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    1. irishking 7 yrs ago


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Siera sits awaiting the next trial in her dark cold room wondering what had happened to her friend peanut. She was hoping that after the trial and once the cheers had finally died down that he would appear back in the room safe and sound; but before she could finish that thought the door creaked open blinding her with the light coming through the door. She stepped through the other side of the door to find her self standing in another room and a very bright spotlight hitting her in the face. she could hear the crowd roaring from the stadium but she couldn't see them. There were cameras hung up everywhere on the walls and the a large table in the center of the room with a tall skinny man dressed in formal wear standing on the other side of the table.

She looked at the man with a judgmental face because he was very creepy looking with his white dress shirt, black vest, and black tie on with a black over coat like he was prepared to go to a funeral. The man him self must have been 6'ft tall and yet probably only weighed 100 pounds because he looked like nothing but skin and bones. He had a big smile on his face showing his long yellow and black colored teeth which just gave Siera the chills.

"come on over little girl the game is about to begin" the man said in a slow and cringing sounding voice. She looked around and didn't see any other contestants yet so she was puzzled at the type of game the GM has set up for her this time. She walked over to the table and sat down in the middle chair noticing the 2 other stools on her right and to her left side wondering when the other contestants would be showing up. Then all of the sudden instead of them coming in through the door of there rooms they somehow just materialized out of thin air. She almost jumped back out of her seat but she held her cool and gazed around the room looking at the contestants.

They were all men this time the 2 to her right looked like older men maybe in there 40's but dressed nicely so they couldn't have been pirates and if they were then they were the best dressed pirates she has ever seen before. The guy sitting next to her on her left looked like he was a little younger then the other two men but he was wearing the classic pirate uniform with the long brown pants, the white t-shirt with the center of the shirt open down to his stomach showing a broad hairy chest that disgusted Siera when she saw it.

The man at the end of the table on her left looked like he was around her age and he was staring at her from the second he materialized in the room. He had a brown hat on with a wide rim circling the hat and tilted downward on the mans head so you could just see his eyes underneath it. The man wasn't wearing a shirt and his body was covered in muscles and tattoo's. His hair cam down to his shoulders and was black as night. He shot Siera a grin as if he was trying to get under her skin before the games began but she paid no mind to the mans antics.

"Let the games begin!!!" the GM yelled. Siera looked around because it sound like he was in the room with her but it must have been coming from the speakers in the corners of the room because she couldn't see him anywhere.

"Today we are going to be playing a special game but instead of me telling you all how this is going to go down I'd like to introduce you to the Dealer Mr. Reaper!" The old creepy looking guy Standing in front of her grinned as the lights light up and focused on him. " Today's game will be an interesting one" the old man said in a slow deep voice making him seem even more creepy.

"the rules are simple, we will be playing 5 card poker today, except with a little twist you see" then all of the sudden chips started to materialize in front of them only everyone had different amount of chips appear in front of them. the two men to her right had the same amount of chips as each other but only half of what Siera had. the man sitting next to her on he left had a little less then her and the shirtless man had exactly the same amount of chips as she did. she looked puzzled as to why the amount of chips were different.

"You may have noticed that not everyone at the table has the same amount of chips though, that's because instead of betting money they were to bet there lives. Yes each chip that they lose will take away years of there life. Last person alive or at least able to play will win."

"Well then lets see who is the first to turn to dust HAHAHA" the Gm laughed and the crowd cheered him on as he shouted
"alright reaper let the game of life begin" the dealer starts to hand out cards starting on his left until everyone has 5 cards laid out in front of them. Siera looked at her hand and noticed that she had a pair of 8's and a king queen and jack. She never like to take the easy route so she looks and the dealer and puts her pair of 8's down and say's "ill take two". the rest of the people at the table took their time deciding what cards they wanted to sub out or even if they wanted too. The man to her left let out a big laugh when he got his three cards he switched and looked at the dealer with a big smile on his face. clearly the man never knew that deception was a key part in the game of poker.

the man put his hands around all of his chips and pushed them to the center of the table. Once his hands left the last chip she noticed that the mans skin on his face started to droop off of the muscle and before she knew it he was grabbing his chest and let out a weak cry before he turned to a pile of dust. The dealer laughed and said " be careful now when you put all of your years up into the pot that means that you've got nothing left to hold onto HAHAHAHA" Siera sneered at the man as she watched him dust off the mans remains from the table removed his chips and moved onto the man sitting to his left.
"So whats its gonna be fella you want to go all in too"
"I think ill raise you ten years" the man said putting the chips in the center of the table. The man barely changed at all accept for maybe some wrinkles starting to form around his eyes. the man after him called his bet of tens years and the aging was definitely more noticeable because his started to get dots on his hands and face like when your skin was starting to turn because its past it's expiration date. the man to her right folded but Siera figured he was gonna do that due to his depressing look on his face when he got his 2 new cards from the dealer.
Siera took the bet and put her chips into the pile in the center of the table. She didn't see any noticeable changes to her body but she could definitely feel them. it was like someone had put a 20lbs. weight on her chest and she started to feel tired just from sitting there. Everyone started to reveal there hands. The man on the far right side of the table showed his hand first. He had two pairs of 5's and King's and he looked proud of them. Then Siera dropped her hand on the table and revealed that she had a straight of all high cards. The man with the pairs bellowed out angry that he lost to a girl but Siera just sat there calmly with a grin on her face. Then the man with the hat looked at her and said
"sorry little girl but it looks like this hand is gonna be mine" and he dropped a flush onto the table and she tossed her cards at the dealer awaiting her next hand. When she did a rush of cold air washed over the table and the temperature in the room dropped 10 degree's. The game went on for a while since the man to her right was betting lite trying to conserve his chips and stay in the game as long as possible. The man at the right end of the table only last 5 rounds before he was forced to put his last chip in and turned to dust crying and cursing at the gm before he turned to dust.
Eventually the man on Siera's right also came to lose too because his fears of committing to a hand got to him over time and eventually he also was forced to put in his last chip crying as well but this time the man told his family if they were watching that he loved them and then poof he turned to dust leaving a weird old person smell lingering over the table. Over time the room was getting colder and colder to the point were the dealer was even chattering his teeth.

