Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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It was known as the City of Lights. Midhaven, so named for its location at the center of the continent, was as large as it was bright, and it was long said that a certain magic flowed through it, even before the opening of the Chasm. The vast, monolithic Ancient Tower at the city center and the surrounding ivory domes and spires crowned the city's skyline, bejeweled with a thousand different colors dancing in the sunlight. The streets flowed straight and true, with clearly marked names and maps at numerous points to ensure wayfarers never got lost. At evening, a city oilbearer would light the lamposts, so that even the nighttime would befriend the sundown travelers. The concrete roads, though worn with time and traffic, never threatened one's footing with cracks or potholes thanks to regular maintenance.

Although there were many wonders still left to behold in the City of Lights, a few of the new arrivals did not come here for the sights. When you enter the city, the soldier escorting you withdraws a map and points to an intersection. "Her Grace's home is here, and I can show you the way if you like. Remember to comb your hair and straighten your coats so you look presentable. Good luck to you."

The Immortal's house, situated on the outskirts of the city, looks more or less like any other house, albeit larger by half and a good deal more...creative. Strange boxes and gadgets dot the walls here and there; in one corner stands a loud box with a spinning fan, and in another corner is a barrel emitting an ugly stench (if you're close enough to smell it). A little further away, nearly hidden behind a pile of deconstructed scrap, a small building emitting steam suddenly makes a loud BANG! and stops emitting steam.

"What the frik-frak!..." comes a singsong voice within the house. It's the voice of a woman, clear and beautiful, if frustrated by the noise in the building out back. When she steps out the front door, the sight of her is enough to take a man's breath away. The rich ebony hue of her skin outlines her strong, subtle figure, while the simple elegance of her white dress and deep gray longcoat give her a homely look quite in contrast to her rank and appearance.

She seems, in a word, inviting. Her name is Winter Valentine, the woman you have come to see.

"I bet it's those freaking turbines again. Oh!" Upon seeing the group of people standing at her gate, she stops, grins sheepishly, and scratches her head. "Ah...ha ha...I forgot, didn't I? Oh, screw the maintenance. That can wait. Come on in!" As she shows the party to a table and chairs in the dining room, she declares, "Luckily, I didn't forget to make a fresh pot of coffee, so there's something to look forward to! There should be enough chairs for- wait, no there aren't. We need one more."

She pulls up a swiveling chair from a nearby desk and wheeled it over. "There. This one's mine. Who wants coffee?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Leliana’s maskless face is struck with silent awe as the immortal queen walks into view. It was has if she was handcrafted by the gods themselves, and it was within her presence that she saw a mirror into the divine. Her heart beats reverence for the creators of the worlds, and her emotions flowed like waterfalls from her eyes across her pale cheeks. She regains only a little bit of composure when Winter spoke and she wiped her tears of from her eyes in a vain effort to save face as she is escorted inside the queen’s humble abode.

Leliana slowly sits on the chair facing the lord when Winter offers the necromancer coffee. “It would be an honor your grace.” Liliana says as she bows her head slightly and offers her open hands. She gingerly sipped the well brewed coffee, allowing others to engage in their conversations before she would decide to join them.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

When Goro arrived to the City of Lights, all he had was a backpack full of meager supplies, his trousers, a pair of leather boots, his trusty cudgel, and the faint hope that this was a good idea. Parting from home wasn't easy either emotionally or physically, since what he did was tantamount to treason. If he tried to go back home now at best he'll be put into chains and forced into slave labor for the rest of his days. Else they might kill him, or worse, his family. All the more reason Goro needs to take advantage of this opportunity and learn all he can so he can change things back at home. Possible even the whole world. It was a long shot but dammit what else could he do? He was as good as dead either way. At least this way he could go out with a bang.

Goro certainly felt out of place in the city. He's seen few orcs during his travels, and those at least dressed like the locals. Goro stuck out like a sort thumb. Or in his case, a missing limb. When he catches someone's eye he always sees their eyes looking at his hook hand. It wasn't their fault; such a thing was unusual even back at home. He's fortunate to have a brother who's so handy at these sort of things or else he'd have a lot more trouble out here. With any luck learning magic might help him restore his hand, or even make it better. One could hope. Still he had to endure judgmental looks combined with his orcish features made him more of an outcast than he already was in human societies. Suppose he should be happy they at least never heard of Ulayh. He might've lived there for his whole life but it doesn't take a learned scholar to know that slavery isn't something all people approve of at face value.

When he found a town guard, he was initially hesitant. While most haven't caused him any trouble, his experience with the guards back in his hometown painted the lot of them as power hungry and corrupt. Even outside of Ulayh they always seemed suspicious of him, and Goro's eagerness to leave them as soon as possible didn't help paint him innocently. So it was a pleasant change where these guards seemed professional enough to give him no grief and direct him to where he needed to go promptly. While Goro was still on edge, he didn't cause any trouble as he let them guide him to the Ancient Tower. Traveling the road and watching the city around him made Goro feel a slight unease, but not necessarily out of danger but simply awe. Most of the towns he passed by didn't look too dissimilar to Ulayh so he never felt particularly impressed with them. But here... It was hard to imagine that this place was on the same world as his own. For starters there were so many lights here! Before the only light at night would either be from the moon or torches from a patrolling guard. But here the streets were well illuminated. And the streets weren't dirt or cobble either, but stolid stone. No pits or puddles. It made Goro wonder if this island is actually the back of a dragon turtle' his father would tell tales of ancient cities on the back of such creatures.

As the guard continued to take Goro through the city, soon he took him out of the city. Goro was immediately on guard; at least within the city there would be witnesses if this guard decides to take advantage of him. But outside, with plenty of cover, away from anyone who might hear the shouting, made Goro hesitant on following. At least there was still a path so he knew he wasn't being led into the middle of nowhere. But his worries were for naught as shortly after leaving they already arrived. The home didn't look particularly different aside from being bigger and having strange mechanical things. This place looked more like his brother's room than the home of an immortal lord.

Of course when he saw her, Goro couldn't help but take notice. "Gods..." Goro has always found humans more physically appealing to him than most orcish women (Doesn't help that most of them remind him of his sisters), but this one was a cut above the rest. However he quickly regained his composure. He didn't want to look like some slack-jawed brute who only thought with his lower head. He bowed his head politely to her and followed her inside. He took a seat when offered and was given a chance to taste coffee. He's heard of it, but never tried any himself. Only the elite warriors in Ulayh were allowed the luxury of it. Eager to taste some himself he nodded. "Gladly." Coffee was... Not bad. It was hot and bitter, like like a warmed wine. It had a certain... Tartness to it, it was hard to describe. Goro at least was able to finish it. Smelled nice.

