Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Endrance
Avatar of Endrance

Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yin Takeshi

"Wake up, wake up, it's time to-", and with a slam, Yin Takeshi, almost broke her alarm. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up from the bed and sat up. Her room was in a messy disarray of things she'd swiped (or as she liked to say, collected) from all over the world. Some sand in a glass she got from the caribbean was left halfway sprawled on the ground. She'd got a big globe in England she wasn't sure where to place, sitting in the middle of the room, some papyrus from Egypt thrown haphazardly, and a chinese silk blanket pushed underneath her bed. As she stood up to start her day, she stubbed her toe on the globe stand.

"OWWWWWW", she yelled out, grabbing her foot and hopping around. She almost started to cry, sucking in air. Mulling over her now reddened toe, her mother knocked twice on the door.

"Uh...come in"She said as she rushed to place some of the paper on the desk.

"Yin...you're room is awful... what kind of girl is okay living in this kind of-"

"Pig-style. Yeah, yeah I know, Mom". As Yins mom entered the room, Yin embarassed, grabbed more things off the floor.

"I've got something for you... You should probably sit down... We can open it together before it joins the rest of the mess." Yins mother could be shrewd but for all intents and purposes, she was very kind and calm. She definitely had a quick tongue that didn't really match her short, unassuming height but this woman could tell you about yourself in a heartbeat. Behind her round reading glasses were brown eyes that had seen a lot of pain. Still, she had a smile that could weather any storm. Her pale veiny hands passed over a letter to Yin as she sat down on the bed.

"Is this...?"Yin whispered.

"Yup." Addressed to a Miss Takeshi Yin, the big bold letters of the U.A. sigma appeared. Her hands started to shake. It was weird. She was super nonchalant about applying before... if she didn't get in she'd just go to another school or chalk it up to figuring out something else to be, but now? Now her heart was yearning for this place. A reason, no a direction, to go for the rest of her life.

She carefully broke the seal and opened up the letter. Her eyes starting the the Dear, Yin and going directly to the bottom of the page. After careful consideration of your quirk we have approved your request to take the entrance exam.

"YES! YES~ YES!" Yin grabbed her mothers hand and they jumped up squealing. The envelope fell to the floor revealing a CD.

"Huh?", She picked up the CD and re-read the rest of the letter she skimmed. "Please watch the CD announcing the dates and times of the entrance exam. Quickly grabbing her chair, she sat down, loaded the CD up and happily poured over its contents.

"Wait the exam is tomorrow?"She said snapping her neck back turning towards her mom.

"I may or may not have forgotten to pick up the mail..."

"For months?!?"

"ehehe...bye"She slipped out of the room. Her mom could be hella absentminded at times. Now she only had one day to prepare for he exams. Grabbing a shower, and slipping out the door, Yin decided she'd see if anybody had time to help her with some training exercises...
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Crystalmushroom
Avatar of Crystalmushroom


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alexa Barnes

Alexa sat at her computer, eyes glued to the screen. Her eyes focused intently on the UA message board. Her palms were sweaty as she searched.

“Come on…. Come on!” She growled, clicking away.

All the speculations about the exam, but not a single hint on what would happen. Not even a mention of what to work on. She could feel the pit growing in her stomach.

“How do i get in if I don’t know what to work on?” She would sigh as she slinked into her chair. Her mind filled with a thousand ways she would fail.

A hammer like rap beat on her door.

“Not now Ian!”

“How are you gonna get in if you don’t get in more practice?!’ A voice called through the door.

“ What part of “not now” don’t you understand?!” She yelled back while pinching the bridge of her nose.

A series of loud stomps walked off.

“I’m not gonna get in… I’m not going to be a hero…. I’m going to let mom and dad down. I’ll never get my license. I should just -”

A loud chirping noise came from her computer. Alexa leaned into the screen. There was a message sitting on her screen.

“Hey, you in your thoughts again?”

Alexa let out a loud laugh. ‘How does she know me so well?’

“Lita, get out of my brain.”

Her cousin Lita, her unofficial roommate, was the one who always picked up. Lita was her best friend and felt like she was the sister she always wanted.
“You are too easy to read. You will be fine. Your ability is awesome. So hurry up and get in, so I can get in next year by association.”

Alexa chuckled again.

“I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works.”

“How else is a pufferfish going to get in?”

“Just show them a pic of your mom in the bathtub.”

“Not all people have a thing for mermaids. Plus I look like a puffer, so no one will believe I’m her kid.”

“You look like that when you puff, you look like her when you’re normal.”

“Yeah whatever. BubbleBrain.”

The girls continued chatting for hours.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Bigblack1394


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(Lighter flickers on) "It's almost harvest time" Malkell sits backs letting a big cloud form.

Sitting in a apartment that's not too well lit overlooking the city.

"I can only hope I don't overload myself with how many emotions will be flying around." He gets up and walks towards the window and opens it up.

"Therapy." He screams and all of a sudden waves and waves of emotions starting to pour over him.He collapse to the ground laughing and crying not even sure of what he was feeling and slowly feeling his sanity slip away.

"Sessions over." He gasps out in between laughs.

"I don't have much control over it yet and I only did the third floor." He ponders away trying to think of how to absorb people's emotions without in turn driving himself insane.

"Maybe if I compartmentalize them it would work better, ugh I need to get this figured out before the exam or else my plan may fail."

Malkell never liked what Heros stood for nor did he like the false sense of security they give people, all they do is put off what's wrong and sit around waiting to be saved. To him that's just a sad way to live.

Phone starts to ring in the other room.

"You finally finished the gloves." Malkell says into the phone.

"Of course Mr.Yorokobi just look by your bed." Says the voice.

He walks to his bedroom and sees the box on the ground and a evil smile crosses his face as he knew that tomorrow was going to be a beautiful day.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Krewsial


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gale sat in front of his computer in his room. He was scrolling through the U.A. website's message board for any news on the upcoming entrance test. It showed the same information as it did the day before. He sat back in his seat and stretched. He stared at the ceiling. His thoughts went to his brother. This was his first step in following his footsteps and realizing their shared dream.

