Ten years ago, a group of individuals were brought together across all the territories for one purpose: with stopping or reversing the destruction being caused by the demon Saint Dane. Saint Dane plans to destroy "what separates order from chaos"—the very fabric and structure of the universe, known as "Halla"—so that he can rebuild it according to his own twisted design. Together, led by the lead Traveler (as such protectors of Halla are called) Bobby Pendragon, they stop Saint Dane in his tracks and secure the safety of Halla and all the worlds in one feel swoop,"
But that was ten years ago....
The year (or so on Second Earth) is 2018, and there is a new threat to Halla and everything it entails- the daughter of Saint Dane herself- Saint Violet. She intends to fulfill her father's dream of creating chaos across Halla by doing what he did- Traveling to each of the territories and causing chaos in any way she sees fit. It seems there is a need for a new batch of Travelers, lead by the Traveler of Second Earth they must stop Saint Violet from destroying Halla or everything will crumble...
The fate of the territories, rests in their hands...."
Okay! So anyone who has read the Pendragon series will already know what this is all about! For those that haven't I have all relevent data posted below, (keep in mind it's 99% copied and pasted, so sorry if it's a bit of a dry read). Basically, I will be taking the role of the Lead Traveler and together we will conquer Saint Violet from destroying Halla! I've been wanting to do something like this for yeaaaars but no one ever knows what I'm talking about when I mention this series, so I've never got to do it. Let's hope I get some interest yes?
*Halla was the term used to represent every person, place, and time that has ever existed. It was the mission of the Travelers to prevent the territories of Halla from falling into chaos and keep them on their natural course of history. Saint Dane wished to destroy Halla and use what remained to create a new universe, of which he would rule over as god.
*Originally, the territories of Halla were separate and completely cut off from each other. The only thing that unified the societies was the guiding hands of the spirits of Solara. Eventually, however, one of the oldest spirits, Saint Dane, became obsessed and fixated on the darker side of man, and believed that he and he alone could guide Halla to perfection. He constructed the flumes so as to mix the territories, and began to push the societies toward chaos. Another spirit, Press Tilton, responded by giving a group of ten spirits physical bodies and powers, thus creating the Travelers, and gave them the task of stopping Saint Dane.
*All people lived on one of ten territories, which were ten different locations around Halla, all of which took place at a different time. Each contained a specific turning point that would affect its destiny. Solara is not technically a territory; instead it is where the spirits of the inhabitants of the seven worlds go to after death. Some exist in the same world, meaning that there are only seven worlds through Halla. First, Second, and Third Earth are in the same location, only at different time periods. The same is applied to Ibara, which is an island located in the world of Veelox, colonized centuries in the future. Below is a list of all the territories located in Halla:
*First Earth was the third territory to be targeted by Saint Dane. It took place on the same planet and world as Second Earth, although it was set roughly many years in the past (it is unknown how long it goes into the past). When Bobby visited the territory, the year was 1937. S
*The year now would be 1947.
*Known Travelers: Gunny Jed Sweeney
*Known Acolytes: Dodger
*Second Earth is modern day Earth, not much else you need to know about that.
*Third Earth is Earth set in the 51st century, where as Second Earth is set in present time.
*Third Earth was a highly advanced territory in the 51st century. It was a utopian society with one central government working together to help the planet. Third Earth had a variety of new technologies such as an advanced cell phone, one-size fits all shoes, soundless electric cars, and a supercomputer that stored information on nearly every subject in the territory. It could also predict the future using a mathematic equation and foretell potential outcomes of events in the past.
*Years before the arrival of Bobby Pendragon and Gunny VanDyke on Third Earth, the territory was having major overpopulation problems. To avoid the eventual overcrowding of the planet, the people moved underground and built vast subterranean cities and colonized the remaining planets in the solar system. Over time the pollution problems on Earth began to recede, becoming healthier. A few people stayed above ground in cube-like houses. Above ground, people used bicycles and electric cars to get around.
*Known Travelers: Em Stickler Patrick Mac
*Known Acolytes: None
*Denduron is a primitive Territory that has three suns. Compared to Second Earth, Denduron would be set in the Middle Ages
*The Territory Era is 134, which makes Denduron the youngest (or oldest) Territory.
*There are six major Tribes, the Bedoowan, the Gallavao, the Milago, the Novan, the Revenian, and the Toom.
*Of Denduron's fifteen continents, on three are inhabited: Bedoo, home of the Bedoowan; Nodd; and Galla. The remaining twelve are frigid, a harsh compliment to the temperate climate of the others.
*On Nodd, Mount Orloo resides at a towering 29,112 feet, taller than Everest on the Earths, and thrice that of the mountain range near the Milago village.
*The currency on Denduron are Quills, one Quill is worth $3.
*One Marr is about one hour, and is a unit often used to measure time and distance.
