Hidden 7 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 10 mos ago

In a far away and between two different kingdoms lived a family of three a simple woodcutter, and herblist and a sweet little girl that loved both of her parents and was loved by both of her parents. They may not of have that much money but all three of them were happy. The young girls mother taught ear about all plants and herbs that existed along with how to make certain passions for protection and medicines that help heal ailments. While her father taught her about how to be kind but also to defend herself from any danger in life. The little girl was truly happy and cold wish or anything better.

But one night her mother had rushed into her child’s room waking her up and talking her to keep quest as she hid her under the floorboards of the home. Her father telling her mother to hurry and the child looked up at her mother watching her cry and kiss her forehead before losing the floor. The little girl watched through the floorboards to only see both of her parents being slaughtered right before her eyes by intruders....intruders with the royal seal on them.

Once they had left she made her way back up to only see her parents on the ground dead along with blood everywhere. Tears filled her eyes before the smell of smoke reached her nose and she realized they intruders had set the house on fire to burn evidence land if there was someone else in the home. She was able to get a couple of her favorite belonging along with her family heirloom that her father gave her and rushed out of the home before it was fully engulfed in flames. After that day the young girl swore revenge for her family and she was going to do it by taking down the royal famil that caused all of this.

Years have gone by the streets of the Dainia Kingdom many people walked around the streets with no care in the world but one man wearing a cloak walked down the streets with a mission and a bag full of gold. Once he turned down one dark street down into the dark parts of the kingdom and made his way into a tavern that did not look safe but made his way in. The tavern was filled with brutes, thrives and raft rafts. But the one the man seeked was one female and he finally caught her sitting at a booth with her drink and he made his way to her.
“Miss. Raven Omare I presume the most well known assasin around?” He asked the female and made a blade appeared from her cuff bracelet and pointed at him with a dark glare from her ice blue eyes.

“Who wants to know pretty boy?” SHe asked in a dark voice and the man pulled his hood off revealing he was the second prince of the kingdom.

“That is no way to treat the Second Prince Mathazar Of Dainia.” He siad and a bunch of the brutes turned their heads and Raven sent a glare at them telling them to back off or they die.

“One never announce who you are in a bar like this and second give me one very good reason why I should not kill you right now.” Raven said to him as she pulled her hood off showing her raven long hair and fair white skin.
“As you know my oh so dear eldest brother by a few minutes is to be the next king and its not fair, for from what I know he does not desire it but I do.” Mathazar said and Raven just yawned.

“Look Prince boy pretty much everyone in this tavern hates the whole royal family even me to where all of you are on my personal hit list why should I bother helping you.” She explained to him and he pulled out a large bag of gold.

“I need you to assasinate my older twin brother so all rights to the throne goes to me if you complete it successfully I will grant you anything else besides the gold.” The second prince said with a smirk and Raven looked at the bag and at him.

“I will take the gold but I want one other thing and that is your father alive for I want information from him before I kill him.” Raven explained and the Prince nodded holding his hand out.

“Looks like we have a deal partner.” He explained and SHe held her hand out and shook it.

Now Raven was at the palace all dressed up with the clothes Mathazar gave her and she felt unformrtable for she was used to her assasin outfit not a form fitting dress. All of this was just to sneak in as a so cal potential bride for the prince and Mathazar lead her to the room where the other girls are and Raven recognized most of them being from nobility.

“Now then gain m stupid brothers trust and kill him once you do I will give you my father along with all the gold.” He whispered to her and she shooed him away before she walked over to the other girls waiting for the eldest prince to arrive.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"A very good evening and warm welcome to the Palace of Dainia." The young, refined blond man, known throughout the kingdom as Crown Prince Eliezer paused for a brief moment before he continued. "The role of a king or queen is not to be taken lightly. It is not all lavish, and demands a tremendous amount of responsibility. You would be looked to by thousands for guidance and protection. Therefore, I would like to express my sincerest appreciation to every single young lady in this place, for your very presence conveys your willingness to rule Dainia by my side, to enter into this lifelong commitment. Regardless of the events that shall take place hereafter, I wish for all of you to have a lovely time here this evening."

Addressing a crowd was something that Prince Eliezer could do with ease. Unfortunately, the young royal did not fare as well up close and personal. The fact that he had been pressured by his parents to host a ball for the sole purpose of enabling him to interact with women was rather undignified, in his opinion, though, it was necessary, considering his lack of... experience, in the area. He stepped down from the podium after his speech to meet with his brother just as the orchestra started to play in the background.

Mathazar, who had been listening from a corner greeted his approaching twin. "Looking sharp as always, Eliezer."

"Thank you, I'll say the same for you, Mathazar," came the elder's predictable response.

"Well then, I believe it's time for me to leave you with these ladies," Mathazar stated with a playful smirk.

"Why don't you remain here?" Eliezer suggested. "Perhaps there is a lady for you as well."

"Oh, but this is your night, brother. I wouldn't want to get in your way," the secondborn seemed to finish off as he began to turn away.

Of course, the younger did not actually want to leave. His setup was complete, and staying behind to watch it all play out would entertain him significantly. He knew his brother well, and the reply he was waiting for came next, with a light touch on the arm.

"Stay, Mathazar, I insist."

Secretly satisfied, he let out a chuckle. "Hah, is our future king awkward around women?"

"You are aware that my discomfort in such situations is one of my flaws, brother," Eliezer admitted with a straight face.

"I merely jest, Eliezer. I very much wish for you to have a pleasant time as well." Mathazar then gestured for his brother to look over the crowd. "Look at this. This isn't just an obligation, but an opportunity. One to find true love. Do you understand?"

"I will keep that in mind," Eliezer replied, before looking his younger twin in the eye. "Your words truly mean the world to me, Mathazar, and so would your presence tonight."

At that point, Mathazar almost felt bad for what he had gotten the assassin to do. Almost. "Very well, since you have implored my presence, I shall happily grant it to you. I hope it shall provide you with the confidence to approach a few of these lovely ladies. I would start with the ones who are alone here tonight, they would very much appreciate such a gesture from their Crown Prince."

"I'm grateful for the advice, brother. Wish me the best," Eliezer ended off as he approached the crowd.

The Crown Prince scanned the area. The mood of the ballroom was generally lively, and there were a number of sociable noble women speaking in groups. After some time, a lone lady caught his eye. Something about her set her apart from the rest, though, he could not quite put his finger on what it was. Deciding that he had to start somewhere, he approached the dark-haired, fair-skinned lass, took a short bow and held his hand out to her.

"May I have this dance, my lady?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 10 mos ago

A grand ball that as to extravagant for Raven’s taste for she liked minimal things in life for it made it easy to move around to place to place. “Uhg the noble life how pathetic have t keep up a certain way and keep a social status among others that believe that it matters.” She said and sighed for she lived in the world of so call commoners that worked their fingers to the bone to make life easier ad better for this rich people. Then ther were her kind the assasins that were paid a high price to kill those who are wanted dead. She has done it all for she has killed husbands, wives, daughters, son and more just for selfish gain and here she was again about to do the same thing for Prince Mathazar just so he could get the throne.