"can someone check the thermostat in this place and close any damn windows in here it is freezing" the dealer said with his teeth still chattering. The man with the hat looked calm and like the cold didn't even phase him. Siera was concerned by this but she knew she had no other option then to keep on playing and the man with the hat held most of the chips. The dealer starts to deal another hand out to the players trying not to drop the cards because his hands were so cold. Siera looked at her hand and noticed that she had a 5,6,7,8 of clubs and a jack of spades. The man with the hat showed no emotions when he got his cards and calmly set one card onto the table.

Siera also set her jack of spades on the table and picked up her new card to find out that she got a 9 of clubs giving her a straight flush. She held back the smile she had on her face and knew that if she was gonna make a comeback she was gonna have to go big with this one. It was the man with the hats turn to bet first on this one and to Siera's surprise the man put in enough chips in the pot so that Siera would have to go all in to match him. She looked at the man with a rude glare and thought about what she was gonna do since her hand was so good she thought there would be no chance that the man could beat her.
After a couple minutes the dealer looked and her and said "Well are you gonna just sit there or are you gonna make up your mind" Siera looked at the man with fire in her eyes letting him know that she doesn't like to be rushed and then all the sudden the temperature drastically dropped in the room and she pushed all of her chips into the center of the table. The moment that her hands left the chips she froze her body into ice negating the aging effect and stood there frozen with here eyes still able to move ever so slightly and left a smirk on her face frozen in place.
"what a nifty little trick, that might just save you, i hope you can hold out until the end of this turn." the dealer said smiling at her. The dealer grabbed her hand still holding eye contact with Siera and squinting at her. "so your the reason its so damn cold in here, i should melt that ice with a torch for making me stand in the cold all day, but i don't make the rules so you lucked out this time little girl"
he turned her cards over to reveal that she indeed had a straight flush. The dealer laughed out loud "So this is why you risked it for the biscuit, That's quite the hand i can see why you would resort to such a dirty trick; well lets see what you've got and i hope its good enough to beat her because she looks like she needs to be taught a lesson" The creepy old man grinned looking at the man with the hat as he waited for him to reveal his hand. The man turned over his cards and said " sorry girl but it's not my time to go yet it looks like your gonna have to take the L on this one."
The man reveals that he had a Royal Flush in his hand. "HAHAHAHA Great" the creepy dealer shouted as he pushed all of the chips in the center on the table over to him. "Well it looks like we have a winner!!" The GM said with a big smile on his face as Siera stood there frozen solid Awaiting what would happen to her next. "Can i have for my office!, I could use her for ice cubes until the death sentence is carried out" The dealer said looking hopefully at the GM that was on the TV in the background.
"As much as i would love to i'm afraid she is going to have to wait for her sentencing instead with the rest of her crew, But if you want you can have a front row seat to her execution" The dealer clapped in agreement and Siera was teleported to the room with big head and the rest of the crew were she was able to break out of the ice and find chains wrapped around her arms. Still being thankful for the fact that she didn't have to go threw what the other men in the room had to. "That was a close one" she thought to her self as she sat there awaiting the next set of games.
Siera sat there in the corner staring at the door that she could barely make out in the dark and gloomy room. She was surround by what looked like walls made out of black smoke; and if it wasn't for Peanut's flame shinning brightly in the room she wouldn't have barely been able to see her hand in front of her face. She could still hear the roaring of the frantic crowd cheering on the games.

"That's one down" She said to herself wondering if it was one of her crew members that won. She figured it was since she knew that there was no way they would go down that easily. She had heard of the games before and had watched them with her mother when she was growing up, but she never knew that it was random people who were thrown into the games just for coming too close to the island itself. She had always thought that it was for bad men who had done something wrong and were caught by the marines. Her mother told her that it was the only way the people could ever escape there life sentences they were given by the marines. After this though she knew that it was not the case and looking back at it she almost wishes she hadn't participated in watching the games in the first place.

"If only I could get my chance at the GM's head then we would see who the real winner was" she thought to herself sitting there frustrated waiting for her time to shine. That's when she could hear big head taunt the GM with his bet that his crew would take home the win and they would be set free because of it. She laughed out loud putting her hands over her face to stop herself from showing any emotions in case the GM had been keeping an eye on her to look for any kind of weakness. She remained in the room silently staring at the door burning a hole into with her gaze awaiting her moment still when all of the sudden the door slowly started to open and made loud screech as it did. "wow they can't even afford to make decent doors out here for even games just as big as this, maybe I should let them know about their master builder Klank so we can get some decent carpentry in this place!" she thought to herself as she put her hand on the floor and slowly stood up. She felt like she was in that room for years. By the time she got close to the entrance her eyes were seared in pain by the bright light radiating through the doorway. She took her first step through the doorway and kept her eyes closed slowly blinking until they got used to the bright light. Peanut laying on his stomach with his eyes closed and his little hands across his face like he was scared but ready for what ever was on the other side of the door. Before she even opened her eyes she could hear the loud roaring of the crowd cheering her on. When she was finally opened her eyes she at first could only see the crowd circling the her and practically jumping out of their seats.

