The Atlantis Group didn't so much survive, as was simply formed after the devastation that was produced by World War Three and Four - they formed namely at the same time as did the United Nations of Earth.
Cruiser 'Ice' - living vessel. A reconfigured cruiser that is designed to utilize space as efficiently as possible to hold both people, a small hydroponics garden and a recycling department.
Cruiser 'Fire' - living vessel. A reconfigured cruiser that is designed to utilize space as efficiently as possible to hold both people, a small hydroponics garden and a recycling department.
Submarine 'Leviathan' - attack/scout vessel. An old diesel-submarine updated with a hydrogen engine and armed to the teeth, with cruise missiles, torpedoes and a flak cannon. It also includes a science lab and an arms depot, with the latest human weaponry.
Atlantis Group is based around long-term sustainability - thus they are heavily focused into recycling as much as possible, from waste and old equipment, to even air and water. Nothing is wasted and everything can be remade and recycled on board their vessels - including the ships themselves.
In addition, the Group has invested heavily into improved hydroponics and safe-handling and production of hydrogen for fuel and energy. They also have brought along, several blueprints and parts for manufacturing robotics and have pioneered several improvements in 3D Printing.
Military might:
The Atlantis Group has around four-hundred people ready for combat operations - since the end of World War Three and Four, many of the armed personnel are former soldiers, veterans, survivors and special operatives. While this is likely a smaller group than what most possess, the Atlantis Security Force has much better arms and armor than anybody else - as their objective is to maximize damage and minimize casualties among their own personnel.
Atlantis Group was started by the end of World War Three and gained traction near the beginning of World War Four - when the world was consumed in nuclear war, global terrorism that was supported and supplied by both sides, biological-chemical warfare against major cities and populations and global warming that raised sea-levels and made the weather patterns worse with each passing year.
The culmination of World War Three, left much of the world and it's sides devastated in terms of population and capability. World War Four that followed was the basic attempts of a dead man, trying to keep itself alive - despite that, many among the intellectual elite had been disgusted at what happened. As many of them had been forced to construct more and more lethal ways of killing the enemy - to the point, that when the dust settled down from the low-scale nuclear bombardment - the projection stated, that almost 85% of the ozone layer had been damaged beyond repair and the rest would slowly dissipate over the decade.
The continued ignorance, warnings against warfare and simply political greed convinced many to simply stop and refuse to serve their countries. While after the war, many of the governments had fallen to popular uprising the damage had been done. As many of the intellectuals had grown very disgusted by both the greed of the political elite and also of the ignorant mass. This was further endorsed, when the Atlantis Group was established by Doctor John Vindaloo.
Namely John Vindaloo, had been an Indian-American, whose research had lead into many breakthroughs in the field of energy and energy production - although most of that had been focused into warfare and not trying to help the civilian industry and to stop the mad fighting. Afterwards, John Vindaloo had been the first to cry against the US Government and what he declared monsterous ways - while it meant, his commission as a Senior Researcher was terminated, by that point the population itself was rising up against the government.
After World War Three and the rather cynical option of survival - he assembled, many of the scientists and engineers of the world, into a unified group. As they namely tried and hoped to establish a colony underwater - instead of dying outside or in a vault. Since while the ozone layer was destroyed and UV bombardment would follow onto the planet - the magnetic field and most of the atmosphere remained intact, and would keep the vast oceans of Earth from disappearing.
Their funding was provided by many of the old nobility of Europe - namely the monarchs, dukes and princes - whom also desired a way to save themselves, that didn't involve suffering a slow burn on the surface of the planet. Although, when Hope' Gate opened - most of the research was turned around to develop as much of a self-sufficient system as possible on each ship.
Name: Victor Hammer
Rank/Title: Head Researcher of Energy Production
Capabilities: Victor Hammer holds a position in researching improved energy production, being also Chairman of the Atlantis Group and also trained in psychology - capable of manipulating and playing around with people, without them realizing.
Background: Victor Hammer had been working for the European Research Agency, in trying to wane-off their dependence of foreign oil. While breakthroughs were achieved, the 'cost' for implementing was deemed 'too high' and war was deemed to be a better answer - than self-improvement. As such, Victor Hammer was forced to work on utilizing his research in developing laser-based weaponry and microwave emitters. After the war, he joined Atlantis Group and helped turn it from a small group of rebellious scientists into a technocratic power.
DEM points: 0
Death points: 0
Name: Yuna Mikayi
Rank/Title: Head of the Genetic Research Department
Capabilities: Yuna Mikayi was considered a prodigy and upcoming scientist in the Global Community - namely she was considered the best woman, in trying to fight and help cure the numerous ailments of the human condition. Although, not even her ability was able to eliminate the human notion of greed, fear and self-treachery. Despite her meek appearance, she is considered the leading expert in genetic research and also genetic manipulation.
Background: Yuna Mikayi was born in Japan to a rather prestigious and wealthy family, whom helped support and improve her gifts and intelligence. Yuna would end up graduating highschool at the age of fifteen and would rapidly move and graduate in the numerous universities around the world. When World War Three broke out, her research was one part that was utilized in developing horrendous chemical and biological weapons. Atlantis Group helped evacuate Yuna Mikayi and her family from Japan, after the entire country collapsed into anarchy and was slowly swallowed by the sea.
How you survived: Survive? That's a good joke. We thrived on the wars. Everybody needs PMCs now and then for the work they cannot do, and when there is war, you can be sure that we'll have plenty of jobs. We took to the seas early which saved us from a lot of the chaos that was going on around the world. By the second war we have grown enough that we could feed and arms ourselves without the need of others, and we wouldn't be bothered by anyone on international waters. Now that the gates have been discovered, we have the perfect opportunity to begin our trade yet again on a different world and make a big buck.
Pelorus Jack - The flagship of the fleet, the Jack is a heavely modified Kiev-class "heavy aviation cruiser", which has already undergone several changes in ownership. It's latest one was it's purchase by the Mare Delfino, which is where it serves currently. Refurbished to be a mobile operations center, the superstructure has been expanded slightly to allow the mounting of more modern sensory equipment, and to make space for a sizeable hydroponics facility. Otherwise, the flight deck has been left pretty much untouched since there was no need for expansion, and it's 2 dual purpose gun mounts have been replaced with 4 RAM missile system. Since it serves as a home base and flagship for the Mare Delfino, it has several distinct modules: The forementioned hydroponics, a sizeable workshop that takes up most of the internal hangar which can manufacture small arms and other related equipment, and service aircraft and other vehicles with tools and materials produced in-house. The cannibalized aircraft hangar is a shy image of it's former self, but it houses most of the Mare Delfino's equipment and vehicles. Beside the workshop, a small recycling facility handles the trash created by the crew and repurposes most materials to allow for several months of sustained sea travel. Finally, the original steam boilers of the ship have been replaced with a license built A1B nuclear reactor, which now provides the electricity for the hulking beast of a ship.
Risso - A repurposed container ship, the Risso is a ship nearly the size of the Jack. With plenty of space on it's deck, it has been heavely repurposed to fill the needs of the fleet while on the ocean. She is equipped with a large farmspace, hydropnics facility and a small ranch where pigs and chickens are kept. Added superstructure runs along the entire ship in the form of an elevated platform made of cargo container that separates the greenhouses. Behind the bridge the remaining area was left untouched and it serves it's original purpose of storing cargo for the fleet. Below the deck lies most of her engineering, and a small prodcution facility where food is canned or refrigerated for future use. Fuel for the other ships is stored inside a large fuel tank at the front of the ship. She might not look much, but the Risso is an important logistical part of the fleet, where life never ceases to slow down. Most civilians and off duty crewman work here day and night.
Dusky - A former Russian icebreaker vessel which retained most of it's original functionality. The vessel is already suited for long range travel and can house many people. Most of the soldiers and engineering crew reside here. There are dedicated relaxation areas here which serve to ease the sailors who are off rotation from the Pelorus Jack or Orca. Most of the ship serves the one purpose of feeding and entertaining members of the Mare Delfino, as well as housing a small number of related families who work as the only civilian crew members aboard all four ships in utility roles such as janitors and chefs.
