Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The following is being made after the former died. (X3)

The year is 2015 the next holy grail war was about to start once more with the church, and mage association preparing to take on new masters, and heroic spirits they were naively blinded by the fact that there were still people out there who were willing to exploit the grail. Many years have past since the Fuyuki Grail War, and with the loss of the greater grail more smaller grail wars had been propping up all over. A small faction in Poland known as the Grey Family have summoned several servants in violation of the Grail War's rules. It's their intent with this current move is unknown but the Grey Family were known as mage supremacists who believe that magi should rule the world not the common people, and it is speculated they wish to use the servants, and the grail in order to win over the world to their way of thinking. They have held fast in a castle forming battle strategies as the mage association prepares itself to deal with the threat. While standard grail wars were done by a servant to servant basis fighting in singles combat until one group remains

Scouts sent to deal with threat were met with swift brutal retaliation and as such the only way to deal with this threat is to summon more servants to combat the 'Red' Faction. Met with fierce resistance initially the mages association has finally come to a conclusion that the threat in question must be dealt with. As such they had sent calls to several different magi be it allies of the Association, or mercenaries. The church has also proclaimed it's support for the Mage Associations 'Black' Faction as the brutality of Red has proven both disgusting, and an insult to the rules of the grail war. Hoping to wipe out the enemy faction the mages are gathering in London to summon their servants. The clocktower magi in London seek to assist the mages in their attempts at destroying Red Faction before they arrive in Poland in order to defeat enemy summoners. Ruler has said to have already arrived in Poland to await what is to happen. However there is more than just a grail war looming over the heads of the magi for when they fight in Poland something doesn't seem quite right even more so than usual. With dark clouds in the horizon will Black Faction be able to overcome the Red Faction's power?


Hello everyone this is a typemoon roleplay based somewhat heavily off Fate/Apocrypha but it is not a complete rip off it. There will be no characters like Sieg entering the midst, there will be plenty of differences compared to the anime/book, and other changes may be implemented. None of the canon characters/servants will be involved minus perhaps the servants who are allowed within power limits (characters like Gilgamesh (Archer/Adult), and Heracles/Hercules (god hand like abilities are too strong to allow into the roleplay. Because you can't hurt them without a B+ or A ranked Noble Phantasms, and you have to do it multiple times in Herc's case). To make clear servants with high stats are allowed characters with broke abilities aren't.

I'd like people to keep in mind that I can allow nerfs to allow some characters like Lancer Cu Chulainn in as he has an instant kill move that hits a person's heart I can't let that sort of move fly. What's the point of a powerful opponent when you just fling your nigh unblockable time space bending spear through their heart? If you're unsure, or need help picking/making a servant you may ask me and I will do what I can to help.

Any other questions you have may go below. If you're interested say so below.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rylonia
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

What sort of experience are you looking for from players in this? For example, I'm the kind of person who is more into the anime side of things, and loves Fate, but has never really played the game or gotten into the 'stats' side of things.

A second question I have is, are you willing, or wanting to look into personal character story arcs? Or is the focus going to be pretty much entirely on the over-arcing war between red and black?

Either way I would personally love to play a Saber, either a Canon Mordred, or my own OC which is something I'd of course leave up to you in private to give a yes or no on, and if not, can just default back to Mordred.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

If you're asking if you need to be an expert in the Nasuverse, or fate series then no. However I'm aiming for a heavy team cohesion in this. Servants, and masters will be taking the place of the 'offensive team' in this case our team black to besiege team red controlled by the Grey Family. Statistics don't play a heavy roll but you can't expect a C class servant to smash through an A class servant if they have A Strength. Some servants are immune to servants below a certain stat I.E Heracles with god's hand but he's banned because he's fucking disgusting in terms of power.

In other words skills, statistics, and skills otherwise will play a good role in it but they won't be the end all be all. Diarmuid from Zero handled Artoria pretty well despite being generally outclassed stat wise his skill of Knight Tactics playing heavily into that despite Saber's B intuition which saved her from Kojiro in Stay/Night. And yes they will be in the Cs in their own section. The wiki has information on there that I should have in the OOC if we have enough people. Or you can go there on your own and research there.

The main plot is heavily centered on the war personal arcs, and stories can be told around it but we're primarily there to dethrone the Grey Family.

If you're willing to play the role of Saber I expect you to know what you're doing, and be committed. Saber is a top class, and needs to have skill. Mordred is strong, and tough and while I would avoid using her in this specific setting due to her standoff nature, and the fact that she doesn't work well in forced teams she is viable. Saber needs to be able to handle Saber of Red who is top tier in this setting, I can't give his name because that is spoilers but he is one tough son of gun and will be the 'boss' servant so to speak for Red.