"Gale!" His mother called from downstairs. "It's time for dinner!"

Gale rolled around in his seat and made his way downstairs. He entered the dining room to find his father bringing the food to the table. His mother was adding the finishing touches to another dish.

"I'll get the plates and stuff." Gale said to his father. He simply nodded. Gale came back with the plates and silverware and set them on the table. His mother came into the room with her self-proclaimed world famous chicken Alfredo. Everyone took their seats and bowed their heads to say a quick prayer.

Gale loved his mother's Alfredo. It always had the right amount of sauce with the prefect chicken to noodles ratio. Gale and his father joked about how she counted each noodle and piece of chicken before cooking. That's why it always took so long.

Dinner tonight was quiet. He knew why.

"Tomorrow is the big day huh?" He father spoke trying to sound cheerful.

'Here we go.' Gale forced himseld to smile. "Yeah. I'm looking forward to it."

"Has there been any news on the entrance exam?" His mother asked.

"Nothing new since yesterday. I guess we all find out tomorrow. I'm sure it's nothing but a paper test."

His father sighed. "Look. I know we signed the papers allowing you to test but are you sure this is something that you want to do?"

Gale sighed just as his father did. He set his fork on the table and kept his head down.

"Honey," his mother spoke, "we talked about this. We agreed we weren't going to bring this up again."

"I know, I know. But I want you to look me in the eyes Gale and tell me that this is something that YOU want."

Gale slowly lifted his head looking his father into his stern and worrisome Brown eyes. "Yes. I want to be a hero. And it's because of Bruce that I want to be one."

His mother and father reached for his hands grabbing them earnestly.

"We know. It's just that," she froze for a moment, "we couldn't stand to watch you die too. One son was enough."

"I want you to be sure that you aren't going into this without thinking fully of the consequences."

"I know what the consequences are. I buried him with you guys. And in that moment that being a hero wasn't a game. It was a life choice. But he still made it to make the world safe for us."

"Can't you leave that responsibility to someone else?"

"I can't. Because you two are my parents. And I want to make sure that nothing ever happens to you."

His parents rose from their seats and embraced their son and he embraced them back.

"Don't worry. I'll be a hero that you and Bruce won't have to worry about."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AyeYoWorm


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Setting: Chicago, IL, USA

Noir is setting at the lake front think about what his father told him.

*flashback to a week ago* Noir was at home watching the news and his father defeated another villain. With a 😑 look on his face he turn the t.v. and as soon as he sat up from the couch here comes his father walking in the room.

His Father: Andrew!!! I have something for you from your school. *hands Andrew the letter*

Andrew(Noir): 🙄 *starts to read the letter* So I’m eligible to take the provisional exam.?.?

Father: Of course you’re the son of the number 7 hero in all of North America 😁

Andrew(Noir): 😪 I’m going out to train.

*Andrew uses his shadow portal skill to teleport to his training arena*

Back in the present time Noir get up and prepares to practice using his power of darkness ability in an attempt to master it but in the distance he hears a woman screams. He sprints over there to see a woman in a circle surrounded by 5 guys in mask. So he throws his hoodie up and proceeds to brakes up the circle.

2 minuets and 17 seconds all the men are knocked out and the woman is safe and unharmed.

Woman: Thank you so much if you didn’t come I don’t know what I would have done.

Andrew(Noir): .......... *turns and walks away*

Andrew gets home to hear his father talk in the other room about him.

Father: Yes that’s right when he gets his provisional licenses I’ll transfer him to the #1 hero school in Japan. U.A.

Andrew(Noir): 😡😒😪
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AlbionX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It's pretty bright out today huh. Hmmmmmm, what should I eat?

As the boy walked through the crowded streets, he observed a billboard for a restaurant. Luckily a picture of the owner was on it, and the restaurant was only three blocks away.

Watch it! Ugh, move will ya!? Geez these people annoy me, always around this early!

The boy shoved his way through the crowd and entered the restaurant. Once inside he approached a waiter and stated,

Excuse me sir, where's the bathroom?

Oh it's down that hall, first door on the left.

Thank you.

(Boy enters the restroom) Ok Albion, just remember vividly what he looked like.

Yes! Good job man, pat yourself on the back. Shouldn't be hard to get food as the owner right?

The boy, now disguised as a man left the restroom and sat at a table.

Mr. Clemenski, we didn't see you come in! Sorry for the wait, what would you like to eat?

I'll take this. (While pointing to the menu.)

Yes sir, right away!

The food arrived and "Mr. Clemenski ate it like he hadn't eaten in days. Once finished he left the restaurant satisfied.

Alrighty, let's change back and start training for these stupid exams. Not like I need to train, but it couldn't hurt....... Now where is the nearest open field?

Albion walks about half a mile to the nearest park. Upon his arrival, the park appears to be empty. He figures this is the perfect time to practice his Vibration quirk.

Ok, relax......Vibration level 1.

Albion's limbs begin to slightly vibrate. He places his hand against a large tree.

Nothing huh? Guess I need to max out. VIBRATION LEVEL 3!

The part of the tree making contact with Albion begins to disintegrate.

Hold it, c'mon man just hold it!(Gasp, followed by deep breaths).... Really, only one minute at max?! Uuuuggghhh!

With the exams only 24 hours away, Albion still feels uncertain of his offensive capabilities. Will he muster enough strength and courage to be accepted in U.A High, or will he be rejected and create his own path, a path of defeat and regret.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by RyanH901


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Riku Sits at his computer, scrolling thru Youtube watching random videos, watching old videos of previous heroes, Watching his idol Eraserhead.

He watched as the Pro hero would weave through Bad Guys, and Villians galore. His martial arts skills and binding cloth were two of the reasons why he loved and appreciated Hand to Hand combat so much. Eraserhead was a Pro whose quirk cancelled others and was the Main reason why Riku enjoyed UA so much. Although technically he was a second year, he has attended for 3 years.