Winter Valentine. Goro didn't know much about her beyond she was one of the Immortals and lived in Midhaven. He had some vague ideas about her absolute power and such, but he just assumed she was a warlord of some sort. Though looking at her now, dressed like a laborer and mucking about with machinery, it made it hard for Goro to believe she was truly immortal and all powerful and not just some zany looking human. But he knew all too well that one should never judge the waters by the weather (I.e. judge a book by it's cover). Whatever this woman's true motives and personality, it would behoove Goro to make a good first impression. To that end, he would reach into his bag and offer him something that he's been saving since he fled his hometown, and also kinda the other reason he's a deadman there.

"Ah... Yer grace lady Winter, mah name's Goro. Me family calls me Apple though, cuz I love apples. Heh. Eh, I would've offered ye some, but unfortunately I ate most of em during me travels see, wot wif me affinity fer apples. But! I do got sumthin else dat's arguable even better, savin just fer you. From da town of Ulayh even." Goro reached into his bag and carefully unwrapped a strange prickly fruit. He laid it on the table and scooted it closer to Winter. "In me homelands, dis is called da Ocean's Bounty. Said to come from da Heart of da Storm, an island guarded by roaring winds dat can lift a man hundreds of feet in da air, where da waters can rise up to da skies and crush ships like twigs. Fer me, I call it a pineapple. Cuz it's like a pine cone, one of them prickly lookin things from da trees I passed while I was comin ere. And it's an apple cuz I hear it's a tasty fruit, an apples are tasty, so... Yeah."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Such a strange city, it was bright even during the night. Nkosi was a little irritated by how this city was put together but tried to pay little attention to it. He was used to his forest home where everyone knew each other and didn’t treat each other unfairly. At least the guard he followed was helpful.

Try to look presentable” that was what the guard said. Nkosi had a feeling that what was considered presentable for him wasn’t for them. He didn’t fix anything. His hair was a mess with twigs and leaves, dirt covered most of the exposed parts of his skin, and he smelt like the forest. Even with this the guard only shook his head and led him to the house where the immortal stayed.

It wasn’t as flashy as he thought it would be, but he didn’t hesitate to knock and enter. The inside of the house was rather lovely and had many machines working diligently. Then he saw her, the herald of the mother, the immortal. She had already received a few other guests so Nkosi took a seat near the other girl and nodded toward Ms. Valentine.

“It is a pleasure to meet all of you. I am Nkosi Naswaru. The mother guided me here and kept my travels safe and uneventful.” He smiled at them but refused the coffee, “I prefer tea thank you.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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"It would be an honor, Your Grace," Leliana said, and opened her hands to receive the coffee. Winter handed it to her with a warm smile. "The work you do is amazing, Leliana. It is my honor to receive you into my home."

Once Goro received his cup of coffee and had tasted a sip of it, he began his spiel. "Ah... Yer Grace, Lady Winter, my name's Goro. Me family calls me Apple though, 'cause I love apples. Heh. Eh, I would've offered ye some, but unfortunately I ate most of 'em during me travels see, what with me affinity for apples."
Winter chuckled behind her mug.
"But!" he continued, "I do got something else that's arguable even better, saving just for you. From the town of Ulayh even."

When he set it down on the table, Winter put dowm her mug and gasped. "Oh. My. Stars!" she squealed. "Is that what I think it is? Oh my- wow!..." She started fanning her face.
"In me homelands," Goro explained, "this is called the Ocean's Bounty. Said to come from the Heart of the Storm, an island guarded by roaring winds that can lift a man hundreds of feet in the air, where the waters can rise up to the skies and crush ships like twigs. For me, I call it a pineapple, 'cause it's like a pine cone, one of them prickly looking things from the trees I passed while I was coming here. And it's an apple 'cause I hear it's a tasty fruit, an apples are tasty, so... Yeah."

Winter gingerly picked it up to admire it, still making squealing sounds in her throat and smiling from ear to ear. "Oh Goro, you shouldn't have! Do you know how long I've been wanting one of these? I haven't had pineapple in...goodness, half a millennium, maybe? Holy heavens, you do me a great honor, Sir Goro. We simply must taste it."

She hummed to herself as she set it on a cutting board and carefully carved off the shell. Then she diced it up, removed the seeds, and scooped it onto several plates just as the third newcomer knocked on the door.

"It's open!" Winter called out. Nkosi Naswaru stepped through the doorway. He nodded at Winter and said, “It is a pleasure to meet all of you. I am Nkosi Naswaru. The mother guided me here and kept my travels safe and uneventful.”
Winter passed everyone a plate of pineapple slices. "And I am very grateful she did. Coffee?" She offered him a mug.
"I prefer tea, thank you."
"Sure! I'll brew you some." Winter set a kettle boiling on the stove and picked out some tea leaves from the cabinet.

She dropped into the chair and leaned on her elbows. "So! Down to business. I summoned you here because the world has changed, and I need boots on the ground to figure out what's going on. My sources say that a huge chasm opened in Bay'kin, and I believe it's related. If you are willing, I'd like you to document thoroughly the origin of these changes, their extent, and most importantly their nature. I acquired a set of codices-" Winter reached back and brought out a stack of leatherbound codex volumes, which she set on the table with a thump. "-that you may use to make your records. Normally I wouldn't offer any notebooks this extravagant, but...something tells me these will come in handy."

Winter leaned back and sipped her coffee.

"So...how about it?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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Goro was glad to see his gift taken so well. The immortal even shared it with everyone! It actually made Goro a bit excited as he received his own plate of fruit. Carefully he picked up a sliced and ate it. It was a crunchy texture, but juicy and sweet. Very delicious. But as he ate his pieces of pineapple, it made him feel morose. This was a nice fruit and all but... Was this it? Just a sweet delectable? It didn't grant immortality, or massive strength, or some profound wisdom. It was just fruit. People have died for goddamn fruit. But Goro did his best to keep these emotions inside of him. He didn't want Winter to know the blood, sweat, and tears that went into getting this. Sure, it might impress her, but for Goro it was just a harsh reminder of the stupid sacrifices he did for people who don't deserve it.

