Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Being a place that no one finds on purpose, Jubiltown is surprisingly populated. It's denizens are made up mostly of pirates that couldn't find it in them to leave the constant perfect weather. If it wasn't the year round daylight that convinced most to stay, it was most assuredly the daily festivities. For those who happened upon this odd place, they soon found out there was an infinite affinity for partying. Booze and food were never in short supply, and the Jubil Pirates made sure of that. That's not to say the town wasn't equipped to offer necessities for those who did have the will to leave. Numerous shops littered the town to help restock both pirates and marines. It was a fair place with two simple rules. The first rule was that anyone wishing to stay permanently, must take part in the everyday festivities. Jubil, of the Jubil Pirates and the King of Jubiltown, demanded this. The second rule, which was even more important to the King, was any conflict to be had, would be settled in the arena on the main deck of the Jubil Pirates Ship. Being that drunk pirates and marines were an everyday occurrence, conflict was plentiful. After all, what's a party without some brawling, which was a main event of today.

King Jubil sat upon his wooden throne at the edge of the main decks arena. From there, he could see the entire island of Jubiltown. In a large ring around the giant ship, it looked as if one side of the crescent shaped land mirrored to the other side. Immediately surrounding the ship were other smaller vessels collected from other pirate clans who willingly joined the Jubils. They were all connected by bridges and turned into various shops for citizens of Jubiltown and travelers. Among these ships is where most of the partying took place. Living quarters were reserved for the mainland, but that also was not without good times. Most of the homes there were built from scrapped ships needed to house newcomers, and with Jubiltown always growing, there was always need for more wood. Beyond the ring of the mainland, Ships of both pirate and marine variety remained docked until their crews were ready to depart. These ships were protected under King Jubil, for it was not his wish to control the dreams of others, but to encourage them. Life was simple in Jubiltown, and because it could not be found with any log pose or even the most skilled cartographer, this would never change.

Jubiletown, an accidental final destination for some, is also a fine place to begin a journey to other unknown destinations for others. For Klank, who has been a temporary denizen, it would be a place to restart after losing most of his crew, Captain included, after finally passing the Red Line into the New World. Today, he walked the faded brick roads of the Mainland.

People were perched at the many shops along the road, attention focused wholly on the Den Den Mushi mimicking what the arena's announcer was screaming. Today's big brawl was between The Jackal Pirates and the Captain of The Golden-haired Pirates. From what Klank could remember the night before, The Jackal crew, in a drunken stupor, were ragging on the Captain for thinking his good looks were enough to get him and his crew of Golden-haired pirates to the end of the grand line. Words were thrown and before it could be taken further, A Jubil pirate jumped in and reminded them of the rules.

"I can't believe it," the announcer yelled. The communicator snail seemed to also mimic the over-exaggerated look. "The Captain of the Golden-Haired Pirates is all alone. His crew is standing outside the arena just cheering him on." The party-goers gasped and roared. Each of them thought the man was crazy going it alone, sure he would get pummeled. Bets were taking place, in favor to the Jackals. Klank walked to the closest shop and placed his bet on the lone Captain. "I wish you could see what I'm seeing folks," the announcer shouted in excitement. Gold-hair is just walking up to the Jackals. The Jackals are surrounding him. Why would he put himself in the middle of all that muscle." The announcer was becoming more energetic.

"Any man willing to take on a whole crew alone," Klank said as he slammed his coin on the counter, "Is hiding something. One-hundred to one odds. My money is on Gold-Hair." Klank received baffled looks.

The announcer continued on, "Here we go folks, The Jackals are closing in. Gold-hair takes up a stance, he doesn't look worried in the slightest. By the All Blue is it possible he could win this?" The snail was jumping up and down as the announcer yelled. "In go three of the jackals. Can the lone Captain take them down? OOHHH down goes Gold-hair with a swift knee to that pretty little jaw of his. In go the rest of the jackals. It's just a wild dog-pile on Gold-hair, folks. No Jackal is going down. Uh oh, They are backing off of him now. None of them seem winded. They are staring at him now. I can see Gold-hair. He's just laying there. He's not moving folks, he can't even get up. I think..." The announcer paused for a moment of silence. "I think its over."

"Well," Klank chuckled out as he slid his money back into his hand. "That wasn't in writing, right?"

His quick departure from the shops counter sent the people in an uproar. They chased Klank through the streets. It didn't take him long to lose the mob, but he would have to head for the other side of the island to avoid those particular people. He would make his way back later in the day when he was ready to depart. Klank had been in Jubiltown for a few weeks with no luck of finding a new crew. So he would set out in search of one elsewhere. His new ship, a decent size and with no flag, took those few weeks but it was ready to sail. First things first, though, Klank would meet with King Jubil to collect his pay. During his stay, Klank duplicated an absurd amount of material for the King. Jubiltown was growing and Klank knows an opportunity to make money when he sees one, as long as betting is not involved.

A few hours later, Klank was standing before King Jubil. "I wish I could convince you to stay, Mr. Klank," Jubil said. "Your devil fruit powers have come in quite handy in such a short time. However, I do understand your dream and wouldn't dare stand in front of that." The King approached, a large sack in hand. Klank took and shook the bag to hear the jingle of metal on metal.

"It's the only dream for me, King Jubil," Klank said with confidence. "Find the strongest, lightest material and build the biggest ship this world has ever seen. After that, I wish to maintain and protect that ship with a crew that wants to sail it to the end of the world." Klank bowed his head and pulled a cigarette from the strap of his goggles. As he lit it, he had one last question for the King. "I don't suppose you know anyone willing to leave this here paradise of yours? I could use someone who can cook. I'd rather not eat burnt food on the open sea."

"For all you've done, I'll look around and have them sent to your ship with some supplies."

"I'd appreciate that, thank you." Klank turned to leave the main deck of the Jubil Pirates Ship when he saw the Golden-haired Captain standing among his crew. He was unscathed from the beating he took, both physically and mentally. He shouted out to Jubil as he walked away. "I still have some things to take care of on the mainland, so there is still some time. Thanks Again, King Jubil." And with that, Klank was off to buy necessities for his travels and make one last attempt at finding some people to build a new crew. He had even put a large sign on his ship that said 'Looking for crew. Setting sail within the week.' That was, if Klank kept track of time, five days ago.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Storm of the Ages
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Storm of the Ages

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The last thing Isaac remembered was frozen wraith of the ocean, as he clung to a cluster of planks that broke free in his ship retirement to the ocean floor. It was a familiar fate, yet one that seemed inevitable each and every time he set sail. The waters in the New World were cruel, yet somehow, he always managed to survive, which gave him the courage to sleep as the planks drifted aimlessly in treacherous waters. He dreamed of a better world, a world where he didn’t have sail just to make a living, a world where he had a family, and life unlike any other.

“Up all ready,” Sasayaki greeted with a ring to his forehead. It wasn’t the first time she woke him so brazenly, but experience rarely helped before his morning stretch.

Isaac protected his head with a heavy palm, the memory of her blunted end still throbbing. “I’m up,” he explained, before realizing he wasn’t in the ocean anymore. There was chaos close by, of that he was certain, but the room which he was held was more comforting than his last. “How long have I been out?” he asked.

Sasayaki uncoiled from his side and peaked her head out of the raggedy curtain that doubled as a door, before coming back. “At least 5 days, if you could call them that. Everything here seems to be a hazy mess, if you ask me.” She wrapped around him, inspecting him with a subtle melody that emanated from her chain. “You’re not looking so hot. What do you say we get out of this miserable excuse for room and pick up some food?”

“Food? You can’t even eat,” he yawned, taking two pushes of the bed to find his feet. The wood creaked under his weight as he moved to the curtain, feeling the rugged cloth before pushing it aside. Light flashed in, blinding Isaac for a moment. His hand raised to shield the light, but Sasayaki beat him to it, hover between him and the brutally known as the sun. “Thanks,” he muttered, stepping free and into the streets, filled with the boisterous voices from outside. “What is this?”

Sasayaki reeled back and perched over his shoulder as soon as his eyes adjusted, peering into every ally like an excited hound. “It’s a party,” she proclaimed, “It’s always a party here, that’s why they saved you. They were going to take someplace else, but I told them that we wanted to recoup near the main street, so we could see it all.”

So you could see it all, he thought, looking down each way for the best chance of getting somewhere with a decent meal. It was then that he gave his pockets a pat, confirming a familiar tragedy, all of his money was gone. “It’s okay,” he reminded himself, “We have been here before. We just need to find a little cash, or a little trouble.”

“Trouble,” Sasayaki reeled forward, “let’s go with that one.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by irishking


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It was a nice sunny day out like every day in jubile town and the harbor was quiet that day with just 2 pirates out on a small fishing boat talking shop and dreading the heat when all the sudden one of the pirates looks out and say's

"hey you see that weird light out the in the distance"

"yeah it looks like it's coming towards us, but its too small to be a ship" the old pirate said staring intensely at the strange fast moving object.

it was only a few seconds until they could start to make out a figure in the distance; and soon they noticed that it was a a person with some weird fiery thing on her shoulders she was skating on ice somehow freezing the ocean in front of here with ease. She fly's towards them on the ice and leans back to stopping abruptly a couple feet in front of there small fishing vessel, leaving flakes of ice particals covering the pirates in snow. At first they were a little mad about it but when the coll breeze and the snow cooled them off from the hot sun the look on there face changed and so did there attitude.

