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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pewpewpikachu
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Riley jerked awake at the sound of gunshots near her position. She was lying prone on the ground in an apartment building on the third floor. The room she was in had a huge hole in the wall like something burst out of the apartment and into the city streets below like an explosion.

Riley groaned then shifted her position a bit to get comfortable. She has spent most of the night and part of the day clearing out this part of the complex of apartments. She also locked and barricaded what she could on the first floor so nothing could get in. She was sure there might be might be a way to get in but she wasn't too worried about it considering that she planned to stay long enough to eat something and sleep a few more hours.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Unknown Alleyway

"Get her!"

Gullible as she was, Kyu-Ri had been led straight into a trap. The man who she thought was injured had been faking his wounds, and his acting was good enough for Kyu-Ri to lower her guard momentarily. Kyu-Ri didn't wish to see another person die, but as the situation turned against the Korean, it might just be herself winding up dead.


The sound of a bullet grazing the ground by her feet caused Kyu-Ri to stumble. She needed a place to hide, but where? Most buildings were boarded up or infested with the infected, but Kyu-Ri needed to take her chances. To Kyu-Ri's right was a large apartment complex, with the first floor nearly impossible to enter, with boarded up windows and locked doors. Using the flat top of her baseball bat, Kyu-Ri feverishly tried to break the boards free, hoping that she would live another day rather than lay on the street as dead meat.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pewpewpikachu
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Riley quickly looked through her scope to see a girl running then almost stumbled when a bullet hit the ground by her feet. She quickly looked behind the girl to see 4 men running and at shooting her.

Riley thought of just letting it go and let her die but then her gut told her to help the girl.
”fuck it,” she muttered then pulled the trigger on the first guy causing the other three to duck and cover. She looked back at the girl to see her running towards her building. Riley knew she needed to end this quick before other visitors came to visit.

Riley quickly looked back at the men to see them looking everywhere for her, good she had the upper hand. Pulling the bolt back to put in another bullet in the chamber, she looked down range again and picked off another guy leaving the other two guys running closer to the girl while sticking to cover.

”Fuck” Riley left her rifle there and ran down to the first floor to let the girl in and kill the other two guys. When she got to the first floor she heard banging on a boarded window, she ran over to it and opened it enough to let her in.
”get the fuck in!” she yelled then pulled out her pistol and fired a few rounds in the general area they were at. She hit one guy but wasn't sure if he was dead then went to shoot the other guy but heard the unforgiving click of her gin meaning it was empty.

”fuck!” she yelled then empty the mag and grabbed a loaded one and put it in the gun. She went to shoot it again only to get tackled to the ground by the one guy left alive, her pistol left her hands and slide out of her reach. She focused on taming the guy's arms so she can flip them but he was surprisingly strong.

Riley only had one choice at this point she saw the girl and called out to her. ”Hey, girl! Find the gun and kill this fucker!” she grunted and held on for dear life hoping she would do it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Unknown Alleyway

"Get the fuck in!"

It was less than polite, yet Kyu-Ri understood the message as she climbed through the gap that was made for her. She had received assistance from a stranger, who laid down lead against her pursuers, yet Kyu-Ri wasn't done by any means. At least two of the bandits were down, while another was wounded, but the fourth was in a desperate struggle against the stranger that saved Kyu-Ri.

The Korean thought about cowering, hiding somewhere from the violence, yet she was forced to make a difficult choice as the female's pistol slid within her reach. Kyu-Ri had never fired a pistol, much less kill someone who wasn't one of the infected, but it was either the stranger or the bandit. It would be wrong for Kyu-Ri to abandon her savior in their moment of need, much unlike what they had accomplished moments ago.

Snatching the pistol from the ground, Kyu-Ri fumbled with the handgun as she aimed it at the bandit. Kyu-Ri hoped to God that she wouldn't hit the female on accident, but she couldn't wait to line up a perfect shot.