His first year, he was a Troubled teen, He would light trash cans on fire with his quirk, fill teachers classes and vehicles completely with water, short circuit equipment only because Authority never set well with him. he would torment his classmates with high winds and hail whenever he so chose just because he felt like it. He was suspended consistently. Although he passed the entrance exam smoothly, everything that followed he didnt care for. He was removed from his courses his first semester simply because he didnt want to participate. It wasnt until one day as he was heading home, when he ran into Eraserhead.

He didnt even recognize him at first, he just saw an older gentlemen, in all black with his hair tied up feeding pigeons and decided to try and scare him. As he focused on sending a rain cloud toward him, he heard him say "Stop this foolish, and childish playing before i detain you and send you to the Police. Quirk utilization without a provisional license is illegal for students." Riku's jaw dropped, he was behind a tree, how could he know where it was coming from. As he peeked from behind the tree, he met his gaze and saw his eyes turn Blood red and his quirk was instantly dispelled. He found himself powerless for the first time in his life.

Riku spoke and said "Ok, Ok *walking with his hands up* You got me, how did you figure out it was me?" Eraserhead sighed, "You arent as quiet as you had hoped, and when you use your ability, i heard you breathe from all the way over there. Plus i watched the cloud form above you and come towards me. But i wonder.......did you see my binding cloth by your foot?" Riku looked down surprised, as as he did, he found himself tripped and brought closer and bound by Eraserhead. "That is how one stealthily attacks ....did you even see me move a muscle?"

Riku hasn't been the excited since he learned he could called upon lightning on his fingertips as a child. "How did....How did you do that?" Riku Asked...Eraserhead looked at him, and shook his head. "1st, My Name is Aizawa. I Used to teach at UA, and I was a Pro Hero for more then 20 Years. I watched the rise and fall of All Might, the Previous Symbol of Peace as well as the fall of some of the worlds greatest threats. And you....your just a Punk who thinks he's hot shit because of his ability, like the thousands of others ove helped put away." Riku was floored, he never knew a teacher to speak or act like this. "Aizawa-Sensei.....How.....When......Could you train me?" Aizawa looked at him, smiled sinisterly and said "Show me what you can do..........and the rest is history.

Scene returns to Riku's room, as He watches "Eraserhead's Top Fights" conclude, Riku Laughs "Damn it Old Man, I remember you teaching me that move. I still have the scars. " He remembers the training the he went through and he smiles..."You were a Better father figure then my own and while the world idolized All Might. You were mine." Then it hits him, "A new year, and a new Group of incoming students. Well I guess I better start training soon. Aizawa-sensei would never let me live it down if i let these tadpoles pull ahead of Me. Guess ill grab a ticket to the Entrance Exam and see what this year's talent is like." Riku balances a Pencil on his nose, throws it up, and grabs it with his own binding cloth and tosses the pencil into the dart board, which gives off a small electric discharge.....

as he snuggles up cozily into his own personal sleeping bag, he closes his laptop and rolls up into a cocoon, as his Master has done every time.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ZyphrMagik


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mizu laid still, swinging against the ocean breeze on his hammock, waiting for his next shift to begin. Through a strict routine and intense physical labor, he had come to understand the value of rest and relaxation. However, he was still unsatisfied with the direction his life was going in. He chidded himself, consumed in thoughts of what he might want to do in the future.

“I don’t want to be a fisherman forever, but I don’t have what it takes to be a damn hero!”

His seemingly eternal slumber turned into another brainstorming session, pondering whether or not he should pursue the path of justice. A few months ago, Mizu had expressed his interest in such a field to his father, but was rejected shortly thereafter without a valid reason. He knew his father had his best interests in mind, but why didn’t he believe in him?

“Maybe dad’s right, maybe I’m not cut out for this after all…”

Before he knew it, his break was over, and his father came over to remind him.

“Wake up Mizu, there is work to be done!” he hollered.

The abrupt command startled him and made him fall out of the hammock. He stood up sluggishly, scratching his still damp, shaggy hair.

“Sorry, I just lost track of time.” he responded.
Mizu’s father knew him very well as he was the only family he had since his mother’s passing. Naturally, he could tell when something was wrong.

“Are you alright? Is there something troubling you?”
“No, well, I’m not feeling the best right now.”
“Let me guess. You’re thinking about what you want to be again?”

Surprised at his father’s ability to read him so accurately, he stumbled over his words before being able to reply.

“No… Well… It’s just… I don’t know anymore!” he cried out.

His father sensed the unrest in Mizu’s voice and offered to go out in the ocean for a little while to talk things through.

“Sure, I guess. The ocean has a way of calming me down.”

Shortly thereafter, Miku and his father went out towards the crimson sunset in a small row. The gentle ocean breeze and refreshing, salty scent always energized him, brought him at ease. However, once they reached a considerable distance away from the coast, Mizu’s father revealed a letter from him back pocket.

“I’ve given it a lot of thought and it wasn’t easy to make a decision. So I’ll leave the decision making to you.” he said proudly.

Mizu held the envelope in his hands, perplexed at what his father was trying to say.

“Go ahead, open it!” he said with a wide grin across his face.

He opened the envelope gingerly, revealing and embossed UA symbol on the letter contained therein. Mizu was utterly shocked. He believed his father wanted nothing to do with heroes and villains, yet here he is giving him a letter from the most prestigious hero academy. Small droplets appeared on the paper as he began to sob.

“I… don’t know what to say dad.”
“You don’t have to say a word yet, read the letter.”

His hands were shaking intensely, Mizu could barely control himself. In the midst of such an emotional rollercoaster, he only managed to read the first line.

Congratulations, Mizu Yashu, you were one of the few candidates selected to participate in our entrance exam.

Mizu stood perfectly still, unable to grasp everything that had just transpired. His father broke the uneasy silence after a few moments.

