Laurie Blue
「Paralyzer 」

Blue is an active woman and one can tell that from just a glance. Fit, looking more comfortable on a roof than in a car, with a sleek grace that displays a confidence in herself and her movements. At 5’6” she's not a standout figure when she chooses to be.
Hidden on her body are various weapons, mainly throwing knives and razor wire. The staff she carries is actually a collapsible scythe, her signature weapon.
Beyond that she'll change her “loadout” based on what job she's sent on.
Blue is calculating, thoughtful, and a little bit of a risk taker. Everything she does and says is calculated to produce results that she wants, whether it's a reaction or an outcome from her actions. She's capable of being a social butterfly, able to play her part well, and then turn around and slice a throat moments later without hesitation. Above all else, she is a professional.
On a more technical level, Blue is quick to analyze a situation for maximum effectiveness, and utilizes split second decisions in combat. Given her Stand’s abilities and her own deft movements, she is quick to utilize combination attacks and strategic strikes and ploys. Primarily am offensive fighter, she knows how to use the skills and tools available to her, as well as her surroundings, to handle most any situation with style and finesse.
At a wider level, Blue harbors no allegiance to anyone but herself and her employer, and is - shockingly - actually a fairly quiet, if animated, person when not required to put on fronts.
Blue is an odd specimen by all accounts. Too social and willing to work around humans for a Rock Person, too cut off and cold for a human. Some weird in between, a creature of loyalty and abstracts.
Born of years of boredom, given the lack of sleep outside of hibernating, Blue sought change from her community. She didn't like the isolation, the lack of understanding…. So they sought to “fix” her through training. She fell into it naturally, a brief release from the tedium life, without realizing that they were creating a killer.
When they deemed her ready, they sent her on her first mission. It was surprisingly easy to infiltrate this “log camp” of the humans, and all the easier to injure those on site.
But it wasn't injuries. When they all lay dead at her feet, unmoving corpses, blue realized what she had been tricked into doing. And something inside of her being broke on the spot, and moments later she fled.
The world was twisted, and so was she. She was a killer, it was all she knew how to do, and she couldn't change that. She knew she couldn't.
Instead she submitted to the depths, for everyone deserved to fall. She would love nothing, and she would enjoy her life. And thusly she entered into the realm of an assassin for hire. It was hard, at first, especially for one so young as her. But her skills were great, and eventually she entered into the employ of a relatively anonymous man.
He paid well, and he treated her better, and gradually he gained her unending loyalty.
Now she's being sent to DC under orders to work alongside a few others. Follow directions, get along with them without killing them, and complete the mission.
She would do this…. For her Employer.
(Also, she's a Rock Human)
No JoJo is not the best JoJo that couldn't not be a JoJo.
Laurie Blue
「Paralyzer 」

