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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Stekkmen Head shotted.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The light to Block C's cells flickered on. Each one of the rooms in which D-Class slept where identical. A single steel door, a bed, a carpet-tiled floor, a toilet, sink, and a computer. Yes- a computer. They weren't aloud to upload, post, or create anything, but they could watch movies and play games. Most of the D-Class had been where prisoners in the public incarceration system; making this room feel like a 5-star hotel. The lights flickered on, and they had a half an hour before breakfast and a moment to themselves.

Their moment of reflection came to end, when dozens of security guards left their own places to organize and move the D-Class to the canteen, where they would be eating breakfast. A loud buzzing was heard, signifying the beginning the day. For many of the D-Class prisoners, this was there first day here. Day one of thirty.

Security at the site all wore the same uniform. Black kevlar and pads over a white jumpsuit with a face-obscuring balaclava, goggles and helmet combination. It was rare to see the security staff without their helmets.

The canteen food was much better than anything they might have had in previous incarceration facilities. The food was served via a machine that handed out trays of powdered eggs, bacon, toast, and a carton of orange juice. Very simple tastes, but whatever they did to it gave it an adequate flavor that made it pleasant to eat.

The loudest person in the room was D-98970, a bald, bulky white man with a stubble getting into an engaging argument with a handsome chinese man, amused but calmy explaining the matter at and. Meanwhile, D-22141, a woman with brown skin and long dark hair tied into a ponytail, tried to keep from laughing as D-98970 loudly protested that indeed, undercover police officers do have to tell you that their undercover, because cops always have to tell the truth.

"Ryan, I'm telling you," the asian man responded with a laugh in his voice. "That's fake. I wouldn't be surprised if that's something the police made up to give their informants more credibility."

"No no no, Zhang, listen, I know- look, look-" He saw the new arrivals, making eye contact with Jeremy. "You, scrawny, get over here. Tell Zhang here that cops aren't allowed to lie. Tell him. You know it's true, right?" He had a serious urgency about him as if he only had a limited amount of time to convince people he was right.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

What the hell was this place? It sure didn’t look like any laboratory he had ever heard of, not that he had ever seen one in real life, and in fact it just felt like another prison to him. A really bad prison. Sure, the accommodations were a lot nicer, but that didn’t change the fact that they were going to be locked in a cell each night, that they still had guards and they were more kitted out than the ones at his old prison, or the fact that he hadn’t seen a single window to the outside since he was brought here.

Jeremy was not a smart man. He wouldn’t be in prison if he was a smart man. But he knew when his instincts were telling him something was wrong and something was very wrong with this situation.

Whatever, it was okay. Just treat it like another prison yard and he would be out of here in no time; 30 days, that was all, just keep his head down and wait the month out. Just follow the rules, don’t talk to anyone, there’s no need to make friends when you were only going to be here a short time. Just keep your head down.

Or at least, that was the plan.

“Huh?” Someone grabbed Jeremy’s attention as he was walking past with his tray and without thinking his stopped and looked in their direction. At the table next to him were a motley assortment of people; a tall bald white guy, a dapper looking Asian guy and an attractive Latino woman. “Lie about what? I’m pretty sure cops can lie. Maybe not about everything, but they must be able to lie sometimes, right?”


[xXShadlesXx]: I'm seeing a lot of new names in these documents
[xXShadlesXx]: They must have brought a new batch of people in
[xXShadlesXx]: I wonder how long these guys'll last?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by grandophicleide
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grandophicleide 16 feet tall

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

When the buzzer went off, Rob held himself very still for a few moments. The pain in his lower back was always the worst right after waking up, but years of experience had taught him that so long as he didn't move, he could enjoy a few minutes of respite from that old companion. Old habits refused to let him go back to sleep, however, and before too long he rolled out of bed in a long-practiced manner, cautious of the rumbling threats of his lumbar vertebrae. Laying his blanket on the floor, he gingerly started his usual series of morning stretches.

