Bear with my demanding arse!
Not open for suggestions, only looking for the requested plot

Welcome to Hell! Where sin and blasphemy is fun, where it never snows or rains and there's always something going on. It's better than it is back on Earth, but things still are not easy. Lucifer went on vacation forever and now I took over, created the Tenth Circle only for myself where everything is made of gold, instead of water it's blood that is running. She's the golden serpent that welcomed you into my little home and I call her Cirice, because Ghost's song just made me feel love again. Now, there are few things you need to remember if you wish to go on adventures with me. And oh, you may call me Red.
I am an adult who enjoys adult content. I don't have things that are my "cup of tea", I have things that are my "shots of vodka", which means that there's no fluff here. For a true romance, there has to be a lot of struggling. For a victory, one must go through blood, sweat and tears, and rather painful periods which might as well be the root of all evil in women. My characters can be femme, but they are NOT sweethearts. Some are devious, some are rough around the edges and they have a lot of edges, they're tough shells to crack, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to get to what makes them a great character.
Either way, if you're not up for a story, rather crazy things going on, go a bit further and push some limits, get really excited because of how things get dramatic and care for our characters to go through all the struggles, allow them to fail and break their hearts (and crush our souls because we care about them) then... I don't know. What do you need me for? I am passionate about writing and roleplaying!
Anyways, I always preferred PM roleplays, it is a rule on the site anyways, as for everything else, just contact me. I'm a nice mofo, I swear. And yeah, I look for male characters to create stories with. Did I specify this a bit too late? Oh well.
Also, I STRONGLY believe in the first impression. If you think I made a good first impression with this thread and you decide that we can write, please message me and make a good first impression of yourself, so we both know where we're standing! And oh, I like faceclaims! I love to have the image of a character in my head before everything plays out.
What breaks the deal..
♆ Short posts are a big no-no for me. Two paragraphs with six sentences in each is the least what I'll expect from you. Anything less breaks the deal.
♆ Submissive men are not fun for me. You can let me take over from time to time, but submissive men ain't for this fireball.
♆ Lack of side characters in the story. They don't need to be detailed or be around often. I just don't like to feel like our characters are only people in the world.
♆ Shy and weak characters. Enough said.
♆ Love triangles or multiple partners. I'd rather not dwell on this theme. (I do like MxFxM, but it doesn't really have much to do with love, if you know what I mean)
♆ Just scenes of intercourse or rushing to that point in the plot. Ugh, don't even get me started on those. Nothing turns me off more than jumping into something that should feel rewarding and anticipated.
♆ What about basic grammar: Yeah, sometimes I'm on phone too and typos happen, that I forgive. But what I mean by basic grammar are things like - you instead of u, differences between your and you're (sorry, but I just cry myself to sleep because of this), and capitalize letters where they should be capitalized. Sometimes I can get over this, but this is something you were supposed to learn in elementary school. So yeah, what breaks the deal is the lack of common effort in writing proper sentences.
♆ Writing in first person just makes me feel weird. It feels like an self-insertion, while this was supposed to be a roleplay. You know, where you play roles.
♆ I'm not doing fade to black or unfruitful intercourse scenes. I find them just as important as any other scene in the roleplay for the characters. It affects their emotional and more personal development.
♆ Overpowering your character and ask me to change the demeanor of MC. Please make some logical sense in the roleplay. Sure he can beat the entire army by himself and if MC is an assassin who's been killing people her entire life, don't think she'll fawn over YC. If she was a princess who hadn't experienced a lot outside all that finery, she might be captivated by YC. So please, follow the logic and I beg you not to tell me how to do MCs, because I'd never do that to you. And please, no overpowering characters. They can be experts in their field of work and be perfect in it, but nobody is perfect in everything. It can get pretentious and annoying otherwise.
♆ And yes, the lack of interest. When posts lack substance and juice, when it lacks tension and drama, when you want me to run the plot. My dear, you can show yourself out.
What does the Queen offer you...
♕ Dedication: Since I am a writer and if our writing chemistry is good, I can give you a hell of a time, my dear. I'm fairly inspired and ready for challenges.
♕ Multiple and well thought-out characters: I will always add a character to make things interesting.
♕ Long posts: Yes, you read that right. I love long posts. I can die those down in case a partner cannot match up, but I am a writer and I cannot imagine a text without a lot of stuff happening. But there also times when walls of text is impossible to be put in. That's usually during intercourses or conversations between characters.
♕ Decent English: It's not my first language, it's not perfect, but I do try my best to make my post as best as possible if I have the nerves.
♕ Fun mature content: Oh believe me... I like each scene to be an experience. I'm fairly experienced in writing mature situations. I am just as descriptive there as I am with any other scene. And I know some people sometimes feel either uncomfortable or shy. To me, everything in the roleplay is important. No reason to hold back with me. Just go crazy with it.
♕ Activity on the site: Fairly responsive!
What satisfies the Queen in general...
♕ Complicated relationships. I don't like it to be cookie cutter. I like it to be complicated, I want our characters to struggle. I want things to get in their way.
♕ Drama. Goddamn drama, complicate things, twist them, nothing pulls me in more. Especially when two characters are obviously interested in one another, there's obviously insane sparks between them, but they can't have each other completely for many reasons. That just makes me want to roleplay more.
♕ Alpha males. I'm not talking about assholes which I eat for breakfast, I'm talking about men with attitude, strong presence and intelligence.
♕ Devious characters who have an evil look to them, but breathe with politeness and nobility. Big men in size that tower over my characters. Lot's of chemistry and banter. Yes, yes and yes.
♕ Inhuman character in general. Sure, I do like to roleplay with human characters, but I like creatures and other species: orcs, qunari, minotaurs, demons with inhuman features, maybe even giants, mythological beings and that sort of thing. The point of roleplay to me is to distance myself from reality and that's basically it. I love creative species, be it original or something that already exists! As long as it's sentient and conscious like us, humans. We're not going to be THAT weird, okay? Okay. (this depends on the pairing and the plot)
♕ Medium bloodplay, if you consent. You'll keep your limbs, don't worry. I'm a vampire at heart.
♕ Slow build and teasing. That's the secret to every great and mind blowing physical intercourse.
♕ As much as I love rough stuff, I love vanilla too, it really depends on how it builds up.
♕ I'm both S&M, you can't go wrong with me. I'm generally very open to stuff!
Plots I offer!
Sorceress' Knight [ Final Fantasy 7 Universe ]
Attractive villain couple with emotional and commitment issues
Sephiroth x Sorceress Edea