"hey do you mind do that again it was nice i could use another cold breeze" the old pirate said with a big smile on his face

"what is your business here girl" The younger pirate said with a snarl still trying to act tough and impress the girl.

"hey my name is Siera, I'm here to look for a crew!"

"aren't you a little young to be a pirate" you younger pirate said with a back handed snarl, he was jealous of her devil fruit powers and wished he could have them.

"I'd like to see someone prove it" she said staring at the younger pirate as if to start a fight

"hey now everyone just wait a minute he didn't mean anything by it he just wishes he ate a devil fruit thats all." the old man said to break the tension. "listen if its a crew your looking for then jubile town is the perfect place for you. There is one thing you need to know though; Your not allowed to fight in this town unless it's at the arena it right over there in the center of the island on the king's ship" the old man turned around and pointed at the large ship.

"thanks sir i'll be on my way then!" she turned around and took off over the ice covering the pirates in one more refreshing cloud of ice and her pet peanut looking back on her should giving the younger pirate a nasty look like he was gonna come back for him later. As Siera approached the island Siera shouted out loud

"should we go for a 10" her pet peanut turned and faced her and gave her a big smile ready for anything. She put her left arm in front of her making a ramp out of ice at the end of the dock and hits it going as fast as she can. right as they took off the jump her pet peanut leaps off her her shoulder doing a couple of twirls in the air and then spreading his arms and legs out to glide through the air. Siera flips through the air and slowly floats down to land with one knee and her fist on the ground in the super hero pose, a second later her pet peanut land on her shoulder in the same exact pose. She looks up and to her left at peanut and she say's
"nailed it" and peanut nods his head in acceptance.

They started off on there adventure wondering around town looking for food and maybe a new crew. They started to hear a lot of cheering from the big ship in the center of the island. They were standing there at the bridge at the end of the island so when peanut gave her that look of excitement wanting to go to the arena she leaped off the edge of the bridge and landed on the frozen ocean water underneath her. she took off skating to the Big ship in excitement ready to see the fight, and maybe get to be in one.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Storm of the Ages
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Storm of the Ages

Member Seen 2 mos ago

“Come one, come all, ”The announcer declared, queuing the lights on deck to gyrate in a nonsensical lightshow, and see tonight’s event. Before us on the grand deck, we have Isaac, AKA Lucky, AKA Bounty hunter to mid-tier pirate the world over. Isaac stands accused by Guybro of kidnapping, extreme violence, and haircutting without consent” The crowd booed in unison as Isaac entered the arena with his handed firmly surrounding to the accusation. He thought the noise drag on forever, if not for the silence that came when Guybro, a scrawny rocker with pink mohawk, a considerable chunk missing, entered the arena.

“Not cool, dude, I’ve been grown this thing out since the pirate era began!”

“You were right,” Sasa hissed behind him, “we should have cut the whole thing.”

“Sasa,” Isaac muttered, pushing her down with his hand, “Keep the jokes for after we get out of this. “Alright,” he announced to the crowd, doubling down on the ignorance defense, “my bad. Did I try to capture you? Sure. Did I try to sell you to what I thought was the Navy? Definitely. Is it really a big deal? Not really.”

“Yes really,” another voice called out, producing a man and women from behind the curtain.

“Here we goo,” the announcer blasted, elevating the crowd. “Joining us today we have a special treat for you all, two Marines on siesta, Wiggs and Bedge, the terrifying duo, accusing Isaac of human trafficking, carrying an exotic pet without a permit, luuuuuude behavior from said pet, and harshing their vibeeee.”

The crowd roared again, and Sasayaki erupted towards them, forcing Isaac to anchor the chain to his wrist. “Hold me back,” she screamed. “I’ll rip these posers limb to limb!”

“I swear I have a permit for her somewhere,” Isaac teased, pulling the chain back to him, Sasayaki coiled in his left hand, sickle in the right. “But I guess we have to do this all again,” he smirked.

“Get ready,” the announcer hype. “Get setttttt,” he dragged. “Andddddddd, FIIIIIGGGGHHHHTTTTTTTT!"

The crowd erupted in a roar, energizing the fighters on deck, each taking a moment to be the heroes the pirates thought them to be. Unfortunately, Isaac had other ideas. “Sasa?”

The light grew from within the blunted lanturn. “They are loud, aren’t they.”

Isaac smiled as he gripped the chain. “Hush,” he declared, the word siphoning even the faintest peep from the area, energy pouring into the chain and feeding Sasayaki’s light. The two marines looked at each other, bewildered, before regaining their composure signaling each other to charge. Isaac stayed in place, letting the pair come to him to him when he finally broke the silence, “And BOOM,” he shouted, Sasayaki coiling forward, channeling the noise she stole in blast that knocked the two into the air and off the ship.

“Unbelievable,” the announcer called out. “For those of you listening at home, we did not, I repeat, did not experience technical difficulties. No no no, I can in fact confirm, that the sound appeared to be ripped out of the docks, and subsequently thrown back in, double KO’ing the honorable Marine duo. Who is this scarleton that washed up on our shores? Why don’t we all find out together!?”

“Alright,” Isaac nodded, still disoriented from this morning. “Should we, I don’t know, finish this?”

“Isaac,” she whined, her chain moving from the wave, to a pseudo flex. “This is finally getting exciting!”

“Yeah, but I’m starving, and we can’t steal anymore food until we deal with this guy.”

‘Hey,” Guybro yelled from across the ship. “I heard that! And you’re not going to get away with any of this, you.. you.. you swindle!”

Sasayaki looked back. “You hear that? Those are shaving words. CAN I?” she pleaded, hopping up and down like a metallic mutt. “Please?”

Isaac sighed, lacking the will to deny her, instead, approaching Guybro with the speed of a snail, forcing him back to the ship’s edge in a hurry. “I’m really sorry about this, but you have to know, that thing looks ridiculous."

“And there you have it folks, KO by shave. I’ll tell you what, never in my life have I see such a clean cut mid battle, and that’s saying something. It seems this rapscallion lives to fight another day, but what’s this? It appears he is holding a sigh. ‘Will work for food and ride,’ it say. You heard it first here, this guy wants out, and we could not be happier!”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Klank was on the main land now, heading for what he hoped was a line of potential crew mates at his newly built ship. He wiped sweat from his forehead as he placed a large sack on the ground. After leaving the arena, he had visited many shops to gather more stock for the coming adventure. Food was the majority of the sacks contents, but there were also building materials he had not yet put on the ship. It was these materials that had made carrying the load a rather tedious chore. Finally wiping the last of the sweat, Klank heard a snail communicating the arena announcer's usual over-excited voice. From the sounds of the battle about to take place, it should be good.

"Well," Klank said to no one. "Obviously the human trafficker is gonna get pummeled. Going up against two marines like that." He looked to a random passerby. "Quite ballsy, wouldn't ya say. My money is on the trio." The random pirate gave a look, but kept on walking. To his amazement, the snail went silent for a moment. Not to long after, the announcer came back and explained what had happened. Needless to say, it peaked Klanks interest. Something like that could only mean someone was using their Devil Fruit abilities. He walked closer to the snail and kept listening.

"KO by shave?" Klank laughed. "And looking for a ride?" He walked back to the supply sack he was carrying earlier and slung it over his back. "By the All-Sea, I think I may have just got my first crew mate, haha." Without a moments notice, Klank was off and back to King Jubil's ship.

Once he got there, The King of Jubiltown was talking to a man Klank had never seen. As he came closer he heard Jubile say, "Ah, speaking of." Klank dropped the large sack. "Klank here is looking for a new crew to leave this paradise. How he found the will to actually want to leave is beyond me, but you two seem to both want something more. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have another brawl to set up. Busy day." King Jubil bowed to Klank." My friend, I thank you for all you've given us." And the King was off.

Klank tipped his goggles to the King as he left. He then looked Isaac up and down thinking that he didn't look like much. "Gotta say, I never heard a KO go quite that way. Heard over the Den Den Mushi that you'll work for food and a ride. I gotta one time job for ya," Klank smiled. "If you can handle it, you got yourself some food and a ship to ride for as long as you need." Klank tapped the top of the sack sitting next to him. You carry these here supplies to my ship and tell me what your dreams are." Klank started walking, hoping his confidence would intrigue the man.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Storm of the Ages
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Storm of the Ages

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Oh hey," Isaac responded to the gruffly old man, his face clearly worn from experience on the high seas. "Yeah, that would be great! I actually wreaked my last ship, but to be fair, I'm not much of a sailor, and they told me to watch the wheel while they got a good night's rest," he explained, adding air quotes for emphasis. "Tell you what," Issac added, "They got a lot of rest that night." Isaac reached back for the bag, slinging it over his shoulder with ease. "To be honest, this place has been giving me some so real fatten you up and kill you in your sleep vibes, if you know what I'm saying, especially that king."

Sasayaki coiled free from his back, encircling the stranger's bag while nudging each bulge with a hum. "Did you see the way he was looking at me? It's like, my lantern is up here buddy." She continued to poke and prod until she found what she wanted, jabbing at Isaac's hand until he set the bag down, diving in and rummaging through to pull out a loaf, jamming it into Isaac's face.

"SA- SASA!" he defended, staving off the carboassult. "We talked about this."