Bang! cracked the pistol, echoing within the alleyway. The recoil shook Kyu-Ri violently as she struggled to regain her composure from the shot.

"I... I shot him," Kyu-Ri responded once the situation appeared to be under control. The gun in her hands fell to the ground as Kyu-Ri attempted to come to terms with what she just had done. "I-Is he dead?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pewpewpikachu
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Riley heard the shot go off just as the guy started to choke her, she looked up to see where the shot landed. The girls shot landed right in his chest near the heart, he slides right off her and on his side clutching his chest for what she hopes to be his last few seconds of life.

Riley got up and looked at the girl before slowly walking over to her and the gun. She bent down to pick up the pistol and walk over to the guy then aimed the pistol at his head and fired.

”he's dead now,” she turned to look at the girl and then holster her gun to show her she meant no harm for now. ”nice shot and I guess... Thanks for saving me.” she said then heard a groan outside from the guy still alive. ”look I gotta take care of him so either leave or go upstairs to the third floor and maybe we can trade or some shit like that.” she left without hearing her reply, she kinda hoped she left but a part of her was kinda getting lonely and she hoped she will stay for at least a few hours.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Apartment Complex

Not long after Kyu-Ri dropped the gun, the female picked the weapon up and executed one of the bandits. There was no attempt for surrender, just an execution that caused Kyu-Ri to cringe at its display. She had felt slightly intimidated, yet Kyu-Ri had no intention to let the stranger know.

"Al-Alright," Kyu-Ri replied as the woman thanked the Korean for saving her. The female made note of the remaining bandit, and told Kyu-Ri to either leave or go upstairs to where she had been staying. Not being keen on staying out here any longer (and the fact that she didn't want to witness another execution), Kyu-Ri chose to opt for the latter, nodding to the stranger as she went inside.

Entering the building, Kyu-Ri noted that the building had an eerie atmosphere. The bottom floor was well defended, yet there was no sign of any living presence. Was her savior living here alone? It was a likely conclusion, Kyu-Ri had considered, even more so when she had walked upstairs to a room with a massive hole in the outer wall.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pewpewpikachu
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Riley walked up to the injured man to see she shot him just left of the chest, so he had blood coming out of his mouth. He saw her and started to glare at her.
”you fucking bitch! You should of let us had her!” she gave him a small shrug and pulled out her pistol. He looked and gave a smirk. ”be nightfall the rest of my boys will be here to take care of you bitches!”

Riley glared at him hard before looking at the ground next to him and saw a radio. She raised her gun at his head getting ready to pull the trigger. ”good, let them come.” she pulled the trigger before he can even flinch. Riley lowered her gun and took a quick look around, it was getting late if what this asswhole said was true then she needed to move quick and it was going to be dark soon meaning it would be dangerous to go out at night.

”what a shit show,” she muttered before looking up at the hole in the wall apartment where her next problem probably was. She sighed before making her way back to the apartment.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Apartment Complex

Kyu-Ri flinched as she heard the shots fired from the stranger's pistol. With a massive hole in the wall, the sound freely echoed throughout the apartment as loud as possible, with little to muffle the vibrations. Was killing the bandits worth it, in the end? The extra gunfire would likely draw infected to the area, and no one could know for certain if they were the only bandits in the area. Not to add the waste of life... there weren't many living humans left, after all.

Not long after the gunfire, the stranger returned to the apartment complex, and made her way up the stairs. "Ah!" Kyu-Ri exclaimed as she saw the female enter. "I'm sorry for bringing all this trouble your way..." She would continue, bowing before the female. If it wasn't for Kyu-Ri, the stranger wouldn't had expended a healthy amount of ammo, especially with such an item being rare in the apocalypse.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pewpewpikachu
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Riley waved the girl away and went to her gear. ”you can thank me later right now we have to move.” she pulled on her heavy backpack and grabbed her rifle. ”the good news is that these goons are dead but the bad news is that more are on the way.” Riley double checked everything so she knew she didn't leave anything behind.