He was glad to move onto business once a third and apparently final member of the newcomers arrived. Barely here for an hour and already they had work to do! Goro at least was glad to not be idle. But than something dawned on him. This study, this research, it required a lot of writing. Goro didn't know how to write, at least not the common tongue. He was taught how to write using orcish script, specifically the style used by the Storm Eye tribe that created Ulayh. In that he was perfectly fluent and would even fancy himself a writer. But in the language of man? He barely knew how to speak it. Goro glanced between the others and to Winter, and steeled his resolve. He was the only orc here; he couldn't let himself look like a fool for not adapting to human lands. He knew what humans thought of his kind. How his own kind thought of each other. That they were nothing but brutes and savages. But Goro knew better. They could be as cunning and devious as any mortal. He'll figure out something.

Receiving a codex Goro bowed his head slightly. "I'm honored dat yer gunna let us greehorns do sumthing dis important so quickly! Truth be told, was a might worried dat yer gunna make us sit in a dimmly lit room fer a couple months doin nuthin but readin. I've always been more of a hands-on kinda orc meself anyways." He wasn't sure what they had available for writing. Normally Goro just used charcoal. They had ink back at Ulayh, but it was far too expensive for the casual kind of writing he did. There was also the issue of what they could expect in Bay'kin, a place that Goro has never been before. "So Lady Winter, wots at Bel'kin? I imagine dat it ain't just sum barren lands. Any sorta trouble ye be expectin us ta run into while we're doin out thing?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 12 days ago

New Quest Proposed: Investigate Magic?
A) Accept the quest
B) Decline the quest, GM will make another for you
C) Request a change to the quest terms
D) Delay answering

New Items Acquired:
* 3 blank tomes
* 2 mugs of coffee
* 1 mug of tea (currently Brewing)

New Quests Started:
* Lonely Widow Seeking Young Orc - Goro has inadvertently caught Winter's romantic interest. Free the slaves in Ulayh to win her hand in marriage.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Nkosi had little to say. It was a fine house with a couple interesting individuals. He wasn’t put off by the orc or fascinated by him. The other female seemed a bit lively while also somewhat taken back by being in the presence of the immortal. Yet somehow he was still rather stoic, her presence although beautiful, didn’t intimidate him. He was very aware of her power and influence but still held true to his beliefs.

When the topic of what they were here to do finally came up, he found himself silent once again. The orc was the first to talk, his accent sounded weird, and he seemed rather loud. Nkosi listened to him while he ate the fruit. It reminded him of the fruit that grew in the tropical valleys of home but the texture was different.

The orc finally stopped talking, something about being a green horn and where they would be going. Nkosi decided to chime in after the orc, “As long as the request for border walls is upheld and the other smaller agreements from my tribe kept. I’m at your service and at your disposal. If you so wish it” the ranger kept his stoic look about him rarely showing much more emotion. “I also wonder if you will be gracious enough to supply us with better traveling gear and weapons for this mission of yours?” Glancing towards the orc for a moment. “We are traveling into the unknown dear friend. Hostility is to be expected and accepted as an ugly truth of life on the frontier.” Nkosi was no stranger to combat, but he had more experience hunting beasts then fighting men.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

When Liliana saw Winter smile at her and compliment her work, her heart filled with pride and gratitude. She smiled warmly back at Winter. “Thank you your majesty. It means so much coming from you. I am truly grateful to be here with you, and I’m glad that my research can be of use to you.”

The cool dressed orc who had entered the room along with her then began to speak and introduce himself to the queen. She didn’t know much about orcs, Starkstone didn’t get many visitors. The few things she did hear about them didn’t exactly paint a pretty picture, but there were always exceptions, and he was exceptional indeed. He introduces himself as Goro, and despite his verbal trippings he spoke with elegance and restraint, something she could appreciate.

When Goro presented the pineapple to Winter her ladyship became ecstatic. Liliana herself was also pleasantly surprised, albeit not to the extant as the mistress. It looked like a rare species that she would love to get her hands on and inspect, though the beaming excitement that radiated from the angelic immortal is a priceless treasure she would not trade for any other. Who ever Goro is appears to be well traveled and have an eye for the finer things in life.

A man who looked like he carried a part of the forest with him walked in just as the mistress was serving the pineapple slices. He takes a seat next to Liliana and began to speak. He says his name is Nkosi Naswaru, and that some strange force known as the Mother guided him. A greater spirit perhaps? Perhaps maybe a god? Intriguing. Liliana’s barely functioning nose catches the faintest scent of cedar coming of him. He must have some interesting microorganisms growing on him, though somehow she doubted that he would compromise his personal space just to satisfy her curiosity.

As Liliana bit into the pineapple her mouth was met with an explosion of sweetness. She turned to Goro in wide-eyed excitement, tears of joy running down her face. Not many fruits grew in the arid Grey Canyon, so to taste something this sweet was a welcome change of pace. She then gave a series of short small bows. “This is DELIECIOUS! Thank you so much Goro!” Liliana wiped her tears once more. “Oh! How rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Liliana Rosenveldt of Starkstone. It is a pleasure to meet you both.” The queen then decided to summon their attention as she gets down to business.

Liliana heard the proposal that Lady Winter offered them. Goro talked to the queen concerning his ability to write and make use of the notebooks as well as asking about the whereabouts of this “Bay’kin” place the lady was referring to. Nkosi then accepted the invitation and attempted requisition arms and gear for the trip. It was then that Liliana graciously accepts the codex, then kneels before Winter. “Your divine! I will accept this most holy mission you have granted me! It would be my pleasure to serve you my lord.” She stands once more, hugging the tome given to her. “I will cherish this fantastic gift you have given me Lady Winter, and I will bring you all the secrets that I find.” she says as she smiles.

Liliana turns to the two adjacent gentlemen. “I guess we’re all on the same boat. Truth be told I don’t have a lot of experience fighting, but I won’t hesitate to eviscerate our enemies!”

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Looking at the other two, Goro tried to get a feel for them. This Nkosi's fellow seemed like a rough sort, reminded him of his old captain who taught Goro seafaring. Had a certain air of intimidation but control about him, like a steady ship in a tempest. Still, he also seemed the type to serve his own interests rather than the group, something that Goro didn't like. That sort of mentality is why he left Ulayh in the first place. Plus some other things he disagreed with. "I expect danger, I ain't worried bout dat. But only a git calls dere ignorance bravery, mate. I don't know wot's at Bel'kin, an knowing wot is can help us prepare accordingly. No sense in goin bushwhacking wif only half a sack. In order words, be prepared." Goro learned the hard way of what it was like to go on an adventure unprepared. Indeed the journey here had been quite a struggle because of poor preparation, and that didn't even involve any dangers with brigands or beasts. The trip had been peaceful, but the lack of food, not knowing local medicines or poisonous plants or even where to find shelter in rough weather had did a number on Goro more than any blade or fang has.