I.E: Saber needs someone who will stay in this rp, be committed, know how to handle the role, and be willing to be the upfront fighter. Someone like Giles De Rais saber for example will get his shit kicked in.

Edit: If someone wants an example of what to expect from a servant here's the servant sheet I will be using though it will be as an example, and not blank. I am not definitively using Rider this is just an example. This Rider is a rather upper middle tier servant being essentially a weaker Iskander in some ways. What would push Godfrey here into OP status would be a better personal weapon, and a reality marble that put him in a territory that suited him better.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 5 days ago

What number is this? Fate rp number 7 or something?

Either way I suppose I'm interested.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@1Charak2 I don't know I know one of my regulars is in his own. The difference is the others are all Player Versus Player based. This is a great grail war team battle. I didn't join the others because I hate PVP because if it is poorly done it kills the rp all the more quickly, and arguments have always been a thing in pvp rp's I've been in.

If you have any questions on this, or you want to claim a specific class feel free to ask. @Rylonia Is probably still in this they just sent me some stuff in pm.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rylonia
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yeah just watching for interest and seeing what others want to do before making any solid decisions on what I'll play.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I'm tentatively interested in this; I'm trying to learn more about Fate so why not throw myself into this.

What would you consider to be an over-powered Servant in this case, i.e. what kind of Servants are you banning? It is ones that have high stats/powerful NPs, NPs that are instant-kill or unfair or just ones that can potentially derail the RP? Because the first two seem like they can just be written around pretty easily. I'm thinking about taking the Caster class but both of the Servants I am interested in are likely to be banned, the first for being too powerful the second for having a sort of instant-kill NP. Maybe I'll make my own.

Also, how exactly are Masters going to work in this RP? In the FAQ you mention a DnD style system where you can only use spells are certain number of times a day which doesn't seem to fit what little I know about Type-Moon style Magus' at all.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Servants are banned or nerfed because they either force me to rail road a setting like gawain, have a hard counter on the enemy, and or have the chance to just screw up the enemy team who is already gimped by being forced to not auto kill players like they could be if say gae bolg was left unneeded. Also jack is a death sentence to masters and servants as along with instant killing females at night she poisons people and masters with misty night and mind wiping the enemy team is bullshit.

Nasuverse magic has no set of rules however they have limits ship for example could magic copy roughly a handful of times without ton amping his power so without making a whole new system I'm limiting spells to be cast instead of turning this into some statistical bullshit system I would half was
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@vancexentan so the Lancer's I was looking at are Romulus, who I'm going to go ahead and guess is going to be too powerful, and Benkei, who has an instant kill Noble Phantasm but not one that auto-hits.

My issue with the DnD system is that it seems to be based on the idea that all of the Masters are going to be using fairly standard magecraft, like Gandr or element manipulation, when most of the Magus we see don't use that. Rin uses magecraft stored in jewels, jewels that take time to make and are expensive; her magecraft is powerful but is already limited by the fact she had a limited supply she can't easily replenish. Kayneth has a giant metal blob he controls, Kiritsugu has Magus killing bullets, the Matou's control bugs and Waver doesn't fight ever. None of these really fit into the idea of having a set number of casts of each spell per day.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Romulus isn't allowed because his np he's not allowed because imperial privilege ex is literally any skill on demand without drawback like nero's headache and then even better. Romulus is flipping strong and he had none of hero's drawbacks. He once took presence concealment and hid three people in a whole parade and then walked into the Roman palace with them. Benkei isn't allowed be side his phantasm steals phatasms gg lancer you have no lance and no luck to fight it.

Alchemy is judged on a case by case basis and is limited by how much stuff you carry and can be based on that also rin and kayneth are high tier mages run gas all affinities and kayneth has years of training.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Benkei isn't allowed be side his phantasm steals phatasms gg lancer you have no lance and no luck to fight it.

I understood it as sealing all NP's, i.e. turning the fight into a purely physical one. Same as what Achilles spear does in Apocrypha.

I won't fight that decision though, it's up to you ultimately.

Alchemy is judged on a case by case basis and is limited by how much stuff you carry and can be based on that also rin and kayneth are high tier mages run gas all affinities and kayneth has years of training.