Her lantern released the bread into Isaac's hand, helping the bag up in his other before going to stranger. "Consultation fee, but that was implied." She looked back at Issac, giving in and taking a bite of the bread while starting his walk, the stranger taking the lead. "Look, Isaac may be too honest for his own good, but he ends up where he needs to be, that I can promise. He's a little clumsy, but he saved me, and gave me a chance to see the world. We're a packaged deal, and together, you'll find no scout more capable. We will stick around and watch your back for as long the journey is entertaining. Do we have a deal old man?" Sasayaki stared him down, her lantern glowing with anticipation while Issac crunched away.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Klank chuckled at Isaac when he shared his suspicions concerning Jubiltown. He had the same thoughts when he first arrived in what most considered a paradise. "In the short time I've been here, I can say I have no doubt that King Jubil is a decent man. Sure, he may put something in the food to make people want to stay, but I've met the man who makes that happen. Under Jubil's orders, the food and drinks these people consume on a daily basis will only affect those who haven't the drive to REALLY chase their dreams." Klank was impressed that Isaac wasn't struggling to carry the sack. He was more impressed when the weapon he carried became lively, but he wasn't surprised. Klank had seen many strange things back on the grand line, living weapons included.

"I questioned him about this once," Klank said. "His answer was actually more on the caring side. He said he made Jubiltown because what lies ahead in The New World can be too much for some. He watched a lot of people die simply because they weren't prepared to defend their dreams to the bitter end. King Jubil himself found out that he hadn't the will power to commit, so he came back, happened upon this place, and turned it into what you see today. Those who fall victim to minor deterrents such as whatever is in the sustenance in Jubiltown have no place in the Red Line. It's his way of protecting the weak, whether they believe it or not." Klank looked back to see Isaac shoving bread into his mouth while walking faster to catch up. The weapon spoke in place of him.

"A scout, huh?" Klank rubbed his chin as he thought. "That would be quite useful in unknown territory. Yea, you got yourself a deal, with one more condition." He looked at the bladed part of Sasa and pointed. "Old Man is for Captains, and I ain't no Captain. Klank will do just fine."

The shipwright continued along making small talk with Isaac and Sasa. Like always, citizens of Jubiltown were running around and having the grandest of times. After a while, the trio finally approached Klanks ship. It was the biggest vessel on this side of Jubiltown, but nowhere near the size of the schematics in his dreams. Strips of metal lined the dark oak of the ships body. Three masts poked into the sky, the main being the tallest. The sails were black, void of any symbolism about the ships crew. Where the figurehead should be, there was an empty pedestal. Klank had decided that the ship would remain flag-less and headless, until a proper Captain was found. His only dream was to build and sail the biggest and baddest ship. This would require a Captain just as worthy, and that Captain would decide the ships symbolism.

Approaching the ramp to board, Klank noticed a lone Fish-man. He was sitting at the sign Klank had built days ago. The Fish-man stood as Isaac dropped the sack full of supplies.

"You the Captain looking for a crew?" the Fish-man called out.

"I'm the one looking for a crew, yea," Klank replied. "But I ain't no Captain. Is it just you?"

"Just me, sir." The Fish-man looked dissatisfied. "The rest of my old crew are more concerned with the unlimited supply of alcohol."

Klank looked back to Isaac and smirked, before turning back. "What's your dream? Mr...?"

"Names Phin," he said with a weird sort of salute. His skin tone was a deep green, with a stripes of an even deeper shade all down his torso. A large fin was jutting out from his back, and small but sharp teeth extended just past his upper lip. "Never really thought about a dream like that. I just know that the open sea is the only place for me. I'm just lookin for a crew that has no plans to abandon what they're originally set out to do."

Klank peered at the fish-man. "Can you fight?"


"Can you cook?"


"Damn," He cursed. "Looks like it's burnt food for the time being. Can you swim?"

Phin stared at Klank, questioning if he was serious.

"Ha! Doesn't answer stupid questions. Well," Klank raised a hand. "This is Isaac and his weapon Sasa. Still getting to know them though." Klank started heading up to the deck and turned to his new, growing crew. "I plan on setting sail in a few hours. Still have some things to tie up around here. If you have anything left to do in this town, get it settled, we're likely to never come here again. If you find anyone else looking to depart and with no crew, bring them aboard. I've heard enough from all of you to trust your judgement. Isaac," Klank smiled. "You should let Sasa make those decision. She's got the makings of a Captain. Think on that."

Klank walked back down to grab the sack he had forgotten. "Remember, a few hours."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Storm of the Ages
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Storm of the Ages

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Captain?" Isaac questioned, looking back at Sasayaki. "Uhhh, okey?"

Sasayaki peeked over his shoulder, delighted by this idea. "Captain says get me back to the party!"

"Hold on, Sasa," Isaac interrupted, finally feeling charged from the meal. He looked over his new ride, and the men it came with, then reached in his back pocket. "There's something I have to do before we leave this place, and if any of you can fix this transmitter, or find some way to boost boost the signal so it can override the king's range over the island, it will make all of our lives a lot easier."

Sasayaki coiled around to his left side, latern close enough to his face to nudge. "Issac, are you sure?"

Issac nodded, Sasayaki reeling her chain around his neck like a scarf. Just then, Klank took a drag from his cigarette, new, even though the one he kept on him remained, and it was then that he knew he was the man, tossing the broken Den Den to him and walking back into the town. "Three and half hours," he told him, Sasayaki peering backing as they left.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by irishking


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Siera and peanut were gliding fast over the ocean water and nearing the ship. She could feel the peoples eyes watching her in amazement. "what no one has seen a girl ice skating before" she said annoyed. She always hated attention she was more concerned with the excitement of fighting and not knowing whether or not she could make it out of a fight alive. In most cases though she never had to worry but that's not to say she had it easy.

"Were here peanut" She said with a big smile on her face. the ship was huge and it looked like it had a lot of repairs done to it. "wow who ever did the maintenance on this guy was a master." she lifted her hand at the ship and made a ramp curling up from the ocean to the base of the Stern. Siera increased in speed leaning forwards and speeding up faster and faster until she hit the ramp and was sling shotted straight up into the and raised her hand in front of her creating a frozen spike on the side of the ship which she grasped onto at the peak of her height. She continued up the side of the ship one spike at a time until she reached the top and stood up on the rail in amazement at the arena. It was moments later when she realized that the fight ended so abruptly that by the time she got there it was done and over with and the people were leaving the arena.

Siera yelled in disappointment "what the hell is this it's over already!" Peanut looked at her also looking angry.
"they must have been really strong if they were able to finish it that quickly! How else am i going to see someone fight in this damn arena if everyone here is so damn weak they lose in a second"

It was at that point a couple of young pirates who were standing off to the side discussing how crazy the last fight was over heard her call everyone in jubiltown weak. Siera kicked the air in front of her like a pouting girl and started to walk back over to the rail when the Small group of 5 pirates started to say something to her and it caught her attention.

"Hey kid who the hell are you to say that everyone here is weak! your just some stupid little girl who's got a big mouth"

When the guy finished what he was saying siera stopped and froze with her back facing the pirate. It was then when peanut turned around quickly looking angrily at the young pirate as his flames got bigger and brighter around him and the group of pirates started to sweat from the heat. most of the group took a step back but the guy talking the trash stood still. Siera slowly turned to him with her eye gleaming and a smirk on her face. She looked at the the man standing in front of her, he's dressed in long brown pants with dirt all over them. "probably from hitting the ground so much after getting your ass kicked." Siera thought. He also had a black shirt and a black over coat. He was wearing thin black glasses and a black hat that was covering most but not all of the rifle on his back.

"well i didn't mean the entire town but if you guys are the best this place has to offer then i just might have to stick to it"

"listen were not scared of some little girl or that fiery rat on your shoulder" The lead pirate said. "YEAH" the four other pirates said still covered in sweat but they took a step closer to back up there leader.

Siera looked down at her hand and made a fist and threw it up into the air "FINE THEN IF IT'S A FIGHT YOU WANT THEN IT'S A FIGHT YOU GET" Siera shouted trying to get the attention of the people who were still left in the arena.

She stood there with her fist still raised looking around the the people still leaving and paying no mind to her or the quarrel with group of pirates in front of her. She brought her fist down and threw it back into the air again yelling "FINE THEN IF IT'S A FIGHT YOU WANT THEN IT'S A FIGHT YOU GET" twice as loud and ferocious this time. She looked around and saw the people turn around and look at her and they all start to cheer "Fight, Fight, Fight"

Once it got to the attention of the king he looked at her and the band of pirates and waited for a second as if he was unsure about whether or not she really wanted to go through with this. Once he saw the look on her face he knew and he gave her a thumbs up and the crowd cheered.

Once everyone was back in the seats and Siera and the band of pirates made it into the arena the place grew quit waiting for the announcer.

“Come one, come all, ”The announcer declared, queuing the lights on deck to gyrate in a nonsensical light show, and see tonight’s event. "Before us on the grand deck, we have Siera, A.K.A Frost Former low rank marine but she couldn't stay out of trouble! She say's It's because she's born to be a pirate!" The crowd cheers in excitement. Siera stands accused of slandering the Jubiltown name saying that the residents here are weak." The crowds Boo and start to throw things like apples and fish into the arena and Siera even saw a knife. "wow this place is definitely not for the weak" she thought to her self while staring back at the angry crowd.

