Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tonks
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Bronwyn Rae Knowles

Location Airport > Alpha Prep

"Brynn! Brynn, wake up.. We're here."

Bronwyn gasped, sitting upright before blinking hard at the bright sunlight glaring down at her through the car window. It was as if only moments had passed since she was up, but truth was they'd been on the road already for a couple of hours now. Brynn was thankful her good friend had offered to drive her rather than being tortured with saying goodbye to her family at the airport. A quick 'goodbye' and hugs all around, and she'd gotten the heck out of there before the waterworks started flowing. Last memory Brynn had was hitting the highway listening to Metallica. Girl wasn't a hardcore fan, but she didn't mind it at all. Enter Sandman had been playing, if she recalled right. And enter he did, cause she had fallen right to sleep. The traffic leading up to the front doors of the airport was a bit overwhelming, to say the least. Brynn almost offered to get out and walk, but the time it'd take to get to the front meant more time spent with Danny. She sat up in her set and looked next to her at her friend, who coincidentally was already looking at her with a big ol' smirk. "What?"

Her friend just shook his head though, looking forward again with a long silence hanging between them before he spoke up slowly, his expression neutral. "Just wish we had more time, is all." Trust be told, Brynn wished the same thing, but there was no way around it. Her flight would be leaving within the next couple of hours. As they neared the unloading area near the front doors, Brynn reached into the back seat to make sure her things were accounted for before sitting faced forward again to look at the crowd of people coming in and out of the airport. Great. Crowds. The car came to a stop, and Danny was out before Brynn could even get her seat-belt off, getting out to grab her things but he was already there to assist her. She only had two bags and a carry cage with her pet ferret in it. Danny held all three bags in one hand, pushing the car doors shut as he stared down on Brynn, who's eyebrows suddenly raised.

"Um, hello... Danny Boy, I need my bags." She pointed to them, but when she got nothing but an empty stare back, she tried snatching them out of his hand. Danny wrapped his free hand around her and pulled her into a tight one-armed hug. Brynn, though, wasn't much of a hugger. Squirming in his iron grip, she huffed softly and gave up after her few feeble attempts to break free. "Look, I know I'm never gonna get to see you again, but there's seriously no need to get all mushy." It was all she could say, had she said anything more her voice might've started to break. The boy slowly let the brunette go, looking down on her with a half smile that was clearly forced. "All you gotta do is fail, you're good at that, right?" The boy laughed when Brynn smacked his chest, adding softly, "I'm not gonna say goodbye." Brynn smirked a little, shouldering her bags. "Well, good. Cause I didn't plan on saying it, either." She turned to walk away but his hand had shot out and caught her wrist, turning her back to him. Before Brynn even had a chance to realize what was going on, his lips were pressed to hers, eyes shut. Brynn's however, never left his face, even as he pulled away and turned to climb back into his car. His face twisted in... too many emotions to pinpoint one in particular.

She watched as the boy pulled off and fell in line with the rest of the cars trying to exit the area, standing there somewhat confused but mostly filled with regret. Their relationship had always been sort of strained. Their on-again-off-again fooling around. It was hard to be anything but close with the history they had, but as she stood there and watched him disappear into the sea of traffic, it hit her the hardest. None of it would matter. She'd never see him again. Tears stung at the corners of Brynn's eyes. It was then that she felt a hand clasp over her shoulder, forcing her to turn around a bit alarmed as she slapped the hand away, a low growl sounding off in her throat. The man before her narrowed his eyebrows as he glared at the hand she smacked him with, then turning his hardened gaze onto her. "Bronwyn Knowles, I presume?" Brynn's eyes widened, nodding. She couldn't speak. The poor girl's anxiety suddenly shot through the roof. "Follow me." Re-positioning her bag strap on her shoulder and fishing out her wallet and passport, she kept pace with the man as they maneuvered their way through the place to get to the private flight gate that would take her across the open oceans towards her new home.