The physical therapist who'd taught him the sequence had also stressed the importance of meditation and mental relaxation during the exercise, which he sometimes attempted. On this morning, however, anticipation preoccupied him. From the age of fourteen he'd spent his entire life working: respectable labor of the back and the hands, of which he'd always been extremely proud. The previous three years of perfect idle nothingness had induced a profound, black desperation, such that he'd jumped at the chance for a work assignment baldly billed as being "extremely dangerous". The promise of any new experience after such existential monotony and uselessness was so intoxicating that the vague assurances of danger were a faint, unconvincing echo to his overwhelming desire to do something productive again. Today was The Day.

The soft, sleepy rumble of Block C was broken eventually by the rolling cattle-call, which spread slowly up and down the corridors. Rob stuck his head under the sink tap, wrung out his shoulder-length hair, and groomed his mustache as best he could without a comb. He changed from his pajamas into a daily work uniform, and soon his door opened: "D-77732, it's time to eat. Follow me." How personal, he thought, that the guards call us to breakfast individually. He cautiously counted it as a positive sign. He smiled at the guard in response, but received no indication of any reaction through the helmet.

The canteen food was surprisingly adequate. He'd developed a bit of a taste for powdered eggs over his years of incarceration, and they'd never once had bacon at Menard Correctional Facility, from which he'd been transferred. He thought for a moment, and added the bacon to the list of positive things about this decision. Even if he wound up shoveling toxic waste today, at least he'd had some decent food.

The atmosphere in the canteen was surprisingly lively. Three years ago, he'd learned the hard way that "lively" and "friendly" are very different things in prison, so he spent breakfast trying to read the room and learn some personalities. The dominant conversation was a loud, spirited debate began over whether undercover cops have to admit to being cops when asked. He couldn't help but smile at the earnestness of the large, bald man (Ryan), and watched with amusement as Ryan attempted to draft a random bystander into supporting his claims. It reminded him of the banter in his old shop, bringing up memories that made his chest go tight. He thought about joining in, but that was sentiment's influence. Instead, he kept his eye on the younger man who had been drawn into the odd conversation.


[heaviside]: god only knows
[heaviside]: sooner than usual, isn't it? wonder if their attrition rates have been higher than usual lately
[heaviside]: can't be anything good
[heaviside]: but then, when is it ever anything good?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by grandophicleide
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grandophicleide 16 feet tall

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Claudette had never spent very long in prison before. Expensive lawyers, buying off witnesses, bribing judges...'removing' those who had some inane sense of morality made it easy to get off free of most charges. Now here she was, dressed in some tacky orange suit that clashed entirely with her hair and eyes. Not to mention the bland white halls this place had, and of the cells. The computer was nice - though she had never been one for it. She was more classically inclined after all. Piano, dancing...so it wasn't exactly easy for her to find entertainment here, but at least the computer had access to a digital library.

In all, she could conclude this place was not a prison. Some sort of lab? Whatever it was, it wasn't good.

When the buzz signaling the beginning of the day, Claudette had been awake for almost a thirty minutes. Early to bed and early to rise, as they say. When the tall masked man dressed in the usual uniform came to retrieve her silently, Claudette could only sigh. How rude. Well, it wouldn't do to say anything - she wasn't exactly physically capable.

"My, not even a good morning." She mused silently to herself, following the guard out of her room and towards the mess hall. The canteen was surprisingly good, compared to that cesspool she had been in previously. Food at least, was passable and the room was quite lively overall. Of course, she elected not to get too involved with anyone. She was going to be here for a month at most. Though...contacts could perhaps be useful on the outside, provided they both make it out.

So Claudette found a man sitting alone, nearby enough to watch the others and listen in on their conversation.

"Is this seat taken?" She offered a friendly smile to Rob. "Just because we're in some odd, and likely illegal, test facility is no reason to be strangers with another."

[|Audi0phile|]: YOOOO, 'Sup my beautiful bitches! Audi0 signing on from the local trash heap of the world!
[|Audi0phile|]: Fresh blood already?
[|Audi0phile|]: I give 'em a week before they croak...or boil. Or have their insides imploded. Have their butt probed by aliens.
[|Audi0phile|]: All that fun stuff
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Stekkmen Head shotted.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As Claudette attempted to make new friends with Rob, Ryan was disappointed that Jeremy did not rush to his aid. When Ryan looked back at Zhang, Zhang tapped his temple as if he made some brilliant mental maneuver. "See?"

