so easily convinced. It wasn't until two days later that he finally understood the meaning of the hermit's words.
All this time, he had been attempting to have Ki gather energy from around her, as he did—As if pulling it from the air. The rock the hermit referred to, exists within the stone. The Gray Man was saying that the inner ability Akilik had sensed was not just her power to wield magic, but the energy itself. From then on, it was an upward spiral of success. They quickly learned Ki had the ability to cast Arcane magic, and that it existed more as a gathering of energy inside of her rather than something she manifested by mere whim alone. The Arcane Arts were vague, and strange, so it was not that big of a surprise once Akilik figured out the puzzle.
For years they traveled, and learned together. As it commonly goes for arcane users, Ki's power was hard to understand at first. She was strong when it came to utility and defensive incantations, but her attempts at purely offensive magic left much to be desired. Furthermore, when she tried to cast magic upon herself, her magic would just fizzle away. It seemed she could not be affected by her own magic. With that realization, Akilik continued to train her body, and her mind, in the ways of the Knife Fist. She would need to defend herself after all.
Kilasu was early into her adult years when Akilik passed away. He went peacefully, in his sleep, as he finally succumbed to old age. For a time, she returned home, having completed her Shaman training a few years prior with Akilik, and ascending to the level of Aen'gedai. She traveled from village to village, as Akilik had done before her, and as they had done together many times. She offered guidance and training, and even helped identify another child with magical potential—Unfortunately, she was not in the running to take on an apprentice.
Since Akilik had passed, a sense of wanderlust had begun to seep in her, like a slowly falling shroud. After around her homeland for a couple of years, she finally set off on a self-proclaimed pilgrimage. She wanted to see more of the world and gather knowledge. Akilik had instilled in her his tendency to help others, to share what he had, and to be compassionate and kind. Unfortunately, Ki was a little rougher around the edges, but she still did her best to live as Akilik had.
So, she traveled, seeking adventure and knowledge. She developed and practiced her powers, and began experimenting with her arcane ability. Though she would likely never be as famous as The Smiling Necromancer, or The Serpent, occasionally she would come across others telling stories of the Violet Witch, or the Marble Mage. It gave her a sense of satisfaction to know that she had left her mark on the world, no matter how small, or how brief.
Player Characters:
Around when Ki was twenty-seven, she met Ava in a crumbling, surface ruin near the western edge of the Dall Empire. Ki, in the tradition of her people, offered to share her meal, which included proving it was not poisoned, in exchange for Ava's hospitality. Ki found herself spending a few days at the ruins with Ava, having agreed to work with her in deciphering the archaic texts. It turned out they had a few things in common, and in another circumstance they might have been more than friends—As some of their "late nights" may have foretold. However, eventually Ki returned to her travels, and after bidding Ava safe travels and good fortune, she returned to making her way north.
Aliases: The Silver Fox, Warden of the Last Manse, The Dancer of the White Glades, Teeth at the Throat of the Broken
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Race/Ethnicty: Korean
Place of Origin: A secret place known only as The Last Manse, nestled somewhere in the forests of The Salyia Triumvirate
Occupation: Druid
Character Attributes
Height: 4’10”
Weight: 119 lbs
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Her body is covered in swirls of silver that interlock in a lattice work. At certain phases of the moon, the swirls move, snake, and twist. She swears that one could see the constellations and star between the swirls.
Day To Day Attire: In the wilds she dons a mask and her white robes. Her shield and spear are artifacts of her tribe that she carries into the Hunt. She pads her coat or wears heels to make herself appear fuller and taller, further altering how she really looks.
Strengths:"Blessed Spirits. I thank you for what you have given me."
Shamanic Estell is a natural conduit to the spirits and elements. She is attuned to the wilds and the spirits whisper to her. Animals see her always as friend. The land itself provides for her quarry. Whether this is actually the world speaking through her, or her own sense of intuition and animal kin - she wields their power to spread the glades through the powers of Earth, Plant, Beast, and Weather, to bring life back to the 'Broken' places of the world.