“The first time you told me you wanted to be a hero, I didn’t take into consideration what you wanted. But after seeing how much you've grown and developed since then, it’s difficult not seeing you saving lives and fighting villai…!”

Mizu interrupted the touching speech with a bear hug, While he was still unable to speak, he was more than able to express his gratitude for his father’s acceptance. After a minute or so, he released himself from his father's arms and finally replied triumphantly.

“I will be the best hero I can be for you and the village and that’s a promise!”

They both smiled at each other, their aquamarine eyes shining brightly, excited for what the future would hold.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MoMochas


Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Tokiko got up after finishing her daily training regiment. 200 pushups, sit-ups, and swats every morning since she set her eyes on being a hero. She'd alternate weight training and running on different days. She freshened up, and got some new workout gear on.

"Its almost time..." she said, putting her eyepatch on. She glanced at the letter on her dresser unopened, and a smile reached her face. Her mother was tripping over herself trying to get it to her yesterday. She recalled it with a grin.

"Toki, Toki! You've got a- Why are you crying?" Her mother asked.

"I can take the UA entrance exam..." She sniffed. "I just...can't believe its actually happening. I finally have my chance." Her mom gave her a hug.

A knock came at the door, pulling her out of her memories. It was her dad.

"Ready for the big day?" He asked.

"You better believe it!" Tokiko said.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Bigblack1394


Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Finally the big day is here. The day of the entrance exam is here and the city is vibing with high frequency.

"So many emotions flying around I need them to quiet down." Malkell takes off his glove and lightly touches people that he passes. The air around him changed and you saw people who were happy suddenly become sad.

"Much better."

He briskly walks down the street humming a cheery tune.

As he walks down the street he bumps into a young lady.

"Watch where you're going you brat."

"I'm so sorry I'm just rushing off to the exams." Says the young girl.

"Oh really what's your name than future savior of Japan." I ask mockingly

"I'm Yin and your tone seems really rude."

"I apologize just woke up in the wrong side of the bed and I'm heading there as well."

Her eyes brightened up. "Are you also a hero or trying to be?"

"Oh no child never that, that dream died a long time ago."

"Oh I'm sorry is your quirk not that strong." Yin asks.

"Something like that but I'm just a therapist so therapy is more my forte." Malkell says now leaning in with a hand on her shoulder.

"Whatever happens don't let anyone repress your motivation and keep on fighting okay."Malkell says grinning as he sees the change in her eyes occur.

"Um yes thank you but I must get going." Yin runs off.

"That's one down let's see who else needs therapy."Malkell walks away laughing.

He arrives at the arena and starts his way to the registration table to where a large group of students are.

"Therapy repress."

All of the energy shifted in the air as you felt the high anxiety of starting their dreams seemed to evaporate.

"Hmm what's this."Malkell picks up a picture off the ground and sees two boys in it.

"Excuse me sir that's mine." A young man taps his shoulder.

"Oh my fault just found this here."

"No worries thank you for finding it."The boy looks at the picture with a deep sorrow.

Malkell taking pity on the boy reaches out to him.
"He definitely loved you and hopes you succeed today and if you ever need therapy to help with with your repressed memories here is my card." Malkell slides him a card.

"Oh no I've dealt with it enough."

"You may lie to yourself but you can't hide your emotions from me."Malkell chuckles and walks away.

He enters the arena and looks for a good prime seat for the show that is about to take place. Having repressed the drive and motivation of so many people really wore him out and he started to feel like He was losing his sanity.

"Time to put on the gloves." He reaches into his pockets and takes out the gloves he was given yesterday from his plug. They are black with a white circle in the palm.

"Today I will see real despair and true pain."He chuckles as he finally finds his seat in the third row
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crystalmushroom
Avatar of Crystalmushroom


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

*****Next Day*****
After Alexa had completed her morning run, she tried to do her breathing exercises. Breath control and holding it was the most important thing to her and her quirk. If only she could have gotten to the pool first, but it wasn’t in the cards for her. Once done, she decided she should at least try to get some food in her system.

Alexa sat at the kitchen table. A bowl of her favorite cereal sat in front of her. Her parents insisted they make her a good breakfast today, but she was afraid the nervousness would kick in later and make her sick. Can't hold her breath on an uneasy stomach. For now, she felt good after her talk with Lita. If only she could have come with her.

Ian walked into the room, but he didn't do his usual “Is my punch faster than your shields greeting. He strode over to the fruit bowl, grabbed an apple and sat down across from her. He seemed different, less bratty.

“Big day today…”

Alexa looked over to him with watchful eyes. What was his angle? Was he actually worried for her?

“Yeah, it is.”

Ian tossed the apple between his hands. His hazel golden eyes focused on the fruit.

“No second chances…”

This thoughtful Ian bothered her. Why couldn't he just go back to punching.

“Yup...Only one.”

The fruit stopped in his hands as he looked up to her. He was nervous. It appeared that he understood the weight really well.

“Mom and Dad...They think you can really do it. You could really be a big time hero...This school is a big deal.”

Alexa fought to not hold her breath. Her parents never said those kinds of things. It was always “possibly” or “well there's a lot of ways to help people”.

‘He must have heard talking, right? When would they have said that?’ She thought quietly.

“I'll make sure they're right. Mom hates being wrong.” She tried to get him to laugh but Ian was serious.

“Alexa...You...You got this…” He said quietly and looked to his feet by the end of his sentence. “ I'm sorry for always annoying you. You are the only person I can practice with that actually got some skill.”

She couldn’t believe her ears. She felt like this was her eulogy or something. Her brother being super serious, it stopped her from completely eating. She just stared at him. Spoon in hand as she froze. Her brother met her gaze and got the hint.

“ I mean… Your bubbles are only a little better than mine. I’ll find a way to break yours soon.” His face was now a smirk as he took a bite from his apple and started out of the kitchen. ”You better get in.”

Instinctively, she nodded at her brother’s comment. That was the kid she liked better. That nervous looking kid wasn’t someone she knew and well he reminded her too much of herself. When she got her letter from UA, all she thought about were the times she’d fail.