Orca - A Zubr class LCAC, the Orca is a ship you wouldn't expect in a fleet. Technically a hovercraft, it usually rests in tow behind the Risso, unassumingly floating on the water. But at a moment's notice, the Orca can escort the fleet at an unprecedented speed: cruising atop the water near 60 knots, it is twice as fast as most potential naval threats, and can deploy quickly to respond and deter agressors. It features a large inside hangar bay which is what the Mare Delfino use for transporting their away teams and hauling supplies to the fleet.
The Mare Delfino aren't going to revolutionise the world with some advanced technological discovery. However they do know how to make good weapons. A variety of domestically produced guns and equipments bolster their arsenal, known for their reliability and effectiveness. There is a simple mindset for the fleet: create what you can, take care of what you cannot. Over the years the fleet has gotten exceptionally good at doing repairs on large vessels and vehicles, and the structurally sound hull of the age old Pelorus Jack stands as a testament. From guns to light vehicles almost anything can be produced in the workshop of the Jack using their own materials and machines, and as long as necessary resources are avaible, there isn't much that cannot be built there.
Military might:
Since the Mare Delfino isn't associated with anyone, and has less focus on all that "saving mankind" and more on that "making fat dosh" and "surviving", their military presence is more than what you'd expect of other fleets who ferry thousands of settlers. A measely 238 soldiers make up the fleet's core defensive and offensive force, but they are well equipped and full of fighting spirits. This might seem like a lot, but since the entire fleet is so small, there is a tight bond between the soldiers. Having sat out the 4th World War, but benefitting from both the 3rd and 4th, there is plenty of experience to go around. Salvaging was the name of the game when everybody else was about surviving. Thought the Long Fare was a lot of things apart from pleasant, it did help to restock the wounded arsenal of the fleet. Around the mediterranian, along with many other tidbits of weaponary and loads of supplies, the fleet has looted a Namer APC, 3 BTR-90s, a BTR-90 Krymsk and a VBM Freccia IFV. Another interesting find was a disabled M60 patton they found in Syria which is currently a static placeholder inside the workshop, with no means of repair. A similarly ill fated italian MQ-1 was picked up, and thought it has been restorted to working order, it lacks any armanents. Thought no more salvagable ground vehicles were found later in the war, when combat became more devastating than before, there were other encounters. A distress call from the Admiral Kuznetsov resulted in the salvaging of an operational Mig 29K. Near the coasts of Indonesia, the fleet came across a recently downed JH-7 floating on the sea, the pilot still inside, which was quickly returned to the flight deck and it's pilot rescued, and then repaired with spare equipment. The final acquisition of importance was near the west coast of the US. They repaired downed Z-9 that was heavely damaged, but after cannibalizing parts from others crafts they managed to get it back to working order.
For a quick recap of vehicles: - 3+1 BTR 90 - Namer APC - VBM Freccia IFV - M60 Patton (crippled) - MQ-1 Predator - Z-9 Transport Helicopter - Mig 29K - JH-7
Back in the 20th century, when the Soviet Union disbanded, some ingenious soviet soldiers had the idea of starting a PMC. However the new laws and geopolitical situation didn't allow for such a thing. They travelled to Italy, a country not known for it's military might, and bought up a small crumbling company: the Mare Delfino. They left the name unchanged for a variety of reasons, including having a shell company for military purchases, and began building up their operation. At the time the company was made up of around 20 men, and they mostly offered protection for different clients. Fast forwars and the 21st century saw many combats even before the 3rd and 4th world war. The Mare Delfino grew a lot off of these smaller wars, often dabbling in arms dealing and intelligence work. As the company grew, news of the Italian company spread. News began to spread about the founders of the company, and there was a fear of potential backlash if it was found out that soviet veterans aching for war were operating a PMC. This is the direct reason for the purchase of the Pelorus Jack from a chinese owner. A lot of the ship had to be refitted, but it proved to be a suitable platfrom for operations. Acquisitions of military gear were made during these times, and the Mare Delfino had a sizeable rotorcraft arsenal as well as a seaplane for scouting.
Then all hell broke out when the 3rd world war began. Through most of it, the Mare Delfino offered it's services for various sides, but it lost most of it's holding during the war. By the end, apart from the Pelorus Jack, there were no ships left in the fleet, vehicles in the hangar or aircraft on the deck. What they did have was money. So they went on to buy many assets from different sources, and amass a fleet capable of staying out of ports and still operate at full capacity. This is Azure Armada, the same fleet that now roams the seas. It was many peaceful years that followed, and the fleet flourished on the high oceans. It was during this time that the Jack was outfitted with a nuclear reactor.
The 4th world war caught the fleet in Italy, on one of the rare resupply runs that they had to make yearly. At first nobody thought people would be as insane as before, and the armada planned to sail to Israel and look for contract work. But the jack was stuck in drydocks for a week as the crew had to make some repair work on the hull. By the time they arrived, the middle east was a disaster zone. This marked the beginning of the "Long Fare", the fleets trip around the world during the 4th world war. They stayed for a few weeks and salvaged a variety of vehicles from the battlefields, and did a few jobs here and there, but as the situation got worse, they decided to sail back to Italy for a finaly goodbye and then leave for the high seas.
By the time they reached the ports of Sicily, the war has engulfed the area, and they were forced to continue without stopping. On their way around Sicily, they picked up a squad of Italian troopers, alnog with whom they received their VBM Freccia and MQ-1. It didn't take lnog to convince them not to go back and instead join them.
Once the fleet left Gibraltar, they decided to head south for safer waters. The decision ultimately proved to be right: the northern sea turned into a massive battlezone soon after. It was during this time that they received the distress call from the russian carrier, which had received a disabling hit. After jam packing their fastest ship with supplies, the Orca, a small group left to help whoever they could. The battle still raged on as they approached, but the carriers was seemingly left behind, sunken halfway already. With the help of some of the remaining crew of the ship, including it's captain, they ferried supplies over to the Orca alnog with the Mig 29K. After they returned to the fleet, they spent several months near the horn of africa, and visited the Antarctica a few times for respite. It seemed like this was the only peaceful palce on earth left. Then they sailed for the Indian ocean, where they spent nearly 2 years in the tropical waters, rarely having to resupply, As the war got worse, the fleet sailed out for the Pacific, during wich they had many close encounters. Ultimately, on their way tohrought the south chinese sea, they salvaged the JH-7 and helped out it's pilot.
By the time this ragtag bunch of international soldiers reached the west coast of the US, the war was pretty much over. They ransacked the devastated cityscape of the west coast, looking for any military gear to reuse. They spent several months cruising around the area, until taking the long route around Canda to arrive back in the Atlantic. This is where the news of the gate's opening found them, and they sailed out for the new world soon after with nothing left to loose: they stay here where nothing is left, or they could go and visit a new world with endless posibilities.
Leskov "White Beard" Antonovich
Rank: Admiral
Capabilities: Antonov is a capable captain who has plenty of experience piloting large ships already. A man who has weathered many winters, the captain is known to stay cool even under the most extreme situations and give valuable life lessons to other crew members. He has a strong presence that not many can withstand, and his word is law on the ship. Under his command every nook and cranny will stay clean, and every piece of equipment will be in top notch condition.
Background: Antonov was once the captain of Russia's flagship carriers, but after his ship's CIWS failed to stop a RAM the vessel took a critical hit. Most of the crew evacuated, including plenty of fighter pilots, but he decided to stay behind until the last second. He was rescued from the vessel along with some crew by the Azure Fleet, and Antonov decided to stay. Originally in control of the Orca, it soon became clear that his capabilities were exceptional. So when the old captain, the last living founding member of the Mare Dolfine, died of age, it was obvious who should take his place. He has commandeered the Azure Fleet ever since, finishing the Long Fare and earning a great deal of reputation along the way.