Blue is an active woman and one can tell that from just a glance. Fit, looking more comfortable on a roof than in a car, with a sleek grace that displays a confidence in herself and her movements. At 5’6” she's not a standout figure when she chooses to be.
Hidden on her body are various weapons, mainly throwing knives and razor wire. The staff she carries is actually a collapsible scythe, her signature weapon.
Beyond that she'll change her “loadout” based on what job she's sent on.
Blue is calculating, thoughtful, and a little bit of a risk taker. Everything she does and says is calculated to produce results that she wants, whether it's a reaction or an outcome from her actions. She's capable of being a social butterfly, able to play her part well, and then turn around and slice a throat moments later without hesitation. Above all else, she is a professional.
On a more technical level, Blue is quick to analyze a situation for maximum effectiveness, and utilizes split second decisions in combat. Given her Stand’s abilities and her own deft movements, she is quick to utilize combination attacks and strategic strikes and ploys. Primarily am offensive fighter, she knows how to use the skills and tools available to her, as well as her surroundings, to handle most any situation with style and finesse.
At a wider level, Blue harbors no allegiance to anyone but herself and her employer, and is - shockingly - actually a fairly quiet, if animated, person when not required to put on fronts.
- Master infiltrator - Blue is skilled at climbing, picking locks, and everything associated with breaking and entering stealthily.
- Skilled with hand and blade based weapons - Primarily throwing knives and get Scythe
- Parkour elitist - can traverse any terrain fluidly
- Acrobatic
- Linguistics - Speaks English, Russian, Spanish, French, and can translate Latin
- Rock Form
Blue is an odd specimen by all accounts. Too social and willing to work around humans for a Rock Person, too cut off and cold for a human. Some weird in between, a creature of loyalty and abstracts.
Born of years of boredom, given the lack of sleep outside of hibernating, Blue sought change from her community. She didn't like the isolation, the lack of understanding…. So they sought to “fix” her through training. She fell into it naturally, a brief release from the tedium life, without realizing that they were creating a killer.
When they deemed her ready, they sent her on her first mission. It was surprisingly easy to infiltrate this “log camp” of the humans, and all the easier to injure those on site.
But it wasn't injuries. When they all lay dead at her feet, unmoving corpses, blue realized what she had been tricked into doing. And something inside of her being broke on the spot, and moments later she fled.
The world was twisted, and so was she. She was a killer, it was all she knew how to do, and she couldn't change that. She knew she couldn't.
Instead she submitted to the depths, for everyone deserved to fall. She would love nothing, and she would enjoy her life. And thusly she entered into the realm of an assassin for hire. It was hard, at first, especially for one so young as her. But her skills were great, and eventually she entered into the employ of a relatively anonymous man.
He paid well, and he treated her better, and gradually he gained her unending loyalty.
Now she's being sent to DC under orders to work alongside a few others. Follow directions, get along with them without killing them, and complete the mission.
She would do this…. For her Employer.
(Also, she's a Rock Human)
No JoJo is not the best JoJo that couldn't not be a JoJo.
Stand Name:
「Paralyzer 」
Stand Parameters:

Power: D
Speed: A
Range: B
Staying: C
Precision: A
Learning: E
Stand Description:

Paralyzer is, for all intents and purposes, little more than a copy of Blue’s cold, analytical psyche. It appears to observe, and can react in defense of her, but seems to mostly be tied to her direct influence outside of that.
Power Description:
Paralyzer is a "teleporting" kinetic manipulator able to slow, or completely stop, kinetic energy with just a touch. It's fast enough that it appears to teleport, with it's ability to cancel it's own kinetic energy for instantaneous directional changes and it's innate scalpel precision nature lending it more credit as a porter. It could stop a bus in its tracks, or even go so far as to stop someone's brain but not their body. It offers little offensive potential on its own outside of that, and is mainly used to limit or hamper movement and to set up for Blue’s own attacks.
Paralyzer might be fast and accurate, but there's little that that it can do. While it can take some hits, it's really not meant for extended engagements like that with it's lacking of physical power. More of a hit and run tactic Stand, it's speed is one of it major advantages.
「Paralyzer 」
Stand Parameters:

Power: D
Speed: A
Range: B
Staying: C
Precision: A
Learning: E
Stand Description:

Paralyzer is, for all intents and purposes, little more than a copy of Blue’s cold, analytical psyche. It appears to observe, and can react in defense of her, but seems to mostly be tied to her direct influence outside of that.
Power Description:
Paralyzer is a "teleporting" kinetic manipulator able to slow, or completely stop, kinetic energy with just a touch. It's fast enough that it appears to teleport, with it's ability to cancel it's own kinetic energy for instantaneous directional changes and it's innate scalpel precision nature lending it more credit as a porter. It could stop a bus in its tracks, or even go so far as to stop someone's brain but not their body. It offers little offensive potential on its own outside of that, and is mainly used to limit or hamper movement and to set up for Blue’s own attacks.
Paralyzer might be fast and accurate, but there's little that that it can do. While it can take some hits, it's really not meant for extended engagements like that with it's lacking of physical power. More of a hit and run tactic Stand, it's speed is one of it major advantages.