"Well, shit," Ryan said, taking Jeremy's word for it. "I mean, if cops can lie, than who the fuck can we trust? I guess Derrick was a mole after all..." He began to melancholically pick at his bacon with a spork, before turning back to Jeremy before he could attempt to make a run for it. "What's your name, guy? I'm Ryan. This is Zhang, that's Christina, and the rest I dunno." He gestured vaguely at the people around, causing those who had been paying attention to glance back down at their eggs.


[@0o0o0@] Yes, Audi0, the 'fresh blood' is ready. As for how long they'll last, I hope as long they make it to the end. We haven't seen a full thirty dayer yet, I don't think. Ryan's halfway there.

[MagnumD0ng] thats fucked up audi0


Several new faces arrived in the canteen. Two guards led a row each of around five prisoners. In one row, there were two particular faces the Girmso activists had access to the files of- Dax Perez, otherwise known as D-01984, and Lenny Flannigan, known to the staff as D-82494. The two of them were lead and allowed to freely roam the cafeteria.

At this point, there were around 20 minutes left in breakfast time.

One thing that is different about this prison is the atmmosphere. Despite the canteen being filled with what some might consider the worst of the worst, Girmso's logs revealed that very rarely did any fights happen on-site. It just had that kind of atmosphere. Perhaps it was the guards armed with fully automatic machine guns, passively watching from an above balcony while casually chatting with one another. Perhaps it was the fact that once every couple of days, there would be a new face in the canteen and the people they had gotten to know never came back.

Either way, it seemed most agreed they were all in this together. It also helped that trouble-makers seemed to go away faster than most.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

For the record, Donald Bastion - Dr. Bastion, thankyouverymuch - wasn't reflecting on a damn thing. He found the whole lot of them - they who judged him - to be asinine fools. They had failed to grasp the nuances of the whole situation. The bloody thing had WORKED, and there was no way to undo that fact, no matter WHAT anybody said about ethics and- Oh, nevermind...

So no, Bastion wasn't on reflection. He was keeping himself somewhat calm by way of listening to an audio reading of The Curious Case of Charles Dexter Ward. That was until the guards came, of course. A woman in the usual soldier garb told him to get out, and he replied "That's Doctor Six-Oh-One-Oh-Oh to you, missy.". Bastion didn't like being confused for the riff-raff, which is why he also complained of the color of his jumpsuit. He understood, functionally, why it was bright orange, but it hurt his eyes to look at it.


[QuicksaveKid]: Just a note here. Bastion does tend to gab on a bit. Even the editors had trouble with his dialogue in these files. I've run a slightly-better program through it to keep him...endurable.


So, the canteen, then. Bastion really hated being incarcerated anywhere, though they did seem to treat them with a slight modocum of decency in this place. The only problem was what sort of things they were going to subject them to here. Bastion had taken this willingly because he believed in the logic of it, plus the rewards seemed worthy enough. The irony would vindicate him. Good. However, he would have to admit that the people may irritate him to no end.

For instance, those people bickering on end about whether cops may lie or not while he was getting his food... He almost laughed, but his own bitter cynicism about his court case and the general aggravation towards the naive shown through. His tray came down onto a table and he sat down with it, giving those who were conversing on this topic an 'Are you serious?' look.

"Well, of course cops lie. They're human and they do not like being caught. That which 'does a bad' and does not wish to confess as such will lie. It is not merely common, but the only sensible option if they want things to go their way."


[QuicksaveKid]: The best and worst part about Bastion is that he's smart. Maybe it'll see him through or maybe it'll kill 'im. Only the Foundation knows for sure.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Redmon
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After getting his tray of simplistic and probably synthetic foods, Dax headed to a table to eat. Once he sat down, he glanced around noticing that the guards were packing some serious heat. Uniform white hallways, blast doors and guards wearing body armor implied that something big is here. Some bio-weapon that some Russian guy developed in secret military facility or a monster from a black and white movie from the 40s? Whatever is in there doesn't matter to him. So far, life here has been easier than it was elsewhere and Dax wanted it to say that way. After a recollection of what had brought him here, he was nearly done with his food as was the time to eat.


[Informant_Ceta] Audi0phile, that's why no one takes you even remotely serious around here. I bet that they think we're a peanut gallery.