‘Why did they send this to me? Do I really have what it takes?’

Her parents’ were more confident about her selection than she was. Of course, they were very middle of the road with their support. If you get in, great, and if you don’t, you’re just as good. But today was the day to prove it to everyone.


“I really should have run to UA” Alexa groaned from the backseat. The whole family was in the car, even the dog.

Eye of the Tiger was blaring through the speakers as her father pushed his lead foot against the pedal. Her mother kept trying to pump her up by looking back at her daughter as she sang along.

“You think I would miss my little girl’s big day?! You’re outta your mind. “ Hank cheered over the music. “I made sure to take the day out just for this.”

‘Just great.’

Alexa looked around for some solace, but everyone was into the song.

‘What is this playlist?’

“Did you really have to make me wear my suit there?” Alexa groaned as she looked down at it. She was really disgusted by the heavy makeshift safety harness that her dad snagged from the firehouse. “I really wish I thought this through.”

“Of course! I want your picture! I’m gonna hang it up in the dojo for all the kids.”

“Right...the kids…”Alexa groaned again. The memory of kids attacking her barrier and throwing themselves at it flashed in her mind. “How was that even training...?”

“Alexa, training can be anything, anywhere, and be taught by anyone. Remember that.” Her mother shot her an all knowing glare. The type of glare where she would saw “ you know, put your guard up” and no type of barrier could protect you from what was next.

“Absolutely!... I’m just nervous. I want to get in.” Her hands gripped the harness. She hoped the it would be enough to keep people on her if the barrier she made was airborne.

Her eyes traveled down to her hiker boots. She didn’t think they were the right type of grip in order to propel the right type movement with her barrier. They would have to do, but she hoped more than anything that she didn’t slip on her face. She did remember from the message boards that you get better quality when you become an actual student. Which made her look to her gloves next. They were an eyesore. The gloves themselves weren’t bad, but the magnetic fingertips and shabby sewing job was. Her parents bought the strongest magnets they could find on the internet because they knew her bubble wouldn’t be complete if she didn’t box her hands.

“We’re here!” Ian said as he nudged Alexa hard in the ribs. “Gotta pay attention!”

‘That much time went by!’

“Alright! Everyone out!” Her father called as he parked the car.

“Dad, Please, No.”

“Time to take that pic.” Her mother said with a smirk as climbed out and shot her the “i dare you to say no” glint in her eye.

“...Alright.” Alexa reluctantly got out.

Excitedly, her family placed themselves on the steps making sure to leave room for anyone trying to get by. They had more than enough time to register, but they still wanted to do this quick. Her mother hurried her over the middle of them. Had to make sure Alexa was ready.

“Say UA!” Her father grinned as he pulled his camera up to say the selfie.

“UA!” They shouted in unison. Alexa quickly held her breath and brought her hands together to place a small bubble around them for the pic. Making sure no one got bumped as she did so. The pic was snapped.

“That’s my girl!” Her mother put her arm around her neck and brought their heads together.

Alexa mouthed “Thanks Mom” before letting go of her breath. The barrier collapsed around them instantly.

“Ok, it’s time. Go kick some butt and we’ll be here waiting for you.” Vibrantly, her father smiled as he gave her the “All Might” thumbs up

“Will do!” Alexa laughed then returned the gesture.

“And remember.” Her mother started as she began to walk back down the steps. “ You got this.”


“No seriously! Only losers don’t get in here!” Ian chimed in.

Alexa smiled as she turned and made her way up the steps. She started to wave her brown glove at them.

Her family began to chant it again. “You got this! You Got this!”

‘Though they are nuts… I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Alexa tried not to tug at her blue utility uniform As walked.

Inside the hall, there were students everywhere. A lot were practicing their quirks or talking to people they knew. Unfortunately, no one from her school had gotten a letter back except her. At least, that’s what she had thought. As she made her way up through the people, here grey eyes looked about the room. There were so many kids here and so many people that would either pass or fall. If only she had seen someone she knew. As she brought her eyes to the registration table, she saw a kid wearing a baggy jacket in front of her. Normally she wouldn’t pay it any mind, but the star on it seemed really familiar.

‘Wait… is that?’

“Galen!” She screamed extremely loud. She didn’t mean for it to be as loud as it was as she reached out to poke him in the back. “ Gale that has to be you!”

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AlbionX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ok Albion, your big day. Let's not screw this up. Tired of living on the streets. He begins stretching and preparing for the physical part of the exam.

GOOD MORNING LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, PROS AND CIVILIANS! IT IS TIME FOR THE U.A ENTRANCE EXAMS! There are two parts to the exam. The first portion will allow aspiring heroes to show how they utilize their quirks. They will be put into a simulated city, where they will face several M3CH-3000 robots. There are different series of robots that award a different amount of points. You need 200 points to pass this part of the exam. The ninja robot is fast and agile and will reward you with 50 points. The common robot is a general enemy that gives you 10 points. The final type of robot is villain tier and rewards you with 100 points. There are only 4 villain robots in the city, but be careful, those robots are as strong as they get. Even a pro themselves would have a hard time. The students will have 10 minutes to acquire 200 points. Once completed we will advance to the written test portion of the exam. You are now in your prep time.

Ok man, the best course of action may be to shift into a gorilla for terrain mobility and power. Or just use level 2 vibrations to disintegrate a few robots. Going for a villain robot would make things easier, if I could beat it. Think think think.

Ok students. 3! 2! 1! BEGIN!

The crowd cheers as the students charge into the simulated city. Several students utilize their quirks to take the high ground. One student vanishes into the shadows behind the buildings. Albion is amazed by how many different abilities he's witnessing, but then gets back on track.

No time to waste man, gotta be quick. Albion sprints deeper into the city. While running he gets struck from behind and falls.

Ugh! What the hell was that?! He looks up and notices a silhouette in the building next to him roughly three floors up. It appears to be a ninja robot.

