There is strife over the lands, wars are common and lords are more than willing to attack one another to gain more power and solidify their hold over the lands. The one powerful and prominent kingdoms have fallen into civil war, nations which have stood for thousands of years had suddenly collapsed overnight. No one knows why the lands have turned into an area of bloody war, but someone must do something as no nation has been spared from what is being called the “Plight of Greed”.
Farms are left abandoned as levies are raised, taverns left cold as no one tends them, and roads a place ripe for ambush and pounded by deserters of their wars who have found better ways of supporting themselves. Whoever you are, you have been sent a vision, whether you be holy and believe it to be divine or a powerful mage summoning you, you have felt the need to travel to the one place still unaffected by the trials of war.
You can hear the wizened voice calling your name, and each day that you put off to travel, the calling becomes louder and louder until you cannot bars the noise anymore. However, you knew that it was time to take up your arms and travel the dangerous lands, whether you come from a different land or not, you must go!
You come into view of a tower, decrepit, tall, and with spiraling structures protruding from the varying levels. In your trek into this country side, you have found no sign of civilization other than the small dirt road that has taken you there. This was the source of the voice. Maybe now, your mind may know some semblance of peace.
Current Roster
Graham Douglas - Human Fighter
Kosara ‘Baba Yaga’ Rusnova - Human Druid
Norrlia Zelless - Half-Elf Monk
Jakyn Thrynorr - Wood Elf Warlock
David Thuliaga - Goliath Paladin
Orky - Half-Orc Fighter
Gale of Dalfjor - Kalashtar Cleric