He's read about this place before from a rather small file that he found in an deactivated Anti-ballistic missile silo that he was sent to with orders to destroy anything that could be useful. Perhaps the file was small because there wasn't much known about the place or maybe someone was withholding information. Either way, Dax thought that it was just a prank made by the people manning the silo, waiting for a blimp in the radar and then permission to engage the 40-ton hunk of metal carrying a warhead of some sort. He then thought to himself,"Maybe I know too much... Or that I was sent here for trying to sell a nuclear warhead that wouldn't even detonate. It could be a combination of both but I doubt that anyone knows that file even existed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by grandophicleide
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grandophicleide 16 feet tall

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Strange. Rob considered himself no better than average at reading people, but at his previous facility, social interactions had always been flavored by grandstanding and controlled hostility. But here... the ease of the loud conversants a few tables over seemed genuine as far as he could tell, although this Ryan person seemed to have some minor seniority over the others somehow.

"Is this seat taken? Just because we're in some odd, and likely illegal, test facility is no reason to be strangers with another."

Rob swiveled to face the newcomer, a petite woman about his age, and stood up to offer a handshake and a smile. "Hey, that seat's all yours if you want it. Just transferred in last night--you know, I thought I was done with high school, but here I am again, feeling like it's lunchtime on the first day of freshman year." He shook his head with a rueful grin. "I'm Rob. You?"

He'd stopped actively listening to the boisterous debate ongoing to his left, but his ears perked up a bit as it took on a sour note. He glanced over his shoulder, briefly meeting the eyes of a dark-haired newcomer whose demeanor radiated contempt.


[heaviside]: not to interrupt the rag-on-Audi0-fest
[heaviside]: (although you are insane Audi0, you know that, right?)
[heaviside]: but has anybody got the decrypted work assignments for today?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Haha," Claudette laughed as she gently took Robs hand. "Claudette Andre. A pleasure, Rob." She took a seat next to him, settling down and listening to the debate. Of course cops lied - though 'entrapment' was a thing and something they had to be wary of, but lying outright was something they could do. She had been in an interrogation room or two in her life, and Cops were allowed to lie to you - it was a clever interrogation technique. Tell the interrogator that their partner ratted on them, for example. Or tell them you have evidence that you don't. All cops need is a suspicion and an admittance of guilt. Not like it mattered at the moment.

"Lets hope this isn't anything like highschool," She mused, making idle conversation. "Ugh, pimples, bullies, and enough homework to make watching paint dry seem entertaining." She herself, had rather pleasant memories of high school, but that was likely only because she was in the rich department. "So...what do you think they'll make us do here? Perhaps it's just me being pessimistic, but this place has bad written all over it."

[|Audi0phile|]: L0L
[|Audi0phile|]: Seriously or not, don't care one bit
[|Audi0phile|]: just being realistic ya nooblets
[|Audi0phile|]: Anyways, who we got...looks like some old mafia type, some arms dealers, crazy doctor...
[|Audi0phile|]: standard boring psychos
[|Audi0phile|]: seems standard fare.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by grandophicleide
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grandophicleide 16 feet tall

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A delicate handshake, involving far more "hand" than "shake". Something white-collar, maybe? Best not to make assumptions. Rob sat down again, Claudette next to him, and picked at the last crumbs of bacon on his tray. Rob wondered at her cool nonchalance--as though she were mingling with senators at a cocktail party, rather than making conversation over powdered eggs in a high-security mystery prison. "Hard to say. Were we chosen somehow, or do they just take anybody who signs up? Because if it's the first one, we might be doing some kind of work related to our skills, but if it's the second one, it's probably something horribly dangerous or unsanitary. Or both."

Curiosity got the better of him after a moment. "What did you do? Before you wound up here, I mean. Not asking what you did to wind up here, 'course. If you don't want to say that's fine by me. Only you seem a bit... upper-crust for this sort of establishment."