She looked to her left and saw that she was standing in the middle of a long rectangular platform with no more then 3 feet wide and 20 feet long. The platform as standing 5 feet above the water and it looked like the water was swarming with sharks.
"well this looks like it's gonna be a lot of fun!" Siera thought to herself as she leaned over the edge of the platform waving her wand over the water saying "here sharky sharky come get some dinner" She let out a little giggle thinking about the impending doom she was in and then stood up and took a glance at her surroundings. Each of the contestants were standing about 5 feet away from each other. There were two men to the left of her, they had matching clothes like they were in a crew both with white shirts that looked like the sleeves were ripped off and black pants. They both had swords on their right side and what looked like the end of a barrel to a pistol holstered on the left sides. They were older men but they looked like plain old deckhands, She knew that considering that was her first job in the marines and she had worked with a lot of them cleaning and picking up around the ship when she first started out on the open seas. They were not much older then she was, but they were definitely not here on their own accord nor were they battle ready because the site of the sharks in the water spooked them so much they looked like they were ready to defecate their pants any minute now. She looked at the man she was standing next to on her right side and noticed that he was not only a big guy but he was very muscular and looked like he could hold his own in a fist fight and he had an expression on his face that screamed I'm ready for anything, bring on the worst you got. He wasn't wearing an shirt at all but he was covered in tattoo's and had a staff strapped to his back with a rope going down the front of him and connecting to the other side of the staff keeping it on his back. Siera blushed at the half naked man covered in muscles until she notices a woman standing next to him who was definitely older then she was but she was more womanly then her with her long flowing blond hair her big breasts barely contained by the short pink crop top she was wearing. She had long thin legs that were toned like she was also used to strenuous activity and a big old smile on her face as she waved to the crowd trying to get all of the attention. The woman had a long whips wrapped around her leg and the handle was on her left side. If you looked at the woman with a quick glance you would have thought that it was just and elaborate tattoo on her leg but sierra knew better. "I'm way more prettier then she is" she thought to herself as she grinned over at the women trying not lose focus of the task at hand when she could hear the announcer speak.

"Here we ready for the next round and boy have I been waiting for this one, since this game has been banned for a while due to it's graphic nature." The crowd roared in excitement ready for the games to begin."

She looked up to see the announcer floating in the air above them looking down at them with a grin on his face.

"The rules to this game are simple, Each contestant is standing on in the middle of a red circle hovering over shark infested water."

Siera looked down and noticed the circle she and the other contestants were standing in the middle of. "Wow I noticed everything else but the damn circle i was standing in the middle of great job, Sierra" she thought to her self while the Gm was explaining the rules.

"Once the game begins the platform will disappear and the only thing left will be the circular platforms that the contestants are standing on. Slowly the platforms will get smaller and smaller until they are completely gone. If you touch the water you're out! the last person to make it wins"

"LET THE GAME BEGIN" the announcer shouted and before Siera knew it the platform de-materialized and the only thing left was the 5 circular platforms.

"Hmmm I wonder how fast the these things were gonna disa..." Siera said before she was cut off by the noise of the wood hitting the water from the pieces falling off of her platform. it was then when she noticed the 5 minute timer counting down as it floated in the air above the contestants. Of course it was only a little bit at a time but they were falling off fast and Peanut started to rustle around her back from one shoulder to another worried that he was about to be fish food for the sharks circling underneath them.

She looked to her right and saw the man and woman talking to each other like they knew each other some how and they were figuring out a game plan to get them both out of this. Little did they know that the two deckhands on her left were freaking out already. The deckhand who was standing on the end platform to her left was freaking out so badly that he started yelling "I'm not waiting to die" as he leaped off of his platform on to the guy standing next to him pushing him off of his platform and sending him flying down to the water below. right before he hit the water a giant 30 foot shark comes flying out from beneath the bright blue water and into the air swallowing the man hole before it gracefully landed back into the water cutting through the waves like butter with his pointy snout and smooth grey colored skin.

"Wow so those huge sharks can practically flying through the air! Well that's another thing I've got to worry about now great! Flying sharks" sierra said.

"One down already and we're only 30 seconds into the game 4 more to go I can't wait to see what they have in store for us next" the announcer shouted and the crowd started to get louder making it hard to hear anything in the arena.

Siera looked at the man on her left who was still shouting but for the life of her she couldn't hear anything he was saying because of the noise from the crowd cheering them on. His eyes staring straight at her as he lowered himself like he was about to jump at her. Before he made any move he opened his mouth and started to let out a loud roar like a warrior in mad rage, before she could respond she heard a very loud squeak and she looked over at her shoulder and saw peanut with a ferocious look on his face screaming towards them man flailing his little arms like a mad man before he leaped off of her should and landed on the mans face scratching at his eye and kicking him in the head. The man screamed like a girl in a panic and lost his footing and started to fall backwards. Peanut then leaped off of his face kicking the man sending him flying to the water below were he was swallowed up by the sea and given the large shadow moving towards him underneath the water the sharks swallowed him whole as well.

The platform had reach half it's size by now and they seemed like they were descending closer and closer to the water below. Once Peanut had landed Siera turned to her right to see the man and the woman standing there laughing at what had just transpired.

"Well little one that was quite the show" the rippled man said as he started to grab the the staff off of his back. The women next to him nodded in approval as she grabbed the handle of her whip and it started to uncoil itself from her leg like the tattoo was coming to life and it was ripping itself off of her skin.