DEM points: 0
DE points: 0
Griogair "The Dwarf" Roddy
Rank: Chief Engineer
Capabilities: He's short. He's strong. He's Scottish. He can repair or make just about anything. He drinks awfully lot. He's a dwarf straight outta the tales.
Background: Gregory joined the team when they were sailing outta Gibraltar. Upon a lone skiff was a man who roved after the Pelorus Jack so fast that they couldn't outrin him. Eventually the fleet slowed down to let the man, who chased after them for hours, step foot in the hangar. He had one thing to say before getting familiar with the workshop: "Gimme a week and I'll patch 'er up like ye never seen before." Since there was a distinct lack of engineers at the time, it seemed like the obvious choice to let this crazy lunatic do his thing. Well, the only choice. It turned out to be a sound decision afterwards, and the workshop did change face within a week. Gregory snuck himself into everyone's heart with his energetic attitude paired with his short nature, and it didn't take long for him to become a permament member of the weekly poker tournament. That said, nobody knows what he did before joining the fleet, but most (rightfully) speculate that he was some sort of a craftsman.
DEM points: 0
DE points: 0
Lisa "The Sarge" Ruffolo
Rank: Military Chief/Deck Master
Capabilities: Enzo is an ex-soldier and a black-ops specialist. She knows her way with both with a gun and a knife, and she is a master of stealth. Thought she shares the same strong and menacing attitude as the captain, unlike him she is not nearly as benevolent. But that is likely the reason that the soldiers are all still in order. Nothing gets you more motivated than having to do a 100 push ups on the flight deck in the middle of a storm while someone is shouting at your face.
Background: Lise was picked up by the fleet in Sicily, when her unit got surrounded by enemy forces. She is one of the few members of the cast who initially didn't speak english, and she still orders her soldiers in Italian instead of english. This causes some interesting division between the other minority language on the ship, the other being russian, as it is sometimes hard for them to find a middle ground when speaking to each other. Besides that, she doesn't speak much of her past, but she has some interesting stories of past missions.
DEM points: 0
DE points: 0
Liu "ACE" Heng
Rank: Jet Pilot
Capabilities: Liu is a rookie pilot. A rookie, but a very promising one. Thought not the best pilot who has every served on the Pelorus jack, she has learnt the most in the smallest amount of time. Plus, she's the only jet pilot on the ship, so there's not exactly much of a chocie.
Background: Liu was a pilot at the PLAAF. Her plane was hit by an EMP blast, and fell into the ocean, the catapult mechanism not responding. Her craft survived and she was knocked out, but the Azure Fleet was close-by when this happened and they nurtured her back to health. Ever since she's been trying to do her best for the rest of the crew, making her people proud. Along with Gregory she is one of the crowd favourites as her unmatched energy and determination makes her a pleasurable company in hard times.
Name: Werewolves are called Shaou Strimider in beast tongue but to humans and soft kin they are Shadow striders
Race/Races: Werewolf kin
Magic: No true magic in terms of spells however the wolf kin have alchemists and shamans. Alchemists are as they are described potion makers able to create potions that enhance the wolf kin beyond their limits to become unstoppable in battle however they can also make lethal potions that when thrown explode on impact and kill those that are weak to poisons or diseases. Their shamans are closest to mages that the wolf kin have, they are able to control plants and vines in the area. However this can only be done on their own land allowing them to work alongside nature. In order for shamans to use their abilities outside their territory requires a pact with the local forest spirit.
How you survived: The clan are in touch with the earth and as such they avoided the rays of lightning. They used the earth itself to protect themselves from the harshest of the effects while avoiding to many losses to the clan.
Technology: Steel age: they use steel weapons and armor and tribal magic's
military might: Incredible military might when fighting on their own turf allowing them ability to keep their home safe from all invaders. Outside their territory they are a force to be reckoned with in terms of a straight up fight, when on solid ground they are able to fight in peak conditions however they loose more then half their fighting strength when in water or fighting air based enemies without shamans.
History: The ancient elders tell of the tales of how their kind came to be. It has been told that they were born of alphas males mating with humans creating a cross which to soft kin are known as werewolves. However since the first werewolf was born they have bred with only the best of breeding stock from both humans and wolves and their own werewolf kind. Through many different attacks against their kind from fearful humans they showed their strength against the humans and subjugated them into servitude and made them slaves the best were of course used as breeding stock while the others were left to do menial jobs.
The key point however that made their kind strong was no physical weakness to silver or any of the other myths that surround their kind and without a clear mortal weakness the humans who were much weaker eventually died off as they expanded their kind. It was after the humans died in servitude that alchemy and came to be as werewolves died to poisons from the herbs their came those that learned to harness their lethalness in their own potions of course their were many issues and deaths from experimentation but after a hundred years of experimentation alchemy became a science that the smartest of their kind became a part of.
Shamans came shortly after as it was told that a young werewolf tried to harvest plants from a sacred tree far from the village that she met the local forest spirit. The young pup was innocent and was able to make friends with the spirit, as the pup grew up they learned from each other and she was the first shaman and as such learned how to harness the power of the earth itself. Shamans were then accepted allowing even the women of the tribe to help out in the cause as women are more in tuned with their emotions then men were. As such they became instrumental to defending the tribe against attackers.
It has been over 500 years since the events transpired and they lived with the land and were peaceful until the portals came and they became part of a much larger war...
Name: Aragonaus
Rank/title: Alpha: strongest of the strong and leader
Appearance: In Werewolf form he stands at an impressive 7 feet tall easily larger then the average human. He has razor sharp claws that rip and rend flesh and his eyes are an emerald green however when he is angry or under the influence of the alchemist juggernaut boosters his eyes turn blood red.
When he decides to go into human form when not to scare soft kin he stands 6 feet tall still somewhat taller then the average human. While most of his body becomes human he retains his wolf tail and arms and sides of his chest keep his wolf fur, his eyes remain green and finally he keeps teeth sharp enough to bite through flesh.
Weapon: mounted arm blades (the closest I could find for my image was this) These blades reach father then his arms and can slice through most armors and if not the sharp point can pierce through them.
Armor: steel plate armor over his shoulders and legs. It is believed that chest armor is a sign of weakness for scars and wounds are badges of honor
Capabilities: He is an unbeatable warrior able to fight any foe and because he is so strong he is considered a great leader for the pack and can lead his brothers and sisters into battle as he leads the charge. He is smart but that does not make him a great tactician.
Background: Aragonaus was born with a litter of his brothers and sisters to an alpha and their mate. He grew up learning to fight and hunt first along with his brothers and sister and he showed he had a high aptitude for battle and keen instincts. He kept fighting at a young age and learned how to fight the biggest and strongest of his kind and as he grew up a few of his brothers and sisters became alchemists while his sisters became shamans or mates to the betas. He however had a higher goal in mind, he challenged his father to be the alpha and the entire tribe came out to watch it as it was rare to see someone challenge an alpha. Aragonaus was a teenager but his father had aged of course they fought ferociously for 4 full days both were strong fighters and they kept slashing trying to get the best of one another but finally Aragaonaus won by performing the first move his father taught him as a child, a classic grapple move that flipped him onto his back and pierced his chest with his claws. His father died with a smile and his final words were "Bout time son" (translated from beast speech). The entire tribe howled loudly and celebrated the new alpha rising to power.
From that day onward Aragonaus proved himself time and time again hunting and protecting the tribe from threats until the event came that made them show a new world beyond their own...
Thw wolf father: He is said to be the very first wolf who loved a human and helped in creating the first werewolf of their kind. His body has long since been gone into the earth but his ferocity was enough that the spirits gave him infinite life and charge him with protection of the sacred tree. He stands 10 feet tall much taller then any of the werewolves but it was believed that with his immortality came the powers of the spirits themselves making stronger, faster, and larger then any beast that would dare challenge him. The only voice that he will listen to is that of the earth mother. When in a desperate situation of being outnumbered he is able to split his being into 5 other wolves each one smaller and weaker of course but note then enough to challenge any beast.
