Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Skinner35
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Skinner35 One-Sided Thief.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"... AND THAT MESSAGE WAS BROUGHT BY... ALL MIGHT!" As that message rang through the city, all seemed to be normal. Daily commutes were progressing as they did every day. Shops were open and active, and parks were alive with children playing. Commercials on TV's across the city played All Might's messages of Bravery and Hope for the average citizen. The skies were clear and the weather was normal. It was a normal day.



"AAAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA IT'S TWISTED METAL!" The insane man shouted as he rocketed towards the heart of the city. Today was the day that would start a reign of absolute terror and destruction. He continued to shout random obscenities as he used his metal to lift and throw cars and rip through buildings, quickly making the normal day a scene of destruction. "WHERE'S YOUR ALL MIGHT NOW?!" He shouted as he continued to destroy his surroundings.



As he began to start his day of regular recon over the city, almost every news station in his area began to rapidly come to life with reports of a new villain. "This just in, a new villain who appears to go by the name of 'Twisted Metal' has been seen destroying much of the Residential Area. Where are the heroes?" Asked the News Reporter. "Well. Looks like my day is just getting started." He said in a low tone, as he began to suit up. This was the first time that he had seen a villain cause this much damage in a long time. He quickly left his solemn home and darted towards the site of the destruction. As he neared the area, he could see smoke, fire, and cars being launched into the air. He knew that this would be ugly if any more villain showed up. But he would need backup...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kalleth
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Kalleth Let me tell you / a story friend...

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Gérard Belsaint was enjoying a fluffy croissant at Michel Troisgros, one of the few European food places that didn't totally ruin French food. Completely aware that he was absolutely fulfilling a stereotype in doing so, Gérard chuckled to himself and polished off his plate, licking his fingers. He was currently skipping school, opting to enjoy a day's wanderings through Shinjuku. He hoped that here in the heart of Tokyo, he might be able to find a little excitement. At the very least, he got the chance to see plenty of new quirks and even thought he recognized a few top heroes wandering the streets.

Gérard cocked his head slightly, hearing some commotion outside, and what sounded like yelling. He couldn't see what was going on from inside, and so he got got up to look out the window and-

Something caused the window to explode and whatever it had been was accompanied by a shockwave that catapulted Gérard into one of Michel Troisgros' walls. The sounds of patrons beginning to scream and try to escape the building started adding to the hellish din which was only growing in Gérard's ears. Putain, the sixteen year old thought to himself. This aspiring hero could use a hand.

Kazue Koga was out buying dresses, when she saw on the televisions that lined the windows of electronics stores that Shinjuku was once again imperilled by another incident of villain activity. She couldn't care less, however, and carried on with her shopping. After all, she wasn't capable of striking down such low-level scum in fewer moments than it took to exhale, or of committing greater, more treasonous, far more devastating destructions upon the scurrying vermin that called this city home.

She was just a little girl, cooing over the price tags for different bargain bin dresses that she was eager to try on in the changing room. Although she had no intentions of using the filthy changing room in the store. She had her own changing room, and it was called her apartment. The woman who was running the store had her hands full with other customers, and it was the merest child's play for Kazue to fry the electronic tags that were attached to the dresses to try and prevent theft. Such a funny little oversight, to have forgotten to update in an age of quirks, and thieves with quirks. The world, even now, was still so slow in adapting to what had been a truly world-shattering paradigm shift.

Kazue walked out of the store, arms full of dresses, and smiled to herself. These dresses would be very useful in her upcoming mission.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Argonaut
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Argonaut Mostly Dead BTW

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

At a rundown apartment near the slums.

"Hunter's resident, make it quick"


"Hey Hunter, It's me, Something just come up. I need you to tune in to the news real quick.."

"Hold on, Ugh you know it's my day off right?" A man in his mid-20s said clutching his head and sluggishly walks around the rickety wooden floor of a broken down apartment room and prepares himself a meal only suited for broke college student could afford. Hunter then presses the t.v. remote and listens to what all the fuzz about.