"I really feel bad about having to do this and I know you understand it's for the game little girl, but it's time to go"

Siera's face had turned almost beat red at this point out of anger. "Little girl" she said, snarling at the man as he loosened his staff from his back and held it at his side ready to attack her at any moment. Both him and the women were staring at her like she was there prey about to be demolished. The man lowered himself and was about to leap at her when when one of the 30 foot sharks leaped out of the water and in a blink of an eye the shark flew threw the air and snatched the man off the platform swallowing him whole leaving the women and Siera standing there covered in water from the tail of the shark flapping in the air as it flew by them with the man in its mouth screaming all the way down until he was silenced once plummeted into the sea being swallowed up by the enormous shark.

They both stood there staring at each other as the announcer shouted "Ooooooo and big bessy got another this time they didn't even see her coming. Give Bessy a round of applause everyone that might have been a new jump record for her" The crowd somehow managed to get even louder as the games came closer to an end.

Siera and the women both stared at each other shocked but only for a moment before getting back there composure and keeping en eye out for the other sharks. Peanut remained standing on her shoulder with his mouth wide open in shock thinking about how that could have been him in that's sharks mouth.

"get it together Peanut the game isn't over, and I don't plan on being shark food anytime soon!" Peanut crawled underneath Siera's shirt and popped his little head out underneath Siera's head with his hand still over his mouth trying not to think about becoming shark food.

"I have to end this quickly" the older woman said under her breath as her foot slipped off of the side of the platform. At this point the both stood there on one foot balancing and trying to keep an eye on the sharks below and each other. The platforms were just barely big enough for them to stand on with one foot and they were still getting smaller. Siera made a quick glance up at the sky above them and noticed that there was only 60 seconds left on the clock. At the pace these platforms were disappearing she was gonna have to start balancing on one toe very soon. When she looked back down at the woman's platform she was gone. she looked down at the platform and she noticed the whip was wrapped around the base just under her feet. she had been swinging beneath her going very fast and just dodging on of the sharks that leaped out of the water to grab her as she swung by.

She flew straight up into the air behind Siera and was coming down flying towards her with a kick to send Siera flying off her platform. Before the woman landed her kick Siera turned towards the woman and back flipped off of her platform; she just barely landed on the man's platform that was right in between their's. The older woman landed on Siera's old platform with the leg she was going to kick her with and laughed as she went to stand straight up. By then it was too late because what the woman didn't know was that Siera had left a\ sheet of ice on it, so thin that you had to really pay attention to it to even know it was there. The older women slipped off the platform falling backwards towards the water and noticed Siera looking at her with a grin on her face.

Siera looked up at the GM as the woman was falling towards the shark infested water. She had a big grin on her face as if to say 'is that the best you got' when she felt something coiling around her leg that was standing on the plat form. She could feel the tight squeeze around her leg and she braced for the weight that she knew she was about to take on. She knew it could only be one thing...

"the whip" she thought to herself as she looked down to see the woman hanging on to the whip wrapped around her leg.

"I'm not out yet" the woman shouted at Siera holding on for dear life as the sharks started to circle in the water underneath her.

Siera looked at her with a big smile and said "yes you are" It was at that moment when Peanut lifted his head out of Siera's shirt and gave her a smile and waved at her. He took in a deep breath and shot out a huge line of fire at the middle of the whip, incinerating it and sending the women crashing down into the water. The woman disappeared underneath the waves, and the sharks diving in and out of the water frantically.

"Weeeee have a winnner" the announcer shouted and the crowd cheered as Siera stood there on one leg with her arms crossed and pressed against her chest and a smirk on her face; and of course Peanut standing on her should mimicking her pose as they appeared on the screens all around the Colosseum.

"You got lucky little girl, but even kids get a win every once in a while at the games!" the crowd cheered and Siera shot the GM an irritated look like he was next before she disappeared from the Colosseum in a poof of black smoke
Siera was stood there ready for a fight, it when klank took over she stood there with excitement waiting for klank to make his move.

“Holy crap this ship has harpoon cannons!” Siera said as she stood there shocked as the harpoons bounced off of the sea kings scales. She was even more surprised to see a man riding on it but also excited since he seemed friendly and peanut has been dying for a new friend. Although I doubt a sealing would want to be friends with such a tiny annoying little guy. He would have driven him to insanity.

She was surprised at how big the man was when he landed on the deck of the ship. He was huge compared to her and she normally does come across people that big it was almost intimidating.

Isaac started to blame everything on peanut and before she knew it the little guy leaped off of her shoulder towards him ready to attack. Siera just barely grabbed him in time with both of her hands wrapped around his body as he struggles to get free. She held on to him as he was punching the air and making weird gestures towards Isaac like he was going to get him back for what he had said.

The big head man had asked what everyone’s dream was and it was at that moment that Siera just stood there quietly. She didn’t really have a dream all she wanted in life was to fight and become stronger. The harder the fight the better she thought.

“ Dream? I don’t even know these guys I’m just here by chance but I guess I just want to explore the world and be the strongest fighter in it and nothing will get in the way of my dream”
Siera was passed out sitting against the mast when she could feel tiny arm hands touching her face. She slowly opened her eyes to find her friend peanut mounted on her head slapping her in the face to get her to wake up. It was at that point she realized she was in the air. She grabbed peanut off of her and flipped her body around and was now face downard towards the ship. She was floating in the air with the breeze as she looked down and watched the ship go. Jokers jumping high into the air and then back down again. She glanced over at the deck and saw a man barely grasping onto the wheel still and what looked like him talking to his weapon.

“And people thought I was weird for talking to you peanut” she said while laughing about the mess this guy had gotten himself into.