Tree of the earth mother: Said to harbor the very first earth spirit, it is said that all fairies that speak with the werewolves originated from her and her tree is known to be sacred. It is said that if the tree were to ever be destroyed the very forest itself would die. The tree itself stands talls and above all other trees making it viewable even at a large distance. The tree harbors the Earth mother and like the tree she is unable to move from where her tree is but her roots expand the entire forest to calm and help her children. She mashes all the spirits that live in her forest stronger and those that pick roots closer to her are much more potent
How you survived: The Naukan Crusade did not survive the Third and Fourth World war because it didn't exist during this period , but is the name given to a UNE-sponsored last-ditch colonization effort where the Trans-Steppe United Khanate, a nation that formed up after the Third World War, tries to colonize and conquer the new continent in the name of saving the human species from its self-imposed destruction.
Ships: Pioneer: The Pioneer is the flagship of the Naukam Crusade fleet. It has been constructed in the massive shipyards in the former nation of South Korea, in what is now the most eastern part of the TSUK. the ship has engines that can run on a mix of biofuels which can be produced locally by the fleet and regular petroleum fuel. It has been designed to serve as a cornerstone for the future colony on the new continent, and its modules reflect its intended use. A large part of the ship is a factory/workshop capable of producing all kinds of tools, weaponry, equipment and many more things needed to start a succesfull colony on what could be seen as another world. It also has a resource refinery section, with a blast furnace, bloomery and several other machines and things used to refine raw materials into useful products that can be turned into different products inside the factory. Beyond the factory and refinery, the Pioneer has a laboratory, a prefabricated nuclear reactor filled up with enriched uranium as well as the machines and materials needed to make a small nuclear power plant, ready for when it needs to power a growing colony, it also has a scientific database with all scientific knowledge gathered by humanity throughout the ages, as well several templates for many different things from generators to housing and vehicles, stored safely inside a database.
Ark: The Ark is an old, modified Triple-E class container ship, and possibly the most important ship in the Naukam Crusade fleet. About half of the original space meant for containers on the Ark has been replaced with living spaces for colonists who are supposed to live on the newly discovered continent. Because the original ship is so big, a massive amount of people can be transported Another half of the cargo area has been instead replaced with a livestock carrier, housing many kinds of important and useful animals that can't really be allowed to go extinct on Earth. Lastly, the ship also contains a seed bank, containing many different kinds of seeds stored at good conditions, so the colonists can easily farm on the new continent without searching for any new crop. Just like the other two ships, its engines can run on biofuel
Neptune: The Neptune is a heavily modified factory ship (ship used to process fish). Beyond the automated fishing processing, as well as the fishing trawls it can use to supply the rest of the Naukam Fleet with food, the Neptune has been significantly modified and enlarged to allow for the implementation of a biorefinery capable of using the fish waste, human solid waste, and animal excrement from the Ark's livestock to produce the valuable biofuel that allows the Naukam fleet to be so long on sea without refueling. The Neptune itself also has the engines capable of running on biofuel the other ships have, and most of the fleet's food is stored there. Because a lot of processes on the ship are automatic, it is the least crewed ship in the Naukam Crusade.
Vanguard: The Vanguard is an amphibious assault ship. Most of its flight deck has been removed, and instead an anti-air cannon, as well as surface-to-surface missiles have been installed. Yet enough flight deck is on top of the ship to allow for an ASW helicopter, a transport helicopter as well as a recon helicopter used for scouting out new lands. The ship itself also has several landing craft which allow people and vehicles to go to land. Most of the fleet's soldiers are on the vessel, and nearly all military equipment and weapons are stored there.
Technology: Because of the Pioneer's factory module, the Naukan Crusade is capable of producing many types of weapons, machines, equipment and vehicles on their own. Their scientific database ensures that the colonists can build all the equipment and housing they need to survive themselves, rather than relying on some outer source of knowledge. The crusade can refine nearly any raw materials they find into useful products and building materials, and the scientists in their labratories are ready to find out more new technologies to ensure a better future for the rest of humanity. The seed bank means the colonists can easily start growing their own food, and the biorefinery can make fuel to sustain the Crusade's exploration efforts.
Military might: Because the Naukam Crusade is supposed to be a peaceful colonization mission rather than a military campaign, the Naukam Crusade has a mere 275 soldiers. The only vehicles in the Crusade are stored on the Vanguard and they are all reconnaisance vehicles. It also has the Vanguard itself, which is the only military ship and escort in the fleet.
History (transcript of a Crusade Propaganda Video): Under the ambitious leadership of our glorious Khan, Temir Zima, we have become a great nation among many ruined ones. We as a people have risen up and united after the massacre that was the third world war, and continued prospering after the fourth. Now it is time to follow our destiny, and colonize the newly found continent for future of humanity. With the help of the UNE, we will pool our resources, work together and build great ships, and send them through the gate. We will discover new technologies, and new species that will redefine our understanding of life. Together, we will save the human race, and build towards a better tomorrow.
Name: Walter Neumann
Rank/title: Colonist
Capabilities: Walter is a good farmer as well as a very capable engineer.
Background: Before the third and fourth world wars, Walter
Name: Temir Zima
Rank/title: Khan
Capabilities: Temir is an excellent general and strategist, but most importantly a great leader with both the ambition and the power to make a colony on a new world.
Name: Angela Szarka
Rank/title: Researcher
Name: Udo Kayode
Rank/title: Soldier
Background: Udo was one of the many soldiers fighting in the fourth world war. He lived in the Trans-Steppe United Khanate, a newly formed nation encompassing most of the Eurasian Steppe, made up of many smaller nations that either weren't seen as important targets or were completely destroyed. After the war ended because of the formation of the UNE, he did not have anything to do, and became homeless and unemployed. However, as the TSUK prepared to start an initiative to cross into another world after the opening of the gate, he was asked to join the Naukan Crusade by one of his former superiors. He is now part of one of the away teams responsible for doing reconnaisance on an area to see if it is worth colonizing or not.
How you survived: The nation was founded little after the start of world war 4 were resources and armaments were scarce. While this proved to halter progress and deterred war from the other surviving nations. Green and his brothers had other plans.
Through blood and smoke they conquered everyone that were against them establishing the UNE.
S.S Hope
The S.S Hope is the biggest and largest ship in the first expeditionary ship. It is the pride and joy of the nation, and with its space and size. Many have called it a floating city, considered as another marvel of the unity this behemoth parts and components were collected from areas around the world while the hull and the structure itself was salvaged by an American super carrier that sunk in the starting stages of the world war 4.
Known to house a run way and a few hangars with a known functioning airplanes and helicopters. There is also a fully functioning factory that mostly specializes in making vehicles and farms for livestock’s and various greenhouses which now sits on one of the runways which produces most of the required foods for its inhabitants.
While most of the other hangars were converted into living quarters for its inhabitants. While on the one open side of the ship houses is a dockyard which operates as a small dockyard for ships to enter and trade with the inhabitants of the ships. With other necessary plants like a bio-diesel large power plant inside that powers the ship, and a dedicated communication station inside and a massive storage depot which houses all the supplies and equipment that the ship has stockpiled for. This massive ship while aside with a few airplanes and helicopters is defenseless from outside forces relying on the defense of its escorts.
Two Ships: The Pride was created from the hull and machinery that was salvaged off the sunken islands of south east Asia. Where it was believed to have been a massive battle involved, equipped with two 10 millimeter gun turrets on its side, it inspires fear to its enemies and braves its comrades in arms.
While it is formidable it has a weakness against air attacks or underwater attacks as it lacks
The Goliath is the oldest of all the ships surviving countless engagements from the early world wars that destroyed the worlds. Unlike what the name suggested the goliath isn’t as large as a battleship as it is little more than a heavily modified and scared cruiser. Able to engage targets from a distance while its heavy plating and speed allows him to escape from being sunk. Equipped with a small modular factory that is dedicated to making rounds and the armament of its crew.
