Name: Klank
Age: 31
Race: Human
Devil Fruit/Abilities: Dupe-Dupe Fruit. Klank has the ability to duplicate any object he can physically lift. The smaller the item, the easier it is for him to create multiple versions, and with greater speed.
Weapon: All Tool

With the hammer doubling as a pair of pliers, the All Tool was created to remedy any problems aboard a ship. The two foot handle is also made with slot compartments that hold various tools for specific sitautions. When they are needed, Klank must simply unfold whatever he needs. A few compartments remain empty until Klank upgrades his masterpiece with tools he may not yet have.
Personality: Klank is a go with the flow kind of character. A trait he adapted after becoming a crew member of the Bighead Pirates. Something else he has picked up is temporary bouts of anger. He left his home to get away from the constant work, and being apart of The Bigheads hasn't REALLY taken him away from that. He doesn't care much for fighting, and when he does partake, his style is what some would call erratic.
Personals: Aside from his All Tool, Klank carries a number of essentials when leaving ship. Around his waist is a dark-brown fanny pack that is connected to a thick leather belt. Sewn into the belt strap are a few itmes; a nail, a nut, a bolt, a screw, and a cigarette. inside the fanny pack is a single beri, and just a few different types of gems that Captain Bighead requires him to carry. Strapped to his back is a single wooden board matching the color of the crews ship.
Bio: Klank spent most of his life in loguetown, taking up his fathers trade in ship repair. Needless to say, there was always work for them, and because of that, enjoying festivities was out of the question. One night, a rather obnoxious crew of pirates demanded repairs and left Klank alone to do his work. Hours had passed without the return of these pirates, but he continued to wait in hopes of receiving payment. Walking around the ship, Klank wondered what it must be like to travel the world and just be free to do whatever one wished. In the midst of wandering, he came across the kitchen. He hadn't eaten since work began and figured he'd help himself.
There was food all around, but a strange fruit was centered on the table. Klank had never seen anything like it. Yellow in color with strange swirls, one half of the fruit perfectly matched the other. He took a single bite, and as nasty as it was, he toughed through it. Never had he eaten something so bad. He threw it away and reconsidered just how hungry he was. Klank returned to the deck and continued waiting for his payment. The pirates never showed.
The next day was when Klank found out that he could take an item and duplicate it. There was freaking out and lots of confirming the fact that he actually now had this strange ability. He came to terms with it, but kept it hidden until one day a large pirate caught him using it. That pirate was Captain Bighead. He stuck around for a while and observed, not taking long to decide, that with his innate ability as a shipwright, and the power to duplicate objects, Klank was perfect for the crew. Despite concerns from the family, the young adult took the opportunity to chase after a dream he had thought on for long enough.