“I have a feeling we’re gonna like this guy” Siera said before burping out loud still feeling a little off from the large amount of alcohol she had. She started to change the density of her body and float back down to the ship. when she was about to land on the ship when she notices giant fingers starting to encase the entire ship. She crashed down hard from the sky landing on the deck behind Isaac just making it back to the ship before the fingers started to close around the ship. Peanut frightened crawled down the back of her shirt and was hiding underneath her collar only sticking his head out of the shirt just under her chin to see what was happening.

“Oh come on! can’t a girl get some sleep around here”
With a loud bang Siera woke up! Her eyes were sensitive to the light but one they adjusted and she finally will herself to sit up from the deck floor she looked out in shock.

"what the hell is this" She said out loud as she looked out at a marine vessel following the ship she was on and a bunch of cannon balls heading in her direction. "were am i and how the hell did i get here" she asked herself as she stared at peanut wondering what they could have done to get this selves into this predicament.

She looked around and saw this old man that she briefly remembers talking to on the ship but she can't remember what he said. He is working hard on building some wall probably to prevent them from sinking the ship. "well surprisingly this isn't the weirdest situation we have been in and if were along for the ride we might as well help right peanut." He looked at her like he understood her and shrugged his shoulders and hopped on her ready for what ever was in there way.

Seira got to her feet barely still wobbly from the alcohol that's was very obviously still in her system. She ran to the end of the stern and with out hesitation she leaped off. She glided through the air slowly coming down to the surface of the water and when her foot neared the water it began to freeze until it was a large solid block of ice that she landed on. She kneeled down like she was about to attempt the 100 yards dash and she leaped off the ice going forward at a very high speed through the air as thin sheets of ice began to accumulate on the bottom of her feet. By the time she landed on the next block of ice there were ice skates on the bottom of her feet and she was flying across the icy runway she was creating in front of her.

It was shortly after that she arrived at the enemy ship still going insanely fast and then she leaned back onto her side sliding across the ice and at this point only 10 feet away from the ship; and it is there were she stopped suddenly and when she did large spikes of ice came shooting out of the water at the base of her feet and spreading in a circle around the ship. As it came closer to the ice spikes protruding out of the ocean she ran up one of them and leaped on board right before it went through the side of the ship like butter halting the ship from moving forward and now they were taking on water.

When she finally landed on the deck with her fist on the and on one knee (super hero pose) she looked up at the marines and said now its time for some fun. deck by this time has frozen under the marines feet and they were struggling to to stay up. Siera took her sweet time with them throwing them off one by one it must of looked like fireworks made out of people since marines were flying everywhere at that point. She just wanted to have some fun so after she got all of the marines off the ship and into the water she hopped up to the top of the mask were the look out of the ship was and shouted to the marines floating in the water.

"Well i guess my time here has come to an end i hope you all had as much fun as i did!" She shouted as she pressed her hand against the top of the mast and the marines watched as the ship changed color from brown to white. The entire ship turned into a giant ice sculpture.

She took a hold of peanut with two hands and looked behind her to make sure the other ship was at her back then she leaned over and said to peanut "fire in the hole"

Peanut nodded his head and looked that the ship and drew in the biggest breath his little squirrel body could and released a huge ball of fire followed by a stream of fire behind it! This sent Siera and peanut flying through the air and the fireball shattered the pirate ship like glass into 1000 pieces leaving nothing but smoke behind.

Once Siera thought they had made it high enough she "okay peanut" and he stopped shouting out fire from his mouth and crawled up sieras arm clenching tight onto her shoulder as they fell slowly towards the ship floating through the air being carried by the breeze. While coming down through the she passed the look out on top of the mast and she saw a white haired man looking at the cannon balls flying through the air. As she floated by him she looked confused and peanut stuck his tongue out at him because he is always starting trouble.

"stop that peanut haven't we done enough fighting for now"

Peanut looked at her with a sad face but she knew he was just trying to get out of being in trouble. She landed on the deck and walked over to the wall being built and said

"hey you need any help ice works really well at stopping cannon fire!"

She reaches her hand out and touches the wall, the wood starts to crystallize underneath her hand and a thick sheet of ice forms on the outside of the wall. "maybe this will help a little bit." she says and then begins to stumble. She sits down propped up against the mast hoping that once they get far enough away she can finally get some answers on what is going on here and why are there people trying to kill us.
Siera and peanut were gliding fast over the ocean water and nearing the ship. She could feel the peoples eyes watching her in amazement. "what no one has seen a girl ice skating before" she said annoyed. She always hated attention she was more concerned with the excitement of fighting and not knowing whether or not she could make it out of a fight alive. In most cases though she never had to worry but that's not to say she had it easy.

"Were here peanut" She said with a big smile on her face. the ship was huge and it looked like it had a lot of repairs done to it. "wow who ever did the maintenance on this guy was a master." she lifted her hand at the ship and made a ramp curling up from the ocean to the base of the Stern. Siera increased in speed leaning forwards and speeding up faster and faster until she hit the ramp and was sling shotted straight up into the and raised her hand in front of her creating a frozen spike on the side of the ship which she grasped onto at the peak of her height. She continued up the side of the ship one spike at a time until she reached the top and stood up on the rail in amazement at the arena. It was moments later when she realized that the fight ended so abruptly that by the time she got there it was done and over with and the people were leaving the arena.