*The Feast of Noab is much like Thanksgiving, a Milago holiday to celibrate the harvest. Runnow Taa, the Bedoowan festival of music. The Novans have Kukura to rejoice the creation of the stars.
*Known Travelers: Alder
*Cloral is a territory covered completely by water. The people of this territory built floating homes, called habitats
*Cloral once had just one city, called Faar. Faar was the only land on Cloral. The people of Faar became curious and hungry for power over other lands. They built ships and began to sail all around Cloral looking for more dry land.
When the sailors returned, they came with nothing. But one day, nearly one hundred sailors got together and made a plan to find the dry land. They would all have their own boats with a crew of five and would compete. However, food ran out on the ships, and the Faarians feared that they would attack Faar in a desperate attempt to get food and stay alive. When the water level began rising, the Faarians took it as a blessing and a miracle. The Council of Faar decided that they would build a giant glass dome over Faar and sink below the ocean, protected.
After the dome was completed, the Council added the ability to rise back up to the surface, called 'the transpire'. They knew that they would have to rejoin their brothers above the surface some day. When the sailors returned to find Faar gone, they were horrified. In order to survive, they built a floating Faar-like city. The Faarians helped in anyway they could and soon the sailors had created the first habitat. The territory evolved and more habitats were built, until eventually there were habitats all over Cloral, each specialized to serve a specific niche (Growing food, manufacturing tools, etc.). After Bobby Pendragon and the Travelers arrived, Faar rose back up to the surface.
*The planet of Cloral is covered entirely by a deep ocean. No dry land exists, with the exception of the city of Faar. The people of the territory live on floating cities known as habitats, and most of their food is grown in underwater farms, although some food comes from farming habitats such as Grallion. It is hypothesized that Cloral once had an abundance dry land, but the warming of the ice caps eventually flooded the planet. Adding to this theory, Cloral may be an alternate future to Earth where the Ice caps melted, as opposed to Third Earth where they didn't.
*The linguistics of the Cloran language are reasonably simple. Most words have no more than two syllables, with rare exceptions such as Grallion and Magorran. Most first names on Cloral are monosyllabic and only have two letters; only a few, such as Benn, Per, and Ginja had more than two letters, and Ginja is the only known non-monosyllabic Cloran first name. With rare exceptions, last names have only two syllables.
*The language in the city of Faar is slightly more complex. Last names are more likely to have three syllables, such as Kalaloo and Abador.
*The three most common vowels in the Cloran language are a, o, and u. The former two commonly were used as double letters. A wide variety of consonants are used.
*Additionally some of the words are very much like Second Earth language. For example, a Peck meaning 20 minutes, Tum-Tigger,a problem, and transpire meaning to raise the city back up the surface.
*Habitats: Grallion Magorran Panger City Clarion Faar
*Known Travelers: Benn Spader (deceased) Vo Spader
*Veelox is the fourth world and territory that Bobby Pendragon visits. On this territory he finds a virtual reality simulator that is called Lifelight that almost everybody is in. Less than 0.1 percent of Veelox's population actually works in the real world. Most of these people are either phaders or vedders, which help run Lifelight. Very few people work outside of Lifelight, and for this reason, Veelox is dying. Outside of LifeLight, Veelox is described as being fairly similar to Second Earth. Due to the deindustrialization caused by the spread of Lifelight, the most common food on Veelox is an artificially flavored pudding substance called Gloid. The largest city on Veelox is Rubic City. To combat the continuing spread of Lifelight, Aja Killian established the isolated island community of Rayne on the island of Ibara, leading Veelox into its second territory and Turning Point.
*Bobby Pendragon works with Aja Killian to try to save the territory, but fails. But in the The Pilgrims of Rayne Pendragon is transported via the flumes to the island of Ibara that is located on Veelox to assist the turning point there. It is learned there that Aja Killian, after the Main Islands of Veelox fell to the Flighters and disrepair, and most of the population died due to LifeLight, she moved the remaining population that agreed with her to Ibara (on the same planet, Veelox).
*Aja Killian is now the Headmistress of Lifelight and the leader of Rubic City.
*Known Travelers: Headmistress Nilssin (deceased) Aja Killian
*Ibara is the future territory of Veelox. Ibara was the eighth territory targeted by Saint Dane, and exists around the turn of the 59th century on Earth. Unlike all the other territories, Ibara is not named after the planet it is on. Ibara is named after the island Ibara, which was a military outpost used to defend Rubic City.
*After the fall of Veelox, almost everyone went back into Lifelight. there were so few people left to maintain Veelox that the entire territory collapsed. Literally. Everyone was either a phader, a vedder, or for the vast majority of the population, in Lifelight. The water, plumbing, and power were not maintained, and the gloid factories were neglected.