One Escorts:
Destiny is the smallest of all the vanguards, as it is a tanker that is fitted to fix as much people in as possible. Cramping in hundreds upon hundreds of people that will make up the bulk force of all colonization process. While unlike the other escorts it is slow and overweight, with passengers and threatens to capsize but, in any minute. While this is true many of the people are willing to risk their lives just to start over.
Technology: Grabbing as much technology as they can to secure the future, they had access to technologies far dangerous then was needed keeping them in the same vaults with the history of man. Thought they are vastly capable Green insisted that they would not use nuclear energy as a means to provide energy viewing them to be far dangerous then needed.
Military might: As far, the UNE is the most capable out of everyone to wage war, as they have enough men and resources to last against as prolonged war with a hostile force. And with capable commanders that have fought in many instances in the world the UNE is more than capable in commanding its many troops.
Under construction.
Name: Green, Henry
Rank/title: Leader of the UNE
Appearance: Easily be in his early 60’s with a muscular build and white hair. (If possible with a picture and a little bit of info.)
Weapon: 9 mm pistol
Armor: Leather jacket and Kevlar vest
Capabilities: He in his life has been deem unkillable. After surviving numerous struggles this grizzly old man is now a legend soldiers and a living hero to his people. And now the shepherd that led its dying people to their new world.
Background: Growing up in a small town in what is now the capital of the dying world. Tamis
Deus Ex Machina points/ DEM points: 100
Numerous battles (Veteran): 50 Loved by the people: 30 Man with a mission: 20
Death points/DE points: 90 Old life: 10 Aspiring commanders: 70 Discontent: 20
Half-Human/Half-beast in local tongue they are called Vesen, Voren, and Viuren (nocturnal, diurnal and cathemeral respectively) but the umbrella term is Khalai
Characteristics: Their race is composed of half-human/half-beasts, they can take on the shape of the most human form yet still retain their hightened sense of hearing, sight, and smell or something else entirely depending on their animal traits. They can shift between three types of forms, their human like form, their beastial form, and their primal form.
The human like form is used for formal occasions, scouting, and overall appearances, this doesn’t make them completely human however as some features tend to show (ears, tails, etc.). Their beastial form is something you’d see from a rarian, they share many features with their animal counterpart including a size change – this is the form most likely used in combat. Their primal form is their beast form – a large increase in size and an almighty rage that exudes from their spirit. The primal state is not something one desires and is mostly seen in humans that have not undergone the ritual. It is possible to enter the primal state voluntarily however this risks the user being lost to the animal path and might never return, as such it is very rarely done. In their local language they call changing “Voge” (voh-geh) or “Woge” (woh-geh) in direct translation it is “to show”.
Religion: The Khalai people believe that in nature there is life and death and that through death one can appreciate life, just as one cannot appreciate the moon without the sun, or fire without water, or peace without war. This is why the Taisu stone, their relic and only wonder, is so important to their religion as the stone’s imagery represents light and dark constantly at odds with each other but always apart and in balance.
Magic: The Khalai people have three principles of magic. Elemental magic (Earth, Wind, Fire, Water), Natural magic (all things that grow with nature), and spiritual magic (hexes, curses, cures, enchantments, talismans etc.). These three principles have three different types of practitioners, the sorcerer for the elements, the druid for nature, and the shaman or witch doctor for spiritual magic.
The Khalani people have four levels of hierarchy, the ruling class, the warrior class, the religious class, and the peasantry class. The ruling class is determined by most dedicated and elite warrior class through ritual combat unless the current patriarch or matriarch declares an heir which can then be challenged by the warrior elite to ritual combat. The religious class is held at a slightly higher regard than the peasantry class as they preserve the history and culture of the Khalani people; while the peasantry class is considered lowest in the hierarchy they are treated with a degree of respect if they are hard working citizens of the realm.
Criminals, hooligans, beggars, and thieves are viewed as garbage because they bare no use to the country. The guards and priests pick up these people and give them a choice, work as a guardsman for five years or become part of the clergy and study abroad to bring back new knowledge about the world around them. Though this doesn’t ensure that they won’t run away it is a way of culling the weak from their society.
The Lonely Isles were a set of islands that were discovered and settled by people who wanted to distance themselves from the mainland’s struggles and conflicts. They settled on the isles and built large villages which would be the foundation of the realm that it would become.
All was peaceful, the people that created their new society appointed a leader among them and their endeavors grew in magnitude; their borders, while closed to many of the mainland’s inhabitants, were open to dwarves, elves, fairies, and other humans. Friendly nations which wanted to watch the realm grow pledged their navies and troops to help protect the meager isles; while there was strife and hardship, the people who have settled on the island have never forgotten their goal.
Not long after however, a strange and mysterious curse started to affect many of the human inhabitants, at night they would turn into voracious monsters that terrorized villages and towns, and while many of the other inhabitants rose to fight, more and more were being affected by the curse. It was not long before many of the settlers decided that leaving the islands would be a better alternative to struggling through another night on the Lonely Isles.
There were very few brave souls left, around half the population of humans remained, the dwarves, elves, and other settlers have all but fled – what remained of the settling population were the stubborn few. It was then that the Khalani tribesmen appeared, they had nursed many of the people that have turned beast to health and followed them to the nearby villages and settlements. They were once human but many years of living on the island have shaped them into something new. It was difficult trying to talk to them at first, but a good few knew common.
They had a solution to the problem the settlers faced, they were in between the state of beast and man, somewhat like the rarians of the mainland but more human than beast. They explained that the “curse” as they interpreted it wasn’t a curse at all, rather a test of nature and spirit. The Khalani told them that this test was meant to bridge the animal spirit and the human spirit which they called the test of paths.
The animal path allowed you to know the animal you most identified with and the human path allowed you to understand more about yourself. By bridging the two paths you get a spirit that is attuned to nature and its gifts and still understand the importance of death and loss. Through this enlightenment your spirit becomes one again.
The effect is caused by the relic that lies within the center of the largest island’s many cave systems and is a religious place for the Khalani.The tribesmen gathered everyone affected as well as the people who will be affected and conducted a mass ritual to help the settlers become whole. During their transition the settlers and Khalani lived together, learned together, and grew together. There were times where the human settlers would attempt to break the relic known as the Taisu stone – the wonder guardians and the Khalani defenders thwarted their attempts alongside human settlers who were against the destruction of the stone.
The human settlers weren’t the only danger however, they were constatly at odds with more radical Khalani tribesmen and clans. The isles were divided in many ways, struggle and strife became a part of everyday life and eventually war broke out among the clans. The period of great divide ended with one clan uniting all the others through combat. For the majority this was an honor as their victory ensured that the strong ruled, the others however harbored resentment mostly because they felt that the losses they had sustained was unjustified and uncalled for.
To preserve this new found of peace the ruling echelon declared a period of slumber as the new nation closed its borders to rebuild and heal. Only a select few were allowed into the country to trade and study, they were the elves, dwarves, fairies, and other humans. The humans who traveled there understood the risks and underwent the same ritual the other settlers before have gone through. This was hundreds of years ago in the past.
Today the Khalai practice an open but strict border and a firm yet tolerant view of foreigners. They send many scholars and traders to all nations open to them to learn and return with new found knowledge and wealth for the betterment of the country. Through this they’ve learned that the world has changed, there has been great struggle and greater unimaginable war. A problem that the mainland had to deal with, it was not of Khalai concern. However the future for them is uncertain as their world would be the subject of great change.
The Taisu Stone (A relic) – A large, flat, circular disk made out of marble and granite carved to look like two wolves chasing each other’s heart. One had the heart of the sun and the other the moon. The stone splits the soul of every human who enters the isles into two paths – The animal path and the human path. If left unchecked, the effects turn those who are affected into all manner of uncontrollable beasts at night but in the morning they wake up with no memory of the night previous.
It is said that people trying to escape the isles is what led to the creation of many of the beasts that you see today, the most prevalent examples are the rarians. Some of the rarians today are descendants of the people who ran away from the lonely isles, only to accept their beast form when they had learned that they could not escape it. While not all beast-men originate from the isles, there’s a good portion that did. The stone is responsible for the creation of many races, but it will not affect them when it is destroyed, only the fact that no new races can be birthed from the stone and regular humans will no longer be turned into beasts against their will.