There was no sleeping for this girl, even with the jet lag hitting her hard, her eyes were too busy taking everything in around them as they drove up the wooded roads. It was beautiful here. Not like the streets of New Orleans, but in a much more natural way. All the green, it never seemed to end. Wasn't much of a change for the girl, though. Back home she spent most of her time in her furry form down in the bayou where she found it was the most quiet, where she could just be herself. Her images of home were quickly driven from memory as the treeline faded into the distance, opening up the area to a large field of bright green grass, a massive mansion sitting in the background. An low, drawn out howl sounding off in the distance, calling to the beast within the girl. The full moon was drawing closer, and it was getting more difficult to reign her other half in. In Brynn's lap, she could feel her pet getting anxious, walking circles around his confines impatiently.

"Alright, now that we're all here I want you to listen up and listen well. I won't repeat myself. I am sure most of you are wondering what you are doing here. I am Councilman Corbyn. The council has been watching each and every one of you closely and we are pleased with what we see. You have many of the qualities we are looking for in Alphas, however, the path to leading a Pack is a long and rigorous one. For the next four years, you will be attending Alpha Prep, a school designed to prepare young Wolves such as yourselves to become great Alphas in the years to follow. Over half of you won't make it through your first year; half of those that do, won't make it to graduation. Some of you may even die. Those of you who do make it to graduation will be rewarded the title of Alpha, and rewarded with your own pack territory where you will start your new lives." He gives everyone a once over, smirking slightly. "Now then, welcome to Alpha Prep."

Brynn sat up a little straighter, looking around at the other four kids in the van with her. Two boys and two girls. Of course, she had to throw off the even count. Unless you counted Councilman Corbyn, but what teenager includes adults into anything?.. exactly. That slightly bugged her. Her OCD getting the better of her, she shook the pestering thoughts away and watched out the front windshield as the gates swung open to allow them passage. Brynn turned to the other teens riding with her, swallowing nervously before speaking up, "Where are you guys from? I come from New Orleans. The Bayou Wolf Pack out there was my home." Brynn tried everything not to think of them, focusing on the faces in front of her. These... strangers, who had somehow stayed quiet the entire ride.

Brynn's attention was momentarily pulled out to the field she had seen before, a small group of wolves lining up a ways away from the pavement as the vans came to a stop at the foot of the steps leading to the large double doors of the school. The wolves along the grass looked on curiously, their tails swaying to and fro with a few heads hung low, others cocked to the side. It was still odd for Brynn, even though these details had been apart of her existence since birth, but what Brynn was looking at were over-sized canines. Sometimes she had to remind herself that they too were human, as well. A quick, "Everyone out!" brought Brynn back to the land of the living, quickly grabbing her things as the van door was yanked wide open, forcing her up out of her seat and out of the vehicle. The sun was beginning to set, the sky painted orange and pink.

"Alright. No time for lollygagging. You get your things, you stay close and follow me. Dorms are separated by sex. Boys, you will be sleeping in the East Wing, while ladies, you will be sleeping at the West. Curfew is at 10pm, lights out is at Midnight. Seems pretty fair, all in all, I reckon. Are there any questions you lot might have before we head inside?" Councilman Corbyn looks out at the small crowd of teenagers, an eyebrow raised. Brynn had plenty of questions, however she didn't feel too obligated to be the only one asking anything. The girl took a look around at the others, wondering if anyone else would pipe up with anything. If no one would, she would just keep the questions to herself and find someone inside to ask without the big audience. Brynn sat back at the furthest point of the group, biting on her tongue piercing anxiously as she rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LC
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LC Thirteen foxes in an overcoat

Member Seen 42 min ago

Blake Russ

Location: Airport > Alpha Prep

Blake awoke to a sharp slap to the back of his head, lurching forward with a surprised grunt and half-choking on the snore he'd been half way through when his nap was so rudely interrupted. His face twisted into a grimace as he rubbed his head, casting a side-long glare at his father in the driver's seat. As it had always been, looking at his father was like looking in a slightly gray mirror. A few wrinkles here and there, to be sure, but as of several months ago, they had even turned out the same height. It was invariably eerie. Now, though, his father's usually grim expression was broken by a broad grin, the bright shine of pride in his eyes as he gave a much gentler slap to his child's shoulder.