"Are you seeing all of this shit? looks like some nutjob is on the loose and trying to redecorate the city into a pulp"

"You don't say" The man nonchalantly said and sits back in his dusty old couch and watches the brute rampages through the city.

"So what do you think?" The man on the phone asked. There was a long pause before Hunter answered again.

"Sounds like an invitation, you know I'll be there. I smell opportunity when I see one" Hunter said with a shit-eating grin on his face as he conceals and wraps his face with a line of bandages.

The masked assassin rides his motorcycle and heads towards where the trouble is brewing.



SIRENS SIRENS EVERYWHERE! the once peaceful city now turns into a chaotic scene like it was somehow straight from a post-apocalyptic theme video game. The sky turns red and buildings continue to crumble from the rampage this madman has caused.

Lupie was on duty at a hospital nearby and volunteered to do fieldwork alongside with few of the low-tier rescue heroes to find and treat injured civilians along the way. Their ambulance rushed into the streets and stops at a nearby French restaurant only to find there are people who are trying to escape the wreckage down there.

Lupie immediately rushes inside the establishment to search for any survivors, only to find a kid who seems to be thrown like a rag doll from shockwave near the windows.

"Hey, kid, snap out of it, everything is gonna be alright now," Lupie said not knowing if the foreign kid can hear her or not. She lay down her medical kit and treats the injured boy. She carefully picks out the pieces of sharpnel and projects a low-frequency energy scalpel to stop his wounds from bleeding out and repair any damage tissues along the process.

"Wew, I think that should do it, this should stabilize your condition and I guess I won't resort to amputation by the looks of things," Lupie jokingly said with a cheery smile and wipes her forehead with her forearm.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 1 yr ago


*up on a rooftop somewhere in the city*

This had been a quiet week, and with no crime to fight Citizen X had nothing better to do than listen to his helmet's silent police scanner and clean his gun. For the last three hours, Citizen X had been sitting on that rooftop, just waiting for something to happen. Sighing, he stood up and was about to head home and call it a day, but suddenly, his prayer was answered. His police scanner suddenly lit up with panicked and frantic voices. As Citizen X listened, a smile slowly crept across his face. Using his grappling gun began to rush to the scene as fast as possible...

It was time to kick some ass.

Reaper's Fist

Ever since he first discovered his quirk, Anim had been dying to find a situation to harvest some easy souls. Unfortunately, these past few weeks, crime had been too low level for Anim to try anything, should he try to join a league? Suddenly, explosions and screams a few streets over caught his attention, he grinned, it was time to start collecting.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rafiel_purewing
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

He was on break, Aizawa took this time to get some sleep. While he slept he kind of ignored his phone going off but after the third or forth ring he couldn't ignore it any longer. Opening one eye, unzipping the sleeping bag he was currently inside and walked slowly to his phone, looking down at the name. It was the police force, Answering the phone he was talking half asleep, "Hello..?"

"Erazerhead, we need you to come at once. The presence of a pro hero like yourself might help calm people down as well stop this madness!" There was silence while Aizawa turned on the TV and to the news.

"Erazorhead, your still there!!?"

"....yeah....I'm here. I'm coming.."

He sighed, there was no school except for those who wanted extra lessons so he had nothing better to do and dispite looking lazy he did care for the people. Making sure his goggles were in his highly useful multi layered scarf around his neck he headed out a little quicker then he would usually. When he was outside he hitched a ride of a taxi who had stopped as he put his hand out. "...I pay later, just take me to where the comotion is happening?"

"Um..I just left there!! you gotta be crazy sir..wait...aint ya one of them pros?" Aizawa sighed but nodded, the driver felt a little safer being with a pro hero, turned his cab around and drove back to the place he was running away from.