Dancer of the Glades While hunters use bows and warriors blades, the Dancer finds her partner with the spear and after much training, they become a awe-inspiring duo indeed. Estell uses a spear and shield when on the hunt and has been trained in a type of martial arts where she performs acrobatics whilst equipped. She can use the spear to vault, jump, slide, spin to strike at the flanks and rear of her quarry, spinning to deflect with the shield so that another strike is soon to follow. Running down animals in the wilds have taught her to be surprisingly fast and nimble over uneven terrain.
One with Nature Even outside the woods, Estell knows quite a bit about the natural world, agriculture, animals, the hunt, and terrain. She could look into the sky and navigate by the stars. She could look at some clouds and predict some rain. She knows what herbs would work with what, and how to prepare a boar for a meal, or find shelter for the night.
Idealistic Estell had heard stories of the old world, past down from mother to son, father to daughter. She can almost see the glass towers surrounded by the cities that hold pristine green forests. She knows that there was once a time without kings, even without gods, and that was a time of great knowledge and learning and art and love. Whether this is true, Estell takes heart and hope by bringing what she feels is good to the broken world. She will help nourish the flowers on the earth, and in another's heart, watering them until they are better, stronger, brighter.
Weaknesses:"And make sure that I know my failings."
Superstitious Regardless of whether the voices in her head are hers or not, Estell remains stoically traditional. She must follow a staggering amount of taboos that outsiders would find odd or even dangerous. Examples: While outside but surrounded by walls, Estell must not show her face (aka in cities). A portion of her water, wine, food, must be sacrificed before every meal. She must sing the Arias of the Luna Goddess at half and full moon. Etc.
Surivor's Guilt Estell is the last of the Fallus Tribe. The rest dying on the pilgrimage to protect the Last Manse when the Triumvirate called the other tribes of the Last Manse to a crusade to destroy the Broken. Only a handful of the elders reached the Manse. They died years ago. She is the last, and the weight of their loss and maintaining their ways and traditions weighs heavily on her. She believes that had she been stronger, wiser, maybe she could have saved someone. She was only a child when it happened, but the details matter little. She blames herself.
Sheltered Estell grew under the tutelage of the Fallus Tribe. They were secretive, traditional, believing more in magic and spirits than technology. Outside the natural world, Estell understands or knows little.
Fear the Broken Estell hates the Broken, and commonly will volunteer with the Triumvirate demands their extermination. She knows the spells to hide herself and those around her, but though she dares not admit it, the pain they caused her had left a scar. She fears them above all else, freezing like a deer when they come close, making all those terrible memories come screaming back.
Wood Spear: A direct attack. Fashioned from her own magic, a javelin of thorned brambled wood erupts from her fingers. Those it pierces find the wood to splinter and grow within them, causing egregious wounds. If whatever it strikes cannot be pierce, the javelin will erupt into a shower of sharp splinters.
Entangled in Roots and Thorns: To hold the foes at bay or control the battlefield, Estell can set a bush of 4 meters of any shape to sprout from the earth. The bush lashes out to those atop or nearby like an animal caught, wrapping and entangling them in crushing roots. The more they struggle, the more they hurt themselves. The bush only lasts a few minutes before crumbling to dust.
The Call of Tooth and Tail: Estell summons creatures to her aid. They will fearlessly attack whom she commands or defend her as needed. Additionally they can be instructed to perform a singular simple task before being released from service. This power is greatly limited by whatever animals are nearby, and thus, she might be without aid under certain conditions.
Regrowth: Cast upon plants, they revitalize and bloom as if the height of spring. Cast upon a person, wound redouble their efforts to heal. Wounds will not close before someone's eyes but give it a little time. Broken bones heal astonishingly quickly.
Skin of Bark and Vine: An enchantment that does one of two things. A layer of bark grows like scales upon ones skin, helping to repel damage. Additionally, a person's skin takes a greenish tone. They are unnaturally sinuous and flexible, twisting out of their binds, and dipping easily around incoming fire.
