This is a reboot of a thread I created last year that never got off the ground. I'm hoping enough interest is shown to get it rolling. Any and all suggestions are welcome, as I'm always going to be looking to improve the thread in one way or another.

Map of London by it's thirty two boroughs.
In 2010, a disease only known as 'The Great Blight' ravaged the world. A billion people fell victim to the plague across Earth, even more fleeing the chaos and death where they once lived and becoming refugees. Countries where the disease had not taken hold yet closed their doors to the people running from the infection, wars were declared by desperate governments trying to protect their own and desperation took a hold of the world.
It seemed like nothing would ever be the same. Some of the worlds most powerful countries had crumbled, Humanity had for the most part turned against one another. That was until the United Nations mass produced a cure for the Blight in 2014, after four years of terror. By 2016, 94% of the remaining Human population had been given immunity to the disease, but the world still lacked order. The United Nations pulled together all remaining resources from what was left of it's 193 member countries and established a worldwide government under martial law, to keep Humanity on the right path and rebuild the world. However, soon after the New United Nations was founded it was met by states and warlords who didn't want to be controlled, and rebellions became commonplace.
To combat the rise in crime and rebellion across the world, London, once one of the most culturally, economically and politically influential cities in the world was completely emptied, walled off, and cut off from the outside world. New London was now an empty city, ready to be used as one giant prison for the New United Nations. From this point on, anybody over the age of 18 that committed any criminal offence was dumped into the city and left there to fend for themselves. Inside the walls there was no rules and no government, just airdrops full of supplies that would be dropped in at random times. Quickly, gangs and factions began to form and claim pieces of the city for themselves.
Welcome to New London, the worlds prison.
Hello, and welcome to the IC for 'New London'. This is a bit different to what I've seen on this board lately, but I'm hoping it get's some interest. Players will be taking control of their own factions that formed and taken control inside the prison city. Your faction can be whatever you want, with whatever values and rules you decide, because they live in a city with no rules except the ones they make for themselves. Technology will be around modern day as the Blight would have set us back a few years, and inside the city the only things your getting are going to come from supply drops or crooked wall guards.
-This will be High casual to advanced, so please be able to write in that category.
-No Godmoding, Metagaming, or anything of the kind. It just makes things less fun.
-No arguments between players OOC. IC it is encouraged, but nobody wants to have to watch two players argue.
-Be able to post at least once a week. Any less and the thread will die out.
I'm going to be adding more in the OOC if enough interest is shown, and I'm working on a nation sheet now. Thanks for reading!
Name of Faction:
Faction type: Religious? Prison Monarchy? Brutal Dictatorship?
Structure: How is your faction run? Who's in charge and how do they get things done?
Culture: What do your factions people do? What do they like? How do they act, what are their views?
History: How was your faction formed.
Militia/Armed forces: Do they have any security or armed forces? How are they ran, how well equipped are they and is it small or large?
Territory claim: Claim land for your faction on the map.