[heaviside]: "psychos"? whoa hold up
[heaviside]: reductionist language dehumanizes people, it's how the Foundation deals with their human meatgrinder
[heaviside]: only calling the D-class by numbers instead of names, like animals
[heaviside]: language matters, yo
[heaviside]: (and if ONE MORE PERSON makes a joke about my psychology degree i swear to dog i'll murder all you psychos)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Somewhere in the middle of his meal, hearing the rather-expected 'Do you have any idea what we're in for here?' question spoken aloud, Bastion began to chuckle. It was quite unexpected a reaction. Perhaps it was because nothing could prepare him for people to ask it, rather than think about it for a second. He really wasn't sure, exactly. The only thing he knew was that he was sure that he had figured it out himself by the time he had gotten here, maybe before. It may have had to do with the reasons for which he was incarcerated, but it just seemed so obvious to him, and that is another reason why he laughed. The only thing that marred the occasion was that the man who'd looked his way before spoke his mind before Bastion could reign it over them.

But what the hell? Do it anyway! The dark-haired man - still smiling and eyes still somewhat scrutinizing - decided to drop the bomb and see where it would take them. He abhorred ignorance, and he loathed having to explain to people the things which they should already know, but this was not a good place to be caught ounaware. It spoils the works. How do you know that you're trying your very best without some idea of what you're getting into? He explained to those fools, 'These people knew precisely what was going on. None of them were left wantiing for understanding of the situation.', but of course the District Attorney bleated out 'No, they're just left wanting for life.'. Bastard. Nevermind. Dropping info bomb in 3...2...1...

"But of course it's dangerous and unsanitary. For a promised reward, we are - naturally - to perform a task not religated to normal society, those that look on in shock or gasp 'How could you?' when something needed to be done. Well, we're all at the heart of that 'something'."

Spoken loudly enough to get the whole room's attention. They know now what he presumed to be the facts. Mischief managed.


[QuicksaveKid]: I dunno, 'phile. Vehicular manslaughter, medicinal manslaughter, and smuggling weapons-grade uranium do not a common nutjob make.
[QuicksaveKid]: Now, quit fighting, you two.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Choosing not to respond to the comment about trusting the cops, Jeremy opted just to give his name. “Uh, Jeremy. Nice to meet you.” Taking a seat on the table across the aisle from Ryan and the others he began to eat his meal.

He jumped when someone suddenly brought their tray down on the table next to him with a clack and took a seat. Jeremy turned to find himself seated next to a dark haired man with glasses, a few years older than himself by the looks of him; he didn’t exactly look like the hardened criminal type but for some reason he was giving a withering look to everyone around him.

Well, he wasn’t going to make many friends with that kind of attitude. In fact if he kept talking to people like that he might find his time here coming to an abrupt end even before the month was over. Although, that being said, maybe things wouldn’t come to that; he couldn’t help but noticed that things seemed a lot more… subdued here compared to his last prison. Maybe that had something to do with all the heavily armed guards or maybe if had something to do with those ‘experiments’ this place did. Whatever the reason it didn’t do much to help the bad feeling he had about this place.

And there he goes again. Jeremy seriously considered just getting up and leaving as the guy next to him started mouthing off at another group of people, interrupting a conversation they were having. Regardless of what kind of atmosphere this place had he was beginning to get the feeling that it wasn’t going to be smart to let himself be associated with this guy.

More than that, all this talk about why they were here was beginning to wear on his nerves and having some asshole shouting up a storm next to him wasn’t helping. “Will you shut up? There’s no need to shout loud enough for everyone to hear you.”

Turning his head to take in all of the people who were now staring at him, Jeremy finally lost his patience and began to say out loud something that had been bothering him all last night and on the journey here as well. “We were pulled out of prison for this right? We’re all death row or life timers aren’t we? That means we have one thing in common; we’re expendable.”

Jeremy turned to the other table, the one with Ryan and the others. “You guys have been here for a while right? So let me ask you a question. We’re here for science experiments right? That’s what the file said that I had to sign to come here. Well what the hell do a bunch of inmates know about science? I’m not gonna be any help in a lab, wearing a white coat and mixing beakers. So there’s only one reason I can think of for us being here. We’re lab rats.”