*More and more people were dying and there were so few people left and the death count was so high that the vedders decided to leave those who died in their jump tubes. Eventually Lifelight itself stopped working. In Rubic City everyone divided into two groups. Forty people followed Aja Killian. Everyone else refused to accept that Lifelight had fallen. They considered themselves children of Lifelight and so named themselves Flighters. Aja's small band of people left for the island of Ibara. Aja knew that because it was once a military outpost, it would be the safest place to set up shop. They could easily defend themselves from Flighters. And as a tropical island with everything needed to support a population without technology to corrupt it, it the island was that much more ideal.
*Three hundred years later, Aja's plan has worked perfectly so far. The governing body of Rayne, the Tribunal, has kept all technology away from their perfect little world. But it was time to complete Aja's vision. Anyone who questioned the world outside of Rayne was chosen to be a pilgrim to the rest of Veelox. 900 people were chosen to be a pilgrim. They were to go to the far corners of Veelox and repopulate the planet.
*Eelong is a territory in Halla, and the fifth to be targeted by Saint Dane.
*Eelong mainly consisted of two intelligent species– the klees and gars. Klees were black jungle cats that walked upright, spoke understandable language, and had opposable thumbs. Their diets consisted of many unintelligent life forms, including species of monkeys and birds. They also ate pteridons, fruits found on the territory. The klees domesticated zenzens, horses with an extra joint that offered more flexibility, for travel and recreational purposes. They lived in the city of Leeandra.
*Klees often enslaved and forced gars, human-like creatures, to perform menial labor that often resulted in death. For their pleasure, on some occasions, they were pitted against each other. Most gars never received any form of education, and acted ignorantly as a result. However, they possessed an inner intelligence that was rarely given the chance to flourish. Gars were often attacked by dinosaur-like predators called tangs.
*The Klees discovered that the gars had developed a city known as Black Water. There, they had educated countless memberrs of the race and had planned to retaliate. After the turning point had passed, the gars and klees united. The Circle of Klee, which was the governing body of the klees, was renamed the Circle.
*Much of Eelong was covered with jungles, rainforests, and vegetation-covered mountains.The klees built their homes amongst giant trees to protect themselves from the vicious, blood-thirsty tangs that lived on the ground. The sun is a large band across the sky.
*Cities: Leeandra *Black Water
*Known Travelers: Kasha Seegen (deceased)
*Known Acolytes: Boon Yorn
*Zadaa was the sixth territory to be targeted by Saint Dane.
*Much of Zadaa was covered in desert. Many of the rivers of Zadaa ran underground, flowing from the mountains in the north of the territory. Most of Zadaa was uncivilized and violent, dominated by cannibal tribes. The most advanced tribes on Zadaa were the Rokador and the Batu. Loor is one of the Batu.
*Cities: Xhaxhu Kidik Mooraj
*Known Travelers: Loor Osa (deceased)
*Known Acolytes: Sangi
*Quillan was very similar to Second Earth long before the events of their first turning point. Seven generations before Bobby Pendragon came to Quillan, however, a company called Blok was founded. Because Blok sold and manufactured things as cheaply and quickly as possible, the company was able to sell for much less than its competitors. It rapidly grew in popularity and power, slowly closing the other stores and manufacturers. By the time Bobby arrived on Quillan, every aspect of the territory was controlled by the company.
*All the people of Quillan were forced into large cities. Law was enforced on Quillan by robots called Dados, which were controlled by Blok. Blok concealed Quillan's history, leaving people with no memory of a happier lifestyle than that under which they lived. To maximize profits, the corporation withheld all but the barest of essentials and imposed fierce punishment on all those who failed to contribute. In order to make even more money, Blok hosted an attraction known as the Quillan Games, which were projected all over Quillan and hosted by two people from Veelox, Veego, and LaBerge. Individuals called challengers were captured, color-coded, and forced to play against each other in a variety of dangerous games. Citizens of Quillan wagered on these games in the hope of winning large rewards. Those who could not bet with money bet instead with their lives.
*Most of the citizens of Quillan were passive, and lacked any will to resist Blok. However, there was a group of people called the Revivers, who worked to fight Blok and return Quillan to the prosperous territory it once was. At the heart of the Revival was a legendary museum known as "Mr. Pop", containing every aspect of Quillan's history before Blok purged the territory of the past. Mr. Pop was eventually destroyed by Blok's Security Dados.
*As far as travelers go, Nevv Winter was the first generation traveler, and Elli Winter was the last generation traveler. However, it was originally planned for Elli WInter to be the first generation traveler, but after Press showed her the flumes and other territories, she declined. So, Nevva Winter immediately took her mothers role as Traveller of Quillian.
*Bobby meets Elli Winter, and she tells Bobby that she thinks that she is ready to become a traveler thus making Eli a last generation traveler, instead of a first generation like she was originally supposed to be.