"She claims that she was only talking about the the band of pirates that misunderstood her, And they are not happy about that let me tell you"

"the king has decided that it will all be decided by the fight so now without further ado" the announcers voice gets deeper and louder
“Get ready,” the announcer hype. “Get setttttt,” he dragged. “Andddddddd, FIIIIIGGGGHHHHTTTTTTTT!"

Siera looked at the band of pirate standing 20 feet away from her. They slunched down a bit and 2 of them raised there swords. one of them had a base ball bat with what looked like rusty nails sticking out all over the place. Standing in front was the man with the rifle and he pulled it off his back and held it low staring at siera like he was ready to kill.

The Men were all still covered in sweat because peanut's game face was on as he got low and his flames grew bigger as he starred at them. Siera Looked them and slowly grabbed her hockey stick that was covered in white and black swirls or paint all over it. Then she smirked at the pirates and a huge breeze hit the entire arena. It was like the temperature dropped drastically on the entire ship and a large portion of the town as well. The entire arena got really quiet and people started to look around at each other confused and some were staring at there breath turning into a mist in the air in front of them.

The pirates stood there Shaking from the -10 degree air around them. She could even hear there teeth chattering from the cold.

"Good thing i dressed for cold weather" the man with the rifle said as he pointed his rifle at Siera

"Believe me your not ready for this" she said as she kneeled down and put her hand on the deck. The deck started to turn white and freeze almost instantly. It was like a wave of white frost shot out of the ground. The men started to slip and they fell to the ground hard. They would have been able to stop them selves if they weren't slowed down by the frozen sweat covering there bodies. Right before the man with the rifle fell he got a shot off at Siera; but before it hit her she was already off of the ground and into the air leaving behind a ice replica of her behind with the bullet leaving a hole through the chest of the replica. She tucks her head inwards and flips around in the air waving her hand across her feet making ice skates and landing on them and heading right for the men in the back.

She passes the rifle man dusting with snow flakes left behind from the ice skates. As she approaches the man look at her with fear as they notice that the hockey stick is slowly being covered in ice with scythes on both ends. She leans down like she is about to burst towards them with a attack but then they scream in fright when peanut leaps forwards off of her shoulders flying straight at the screaming pirates faces and lands sprawled out of his forehead biting him and setting his hair on fire. Siera skates past the 3 pirates and back around to the other side of them passing them and heading towards the man with the rifle while chuckling at the screams of the 3 pirates behind her.

By this time the man with the rifle has raised to his feet. "now I've got you" he muttered under his breath as he fired a shot at siera. She raised her double scythes and spun it in front of her blocking the bullets while she started to skate low increasing her speed towards the man with the rifle. When she got closer she slid back ass if to stop quickly in front rifleman to block his vision with a cloud of ice. So the man leaped back while blindly firing in front of him hoping to not get hit by her scythes but it was too late.

Siera had started to stop kicking a mist of ice in front of her, but then she kicked herself up over the mist of ice and found her self floating over the rifle man in the air. She looked at him with a big smile and swung the blunt side of one of the scythes into the rifleman's chest sending him to the ground fast making a loud smashing noise from hitting the ice crating a crater of ice beneath him.

She landed on her ice skates facing the king standing tall and proud ignoring the sound of the man with the bat running away from Peanut chasing him in the background as his hair and his bat is on fire. "You Win" he yells as he tries to put his hair out while running

Siera tries to keep her smile as she quickly whistles for peanut to come over. Peanut shakes his little fiery fist at the pirate and bolts over to Siera shoulder. They both raise there hand and shoot out fire and ice in victory covering the whole ship in a light powdery snow.


The crowd Cheers! Siera was thinking about staying around but after all of the fighting she took one look at peanut and knew he was also hungry enough to eat a cow so She took off over the bridge and headed into town to look for food before peanut started to get cranky and start some more trouble. "I don't know if im gonna have the energy to move if i don't get anything to to eat" Siera thought to her self as she rushed into town following her nose to no end looking for dinner.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Klank spent the last thirty minutes or so adding little gadgets he had acquired to the Den Den Mushi that Isaac entrusted to him. He was getting closer to the goal, but there was lots of trial and error. At one point, when he thought he had achieved what he was after, the snail started screaming multiple conversations at once in a frenzied manor. He heard the announcer at the arena spouting off about some girl destroying her opponents with ice, and a squirrel apparently on fire. In the middle of all that, dozens of personal conversations from all over Jubiltown played faintly in the background. Klank had accidentally modified the transmitter to receive any and all other frequencies. It quickly gave him a headache. He popped a cigarette into his mouth and lit it. Out of frustration, he smoked the whole thing in one drag, producing a drawn out, satisfied sigh as he exhaled.

"I wonder," Klank said to himself. "What does Isaac plan to do with this thing once it's finished." He planted another smoke into his lips. This one he would take the time to enjoy. "I guess it really doesn't matter. It's a decent start to a new crew." Klank leaned back in his wooden chair, interlocking his fingers behind his head. "Certainly better that going it alone." He took a few more drags before stretching his arms and getting back to work.

Twenty minutes later, Klank was done, and had modified the snail to a ridiculous degree. Wires lined the shell, with multiple relays and switches. Atop the shell, harnessed in with little leather straps, was a giant dish antenna. At least, it was giant for the snail. "That ought to do it," he said proudly. "Not very pretty," the snail looked sad at that comment., "But it'll get the job done, for sure. Whatever the job is." He picked up the transformed Den Den and walked out of the cabin and onto the main deck. He placed the transmitter snail up on the railing, facing Jubiltown. He stared into the island and observed the citizens. He understood the appeal of Jubiltown, but for him, doing the same mundane things every single day on the same exact island? He spoke to no one, saying "Nah, I can do all that right here on this ship." Just where he always wanted to be. It suddenly dawned on him that Klank forgot to stock up on one of the most important items a pirate can have for long journeys on the open see. And Jubiltown had plentiful supply. He took out a single coin and flipped it into the air. "What's a pirate ship without alcohol?" he smirked.

Klank approached the ramp leading off the ship and raised a brow when he noticed Phin sitting patiently at the bottom. He produced a cigarette in his hand and walked up to the fishman, taking a seat next to him. "You're better off," Klank said confidently. "Anyone weak enough to abandon their dreams so easily is not fit for what lies ahead."

"You got it all wrong, Captain," Phin said, leaving it at that. "What's your deal with other people's dreams anyway?" Not everyone has one, you know."

"Don't they?" Klank questioned as he took another drag. He exhaled. "I believe everyone does. It's just a matter of whether or not they have the will. And that is something not everyone possesses. Take yourself, for example. You say you've never really thought about it, right?"


"And you haven't had second thoughts about leaving this place? You just want to be at sea?"

"It's where I belong." Phin said.

Klank took one last drag before the cigarette was gone. "That's a dream, my friend. And anyone with a dream and the will to follow it, belong on my ship." Klank rose to his feet and flipped the coin once again. "My ship will take you to the grandest sea of all, because it is the dream of my ship to sail them all." Klank took his first few steps towards the town before turning to Phin and suddenly forming another Cigarette into his hand. "And it's my dream to make that happen."

Phin stared at Klank as he walked away flipping the coin while smoking a cigarette. He thought for a moment about what the shipwright said. "To sail all the seas," he said to himself. "I suppose that is quite the dream." Reinvigorated, Phin thought about his own. It was obvious that to be a part of this man's crew, he would have to reevaluate his goals. And while that dream would be painfully close to Klanks, it was still a goal that would ring true to the fishman.

Klank found a shop on one of the smaller ships connected the King Jubils. It was one of the more well known places to buy absurd amount of alcohol. A giant wooden sign that said 'Endless Bottle' hung over the building. It's endless supply came from a brewery that specialized in making booze. And that brewery was just below deck. Klank walked to the counter where the merchant was convincing people to buy different brands. When he noticed the shipwright, he started waving his hand. Klank raised his own and said, "No need to try and talk me up. I'll take everything you got stocked below deck."

The merchant looked at him dumbfounded. "I can't simply sell you everything we have," the merchant mocked. From the look his face, he didn't believe Klank had the money. "What about everyone else?"

"I can pay double the price."

"And I can defeat King Jubil in a one on one," the merchant laughed.

It was then that Klank slapped his single coin on the counter and focused his attention.

"HAHA, What do you tak..." the man's words were cut off when he was instantly buried behind his counter. Klank had filled the entire shop with duplicated coins. The merchant stuck his head out in disbelief, jaw to the floor.

"I also need a few bodies to carry all my alcohol to my ship." Klank, satisfied with how that was handled, walked away.

The merchant exploded out of the mountain of coin and scrambled around to gather the employees below deck. He had never seen so much money in one place and it more than motivated him to take care of a customer willing to part with it. It never occurred to him, in all his excitement, that the coin might be fake, seemingly coming out of nowhere. It was far from fake, however, as Klanks ability duplicates everything about the item in question. Since he was out and about already, Klank decided to walk around to make sure there was nothing else the new crew might need. He would take into consideration the people he would adventure with and buy things he thought they might need. There was only two hours left before setting sail, so he would make the shopping spree quick.