"We're here, kiddo. Just a plane ride away and you'll be starting a whole new life."

"Hey, hey, come on old man- you make it sound like I'll never see you again. We both know I'll sleep through the first semester and be home by the second to keep your wrinkly ass safe."

He pulled himself from the car as he spoke, partly to get his bags-- and partly to avoid having to look at his father. His jest aside, they both knew there was a real possibility that this was the last time they'd be seeing each other, at the very least for a long, long time. The rusty old truck's suspension creaked as Blake reached into the back and heaved the pair of duffel bags he was taking with him out, letting the weight of both settle onto one broad shoulder while his gaze ran over the airport. This was it, the threshold. The furthest Samwise had ever traveled from the shire, the edge of the valley, the palace walls. This was where he took the first step to, dare he say... A whole new world.
His silent thoughts were interrupted as his father's scarred hand fell to his shoulder again. There was no hug for them, no shared glance, because neither wanted the other to see the tears welling in their eyes. It just didn't befit guardians like themselves. Blake heard his father clear his throat, a sound that was suspiciously choked, though his words remained level as the pair started towards the airport doors.

"Listen, Kiddo... I know you don't think this is the job for you. I know you'd be content coming home and taking my job when I'm too old to do it, but they picked you for a reason. You try your hardest. Make some friends, but don't be used by anyone. Show them what you can do, but never lord it over them. Expect the best of others, and if they don't deliver, then help them to. And... You know what your mother would say. Three meals a day. Keep yourself clean. Never forget to call your brother and I."

The airport doors loomed before them, surely a dozen times larger than they had any right to be, and by far the most intimidating thing Blake had ever faced. He dared not say a word, lest his voice fail him, and he slipped from his father's grasp with reluctance, the old man's voice fading behind him as the doors closed the gap between.

"Goodbye, kiddo. I love you."

The plane ride had been awful, and Blake had been certain there was no way the day could get worse. The van ride proved him severely wrong. Surrounded by four other kids in a van packed full of their bags and themselves, with a brute of a driver, for hours... And not a damn word said between the lot of them. He'd given up enduring the silence halfway through and dug his headphones free of his bag, spending the latter half of the ride pretending to nap, the familiar sounds of music filling his ears and his head. He'd almost managed to actually drift off despite his nerves when he felt the change in the van, cracking an eye open to see what had happened. Met immediately with the sight of the mansion that would be their home, Blake barely managed to keep his jaw from falling open.
Houghton was a mining town. He lived on a river, at the foot of a mountain, surrounded by forest and buried in snow nine months a year. He was used to nature, and to its beauty, but this was like something out of a television show. The sort of mansion that the generic English family lived in, getting into sit-com antics with the help and playing games of snooker with their comically long pipes. With barely hidden awe, he reached up to tug his headphones out, just in time to hear their driver's speech.

"Alright, now that we're all here I want you to listen up and listen well. I won't repeat myself. I am sure most of you are wondering what you are doing here. I am Councilman Corbyn. The council has been watching each and every one of you closely and we are pleased with what we see. You have many of the qualities we are looking for in Alphas, however, the path to leading a Pack is a long and rigorous one. For the next four years, you will be attending Alpha Prep, a school designed to prepare young Wolves such as yourselves to become great Alphas in the years to follow. Over half of you won't make it through your first year; half of those that do, won't make it to graduation. Some of you may even die. Those of you who do make it to graduation will be rewarded the title of Alpha, and rewarded with your own pack territory where you will start your new lives." He paused, and Blake briefly felt the man's eyes upon him, as if sizing him up. "Now then, welcome to Alpha Prep."

As the speech ended, Blake let his gaze drift over each of the others in the car, before it was inevitably drawn back to the mansion they would be staying in, learning to be alphas in. He saw the wolves lining up to see the new bloods, instinctively drawing himself up in his seat against their gazes, squaring his shoulders. Faintly, he heard one of the girls in the van ask where he and the others were from, and he answered without really thinking about it, running a hand through his hair idly.