Kayneth and Rin are geniuses, but that's beside my point. Most Magus we see don't really use a standard set of spells, which is what your system seems to imply.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alright I'm on my phone so instead if arguing further ill throw the ball in your court what would you have me do to present limits without hamstringing curse elemental and other traditional mages? No sarcasm all on you.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Rylonia@1Charak2 By any chance do either of you have anyone who could be interested in this? Reflection is running his rp so I'm sure the people i know wouldn't want in.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rylonia
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I don't really know anyone at all on here I'm afraid.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Alright I'm on my phone so instead if arguing further ill throw the ball in your court what would you have me do to present limits without hamstringing curse elemental and other traditional mages? No sarcasm all on you.

I'll admit I don't really know too much about Fate outside of the few anime I've watched, but I'm not sure there needs to be any limits other than "don't go too over the top/make anything too crazy". Fate is never going to be balanced, you can stop people creating God tier characters like Gilgamesh but some Servants are always going to be stronger/better in some areas and the same goes for the Magus. Someone is going to make an elemental Magus that throws around wind spells and is strong in combat, while someone else is going to make a Magus that focuses on creating Bounded Fields and performing large rituals who decides to play defensively; the former is going to win any fight between the two but the latter is well hidden and is working towards something bigger. It's all about your strategy and preparation and how you play to your strengths.

Honestly, I wouldn't worry about putting a system in place for Magus. Maybe put a ban on anything you can think of that is too strong, like you have for Servants, and stamp down on any profiles that go overboard and you should be fine. Fights between Magus are likely to be rare (unless we're in Fate/Zero) and decisive when they happen; they're all weaker than Servants anyway so it's unlikely someone is going to break the RP with their Magus alone.

In other news, I'm going to try my hand at creating my own Servant and I'm officially claiming the Lancer spot.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Wind/Water mage is my own character's specialty. He specializes in combative magic though only recreational versions (i.e mage duels), and is not a proper combatant in the field. However his spells are limited to basic wind control, basic water shielding, and wind strikes. He's not especially broken by any means any earth mage could probably stone wall him. Characters also have limits. Shirou can generate blades but only so many and he's weak as shit against anyone not named Gilgamesh without external help. Magus have limits. Shirou can't project unlimited blade works literally, and figuratively. Rin ran short on her magic supply after forwarding it to Shirou, and Saber as well as using herself. Kariya didn't have unlimited bugs either otherwise Tohsaka wouldn't have swept him so casually.

Magus have limited magic is the point I'm getting across. Letting anyone, and everyone have A rank magic just because is asinine in my own opinion. It is rare for mages to be like Rin. I am not highly creative so I'm borrowing the easiest to understand system I know of which is a per day/per hour/per week system depending on the spell. I myself believe that if I allow unbelievably strong mages/servants into this it will just devolve into 'who's cock is bigger' the rp. I am not fond of bringing in Guan Yu, Charles the Great, and Merlin all on he same team just to fight Karna, Gilgamesh, and King Hassan. Its bad for the rp, and its bad for my own sanity as a roleplay GM. I'm not going to change the system there has to be limits be it someone can design a broken character, or not is on their own ability.

You're free to join this, or leave it depending on how you feel on the matter King I will hold no hard feelings over the matter but unless you, or someone else has a better way of handling a system revolving around the numbers, statistics, and various abilities revolving around magus, in an rp focused on servant on servant combat regardless, then I will be doing what I've been doing.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Magus are extremely limited. Most of the powerful stuff you see them do, at least in the works I've seen, are done with the assistance of Mystic Codes anyway; Rin's Jewels, Tokiomi's staff, Kayneth's pet T1000, Kiritsugu's Magus killer bullets, all items that aren't covered by limiting the number of spells cast a day. You'll have to put a limit on those as well.

I never advocated for unlimited magic or everyone having A rank magecraft.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rin's Jewels - Has Blank Amount / can carry blank amount without resupply

Tohsaka Staff - Blank Amount of Reserved power/ Can be used to cast blank amount of spells.

Kayneth's spell is alchemy not a living breathing creature. Restrictions on how easily you can control it/how many vials you have.

Kiritsugu's Bullets = Blank amount/ carries blank amount per number

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 5 days ago

*Points at some of the stuff in the additional type-moon works like Fate-Proto, Melty Blood, Kara No Kyoukai, Tsukihime and notes.*

Magecraft can be pretty insane by itself it really is just dependent on the user.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@1Charak2@RyloniaIf Reflection joins, he tells me he's being considering do so, this do you want to try to roll this with three people, assuming King Cosmos doesn't join which would make it four?
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