FC Credit: Inui Saki (Aokana Official Art)
"If I don't sleep for thirty hours a day, I don't really have any momentum."Overview
Ebisawa Honami
Student – Honami is in the process of finishing her last year of high school, yet she holds no motivations for a future occupation at the moment despite her counselors trying to pressure her into doing so.
Characterization & Conceptualization
What Do They Look Like?
Honami is someone who seems to have stopped growing. She has been stuck at five foot even for some time, with a petite frame to accompany her shortness. Many have considered Honami to be the spitting image of her mother, having received her mother's silvery white hair and vibrant green irises. Being a high school student, Honami is usually seen with her school uniform denoting her status as a third year. In regards to accessories, Honami prefers not being overly excessive with her style, though she does have a white scrunchie around her wrist and two little green cat-like beads at the end of her braids.
What Are They Like?
Like several of her previous counselors have said, Honami lacks serious motivation. What lies behind her cute appearance is a lazy girl that mooches off others, provided they can drag Honami out of bed and into the light. Effort is a foreign concept to Honami, who is more likely to be seen sleeping instead doing anything beneficial. For example, Honami would be the kid that complains throughout gym class about having to expend energy on physical activity. Unless Honami forces herself to change, she will be destined for a life of nothing.
What's Their Story?
Honami is someone with a heavy burden on her shoulders. Her parents are quite successful in life, and it is expected that Honami will follow in their footsteps. Nevertheless, Honami resents being compared to her parents simply because they're successful, and would rather carve her own way through life. Though, with her parents hardly being around, Honami was left to her own doings, and before she knew it, the trap of the NEET life had consumed her for better or worse.
Why Did The Wish Choose Them?
With all the better choices out there, one would have to wonder why the wish chose Honami. She can be convinced to do something for a few days, but after the intial hype, Honami grows lax and soon forgets what she was initially attempting. The reward may be great, but Honami hates the effort part of whatever task is assigned to her. In fact, Honami would rather be sleeping in bed or browsing dumb cat videos than putting in actual effort towards her own future and/or benefit.
What "Class" Will They Embody? Why?
Fighter – Whilst Honami has little to no motivation, once she decides to do something, she'll do it with her all for a day or two until laziness takes the wheel again. Additionally, anyone who makes the comparison of her last name (the Ebi part meaning shrimp in Japanese) to her height has and will throw Honami into a rage, as she hates being mocked about being stuck at the same height for several years.
What Belongings Will They Take With Them?
School Bag – What it says on the tin. Honami carries around her school bag that has her notes and what not inside.
Flip Phone – It is unlikely that Honami will have any service, but it probably has its uses in Eferion.
Talents & Abilities
Mundane Talents• General Cooking Skills – Honami knows how to cook, though her expertise really only applies to simple tasks such as boiling hot water for ramen.
• Intellectual Capabilities – Despite being the literal equivalent of a sloth, Honami is actually quite intelligent. She is, after all, the daughter of a rather successful couple.
• Remember-it-all – While Honami is unlikely to remember what she had for lunch the day before, she has a knack for remembering useless facts that could provide useful in the future.
Achieved Abilities & Knowledges