Siera yelled in disappointment "what the hell is this it's over already!" Peanut looked at her also looking angry.
"they must have been really strong if they were able to finish it that quickly! How else am i going to see someone fight in this damn arena if everyone here is so damn weak they lose in a second"

It was at that point a couple of young pirates who were standing off to the side discussing how crazy the last fight was over heard her call everyone in jubiltown weak. Siera kicked the air in front of her like a pouting girl and started to walk back over to the rail when the Small group of 5 pirates started to say something to her and it caught her attention.

"Hey kid who the hell are you to say that everyone here is weak! your just some stupid little girl who's got a big mouth"

When the guy finished what he was saying siera stopped and froze with her back facing the pirate. It was then when peanut turned around quickly looking angrily at the young pirate as his flames got bigger and brighter around him and the group of pirates started to sweat from the heat. most of the group took a step back but the guy talking the trash stood still. Siera slowly turned to him with her eye gleaming and a smirk on her face. She looked at the the man standing in front of her, he's dressed in long brown pants with dirt all over them. "probably from hitting the ground so much after getting your ass kicked." Siera thought. He also had a black shirt and a black over coat. He was wearing thin black glasses and a black hat that was covering most but not all of the rifle on his back.

"well i didn't mean the entire town but if you guys are the best this place has to offer then i just might have to stick to it"

"listen were not scared of some little girl or that fiery rat on your shoulder" The lead pirate said. "YEAH" the four other pirates said still covered in sweat but they took a step closer to back up there leader.

Siera looked down at her hand and made a fist and threw it up into the air "FINE THEN IF IT'S A FIGHT YOU WANT THEN IT'S A FIGHT YOU GET" Siera shouted trying to get the attention of the people who were still left in the arena.

She stood there with her fist still raised looking around the the people still leaving and paying no mind to her or the quarrel with group of pirates in front of her. She brought her fist down and threw it back into the air again yelling "FINE THEN IF IT'S A FIGHT YOU WANT THEN IT'S A FIGHT YOU GET" twice as loud and ferocious this time. She looked around and saw the people turn around and look at her and they all start to cheer "Fight, Fight, Fight"

Once it got to the attention of the king he looked at her and the band of pirates and waited for a second as if he was unsure about whether or not she really wanted to go through with this. Once he saw the look on her face he knew and he gave her a thumbs up and the crowd cheered.

Once everyone was back in the seats and Siera and the band of pirates made it into the arena the place grew quit waiting for the announcer.

“Come one, come all, ”The announcer declared, queuing the lights on deck to gyrate in a nonsensical light show, and see tonight’s event. "Before us on the grand deck, we have Siera, A.K.A Frost Former low rank marine but she couldn't stay out of trouble! She say's It's because she's born to be a pirate!" The crowd cheers in excitement. Siera stands accused of slandering the Jubiltown name saying that the residents here are weak." The crowds Boo and start to throw things like apples and fish into the arena and Siera even saw a knife. "wow this place is definitely not for the weak" she thought to her self while staring back at the angry crowd.

"She claims that she was only talking about the the band of pirates that misunderstood her, And they are not happy about that let me tell you"

"the king has decided that it will all be decided by the fight so now without further ado" the announcers voice gets deeper and louder
“Get ready,” the announcer hype. “Get setttttt,” he dragged. “Andddddddd, FIIIIIGGGGHHHHTTTTTTTT!"

Siera looked at the band of pirate standing 20 feet away from her. They slunched down a bit and 2 of them raised there swords. one of them had a base ball bat with what looked like rusty nails sticking out all over the place. Standing in front was the man with the rifle and he pulled it off his back and held it low staring at siera like he was ready to kill.

The Men were all still covered in sweat because peanut's game face was on as he got low and his flames grew bigger as he starred at them. Siera Looked them and slowly grabbed her hockey stick that was covered in white and black swirls or paint all over it. Then she smirked at the pirates and a huge breeze hit the entire arena. It was like the temperature dropped drastically on the entire ship and a large portion of the town as well. The entire arena got really quiet and people started to look around at each other confused and some were staring at there breath turning into a mist in the air in front of them.

The pirates stood there Shaking from the -10 degree air around them. She could even hear there teeth chattering from the cold.

"Good thing i dressed for cold weather" the man with the rifle said as he pointed his rifle at Siera

"Believe me your not ready for this" she said as she kneeled down and put her hand on the deck. The deck started to turn white and freeze almost instantly. It was like a wave of white frost shot out of the ground. The men started to slip and they fell to the ground hard. They would have been able to stop them selves if they weren't slowed down by the frozen sweat covering there bodies. Right before the man with the rifle fell he got a shot off at Siera; but before it hit her she was already off of the ground and into the air leaving behind a ice replica of her behind with the bullet leaving a hole through the chest of the replica. She tucks her head inwards and flips around in the air waving her hand across her feet making ice skates and landing on them and heading right for the men in the back.

She passes the rifle man dusting with snow flakes left behind from the ice skates. As she approaches the man look at her with fear as they notice that the hockey stick is slowly being covered in ice with scythes on both ends. She leans down like she is about to burst towards them with a attack but then they scream in fright when peanut leaps forwards off of her shoulders flying straight at the screaming pirates faces and lands sprawled out of his forehead biting him and setting his hair on fire. Siera skates past the 3 pirates and back around to the other side of them passing them and heading towards the man with the rifle while chuckling at the screams of the 3 pirates behind her.

By this time the man with the rifle has raised to his feet. "now I've got you" he muttered under his breath as he fired a shot at siera. She raised her double scythes and spun it in front of her blocking the bullets while she started to skate low increasing her speed towards the man with the rifle. When she got closer she slid back ass if to stop quickly in front rifleman to block his vision with a cloud of ice. So the man leaped back while blindly firing in front of him hoping to not get hit by her scythes but it was too late.