[xXShadlesXx]: Yeah, since you mention it, has anyone else noticed that this new group is a little… unique?
[xXShadlesXx]: We have a mad doctor, a guy who tried to steal a nuke and a mob boss
[xXShadlesXx]: The drink driver is the only normal guy there
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by grandophicleide
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grandophicleide 16 feet tall

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rob smiled to himself as the dark-haired misanthrope continued to make a scene. Not a great way to make friends in prison, kiddo. The man could have been merely pretending to be highly educated, but enough PhDs had come through his shop that Rob felt he could distinguish the genuine article. The best of them appreciate the limits of their knowledge and respect how the craftsman's expertise complements and sometimes exceeds their own. The worst of them thunder into the shop, condescendingly proclaiming their own brilliance and indignantly lecturing anyone who dares point out the obvious unstructurality of whatever deathtrap they've designed.

If you needed their business to get by, these people were a nightmare. If not, their tendency to mouth themselves into trouble was often a source of high-quality entertainment.

The younger man, whom Ryan had tried to recruit into his cops-can't-lie camp, snapped loudly at the arrogant man, drawing Rob's attention, along with that of most of the room. Rob hadn't realized that everyone "selected" for this program had been a lifer or sitting on death row. That certainly didn't bode well for--

"So there’s only one reason I can think of for us being here. We’re lab rats.”


Rob shifted to get a better view of Ryan. Maybe the inmates who were closer to their thirty days--or who'd known inmates who'd been freed after their term--could give them some tips on how to make it through in one piece.


[heaviside]: check out the next page--there's also the old guy
[heaviside]: well, "old"
[heaviside]: file says he's a "rigger"
[heaviside]: had to read that carefully a second time, lmao
[heaviside]: wikipedia is telling me they put up lights and sets and shit for big concerts
[heaviside]: seems pretty regular, compared to mob bosses and uranium thieves
[heaviside]: think it's coincidence that we got a high proportion of high profile/big time criminals here?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Stekkmen Head shotted.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

[MagnumD0ng] not sure heaviside
[MagnumD0ng] maybe its just the batch i managed to breach. bunch of hihg timers

[0o0o0]: It's possible that they group these files together into severity of crimes, but it's also possible it's a coincidence. I'm sure there are plenty of more 'regular' criminals in other places. I doubt there's only eleven inmates in the entire canteen.


Indeed, there were several dozen inmates in the canteen. All of which were 30 dayers, by coincidence or by design? Who could say. What many of them had in common was paying particular attention to what Ryan said. He looked at Jeremy, eating his eggs. Zhang spoke first.

"Yeah, it's just Ryan. Ryan's the only one who's been here longer, I think. You still haven't told us, Ryan. What have they got you doin' round here?"

Ryan gulped the rest of his orange juice and absent mindedly squeezed the cardboard carton between his hand. His quickly eyes left his inmates and to a guard standing on a balcony. Those perceptive would notice the faceless guard slowly but firmly shake his head. The inmate looked back at Jeremy.

"Oh, you know, stuff. Lab stuff. Sweeping things, picking up things...I'm sure there's like, chemicals in them. Or something. I dunno." He spoke unconvincingly, losing eye contact with his fellows and picking at his food.

Christina protested with some of the others, speaking for the first time. "Come on, Ryan, really?"

"Look, look, I'm sure they'll tell you." Ryan said defensively, with a tinge of worry in his voice. "You know, you might be doin' somethin' different from what I do. I dunno, I dunno anything. You know, if one of you go with me in there I can tell you more, probably, but, you know..." He trailed off. One might be able to sense the attention of the guards on this particular conversation.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Redmon
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Dax looked back towards a group of people that are shouting at each other. He recognized a few of them from their little chats they have on their computers that the foundation have so graciously provided for them to use. As to why they let prisoners use computers, Dax didn't know. It seemed like a bad decision considering which inmates inhabit this facility.

After a moment of thinking Dax began walking towards their table, thinking of what to say as he got there. Dax found it easier to think under pressure and oftenly forces himself to wing it. Once there he put his hands on the table, kinda leaning on it. He looked around and began to speak. "Y'all need to cut the shit. If you aren't gonna be good convicts, they're gonna get you a one-way ticket to the hard labour block." Dax moved his head towards the guards stationed on a balcony above the cafeteria who was now looking at them.