Reader play Haikyuu OST- Supernatural Haste for setting on YouTube or something, if you'd like. youtu.be/3eXVaGh2jTo?t=9s

Alright then, I could use a little stress relief right about now. Albion shifts into a silverback gorilla and scales up the side of the building with speed. He pulls himself up and in through the window where he encounters two ninja robots.

Well, looks like I'll be getting 100 points here.Albion leaps at the robots, slamming both fists down from above. They dodge and one lands a heavy kick to him from the side.

Ugh!As he slams into the wall.Now you've done it! Both robots leaped towards him. He blocked their strikes, tossing one across the room. He grabbed the other by its leg and repeatedly slammed it into the ground, then ripped that leg off. The other robot launched a projectile towards Albion, but he dodged it by swinging off the lighting in the room. He then charged the robot, pinning him against the wall and then began to punch it deeper into the wall. The robot missing its leg fired a projectile itself, but once again Albion dodged it causing it to destroy its partner. Albion then transformed back to his original state and uses Vibration Level 2 to cause the robots circuitry to fry.

So that's what U.A training has to offer huh? Guess I'll be getting a lot stronger. Albion progresses through the city looking for more robots to face. He accumulates all 200 points by defeating other weak robots. While heading to the exit point, he sees a villain robot fly through the air and crash into the wall.

Who could be that powerful?

Albion exits the city and awaits further instructions. With 3 minutes left on the clock, he feels prideful that he finished so quickly. He notices that there is quite a few students who also finished quickly.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Bigblack1394


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(Last Night)

"I hope Malkell appreciates the encryption I've done for him." Cloud sits back from his computer after running through the UA computer system.

A stack of papers were by him. "Looking up all of their weaknesses and traumas is so tiresome."

Cloud ran into Malkell during middleschoool they both were kinda out cast. He was the only one not afraid of Malkell. Also Malkell helped him fight off bullies since he was a small dude.

"Alright let me set up this playlist for tomorrow"


(Next Day)

Walking to the arena blasting Mo Bamba.

"ALL THESE HOOOOOOEEESSS" Cloud is belting at the top of his voice bopping his head.

He pulls up to the mech garage where the robots are kept for the first exam. No one really pays him any mind as he flashes his badge for clearance.

"I'm here to make some minor adjustments."

"Go ahead your clear." The guard says after swiping his card.

Little did they know by swiping that card it connected him to the UA system at the arena and now Code Breaker is free to roam.

He goes over to the robots and touches each one rewriting the data to up the difficulty of them and for them at a certain time to reactivate after the first exam. He than leaves the garage and heads to the microphone booth.

"You're finally here Cloud." Says the head director.

"Sorry sir got lost getting over here." Cloud looks down ashamed.

"Just set up the mic and get everything calibrated so no one's ears blast off okay can you do that." The head director looks at him with a scolding glance.

Cloud was a former student at UA apart of the mech support class but he never showed how strong he was and kept to himself so no one ever expected how devious he truly can be.

He looks down from the booth and sees Malkell take a seat in the third row.

"Seems like it was a success." Cloud says and turns to his director.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

"You're such a wwaste ugh just hurry up."

He rushes down the hallway and reaches the bathroom and sits in a stall. "Time to plug in" he puts his hands out like a keyboard was there and his eyes turn white as he starts moving through the network of UA.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jukatashi


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Standing in front of the simulated city U.A entrance exams gate, Juka gasps and indulges in deep thought as the announcers explain all the rules and regulations about the exam.

Aunt Jen: Your parents would be proud of you.(Sulking with light smile but worried look)

Juka: Eh, I suppose. Are you sulking again Aunt Jen? I told you already that I'm gonna be fine (Juka smiles brightly)

Aunt Jen: Oh, I know. I just worry about how over zealous you can be from time to time. Make sure you text and call me every 1st and 15th of the month!

Juka: Sure thing!

Aunt Jen: Did you pack enough undies? Are they clean?

Juka: YES!! AND Why, of course they are dammit!

Aunt Jen:(Aunt Jen bursts into a cheerful soft notion of tears.) I'm gonna miss you!

Juka: *Sigh* Aunt Jen, it's not like you're never gonna see me again
I'll be back during spring break, Christmas and maybe for the summer.

Aunt Jen: You'd better be and always remember your declaration to your self!

Juka: I know I know, with great power,comes great responsibility.

Aunt Jen: Good boy, and dont go useing your Quirk when ever you feel. EMERGENCIES, SCHOOL AND TRAINING ONLY!

Juka: Got it got it, can I go now?

Aunt Jen:(She embraces Juka with a strong hug filled with blissfullness an starts bursting out crying in tears) You remind me so much of your pops!

Juka: I promise I wont let you down. None of you! I'll be a Hero. (Juka turns around an walks out the door, and the scene shifts.

Scene Shifts back into the U.A Entrance Exams

Juka: Unfortunately I cant overuse my quirk for just this exam. So 50 points for the ninja-based ones. An only 10 points for the small fry. And 100 for the cillian tier. If I use all my strength on the villain tier I'll be damn near outta commotion. Gotta make smarts moves that minimize my risks while maximizing my options. So therefore I can use my signature ability to rack up at least 10 of the small frys. If I'm lucky I may encounter a Ninja-Based. Welp!. Let's hope for the best!

As soon as the announcer gave the say so. All the U.A examinees dashed in the simulated city. Meanwhile Juka stayed put then used his quirk to levitate into the air above all the other examinees into a empty unsecured spot of the city. 10 pointers started scurrying out towards him.

Juka: Woah woah now. Isn't this a bit intense for a Entry exam?! Something doesn't feel right..

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Krewsial


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

*Morning of Entrance Exam*

Gale wasn't able to sleep the night before. The anxiety he felt before the day of the entrance exam kept him awake virtually all night. However, with the Little sleep he did obtain, he felt extremely well rested. He went through his morning routine got dressed for school. Before he left his room, he grabbed his good luck jacket. He rushed downstairs and saw that his parents were already waiting for him in the dining room.