As for the other, Goro had his suspicion. Granted, they were racist suspicions. Something about her from her long dark hair, pale stone-like skin, and general sophisticated demeanor made the orc think she was a witch of some sort. His mother would tell him bedtime tales as a child of women with such duality of beauty hiding ugliness, luring young foolish men to their dooms with their sweet faces and kind words. Of course Goro had grown out of such fears, but he would be lying if they didn't make a sudden resurgence looking at this girl. He had to keep himself in check however; last thing he wanted to do was make an enemy of her, witch or not. It was just good business. Otherwise she seemed respectful enough. She enjoyed the fruit and spoke well towards Winter. A bit too much for Goro's taste; it reminded him a lot of the toadies back at home. But at least Winter likely earns that respect.

What did catch Goro off guard was how emotional she got eating the pineapple. He knew it was good but damn, to drive a woman to tears? "Ah. Good ta know. Nice ta meet ya, Lady uh... Lady Liliana." Her following declaration of acceptance towards Winter made Goro really wonder if this lady was off her kilter or not, but then again maybe this was normal where she came from. Goro's people were much more brusque and boisterous when they weren't kissing up to their superiors, so this sort of flamboyance was simply unfamiliar to him. He tried not to think about it too much; as long as Liliana did her part Goro wouldn't mind how she acts. He finishes the rest of his coffee and puts his tome inside of his bag, tightening the straps around his hook hand and moving his club from his backpack to his belt for easy reach. When Liliana was done talking to Winter she turned to Goro and Nkosi, mentioning her inexperience but eagerness for fighting. This got a chuckle from Goro.

"Let's not go lookin fer enemies now. Last thing we need is fer people lookin into magic like us get a rep fer violence and such. Now I don't mind fighting if I gotta, and I ain't not stranger to war, but dat don't mean every confrontation's gotta end in blood and guts. Remember dat Lady Winter is sendin us ta research da magic stuff goin on in Bel'kin, not slaying monsters or taking out a rival gang of lads."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 12 days ago

The pineapple, it seemed, had struck a chord with Liliana. “This is DELIECIOUS! Thank you so much Goro!” she gushed. The woman wiped away her tears of joy and proceeded to bow most fervently to the orc. “Oh! How rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Liliana Rosenveldt of Starkstone. It is a pleasure to meet you both.”

Goro looked decidedly uncomfortable with all this praise. "Ah. Good to know. Nice to meet you, Lady uh... Lady Liliana."

Once Winter finished going over the details of her request, Nkosi took the opportunity to address longstanding contractual issues. “As long as the request for border walls is upheld and the other smaller agreements from my tribe kept, I’m at your service and at your disposal, if you so wish it. I also wonder if you will be gracious enough to supply us with better traveling gear and weapons for this mission of yours?"

While Nkosi was concerned with the logistical side of things, Goro's concerns were more about intel. "I'm honored that you're gonna let us greenhorns do something this important so quickly!" Goro declared. "Truth be told, was a mite worried that you're gonna make us sit in a dimly lit room for a couple months doing nothing but reading. I've always been more of a hands-on kind of orc myself anyways. So Lady Winter, what's at Bay'kin? I imagine that it ain't just some barren lands. Any sort of trouble you be expecting us to run into while we're doing our thing?"

Nkosi glanced at the orc and spoke first. "We are traveling into the unknown, dear friend. Hostility is to be expected and accepted as an ugly truth of life on the frontier.”

Goro retorted, "I expect danger; I ain't worried about that. But only a git calls their ignorance bravery, mate. I don't know what's at Bay'kin, and knowing what it is can help us prepare accordingly. No sense in going bushwhacking with only half a sack. In other words, be prepared."

Liliana agreed. “I guess we’re all on the same boat. Truth be told I don’t have a lot of experience fighting, but I won’t hesitate to eviscerate our enemies!”

"Let's not go lookin for enemies now," Goro warned with a chuckle. "Last thing we need is for people looking into magic like us get a rep for violence and such. Now I don't mind fighting if I gotta, and I ain't no stranger to war, but that don't mean every confrontation's gotta end in blood and guts. Remember that Lady Winter is sending us to research the magic stuff going on in Bay'kin, not slaying monsters or taking out a rival gang of lads."

Winter stared longingly at her plate of pineapple. If she took another bite, she wouldn't be sober enough to participate in the discussion. She symbolically pushed it away and took another sip of coffee instead. "So, allow me to reiterate everyone's respective concerns. Nkosi, you want to know about traveling gear, weapons, and supplies, as well as whether I will uphold my contractual agreements with your tribe. Goro, you want to know what challenges we will face on the way to our destination. Is that correct?"

She cleared the table of decorations and laid out a map over it.

"We are here, at Southaven Tower in the Kingdom of Man. The plains and grasslands are benign and easy to travel on. The roads are paved, well-maintained, and routinely patrolled, so there are few threats on our way out. Not that highwaymen don't try, though. To the west lies mostly mountains and deserts, where Westhaven Tower and the Necropolis of Stone are located. The Sky Nomads roam this side of the continent, and while they're a rowdy bunch, we need not worry about them, since our journey is more eastward. To the north, as you know, Goro, lies the tribes of Fellmore, and the Storm Eye nation in particular. It's mostly tundra, a barren ice-desert where life is hard and little grows. It's a miserable place, if you ask me, but the fishing is surprisingly good in the Ulayhan region, and the abundance of iron and gold make it strategically important. We won't be going that way either, but it's important for us because Bay'kin lies just southeast of the Fellmoran border and a stone's throw away from Storm Eye territory, so we'll need to keep our eyes peeled northward."

"The Waru Forest, where Mister Naswaru hails from, is where we will encounter our toughest challenges. I've been hearing wild stories of strange and deadly monsters appearing in the area, which we should be on our guard against. The xenophobic Waru tribe isn't known to take kindly to visitors, and they will either turn us away if we need help, or drive us out if we are weak. There are maybe...one or two sub-tribes that might give us the time of day, but they're not in our path, unfortunately, so resupplying is out of the question until we reach Easthaven Tower. From there, it's a straight shot to Diamont, the fortress city, and its suburb Bay'kin."

