Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
The Character Sheet (don't feel obligated to make this very long ;) make this as short/long as you want)

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Squirrel98
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Serena Paddinson

Gender: female

Age: 26 years

Personality: She likes to socialize with people, talking and laughing. Never was she the one that was the most well behaved in school, but she liked the concept of a summer camp with delinquents and talked the head of the school into making her the head of the camp.

Function: head of the camp

Family history: She comes out of a rich family that gives her everything that she wants, so she isn't used to not getting whatever she asks for. Love isn't very common in families like that, she never had a good experience with it and so she never engaged into relationships with someone, because she feels awkward about that.


Name: Alex Warborn

Gender: male

Age: 21 years

Personality: He is the kind of guy who will always go sit alone, he doesn't like being around other people. That doesn't mean that he can't be nice to people, he just doesn't take initiative - which isn't because of being shy, just about liking to be alone.

Crime: He set a whole classroom on fire by a cigarette and almost got away with it by blaming one of the professors.

Family history: He doesn't have a mother or a father, they died before he remembered. He lives alone with his two older brothers who work a lot. They don't have time to punish him, be there for him or something like that, because they have to earn money so the three of them can survive, so he had to go to summer camp.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marion "Mari" Davis



Outgoing. Absent Minded. Over Dramatic. Silly.

If you're looking for a time filled with those deep in your gut laughs, Marion is your girl. She is always looking for fun, even during the most mundane events- like grocery shopping. Very friendly and outgoing, wanting everyone to join in and be having a good time. She's an amazing party host. However, life isn't always fun and games and when it hits Marion she breaks down and becomes very dramatic and over reactive about everything. Every problem is always world ending. Sometimes it is hard to take Marion seriously because she always has a hint of a smile on her face, and tends to laugh at inappropriate times, giving her an often bad reputation.

A senior prank that ended up with a teacher in the hospital.

Born to Antwon and Slyvia Davis, Marion is the oldest of two daughters (Her younger sister is named Mercedes). She grew up in a middle class household, her parents both maintaining basic office jobs. Life really had no hardships for Marion, so she was a very well rounded kid, attending public school and being involved in many after school activities. School was often a challenge, as she often had her head in the clouds or being a class clown- but she got a long with good grades and handfuls of friends and acquaintances with mostly good things to say about her. She was voted most contagious laugh and had dreams of going to a university for dance once graduating. However, because of a senior prank involving bees went terribly wrong, she will be spending her summer at a camp rather than applying to the college of her dreams. Hopefully this event will show her that life isn't all fun and games.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AnyAlex
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AnyAlex Cursed Insomniac

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ejected
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Color claim 9626BD

Name: Isley (Icy) Castle

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: Weird is the general description of Isley usually followed by Freak, or Geek.

She has been diagnosed with ADD, OCD, Bipolar, and even Sociopathy but is also known to manipulate the Social Workers and Mental Health professionals to form these conclusions even convincing one that she had several personalities in existence inside her.

Crime: Atrocious Assault, Theft, Resisting Arrest, Possession of a concealed weapon.

Family History: Isley’s life before the age of 7 is a mystery because of her mother and father’s off grid lifestyle and she seldom says anything about it to anyone.

She entered foster care at 7 after the death of both parents who died in a gunfight with authorities.

A problem child from the start Isley was placed in a mental health facility due to her attacks on the staff at a juvenile detention facility where she stayed for one year till released to the Gain foster home for troubled girls where she stayed for 5 months before escaping.

She has a record of resisting authorities since the day she was taken as a ward of the state. Only in the last 2 years has she seemed to settle down and her mental health providers thought her becoming more accustomed to her life till she attacked a girl at the home she was in using a modified extension cord as a Weapon which she’d modified to electrocute the other girl multiple times then used it against the Foster Caregiver when she tried to stop it.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KatKook
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KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 1 yr ago



Jeon Seolhyun "Halla"






Seolhyun is someone who takes in the atmosphere or creates her own, mostly starting trouble through some random shenanigan or excessively cursing in Korean. Though Seolhyun is often the one taking one for the team, but only if she's involved in that team, she wouldn't be taking the blame for some guy who was wrongly accused, no, she'd be taking the blame if her and her group of her friends, for example, set a bathroom on fire, she'll take all of the blame for that. She maybe pretentious in a few ways but no one could really prove it.

"Halla is kinda that girl that you'd never expect to have your back."


Seolhyun was convicted of many things, she burned down a men's restroom, vandalism of school property, destruction of school property, assault, and theft.


Seolhyun was born in Daegu, Korea, and was the middle child of three daughters, but she moved to America for her education when she was in middle school, her parents often told her and her younger sister to aspire to be like her older sister who is a very successful accountant in Korea. Though Seolhyun didn't want to be an accountant but instead wanted to create music as a full time job but her parents were very much against it. And since Seolhyun was practically forbidden to chase her dream she was on course for law, which was something she didn't want. That triggered Seolhyun to be who she is now, someone rebellious who still keeps up with her studies some how. Seolhyun has stated that the only reason she wanted to continue her studies was to burn the diploma in front of her parents and run off to do music.
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