She listened to the eldest prince speech and could tell it was very rehearsed and he almost sound well like he as an unfeeling human being. “Hmm is it me or does that seem well as if he does not truly want to be here.” She said to herself a she tapped her chin thinking about this carefully. “Hmmm I do know Mathazar wants him dead immediately but I want to keep a low profile in this kingdom still so looks like I will deviate from the plan a bit.” She said with a small smirk for the best assasin knows to not rush into a kill but to take their time to gain their trust then strike when the time was right. Raven knew the prince would be attracted to her fast for she was different that was why most men fell for her fast, when she disguised herself in parties or noble affairs, for she was not like all the other noble ladies out in the world.

Raven then just went to an area that way she would not associate herself with the other noble ladies. She just waited patiently but did notice something and glared a bit. “Looks lie either Mathazar took extra precaution or someon else is after the princes head.” SHesaid to herself and decided to go with the second on and that made her mad but would deal with them later for she needed Prince Eliezer’s attention. But soon her luck finally came for the prince approached her and she did a small smile before curtsying to him and took his hand.

“I would love to your majesty.” She said to him and let him lead her to the dance floor and she could feel the glares on her but only shot them her icy glare that scared the other measles a bit for they could feel from the stare that she was not someone to mess with. When it was time to dance she returned her attention back to th prince with a smile and started her dance with him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Eliezer had not expected the jealous stares of the other women so early in the evening. He was reminded of the harsh reality that most of them were probably merely after his wealth and status, and would not have even given him a second glance if he had been a plain commoner. Such was the life of a royal, especially of one who was heir to the throne. It was something the prince had accepted long ago. When his eyes met those of the dark-haired woman's, what followed next was only natural to him. Taking her right hand into his left, he placed his other onto her shoulder blade under her arm. He kept a respectful distance from her as they began to waltz to the music, allowing him a clear view of her face.

The waltz was something everybody who was currently in the room had presumably been trained in, and Eliezer was no exception. In fact, the steps were so routine to him that he was able to take his mind off the dance and focus on his partner completely. He was not so sure if that was a good thing, for questions about her intentions and her capability of fulfilling the role of Queen were starting to enter his mind. Despite what his brother had said to him, his responsibility to select an upright and capable woman to marry still remained. As he subtly looked this lady up and down, he started to wonder what it was exactly that had drawn him to her. He would have liked to believe that it had been the fact that she seemed to be here alone, but he was now certain that it had been something else as well. It could not have been her manner of dress, for she was dressed just like the rest of the women in the place.

The sudden realization of the awkward silence between them then led him to believe that he should say something to her. It should have been obvious before, but he had been too lost in thought to consider it. It made a whole lot of sense though - what better way to find out more about someone than to simply ask them about themselves? Eliezer mentally slapped himself in the head for once again, his lack of skills in such a situation. He gazed into her cool blue eyes, hoping that his own warm amber orbs would offer her the comfort that his unintentionally aloof demeanor failed to.

"What is your name, fair lady? Pray tell me more about where you come from."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Raven smiled but felt this dance was a bit to stiff and well over done she has done the same waltz over and over that she was bored of it. But she did what she thought was best but she did wish she could spice it up a tad. But she soon drew out of her daydream a bit when she head the prince speak but just did a simple smile t him. “My name I Raven your majesty Raven Omrea.” She said to him as they waltzed together the same old steps that were to predicatable.

“And where I come from would you just believe that I might of appred from the beauty of the night.” Raven said joking a bit trying to also not convey where she was from which was basically the slums in a sense. “Or we could of meet once upon a dream.” She said with a giggle to him as the dance soon came to an end when the music slowed to its end. But she was not ready to let him out of her sight just yet she wanted to are sure she makes the impression she needed.

When the music came to a stop Raven came up with a smile idea. “Your Majesty if you do not mind would you honor m with on more dance but no ordinary dance.” Raven explained and soon rushed over to the band playing and whispered in the conductors ear and the man smiled and nodded. Raven then returned to the prince and held her hand our to him with a smile as the music played. “Just follow my lead in the beginning and let the music flow through your body.” She said with a smile as the music started to play. (Click me and Watch! And the dance is similar in the clip note be sure to watch the whole clip)

Raven smiled as she took him and began to dance with him while some were a bit confused by the tune for it was not a score normally played. t was a score Raven learned about and she loved it for it was more fluid and made you feel more free. “Some your majesty do not be stiff and relax like I said do not just listen to the music feel the music in your body along with your movements as we dance.” Raven explained and smiled as they dance and once she knew that he was ready he handed th lead of to him so he could lead the dance.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Eliezer's brow furrowed ever so slightly at the difficulty he found in understanding the response of 'Raven' to his second question. He caught himself in time, however, not allowing the lady to notice his frustration. Clearly, she had avoided providing a straight answer. Was it an attempt to sound enigmatic? In any other case, such mystery would have been alluring, but that was not what he was looking for, at least not with his duty in mind. How he truly felt was of no significance or influence. The woman of one's dreams was a thing of fairy tales. What he needed was a competent queen for the kingdom, a reliable partner by his side.

She spoke again before he did, desiring another dance with him, one to her liking. Eliezer had not planned for such a thing to happen, and as a result was caught completely off guard. He had hardly even gotten to think if he should accept or reject the unexpected request, though, at that second, he had somehow found it simpler to agree to indulge the lady rather than to think of an excuse to decline. He admired her display of confidence and charisma as he watched her instruct the conductor of the orchestra, and then switched his attention to the dance and her words of guidance when the song began upon her return.

The steps of this dance were unfamiliar, much more dynamic and admittedly... enjoyable, though, having had structure and order all his life, it proved to be considerably out of his comfort zone. Although he was having a pleasant time, it was almost as if there was something at the back if his mind telling him that it was not right. To learn how to dance had always been just an obligation for him. Could it be a delightful experience as well? For a moment, the issue of obligation slipped his mind as he moved along with her to the music, his steps seeming graceful and effortless even after she let him lead. He felt the most free he had in a very long time, and it was all because of her.

However, thoughts of his duty plagued him once again when the song ended. It mattered not if she made him happy, she had to be right for Dainia. He could not forget what the ball was held to achieve, and there would only be success if he stayed focus on the objective he was given. With that in mind, he stepped away from Raven and gave her quick bow when the dance was over.

"Do pardon me for now, Lady Omrea, but I had a lovely time with you, thank you very much indeed," he respectfully expressed his gratitude to her before retreating to the side for a much-needed rest.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Raven smiled once the dance was over but after hearing him she knew this was going to be tough for she has seen this before. Those with obligations and duty were the harder prey of an assasin job but she did love the challenge. She watched him walk away and she tapped her chin thinking a bit at what her next step will be to get him to focus on her and only her. But a she was thinking she saw the assasins that she posted early make their way to the prince.

“Oh so that was it wait till he got tired so he can not fight back armatures.” Raven said with a smirk and rushed over.

The first assasin rushe over with his blade. “Prince Eliezer we come for your head now die!” He yelled as he brought his sword down but did not see someone had stepped in between him and the prince. All that was heard was a loud clang sound and the assasin was shocked. The one blocking the blad was Raven using her metal cuff like braclets (they are like wonder women’s bracelet but they are all siliver). “My my my such naughty boys I saw you all a mile away.” She siad with a smirk as the assasin stepped back and the other two joined his sides and the crowds parted getting away from them. “Awww three agains one that does not seem fair.” Raven said as she giggled. “For you boys at least.” She said to them with a smirk.