Shade was watching everything, hiding in the shadows, amused...bored..not really caring. It didn't consern him to make a big scene. If you cause a big scene after all you get noticed sure...but then you will also get caught by those no good hero's. Well maybe there was a point to stick around at least? Maybe in the shadows, unseen..unknown he could maybe take a hero or two out or at least hurt them...scare them? Shade smiled a little. Sticking to the shadows, keeping himself out of sight from everyone...he managed to make his way closer. Jumping from shadow to shadow before finally getting into a good spot where he could see what was going on. There he would wait and see...he chuckled to himself. Maybe he could play hero...become one of them, get close to them...and take them out from the inside? Actually that wasn't a bad idea.

Shade stepped out of the shadows as he decided on that and aprotched Twisted Metal slowly. "You better stop now..or face me." Out of his own shadow he created his trademark trident and pointed the shadowery blades towards Twisted Metel with a twisted grin. Play the hero...gain the hero's trust...take them down on the inside. It was the perfect plan.@Skinner35
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Skinner35
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Skinner35 One-Sided Thief.

Member Seen 1 yr ago


As he was causing mass destruction, he heard the scrawny wanna-be hero tell him to stop. He immediately froze and slowly tuned towards him. "You... are telling me... to stop?" He asked menacingly. He then swept down, only inches away from the boys face. "Run while you still can... AAAHAHAHAAAAA!" He began laughing insanely as he then continued his rampage. He decided to make things more interesting, so he began darting towards a park, filled with families.



As he watched the carnage, he hoped that a pro was on the way. He then saw that the Metal menace was heading towards the park, so he sprung up and bolted towards the gates to the park. Once he was close enough, he began to irradiate himself. All he needed was to touch the metal, and it would hopefully corrode. Hopefully... Or he would get hit and driven through a building. Which ever happened first was a variable.
He also noticed the guy with the shadow. While he ran, he yelled out, "DO SOMETHING!" Hoping that the guy heard him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rafiel_purewing
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Shade chuckled, being believed to be a hero..it was laughable. Highly amusing, Shade waited...he was building power, there was enough shadows to work with after all. After a while of not moving, just watching as he was ignored he started to manipulate the shadows. Dark cords reached out and wrapped around Twisted metel, reaching all over. These cords were very thick and strong though using much of his quirk Shade needed to be careful now not to push himself too far. He was glad he was quick and agile...it will help if Twisted Metal desided he wanted to fight.


"Stop here.." Aizawa said, still sort of half asleep. The driver did as he was asked for Aizawa to step out. He could see what was going on from where he stood. In the clearing he saw the vilian Twisted Metal, he saw as dark cords wrapped around him everywere they could. He didn't recongise the quirk or the user but if he was helping then sure? Putting on his goggles before rushing into the scene moving a little faster, not longer as if he was half asleep. He was ready to do what he could, pulling his scarf to use it if needed.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 2 days ago

Feet pounding against the pavement, Shingo sprinted as fast as he could down the street towards the park; this close to the epicentre the streets were filled with people, most rushing in the opposite direction but several just standing around hoping to get a look at the action. So many people treated these fights as a spectator sport that it always made getting their quickly difficult. He tried to avoid barging people out of his way in his haste, calling out for everyone to clear the way as he approached, but more than once he jostled someone on the way past.


He had his aura active, his lower legs surrounded in a glowing orange aura as he gathered power each time his feet hit the ground, his quirk absorbing the kinetic energy of each step. By the time he reached the park he should have built up a nice reserve of power to get things started with. From past experience he knew his main problem in a fight was resource management; running out of power was a big deal and although he could easily get more, it was risky and it was always better to end things as soon as possible.

“We take you back to our live camera feed of the action. Hideo, tell us what you can see?”

Shingo slid to a stop as he passed an electronics store, the full window display showing a news channel with footage of the park. The space outside the store was packed with people, but Shingo was tall enough to see over most peoples’ heads and catch some of what was going on. The footage was clearly being taken from a news helicopter, the view being high above the action and constantly circling around for a better angle.