[Informant_Ceta] Considering what heav and shades said, this place is a bit eerie. I'm gonna dig up some dirt on this place.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Aha...oh my," Claudette smiled, finishing her breakfast as Rob introduced himself. The fools making a scene were making this quite difficult to be polite. Perhaps the loud fellow could be a valuable ally, later. All she could really say for now was that he was being a nuisance. Well, whatever. It wasn't her problem. She was more interested in making conversation with Rob here. Had a much keener eye than she thought, if he called her out on her more classical nature so easily.

"Is it that obvious? And here I was hoping to not stand out." She chuckled lightly. "A bit cliche perhaps...but I was a businesswoman. Quite wealthy, born into it." She sighed, leaning forward slightly. "But when you're rich and try to make yourself even richer through legitimate business practices...some people tend to become irritable." Not a lie, but not truthful either. "So here I am, stuck in prison for years with only a fraction of my family fortune left."

After answering his question, Claudette frowned at the mention of 'lab rats'.

"...quite the pessimistic view." She mused silently before smiling up at Rob. "What did you do? Don't worry, I've seen every dirty underside the cities of the worlds have to offer. I won't judge."

[|Audi0phile|]: Eh, take a joke
[|Audi0phile|]: And hey, if something seems like a coincidence...it usually isn't
[|Audi0phile|]: but maybe that's just my law degree talking
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by grandophicleide
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grandophicleide 16 feet tall

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"... legitimate business practices..." There was something lurking behind those words, but Rob couldn't make it out, and he dismissed the line of thought after a few moments. "Well, if you're feeling dissatisfied with your 'fraction of a family fortune' I'd be happy to take it off your hands,", he teased with a lopsided grin.

The return question followed in the wake of his own, which it always did. "Killed someone." He paused. He never got any better at answering that one. [color=00acf5]"I'm a theatrical rigger. And a carpenter. Well, I was. Had my own shop and everything." He automatically offered an explanation of his work, without bothering to wait for a question to trigger it. "We build and test everything that hangs off the ground, basically. Moving set pieces, actors in fly harnesses, curtains, lights, and all the structures and ropes that support them. When you go see Peter Pan and the actor is zipping around through the air--six hours before, it was my ass in the harness, making sure it was safe."

He smiled a little at the memory. [color=00acf5]"But that's all in the past now, I guess. Thirty days from now I get to start asking around about who's willing to hire a felon," he said glumly. He picked at his bacon crumbs again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Stekkmen Head shotted.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

[yurilyza]: dinner time


Before anyone could continue on their conversation, an ear-piercing buzzer penetrated the room, causing most to jump, except Ryan. The faceless guards transitioned like clockwork into their activity, seemingly knowing who is going where. Guards called out various names and began assembling the D-Class into groups to be transported elsewhere.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FalloutJack
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FalloutJack The Long Dark Nuka-Break of the Soul

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

A man nearby him began to get angry because he spoke loudly in his proximity. Bastion was not altogether shocked or intimidated by this response. He simply replied...

"Only if you want to be heard."

After all, the point was to essentially chalkboard what was considered obvious to him in front of these people so that they would understand their situation and come to some sort of terms to deal with it. The fellow who berrated him decided to go ask questions that were effectively answered already, for the most part, and then answering his own inquiries with essentially a more blunt manner of phrasing whhat he'd already said. How typical of a credit-stealer. You do all the work yourself, congratulate yourself on deciphering the meaning of things, and somebody comes along, claiming to be brilliant. It's Einstein and Nikola Tesla, all over again, except in this case, the man had confessed to being a no-brainer. There's nothing worse than being upstaged by a a complete nunce.

So, right now, they were trying to question a man called Ryan about this place and what it is they do here. Bastion was uncertain as to whether it was a good sign or a bad one that Ryan attempted to lie to them with very obvious lies about the lab duties, but then there was that glance he did, and it was clear: He was under order not to give them anything to go on, or was at least afraid of a punishment from on-high for telling. Yes, it made sense. He had, himself, brow-beaten a few people into place in his own lab. People who lose focus end up making terrible mistakes, maybe even irrecoverable ones. He'd said so. He made this point as plainly as he'd made to HIS test subjects that 'Although signs are good, you are the first humans to be administered this drug. You have made your compliance and understanding of these facts known, on record.'. That should have exonerated him. Bastards...


[QuicksaveKid]: Here it comes...


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