The assasins growled not knowing that it wa Raven the number on assasin of the kingdom and all three attacked her. “Oh don’t blink boys.” She said as she blocked and dodged all their attacks with ease. “Hmm are you all new at these seems so ametureish in my opinions.” She said and soon got her openeding and attack. One she did a down kick that involved her getting close to the floor that allowed her to dodge one attack and then took the other one down but took his blade in the process and took the other one down but the last one grabbed her by the back of her hair and pulled her. “Now I got you brat.” He said for he knew women loved their hair but Raven just smirked and one swift moment her long hair was now shoulder length for she had cute it with the blade she had in her hand and kicked the the one of the man that was now holding the now cut hair. She caught the blade that she kicked and pointed it at his neck.

“I suggest you surrender right now for if I were you for I do not wish to end your life.” She said to him and soon all the assasins ended their fight and surrendered. Raven smirked and gave he blades she used to the guards as the other took them away.

Raven felt her now shoulder length hair for it felt weird. “Hmmm I guess this is not bad for me it will grow out again in time.” She said to herself as she then turned her attention to the prince. “Forgive me your highness I actually noticed them earlier but thought they would chicken out due to how many people were here but I was wrong.” She explained to him but looked at him. “also did not mean to startle you with my skills I was trained to fight when I was little so I could defend myself and others as I grew up.” Raven finished explaining before she turned to walk away.

“Oh by the way Raven is my name my mother gave it to me the day I was born when she saw a Raven flying one day carrying a moon flower in its claws I saw the frustration on your face when I said my name and I am from the village hope that helps get ride of your frustration.” Raven explained for she did see he got frustrated something that she knew the Prince was tring to not show.
But what she was doing was proving that she was right for what he needed in a queen for she was strong and will not let anyone stop her, she could see things that others can not, and she can read people with ease.

Raven let out another smile at the prince. “Now excused me I need to get something to drink that fight took a bit out of me.” She siad as she walked away but what she was doing was getting the prince interested in to want him to follow her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Eliezer had expected that his time with Raven would have been the highest point of the evening, which told of how unprepared he was for the sudden alarming shout and the sword which was swung in his direction. He immediately flinched back and prepared for the impact, though, all that happened next was the sound of metal clashing. He opened his eyes to see the very lady who had been on his mind standing between him and his attacker, and when she proceeded to battle the man who had been the first to draw his blade along with two others, Eliezer could only stare in bewilderment at the scene playing out in front of him as his mind simply went blank after attempting to make sense of it all.

He was only in such a state for a few moments, however, for he was soon able to snap back to the current situation. Nothing else mattered at this time, for a scrimmage was taking place right in the ballroom of the palace, and questions could be asked later. After assessing the circumstances, his hand instinctively flew up to the grip of the rapier at his waist, but another hand then clamped down onto his own, preventing him from drawing the sword from its sheath. He glanced up to see that it belonged to his brother.

"Stay out of this, Eliezer, it is your life they are looking to take. Do not put yourself in harm's way, Dainia needs its Crown Prince alive."

Eliezer stared at Mathazar for a moment and then nodded, letting his hand fall to his side. Observing Raven's skills as she took on the three assassins, he now knew that she had been hiding much more than he had suspected. To say that he only grew more curious about her would be an understatement, for if he were to question her he would not even know where to start. The guards outside were alerted by the noise, and arrived to apprehend the assassins just as Raven had defeated them. She then addressed him rather casually after the battle, providing him with a brief explanation and telling him a little more about herself before stepping away 'for a drink'.

She claimed to be from the village... Was that why he found her different from the others? If that even was the reason, he would have never guessed it. Eliezer knew that village women were a practical and reliable lot, but Raven's capabilities were not something one saw everyday, even in the village. While Mathazar left to oversee the issue of the assassins, or so he had claimed, most of the terrified noble guests were promptly escorted out of the palace into their carriages, which also left soon after. As for Eliezer, he found himself gazing at Raven past the few remaining guests as she sipped from her glass in the corner across the room.

The possibility of her being a guard disguised as a fine lady hired by his parents crossed his mind, but it did not make sense after more thought. Why would she then be trying so hard to keep his attention if she had only been hired to look after his safety? Whoever she was, she seemed to want the same as any other woman who had attended tonight, though for what purpose, he still could not tell. Regardless, she had just saved his life, and he decided that he at least owed her a chance. It would also be an opportunity to find out more about her. After making that choice, he made his way to the other side of the room where she was.

"Lady Omrea, allow me to repay you for what you have done for me this evening." He then paused, moving a step closer and taking her hand into his. "I wish to see you again, my lady."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Raven was able to get a glass to quench her thirst even though she did not break a sweat fighting she was a tad thirsty from the fight. “Hmm those boys were no challenge at all true ametures.” She said to herself with a smirk on her face for she liked to be challenged a bit when she fights. The only person that was capable of challenging her was her master that trained her in the ways of the assasin realm after she gave him a run for his money a long time ago.

She still remembered that day when she meet him for she though he was going to kill her at first. Raven had arrived to the village after loosing everything, her parents, her home, and possessions. No one would help her many turned in disgust of her thinking she was a bad omen or something so she started to restore to stealing money or food just to survive on the streets of the village. She was able to out ru the guards all the time but one day she stole from her a mysterious man and he was chasing her down. Raven had pulled every trick she knew to lose him but he warble to keep up with her until she had finally out smarted him. It was after she bought food for herself and the other orphans on the streets that she was finally caught by that man and she remembered how she flung her arms and legs at him trying to make him let go of her and also told him that she would stop stealing for her and the other children survive. It was that saying that made the assasin take her and the other children in making them his pupils and Raven was his top pupil.

The other children had left to go travel and look for work in different places while she stayed in the kingdom still striving for revenge. Her master had left for a long missions and now here she was an assasin who as now paid to kill the crowned prince. She had no desire to be queen she just wanted to do her job right and make sure she truly killed him and not leave any loose ends.

As she thought of her past she was brought back to reality when she heard the Prince talk to her and she smiled at him. “Please just call me Raven your highness.” She said to him and smiled when she had taken her hand for she has had that happen and knew they were not just tricking her. “And I would love to see you again but the next time we meet you are letting me choose the destination I will even provide the clothes for you.” She said to him for she had a plan to take him to the village and let him see first hand his people up close but it gave her an idea but she was keeping it to herself at the time.

Once she left the palace to return to tomorrow to meet up with Eliezer she has taken it the dress off and was back in her assasin gear and on along with her hood and had snuck into Mathazars room where he was pacing back and forth.
“Nervous dear prince.” She siad with a smirk on her face and Mathazar looked at her angry.

“Uhg those punny assasins ruined the plan Eliezer is suppose to be dead now.” He siad to her and she rolled her eyes at him.

“May I remind you while I was fighting you could of had him join the fight he would of been killed that way but you did stop him.” Raven points out at him with her arms crossed.

“Uhg how do you plan to fix this dear assasin.” He said knowing the walls can have ears but he made sure no guard comes near his room along with maids and he also knew his brother was getting ready for bed at the moment.

