Soft enough to offer life, tough enough to drown it away.'

|| Asura ☾ Tracker ☾ Elf ||
|| 19 ☾ Female ☾ Bisexual ☾ Allyra ||

⚬ Tracking ⚬ Basic Toxicology ⚬

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Standing at an underwhelming 5'4", Asura is quite small for her race. While elves come in varying heights, Asura is at the much shorter spectrum. If it it weren't for her pointed elf ears, and incredibly saturated eyes, Asura may pass as a human. Her skin a pale tone, blushed with a soft rosy hue throughout her body. Asura has narrow shoulders met with humble breasts, body lithe, hips broader than her shoulders with legs sleek and long for her 5'4" stature. Her hair is a platinum color, the silver and white waves cascading just past her waist. Eyes are of a deep blue, their intensity piercing, a pendant matching them in color strung around her neck. Asura's forehead is adorned with a tattoo of blue color as well.
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Asura loves tracking, her favorite activity being just that. Asura spends most of her time exploring the forests of Allyra. She can be found lurking near the border of Titan and Allyra on occasion, her tracking expeditions often ending there. She is also very interested in toxicology. While she has not mastered the skill, nor come anywhere close, she dabbles in the art from time to time.
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Asura is a very independent elf, she often spends her time alone. She is however very friendly when need be and even naive in most cases. While she can be quite innocent to the worlds vices, she is incredibly intelligent, however her sweetness can cloud that.
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Asura was born to Minora Sylvari and Asuran Sylvari. Her mother and father were very hard workers, having seen the destruction and death the humans had caused, they worked hard to assure Asura never faced such cruelties. Asura knew little to nothing about humans nor Titan as a child, shielded by that portion of the world in order to keep her curiosity nonexistent. Her father taught her all she needed to know in tracking, often taking her out as a child until one fatal night. They had been on a tracking expedition, her father had always been very meticulous and sure to stay far from the border, but this night his judgement was clouded and the two found themselves too near. Asuran and Asura ran into a group of intoxicated Titan guards, trespassing on Allyra territory. Asuran fought his hardest, protecting Asura all he could before losing his life. Asura would have been killed as well if it weren't for the Allyra border patrol showing up in the nick of time. The small girl was found trembling, the trespassers sent back to Titan to be prosecuted there.
Asura would later learn more about Titan, curious about the race she and her father had encountered. While she hated the men that took her father, she did not hate the race. Asura would study humans, study their history and why they came here in the first place. But this would end when her mother found out such things, burning anything Asura had learned and written down, closing her off from that world once more.
Asura would spend the rest of her childhood and most of her teenhood learning a bit about toxicology from her mother before her mother would pass to an illness unknown, leaving Asura the house and some money to survive at the ripe age of 17. She would make a living selling animal hides crafted into rugs, bags, and other accessories to the towns within Allyra.
Asura would later learn more about Titan, curious about the race she and her father had encountered. While she hated the men that took her father, she did not hate the race. Asura would study humans, study their history and why they came here in the first place. But this would end when her mother found out such things, burning anything Asura had learned and written down, closing her off from that world once more.
Asura would spend the rest of her childhood and most of her teenhood learning a bit about toxicology from her mother before her mother would pass to an illness unknown, leaving Asura the house and some money to survive at the ripe age of 17. She would make a living selling animal hides crafted into rugs, bags, and other accessories to the towns within Allyra.