*Elli and her daughter, Nevva, share a special bond that's not seen with any of the other travelers.
*Elli married and had Nevva before she knew that she was a traveler. All the other travelers were not there respective last generation travelers biological parents.
*Now that Blok has fallen, another superpower threatens to take over and reproduce what Blok set up to accomplish. The company's name is Vector, and the first thing they did after taking over the market, was reinstate the Quillan Games.
*Known Travelers: Elli Winter Nevva Winter
*Quigs are the guardians of the flumes, attacking anyone who attempts to enter them, including Travelers. They are under the control of Saint Violet and are usually only active in territories where she's active. They take different forms, always of creatures local to the territory.
*First Earth, Second Earth, and Third Earth: Feral dogs. They appear in packs on Second Earth they appear when there are ten or twelve yellow stones.
*Zadaa Snakes. Quigs on Zadaa are large and poisonous snakes that are inside of the Roakdor tunnels.
*Denduron Bears with a large spikes on their backs. Unlike all the other quigs that appear at the flume the quigs on Denduron appear on the equinox where they killed a Milago miner.
*Cloral Sharks. The quigs on Cloral are monster sharks. Bobby saw the quig earlier at the mine of Denduron. Bobby describe the quigs as having a battleship gray body and a jet black underbelly . The quigs' bait are pickle looking fruit plants.
*Veelox and Ibara The quigs on Veelox are unknown, but seeing that the quigs on Ibara are killer bees, it is possible that the quigs on Veelox are killer bees as well. Veelox is quig-free because, as Saint Dane had said, he was already done with the territory by the time Bobby arrived. But when Saint Violet appears, it is confirmed that they are indeed, killer bees.
*Quillan Mechanical Spiders. Quigs on Quillan are mechanical spiders that are made by a Forge invention back on Second Earth. When Forge is destroyed, the Quigs change to the form of giant birds.
*Eelong Gars (Humans). When Bobby first came to Eelong he thought that the quigs on Eelong were Tangs. He soon later found out that they are gars.
*A flume was a portal that Travelers used to move between the territories. The flumes were created by Saint Dane to allow him to mix the territories, though the travelers also used them in their mission to keep the territories on their separate paths. They were later destroyed for that reason.
*Saint Violet reopened the flumes.
*Flumes are strategically placed in abandoned areas, so that regular people would not stumble across them. They are marked by a crude, engraved star, so that Travelers can easily identify them. When accessed by anyone, they may have to avoid the quigs, yellow-eyed beasts that were created by Saint Dane to trouble the Travelers. The quigs were unique to each territory.
*When traveling through a flume, soft cosmic music can often be heard and it is said to feel like riding on a water slide.
*Solara was the essence of Halla and a physical manifestation of the achievements of mankind. A planet covered in Dark Matter and teeming with the spirits of the territories, Solara was the birthplace of Saint Dane , the Travelers, and the Travelers' surrogate families. As Saint Dane took over Halla, the power of positive Solara slowly dimmed as the positive aspects of mankind faded away. When your physical form dies your spirit is sent here. You see only what is most appealing to you here.
*Free will and balance fed positive Solara (Heaven). Fear, oppression, greed, and the like fed the negative Solara (Hell).
*Acolytes are chosen by the Traveler to be a sort of companion and helper, it is their sole duty to make sure there is proper attire and food for the Travelers placed at the entrance to the Flume.
*Acolytes also help the Traveler if need be with information gathering and whatever else the Traveler may need.
*No godmodding, ninjadodging, etc.
*No Mary Sues or John Does
*Once you post, please wait until majority of the rest of us have posted before posting again, I say this because I've seen people get eft behind and it's not fair to them.
*That being said, if you don't post of give us a heads up within a week, we will replace you and kill of your character. I don't want the story waiting around for people that dropped it.
*Communication is key: Within the reals of the territories information I gave you, you can build the world how you see fit for the Traveler you choose. Just make sure we all know what's going on.
*Keep to the Guild Rules. Romance between characters is okay as long as both parties are agreed, but keep it PG-13. *Character ages can vary from as young as 16 to as old as 60 if you want, so have fun with it.
*The initial few IC posts will be your character becoming a traveler and traveling to Solara, where all the characters will meet up before heading off on their journey. How you do this is up to you. *Playable Characters are: Traveler from one of the ten territories. (except Second Earth, that ones mine lol) Saint Violet
Now, the only thing I am having trouble figuring out is how we want to go about doing this. I'm thinking have all ten travelers go to each territory one by one makes the most sense, though they'd have to travel in twos down the Flume. Or, we could split into groups and each do different territories at a time. It's up to what you guys want to do, majority rules.
So, I think that's everything, if I missed anything I'll add it in later I'm sure. Let's hope this gets some interest and happy roleplaying guys!