"Houghton, Michigan. Little mining town in the U.P- my pack kept to the forest."

He was going to talk more, his nerves bringing him to be chattier than usual, and found himself instead silently relieved that his train of thought was interrupted by another short speech by their driver, followed shortly by a barked order for them to pile out of the van. Slinging his duffels back onto his shoulder, he was one of the first ones out, finding himself somewhere in the middle of the gathering group of other new students. Without really thinking about it, he gravitated back towards the girl that had spoken earlier, Rust-Orange gaze giving her a swift once over now that they were out of the van. She was shorter than he was, though that was nothing new to him, and looked like the type of girl that would kick him in the groin over a stupid question. He liked her already.

"Name's Blake, by the way. Blake Russ."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location: Airport > Alpha Prep Interactions/Mentions: @Tonks@WSilversun

"Rok, let me get that," said a husky, bearded man with dark, scruffy hair peppered with gray. His hand shot out and grabbed the luggage handles before Marrok could, pulling them out of the latter's reach. Marrok smirked and obliged. This sort of treatment wasn't uncommon. He was the son of the pack's Beta, afterall. Everyone tended to make an extra effort around him.

"I appreciate it, Stan," he said, offering thanks. Stan had no wife or kids. He was middle aged, single, and drunk more often than not. That said, he was the only one in the pack (other than his own father) that Marrok would have been willing to take the ridiculously long plane ride with. Having no family of his own, Stan became a sort of Uncle to Marrok.

"No worries, pup. 'sides, you'd just tire out after five minutes and make me carry it anyway," Stan claimed with a grin that made no attempt to hide the fact that he was going to continue busting Marrok's balls for the entire trip. Marrok let out a single huff of laughter in response before continuing onward through the Heathrow Airport terminals. In stark contrast to Stan's white button up shirt and beige slacks, Marrok preferred darker clothes, wearing a black shirt, blue jeans and a leather jacket as their feet patted out a rhythm on the hard floor. Heathrow Airport was one of the most crowded airports ever. It took active effort not to run into people that were coming at you from the opposite direction. As they continued on, Marrok turned back to see that Stan was falling significantly behind. He shook his head and stood in place, giving his buddy a chance to catch up. Should have let me take the luggage, old mutt. As he was watching, his eyes fell on a rather imposing figure in a long black coat as he shoulder checked Stan with such ferocity that it knocked the latter to the ground. Marrok's eyebrows dropped as his eyes widened and his lips reeled back in a snarl. The switch has been flipped. His adrenaline immediately surged. Marrok sprung forward, his hands balled into fists.

"Rok! No!" Stan shouted as Marrok bounded past him. His vision was tunneled. All he could see was the back of this jerk's head as he continued striding off to wherever he was going. Stan pulled himself to his feet and, at first, attempted to chase after Marrok before quickly surrendering to the fact that he'd never catch him. "Whatever," he said to himself. "Pups will be pups." He slowly picked the discarded luggage back up and looked around, his eyes falling upon a pub across the way. "Well, well. Don't mind if I do!" With a whistle, Stan started walking toward one of the bar stools.

"HEY!" Marrock shouted, gravel in his voice. He had closed the distance between he and the stranger very quickly and was not slowing down. As the guy turned, Marrok found himself looking at a very fit man standing nearly 6'7" with a dark complexion and chiseled muscles that were apparent even through the shirt he was wearing. The look on the stranger's face started as that of annoyance but quickly changed to a visage one would wear if they saw a train coming at them. Marrock leapt up, his fist oscillating backward and then up, like a sledgehammer before coming down on the stranger's nose with a sickening crack. The stranger fell back and Marrok found himself on top of him, snarling. "You knocked my friend down back there," he growled, watching the strangers nostrils leak crimson. "Don't let that happen again." The stranger was speechless. Everything happened so fast, that he really wasn't sure how to respond. Marrok pulled himself up and stood for a second, giving the guy an opportunity for revenge. As he just laid there in shock, his own fluids leaking on his face, Marrok finally turned and started walking back, not even bothering to give the stranger a second glance. Pussycat.