‘Relax dear Mathazar believe it or not I think those ametures gave me an opening for your brother wishes to see me again and I plan to gain more of his trust this way that way he will not suspect that I am trying to kill him.” She said to Mathazar. “SO the plan will take longer but it will get done and you will be taking over the role as crown prince which do not know why seems like a hard job I mean look at your brother he is more like a doll or puppet for the kingdom then a person.” She said to him as she sat in a near by chair.

“Hmpf to get officially seen its always Eliezer this Eliezer that and why cant I be more like him.” Mathazar said as he looked at her. “I am skilled in military, strategy, sword fighting and many other things and have more sassion for it then my brother to him its just an obligation to me its what I want more then anything.” He siad and Raven gave him a look of why has he not told his family this. “Do not give me that look I have tried talking to my parents but all they say is that the law states is the first born son takes the throne and all I am is a back up prince.” He said angry.

Raven just sighed and sat up. “ALright I get it just keep your end of the barging though I kill your brother you pay me but also allow me to take my revenge on your father.” Raven said and walked up to him. “And one more things.” She said sweetly at first before grabbing by his throat before he could even blink. “If I find out you plan on betraying me or once I kill him you pin everything on me know only will I kill you but I will let them know you are the master mind behind the whole hit on your brother.....do I make myself clear.” She said to him and he nodded then Raven removed her hand. “Good then I will see you later then have a good night Mathazar.” SHe said and laughed before she disappeared into the night.

The next say it was sunny and a beautiful day to be out along with the villagers doing their daily work and children were running around playing happily. Raven was in her village dress and she had some similar clothing to here which was a simple button up shirt, pants with suspenders and comfy shoes for walking. She even has a hat and fake glasses to help prevent anyone from recognizing him in the village. Once at the palace she waited for him rocking on her heels a bit as she waited for Eliezer while a servent siad had told him that she arrived and of course when he arrived to meet her she would just shove the clothes in his hands and coax him to go get change no questions asked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

It was all starting to seem like a big mistake. Little did Eliezer know what a mess he was getting himself into when he had offered to accommodate the young woman he had only just met the night before. He should have known not to make such a terrible decision, how was he to run an entire kingdom when he was guilty of such incompetence? In light of the attempted assassination that had taken place during the ball, the king and queen had ordered a drastic increase in palace security and restricted the movements of their sons. Eliezer would have liked to comply with the orders, but a promise was a promise, and a prince should never go back on his word either. It was not until the night before that he had started to doubt what truly was right, and it was not a good feeling.

Not long after the servant came to alert him of Raven’s arrival, Mathazar, who was in on the ploy, turned up at his door as well, looking rather concerned. “I cannot help but to find myself accountable, should any harm come to you, Eliezer.”

“Do not feel such a way, for you could not stop me even if you desired to. You should not be held responsible for my actions,” the elder replied, before turning to the servant. “And neither should you.”

At the servant’s nod, the brothers swiftly made their way down the hallway, with Mathazar informing Eliezer about the current situation. “I have set up a distraction to lure the guards at the gate away. They are currently elsewhere, meaning you should be able to pass through without issue. Father and Mother will be attending to their duties until night. This is not like you at all, imagine the hysteria, should they find out that their precious golden boy has gone out to the village with his mysterious dame at such a time!”

Despite the younger’s attempt at lightening the mood, his older brother only addressed him in seriousness as they stopped at the gate. “Unless I do not return by nightfall, they must not know. Do you understand?”

Mathazar nodded. “You have my word, brother.”

A light smile then graced the elder’s lips – a rarity, considering his usual stoic expression. “I simply cannot thank you enough, Mathazar.”

“It is my pleasure to be of assistance to you,” Mathazar responded before quickly pulling his twin into a hug to hide the smirk on his face, the smirk from the expectation that Eliezer was not going to return that night. He then let go of him. “Now go!”

He watched his brother leave through the gate before making his way back into the palace, leaving Raven to finish the job.

The trip to the village area was longer than Eliezer had remembered. He had graced the folk there with his presence several times before and brought them gifts on behalf of the royal family. It was how he had earn their favor. However, he never knew what it was like to live as one of them, and as he and Raven travelled past the simple cottages, he pulled the hat over his eyes, acknowledging that the disguise would also be of use should there be more assassins lurking about the village.

Why would she choose to spend her time with him here? Remembering that she had claimed to be from this area, Eliezer decided that it was time to press her for more information. “Considering how we had only first spoken the night before, Lady Om- Raven, surely you aren’t already planning on bringing me home to meet your family?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Raven smiled as they walked to the village and hummed a tune to herself as they walked and waved at the people who they walked past the cottages off for she was making her way to the town area of the village. “No need to worry about meeting my family...” Raven said but thought for a second and taped her chin while looking upwards. “Well except for the orphans of the village or course and maybe a couple of my brothers and sisters that work around the village a bit.” Raven said forgetting that some of her orphan sibilings still live in the village after settling down and marrying.

“I lose track of all my siblings to easily and I gain new ones so fast too but then again that is the life of an orphan and of course orphans stick together like family.” Raven said with a simple smile while revealing a bit of her past since she never mentioned parents or anything like that. AS they got closer to the town area it was getting more lively and up ahead was a big festival being held.

“Welcome to the Autum Harvest Festival.” Raven smiled and before the two was a town square filled with people at stands selling treats, doing games and other fun things to do. There was even a couple contest that was going to happen through the day. Kids were running around with each other’s as adults talked walking around and the young women were giggling as they looked at some of the items up for sell.

Raven looked at Eliezer before taking his arm and leading the way through the busy area. “This is held every year for the harvesting time for this will be the only time most of these people will have some fun before they has spend days in and out working in the fields and orchards to harvest and store for the winter.” Raven explained to him. “There are games, food, souviners, and even some contest to do.” Raven explained to him with a smile.

As she walked with him one of the villagers noticed her and waved her down. “Hey Raven over here.” He yelled and Raven looked up and smiled waving at him. “Hey Arthur.” SHe said and quickly pulled Eliezer towards his booth.

“Well look who finally cut her long hair what happen to I am never cutting my hair short again after what happened last time.” Arthur siad with a laugh. It was roughly the same age as her and was selling hand crafted Jewlery and he was well known for them.

“Oh long boring story on how this happened what’s done is done.” Raven said with a smile and looked at Eliezer. “Eliezer this is Arthur he is one of my brothers I told you about though I thought you were out in another kindgdom Arthur.” Raven said with a smile.

“Hey I would never <sis this festival its were we first meet as thieving kids.” Arthur siad and laughed before looking at Eliezer not recalling thinking it was the prince at all. “Uh she he be hearing how we used to be theives?” He asked Raven and she only let out a giggle.

“Oh its fine I already told him how most of siblings along with me were orphans we just what we did to survive back then I mean look at you now selling hand crafted Jewlery.” She said with a smile.

“Ah Raven you know how to make a man blush well I will let your get back to your little date Raven of before I orget since I missed your birthday here.” Arthur siad and placed a necklace in her hand with the pendent of a raven holding a moon flower. “I made that so you could feel close to your mom like how you feel close to your dad with the pocket watch he gave you.” Arthur explained while Raven smiled and quickly put it on.

