The Revolutionary Vanguard

The Earth has been sundered, its skies blackened, the once bountiful seas poisoned, the wild and tame lands alike scoured of life. Our destruction is as we always knew it would be, a thing of our own making. The petty issues which have always divided us had finally driven us to suicide. When the darkness closed in and the young and old, the strong and the weak, all the starving masses huddled tight in anticipation of the end one thing was certain; we deserved the wretched fate awaiting us.
Then again, we seldom get what we deserve. Perhaps it was an act of god, or more likely, one of the devil. It was a gate, a passageway, a lifeline. Its discovery shocked the few who survived, but no sooner was it found than we sought to repeat our mistakes on the other side. Most were maddened by thirst, hunger, and grief, they didn't take a moment to think, a moment to consider what this second chance meant. They just wanted to live.
We wanted more. Our numbers were small at first, but in face of of the apocalypse many were willing to see the old ways were folly. We kept to the shadows, but our existence was no secret. The decaying edifices of the old world tried to thwart us, to reign us in, but we represented the future, for we were the new Vanguard, those who would destroy everything that has come before and craft a new Humanity for a new world.
Of course they failed to stop us, the future is inexorable. We made our move as soon as we had the numbers, seizing nearly half of a fleet sent to subdue the new world. The battle that followed was brutal, and many of our number died, but those martyrs gave their lives for a greater purpose.
The fleet of the Revolutionary Vanguard is now in uncharted waters, and its mission is simple; the rebirth of mankind. All those who cling to the old ways will fall and from atop their graves we shall rebuild. When it is done we shall know a lasting peace, a chance to avoid the fate of our Mother Earth.
The Flagship Lazarus: The Lazarus was one of the last new ships to be put to sea, and this was precisely why the Vanguard looked to seize it. As large as an old American aircraft carrier it is outfitted with:
-A Nuclear Reactor (~20 Years of Fuel)
-A Set of Railguns (Front and Aft Long Range Cannons)
-A Close In Weapons System (Multiple Mini-Gun/Sensor Installations)
-A Hydropontics Bay (Self Sufficient Food Production)
-A Workshop (For Light to Medium Manufacturing)
The Support Ships Atlas and Prometheus: These two support ships are converted supertankers, each has a minor on board armament. The Atlas carries civilians and basic supplies like clothes and other essentials. The Prometheus is largely dedicated to carrying the supplies necessary to restart civilization, it contains medicine, knowledge, farming equipment, and seeds.
The Siren: One of the key factors that allowed the Vanguard fleet to escape the initial pursuit of the other Earth factions was the Siren. A stealth ship with little in the way of weaponry, the Siren is a ECM ship, designed from the top down to fool sensors and disguise not only itself, but the Vanguard fleet from the sophisticated eyes of modern machinery.
The Revolutionary Vanguard is capable, but it must be said for all the spoils they made away with the movement failed to convert many experts. While the Vanguard may be equipped as well, or better, than most of the other Earth factions, it lacks a vital understanding of its ships and what they have aboard them.
The Vanguard is a single entity, and in that way all who have sworn themselves to the cause are soldiers. At least, ostensibly. In reality there are fewer than fifty trained soldiers in the fleet. Perhaps in time the many partisans of the Vanguard will be able to fight as well as those training them, but that day is distant indeed.