"'ey!" Stan shouted as he slammed down a shot of whiskey, waving Marrok over as he saw him walking passed. Marrok raised an eyebrow and started walking toward the pub as Stan fished some money out of his pocket and left it on the counter. "You fuckin' idiot. Was that really necessary?"

Marrok stared at Stan for a silent moment before stating as a matter of fact, "Yes. It was."

"Hmm. Well alright, then. Ready?" Marrok nodded and they continued their trek down the terminal.

Marrok found himself sitting in a van with three other people and an English driver. He had given Stan his farewells at the airport parking lot and the two went their own separate ways; Stan back to Texas and Marrok to his new home for the next few years. Stan's eyes had gotten glassy when Marrok shook his hand for the last time, but he quickly steeled himself when Marrok gave him a glare that silently demanded it.

As he looked at the other faces, he immediately locked on to the other male in the vehicle. The two of them were comparably sized. He knew there would be a lot of competition at this school so he became a little excited to see one of the many he would be up against. Eventually they came to another stop and a young woman came aboard, maximizing the occupancy of the vehicle. Marrok gave her a once over. Certainly attractive, but he choose to remain silent for now. Everyone in here was a potential threat to his goal. He had to keep that in mind. Observe, analyze, prepare, react. And just as he was thinking that, she spoke...

"Where are you guys from? I come from New Orleans. The Bayou Wolf Pack out there was my home." Marrok noticed a subtle sense of pride in her voice.

"Houghton, Michigan. Little mining town in the U.P- my pack kept to the forest," said the other, larger candidate. Marrok chose not to respond, instead using his thumb to pull down on his finger, clicking each knuckle on his right hand individually as he returned his gaze out the window. Soon enough, the mansion came into view and the councilor gave them a rundown of the rules.

Marrok quickly got out of the van and grabbed his baggage, slinging it over his shoulder as he trudged toward the two who seemed to be exchanging introductions. "Excuse me." It was more of a command than a beg for pardon as he marched passed them, heading toward the men's dormitories.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Gihigugma ko ikaw ang akong matam-is nga babaye. Ikaw gitagana alang sa pagkadako ug magabuhat ug daku. Ayaw kalimti ang mga tawo dinhi sa Pilipinas." Her grandfather spoke, holding her shoulders before pulling her into a hug, blinking back his tears.

"Higugmaa usab ikaw nga lola. Nagsaad ako sa pagsulat kutob sa mahimo." Imee whispered in her grandfather's ear, closing her eyes as she took in the warmth from his embrace. She was going to miss him greatly. Releasing a breath she stepped back holding his hands in her own, a sad smile on her face as she looked to him.

"Sama sa gusto nako nga magpabilin nga nagatindog dinhi ug nakigsulti kanimo Kinahanglan ko nga moadto aron ako Makagusto Ingon sa mas gusto ko nga magpabilin nga nagatindog dinhi ug makig-istorya kanimo Kinahanglan kong moadto aron ako makasulay sa akong una nga biyahe ug paghimo sa akong koneksyon. Hinaut nga ang paglupad dili ingon ka daotan sa akong nadungog."

Imee's grandfather nodded understanding before hugging her one last time. They didn't say goodbye, their family never had. They felt goodbyes were too permanent. After the hug Imee went through security and shortly was off to the academy.


Imee had never felt as much panic as she had when on those planes. It had gotten so bad on the first flight that a flight attendant had to help coach her through breathing exercises and keep her from passing out. When the flight attendant found out she had another flight she pulled a few strings and was able to get Imee something to knock her out for the flight. She was very grateful for the woman for all her help.

Now that she was back on land, Imelda had decided she'd rather have to speak in front of her whole pack than ever step foot on another plane or anything that took her into the air. Heights weren't a problem to her, but not having control over how high she goes... that is another story. Once this was all over, Imee was just going to have to get a boat home or even swim. She couldn't handle that panic again.