“The villain appears to have been apprehended. An unknown person, possible a new hero has trapped with Twisted Metal with cords made out of some dark material. Not long ago another person we have identified as the vigilante Nuke arrived on the scene and someone else just arrived at the edge of the park. It looks like… ERASERHEAD! Yes, the pro hero Eraserhead just arrived to deal with the situation.”

Shingo left the store behind as people began to cheer, breaking out into another sprint. With three people on the scene to deal with the villain it was likely things would be over before he arrived, but even so he kept heading in the direction of the park. Something told him things weren’t going to go so smoothly.


“Hmmm? What going on?”

Taking another bite of her triple decker burger, Alina walked into the flowing tide of people. For some reason everyone seemed to be running away from the direction of the park, the crowd of people parting around her instinctively as they tried to put as much distance as they could between them and the crazed villain. Most of them seemed to be families, pairs of people carrying children between them or on their shoulders.

Curious, Alina followed the flow in the opposite direction to find its source, soon ending up alone on a street one row of buildings away from the park. She found the mouth of an alleyway between two shops and walked down it, only to find her path blocked by someone in a uniform.

A young police officer barred her path, holding up a hand to signal her to stop as he held up his other arm out to the side to physically block the alleyway. “I’m sorry miss, you can’t go through here; there is a situation with a villain in the park. You’ll be able to go through once the heroes have apprehended the suspect and we have finished our investigation.”

Alina leaned to the side to look past the officer curiously. She couldn’t see anything from here but if she listened carefully she thought she could hear something like laughter. “Aww, you can’t let me through? Spoilsport.”

“I’m afraid not miss. Please turn around and leave the area for your own safety.”

“But it sounds so fun over there.” With a sigh Alina raised the rest of her burger to her mouth and then opened her jaw wide. She slightly extended her second mouth outwards and swallowed the remainder of the oversized burger in one bite, not even needing to chew as the food disappeared as soon as the teeth met with a snap.

The young officer looked very nervous suddenly. Even when the second mouth retreated back inside he didn’t look reassured, though this may have had something to do with Alina’s wide mouthed grin which showed off all of her sharp teeth. “Hmm, I’m still hungry. I need something else to eat.”

As the officer tried to take a hesitant step back Alina snapped out a hand and grabbed his still outreached arm, her strong grip keeping him firmly in place. “You look tasty. Itadakimasuuuuuu~~~”


A few minutes later Alina walked out of the alleyway on the park side. She crossed over the quiet street and walked through the open gates into the park itself. It wasn’t hard to follow the sounds of carnage to find the excitement and she soon found what she was looking for.

Alina found a nice shady tree to stand under as she watched the fight between Shade and Twisted Metal, smiling wide as drops of scarlet fell from her blood soaked chin.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 1 yr ago


@King Cosmos
Grappling his way towards the scene, Citizen X made a point to survey the full area before starting to move in; hot events like this were bound to draw in other villains, and Citizen X wanted to make sure there weren't any approaching the scene. Suddenly, something caught his attention, a girl eating a large cheeseburger was calmly approaching a police office in a narrow alley, but something wasn't right, the officer's expression looked panicked, and continued to look more and more distressed as the girl drew closer. Suddenly grabbing the officer, the girl proceeded to eat the poor man.

Either his long streak of inactivity had driven him insane, or he just saw some girl eat a man alive. Whichever it was, Citizen X didn't care, the maniac headed towards the park was already getting surrounded by heroes, so right now, that girl was the greatest kind of threat, the kind that no one expects.

He needed to take her by surprise, quietly dropping down behind her, Citizen X began his engagement with a swift, hard, kidney punch before jumping back, preparing to face a counter-offense.

Reaper's Fist

The distracted heroes made for easy pickings, he had already collected three souls during the commotion, and was just collecting a fourth, this was just too easy!

Now Fist wanted a real fight, not just picking off cowardly civilians, but to test his Might against some of the heros funneling in to stop the madman tearing through the city. Taking off running to join the action, Fist smiled, this would be fun.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Skinner35
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Skinner35 One-Sided Thief.