Embrace the Earth Cast before with a roar of the Earth's defiance, she plunges her spear or stamps her foot. The earth shifts and dances and rumbles. Even those with four legs stumble to the ground, making any lesser being surely fall prone as the earth moves under them.
Nothing Save the Dust in the Wind A dust devil picks up around Estell. It allows for some cover from arrows, but mostly this spell protects her and her allies from sight and from senses. Whilst in the cloud, she can walk through Broken Lands with nary being bothered, being seen as nothing but a storm. It immediately fails if she gets too close to one.
Cleansing Rains A gentle summer shower falls upon Estell. A mild cure for dehydration, the rains themselves carry the essence of wholeness and purity. Venoms, diseases, curses, all weaken in the rains, until its washed away.
Items Of Note:
Fallus Glade Dancer Spear The spear is of wood and obsidian stone, notched and marked in ancient ruins that tell the tales of the spirits and the First Fallus People that field to the Glades of the World in the before time. It doubles as her staff for magical purposes.
Fallus Glade Dancer Shield The shield is hardwood, treated again and again to be as strong as any metal. It too holds a story in the runes and animals that blanket it's surface.
Silverfox Mask and Coat She wears this in honor and respect for the Fallus, who wore the masks of animals on hunts, vision quests, and pilgrimage. Its made of various furs and is more for show than giving her any advantage, though its many tails seem to move rather unpredictably.
Pouch of Ritual Herbs and Bones The pouch holds what she needs for her prayers and rituals. She can use these for various little tricks but mostly she uses them to propagate the spirits. She can cast bones to potentially predict a path or a fortune, but again, its accuracy is unreliable.
the Triumvirate had relied upon the Fallus People to protect some of their secrets, some of their sacred places. Connections of the old world and new. The Fallus particularly built their culture upon discovery of the Last Manse, a great manor so far from civilization no flame from the Time of Fire had lapped at its walls. The people that would be the Fallus were saved by it when they fled north to escape the fires, finding treasures, and knowledge, and supplies within it massive bulk. Centuries later, the Last Manse became more than a home, it was a temple to the old gods, the gods who died and let the new gods live and grow. It was the Fallus calling to commune with the old and the new, and through them the magic of nature was born.
The Triumvirate had reached out to this tribe in their lands, offering a purpose in return for service. The Fallus sent their shamans, their dancers to explore the unknown wilderness and the frozen lands beyond. In doing so, they found other places to protect, the learn, to grow. Estell was the great great great granddaughter of these first people, the remains of a Korean Families living in Seattle.
She was always with them, taught to become one of their shamans within the huts on their scouting pilgrimages to the east. But then the word came, the Triumvirate needed the Fallus to exterminate the Broken whose lands had claimed some of the Dakotas. Her family was to return home, keep watch over the Manse while the other more war like clans went to battle. They thought their magic would keep them safe, but it was a mistake, a small mistake, a child that had kicked an aluminum can that attracted a Broken Watcher. It came too close, spotted the intruders, and attacked. The magic fell, and their group was hunted.
Only a handful of elders and she made it to the Manse. One by one, they died, and she is the last of them.
Name: Daniel Corolov Aliases: Chronomaly, The Unstable
Gender: male Age: varies wildly, though usually settles in between 18-25
Race/Ethnicty: unknown Place of Origin: the Triumvirate
Character Attributes
Height: 6 ft Weight: 200 lb
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:A faded tattoo of a crudely drawn eye, branded onto the palm of both hands. Day To Day Attire: Daniel wears metal tipped leather boots, common farming clothes and a tough jacket made to resist the elements. No one has ever seen him without the necklace, where a strange ticking object swings from.
Temporal Nomad: Daniel has learned to survive all manner of threats from both this reality and others.
Chronomaly: because his magic deals with the very nature of time itself, when working properly Daniel's spells can wreak havoc on enemies.