"From here to Easthaven Tower is about 700 miles, roughly a fortnight's journey. The rations I've prepared will only last us a week if we make the entire journey on foot, which, if I have a say in the matter, we will not. I paid the stablemaster at Edmond's Inn well in advance to let us use four of his horses, and there's an inn at Diamont that will take us. If all goes well, we should arrive in five to six days, seven if we encounter trouble."

Then Winter withdrew a parchment listing their supplies.

"As for weapons and armor, I expect you to bring your own. We should use magic to fill any defensive gaps, since it will serve our research purposes admirably."

Winter sat back down and ate another slice of pineapple. "Ohmmm so good..." she moaned. She closed her eyes for a few heartbeats to savor the moment. "Anyway, are there any further questions or concerns? Nkosi, you may rest assured I have not forgotten my contract with your people, and development is proceeding on schedule. I'll complete the deal once we pass through your village."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Goro listened to Winter, mentally keeping note of what she said. He remembered seeing the plains on his way here, if only from a distance; a good place for open warfare. Not only was it a good road for supplies to travel but a wide open space would allow archers the most visibility for their attacks and for armies to meet one another. Calvary could easily cross the plains too. Not that Goro expects to face an army here, it was just speculation. His thoughts soon drifted when Winter mentioned Fellmore.

To Goro, the land’s called Fellmore was known as Rusamyht, the Heart Land of orcs. Or at least to the Storm Eye tribe and those who would despute it; point was Goro never knew of a world outside of his homelands until he finally left it.but sure enough he was rightfully worried about possibly running into orcish raiders, Storm Eye especially. But he knew of at least theee other tribes who could sail south and cause trouble.

The main one was the Black Rock tribe. As Winter said the land of Fellmore is rich in iron, and the Black Rock tribe uses it best. They had the dominate co trip over the southern sea and river routes where Ulayh is now before the Storm Eye pushed them out, and that was only possible or through outside assistance. Even with them the Black Rock tribe haven’t given up yet, with mighty warriors in advanced metal armor with keen steel weapons.amoung the orcs, the Black Rock tribe had the finest smiths.

Then there was the Green Pact orcs. Another once minor tribe who allied with humans. They, much like the Storm Eye, have created alliances with human nations and receive their support. Though so far all Goro knows is that occasionally when the Storm Eye sea raiders attack human trade ships, there are Green Pact orcs among them. While not particularly known for war or wealth, the Green Pact bad skilled herbalists who create very effective medicine and combat drugs. “Madcap” is an infamous berserker brew that can turn even a young orc into a raging madman who can tear apart a bear. Goro has seen it happen before.

And the last one is a mystery even to Goro. He’s come to call them the Ghost Face tribe. This is because these are strange looking orcs who wrap their faces in white cloth, probably to hide their identity, and employ fast moving ships instead of large vessels. While Storm Eye are well known warriors on the open ocean, these Ghost Face know how to sail, and definitely know how to use a sling. One would thing a simple leather cord wouldn’t be as effective as a bow and arrow, but those who dismiss it as a child’s toy would find a stone lodged in their skulls. The Ghost Face can hurl stones further than even human longbows, and use those slings to delivery payloads of oil bombs and poison gas. But Goro has never seen these orcs on land, and they tend to flee rather than fight, so he has no idea who they really are or where they came from.

And of course the Storm Eye themselves were an issue. Orcs by their very nature are stronger and tougher than most humans, and use that strength to lead brutally short lives. But since their alliance with the human nations the Storm Eye tribe have received better weapons, armor, and more importantly training. Before one may think an orc to be brutish but unrefined, lacking in technique and precision. The same could not be said of the Storm Eye. Their keen senses and lightning reflexes makes them a deadly threat whether alone or in numbers; it’s not unusual to see them react to attacks they cannot see, because they’ve sensed it in other ways. Goro himself has received similar training though because he was not a warrior, his senses aren’t nearly as sharp. But if the tribes, he has no desire to face the Storm Eye, both because they are his kinsmen and because they are dangerous foes.

What worries Goro the most is that he knew he will see some orcs from some tribe. Before he had fled home he knew the royal family were gathering up warriors lead by the eldest daughter and youngest son for some sort of expedition. Goro didn’t pay it much mind at the time since he was planning his escape, but now that he had some time to think it over he wouldn’t be surprised if they too were on their way to Bel’kin, or at least heading southbound where the magic is. All the more reason they must travel quickly.

Aside from that Goro didn’t have much to comment on in regards to the other lands. He knew little of it but suspected that they too will hold dangers he knows little about. He could only hope his skills would be of some use should trouble arise. One thing that made him feel concerned was the lack of equipment; he loathed the idea of having to ask Winter for more handouts, but his only protection was his club. He had little in the ways of armor and had no idea how to use any form of magic at all. This concerned him.

”Ah, Lady Winter, I dunno if I’m da exception to dis group or not but uh... I don’t know how ta use magic. Not a bit. How exactly we suppose to use magic ya fill in our gaps when we ain’t never handled it before?” Sure Goro was eager to learn, but how quickly would he pick up magic to be able to use it to defend himself? He learned how to fight at a young age, as all orcs did, but didn’t become considered decent until he was already fighting off enemy raiders from his ship. He imagined magic was similar, learn a bit of the fundamentals, and then hone it through practice and application. Or something. He looked to the others for their thoughts.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

When Liliana first heard Lord Winter describe something known as Westhaven Tower near the Necropolis of Stone, she was somewhat perplexed. She had lived nearly her whole life in those dark halls but had heard no mention of such a place, not even by her highest superiors. Considering this place was of such import as to be painstakingly recorded on the Lord herself's map, how could no one have even so much as heard a whisper of something as large as a tower? Maybe it was hidden by the spirits, possibly under the Lady's control. Then again, she IS immortal, and one of the most powerful and divine beings to gracefully walk this earth, finding it would have been child's play for her. Still, this would be a good question to ask of the queen later.

Liliana did not care much for a lack of weapons or armor, she preferred guile and deception to kill her enemies anyway. She knew that there would be a great trial by fire to uncover the secrets of Necromancy and magic as a whole, and was prepared to do whatever it takes. The trial was an apt metaphor, as she had just narrowly survived walking through the blacksmith's kiln that was that Gods forsaken desert. Her pale skin offered little protection from the sun's scorching rays, it was a wonder how she doesn't look a charred corpse from a stake burning. Just one of the drawbacks that comes with playing with genetics.