With just an hour left before take off, Klank finally boarded his beloved creation. Phin was nowhere in sight, and neither was Isaac. Nor was the lively little weapon he carried. The snail was also missing and Klank thought weird of it. Perhaps Isaac had come back for it. Or maybe one of the 'Endless Bottle' employees had taken it. He would find out later. The crates, filled with copious amounts of alcohol, were lined up neatly along the starboard rail of the ship. To his surprise, one of the crates was open. Klank walked cautiously to that crate and heard someone talking. Nothing the delicate voice said was coherent, and as he drew closer the air seemed to chill. Short bursts of heat broke the cold aura, but only for a moment. Suddenly a giggle, and then a series of hiccups. "I think we drank too much, Peanut," the voice laughed. A short squeak replied.

When Klank reached the corner of the open crate, he saw a small girl leaning against it. Her long silvery hair was wrapped around her body in a angled mess, and the little black dress had wet spots from where alcohol had spilled. Her cheeks had a rosy tint, obviously drunk beyond her ability to function. She held a large bottle of dark rum that was was nearly empty. Next to her were numerous empty bottles, some of those empty only because its contents had made its way to the deck. Next to all that, lying against the wall was a squirrel. A little red squirrel that held a mini bottle no bigger than one of Klank's fingers.

"Helping yourselves, I see?" Klank interrupted.

The red squirrel, startled, jumped up and took a defensive stance. It started squeaking rubbish and suddenly burst into flames. Klank jumped back in surprise. The girl simply looked up, unable to move without feeling the urge to throw everything up. Klank stepped closer to her, but the squirrel wouldn't allow it. He leaped between them and got on all fours, red eyes piercing through the flames covering his body.

"Easy, little guy," Klank said carefully. "Nothing to fear from me."

"He ain't sacred of NOTHING," the girl said laughing. And not a moment later, the squirrel had a violent hiccup. The moment that happened, the flames went out in a loud poof. This, more than anything, sent the squirrel running around in panicked circles like he was actually on fire.

"Well," the girl chuckled, "Maybe except when his flames go out... 'Hiccup." She tried getting up, but the struggle was real.

Klank raised his hand. "You just sit right there, little one." He knelt down next to her. "What are you doing on my ship, drinking my alcohol?" He was by no means angry, just a little curious.

The girl just smiled and tapped the back of her head on the open crate she was leaning against. "I don't know about you, man," she said with another hiccup. "But when you see a bunch of guys carrying crates upon crates of alcohol," she held in an urge for a moment before continuing. "You follow, and drink. And then you drink some more. And well..." She looked to her partner in crime and chuckled as he fell to the floor. "And well, here we are. Drinking." She took one last swig before her body slid to the side and saying, "Sierra... Signing out." and she, like the squirrel, passed out on the deck of Klank's ship. When she did, the cold aura had disappeared, and loud snoring came from both of them.

"Interesting," Klank thought aloud, and left the duo to sleep it off. There was still a few things to do on the ship before departure. "I wonder if they'll tag along?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Storm of the Ages
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Storm of the Ages

Member Seen 2 mos ago

“I know what you are,” Isaac said to no one, tapping the ground with Sasayaki’s blade and making note of the acoustics. “To any old passerby, you look just like a normal island, brimming with wonder and adventure, but you’re not, are you?” He looked up to the tree, seeing the snail that he placed in between the branches to ensure proper coverage when the time came and smile. “You can fool everyone here, but not us, not today.”

Sasayaki reeled up when she saw a group of pirates passing by, but said nothing after realizing they were too involved in the party to pay attention. “Do we really have to do this? Can’t we just cause some trouble and get out of here by the time the anyone realizes?”

The thought had occurred to Isaac, just leaving it be and sailing on to his next destination with the crew, maybe kidnapping a pirate and stashing them below deck for some spending cash on the way, but something about the island insulted him, and it was a felling he couldn’t shake. “How much do you still remember? Being alive, I mean.”

Sasayaki looked over her chain, running all the way down to that scythe end. “Not a lot, but the parts I do remember the clearest were towards the end, when they finally found a way to contain me.” Sasa looked to the sky, her old home. “I just wanted to sing, but they couldn’t let me, not after what I had done.”

Isaac grabbed another snail and headed down the road, trying to find some additional coverage. “This entire island is a cage, feeding on the weakness of this world before they are allowed to grow.”

“Would they survive?” Sasayaki questioned. “What if the king is right? What if he is saving these people for a worse fate?”

He smiled, placing the last of his snails before looking back to his companion, his friend. “Maybe not, but it is their right to decide. My father may have been an asshole for leaving me that day, but if he didn’t, I would have never ran away, never found you, never found this island. Drive isn’t inherited, it is forged, and robbing people of that is something I cannot do.”

Sasayaki looked up, remembering again of the thing she used to be. “What if I can’t do it?”

“Then you will be given the opportunity to fail,” he smiled.


The day was winding down, and Isaac had found the perfect location for his show. Lights were set off across the island, with many epic fights lined up on the king’s ship to keep everyone that could interfere busy for the day. It was easy to stir up trouble, throwing some insults here, nudges there, all for a safe distance where Isaac could see the drunken mistakes get misconstrued; throwing sound was always a funny thing. The important thing was focus, Isaac gripping the juiced up snail and placing it on the ledge of highest rooftop that was still in sight of the ship. “Are you ready?”

Sasayaki was quiet, as she had been for most of the afternoon, the weight of her task undoubtedly weighing on her. “I think so, I think I can remember this time.”

“We’re stronger than we were then, and more determined.” Issac thought back, embracing the struggle that brought him to this pace, and the one that would undoubtedly lie ahead. “This is the sort of thing we dream of from the very beginning, and even better, this world can hear your voice again, your true voice.”

She remained still, the light inside her flickering. “Okay,” she finally said, “I’m ready.”

Isaac flipped the transmitter switch as Sasayaki wrapped her tail around his waist, anchoring tightly while her head rose up from behind him. The town went silent, confirming that Klank was every bit as good as he imagined him to be, and he took a moment to choose his words.
“Uhhhh, hey, Isaac here.” His voice echoed through the town. “I know I’ve been here a short time, but I have say, you guys really piss me off. All you made through the grand line, crossed a giant fucking mountain, and lived! You made it to the new world, and what, you’re just going to stop there? This sea is people with dreams, and if that’s not you, then go home, because you don’t belong here. And for the few of you that do belong and need a little push, on me.”

Isaac grasped Sasayaki’s tail, feeling the flow that ran through her, the subtle tune that always played, and smiled. “Awakening: Siren form.”

Vibrations shook the building and a chalky screech was sent through the town as light emerged from behind him. Feint wings sprouted from the chain, kicking up the dust as they fluttered nervously. “I.. I don’t know how much longer I can hold this,” Sasayaki, her sonic form peaking over his shoulder.

“Easy,” he reminded her, grasping the Den Den before it got kicked up in the chaotic flutter, “Just remember the words, and let them flow out of you like they used to. I’ll even get us started.”

Sasayaki’s wings wrapped him, her vibrations challenging his stance as a hint of a face appeared with the first words.

Siren song - Call to the unknown - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcOuQjvmzrY

The song carried through the town, sweeping every corner and breaking the illusion that rooted the island long before the king called this place home. In the times of old, there were myths of siren, luring strange sailors to strange places for their own personal gain, but those day for Jubiltown were long over, and the people on it could only do two things onward, face the facts that their journey was over and return home, or follow the sirens tune and set off to an uncertain fate. Regardless of what their felt when the song was done, nothing could ever be the same again.

Sasayaki collapsed over his shoulder, her lantern nearly drained. “It was a beautiful song,” he whispered, wrapping her up and taking a leap off the building, setting off for the ship while there was still time. “Now let’s blow the powder keg while there’s still time.”

Issac jumped on the deck, tossing the den den to Klank before leaping up to the lookout point. “We should probably get moving, before the King remembers where to find us,” he said with wink, looking out to the town.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Klank was hammering away on the main deck, securing multiple wooden chairs in an arc in front of what should be a Captain's Cabin. They weren't necessary, but he liked the way it looked and it would be a fine spot for a Captain to create strategies for whatever reason. Between the chairs and the Cabin's door, was a circle wooden frame, and inside was filled with sand. Long stick protruded out at each chair and where the Captain, when Klank found one, would stand. In the midst of nailing down the last chair, he heard Isaac's voice loud and clear like he was standing right next to him with a megaphone up to his ear. It was then that Klank realized what the modifications for the den den were for. His little speech was nothing short of insulting, at least maybe to King Jubil. Klank chuckled at the thought of Isaac refusing to accept the happenings of Jubiltown.

"Sure will be interesting having that boy on board," he popped a cigarette and lit as he spoke. He walked to the port side of his ship and looked into town. Suddenly, a beautiful voice echoed all throughout, reaching far beyond the bounds of the main land. Klank took a long drag and listened. What happened next made the shipwright peer into town with confusion. The partying came to an abrupt end. People, just as confused as Klank, began acting erratically. Almost half of the citizens dropped to their knees, some crying while others seemed to give in to some kind of depression. The other half were on the other end of the scale, old ambitions and dreams flooding them all at once. It was quite the spectacle. "Well, I'll be damned," Klank said to no one. "The boy was right."

Out of nowhere, Isaac leaped onto the ship while tossing the modified transmitter to him. The boy wasn't wrong about getting a move on. King Jubil was sure to be pissed with what Isaac had done, and he doesn't exactly have a forgettable voice. The King had also known that his dream wrecker was now affiliated with Klank. After all, the King introduced them. Some of his guards were already after Isaac, and it forced the shipwright to act fast. He couldn't have a bunch of angry Jubil Pirates running among his ship damaging it to all hell. He flipped a cigarette into his mouth and went to work.