"Thought you would've been up ealier." His dad said jokingly.

The genuineness of that moment made Gale smile. "Still a growing boy. I need some type of sleep."

"Well, I don't know what kind of food they'll be serving there but I packed your lunch." His mother said.

She handed the small lunch box to Gale who took it greedily. His mother's lunches were always better than cafeteria food. She took a look at his attire. She smiled warmly.

"That jacket looks good on you."

Gale returned her smile. "Thanks. I think so too."

He hugged both of his parents before running out of the door. The walk to U.A. was pleasant. He noticed quite a few people walking in the same direction while others rode in cars with their parents. He would have liked his parents to walk with him on his first day but he didn't want to be too selfish. He knew they still felt apprehensive about letting him go to school to be a hero.

When he approached the gates to the school, he was in awe. It was much grander now that he was actually on its campus that it had been if was just passing by. He followed the wave of the crowd into the hall. Crowds of people made him uncomfortable and with the anxiety of the upcoming unknown exam it didn't help this feeling at all. He suddenly heard a name call out his relatively loud. He turned in the direction of the voice.

"Hey Alexa. Nice to see you made it."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Endrance
Avatar of Endrance

Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yin Takeshi

[Later, Yesterday Night, 9/18/2018]

Yin had ended up getting a little practice in with a dummy, doing hand to hand combat training almost all night. When it was time to retire, she ended up tossing and turning in her bed, extremely restless about the next day. Would she make it into U.A.? Would her quirk end up even being something that was useful. Maybe they made a mistake when they examined her abilities. She was unsure of herself and felt the most anxious she'd ever been in her life.

Alright, Yin. Don't think on it, just relax. Think of a Greek vacation after you get in! It'll be too cool. She imagined the sun hitting her face and the beautiful blue ocean at the tips of her toes as she felt herself drifting away.

[The Next Day, 9/18/2018]

"Yin, it's time to-"

"I'm already up..."She groaned. She'd been up again since 6 a.m. in truth.

"Well how was i supposed to know that? Get Ready then."She said as she threw a silk body suit on her bed.

"Where'd you get this?"She squealed.

"I know a good tailor. But you're definitely wearing a jacket over that as you walk there."She shook her head. That's what i get for telling my friend to keep her superhero outfit chic and new-age inspired.

Her mom closed the door as Yin slipped into her outfit. It was a supersuit complete with a cape, short tight pants and high leggings (no belt). Gushing totally over the cape, she slipped into her outfit, opened her door and asked, "Well what do you think?"
Her mother, teary eyed, looked at her up and down. "I'll be watching you kick some ass on T.V.", with a nod.

Yin hugged her mother and ran off towards her destination, but not before bumping into some weird thick guy with an afro almost as big as hers.

"Watch where you're going you brat."

"I'm so sorry I'm just rushing off to the exams." What a mean guy but in his defense she really was rushing and could've easily went around him instead of assuming he'd leave some space for her on the sidewalk. He was a tall, fearsome looking dude but Yin had a tendency not to take much seriously.

"Oh really? What's your name than future savior of Japan." The man said facetiously.

"I'm Yin and your tone seems really rude.", She wasn't about to take shit from a random. Even if he was her senior.

"I apologize, just woke up in the wrong side of the bed and I'm heading there as well."

Her eyes brightened up. Maybe this guy had some pointers for her. "Are you also a hero? Or you work with them?"

"Oh no child never that, that dream died a long time ago." How depressing. She knew this hero lifestyle wasn't for everyone but it sucked even more to hear something like that on a day where she would be putting everything on the line.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that... is your quirk not that strong?" Yin asked. This was more insecurity on her part.

"Something like that but I'm just a therapist so therapy is more my forte." The man said as he began to lean in with a hand on her shoulder.

"Whatever happens don't let anyone repress your motivation and keep on fighting okay.", Grinning, the therapist had this evil mocking look in his eyes.

"Um yes thank you but I must get going.", Yin ran off towards her destination but she could feel herself falling quickly down a cycle of despair. What was the point? Why was she even doing this? She could never be a hero. She could never be good enough to do anything. As she walked into the sign in area, she hesitated to even pick up the pen.

"Ma'am?"The lady asked her behind the desk as she held the clipboard closer to her. Within her warped point of view, she could see the the lady laughing at her. Who let her in? Teleportation? How could she possible save anyone when she can barely teleport herself? There must've been a mistake.

"I...I...", Yin turned around to run off again but ended up bumping into someone as she found herself sprawled on the floor, rubbing her forehead.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Bigblack1394


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(In the bathroom)

"Alright so where is the test hiding" Cloud is going through the network looking for the written exam.

"Hmmmmm this could be it" he comes to a gate with the word test on it, he quickly breaks through the firewall and starts to recode the test.

"Hmmmmmm I believe this should be hard enough for these dummies" He chuckles and logs out waking back up in the bathroom.

He scurries back to the booth where his director is fuming.

"I hope you had diarrhea."

"Just a big dinner last night is all" Cloud looks down and sits behind the control board.

He sees that the exam has just started and noticed how some students were struggling while it seemed like others have just fully given up. A small smile starts to creep across his face and he quickly checks his phone and sees a text from Malkell.



Cloud sits back a bit and just ponders about the carnage that will take place and how irritated he was by seeing these faces cheer on such a corrupted system.

"Hey Cloud I'm going downstairs to check the cameras keep everything up here flowing till I come back" the director says.

Flashing a thumbs up he hears the door close and footsteps walking away.

"I think my recovery time is just about over in a few minutes." He stares at the timer as the clock ticks down and he sees the young aspiring students fighting for their futures.

"The minor casualties of war so sad."Cloud let's out a big laugh nearly knocking himself out his seat.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by MoMochas


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After having a hearty breakfast, Tokiko jogged to UA, noting the landmarks on the way there.

There's a store over there...a park over there...there's an elementary school, too.