When Leliana heard Goro speak regarding magic, he reminded her what she came here for. "Your grace, Goro makes a good point. I myself am very eager to learn the language of the gods. Forgive my prodding, but I truly wish to learn the art of Necromancy, not some back alley parlor tricks. The power to create with one hand and destroy with the other, that is what I desire. I will do anything to prove myself worthy, and considering Goro and Nkosi have traveled from far and wide as well, I feel it only fitting they receive the honor of learning it as well."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

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Naswaru listened to the orc speak once more before nodding towards him. “I agree, seeking hostility’s is not what we should do or aim for. I’m not here to look for a fight, I was contacted to be a guide and survivalist to take whatever team was assembled through my forests. As she said, my people are quite xenophobic. We only wish to stay hidden and commune with the mother, it would also be a mistake to brandish any sort of technology in their presence.” Acknowledging the orc and agreeing with him where simple things. Nkosi was never good at diplomacy, he tended to avoid people all together.

The news of no adventuring gear would mean he would have to wander around this city for a little while to hopefully purchase the supplies he would need for the return trip. Just one more thing he wasn’t going to look forward too. Then he was given a rather finely crafted and sturdy journal. As the Immortal said, it was for research and development of our spells and the magic we find. “Thank you for this. I can only hope that what I find is enough to repay the debt we owe you of keeping my people safe.”

He continued to listen and make mental notes of the locations and descriptions of terrain that we would be traveling through. He kept quiet after being mentioned, waiting to speak his part after she had said what she needed too. “My forests are very dangerous for the unwary or untrained. That portion of the journey may take us several days for me to navigate you through. I will do my best to avoid as many of those creatures as I can. I will also attempt to recruit a few other hunters from my village for that portion as well.” He was rather sure of himself in his ability to guide them through the forest. But it was rather evident that in recent months the forests have grown more and more dangerous.

With the mana surge close by, some creatures have begun to change because of it. Some that where barley dangerous at all can now single handily pick apart an experienced hunting party. Others have grown to monstrous sizes or shrunk to nearly nothing while still being dangerous. Then the rumors of a few rare creatures being able to do unexpected things some say even use magic. Rumors and talk of strange noises and new creatures no one has ever seen have also been reported. Even the plants seem effected by it.

“Do not worry my orcish friend, you are not alone. I too have been unable to use mana in any sense. Although, it’s influence defiantly feels stronger in my forest.” The other female spoke up again going on about necromancy and other magic’s. Nkosi wasn’t to sure what exactly necromancy was other than it was something to do with bringing the dead back to life. A practice seen as taboo by his people. One should die as they have lived. To bring back something that was once dead is said to be a bad omen and will bring about shame to one's people. “This necromancy you speak of. I will learn it but I will not practice it. There are somethings that are seen as taboo to my people. However, I will focus and share my efforts with the rest of you regarding nature and the earth.”

There was one more thing that was bothering him. Mrs. Winters said that they would have enough supplies for four and horses for four. “Mrs. Winters. You said there would be four horses waiting for us. Are you joining us on our expedition or are we waiting for another?” He was quite curious, no one said anything about her joining them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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”Ah, Lady Winter, I dunno if I’m the exception to this group or not but, uh... I don’t know how to use magic. Not a bit. How exactly we suppose to use magic, you fill in our gaps when we ain’t never handled it before?” Goro asked.

Winter bit down on her lip. "Me neither. That's the point of this endeavor - to figure it out and learn how to use it. I have some ideas, but we shall see."

"Your grace, Goro makes a good point," Leliana said. "I myself am very eager to learn the language of the gods. Forgive my prodding, but I truly wish to learn the art of Necromancy, not some back alley parlor tricks. The power to create with one hand and destroy with the other, that is what I desire. I will do anything to prove myself worthy, and considering Goro and Nkosi have traveled from far and wide as well, I feel it only fitting they receive the honor of learning it as well."

Naswaru, however, did not appreciate the idea of necromancy. “This necromancy you speak of, I will learn it, but I will not practice it. There are somethings that are seen as taboo to my people. However, I will focus and share my efforts with the rest of you regarding nature and the earth.”

Winter took another pineapple piece. "Mmm, this is so good. Sorry, anyway, yes, I feel it would be beneficial to learn Necromancy, but I, too, find it rather distasteful. My own people consider it an insult to use their bodies in such a way. There are some uncomfortable philosophical dilemmas involved, to say the least. However, just because some of us have no wish to use it for ill doesn't mean others won't, and learning it would doubtless improve our ability to fight it, should such conflict arise. So we shall learn it for defensive purposes."

She ate the last pineapple piece and rinsed off her plate in the sink. "Mister Naswaru also raised some interesting points. Brandishing technology to peoples unused to such things is liable to bring unnecessary conflict. If the villages could be recruited, we could help make up the difference. Mister Naswaru, you shall be our guide through the eastern realms."

The young man had just one more question for her. “Missus Winter, you said there would be four horses waiting for us. Are you joining us on our expedition or are we waiting for another?”

She dried off the plate and put it back on the shelf. "Why yes, I do intend to join the expedition. After all, I know precisely as much magic as you do, and have greater need of it. While I suppose I could handle all extant threats to our party all by myself for a time, magic poses threats that even my own equipment cannot counter, so you will all need to grow stronger. There are things in this world far more powerful than you can even imagine, things that I at my peak cannot even touch. We must tread with utmost caution until we become masters of the arcane."

Winter slipped on a strange silver pendant and slung the bag of supplies over her shoulder. "Next stop: the palace. If you still feel inadequate without upgraded equipment, we will need support from the royal coffers, which I hope to procure. Come; it's just around the corner." She swung opened the door and gestured for everyone to step out.

Built in the shadow of Midhaven Tower, the palace seemed diminutive in comparison, but in truth, it was still a remarkable feat of engineering. Built from great stones cut with surprising precision, its sturdy structure and solid foundation allowed it to tower well-above what modern architects thought possible - and it was built hundreds of years prior to modern construction techniques. It was one of the few modern marvels that the ancients had no hand in, and if not for the backdrop of Midhaven Tower, it might well have been one of the single tallest man-made wonders in the world. Winter approached the golden gates with a certain gravitas that she hadn't exhibited in the prior hour. Despite the bag hanging over her shoulder, no one needed to see a luminous glow to ascertain who she was; her perfectly upright posture and measured steps betrayed her heavenly origins.

And it must be said that the bag seemed strangely light in her hands.