--Klank grabbed his trusty All-Tool, leaped over the edge and onto the deck. I board, very much like the one always strapped to his back, appeared in his hand. He placed it on the ground and seven more boards dropped from thin air and around the first. He began hammering away so fast that one could barely see the nails forming in his hand. One smash per nail secured each plank of wood. He did this until a single wall was made. When he flipped it up, it was over seven foot tall, and he hammered a back support so it wouldn't fall. Once that was out of the way, Klank ran to his right at full speed, following him was a trail of the same wall, support and all. Once he reached a distance he was comfortable with, he made a sharp U-turn and ran back. A double wall would be sufficient enough to protect the ship from anyone trying to board it. Without hesitation, Klank ran to each of the ropes securing his ship to the dock and released them into the water. He was quick to run aboard. He then yelled out to the fishman, who had returned to the ship minutes before Isaac started with his antics.--

"Phin! Can you do anything about getting us outta here faster?" Klank knew full well that fishmen had strength far far greater than a human. But he was surprised when Phin immediately jumped into the water, swam behind the ship, and instead of pushing the ship with his bare hands, whipped out a six-sided boomerang and started spinning it. It took a single moment for the water to start whirling, but not downward. The weapon was forming a twister and forcing water forward, pushing the ship away from the dock. Its speed wasn't great, being so heavy, but it was a start. Phin then used his speed underwater to shoot himself onto the ship, landing heavily onto the deck. Klank was impressed and his excitement showed. That was until loud explosions echoed from the center of Jubitown.

"Cannons!" Klank noted. "That's not good." He produced another cigarette. "Anyone got anything for that?" The first few shot were a far miss, but more were on the way, made evident by a series of rapid fire explosions. "ANYONE?" he yelled.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Storm of the Ages
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Storm of the Ages

Member Seen 2 mos ago

“Can you hear it, Sasa?” Isaac asked, knowing full well that his companion was too gassed from her task. I searched the town, looking beyond the walls to see what their song had done, the freedom it gave. “From here on out, their only excuse is their own,” he said with a smile, handing on the top of the ship while his ride worked valiantly to escape the island. Normally, he’d attempt to help out, but something about the pair made him believe they could handle the chaos.

Roars of cannons fired to their side, each shot closing in as the fishman pushed them to sea. “Look at that fight,” he remarked, wondering how far the ships were willing to come. Men ran towards their ship with new determination as Klank continued to build, but it didn’t seem like that could run as fast as the old man could build. “Sasa, look at gramps build. Crushing it.”

Just as he thought he had his fill, he sensed the first ship leaving dock, a rugged old marine vessel with two men leading the charge. “Wiggs and Bedge! I knew you guys had more fight in you!” He lied back to the top of the mast as the cannon fire got closer and took it all in, always finding a strange delight when things went insane, and he would have to remember ever bit of it to tell Sasayaki when she woke up. “What. A. Day.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by irishking


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

With a loud bang Siera woke up! Her eyes were sensitive to the light but one they adjusted and she finally will herself to sit up from the deck floor she looked out in shock.

"what the hell is this" She said out loud as she looked out at a marine vessel following the ship she was on and a bunch of cannon balls heading in her direction. "were am i and how the hell did i get here" she asked herself as she stared at peanut wondering what they could have done to get this selves into this predicament.

She looked around and saw this old man that she briefly remembers talking to on the ship but she can't remember what he said. He is working hard on building some wall probably to prevent them from sinking the ship. "well surprisingly this isn't the weirdest situation we have been in and if were along for the ride we might as well help right peanut." He looked at her like he understood her and shrugged his shoulders and hopped on her ready for what ever was in there way.

Seira got to her feet barely still wobbly from the alcohol that's was very obviously still in her system. She ran to the end of the stern and with out hesitation she leaped off. She glided through the air slowly coming down to the surface of the water and when her foot neared the water it began to freeze until it was a large solid block of ice that she landed on. She kneeled down like she was about to attempt the 100 yards dash and she leaped off the ice going forward at a very high speed through the air as thin sheets of ice began to accumulate on the bottom of her feet. By the time she landed on the next block of ice there were ice skates on the bottom of her feet and she was flying across the icy runway she was creating in front of her.

It was shortly after that she arrived at the enemy ship still going insanely fast and then she leaned back onto her side sliding across the ice and at this point only 10 feet away from the ship; and it is there were she stopped suddenly and when she did large spikes of ice came shooting out of the water at the base of her feet and spreading in a circle around the ship. As it came closer to the ice spikes protruding out of the ocean she ran up one of them and leaped on board right before it went through the side of the ship like butter halting the ship from moving forward and now they were taking on water.

When she finally landed on the deck with her fist on the and on one knee (super hero pose) she looked up at the marines and said now its time for some fun. deck by this time has frozen under the marines feet and they were struggling to to stay up. Siera took her sweet time with them throwing them off one by one it must of looked like fireworks made out of people since marines were flying everywhere at that point. She just wanted to have some fun so after she got all of the marines off the ship and into the water she hopped up to the top of the mask were the look out of the ship was and shouted to the marines floating in the water.

"Well i guess my time here has come to an end i hope you all had as much fun as i did!" She shouted as she pressed her hand against the top of the mast and the marines watched as the ship changed color from brown to white. The entire ship turned into a giant ice sculpture.

She took a hold of peanut with two hands and looked behind her to make sure the other ship was at her back then she leaned over and said to peanut "fire in the hole"

Peanut nodded his head and looked that the ship and drew in the biggest breath his little squirrel body could and released a huge ball of fire followed by a stream of fire behind it! This sent Siera and peanut flying through the air and the fireball shattered the pirate ship like glass into 1000 pieces leaving nothing but smoke behind.

Once Siera thought they had made it high enough she "okay peanut" and he stopped shouting out fire from his mouth and crawled up sieras arm clenching tight onto her shoulder as they fell slowly towards the ship floating through the air being carried by the breeze. While coming down through the she passed the look out on top of the mast and she saw a white haired man looking at the cannon balls flying through the air. As she floated by him she looked confused and peanut stuck his tongue out at him because he is always starting trouble.

"stop that peanut haven't we done enough fighting for now"

Peanut looked at her with a sad face but she knew he was just trying to get out of being in trouble. She landed on the deck and walked over to the wall being built and said

"hey you need any help ice works really well at stopping cannon fire!"

She reaches her hand out and touches the wall, the wood starts to crystallize underneath her hand and a thick sheet of ice forms on the outside of the wall. "maybe this will help a little bit." she says and then begins to stumble. She sits down propped up against the mast hoping that once they get far enough away she can finally get some answers on what is going on here and why are there people trying to kill us.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

King Jubil
Of the Jubil Pirates

Jubil was watching yet another brawl at the arena, sitting in his usual wooden chair at the head of its border. This fight wasn't a particularly interesting fight like some of the ones happening throughout the day. Apparently, the tall dark guy was going around snatching everyone else's drinks. He was swaying back and forth with his fists up, ready for an assault from the man across from him. That man was much shorter, if you could call him a man. He couldn't be more than twenty, but his anger and poise was that of an experienced fighter. Regardless, King Jubil was disinterested. The announcer was going through his usual speech. He though it strange that cheers never came from the mainland as they usually do. For as long as Jubiltown had been established, never once did the citizens not cheer. This peaked his interest over the current fight, which had barely even started when the air began to change. A single man's voice echoed throughout Jubiltown, overwhelming the sound of everything. The Den Den Mushi's on all the ships even spoke his words. King Jubil Stood to his feet in search of the familiar voice.

It was obvious through his message, that Isaac, as he so comfortably confirmed his name, did not agree with King Jubil's ways. He listened to the speech, motioning for his crew to find Isaac. Things were made much harder, however, as the voice was replaced by another, more serene and almost intoxicating set of vocals. The song seemed to reach the citizens of Jubiltown in more ways than one. People around the King started dropping to their knees, some even from his own crew. Most of them were beating themselves up over the losses they had endured before crossing the red line, saying things like "I can't go any further," and "I don't have what it takes." This severely pissed off King Jubil, and he walked up to one of those that fell.

"What are you on about?" He screamed. "You've made it this far, have you not?" He picked the man up by the back of his shirt and stared him in the face. He was struck with surprise when he saw the man's face. It was as if all his dreams suddenly died in an instant.

"I'm nothing without my crew," he blurted out, tears running down his face. "I haven't the will to go on."

It was at that moment King Jubil realized something dreadful. His way of protecting the weak willed only suppressed whatever emotions haunted them upon their arrival in this place. What he didn't realize, was that he too, was a victim to a curse radiating from the island itself. It had deterred his own dreams of finding the One Piece, and following a false one implanted deep within him. He would never realize this, though, his anger planting a new dream. He tossed the pathetic man aside and looked to where his crew were running. He remembered that he introduced Isaac to Klank, and though the shipwright did so much for Jubiltown in such a short time, it was all over. Debts were already payed and he was now harboring his enemy, in turn, making Klank the same. King Jubil, not realizing the curse breaking song had reinvigorated him, assembled his men. Every one of the Jubil pirates took their places at the Jubil Ships cannons. Explosions quickly followed. From his perch, he could see a wall quickly being built, and spanning a sections of the docks, like he could see where Klank was running behind them.