She finally looked up at the kid before taking a step towards her. ” it's going to be dark soon and since I saved your ass it probably got the attention of some infected too.” Riley reloaded both her rifle and pistol before heading out the door of the apartment she was staying in. When Riley reached the stairs she heard a faint clicking sound.

”shit clickers” she muttered before pulling out her knife from her boot, she didn't want to waste any more ammo so it was stealth mode for her. Riley wasn't that great at being stealthy which was funny because you have to be stealthy to be a sniper but she did what she could to be stealthy like wearing dark clothing to hide in the shadows a bit easier.

”if you see a bottle or something that makes noise toss it into that open apartment so we can sneak past them and get the hell out of here,” she whispered.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Apartment Complex

A faint clicking sound echoed throughout the apartment complex. The gunfire from previously had drawn a bunch of clickers to the area, who were now seeking their victims through their clattering noises. Fighting them was difficult, as it was hard to get a clear blow before they ripped you to shreds, but if you were silent, you could sneak past them since clickers were blind from the fungi on their face.

"If you see a bottle or something that makes noise toss it into that open apartment so we can sneak past them and get the hell out of here,” The female whispered, to which Kyu-Ri nodded. Snatching a brick from the ground, Kyu-Ri tossed it through the door of the open apartment that her companion mentioned. As expected, the clickers screeched as they heard the noise, racing towards where the sound came from.

"We should get going before anything else shows up," Kyu-Ri would whisper back, pulling a folding pocket knife from her pocket. It wasn't exactly the best defense against a clicker or a bandit due to its small size, but with the right entry point, it could cause a lot of damage if it severed an important vein or nerves.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pewpewpikachu
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Riley watched as the clickers screeched and ran into the open apartment room, they now only had about a minute before the clickers pour out of the room again.

Riley grabbed the girls hand and pulled her along until they got to the next floor, she then let go and picked up a bottle. She raised the bottle to throw it but saw an open window with what looks like a fire escape.

”Stay here, ” she whispered before heading over to the window to look out, she saw the latter was mostly down then a giant trash bin under it. Riley looked around on the ground and saw one or two runners on the street with there backs toward the building, she liked these odds better than facing clickers.

”Hey, girl lets go I found a quicker way out.” Riley hopped over the window on to the fire escape making a quiet thud as she did so.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Apartment Complex

As they prepared to leave, the female grabbed Kyu-Ri's hand. It was a motion Kyu-Ri agreed with; getting separated when clickers were near was never a fun experience. At least when you were together, both parties had equal chances in regards of escaping the clicker nest alive and without a bite.

The two of them continued their way through the building, and entered the next floor down. However, rather than continue the way they were originally going, Kyu-Ri's companion had noticed a fire escape, and immediately went to use it. Kyu-Ri would follow suit, climbing through the apartment window and landing softly on the metal flooring, but the duo hadn't escaped trouble just yet.

Beneath the fire escape were two runners, although both of them had their backs to the apartment building. They could try to sneak away, or even try to distract the runners with some debris, although that option would risk drawing the clickers to them. "I think we should take them out before they draw the clickers to us," Kyu-Ri suggested, wondering if the woman thought the same as she did.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pewpewpikachu
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Riley chewed on her lip for a few seconds trying to formulate a plan real quick. She thought of just shooting them with her rifle but that made too much noise and clickers were on the other side of the wall.
She quickly unholstered her pistol then made sure the safety was on before handing it to the girl.

”Alright here's the plan take this pistol and climb down the latter then quietly get to the two cars by the runners, ill cover you from here and if things go south you will need a backup plan that's what the pistol is for,”

Riley took a look around then laid prone setting up her rifle, she wasn't going to fire her rifle unless it was absolutely necessary. ”By the way, my name is Riley.” she gave the girl a small smile and nod before returning to watching the runners eating a fresh kill.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Unknown Alleyway

"Kyu-Ri," Kyu-Ri responded, returning the smile with one of her own as she took the pistol. Kyu-Ri didn't have any formal training with firearms of any nature, but at least the female, now known as Riley, seemed friendly enough.