Member Seen 1 yr ago


While he was barreling towards the park, he quickly spun around to get a grip on his surroundings, and then completely stopped. "Wait... I just had an idea..." He whispered menacingly as he stood on his own feet. "JUNGLE TIME." He screamed as he began to extend and multiply his metal appendages, having them extend into tree like structures, while making a protective barrier for himself. All he wanted to do was watch people struggle. He is a major sociopath.

As he was sprinting towards the Metal fiend, in hopes of stopping him, he suddenly stopped. Then he was launched into a building by a metal arm that had surprisingly whacked into him. He was shot through a wall, and into a small apartment. There was a college age man that was in the apartment, that was now freaking out because of Nuke's "landing." Nuke then quickly stood up, and looked through the hole, and saw that Metal was creating a sort of Jungle. "No way..." He said, dumbfounded by the creation.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rafiel_purewing
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cursing under his breath, the cords of darkness failed to reach the target in question, instead they wrapped around appendages that had appeared. Shade sighed and backed off. He was done playing hero, growing bored with the whole act and with Erazerhead he rather not get involved with him. Backing away he smirked looking around the carnage before sighing. This place was soon to be filled with hero's, well lucky for him he didn't quite have that bad guy look. He made his way closer towards a second fight going on between another hero and some girl?


Aizawa made sure to blink a few times, dodging the metal and getting closer to Twisted Metal. He had to do what he could to stop this monster from causing any more damage than he has already. Finally he turned his eyes towards Twisted Metal, activating his quirk stopping Twisted Metal's quirk, errasing it for the time as he starred at Twisted metal the whole time from under his goggles. Rushing forward tossing his scarf to wrap around the vilian in question while also going in for a punch at the same time making sure not to blink. @Skinner35
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 2 days ago

Alina’s uncovered eye widened in surprise as the metal surrounding Twisted Metal expanded to form a small forest of tree-like formations. Whoever this crazy guy was he seemed really strong; the guy with the shadows had already backed away and she saw some other guy who got too close to action get sent flying before the expanding metal blocked Alina’s view of things.

Just like she had thought, this was really fun. You didn’t get to see things like this happening in Russia; not outside of Moscow at least. The villains tended to keep a lower profile and the ‘heroes’ were the type who liked to deal with things outside of the public view. Fights, if they happened were quick, dirty and usually very lethal. Japan however liked to add so much flair to proceedings, as if everyone decided to take their anime and superhero comics as inspiration for how to live their life.

Her smile grew even sider. Coming here was a good decision.

Now someone else was running forward to fight Twisted Metal, somebody with lots of scarves and some fancy goggles. With the way he was running rampant it wouldn’t be long before someone took Twisted Metal down, he was simply attracting too much attention. In fact, it was probably about time for her to leave, before someone noticed her or the mess she had left behind in that alleyway. Maybe she should grab a snack before she left though?

As she pushed away from the tree she was leaning against something struck her hard in the back, eliciting a grunt as she stumbling forward a step. Holding a hand to her side she turned to face her attacker, seeing a mysterious cloaked figure military-like helmet and facemask. He’d punched her in the back and then ran away, taking a position several feet away and taking a ready stance.

Fool. If you have the drop on someone you should finish them off.

“Owwww, that was rude!” The pain was already fading to nothing. A recently fed Alina was a dangerous thing indeed. “I was having fun too. Hmm, I’ll have to teach you a lesson.”

No sooner than had she finished speaking Alina opened her jaw as wide as possible as her hidden appendage shot forward to close the distance between her and the mystery man, aiming to snap closed over his facemask and pull him forward.



Reaching the edge of the park Shingo slid to a stop as Twisted Metal’s quirk exploded outward, covering a sizeable area with branching metal structures. One branch in particular lashed out at someone who got too close and send them flying into a building nearby; the wall caved inwards under the force of the impact and whoever it was who got hit ended up in someone’s kitchen.

“Holy shit!”

Running towards the slowly clearing dust cloud, Shingo stepped up to the hole to peer inside and see if anyone needed help. Or was even still alive.