"So he really has decided to aid this destroyer of dreams?" He said, not taking a moment to understand that Isaac had only freed everyone from something they could not fight, King Jubil included. "So be it. I'll hunt you both to the ends of this world and the next."

He looked around to the ships connected to his gigantic vessel. There was no helping what was about to happen, but it must be done in order for King Jubil to achieve his new dream. "JUBIL PIRATES," he bellowed. "TODAY, WE LEAVE THIS PLACE. FORMER CAPTAINS OF YOUR OWN CREWS, MAN YOUR SHIPS IN MY NAME. AID ME IN MY ENDEAVOR TO END THE KLANK PIRATES. PREPARE FOR A HUNT."

The Jubil pirates were further invigorated and did as they were told. While the sound of cannons still echoed into the sky, King Jubil motioned them onward. He could see Klanks ship starting to set sail, though it was slow going. Ice flew all over and it wasn't long before a ship was covered and it's crew flying everywhere. He yelled, "AFTER THEM."

Suddenly, there was a series of cracking wood, followed by more cannon fire. All the ships around the leading vessel started to part ways. Jubil's own immediately set sail. Waves forced themselves forward, crashing into the mainland and destroying everything in its path, old citizens included. Klanks ship was now at a distance for them to be safe from cannon fire, and they were only gaining more speed.

"I'd expect nothing less from a Master Shipwright, Klank." King Jubil's arms were crossed. His crew scrambled about to set the ship up for the open sea. "But that is all you are. I will catch you one day, and if you decide to protect the dream destroyer, then you too shall be killed." And so began the Jubil pirates, born anew with an armada to follow.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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Klank had just finished duplicating his last wooden shield to defend his ship against the cannons. The large double wall he built on the docks was still holding strong, though, he would soon realize that's all it was good for. Suddenly, the drunken girl from before had landed next to him, offering help and quickly encased Klank's wall in a thick layer of ice. He glared at it curiously. "Impressive," he said to her. Of course, he wasn't just referring to the reinforced wall. He was amazed at her quick recovery, knowing full well that if he had drank as much as she did, he'd still be out, and useless. Even more, he witnessed what she had done to a couple ships in flashy icicle flurry. It had been a while, probably his last crew on the grand line, since he witnessed a single person cause such destruction. He was sure the girl would have made an escape, not that she was a captive, and was struck with surprise when she came back. He was not mad about the possibility of her and the fiery squirrel tagging along.

"Phin," Klank shouted before looking back. The fishman was already running around deck, freeing the symbol-less blue sails. They parachuted out, creating a sound that resembled a blanket being snapped. Phin never looked back, only continuing his mission to get the ship moving faster. Klank looked out back to Jubiltown and said, "Proceed, I guess." It hadn't been a few hours, but the individuals on board seemed to work in unison. At least for the most part. Isaac, remained up top the highest mast, out of sight from the others, hopefully keeping a look out. He couldn't be sure. It was at that moment, when Klank thought their escape was eminent, when he noticed Jubiltown begin to change amidst all the explosions.

Even at the distance they currently held, Klank could see the monstrous fortress that made up half of the town. It was no longer a single entity as the many ships connected to King Jubil's own, began to separate. Men were running chaotically trying to get to one or the others. Some of them fell right into the sea, where they would stay. The main ship, starting its hunt, created waves big enough to crash over the mainland. Everything, including the wall Klank had built to hold the citizens back, was destroyed. There was enough water to allow passage from inside the ring. Klank chuckled when it was made clear that all those little ships were following King Jubil's lead.

"You really pissed him off," Klank said, referring to Isaac. "Not even a full crew and we have targets on our backs." He looked at Sierra and Peanut. "This is gonna be one crazy adventure," and he laughed as he ran to the ships helm. "It's high time we got outta here." He was excited to really test his new ships capabilities, and even more excited to showcase it to an audience. When he got to the wheel, he took a look at each of his crew, a wide grin spread crazily across his face. Two cigarettes appeared between his lips, and he lit them. His heart began beating faster and faster until the moment came when he slammed a lever to the left of the wheel. It was one of many that surrounded his immediate vicinity, and they all served a specific purpose. This lever, would aid in their hasty escape. "BRACE YOURSELVES," he yelled.

Large wooden doors unlatched themselves all around the side of the ship. Together, they created a loud smack as they hit the wooden body. Without hesitation, gigantic oars shot out and smacked the water below. Once Klank heard the sound, he began spinning a knob with a handle jutting out at the center of the helms wheel. This activated the oars. Eight paddles, all connected to this one knob to be controlled by this one shipwright. The burst in speed with each push of the oars was surprisingly powerful, and Klank himself jumped with joy when it hadn't failed. It took him weeks to work out the kinks in the system, but it was all worth it. Phin, who had never braced himself, fell back and rolled to the back of the ship. Strangely, he was laughing. The explosions began to fade in the distance, and even King Jubil's ship was getting smaller by the second.

"HOT DAMN," Klank yelped. He pumped his fist into the air, celebrating his newest achievement. Afterward, he kicked a lever behind him, activating a small door just to his right. A bottle of rum shot up and landed right into his hand. He popped the cork, took a swig, and lit another cigarette that was gone in a single drag. He lit another immediately after for relaxation. He knew now, for sure, that the new crew would have no worries from their pursuers for some time. He leaned against the large wooden wheel, taking small drags and big sips. "Let's celebrate!"

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Storm of the Ages
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Storm of the Ages

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The sky finally faded to knight after the ship had long departed the island, and slowly Sasayaki was regaining her poise, humming a familiar tune as her chain found life. “Did we win?” she muttered, groggily swaying back and forth, searching for her bearings.

“We did,” Isaac smiled, pointing to where they left, the faintness of ships far beyond their sight. “You should have seen it, dozens of ships breaking, off, cannons firing everywhere, fishman singlehandedly manning the ship, old man building like there was no tomorrow, and some crazy drunken stowaway girl and her gerbil skating across the sea. You would have loved it,” he started, taking the time after to fill in all the details. Sasayaki was tired, but she loved every second of Isaac’s stories, forever wrapped up in his crazy dreams. She looked from one end of the sea to another as he described it, pretending to see the world through his eyes, even mustering the strength to scan the ship, taking careful note of the frequencies of her new companions, all of them ringing in interesting ways. She listened until the night had long set in, coming more alive as the old man behind the wheel slowly started to dowse off.

Klank nodded off as Isaac and Sasayaki slid down the pull, a sweet lullaby emanating from the chain as they approached the wheel. The song set in as the made their way to the deck, the man muttering as he steered them forward. “Don’t, don’t mess with the buttons,” he yawned, struggling to keep one eye open. “They’re.. they’re my buttons, and I, I steer the ship.. my ship.. my..”

“You are steering the ship,” Isaac comforted, carefully loosening his grip, only for another wheel to be dupped in its place, the man still steering the air. “Woahhh,” he whispered as Sasayaki continued to hum, “Look at those waves,” he said, guiding Klank to his cabin, slowly resting him against the bench. “Be careful out there,” he said with the poke of the nose, tiptoeing back to the deck and to the wheel, rip with adventure.

“Finally,” Sasayaki dragged, “The kids are asleep and the adults can play.” Her lantern hovered over the wheel, then the buttons, then below. “This isn’t any old ship. Each of these thingies is connected to another thingy down there.”

Isaac grasped the wheel, feeling the pull of the sea’s currents at the slightest resistance. “We should probably test them out then, since we’re here. It’s the responsible thing to do.”

Yes, she nodded, looking regal as she wrapped around and perched over his shoulder. “Kind sir,” she played, “I’m afraid the enemy has surrounded us. Would you be a doll and press magic number button seven.”

“Aye, captain, engaging.” With a twirl of his free hand, he nobly lifted his finger, definitively pressing the cool steel.

At first, nothing happened, so he pressed it again, and again, and again until he felt a rumbling from below the deck. He shared a look with Sasayaki, unsure of what could possibly be generating so much noise, when the ship took a hop out of the water, then another, and another, sending Isaac bouncing on the deck. Sasayaki was the quick one, recognizing the power of an overcharged air dail, anchoring to the wheel and pulling Isaac back to the floor in a snap. “We pressed the wrong button,” She kindly reminded him, pulling back to wheel.
“I’ll just press it again,” he yelled, getting flashbacks of his last shipwreck, pulling his body closer to press the seven, only for his hand to be misdirected upon hitting another wave, striking five instead.

Gears grinded just below deck, splitting the wood and sprouting a single fin to the ships right side, sending the vessel into a bouncing tumble. “Wrong button,” Sasayaki screamed, sensing another silent night in the ocean until the once again could wash up on shore.

“We. Just. Neeeed. T- to. Pressss. The right. Bu-uttons.” He struggled, sliding his hands down the row and causing the ship to groan. He could tell what happened next, the chaos more than he was accustomed to, but he knew everything would be alright when the ship inexplicitly stopped, with what he could have sworn were large fingers encasing it. “Nailed it,” he exhaled, smiling as the world slowly stopped spinning.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by irishking


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Siera was passed out sitting against the mast when she could feel tiny arm hands touching her face. She slowly opened her eyes to find her friend peanut mounted on her head slapping her in the face to get her to wake up. It was at that point she realized she was in the air. She grabbed peanut off of her and flipped her body around and was now face downard towards the ship. She was floating in the air with the breeze as she looked down and watched the ship go. Jokers jumping high into the air and then back down again. She glanced over at the deck and saw a man barely grasping onto the wheel still and what looked like him talking to his weapon.