The gates swung open to let the visitors pass. Beyond them, the guards dropped to one knee and bowed low before the Immortal. No escort was assigned to them, a testament to their high estimation of the visitors' abilities. Winter handed the bag of supplies to an attendant just as a certain luxuriously dressed man came to greet them.

"Winter Valentine! My dear, my love, how good of you to come visit me!" said he.

Winter reddened slightly and rolled her eyes. "My friends, this is His Royal Majesty King Dragan. Your Majesty, these are my companions, Goro, Leliana, and Nkosi Naswaru. Say hi, everyone!"

King Dragan dipped his head a little. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Any friend of Valentine's is a friend of mine."
"We are not married," Winter added quickly.
"Or ever."
"Unless by my gentle wooings I sway your heart?"

She glanced back at the group and gave a hopeless smirk. "See what I put up with every time I visit?"
Dragan put a hand to his heart in faux distress. "My lady, you wound me!"

They shared a chuckle before once again donning their serious faces. Dragan asked, "What brings you here, My Fairest Lady?"
Winter withdrew a map and pointed to a spot on it. "We're headed eastward to the town of Bel'kin, where all magic is said to originate. May I trouble you for resources to help us on our journey? I am prepared to offer you half of the knowledge we gain."

The king stroked his chin. "Not quite good enough, I think. How about you throw in a date with me in the bargain?"
Winter smirked, and the two shook hands. "Done," she agreed.

Then the king turned to the group. "So, I understand you would like some upgrades? I can't imagine they would help much against magic, at least as the myths and fables would have us believe, but I shall defer to your better judgment. Please state your preferences, and I shall endeavor to have my craftsmen match them."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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"Necromancy?" Even if magic was only recently a thing, Goro knew what Necromancy was. The sort of dark arts that brought the dead back to life, creating undead warriors or haunting spirits. There used to be a tribe called the Dark Tribe that practiced necromancy, and it was said that their warriors would never die, and those slain by them simply joins their ranks. Of course this was a very old tribe, and mostly used to scare children, but Goro always believed that these tales had some origin of truth in them. And considering magic was certainly on the table now, who's to say magic wasn't something that once existed in the past? All in all it made Goro feel even more unease about this woman, but he tried not to show it. He couldn't let himself, a proud orcish warrior, look scared of bedtime tales.

Next order of business was upgrading their equipment. Since it seems like everyone, Goro included, had very little to work with, Winter was going to supply them via royal coffers. Goro almost wanted to protest at the idea of taking equipment straight for a royal armory but once more held his tongue. He did complain about not having much to use, how indignant would he be to now complain about having too much to choose from? "Ah. Thank ya kindly, Lady Winter." Goro would stand up and follow her out of her home and towards a grand castle. Goro couldn't believe he had missed it entirely; he supposed that with such a giant tower behind it, it was hard to notice it. Goro didn't feel too comfortable here though; while this place looked very nice it reminded him all too much of the Storm Eye family fortress back at Ulayh. It was also big, grand, and beautiful, and built on the blood, sweat, and corpses of slaves and it's own people. Goro's father had to break rock alongside chain gangs to supply stone for the castle. "I wonder what the price for making this place was."

Once inside Winter was almost immediately greeted by a fancily dressed man. Turns out he was the king. He was much more flamboyant that Goro had expected, but then again the only king he knows was the all-too-serious warrior chief of Ulayh. The king and winter bantered a bit before she asked them to greet the king, so Goro did the usual greeting back at home; he extended a fist out towards the king, expecting him to do the same and tap his fist back to him. "Greetin' king ser. As da Lady Winter said, I am Goro from da lands of Ulayh, son of Yirma." In Ulayh, a formal greeting was an exchange of fists (This used to be literal, as in a brawl, but nowadays fist bumps are used) followed by the orc's tribe or homeland, and then the name of their parent. Usually it was the father, but if their father wasn't known or dead, it was their mother. If neither are known than an orc could simply forgo it, though the implications would speak for itself.

Goro didn't feel particularly comfortable making Winter bargain on their behalf, especially how she had to offer her company to this king. It really irked Goro, as he's seen this sort of nonsense back at home. He was half tempted to strike the king dead here and now, but all he could do was hide a clenched fist. Goro's time will come, one day. Instead he focused on equipment they'll need. Clearing his throat Goro made his request. "I'll need a sturdy club or mace. Somethin tough but light enuff fer an orc ta use wif one hand." Goro showed his missing hand as a silent explanation for why he couldn't use a two-handed warclub. "An two set ol daggers. One is gunna need ta be a fightin knife, a stabbin kind. Long spike, solid grip. Cuttin edge is fine but da important thing is dat it's stabby. Da other knife needs ta be shorter but more robust blade fer utility purposes. Choppin wood, skinnin beasts, guttin fish, all dat stuff." Goro thought about what else he'd need. If he had two hands he'd ask for a bow, but obviously this wouldn't work. So he needed something else instead. "An javelins. Or harpoons if ya got em. If ya smiths know bout em, I'd like a spear-sling wrapped round em too. Dey leather strips dat'll help me thrown em farther an harder den I could by hand."

Next was armor. In Uylah traditional armor was made of laminated wood, layers of tanned hides, or more rarely, metal chains. However recently their warriors are donned in plate armor, either full plate or in a coat. Goro might've never worn that kind of armor before but he knew what would work best for him. "Need somethin... Medium, I suppose. Metal breastplate that'll protect me chest, an a helmet dat can withstand a beatin. I could go fer some new boots too if ya got any, but I need ta travel light so let's not go too crazy. Also," Goro raised his hook hand up for the king to see. "A small shield dat can be strapped to da arm. Don't want it ta get in da way of da claw howeva. I still need dat fer fightin."

That was it for weapons and armor, he figured. There was other supplies he could use too, though not all of them would likely come from a smith. "If possible I'd like sum supplies fer survival too, of course. Leather tent ta keep out cold and water. I'd also need a large waterproof sack ta carry coal in fer campfires. No amount ol arms or armor can protect ya from a cold death. Rope will also be important. I need fine silk rope, as well as thicker hemp rope. Fifty feet each outta do it. I'll take em either as a single cord or five bits ten feet long." That reminded Goro that he should actually get some torches. Not only for nighttime illumination but also as a source of flame should they really need it. "If ya got flint an steel fer sparks, I'll take em. I'll also need torches. In fact, if ya could make me a torch dat I can beat someone ta death wif, dat'll be even better. But I'll still need other torches."
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by TheForgottenArc
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TheForgottenArc Generic Player #592

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Warden had been surprised by the size of a city, while though not small his modest hold couldn't hold a candle to the magnificence of the area. Despite the guards heed to look nice, Warden kept his copper helmet on concealing his face, half surprised that nobody ordered it off of him. The house of the immortal was less than spectacular, other than a few fancy looking pieces of tech nothing stood out.