“Thank you Arthur I love it.” She said with a smile and waved by to him. “Sorry about that Arthur is knowing for being the talker in the the old group.” She explained to him with a smile as they kept walking and showed him around and even introducing him to some of the shop keepers. WHat was interesting was Raven pretty much knew everyone and everyone knew Raven always having a smile when they see her.

Soon music could be heard and in the main square people started dancing to fun live beat of the song. It was no waltz it was different and fun. “Come on lets dance.” She said and pulled him to the dance area and started to show him the steps. Raven figured if she had to kill him she was going to at least give him the best day of his life.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

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Eliezer was taken aback by Raven's explanation about her family. "You are an... orphan, I see. My sincerest apologies, my lady."

He recalled her mentioning her mother the night before, which meant that she had known and had a relationship with her mother, and perhaps even her father. For an orphan to have lost a parent they had already formed a bond with must have been much more devastating than for them to have never known their parents at all. He could hardly imagine what it had been like for her, and apart from his apology, he did not know how else to respond to such information. Thankfully, the topic of their conversation quickly switched to something else - a village festival, of sorts. Eliezer wondered why his family was never notified of this yearly event. The village folk probably thought it too trivial for the royal family to concern themselves with. However, he wished they had been, for he constantly looked for ways to make a good impression on the commoners.

"Do extend an invitation to the palace the next year," he requested. "My brother and I would be interested in attending an event that holds such significance for you and your people."

That was when a friend of Raven's called them over. Eliezer instinctively adjusted the hat on his head, hoping for his disguise to remain effective as they approached the young man at the booth. While they spoke, the prince made it a point not to say too much apart from the occasional word, should his manner of speech give him away. From Raven's conversation with her friend, he was disturbed to learn that the orphans of Dainia were so badly off that they had to resort to theft. He had to have his family do more for these children. As for Raven, she had been through so much in her life. It must have been painful enough to have been orphaned, yet even after that, she had to survive and learn how to form relationships with others on her own.

He desired to know what exactly happened to her parents, though, to ask her to recall something so tragic when she was currently so happy would be rather inconsiderate and insensitive. Regardless, his admiration for her only grew immensely. It was her resilience which he thought truly amazing, and he found himself intrigued by the story of her life as they went around to meet with more of her acquaintances. However, he could see that she was completely comfortable and at home in the village with the simple folk. How well would she adjust to palace life and handle queenly responsibilities?

He was snapped out of his thoughts when Raven began to pull him out onto a makeshift dance floor where others were moving freely to the music. He was initially hit with anxiety, for he had never been thrown into such disorder and confusion in his life. Taking a deep breath, he remembered that this day was for his lady, and shifted all his focus on her to block out the chaos that surrounded them. He had plenty of time to think later, for he could go back to being the Crown Prince of Dainia after the Sun had set. What currently mattered was the woman in his arms.

"I see that you crave yet another dance. Did I fail to satisfy you the night before?"

He had meant for that comment to be humorous, and internally cringed at himself when it came out like a serious question. It was no wonder why he hardly made an attempt at humor. Not that he received such attempts of others well either. His lack of ability to comprehend humor was something his brother probably knew all too well. As they subconsciously moved to the rhythm of the song, he reached up, delicately brushing the stray strands of hair away from Raven's face so that he could gaze into her eyes.

"I truly am grateful that you have decided to reveal your way of life to me, my lady. You absolutely are the strongest person I have ever met. Not simply because of your skills in battle, but because of who you are at heart."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Raven just loved to dance for it was like fighting with the movement but not really. And it was one of her favorite past times of her past that she did with her parents many years ago. “Her parents had taken her to a couple festivals and they would dance together especially with her father eh would always dance with her then throw in the air for fun to make her laugh when she was younger.

Once she heard his comment about how she craved another and bout the other night she only let out a small giggle for she could tell he was trying to be humoris but was not good at it. “I just love to dance I used to dance all the time with my father when I little.” She explained with him and had fun freely dancing with no care in a world.

But she did blush a bit when he suddenly moved some strand of her hair out of her face and what he said about her. It was one oh the kindest things anyone has said to her for she was used to be calling street rat, dirty thing, devils child, and many other hurtful things. All the people in this village did that to her until her master came to her aid and took her away and once she returned no one recognized her old self and liked her all of a sudden. It was strange since he knew nothing of her past.

She then stoped dancing all of a sudden and looked down. “I...I am not that amazing with my heart in all honesty.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him from the dance floor and away from everyone. “You see everyone how I seem to know them very well and we get along just fine.” Raven explained pointing everyone out.

“Well see that man who sells the bread when I first arrived here and I asked for something to eat he told me to beat it your street urgent.” She explained and pointed out a noble women. “And I asked her for spare coins for something to eat and she actually hit me with fan telling me to get away some she would get the royal guards on me.” Raven said said remembering that day. ‘She even had her two daughters who were at the ball last night beat me up.” Raven looked at everyone.

“Every single one of them I may be nice now but I hold resentment towards them and angry for how they treated me and my orphan brother and sister family.” She said with her hands behind her back. “It was why we resorted to thievery for even the churches would not even take us in we were all branded the bad omens of the land.” She said and looked at him.

“If it was not for our master who taught us all how to fight and gave us all a purpose in life there would be a good chance we still be stealing and I would not of gone to the ball last night well not as a potentional bride but to steal from the royal treasury and I would not of meet you.” Raven finished explaining to him. to him before feeling something at her legs and saw two of the kids she recognized and smiled at them before fulling their hair and have them some money before watching them ru off.

“Those two are brothers by blood but they were born of a mistress and the father never acknowledge them and the Monet raised them for a bit barely until she killed herself due to depression.” Raven explained for she was good at getting information. “The little twerps stole from me once so I take care of them along with a few others I give them money or food or anything needed to help survive out in this world.....but also its my way of well kind of showing them the same kindness my master showed me and the others.” Raven watch the two buy food and treats and run off to another group of kids giving them their share.

“Someone that has hope and faith in these little ones for these kids and me we never asked to be orphans but people sure treated us as if we made the choice.” Raven finished explaining as she leaned against the wall. She knew a lot of things, dark secrets, people’s skeletons in the closet, and so much more but the worst one was witnessing royal guards come and take her parents away permanently.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

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Relief washed over Eliezer as they moved away from the crowd. Not that it was apparent. He very rarely strayed far from his usual demeanor, if ever. It was something that had been subconsciously trained since he was young. When they had found some privacy, he only listened to Raven as she began to further open up about her past. He then watched her give some of what she had to the two children who had approached them. At that moment, her small act of generosity meant so much more than the charity he and his family had shown to the commoners. The royal family may have been rich in material wealth, but these villagers, they were rich at heart. This had Eliezer questioning the perception he had all these years. Were they simply different, or was there truly something he was lacking?

He finally spoke again, deciding to share his thoughts and perhaps, lift the spirits of his lady. "You see, I show kindness to my people merely because I have been taught that it is right, and that I would gain their favor by doing so. You do the same for those in need, but because you know what it is like to be in their place. It is not what has happened to us that makes us who we are, but the choices that we make. In spite of all the hardship and rejection you have faced, you have chosen to persevere, and to still care for others. That is what makes you somebody amazing in my eyes. Do you understand now?"