“And people thought I was weird for talking to you peanut” she said while laughing about the mess this guy had gotten himself into.

“I have a feeling we’re gonna like this guy” Siera said before burping out loud still feeling a little off from the large amount of alcohol she had. She started to change the density of her body and float back down to the ship. when she was about to land on the ship when she notices giant fingers starting to encase the entire ship. She crashed down hard from the sky landing on the deck behind Isaac just making it back to the ship before the fingers started to close around the ship. Peanut frightened crawled down the back of her shirt and was hiding underneath her collar only sticking his head out of the shirt just under her chin to see what was happening.

“Oh come on! can’t a girl get some sleep around here”
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by DSquiggs
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"You're so beautiful," Klank mumbled in his sleep. He was laying to his side, awkwardly entwined in the large wooden wheel. His hand glided across the finely polished ring as he said, "I love you." The serenity didn't last long. Without warning, he bounced violently between the ceiling and floor. He tried to recover, but with how the ship was bouncing, it wouldn't happen. Klank, in the middle of face planting on the ceiling for the fourth time, instantly knew what was happening. Mid tumble, he produced a cigarette and took a long, angry drag. There was no way for him to to make it to the door on foot, not with the room now spinning chaotically. He was on the floor now, looking for his All-tool, but it to was all over the place. He had no choice but to wait it out. It only took a moment for the ship to come to an abrupt stop. He didn't have a lever for a halt like that. "Someone," he said as he lit another cigarette. "Is gonna die." Once he was half way through his smoke, Klank shot up to his feet, walked over to grab his weapon, and charged for the door.

The Sky was a gorgeous shade a blackish-blue with glaring dots scattered throughout. As nice as the scene was, it wasn't enough to suppress his surprise. A cage seemed to have formed over Klank's beloved ship. A giant, fleshy cage that looked like bulky, scarred fingers. This, more than Isaac's and Sierra's misbehavior, angered him even further. Another cigarette popped into his mouth. He lit it as he headed to the edge of his ship. "What the hell kind of sea monster has human fingers," he said as he jumped onto the wooden railing.

Klank unfolded his All-tool and hit a tiny switch in the middle, to which a foot long jagged blade snapped up. Suddenly, it was a bulky spear that doubled in length from its hammer form. He raised it, winding it up behind his back and yelled, "NO ONE MESSES WITH MY SHIP." With all the strength he could muster, Klank forced the weapon forward. "ALL-TOOL SPEAR," he said as he channeled his rage. The short blade pierced through, and a bellowing yelp filled the air. It sounded much like a man, but what reared its ugly head, was not. The finger cage quickly shrank down, followed by a large wave that sent the ship floating back with it. Klank hopped down and ran to the where the figurehead should be. He held the spear tightly, ready to strike again. Phin ran up behind him, holding his forehead. There were multiple bumps caused by the ships recent thrashing. Still, he was ready to fight, and prepared to take to the water where he was strongest. He was simply waiting for the command.

In front of them, a towering mass of a Sea King stared. It's diamond shaped scales glimmered an eerie blue, reflecting the light from a full moon and illuminating everything. It's head was triple the size of Klank's ship, with scaly looking tendrils draping over the sides. From what Klank could tell, it was a Dragon Sea King and only half of it's body was above water. Anger quickly subsided. For fear of the destruction of his ship, the shipwright darted for the helm. He shoved Isaac and Sasa from the post. He slammed one of the levers to the right, keeping his thump firmly on top of it. At the front of the ship, all the way down the stern, doors opened up and out of them came long cannons. When he heard the sound of the cannons locking in place, Klank pushed the button on top of the lever. One after another, five heavy lances fired with loud bangs echoing into the world. Luckily, these lances were tether-less, so when the Sea King made its inevitable escape, the ship would not be dragged down to the depths. Klank laughed maniacally as they flew. That laughter ended, though, when the lances bounced off the black scales. Klank's jaw dropped to the floor.

The dragon, not seeming phased in the slightest, lowered itself into the water until its head was level with the ship. It's red eyed glare pierced the Klank. Then, there was laughter as a bump started to grow on its snout. The bump grew until it was the size of the ship. That's when the crew realized it wasn't a bump at all, but a head. A giant, thick-bearded, muscular head with a shit eating grin. And it laughed like it was amused. The voice was overwhelming and deep.

"The balls," the voice laughed. "The balls on you to make an attempt on my pet's life."

"Pet?" Klank said to himself. He lazily kranked the same lever to the left, reloading the lance cannons, knowing full well it was useless. His jaw was still hanging, but he couldn't just let the ship go down without a fight.

"No need for that," the head laughed. The man's eyes were a light blue, and they shot glances at each crew member. Isaac was unperturbed, and Sierra, right along with peanut, were in a feisty stance. The ginormous head continued. "You have to forgive Blade, here. He's very protective you see." The man raised his hand, enlarging it so the crew could see. "And when one of you stabbed me," blood flowed smoothly from where Klank stuck his spear. "He got a little pissed. I assure you, he won't attack as long as I'm in charge." the hand went away and shriveled down. "May I board?" he questioned. "It's been quite sometime since I've been on such a fine vessel, and Blade here needs some time to roam. He's unable to do so with me riding."

Klank looked to Isaac, Sierra, and Phin. Then he pulled the lever to the right, causing the lance cannons to retract.

"As long as that beast stays away from my ship." Klank pointed at the Sea King. Blade let out a feint whimper. Klank thought it weird that a Sea King of that caliber might have feelings, and that they were hurt.

The head shrank down, almost disappearing on the dragons snout. In the next moment, the man leaped from his pet and landed firmly on deck. His hair was short, light brown, and faded into a shaggy beard that covered most of his face. He wore a long black captain's coat, sleeves flapping in the wind. The man uncovered one of his arms and pointed at his face with his thumb. It was obvious why he didn't put his arms through the sleeves. They were too big. His calf muscles were bare as he wore black shorts that fit snug on his wide thighs. He was a hulk of a man, with an attitude that didn't seem to match at first impression.

"The name's Bighead," he introduced. "Jesse D Bighead."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Storm of the Ages
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Storm of the Ages

Member Seen 2 mos ago

“I want to ride it,” Sasayaki whispered, the two finding their way to their feet and to the side of the ship as the ordeal began. “I want to make it a collar, give it a cute name, take it for a walk, and do the whole thing again tomorrow.”

Isaac gave a confused look back before he realized what was happening. “You’re not a siren anymore,” he teethed, trying not to draw the attention of the other crewmates as Klank started his relentless assault. It was useless of course, Isaac had happened upon many sea kings in his time adrift, and he could sense this creature was on another level. “You can’t go seducing every mythical creature you lay your eyes on.” He looked over to Klank as the spears bounced off and gave a thumbs up. “Good effort!” he shouted, but the man was clearly too distracted by the challenge ahead.

Sasayaki jerked in front of Issac, peaking back at what now appeared to be a dragon, her lantern glowing as she looked back to him. “Don’t body shame me! How is it okay when you flirt with your little mink girls, but suddenly not okay when I want a piece of those scales. Double standards.”

“Fine,” he conceded, pushing her back, but play it cool for now, okay.”

Just then, a strange man walked on board, introducing himself as Bighead, a name he was all to familiar with, being a bounty hunter. Over his years as a pirate, he had amassed a 500 million berry bounty, an impressive number for a solo act. He was a loner, or so they said, but he could at least confirm the pirate never held a crew, being “too grand” to work with others. Well, that is what the papers said, at least, but in Isaac’s experience, the news was nothing but bullshit the marines put out change the story.

Isaac moved to the group, seeing his opportunity to act, “Good thing you arrived, he said to the stranger, shaking his hand. The man’s grip intensified as Isaac's did, the locking grips for the slowest handshake in his life, less like an actual handshake, and more like a struggle of wills that ended as the man’s hand started to ever so slightly swell larger. “You see, this crazy glowing gerbil started pressing these buttons, and I was like, noo, Klank said not to touch those, but by the time I got there, it was already too late.” He looked back to Klank to see if he was buying it, slowly dragging on his cigarette while Sasayaki was preoccupied with the dragon.

“Well now,” Bighead laughed, patting Isaac on the shoulder, Sasayaki taking a quick peak back before returning to her lusting, “that sounds like quite the tale! I must admit, I’ve never seen a vessel hop so gallantly before in my life, and that’s saying something. You must be quite the adventure, I’ve got a ninth sense for these kinds of thing, you know.” Bighead looked back at Sasayaki, then to Sierra and peanut, the to Klank and the Phin. “In fact, you’re all of a different breed. Little trouble makers, right? In need of some parental guidance, yes? Perfect!” he exclaimed, putting his hands on his hips and growing larger. “I’ve been waiting for people like you all my life, and now that I’ve found you, you shall not escape my manly grasp! From here on out, this is my ship, and I am your captain! Good? Okay!”

Sasayaki suddenly decided to take notice, looking to the others and back to the stranger, twice as large as he was before, the floorboards bending under his weight. “Uhhhh, what?”
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