As soon as Warden had been invited into the home of the immortal he kneeled in her presence "My dear lady, my name is Alphonse Loescher, Son of Bruce Loescher, From a land called Ashfield." He said, standing up shortly after.
Warden Kept mostly silent for the remainder of the conversation.
That was until the one known as Liliana spoke of Necromancy
"Magic of the devil, huh? Be careful what you wish for." He responded bluntly, unwilling to say more to the stranger, as he turned to Lady Winter and asked
"My lady, I would like to learn the opposite, Magic for healing the alive and banishing any undead, do you think such would be possible?"

Warden kept mental notes of where they would be traveling.

When the King entered the fray, Warden extended the same greeting as he did to Lady Winter. When questioned about what supplies he needed Warden piped up after Goro,

"As for weapons and armor..." Warden said as he drew his dulled sword slowly from his back, not wanting to intimidate anyone
"My Hold's armor is sturdy enough, my Sword could use a sharpen though, and perhaps a pike of sorts." He said as he put his sword back in its holster.
"I could use the same survival gear as that Goro fellow, I got plenty of food and water for myself already though, as well as torches." His mind sparked again with an idea of what else he could use.
"Maybe some bits of leather, In case my armor gets damaged, if you would be so kind." He said.

He looked towards Goro and said
"If you need armor, I have an extra set that might be able to fit you. It's sturdy and reasonably light."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Catarina wasn't too impressed by Winter's little cottage. She had to admit, she was expecting something more... Professional. It looked more like a storage shed than a proper place for a powerful Immortal, or even a workshop. But Catarina supposed that when you're as powerful as Winter Valentine, you can afford to be sloppy. After everyone else made their introduction Catarina spoke her name too. "I am Catarina La'Spada, a Knight of Thorns from the kingdom of Sieglinde. I hope to learn magic to protect my people and become a better warrior." She didn't really pay too much attention to the others, only picking up on small quirks and names. Goro was missing a hand, Liliana wanted to be a necromancer, Nkosi came from a forest, Alphonse came from Ashfield. Catarina was just really eager to get going.

Before they would set out, they would need more equipment. She couldn't disagree with that; Catarina only had her sword, her armored gauntlets, and a horse. She could use supplies and more equipment if it was available. The only reason she doesn't have her own suit of armor was because a full set of plate was both expensive and took a long time to make; unless this king happened to have some her size just collecting dust in the armory, she doubts they'll have much for her. But Catarina would take what she can get.

"Let's see, how about a shortbow and some arrows? Longbows aren't good on horseback after all. As for armor if you happen to have any platemail that fits me, I'll take that. Traveling supplies is a must too. Food, water, medicine, anything and everything we'll need in case of emergencies. Wouldn't want Lady Winter to suffer needlessly on the road after all."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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New Items Acquired:

  • One-handed spiked steel club
  • Parrying dagger
  • Utility knife
  • Javelin with sling
  • Steel helm
  • Steel chestplate
  • Steel buckler
  • Studded leather boots
  • Leather tents
  • Waterproof fire starter kit
  • Small bag of coal
  • 50 feet of silk rope
  • 50 feet of hemp rope
  • Reinforced steel torches
  • Whetstone set
  • Steel pike
  • Sack of leather scraps
  • Shortbow
  • Quiver with 20 arrows
  • Medicine kit: painkillers, antidotes, healing salves
  • Canteens

Servants took down the requests and went shopping. By the time the sun rose to high noon, everyone received their requested items.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Winter said, and offered a respectful curtsy.
The king folded his arms and smirked. "You can thank me when you return from your journey."

As they turned to leave, the king began to cough and clutch at his throat. Suddenly, he dropped to his knees and vomited blood onto the floor. "What's...happening to me?" he groaned.
Winter raced to his side and materialized a gauntlet on her hand. She traced it over him, and paled when she learned the truth. "What the living hell?!..."

"He's melting. Inside out."

What were once the king's legs were now bags of skin. His sickening retches and groans filled the palace. Beyond pity and disgust, Winter felt a chill through her very soul. Magic. It must be. She glanced around and spotted a guard leaving through the front gate.

"After him!" she cried.

At that, the guard broke into a sprint and ran straight into the city, where chaos reigned. The magical energies from the chasm finally reached Midhaven, and people from all walks of life explored their new powers. Fire and ice, gale-force winds and cracking earth, clones and golems, magic of all kinds erupted throughout the city. Even the guards left behind their weapons to join the chaos. Tracking the assassin would be difficult.

Winter balled up her fists as she watched the party chase him out the palace gate.

I know who you are.

The time has come to settle old scores.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Catarina was slightly disappointed all she managed to get was her bow and supplies, but she wasn't going to raise a fuss about armor. There was actually a tradition among the Knights of Thorn about collecting armor from defeated enemies. "Iron Men" they were called, though Catarina doubt any armor she savaged from other warriors would fit her. But it was the thought that counts. As everyone was gathering their gear Catarina went to her horse to load up the gear onto the saddlebags. She rode a large black mare, built for speed. Catarina had to be very mindful of her weight and supplies since while her horse was strong, too much weight will drain her stamina, which could spell disaster in the middle of a fight.

And then everything went to hell. The king vomited out blood and an assassin was on the loose! What seemed like a peaceful and well fortified city easily turned to chaos as magic began to surge. Catarina had heard of hysteria causing people to riot, but for chaos to spread so quickly, it couldn't be anything but magic! However Catarina didn't let the destruction sway her. She immediately mounted on her horse and chased after the assassin. "I don't know how he could kill the king with magic, but if he can do it, so can I!" Magic had just come into their world, how could it be that an assassin could master it so well to kill a king in his own court? A question Catarina would ask the assassin himself!

This man might've been fast but not faster than Catarina's horse, and certainly not faster than her arrows. She drew her shortbow and loosed an arrow aimed at the assassin's lower back; this way even if she should miss the arrow would either strike his legs or hit the ground, and not anyone else that might be in the crossfire. And Catarina was confident in her aim; she could snipe rabbits hidden in a brush, an armored assassin may as well just been target practice.
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