The guards manifest as two spirits, the warrior clad in armor and his companion a wolf. They are the physical manifestation of the stone’s creators. The warrior represents the human path and the wolf represents the animal path. They speak an ancient language that no one can speak or understand, but they have since let their names be known. Ardanus and Frenmous - their spirits are bound to the stone and have long protected it from all manner of beasts and assailants. Their story is long lost, yet they still tell it through their own tongue.
Though they have learned little by little the languages of today, they still cannot hold a proper conversation. But their identities are known, they were the agents of the gods to keep watch on the world, the human warior watched by day and the wolf by night; that is about as far as most people know. What happened to them is still lost in translation.
Their technology is slow in its development, while the rest of the world has flintlocks, the Khalani have only managed large matchlocks that are slung over the shoulder to fire. However, they have learned how to create canons from their returning scholars around the rest of the world. Their scholars also found various boat design and sails where before they only had large paddle powered galleys.
Steel was developed early and their steel work is more advanced after their interaction with the dwarves, however they cannot create it to the standard the dwarves have set. They now have their own forging methods that allow them to create steel of differing qualities for different uses.
Military might: They create capable warriors however, they have never been an aggressor in a conflict that involved more than themselves and always strive only to strike when struck. To sum it up in a few words, they have a capable defense force.
Name: Dayala Azora (Dah-yah-lah Ah-zoh-rah)
Nickname: Dayla (day-lah)
Rank/title: Matriarch
Capabilities: She is a capable leader and a capable warrior, she has never lost in ritual combat nor has she ever shied away from more heavy handed methods of governing. She can guage when to be lenient and when to be unforgiving by just an eye on the situation. There is a reason she is the Matriarch
Background: When Dayala was young she was already thinking further than most, she was already braver than most, and already more headstrong than most. She was smart, strong, dedicated, and yet because she was a woman she was never taken seriously. But she was never one to backdown from a challenge like that, nor was she to take the world as it is.
By the time she was of age to join the Isle guards the eras were changing, women were starting to assert themselves and their rights and unlike in most societies they weren’t against more primal methods of asserting themselves. Ritual combat was a way of showing who was boss and the women of the isles were not exempt from it. Dayala had challenged many of her kinsmen to ritual combat and she has never lost once. She had trained for so long just for the chance to join the isle guard and her hardships did not cease when she was finally accepted into the isle guard. Even though she had passed every requirement she was nothing more than a maid, but it was something she endured, it showed her restraint – many new members go through this stage of labor regardless of gender.
Eventually she rose through the ranks and proved herself worthy of recognition. She was the reason the isle guard were reformed to better fit an army than a meager militia force. Her reforms made the Isle guards stronger and smarter, her strict doctrines within the Isle guards and her kindness to her peopler were what drew many to support her when she challenged the patriarch in ritual combat for the right of leadership. The patriarch was a strong Leopard Khalai and though he was stronger than her physically, he was not careful in combat, nor wise in his assessment of his opponent. The patriarch lost and honorably conceded his position to Dayala who from that point on wards became the Matriarch of her people.
She then placed requirements for ritual combat when it came to positions of power as it was important that new would be leaders have to be ready to face certain hardships. She placed tests of will, tests of heart, and tests of mind before the test of strength - ritual combat and though there have been many who passed these requirements, she has never lost in ritual combat and thus she continues her duties to her people.
Deus Ex Machina points/ DEM points: (This is how likely you are from being saved or surviving an attack.Their actions and their priorities gives an individual DEM points.)
Death points: (Death points are how likely a character would die in an event. Their actions and their priorities gives an individual DEM points.)
Name: Altaz Zenrah
Nickname: Al
Rank/title: The Fox/Commander of the Isle guards
Capabilities: Altaz is the type of man who’s old enough to know what he’s talking about, he is the type of leader who would pull a sneaky trick out of his sleaves when all seems lost, he’s the type of man that would run from a fight only to trap you later. He’s a sly fox.
Background: Altaz, a beggar and a stealer. He was never destined for anything other than being trash, he was never destined for anything other than being an outcast. However, he was always the smartest of the smart and the most illusive of all conmen. He had a way out for everything, he had no problems with his life. He’s old enough to have seen the regime change plenty of times, but none have caught him more than the regime of Dayala.
The way they met was rather unceremonious, he was finally caught and was being brought into the halls where Dayala would speak to him. He was expecting harshwords and a punishment, instead he was told three words which surprised him. “Become my general.” How could he refuse, how difficult could it be?
His ascension to power was not overlooked by many of his subordinates, he had to do more work to get back into good physical condition, and he had to read up on doctrine. It wasn’t very fleshed out, but many parts of it intrigued him. There came a point where he was challenged to boardgame, something like chess in the other world. He won several times, but by cheating and when he was caught many would complain to the Matriarch about this dishonorable man. The matriarch replied to their squirming,
“To have been fooled as generals by a man who clearly knows the basics of strategy just shows how inexperienced you all are. Deception is part of the game and he put it to even more use, in an actual battlefield there won’t be a set amount of guidelines telling the other general what to do and staying in that mindset will get your men killed.
Knowing this, I should have half a mind to have you all replaced by more capable men and there are plenty out there that can do a much better job than you.”
It was then Altaz realized something, she chose him because he could make do with very little, because he was actually capable of strategy and leadership to a degree that most people can’t comprehend. He thought outside the box. He was given purpose and he owed the Matriarch his servitude.
Deus Ex Machina points/ DEM points: (This is how likely you are from being saved or surviving an attack.Their actions and their priorities gives an individual DEM points.)
Death points: (Death points are how likely a character would die in an event. Their actions and their priorities gives an individual DEM points.)
Name: Kazah Barda
Nickname: Ironclaw Kaz
Rank/title: Grand Admiral
Capabilities: The grand admiral is a crab Khalai, he is ruthless combatant and will not tolerate mercy towards pirates and those who wish only to profit from his people. His claw is strong enough to snap and bend steel swords, his natural armor is hard enough to stop hammer blows. His down and dirty way of thinking is why he is called “Ironclaw Kaz”
Background: Kazah’s life was like many aquatic Khalai, mostly beneath the sea. He has traveled to every island just by swimming the depths and exploring the currents that made up the waters of the Lonely Isles. The Khalai beneath the waves would often do this because they were delivering fish and underwater goods to other islands as trade. That being said, Kazah wanted more than just being a tradesman all his life, he wanted to be able to do something more for his people and back then the only other thing more important than scholars and tradesman were guards.
Kazah joined the naval branch of the Isle guards, his experience with the sea quickly earned him the rank of lieutenant. As lieutenant he could captain a ship of his own, back then all the navy had were paddle powered galleys with rickity mounts for cannons, a last minute addition – an afterthought. The extra weight meant that the galley wasn’t as fast as many of the newer ships that they would soon encounter.
Piracy was blooming, a new age of exploration was coming to fruition, however Kazah tolerated no pirate. If he could not compete in speed, then he would compete in wit and the more times progressed the more aggressive his methods became. New ships were available to him, a meager sloop was supplied, and he made do yet again. Bigger ships couldn’t out run him and nore could they out maneuver him and the beastial form gave them a huge advantage when boarding. Kazah would earn his nickname as ironclaw by snapping things in half with his large crushing claw. His insane tactics earned him the rank of admiral – eventually he was promoted to grand admiral by Dayala, the new Matriarch.
Her reason for promoting him were as follows.
“There was no man that I could entrust the seas to than the famous Ironclaw Kaz of the eastern fleet. His aggressive yet well calculated methods of attack as well as his quick thinking at sea is the reason why pirates no longer see our isles as a safe haven. He is ten times the man that his peers are – though they are impressive in their own right. None are more legendary nor more accomplished in leading a fleet than Kazah Barda.”