She tried to keep her mind off of her impending test.

You can do it, Toki. You're prepared. You CAN do this.

She slowed down a bit as she approached the gates of UA. A large crowd of all shapes and sizes were right outside the building.

Whooo boy.

As she approached the crowd, she lifted her eyepatch up and waited. She got a few odd looks from the test takers near her, but that was nothing new. She waved to them in response, and they looked away. A teacher gave them a brief explanation of where to go, and that they would get a thorough explanation at the test site.

So the test is...over there, huh? That doesn't look like a typical classroom...it looks like a city in there.

As she reached the gate with the other students, a loud voice came out greeting them.

Robots? Great...How am I supposed to beat those? Maybe I can use robot parts as a weapon...but if I wait for one to break...hm...

Tokiko sighed.

Its a good thing I studied hard for the written exam. The practical test...is going to be rough.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by RyanH901


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A collab entry between Endurance and Myself

Riku fell back, surprised. “Owwwww jeez that hur…” He trailed off as he saw who was Before him. It was a young girl with trendy glasses, and nice eyes. She seemed confused, yet down. Her afro was nostalgic but yet her fashion was a modern cut from a magazine. He watched as she got back on her feet. “Hey, are you okay?” He asked. “Sorry, i didn’t see you there,” She said as she averted her gaze unconfidently. He could feel her misery, he saw her looking as if she didn’t want to be there. “Hey, are you sure you are ok?”

Yin mumbled, “I’m not… I’m not sure. I don’t know if i belong here.” She let out a short gasp because up until this point she had never said the words out loud. She felt lost, in anxiousness, and sadness. The world seemed bleak and dreary at this moment. She put her hands to her face to keep from crying.

Riku stood up, and dusted himself off and asked “Whats your name?”

“Takeshi...Takeshi, Yin.”

“Nice to meet you Yin, Im Riku, Second Year here at U.A. (although i’ve been attending for 3)” He muttered silently and angry with himself. He held out his hand.

Hesitantly, Yin shook Riku’s hand. “Three years? How come…”she trailed off.

Riku smacks himself, “You heard me huh? Well That’s a interesting story, I’ve…..been a bit of a trouble-maker my first year and i got suspended for almost a year. I, uhhhh, kinda use to prank everyone including the students, teachers, Administration, and even the principal. I also caused a lot of damage. My Master….he made me retake the exam for readmittance.” He laughs while holding the back of his head.

“Wow, and they still let you come back? Interesting…”This sounded rude but, it was far from Yins intentions.

“I don’t even think i could pass this the first time, let alone a second...umm...I should go.”, Yin turned to leave but Riku grabbed her arm.

“No, wait!” Riku said as he caught her mid-step. “I can tell…..You wanted this, i can’t speak directly for you, but i remember when i first took the exam. I was just like you, A ball full of emotions and i let the depression hit me,“ Riku exclaimed.

“Here is a bit of honesty, When my emotions run rampant, i tend to lose control of my quirk. The first time i took the exam, i got surrounded and pummeled by a couple of the bots to the point where i just let loose and next thing i knew i not only short circuited a couple, but they were flooded as well.” He said embarrassed. “I never told my peers but the teachers knew and berated me for it afterwards.”

He motioned for them to walk. As they walked, “Yin, I get it. You think you aren’t ready. You’re thinking ‘how can I do this?’ But If UA didnt think you could pass the exam, why would they invite you? You can do this, Believe it!!” He shouted and Fist pumped in the air. He then looked around, and grabbed his mouth, “Sorry, My anime addiction always tends to leads to real-life references and I just quoted Naruto” Riku laughed and tried to form jutsu symbols like he seen in the show and manga, but he was nowhere near as steady handed.

Yin softly chuckled at his terrible attempt, and scoffed “You watch Naruto?, i’m more of a Yuyu Hakusho fan myself.” As she pointed out her finger and said “Spirit Gun!” Riku fell over as if hit by it and said “Quit Playing, Yurameshe!” as they laughed again.

“But really, take a breath….Inhale deeply, exhale calmly….My master always used to say ‘Controlling your emotions is what’s required of a Pro. Losing yourself is death in the field. Be still like water and as intense as fire. Without focus and determination, you won’t be able to accomplish anything….Im nowhere near as wise as he is but I’ll say this…..Don’t Let Your dream go, Tadpole. Swim and Become the big fish in the Sea, or Pond, or whatever……..Just know I’ll be watching from the Stands. When you pass, Not if, WHEN. Come find me and i’ll show you around, But Don’t give up before the Fight has even begun.” He waved as he turned to hit the stands.

Yin watched him walk away, she understood what he was saying. Although he was a character, his conversation was reassuring to her.

She felt relief start to wash over her, although her stomach at this point was now more like an ebbing tide.... She remembered her goal. She remembered why she came. She was going to be a Hero. And she wasn’t going to let her emotions get the best of her.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crystalmushroom
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

(first post continued)

“Dude! I can’t believe you’re here! I thought I was the only one who got into the exam.” Alexa said excitedly as she started to look around for anyone else they went to school with. “Have you seen anyone else from school?”

Alexa took a moment to smile and feel relieved as she looked up at Gale. He seemed bigger for some reason. She couldn’t put her finger on it. Maybe just the fact he wanted to be a hero made him seem taller or something. Either way. it really calmed her down knowing that she had seen an old friend around.

The thought about her suit finally struck her and she became nervous again. The look of it was shabby compared to some people’s tracksuits or hoodies and shorts. She looked like she was working for a TV company or was going to install phone lines.

‘Dad why did you have to go overboard with the suit’

“You never know what might be thrown at you during the test. Got to be prepared!” She can hear his voice in the back of her mind.

‘Please don’t notice how bad this suit looks.’

Alexa totally forgot that her parent’s sewn a patch on her left shoulder blade. It read “Grab this!” and pointed to the safety harness. It was for people to not slip inside the barrier.

Alexa fought to cover her suit with her hands.

(will continue further)
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