“Anyone in need of assistance in there?”

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Argonaut
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Argonaut Mostly Dead BTW

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"My, what a scary quirk...this metal dude is really a powerhouse." Hunter's eyes rapidly twist and turn around his face like a chameleon trying to figure out what's going on in this chaotic neighborhood. He stays hidden in an alleyway and watched the heroes assembled and apprehend the villain who calls himself Twisted Metal and assess some villains who take advantage of the situation.

"Well I'll be damn, looks like we have a celebrity here" At the corner of his eye, Hunter caught a glimpse of Aizawa rushing in the scene, trying to stop the rampaging villain for extending his metallic construction furthermore.

Hunter's greed got the best of him and didn't hesitate to join in the fray. He starts his motorcycle and rushes to the scene, driving real fast, loading his uzi and fires away full auto, intercepting the scarf with his bullets, throwing off Aizawa's aim before it reaches Twisted metal.

He quickly passes them by, doing sharp turn and momentary put his motorcycle on standby and loads another magazine and points his gun at Eraserhead. "Your bounty is mine, Eraserhead." he said without taking off his helmet. @Rafiel_purewing
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Skinner35
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Skinner35 One-Sided Thief.

Member Seen 1 yr ago


As he was having fun, the damned celebrity looked at him. As he was causing mayhem, it all stopped and his appendages retracted. "DAMNED PRO, RUINING ALL MY FUN!" He said as he fell down, then began to sprint towards Erazerhead, his mask retracting to show a mangled, bloody face.


"Yea... I'm good. Now, back to the fight!" He said, running out of the apartment, only to see that all the metal was gone, and that a pro was here! "Oh god, he's here..." He didn't like pro's, he thought that they were only in it for fame.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rafiel_purewing
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Aizawa kept one eye on Twisted metal not blinking while turning his other eye on the new arrivel cursing a little. Pulling his scarf back around his neck he paused before dashing to the side moving rather quickly, getting infront of the new villian that wants his head, putting Hunter between him and the charging Twisted Metal, giving the momentum of the movement Aizawa was sure Twisted Metel would end up running into the back of Hunter. It will buy him time..time to plan and to think..but no matter how he saw it he was sure he wouldn't be able to take them both on by himself. He couldn't afford to take his eyes of either of them to look around to see if any other hero was around to aid him. No, he had to do this to help those in need. He dashed forward quickly leaping in the air. He couldn't afford to blink, Twisted Metal was the bigger threat right now, keeping his qurik unusable he wrapped his specially made scarf towards Hunter while making sure to keep at least one eye on Metal..This wasn't going to be easy..



Turning back to look at Twisted Metal, he smirked. There was two against one? Shade grinned, forget the girl and the other hero...Erazorhead still didn't know if he was friend or foe. Didn't have eyes on him being busy dealing with the other two. Shade smiled...from his shadow he created a throwing dagger with a smile. Erazor had his back turned, he was a perfect target...and he will never know what had hit him. Grinning a dark smile Shade tossed the dagger, his aim true as the blade went through the back of Aizawa into his side. "Have fun...stupid hero!" Stepping back he blended himself in the darkness vanishing but standing put, watching the show.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Argonaut
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Argonaut Mostly Dead BTW

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Hunter's neck crack in a disturbing way and twisted his head into a complete 160 degree like an owl as he notices Twisted Metal charging in towards Eraserhead while is in the way. Seizing the opportunity of Aizawa getting stab by a dagger from out of nowhere, Hunter immediately reacted and docks out of the way, doing a combat roll while he divert his attention.

He relocates his arms around his back, freeing his arms from being subdued and forcefully tugs Aizawa's scarf with around his neck making him choke with his own weapon and holding him down.

With Hunter's wide field of vision, separating his eyes from side to side of his face. He saw a glimpse who aided him and smirk. Surprisingly, these random villains have better chemistry than the pro heroes.