Siera had started to stop kicking a mist of ice in front of her, but then she kicked herself up over the mist of ice and found her self floating over the rifle man in the air. She looked at him with a big smile and swung the blunt side of one of the scythes into the rifleman's chest sending him to the ground fast making a loud smashing noise from hitting the ice crating a crater of ice beneath him.

She landed on her ice skates facing the king standing tall and proud ignoring the sound of the man with the bat running away from Peanut chasing him in the background as his hair and his bat is on fire. "You Win" he yells as he tries to put his hair out while running

Siera tries to keep her smile as she quickly whistles for peanut to come over. Peanut shakes his little fiery fist at the pirate and bolts over to Siera shoulder. They both raise there hand and shoot out fire and ice in victory covering the whole ship in a light powdery snow.


The crowd Cheers! Siera was thinking about staying around but after all of the fighting she took one look at peanut and knew he was also hungry enough to eat a cow so She took off over the bridge and headed into town to look for food before peanut started to get cranky and start some more trouble. "I don't know if im gonna have the energy to move if i don't get anything to to eat" Siera thought to her self as she rushed into town following her nose to no end looking for dinner.
So should I wait for don before I get to the arena?
It was a nice sunny day out like every day in jubile town and the harbor was quiet that day with just 2 pirates out on a small fishing boat talking shop and dreading the heat when all the sudden one of the pirates looks out and say's

"hey you see that weird light out the in the distance"

"yeah it looks like it's coming towards us, but its too small to be a ship" the old pirate said staring intensely at the strange fast moving object.

it was only a few seconds until they could start to make out a figure in the distance; and soon they noticed that it was a a person with some weird fiery thing on her shoulders she was skating on ice somehow freezing the ocean in front of here with ease. She fly's towards them on the ice and leans back to stopping abruptly a couple feet in front of there small fishing vessel, leaving flakes of ice particals covering the pirates in snow. At first they were a little mad about it but when the coll breeze and the snow cooled them off from the hot sun the look on there face changed and so did there attitude.

"hey do you mind do that again it was nice i could use another cold breeze" the old pirate said with a big smile on his face

"what is your business here girl" The younger pirate said with a snarl still trying to act tough and impress the girl.

"hey my name is Siera, I'm here to look for a crew!"

"aren't you a little young to be a pirate" you younger pirate said with a back handed snarl, he was jealous of her devil fruit powers and wished he could have them.

"I'd like to see someone prove it" she said staring at the younger pirate as if to start a fight

"hey now everyone just wait a minute he didn't mean anything by it he just wishes he ate a devil fruit thats all." the old man said to break the tension. "listen if its a crew your looking for then jubile town is the perfect place for you. There is one thing you need to know though; Your not allowed to fight in this town unless it's at the arena it right over there in the center of the island on the king's ship" the old man turned around and pointed at the large ship.

"thanks sir i'll be on my way then!" she turned around and took off over the ice covering the pirates in one more refreshing cloud of ice and her pet peanut looking back on her should giving the younger pirate a nasty look like he was gonna come back for him later. As Siera approached the island Siera shouted out loud

"should we go for a 10" her pet peanut turned and faced her and gave her a big smile ready for anything. She put her left arm in front of her making a ramp out of ice at the end of the dock and hits it going as fast as she can. right as they took off the jump her pet peanut leaps off her her shoulder doing a couple of twirls in the air and then spreading his arms and legs out to glide through the air. Siera flips through the air and slowly floats down to land with one knee and her fist on the ground in the super hero pose, a second later her pet peanut land on her shoulder in the same exact pose. She looks up and to her left at peanut and she say's
"nailed it" and peanut nods his head in acceptance.

They started off on there adventure wondering around town looking for food and maybe a new crew. They started to hear a lot of cheering from the big ship in the center of the island. They were standing there at the bridge at the end of the island so when peanut gave her that look of excitement wanting to go to the arena she leaped off the edge of the bridge and landed on the frozen ocean water underneath her. she took off skating to the Big ship in excitement ready to see the fight, and maybe get to be in one.

Name: Siera

Age: 21

Race: human

Devil fruit/ abilities: Ice Ice fruit/ She has the ability to turn her body and anything around her to ice and control it at will.

Weapon: She brings a hockey stick around with her when she is off on expeditions with the crew and her signature is to form ice on both ends to turn it into a double sided scythe like the picture above. she can also fight bare handed and she can create weapons out of ice and control them at will

Personality: Siera acts tough to hide her girlish tendencies that her mother tried to beat into her. she never trusts anyone and when she does she pushes them further away because she doesn't want to appear as weak. She can't stand white knights and will kill anyone standing in her way of a fair one on one fight because to her winning and being the best is everything.

Bio: Siera is from a small town called Tequila Wolf were she grew up with her loving mother always taking her out on the water and showing her everything there was to kno about sailing; and telling her daughter about the all the fun and treasure to be had when she was a pirate. Siera never knew too much about her father because it was a sore subject with her mother! What she did learn was that he was a horrible wreck of a pirate and is probably some were in the grand line either lost or dead (to her to say the least). One day siera was grounded by her mother and told to clean out the basement as punishment; when she was down there she came across a frozen chest hidden deep beneath the floor boards. when she opened it she found a small fruit inside that was cold to the touch. she was so intrigued by the fruit and starving from cleaning all day that she ate it. She never thought anything of it for the rest of the day until she was called up for dinner with her mother. Soon she was surprised when she grabbed some fruit to eat off the table and it froze instantly in her hand. It was at this point her and her mother knew what her future was going to look like. when she was old enough and her mother let her guard down she ran away to become a pirate and to find her long lost father... that is if he was even still alive.