Deus Ex Machina points/ DEM points: (This is how likely you are from being saved or surviving an attack.Their actions and their priorities gives an individual DEM points.)
Death points: (Death points are how likely a character would die in an event. Their actions and their priorities gives an individual DEM points.)
How you survived: The Bastion is a group of ships centered around the USNS Mercy, a hospital ship whose sole mission is to provide medical care for the injured around the world. As such, it was never a combatant in the war and attacking it is considered a war crime according to the old international law. However, that didn't stop some desperate nations during the wars to try to seize the ship for its immense medical capabilities. However, the USNS Mercy found safety in the form of defectors or ships who lost contact with their command. With little direction, the commanders of various ships found the USNS Mercy and joined it in its mission to serve mankind to help heal the wounds of its own folly. The Bastion has never engaged in an offensive mission, and only engages targets in self-defense.
Flag Ship: Enterprise - The Enterprise is the 3rd in line of the former US' new line of super carriers. Meant to be largely automated, it needed less personnel to operate the ship and is powered by 2 A1B Nuclear Reactors to make the ship a floating power generator.
Modules: 1. Self-Defense System - An array of weapons that are used to protect the ship from missiles, ships, and aircraft. 2. Hanger - Permanent housing and service area for the fleet's aircraft 3. Energy Generation - 2 Nuclear Generators provide the ship with more than needed. Originally intended to be used to allow further upgrades to the ship before WW3. Now it is used to help provide power and energy to the rest of the fleet and cities that they visit to provide care. 4. Engineering Bay - Due to the extended need to operate and need to be self sufficient, the engineering bay has been expanded to allow the ship to allow the ship to make extra parts, machinery, and etc. 5. Advanced Radar Array - The Enterprise needs to be able to see what's coming in order to appropriately deal with the situation. The ship has the best radar system available to man before the wars.
Two Ships: Mercy - A former oil container that was converted into a hospital ship by the US. It features beds for patients, and a whole array of medical equipment, supplies, and a laboratory. It also houses a hydroponics lab for the fleet's need for vitamins. This ship houses most of the fleet's non combatants.
Laramie - A former fleet oiler, the Laramie provides the fleet with it's oil needs to operate machinery like aircraft. Due to the fleet's need for self-sustainability, part of the ship has been converted into a drillship to find and drill for oil. This ship serves as a resource surveyor.
One Escorts: Zumwalt - The Zumwalt is a multirole stealth destroyer, typically tasked with protecting the fleet both on and off the sea. However, it also has a small amphibious loading bay where the Bastion's marines largely deploy from to secure landings and perform peacekeeping operations where ever the fleet lands.
Technology: The Fleet carries some of the best technologies to keep the fleet safe and help others. However, it's ability to conduct offensive operations are largely limited to aircraft and the zumwalt since the two auxiliary ships are non-combatant ships. Thus, the technology of the fleet can best be described as great to defend and sustain itself, but it particularly excels in the field of medicine and biological research.
Military might: The Fleet has serious abilities to defend itself, but conducting offensive operations away from the fleet is something that the fleet has not done and hopefully will never have to do. However, most of the armaments of the fleet are self-defense systems with the exception of aircraft, marines, and the zumwalt's missiles and guns.
The Bastion has largely been a neutral entity in the old world, simply focusing on its mission of helping the unfortunate and securing the future of the fleet and humanity. Although some pirates and other desperate nations have attempted to capture the fleet, the fleet has been more than successful at fending for itself due to the capabilities of the Enterprise and the Zumwalt. Still, there are many people around the old world who have their lives saved thanks to the humanitarian missions conducted by the Bastion. These good relations have been beneficial for the fleet as it enabled the fleet to receive charitable donations and attract skilled and educated experts in areas that it had historically been lacking in. The fleet is proud to host one of the most diverse and advanced medical staff in the world as well as other experts whose contributions have helped the fleet keep up its mission.
Name: Lothar Wolff
Rank/title: Admiral
Appearance: James is a man in his forties who is rather tanned due to the years out in sea.
Weapon: None on him usually as he is on ship. But the few times he goes on land, he opens up the ship's small armory and assigns weapons and armor accordingly.
Armor: None
Capabilities: James is an accomplished sailor and officer who is trusted to make solid decisions even under pressure.
Background: Admiral Wolff was born on the ship to two navy personnel on board the ship. Thus, he grew up knowing nothing other than the fleet for the most part and started to learn while young what the duties of each sailor was. Thus, as he grew, it wasn't surprising to see him climb the ranks as he clearly understood the demands of each task and how to properly deal with them. Ultimately, when the former admiral came to resign at the age of 70. It was little surprise that he had designated Wolff as his replacement. The process of picking the next Admiral was straight forward. The last Admiral would designate who to take over, and the designated person would be subject to the approval of the fleet's council.
The Council consists of the:
Admiral who is in charge of the protection and execution of the fleet's missions.
Captain of the Mercy, who is the officer in charge of the ship and the senior doctor.
Captain of the Laramie, the commanding officer of the Laramie and the chief scientist/engineer.
Captain of the Zumwalt, the CO who serves as the head of the fleet's amphibious and land missions.
Historically, the Admiral picks a designated replacement and resigns when he turns 70. However, in the event that there is no designated replacement, then the council takes the initiative to pick. Regardless, in the end, the council then serves as advisors to the new Admiral who is the head executive.
Deus Ex Machina points/ DEM points:
Death points/DE points:
Name: James Abrams
Rank/title: Captain of the Expeditionary Forces
Appearance: James is a man in his 30s who is in very good shape. He and his men give sense to the term "leather neck".
Weapon: M4A1 M45A1 CQBP
Armor: IMTV Enhanced Combat Helmet
Capabilities: Cpt. Abrams has a good record of making sure that things on the ground go smoothly. He has been a part of numerous peacekeeping and defensive missions ever since joined the marine unit at age 18.
Background: Cpt. Abrams joined the fleet as a young child as the fleet adopted him in a humanitarian mission. He lived in a small fishing community that was heavily destroyed and flooded by huge waves. Thankfully, the fleet was nearby and saw the wreckage. He then grew up, watching the marines just take on the ocean with no fear in their landing vehicles. It didn't take much for him to want to become one as well. Thus, at 18, he volunteered and went through basic training. He served well for over a decade and eventually became captain due to his seniority and experience.
Official Name: Menel Ndor en'Yllendthyr (Heavenly Empire of Yllendthyr) Common Name: Yllendthyr (internally also often referred just as Ymherodraeth or the Empire) Preferred Demonym: Yllendlen (plural: Ylendlin) Government: Feudalist Imperial Parliamentary Theocracy Leader: Ymherastareth - Iallril Iorthoniith Isyranshara en'Yllendthyr Dominant Species: Elf (nationality-wise they call themselves Yelinor or "high elves") Population: 24,882,941 (according to the last census) Area: 1,407,492 square kilometers of land, 8,623,892 square kilometers of territorial waters Yllendthyr used to be a faraway collection of islands ruled by the equally eccentric Yelinor (high elves). They've spent millennia in relative isolation, only making the bare minimum of outside contact. Eventually their growing population forced them to expand and in about 250 years ago they began taking over other nations at the shores. After centuries of conquest Yllendthyr is now an empire controlling most of the Median Sea. They rule over many different cultures and species, ironically making them a minority within their own empire.
Demographics Overview
Out of the nearly 25 million subjects the empire only a bit more than two million are elves. More than half of the population are humans, mostly in the continental regions. Other races within the empire include fairies, dwarves, orcs, trolls and even centaurs. Elves of course enjoy special status and reputation within the empire with all other species viewed as secondary. Fairies are closely aligned with Yllendlen elves and often become their personal attendants. Another large group remained on their islands under the rule of their Queen, they are rarely seen by outsiders. Dwarves enjoy relative autonomy under Yllendthyr's rule and retained most of their old laws. Those who had left their mountain holds often work as traders or mercenaries but there are an increasingly common sight of dwarven craftsmen in major cities. Trolls have their own tribal communities who swear fealty to Yllendthyr. Their life is mostly unchanged albeit trolls in mercenary groups or working in cities are slowly becoming a trend. Humans and and to a lesser extend orcs form the chief portion of Yllendthyr. Unlike most other species that chiefly remained in their isolated autonomous communities they are ruled by elvish lords and government structure. Most centaurs live in the wilderness under semi-nomadic tribal communities that generally only support Yllendthyr in military matters.