With haste, a plan was made for them to escape through the alleyway from before. Within the alleyway, there were only two known threats (besides the clickers in the apartment complex): a pair of infected runners. The infected were distracted as they ravaged the corpse of one of the bandits, leaving Kyu-Ri an opening to climb down to the ground and make her approach.

Dropping from the fire escape, Kyu-Ri waited behind a group of metal trash cans. She returned her pocket knife to her pocket momentarily, and reached for her aluminium bat that was poking out from Kyu-Ri's backpack. The bat was a strong weapon against runners, but it could only land a few blows before being dented to the point of being useless. Nonetheless, it had served Kyu-Ri well since she had found it in the few incidents she needed to use the bat.

Keeping a crouch, Kyu-Ri silently approached the pair of runners from behind. Neither of the runners had looked upwards from the corpse, but taking on two infected at once was still a dangerous maneuver. The Korean needed to finish this ambush quick, and without too much noise or being mauled to death.

Slipping her bat around the neck of one of the runners, Kyu-Ri yanked the infected individual towards the ground with all the might she could muster. Even in his infected state, the man was probably at least twice the size of a lightweight like Kyu-Ri, but she needed to create an opening. With one of the infected temporarily out of the way, Kyu-Ri raised her bat, smashing it into the skull of his companion before it could screech and alert the clickers in the apartment complex.

Before Kyu-Ri had the chance to double-tap the infected with her bat, however, she needed to make sure the other infected was still down on the ground, which made it easier for the Korean to finish off the runner. Striking the fallen runner as it scrambled to stand, Kyu-Ri made a bloody mess of what was once a human, her bat soaked in fresh blood. Once she was finished, Kyu-Ri would go on to finish the other infected before waving Riley forward.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pewpewpikachu
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Riley shook her head and she watched Kyu-Ri battling the two runners. “Note to self, never piss Kyu-Ri off.” She muttered then chuckled lightly. Riley looked to the right of Kyu-Ri to see a flash of headlights for a second.

“Hmmm the welcoming committee isn’t far from here.” She looked back at Kyu-Ri to see her waving her forward, she quickly grabbed her gear and quietly got down from the fire escape running quickly to Kyu-Ri.

“We might have a problem, the other bad guys are on the way I saw car headlights so we gotta move.” Riley took a quick look around to see where they could go. Riley heard a ruckus in the apartment complex that sounded like shouting and clickers.

Riley clicked the safety off her rifle and started to back up. “We should move before they spill out onto the streets or attract others.”

Riley then remembered that she wanted to check out a warehouse near by before all of this happened and now was probably the time to go check it out. “I know a place we can go for the night, there’s a warehouse not far from here that’s sealed tight but I found a way in.”

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Unknown Alleyway

Not long after Kyu-Ri finished off the infected, Riley came racing to her side and explained to the Korean about the coming threat. Apparently, the bandits from earlier had back up somewhere, and soon enough, the apartment complex was ablaze with shouting and clicking noises.

"I think the bandits attracted the clickers," Kyu-Ri explained in a quiet whisper. Her gaze returned to the complex momentarily, as if Kyu-Ri was wondering if it was the right decision to leave people to the mercy of the clickers, but shook her head. They were still being hunted by the bandits and any possible infected in the area. "So, if we want to get out of here, we should do so now."

Kyu-Ri didn't know of any warehouses around here, but she had been able to trust Riley with her life so far. The idea of sleeping somewhere safe rather than out in the open sounded appealing as well, so Kyu-Ri waited for her new companion to lead the way.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pewpewpikachu
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Riley nodded then look around for street signs so she knew where she was and to plan a route to the warehouse. She found a street sign that said ’Cullen’ then thought of where she was then looked at Kyu-Ri.