Siera is also accompanied by her friend peanut


Name: PeanuT

Age: unknown

Race: Squirrel

Powers: he is a fire elemental squirrel he is a living embodiment of fire. he can create and control fire

Personality: energetic and devious he likes to eat and play with everyone sometimes being a little too mischievous he is a red squirrel with bright red eyes. Peanut came across Sierra in her travels before meeting up with the new crew. She saved peanut a long time ago he is a squirrel who happened to come across a fire fire fruit and ate it; and ever sense then he has done nothing but trouble for siera and the crew but he loves to have fun
Flying through the tree's on there way back to the ship siera and peanut were admiring there veiw of this strange upside down rock in the sky when they heard a loud bang coming from somewhere in the forest. they quickly turned direction and started heasding towards the comotion thiking that it had some to do with big head and his need to fore everyone to work out.

"I'ts probably just issac trying to keep Sasayaki from destrying the rest of the ship" when she came out into a clearing and ran right into Klank who was falling in the air.
She samshed into the side of him sending him fly using him as a base to catapolt her backwards and landing on her feet. she raised her head up after landing on the ground and noticed a strange laughing man staring off in the direction klank landed and laughing hysterically.

"i'm not taking my chances again last time i was almost smashed into a pancake" she thought to her self while grabbing her hockey stick from off her back. the swung with all of her strength send three long ice spears fly towards the weird laughing man. he never even turned to look at her and before the spears could reach him they evaported into air. it was then when she realized they man flying towards her like a missle.. a large trail of fire tailing behind him coming from his feet.

He was traveling so far that the heat from his body passing by is what melted the ice spears heading towards the weird orange haired man; and in a blink of an eye he smashed into siera sending her flying backwards and still being carring by this werd man with black hair carrying her through the air. Peanut happened to jump off her shoulder in fear quick enough to avoid the attack and was quickly following them through the tree's.

Siera not knowing what to do grabbed the mans hands and tried to freeze themk but instead the ice melted instantly and created a large amount of steam and smog creating a fog around them. the man could not see anything infront of him.. "so thats how its gonna be" he said before letting her go tubling to the ground rolling around trying to slow down and get back her footing she finally flipped right side up and slid to a hault. standing there is the dark woods now covedered in a think fog from the steam.

at first she heard a thud like some one landing on the ground so she grasped her hockey stick tighter. "Who are you trying to hurt my friends!" she said standing there trying to keep a look out from an attack from any direction.

"why does it matter what my name is it's not like you will live long enough to hear it" the stranger said. Siera looked to her right knowing for sure that the voice came from that drirrection. She saw two glowing red eyes in the fog glarin at her. she started to hear foot stepps off in the distance coming from that direction. the eyes slowing getting closer until they were almost close enough to see his face.

"Why were you interupting my friends from there play time" the strange man said. all of the sudden she fealt a wave of heat blow past her and the fog around the man disapeared almost as if there was some type of invisble force feid surrounding him. the light in his eyes grew brighter and a man appeared behind them with short black hair. he wasn't too much taller then siera herself and mayve even a little bit older thenshe was. He had a scar across his left cheek and he wore tan colored shorta and a red tank top with a fiery skull on the front of it.

"Idk what your friend was doing but from the look on his face i wasn't about to take the chance" Siera said while freezing the air around her turning the mist into snow falling down around her like all the mopisture had frzozen. "if your not going to tell me your name then im going to have to make you" she said while freezing the ends of her hockey stick turing it into a scythe.

"Oh wow you are a girl... and a pretty one at that what are you doing with a weapon like that you dont want to hurst your self! why dont you just come with me and i will keep you safe"

"because i dont need anyone to protect me even a dumb man like you" siera said and as she was saying it she noticed a tiny ball of light flying through the trees and head towards her. after she spoke she kneeled down and leaped forwards sending her flying towards the man with her scythe in hand. She saw peanut just over his shoulder slying towards the man ready to attack and as she came closer the reached out towards her and a fire sword apeared in his hand point right at the siera.

She pointed her sycthe infront her her and used it to block the fire sword. she quickly slide on her backside under him leaving a trail of fog behind her from the weapons connecting. as her turned to grab her peanut let out a large ball of flam that engulfed the man blinding him.As sera stood up she noticed the ball of flame come to a stop and the man was now holding peanut in his hands. keeping him from shooting out any more fire.

"if you hurt him then you will not make it out of here alive" siera said staring into his eyes with her ice cold blue eyes to let him kno she was serious!

"Now what right do you have telling me what to do with my pets" he said with a big smile on his face. "this little guy here is all mine i captured him while on one of my captains missions, if anyone deserves to kill him it would be me" he said staring back at siera with the same intensity.

"he is not your anymore he is mine and and not because i captured him but because he chose me"siera said

"well then if i chose you then would that mean i get to follow you around on your shoulder all day because that would entertaning" the man said staring at siera smiling trying to win over her affection

"why would i do that i don't even kno your name" siera said

"its..." and before he could reply he slipped and started to fall backwards into the air. he never noticed the ice forming under his feet because he was trying to win over siera instead of taking her seriously. as he fell siera ran towards him and lep high into the air. his grip weakened from the suprise little peanut was able to break free and send out a huge ball of fire sending him slying upwards into siera's arms. she landed on a tree branch and looked back at the man lying on the ground.

"he smiling" she thought to her self while staring at that big grin on his face. she leaped in the tree's to race back to the ship and meet up with the rest of the crew.

The man stood up and yelled "don't worry we will be meeting again soon my love i never let a girl get away from"
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