Yllendthyr's official religion is the Arvandor which believes in the creator and supreme god Ao whose myriad of Aiurons sang together to shape the world. In practice Arvandor is loose with the definition of what Aiurons are and is willing to accept any other deity as part of their ever growing pantheon of entities. This effectively made way for religious freedom so long clergy of these faiths submit to the Arvandor priesthood and pay lip service to them. Of course the long term goal is assimilation of foreign faiths, another step for Yllendthyr to keep these regions under control.
Ymherastareth (Hierophantissa-Empress) of Yllendthyr she's the ruler of land and religion within the Empire. Her beautiful appearance radiates purity and charisma not marred with even the passage of centuries. Thanks to this she's revered as a saint in Yllendthyr and even the highest nobles serve her with blind loyalty. She's a powerful sorceress if not the most powerful magic user within the Empire. As the archpriestess her duty is also that of prophecy and interpreting the Arvandor's will. As such Iallril commands frightening power in Yllendthyr even without a single soldier or peasant directly serving her. Without ever raising her voice the nobility jumps at the opportunity to fulfill her commands. It goes without saying that Iallril is quite politically active and is considered a charming yet shrewd negotiator. Under her rule Yllendthyr had become surprisingly proactive by Yelinor standards, turning from an isolated archipelago into one of the major powers in the continent. Of course not even Iallril is safe from critique and with her growing fame so sprung up rumors of her cruelty and two faced behavior. Of course no loyal Yllendlen would believe any of these lies and they keep her image on a high pedestal.
Magic Overview
Yelinor, especially those who had born on Yllendost, consider magic as "life" or part of their nature. Yelinor children are always taught about magical arts and the empire has a well-oiled institutionized system for magic learning. Enchantments are somewhat pricey yet widespread in the realm with alchemy, spellsmithing and other arts experiencing their golden age. That being said this doesn't make every high elf into a magic prodigy nor they have millions of skilled mages. The average Yelinor only knows a few convenient cantrips or spells required for their profession. Mages are still quite valued and are relatively uncommon in Yllendlen employ. While it can be seen almost anywhere Yllendthyr has a fairly tight gasp on magic knowledge, tied to their faith, government or even the military. Being connected to their government is usually the best way to learn magic and this gives them an additional leverage. It also propagates the idea of magic and the state being almost synonymous to each other. Magic power in Yllendthyr is equivalent to the government's authority and magic users of the state always command respect.
One thing is for sure, magic knowledge is institutionalized by the Empire and it has a firm gasp over it. While there are always other, less noble ways to learn the ways of arcane the government and religion supported forms are so dominant the message is very clear: "Serve us and you can use magic. The power of spells is synonymous with the power of Arvandor and the Empire". This also has a quite interesting attitude to magecraft and sorcery, it commands respect. The use of magic often implies imperial authority and it's both respected and feared by the general populace. To reinforce this Yllendthyr have constructed a large network of Sorcery Towers, finely decorated lone watchtowers looking over a town or important piece of land supposedly with a powerful magic user at the top who can see all their misdeeds and punish them. Of course this is just overblown rumors and while magic users can indeed station these towers they are for defensive purposes rather than serving as an all seeing omnipotent eye. Yet thanks to the reputation of magic within the Empire the very presence of these towers manage to keep people in line.
The Shining Star of Yllendthyr, the empire's crown jewel, religious icon and symbol of their authority. A holy tower carved out of a tall mountain and decorated by shiny Yaksa mirrors. Yllumírë is the capital and religious central of Yllendthyr. On its top rests a holy device casting a twinkling light anywhere within the reaches of the empire. Given the distance of the horizon such feat should be impossible and as such it can be suspected to be magical. The function of the holy device is a mystery and aside from the inner circle of the Rmpire knows if Yllumírë has any practical purpose aside from serving as an icon to their might. As a holy city any aggression or wield of arms is forbidden within its confines. Astirith, the holy guardians are the only exception whose duties include safeguarding the relic, protect the Arvandor faith and upholding order within the city.
Technological Overview
By medieval standards Yllendthyr is a relatively rich and well-developed nation, especially in its core islands and major cities. The previously fragmented countries came under a singular government and its expansive trade network which gave a tremendous boost to the region's economy. Industry-wise guilds are thriving thanks to the unified government oversight and increasing number of procedures include spellcraft for better results. In a world dominated by monocultural and often even monoracial countries Yllendthyr has the advantage in learning procedures and arts previously exclusive to only a certain species. While special agreements are made to forbid the deepest secrets of orc, dwarvish and other racial magic knowledge the fruits of previously isolated research fields had a noticeable effect. Gunpowder, previously only common in dwarvish nations, is particularly rising in popularity. Yllendthyr even developed their own variant called Súmál which is more pure and can have varying noises depending on the "gun instrument" you use. Spellsmiths who use magic to better forge metals allow the refinement of a variety of metals. While this art is common in elvish communities it became truly widespread in Yllendthyr. The Empire also have a strange interest towards flight and gryffnn/griffin riders are common as both for travel and messaging. They even developed special carriages drawn by griffins for better transport. At the pinnacle of air transport is the skyship using the combination of unique materials, enchantments and direct usage of spells. They are quite expensive and difficult to steer, as such only aristocrats and the military can afford them. Yet that only makes them appear all the more magnificent.
Military Overview
All state soldiers in Yllendthyr are elves, preferably Yelinor. This of course limits the size of their army but also concentrates more power in the hands of the dominant race who would be otherwise outnumbered. Their most common soldiers are the rangers (Ceidwad) who are living a semi-nomadic lifestyle of patrolling the realm and ambushing all who trespass or otherwise go against the Empire. Yelinor culture dissuades meaningless sacrifices and don't consider standing around in stiff battle lines a viable tactic. Instead they avoid direct confrontations as much as possible, preferring to wear down their enemies through attrition and constant skirmishes. When they must fight head-on, like most elves, Yllendthyr relies on constructs. They are called the Onqára (stone monks) and they are available in relatively large quantities. When offense is considered the Yllendlen military is all about speed and mobility, preferring to launch lightning fast raids with their elite Gryffn riding air cavalry. As gifted in magic, Yllendthyr has an unusually large ratio of spellcasters. Enchanters are the most numerous who boosts armaments, tinker on the field and perform duties similar to combat engineers. Priests are also common who cast supportive spells and most importantly can use magic to cure various wounds and aliments. Battle mages are relatively rare but they can be sorts of comparable to artillery. Speaking of which Yllendthyr is one of the first elvish nations to adopt gunpowder, making cannons and even rocketry a common sight in their battles. Personal firearms in comparison are a bit lacking and gunners usually form troupes who consider their art equal fight and musical performance. Yllendthyr in general is enamored with the idea of a good battle also pleasing to the ears and they often use sounds to their own benefit.
Naval Overview
Yllendthyr is well-renowned for their naval might and known to operate over a thousand warships. Their most iconic naval vessels are the Swanships (Alphcayr). These small and swift vessels equal sailing cutters and they can be found almost anywhere within the Empire's reach. Faster than any other sailship and surprisingly agile, Swanships achieve this in part at the sacrifice of power. On paper both Swanships and even larger Yllendlen warships appear weak, lacking the throw weight of human vessels. Yet it fits Yllendthyr's doctrine just fine and many admirals found their demise at chasing elvish ships only to be worn down and annihilated as the result. Larger warships are called Eardil ("loved by the sea") and can be considered Yllendthyr's ships of the line. Although per human terminology they are closer to early modern era frigates and cruisers in firepower than dedicated battle vessels. Yet their sheer numbers and unique Yllendlen tactics make them a formidable threat.