”if my memory serves me right we are a bit far from the warehouse but should make by tonight if we hurry.” she waved Kyu-Ri to follow her then took off in a slight jog.

”We gotta stick to the shadows so we don't get spotted,” she muttered before slowing down at an alleyway entrance, she peaked in and saw no one. Riley took a few seconds to calm her heartbeat before stepping into the alleyway. She was ready to fire at anything, it was quite too quiet.

Riley was about to say something when something popped out further into the alleyway running at them, she was about to pull the trigger on the rifle when she stopped herself to wonder what was running at them. It was about to run past Riley when she saw it was a deer, she smiled then lowered her rifle.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Old Town

Once Riley had narrowed down their location, Kyu-Ri was quick to follow her. She had no idea where this "warehouse" was, or how long it'd take, but Kyu-Ri preferred to not stick around next to some bandits and a clicker nest.

After a few minutes of jogging, the duo reached the entrance to another alleyway. Whilst Riley peeked her head around the corner, Kyu-Ri waited behind the woman, keeping an eye on their six. It was doubtful that Kyu-Ri would be able to whack a bandit with her bat before they fired, but an open eye was better than being ambushed.


The quietness from before was startling when a sudden noise clattered within the alleyway. Kyu-Ri tensed up, much like how Riley did with her gun, but she was quick to relax once they were sure that it was a deer that had caught them off-guard. "A deer was the last thing I would've expected to be in this city," Kyu-Ri commented, as if she was mesmerized by the gracefulness the creature showed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pewpewpikachu
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Riley nodded with Kyu-Ri, she also wasn’t expecting a deer in the city which worries her.

“I agree which worries me, normally they stick to cover of the forest but if it got out here something must have spooked it.”

Riley continued down the alleyway keeping an eye out for anything it was still very quiet in the alley. There was plenty of doors to buildings but were all locked up tight Riley made sure there was cover for them before moving up, she didn't want to be out in the open if there is a shooter.

Riley moved towards a trash can when she saw a clicker and a runner just a bit further up.

”fuck! Hold back we have a clicker and a runner up ahead get to cover,” she whispered before crouching down being as little as possible. Riley looked around for an opening but everything was shut tight. Riley looked above Kyu-Ri and saw a small window, it was too tight for her but Kuy-Ri could fit.

”Hey listen up, I'm going to throw a rock then you are going to jump into that window above you and find a door for me to go through.”

Riley looked around for a big rock then got ready to throw it.
”ready? Go!” she threw the rock and heard it hit something before she heard the clicker and the runner run off to the noise.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Old Town

Kyu-Ri bit her lip as Riley pointed out both a clicker and a runner.

Crouching behind the trash cans, Kyu-Ri agreed with Riley's plan. From what they could see, all there was just a clicker and a runner. Kyu-Ri wasn't so keen on staying the night with clickers nearby, but thankfully, everything seemed to be bolted shut to the point they needed to break in through a window.

Returning her bat to her pack, Kyu-Ri waited for Riley's signal. Upon the clattering of the rock, and later the screech of the infected, the Korean hopped upwards. She hoped the windowsill wasn't covered in broken glass, but to her luck, Kyu-Ri squeezed through the window without injury.

Crawling onto an industrial shelf, Kyu-Ri made a hasty descent towards the ground. The warehouse seemed to be storage for some sort of company, although there was no time to thoroughly search the building. Kyu-Ri needed to find a way in for Riley, and before the infected (or something even more deadly) stumbled onto her companion waiting outside.

It wasn't long before Kyu-Ri found a door that seemed to open to the outside. However, the door had been blocked by a large crate caught between two shelves. "How am I going to open this..." Kyu-Ri muttered, struggling to come to an answer.

Manually lifting the crate seemed to be the only option, therefore Kyu-Ri pushed with all her might to force the crate upwards. As she struggled, the weight would grow even more difficult for the Korean to bear over time as she twisted the door knob open and pushed the door open with her foot, hoping Riley would notice before the infected did.
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