Yin Takeshi

"Wake up, wake up, it's time to-", and with a slam, Yin Takeshi, almost broke her alarm. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up from the bed and sat up. Her room was in a messy disarray of things she'd swiped (or as she liked to say, collected) from all over the world. Some sand in a glass she got from the caribbean was left halfway sprawled on the ground. She'd got a big globe in England she wasn't sure where to place, sitting in the middle of the room, some papyrus from Egypt thrown haphazardly, and a chinese silk blanket pushed underneath her bed. As she stood up to start her day, she stubbed her toe on the globe stand.
"OWWWWWW", she yelled out, grabbing her foot and hopping around. She almost started to cry, sucking in air. Mulling over her now reddened toe, her mother knocked twice on the door.
"Uh...come in"She said as she rushed to place some of the paper on the desk.
"Yin...you're room is awful... what kind of girl is okay living in this kind of-"
"Pig-style. Yeah, yeah I know, Mom". As Yins mom entered the room, Yin embarassed, grabbed more things off the floor.
"I've got something for you... You should probably sit down... We can open it together before it joins the rest of the mess." Yins mother could be shrewd but for all intents and purposes, she was very kind and calm. She definitely had a quick tongue that didn't really match her short, unassuming height but this woman could tell you about yourself in a heartbeat. Behind her round reading glasses were brown eyes that had seen a lot of pain. Still, she had a smile that could weather any storm. Her pale veiny hands passed over a letter to Yin as she sat down on the bed.
"Is this...?"Yin whispered.
"Yup." Addressed to a Miss Takeshi Yin, the big bold letters of the U.A. sigma appeared. Her hands started to shake. It was weird. She was super nonchalant about applying before... if she didn't get in she'd just go to another school or chalk it up to figuring out something else to be, but now? Now her heart was yearning for this place. A reason, no a direction, to go for the rest of her life.
She carefully broke the seal and opened up the letter. Her eyes starting the the Dear, Yin and going directly to the bottom of the page. After careful consideration of your quirk we have approved your request to take the entrance exam.
"YES! YES~ YES!" Yin grabbed her mothers hand and they jumped up squealing. The envelope fell to the floor revealing a CD.
"Huh?", She picked up the CD and re-read the rest of the letter she skimmed. "Please watch the CD announcing the dates and times of the entrance exam. Quickly grabbing her chair, she sat down, loaded the CD up and happily poured over its contents.
"Wait the exam is tomorrow?"She said snapping her neck back turning towards her mom.
"I may or may not have forgotten to pick up the mail..."
"For months?!?"
"ehehe...bye"She slipped out of the room. Her mom could be hella absentminded at times. Now she only had one day to prepare for he exams. Grabbing a shower, and slipping out the door, Yin decided she'd see if anybody had time to help her with some training exercises...