"I wonder which one will kill you first, the suffocation or becoming Roadkill by Twisted Metal!" He taunted, choking him down with his own scarf, as Twisted Metal charges towards the subdued pro-hero.@Rafiel_purewing@Skinner35

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rafiel_purewing
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Member Seen 1 hr ago


Suddenly everything went from bad to worse for him. The first thing that went wrong was the sudden pain in the side of his back not only weakened him but caused him to blink giving Twisted Metal use of his quirk again. The second thing he noticed that didn't bode well for him was he couldn't stop the other villains quirk even if he wanted to. Lastly he started to choke, having the end of his scarf held in the hands of Hunter pulled tightly.

He closed his eyes under the goggles as he struggled to breathe, attempting to grab his scarf away from his neck. He was starting to see spots...... He couldn't breathe, eventually Aizawa collapsed out cold but still alive.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Skinner35
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Skinner35 One-Sided Thief.

Member Seen 1 yr ago


As he was sprinting towards Aizawa, he felt his powers come back. "PLAY TIME IS OVER!" He screamed as he quickly became a large metal boulder, barreling towards the Hero. "HAVE FUN IN HELL!"


"Come on! We need to get out there!" He yelled, looking back. @King Cosmos
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 2 days ago

Blazing Fist

Things were going bad for Eraserhead. Things were going unbelievably bad.

The metal forest retracted when Eraserhead looked at Twisted Metal and for a moment it looked like the situation was going to be under control; as long as the pro kept Twisted Metal’s quirk contained the rest of them could handle whoever the new guy was. Then all of a sudden Eraserhead was stabbed from behind and everything went to hell.

Shingo was already running when Nuke called back to him, breaking into a sprint as soon as he saw the pro hero start to fall. Though the other hero had a head start on him Shingo managed to overtake him, pushing himself to run as hard as he could to try and reach Eraserhead before Twisted Metal ground him to dust. With his quirk active each step granted Shingo a little more energy, a little more power to use for what he had planned; he just hoped it would be enough.

Somehow he made it on time, running hard enough to intercept Twisted Metal before he reached the fallen pro. When he was close enough he leapt, tucking both of his knees against his chest and tilting back until he was horizontal with the ground. As Twisted Metal rolled past him he straightened his legs as hard as he could and delivered a dropkick to the boulder’s side, releasing all of the stored kinetic energy in his feet at the moment of impact.

It wasn’t much, just the energy he had built up with all of his running, but hopefully it would be enough to knock Twisted Metal off course.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Argonaut
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Argonaut Mostly Dead BTW

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Without waiting for a response for aiding the boy at the French restaurant, Lupie continues to travel the city in search of survivors fulfilling her duty as a hero and treating the civilians in an ambulance.

"Over there! " She exclaimed as she sees the commotion in the streets. An ambulance drifts into the scene at high speed where Twisted Metal, Hunter, Blazing Fist and Eraserhead was fighting. Its tires screech and does a sharp turn. The doors flap open as Lupie exit the vehicle and leaps into the air, wielding a plasma knife on both hands, pouncing on the bandage assassin. Hunter had to let go of his hold on Aizawa's scarf to counter-attack as he grabbed his knife and parry the incoming Heroine's sudden strike. Both blades lock one another as Hunter and Lupie contest each other.

Unfortunately for Hunter, with one whirling fluid movement, Lupie manages to sneak one in and plunges one of her gamma knife on Hunter's arms, leaving it there buried and leaps back to a safe distance.

With a smug look of satisfaction on her face, she projects another energy knife, striking an attacking pose as she prepares to engage once more.


"You interfering bitch! A simple flesh wound can't stop me" Hunter angrily yelled and straight out pulls out the dagger out of his skin. His heart skips a beat as he felt pain and paralysis where the blade struck and realizes he can't use his quirk to close the wound.

"What the..." He steps back in disbelief as another hero arrives on the scene. The numbers game is definitely in the Hero's favor and realizes He freed Eraserhead from his clutches. @Rafiel_purewing
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