Element of Surprise: Magic outside the "normal" realm is almost entirely unheard of, and so Daniels magic will often catch enemies inspecting or unaware.
Fractured Mind: the human brain cannot properly experience multiple timelines at once, so commonly Daniel will be experiencing an entirely different reality than the rest of the party is seeing, and will need to be told what is happening directly.
Unstable Magic: Daniel only has a fraction of control of the timeline, and due to this has magic is extremely random and chaotic. Because of this his spells will commonly have side effects or do something completely other than intended. Also he must devote his entire mind to keeping the spell from breaking, and if he loses concentration it will dissipate immediately and stun Daniel.
Weathered: multiple realities have wreaked havoc on Daniels body, rendering his physical defense and attacks to be frail at best.
Spell: Veterescent (grow old): this spell causes the target to age significantly, either forwards or backwards in time. This spell can be applied to living and non living items, though the amount of time he is not capable of controlling.
Spell: Tempus Stamine (time warp): the targeted person or thing slows or speeds up significantly, impairing combat ability. How slow or fast is uncontrollable
Spell: Visus Posterum (future sight): he can glimpse into the future in order to see one of many timelines relating to the scenario, although which one is not up to him. The future he sees is rarely completely correct, and often will be unlike the actual future in this reality.
Spell: Incumbo (concentrate): he loses all ability to move or interact, but his chaotic mind hold brief clarity and he is able to process the present completely rationally. It also gives him more control over his spells.Unfortunately, he cannot hold this state for long.
Spell: Tunc Foraminis (time portal): focusing intensely, he rips open a hole in space time that only lasts for a few seconds before collapsing. The effects of this have infinite possibilities.
Spell: Mens Confractus (mind break): Daniel exposes a targets mind to the infinite realities of the timeline. This stuns the target, and can cause insanity if held for longer than a few minutes.
spell: Cecidemus (revert): Daniel shoots a distortion ray from one hand, upon hitting the target it will gradually steal away the targets essence of being, growing stronger the longer it remains on a target. Starting off it will only inflict dizziness or fatigue, but gradually the ray will begin to shred the fabric of the opponents being, causing skin and flesh to flake off as if burning from an invisible flame.
Item: timepiece pendant A rusty silver chain necklace, on the bottom of which is a tiny gold clock that still works.
Item:leather backpack A rugged backpack where Daniel keeps literally everything that he owns.
Item:hourglass A regular hourglass, would serve as a temporary backup in case the timepiece stopped working or was destroyed.
Daniel can never remember anything. It seems like he might remember his parents, or friends, or discovering his power, but unfortunately not. He remembers being a slave for awhile, his powers used against his will for untold conquest and destruction. He remembers a time with moving wagons buildings that seemed to stretch upward forever. Most recently, Daniel can recall being chained is a wizards basement and being experimented upon, before escaping and wandering until he came across the Dall Empire.
When Daniel awoke in the damp and cold confines of a cage, even his scattered mind knew something was amiss. During his travels he had unknowingly wandered too close to the Delphian border, and been attacked by soldiers. His displays of power shocked the common folk, which of course proved redundant when he lost concentration and passed out onto the ground. He was quickly taken by a conniving rat of a man, unconcerned with the common Delphian laws and cultures. For the next several years the clever warlord took advantage of the confused man, using his reality shifting vision to convince Daniel that enemies were constantly after this. The crude truck worked and he was forced into a slave like existence, using his mind shattering powers on those that his “trusted allies” convinced him to defeat. In a rare moment of peace, Daniel was able to concentrate long enough to realize what he had done. In a fit of rage, he opened a time portal in the very heart of the camp. What the hole in spacetime did he refuses to say to this day, but shortly afterward Daniel walked away a free man.