Eliezer then continued, this time attempting to open up himself. "I regret being unable to empathize with your pain, my lady. I had servants catering to my every need as I was growing up, the very king and queen of Dainia guiding me into becoming a person, and my brother as my closest confidant. It was only with Prince Mathazar's aid that I am able to see you today. I cannot imagine what I would do without him. When the time shall come for me to inherit the throne of Dainia, I owe it to all of them to do my very best for the kingdom."

Her mention of the ball caused him to wonder how she had been able to be present at such an event. According to her, it had been because of a certain 'master', whom he assumed to be the adoptive parent of Raven and a few others, that she could attend the ball as a guest. As far as he knew, every guest at the ball had been invited by the royal family, and the fact that he had not even found her familiar the night before made it all rather peculiar. He would guess from her skills that she was newly hired as a royal spy for the kingdom, but he would not know for sure until he had asked.

"Pardon the change in subject, my lady, but I am curious to know your affiliation to my family."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Raven watched the kids run around tring to have some fun at least and looked at Eliezer and then looked out. She was not that kind for she has killed for money but she took the jobs that she thought was worthy to die the most. If only he knew al the darkness and blood she was covered in was to much to hand/ Even her job Now was to just get close to the king to finally kill him then one she gained her revenge she would end all the pain she possessed still deep in her heart. Raven did see a world a world no Royal would look at a world that some Royals just trying to find a stupid fix hat does not work.

Most people like here who saw the Royals only felt like a charity case give them money and they should be fine but so much more had to be done. She then looked at him when he apologized that he could not fully relate to her and she let out a small sigh before looking at him. “It is alright we grew up in two different worlds after all I live in the world where I worked hard to be here but was taught some still like my mother taught me all about plants and herbs and my daughter taught me a little fighting skills and also to be kind.” She explained.

But when he brought up what her affiliation was with the Royal family she was stuck for she only knew Mathazar but then came up with an idea. “Oh through your BRother Mathazar yeah He snuck out of the palace one day and he was about to get mugged by these three big guys because even though she wore a cloak she was still wore things that a thief or a mugger looks for.” Raven started to explain to him. “And I just happen to be near by so as you saw how I took down those assasins at the ball I did the same with the thugs.” Raven was glad she was a good liar.

“So as a thank you he got me into the Ball to let me experience it I mean Yeah I hoped you would notice me and let me get the chance to get to know you...not the stiff doll like prince the Real you the real Eliezer..... I guess that was why I wanted you to come here to forgot for a day you are a prince and just be well normal for a change.” Raven finished explaining to him and hoped he bought the first part the second part about bringing him here was true before she betray him and kill him.

Raven though had to admit the more she did spend time with him it did get a bit harder for she did feel something weird in her chest but she then remembered one fact. “He was a prince finding a queen that will fit the title not a girl who thought differently and possible can’t fit in the royal world. She was a farm girl to a village girl to an assasin type. She had a good hunch that he brought her here to return the favor for saving him not because he liked her in any way.

“Well well well if it isn’t little Raven what are you up too.” A female siad and Raven rolled her eyes. “Hello Sister Amy.” Raven said annoyed for Amy was known to seduce any guy that was how she got all the good jobs and she was an even worst killer. “Aww Litle Raven mad at me still after all I stole what 5 of the guys you liked and now going to make it 6.” She said as she turned the charm and flirt on with Eliezer and Raven growled and grabbed Eliezer’s arm and pulling him away.

“Dear sister he is mine now back off I am so tired of you stealing the guys I like.” In reality it was code Amy mean Prey over the the ones that Raven liked for they were originally her prey and Raven was not letting Amy have this one.

“Alright fine probably for the best can;t let the man I have waiting for me to see me and get mad that I am trying to steal another one from you though if you worked on your looks a bit more he might want you in a heart beat but no your are plain and simple.” AMy said with a smirk. “Well Bye dear sister.” She said and walked away while laughing and Raven got really angry for AMy and here were close when they were younger but it changed when AMy hit puberty first and it hit her hard that made her more feminine and sexy.

“I am so sorry I thought she was 3 kingdoms away from here and do not get mixed up with her she is a huge manipulated.” Raven explained as she let go of his arm not noticing that she was blushing a bit.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

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"Mathazar... I see. It would be like him to leave the palace unannounced." Eliezer first shook his head at his brother's tendencies before letting out a sigh of disappointment in himself. "Not that I can be one to judge him, for I have done exactly the same to see you today. Do not misunderstand, it is not you who are to blame, but my own decision to make such a promise to you. The fault is mine, as I should have foreseen the increase in security after last night's attempted assassination. Regardless, I still have the both of you to thank, you for protecting him, and him for allowing us to meet."

He then found himself disturbed when she revealed her intention behind wanting to get close to him after her explanation. What did she mean by 'the real Eliezer'? Surely the Eliezer who addressed crowds from afar as the Crown Prince of Dainia was the same person up close? This doll-like prince she had mentioned was simply who he was, in spite of how 'abnormal' she might think it was. At least, he believed he knew himself well enough to come to that conclusion. As for her, did she feel that she had succeeded in what she had intended to do?

"I am afraid you are mistaken, my lady. There is no other side to me. What you have seen of me is who I truly am, be it when fulfilling my princely duties or as your companion. I do understand how my demeanor might seem... unnatural to you, but I have never been given any reason to be troubled by it, and I apologize if it causes you discomfort. However, if you wish to know more about me, I am rather doubtful that this is the time and place to do so."

That was when an extremely attractive woman approached them, though, she proved to be an unpleasant one once she started to speak. From Raven's response, it was apparent that the two were not on good terms. He turned slightly tense when 'Amy' stepped even closer to him and made an effort to charm him, for he hoped that she would not recognize him. At the same time, he thought it unwise to boast about her 'conquests' in front of the man she was attempting to seduce. Only one who was unintelligent would still be drawn to her after hearing such a thing. Fortunately, it was not long before she relented and left them alone.

After the incident, Eliezer could clearly see Raven's insecurity from her actions and words. It was understandable, for having lost multiple times to a woman who was simply more flirtatious and attractive was sufficient to have one believe that those were the qualities that men truly sought. Perhaps that may be true for some of them, but there were many who placed importance on other things. Watching his lady closely, it would seem that she feared to lose again, and he saw the need to restore her confidence.

"Any man who could be 'stolen' by her superficial assets does not deserve a committed lady," he commented, before reaching under her chin and gently tilting her head up so that his warm amber orbs could stare into her cool blue ones. He desired to assure her that she would not lose him, at least not to her coquettish 'sister'. "I gave you my word, and I will say it again, my lady. Until the Sun sets on this day, you will have me by your side."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 10 mos ago

raven looked at him but blusheda bit when he had tilted her chin up to him and said what he said to her. ”Oh this guy is making it harder for me to kill him great Mathazar is going to be mad at me.” She thought in her head but she did hate to hear that she only had him to sunset but she also knew after this they would never see each other again. She could see in him that everything was obligation he did it for it was a duty not because he truly desired it.

“Eliezer answer me this.” She said as she pulled away from him. “Do you give things or money to the people of the village because you truly care or is it just to gain their favor so they like you?” Raven asked before looking at him.

“Also do you really want to come do this because you are having fun or will it be another Royals appearance hat the people work so hard to make perfect but to only find you never come for they have invited you and your family before but the day of the festival all of you never showed.” Raven explained as she looked at him as she wrapped her arms around her.

