Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Heroes...a modern world filled with nothing but fame grubbing, people pleasing, children kissing, morons who do all they can to stay relevant until they grow too old to do the job. This world is filled with 'em...people who want to get by....by being the best 'model of the week' human being. They join agencies, they make big speeches, and they act like they all are superior to the the appointed 'villains' who want to use their own abilities for their own doing. Some of us though aren't in the villain business just because we want to take the easy way out. Not just because we don't degrade ourselves to their level. Some of us have some sort of professional pride about us. Some of us want the world to bow to us. Not us to them. The sniveling heroes compete in self righteous self advertisement. They sell THEMSELVES to the public in order to get themselves put above them. Even those who profess a sincere moral high ground can't escape this hellish corporate bureaucracy.

But we villains here see the big picture. We with quirks with actual worth are superior to these 'saints' walking around us those false idols. Heroes are beneath all of us. Just because every boy, and girl wants to be one doesn't mean the rest of us grow out of that phase. This group before us intends to prove this...by taking out every pathetic hero in order to get our own way. Some of us may just be in it because they're crazed beasts who want a good fight. A REAL fight. Others are in it for the money. They want to rule the world through cold hard cash the only real resource any modern human wants. Want a cool car? You buy it? You want a good gun? You cash in on the black market, or gunstores. You want to be a business man? You gotta have that cold hard mula. Perhaps you're not even here because you want to be? That some hero blackmailed you, or something shady along those lines, and now you're here to make sure you don't get thrown in some super dungeon. Doesn't matter our goals all end in the same end.

Formed by a super villain known as Blackened we are a part of a group stationed out of Japan. We have no 'real name' for ourselves we work for Blackened in order to get what we want. But some of us have taken to calling us The Dark Tree because of how our structure works. We have low ranking thugs all the way up to high profile villains. It doesn't matter some days we're causing trouble for agencies, other days we burning down cities to make some distractions. Hell at times we even pick a big guy on the block to end...permanently. We're not good people...we're all in this for ourselves.


Hello everyone this is the start of a roleplay about a different perspective on things. A lot of people like to be the heroes. I mean who doesn't? They don't get locked up if they screw up usually. However sometimes I just like to be evil. Dark. Cruel. This isn't a roleplay for morally upstanding hero characters. More like 'do what you want' villains. We will have a hierarchy as each of us has to listen to Blackened in the end. If you feel like your character can rebel he, or she can go off on their own but then you'll probably need to make a new one because Blackened is pretty much the Lex Luthor of this villain world. He runs everything from his perch, and he hates competition. So while you can have your own agenda he will be the driving force in this roleplay. Because well...we need some sort of narrative don't we?

This roleplay doesn't have a planned out plot. I intend to make this roleplay as it comes if that turns you off then so be it you don't have to join. I have some 'events' planned out but there is no serious story that we will be tied down to. This doesn't make this a 'sandbox' roleplay as we will often be working together.

In order to make this work a little better I will not be making my own player character for this instead I will be working off higher ranking NPC's, and hero characters who will be our enemies. The whole goal of this organization is control. We hate the heroes. We hate being pushed down on the social hierarchy. And we certainly freaking hate being threatened just because we're not willing to work minimum wage in exchange for not shilling ourselves to corporate to pay our bills. My posts may be small but that is due to the fact that they are NPC's and thus their inner thoughts aren't privy, or necessary for information. If you want to know something about them you'll have to ask them.

Our activities will range from bank robbing, to terrorism, to flat out hero killing. Perhaps more if you got ideas you can throw them out in, or out of character.

I will be looking for a Co-Gm to help me do events small, or big. I am not very great at making small event scenarios I prefer big time events. If you don't want to be co-gm but do an event please ask me and I'll consider it.

The main character behind our part of the evil organization will be a villain called 'Shade Walker' who has intangibility as a quirk. He is not the main villain of the organization just a high profile villain.

If you have any questions you can ask below. I'm willing to answer what I can.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

-slides in-

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Could be interesting
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

This looks interesting.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Chain
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Salvia
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ay! I'm down for that idea.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

This sounds like a lot of fun! Definitely in!!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alright this seems like it got a lot of interest rather quickly. I'll make the OOC. I'll still accept more people in.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

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