During his travels he was commonly thought to be insane. He would mutter incessantly and ramble about cross dimensional timelines and other such nonsense. Most took him as blind, because he would commonly almost look through people, as if they weren't even there. Daniel wandered aimlessly, pale white eyes drawing in countless people and places, every one of them with infinite possibilities. Somehow he ended up in the Hands of the royal guard, who while not knowing of his powers knew him to be a powerful mage. Fearing the unknown as common folk do, he was conscripted into joining an expedition to a ruin. Upon being told this he simply stared through the men, as though experiencing an entirely different situation altogether.
Race/Ethnicty:French/English Place of Origin:Delphian Empire (Formerly Detroit)
Occupation:Nures; Counselor; Advisor
Character Attributes
Height:5'6 Weight:120
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:None Day To Day Attire: Daphne performs many of her official duties in light armor. When dealing strictly with the sick and injured, she will wear other casual clothing.
Healing/Physiology: Daphne has combined medical training with her magic to better serve those in need.
Empathy: She has the natural inclination to place herself in others' shoes before making decisions or giving guidance.
Psychology: On the job experience and an interest in the writings of philosophers has given her insight into human behavior.
Combat: Daphne's sword is just as ornamental as it is functional. She can protect herself but needs more training.
Strength/Athleticism: She can move when she has to, but she isn't very good at it.
Perfectionist: Daphne is her own worst enemy and is extremely self-deprecating.
Spells: Daphne's magical abilities are effective in managing wounds and sicknesses.
Healing Touch: Her magic is much more effective in close quarters.
Hail Mary: Daphne can cast from a distance, but with much greater chances of being interrupted and with less predictable results.
Minor Wards: Sometimes prevention is the best medicine; she can cast protective spells on herself and allies.
Items Of Note:
Weapon: Daphne carries a beautifully crafted longsword which, in her hands, seems to have adopted certain magical properties.
Journal: For research, notes, and her general thoughts about life.
Precious Trinket: She wears a piece of jade on a necklace, given to her as a little girl by her brother. He stole it, of course. It's the only thing she has to remind her that he really existed.
Daphne and her older brother were born into a world of poverty and instability. The Delphian culture is unforgiving even (perhaps especially) to little girls, and when she was just a few years old their parents were killed as bystanders during a riot in their district. Such is life in the Delphian Empire.
By luck or grace, Daphne was not swallowed alive by the streets as so many other orphaned children were. Instead she was adopted by the local church, and this was her home until she was 20 years old. In her teenage years she began displaying a talent for healing magic. It was kept hidden by the clergy and she wielded it in secret to heal the sick and wounded poor. Daphne never knew what had become of her brother, though she thought of him every day.
But word travels, and the Empire serves itself first. A patrol arrived to take her away for their own use at the threat of burning the church to the ground for anything less than total cooperation. She was taken to a military compound in service of the Empire, and was placed in the tutelage of their physician to help get their fallen soldiers back into the fight. For the next few years, her raw magical ability was complimented by lessons from medical literature and practicing non-magical medicine under the guidance of the Empires physicians who rotated in and out of the compound.
The political nature of Delphian culture being what is it, Daphne found herself in the good graces of the detachment commander due to a series of conversations concerning the state of the Empire. Impressed with her candor and humility, and not just a little with her magical capabilities, he placed her in a position over his physicians to manage the entire medical operation from a seat in his headquarters. After all, what commander would miss the opportunity to have his very own cleric as part of his entourage? It would surely increase his status ten-fold. He had arms and armor made for her to be part of his protective service detail.
Though her primary mission remained the detachment medical ward, over the next few years the commander also began relying on her counsel in political matters. He found that she tempered his impulsive tendencies. He could express his fears and doubts about the Empire and its many campaigns to her in private, without fear of appearing weak to the rest of his detachment.
The change of command marked the beginning of a downward spiral for the detachment. The new commander was as ruthless as he was narcissistic, and he arrived with his own cabinet of yes-men. For Daphne's part, he would have had her working in the stables were it not for her magical talents. He distrusted her and subjected her to the command of his own 'clerics'. When word spread of summons from the King of Dall, she made the decision to abandon the dissenting detachment. She had been forced into serving the Delphian Empire. It was time to answer a higher calling.