“Also you say Duty is apart of life so here are my nest questions are you truly happy with that....do you parents even love each other or dud they marry because it was their duty did they truly wanted you and your brother born or was that just a duty to have an heir?” Raven asked him as she looked at him seriously. “Also if you were not born with a twin do tyou think your parents would bother having another baby because they want to or since they already did their duty what is the point of another child.” Raven’s eyes narrowed a bit at him.

“Have your parents ever been there on your birthday or have they had to travel because royal business trumps you and the family?” Raven said and knew she was going to get him mad at her with all these questions but he needed to hear them. “Also who mainly raised you and your brother after birth I am pretty sure the only times your parents got involved with you two was for public appereances and royal portraits before handing you back over to your Nannys and tutors as your grew up?” Raven said to him before walked next to his side.

“Then your father how well do you truly know the so call king.....do you know many have claimed that he has sent guards into the night and killed innocent people in their homes and burned them to the ground to try to hid evidence or witnesses?” Raven said and looked at him. “Also how he is basically leaving a big bullseye mark right on your back for the people to go after next once he steps down as king?” Raven said to him and looked at him.

“Look at you know you are trying to find a birde the benefits the kingdom but not yourself how can you even be bale to produce and heir with someone you do not have those feelings for duty can only go so far.” Raven then looked up to see the sky starting to change colors. “Duty honor all that it is fine but Eliezer what about the Duty to your own heart.” Raven said to him before looking at him.

“That night at the ball when I made you dance that dance that was so new and different I saw a Gilmore of a real smile out of you not a mask like smile you have developed.” Raven finished explaining.

“So Prince Eliezer here is something you should ask yourself....What is it that you want not as Prince Eliezer next king of the whole kingdom...just as Eliezer that one I brought out here to see the village in a different point of view a view you and your family may have never experience or seen before.” Raven said and soon saw it was getting late and felt the blade she had hidden.

“Um I....I better get you back thank you for indulging me on this for I know you did not wish to do it.” Raven said with a fake smile and soon started to lead him back to the palace gates. She did not say anything after that but she knew she had to sneak back in and talk to Mathazar since she knew he was not going to be happy that she basically backed out this time.

She pulled out her fathers poketwatch to check the time was a beautiful design but it was not from this kingdom it was from the opposing kingdom that Eliezers father have been at war with basically. She then lead him to the servent entry and through a door. ‘Take this door it will lead you to the hallways of the palace and you will not be seen.” Raven explained to him before looking at him and kissed his cheek.

‘Thank you for enduring the day with me I will always remember this day.” She siad to him like as if they were not going to meet again and that was what she believed to him she must not be the right person to be his queen and two she was a killer. Raven then turned and leafy into the night.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Raven was visibly frustrated, perhaps even upset. Eliezer could understand that much, but not what he had said or done to induce such feelings in her. She had displayed a rather wide spectrum of emotions during their time together on this day, and he still found himself trying to pinpoint what exactly he could do to keep her happy, and what did the opposite of that. He wondered what she was attempting to get at with the first couple of questions she had asked him, but he decided that he had nothing to lose by answering honestly.

"As I have said, my lady, care is something I have been taught. I have learned that it is only right to do so, that it is one of the gestures that makes one a good person. Perhaps it is a necessity that I do earn their favor, but that only proves how important the people of a kingdom are to any ruling family. As for the invitation, I can honestly tell you that my brother and I were never informed of your yearly event, though, I wonder why that is so."

At her mention of the King and Queen, Eliezer's first instinct was to jump to their defense. They were his parents, and the rulers of Dainia, after all. However, he caught himself in time, realizing that for her to speak of them in such a way, there must be at least something to be concerned about. What did she say his father had done? And for what purpose? He might just be able to find out more, in due time.

"I know nothing of my parents' true thoughts or intentions, only their actions. It would seem that the inability to effectively convey our thoughts and feelings runs in my family, save my brother, I believe. I had never thought much of their absence as Mathazar and I were growing up. I did not find it unusual, for it was all I had ever known. I also have no knowledge on the claims about my father's deeds, I apologize for my ignorance regarding the issue."

Raven then brought up his 'other side' once again. She spoke of the Eliezer who was heir to the throne of Dainia, and then of the one who was here with her at this time and place. Were the two not one and the same? He struggled to comprehend the meaning of her words, the difficulty he found in making sense of them apparent from the long pause before his next response. He hoped that he had finally understood what she had been trying to say. The first 'Eliezer' had to do with his duties, the second, his desires. A hint of exasperation could be noticed seeping through his usual phlegmatic facade when he eventually found words for the subject.

"All this time, I have believed that I was adequate as a person, yet you seem to insist otherwise. You imply that I am somehow... incomplete, because I do not express my desires, and that upsets you. Why that is so, I still do not understand. Do my desires even matter? Why do they mean so much to you? What would be the use of wanting what I could never have? I do not think about what I want, for I am afraid of finding it unobtainable after discovering what it is. That is not happiness. I am... afraid... of ending up... more unhappy..."

He trailed off at the moment of sudden realization. He was currently sharing things about himself that he had never known about. Was it what she wanted to hear? Was it too much? He decided to stop himself there, and finish off with something else he had wanted to say.

"I can assure you one thing, my lady, that everything I have said to you today - about what I think of you, and how grateful I am that you have brought me here, is absolutely true."

He then took a glance at the sunset after their conversation, and ended off by thanking her for keeping his needs in mind when she mentioned him having to return to the palace. When she showed him the passageway that lead into the palace, he assumed that it had been Mathazar who had shown it to her first when he had invited her to the ball. If anyone at the palace knew of a secret path in or out, it would be his brother. He had not expected her to kiss him goodbye, and found himself stuttering slightly as he gave a reply after he was caught off guard by the gesture.

"I... had a lovely time with you today, and I truly mean that. A very good night to you, my lady, until we meet again," he said to her with a quick bow, before heading back to the palace.

"Mathazar, have Father and Mother called for us yet?"

Eliezer?! The younger spun around at the hushed voice, stunned to see his brother back at the palace peering in through his doorway. How could this happen? It should have been a simple job for Raven to finish. He did not let Eliezer see that he was shocked, however, and instead put on a show of concern. He got up from his seat and approached the elder.

"Not yet, but it is wonderful that you are back safe," Mathazar responded, before raising an eyebrow at his twin. "I see that you are troubled. Did the lady not meet your expectations?"

Eliezer let out a sigh. "It is not so much what I had expected as what I did not. You see, despite us only having met for the second time, it is as if she knows me better than I know myself, perhaps even better than you do."

Mathazar let out a chuckle and shook his head. "That is absurd, Eliezer. Nobody can know you better than I."

"You know not what took place, Mathazar. Today was, so intriguing, yet worrying at the same time. I have never felt such a way before," the elder attempted to explain.

The younger nodded with a smile, and took his brother by the shoulders. "You have to see her again, brother. Have your questions answered, lest you continue to be restless for goodness knows how long."

"You are right," Eliezer agreed. "Thank you once again, for everything."

At the break of dawn on the following day, a royal messenger would arrive at the village looking for Miss Raven Omrea. She would be handed a letter bearing the royal seal. Upon opening the envelope, she would read the following message:

My dearest Lady Raven Omrea,

I must say that I have had very much to think about after our meeting the day before. Your questions most certainly shed light on issues that I would have never considered on my own. However, your reactions and feelings towards my so-called 'situation' continue to perplex me. What was it that you truly desired out of me? Were you hurt because I was not happy in your eyes? You asked me if the King and Queen loved each other. Perhaps it was love that you were showing me. Regretfully, I realize that I am rather unfamiliar with the concept, but I wish to learn more.

By writing to you, I believe that for the first time, I am fulfilling the 'duty to my heart', as you have put it. Until you spoke of it, I was not aware that there was even such a thing for me. I have admitted my fear to you, something else that I had been unaware of. Could it be then, that I should not explore this on my own? If it were to be with anyone, I would like for it to be with you, my lady. I am extending an invitation to you to the palace, where I sincerely hope we could converse once again. I eagerly await your response.

Best regards,
Eliezer of Dainia
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Raven had vanished into the night but soon reached the village breathing heavy for she had many ran and did not look back as she did so. Once she made it to a run down buying she stopped to catch her breath and her composure. “What is wrong with me I should of killed him but what stopped me what is wrong with me?” She asked herself as she sighed and walked through the streets looking at the night sky before holding her pocket watch in her hand. “Mom dad have I made the right choices in life or have I stained my hands for nothing?” She asked the pocketwatch but only to have no response.

She placed her pocketwatch back in her pocket and kept walking until some of the orphan kids came out tugging on her skirt smiling at her. Raven smiled at the young ones before patting their heads and gave them a hug. She did everything she could to help these little ones that had no one. “Come on back inside bed time.” She told them and coaxed them all inside. Once inside all the kids when to their beds and crawled under the blankets.

“Raven can you help us get to sleep?” One of them asked and Raven smiled at one of them. “ALright if it helps you go to sleep.” She said to them and pulled out a weird instrument hat she was able to save before her home was burned to the ground when she was younger. Once all the children was settled she started to play her song off it. All the kids smiled as she played it but soon dozed off into their dream land.

Raven finished the song and smiled at them all before placing the instrument down. She let out a small sigh before walking up the stairs to another room and sat on the bed. All she cold think about was her past and all the stories her mom used to tell her about her dad and how the two meet but also how they were from two completely different worlds.

“I am nuts I can’t love a prince I mean he holds similarities to dad due to being from high class and mom was of common birth but still.” Raven ran her fingers through her hair. “I am a killer still I have stained myself with blood and have killed many and look at me now trying to kill a prince just so his brother could be next in line for the crown.” She stood up and looked out the window. “So why d I can how he feels or acts or if he is so much like a doll why di I care.” Raven groaned a bit before finally trying to go to sleep for the night.

The next day Raven was out in the village like normal doing small odd jobs to help keep the money flowing at least until the messenger came and gave her the letter. “Ok what is this about?” She asked herself and went back to hers and the orphans home and safe Andy another one of her assasin family/ orphan siblings/ He was busy getting the kids feed.

“What you got there sis?” He asked as he was getting the twins settled for they were at it like normal. Raven was reading it and sighed.

“Its a letter from Prince Eliezer.” Raven said and Andy looked at her shocked. “What you do now?” He said seriously.

“Its a job his younger twin brother hired me to kill him and do not give me that look.” Raven explained and got the twins to sit and eat.

“But big question why is he still alive along with the rest of his family we all know you hate the royal after what they did to your parents?” Andy asked as he looked at her.

“I have no clue he kind of reminds me of the stories my mom told me of when she met my father and two its his father I mainly hate and want to kill.” Raven explained as ANdy rubbed the back of his head and snatched the letter to read it. “I thought he would not want to see me again after how I ranted at him yesterday about how he is not well a person who can be himself.” Raven explained.

“So then you think his brother convinced him to see you again so you can kill him?’ He asked her and Raven nodded. “Yeah proablay Mathazar pretty sure wants me to do it but....” Raven sighed and ANdy could see Raven was changing.

“Raven if I did not know you any better I think you are actually developing well feelings for Eliezer but then again cant be true you never kissed anyone not even on the cheek.” ANdy said and Saw Raven did not answer. “ANd you kissed him at least on the cheek didn’t you?” He asked and Raven only nodded at him.

“Oh boy yup you are screwed Raven you broke the number one rule of the assasin code never fall in love with the target.” Andy said to her and Raven huffed a bit for she knew that she really did.

“I know I know Andy but like I said I have no clue what happened something about him drives me crazy makes me want him to see that there is more to life out there then just doing as told and following duties but most of all trying to make everyone like you.” Raven explained and ANdy ruffled her hair.

“Look Raven I am worried but I also want you happy if Eliezer is who makes you happy then say the deal is off and if this Mathazar tries to harm you to do something to you warn him you have brothers and sisters who would kick his ass for you.” He siad making Raven laugh. “Ok go one go talk to him I will take care of the kids today for you.” He said with a smile and Raven gave him a hug as a thank you before heading out.

SHe made her way t the palace with the letter showing the palace guards that she was invited by the prince to the palace. Once he was let inside she just waited as the servent went to get Prince Eliezer for her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Eliezer had not expected Raven to arrive so soon, but he was glad that she did, and that she had even accepted the invitation in the first place. He had been under the impression that he had caused her too much frustration for her to concern herself with him again. Despite her tendency to bring up unfamiliar topics which would stay in his mind baffling him for a substantial amount of time, being with her, for some unexplainable reason, seemed to put him at ease. After being notified of his lady's arrival, he promptly made his way down to meet her.

He gave a polite nod as he approached her, before taking her hand and lightly kissing the back of it. "It is lovely to see you again, my lady."

He then signaled for the guards to leave them, and brought her outdoors and around the palace to a quiet garden area that was warmed and lit by the rays of the morning Sun. The bright, kempt greenery was adorned with small flowers of various colors, and the occasional chirping bird that fluttered by brought the place to life. As they leisurely strolled though the perfectly-trimmed shrubbery, Eliezer took a moment to let her appreciate their surroundings in silence before letting her in on what was on his mind.

"The night before, you asked me this question - what is it that I truly desire? Unfortunately, I don't yet have an answer for you. The difficulty I experience is not in identifying my desires, but in pondering over the question itself. You see, I have a responsibility to Dainia. The people of the kingdom depend on the competence of the royal family. What I fear, is going through the internal conflict that may be stirred by the thoughts of my desires. Considering what I am obligated to do, I do not believe I can afford to have such feelings. With that being said, I do not expect you to empathize with me."

He struggled to find a way to relate to her before continuing, hoping that he would successfully do so. "For the longest time, this garden has been my sanctuary. This is the place where I find peace and rejuvenate my mind when I am weary. Simply being here calms and comforts me, and lifts my spirits. The reason I have decided to share it with you today, is that it is something I find wonderful, something that has left such a positive impression on me. Perhaps you feel the same about this happiness, and this love that you have spoken of, which is why you wish to share it with me."

Eliezer then stopped and turned to face her. "I clearly recall the intense sadness you had expressed the night before as you made known to me the things that are important to you. Was that sadness for my ignorance? Is it so devastating to you that I do not understand such things? Tell me, my lady, do you still believe that they are worth pursuing, in spite of the consequences that may follow because of who I am?"
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