Even the van she was made to sit in where she was soon surrounded by intimidating people her age was better than the damn plane.

It wasn't hard for Imee to fall asleep shortly after the van began to move. The stressful plane rides and the jet lag had her exhausted. It wasn't until a few hours later that she came back to, her head resting on the cold window beside her as she heard someone speaking from the front. Sitting upright and focusing in on the words she realized it was the man in charge, Councilman Corbyn... Corbyn. What a different name compared to those she was used to. It was something she was going to have to get used to now though as she seemed to be surrounded by people from the west.

Realizing she had zoned out Imee refocused only to realize they had arrived. Looking out the window she was in awe of the building. It was bigger than anything she had ever seen. Once again she heard speaking and Imee quickly realized it was the other candidates, introducing themselves it seemed. She watched them curiously until a harsh voice spoke up. As he passed by Imee she basically cowered away from him. All of the people were intimidating but he was even more so. It just made her realize how much she really didn't fit in, especially as she heard snickering from some of the others who seemed to be from another van. Imee didn't know if it was directed towards her but she was pretty sure it was.

With her head down, Imee quickly retrieved her one bag from the back of the van and followed the slow trickle of people going towards the building. All the while wanting to be anywhere but where she was.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Karuma
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Karuma Hitamara

Character Profile
Location: Airport -> Alpha Prep

"We're about to pull in Karu, are you excited?" A feminine voice prodded Karuma's awareness from the back seat behind him. Karuma was busy trying to distract himself from the inescapable reality of it all, frantically thumbing through his social media apps, as if anything happening in this world would matter anymore after his plane ride. "Hah, judging by his knee wagging, I'd guess he's far from excited babe." A male voice teased him from the back seat of the drivers side. Finally Karuma breathed a heavy comment, "You got that right. I'm on pins and needles here, man. I just hope there's at least a skate park or something near this new school." He dropped his phone into his lap and glanced back at the hopeful faces of his one and only friend from public school, Dae-Ho, and his friends girlfriend Jae Hwa. Karuma and Dae had been friends since middle school, they got along great, had the same video game and anime interests, and were both skaters. The only thing Dae didn't know about Karuma is that he's a werewolf. Dae and Jae hooked up sometime during middle school grad, moving into high school freshman. They've always complimented each other too, just like their names.

"Jae, Dae." Karuma began, an unfamiliar heart ache creeping into his chest that wasn't there a minute ago. "I'm really going to miss you guys. You've helped me through some tough times.. I wont forget you two, even if we never meet again." Dae-Ho's eye's glossed over a bit from Karuma's words, before he could say anything in response their driver Cole, an older gentleman whom Karuma introduced to his friends as a friend of his foster dad; but was actually a pack member who didn't think too fondly of him, barked "I'm done finding a parking space, and I've got things to do, can you three wrap this up outside? The trunk is popped." On queue Dae quickly opened his car door and got out, Jae following suit and apologetically saying "Oh, of course, sorry. We wouldn't want to make Karu late for his flight." before both their doors closed in unison. Heaving a sigh and moving to open his door Karuma was caught off guard by Cole's voice "For what its worth..." He paused and nearly whispered the remainder, "Good luck, you'll need it." Karuma shrugged off the obviously venomous comment with a small smile and a hearty "Thanks for the ride Cole. See my friends home safely, kay?" Finishing his previous motion of breaking free from the disapproving aura emanating off of Cole and stretching in the sun.

To Karuma's surprise Dae had already set his suitcase and duffel bag on the curb for him, his skateboard deck being held in the soft grasp of Jae Hwa. Karuma gave them both one last look over, the weight on his chest from before growing in size. As if sensing his sadness, Dae perked up "Hey man, don't worry I'm sure they'll be some railings or an old pool for you to shred.." Dae was fighting against his own weighted heart, but he continued on, offering a hand to the sky in typical high five fashion. "Just don't forget to keep in touch, this isn't 'goodbye', its 'see you later'!" Karuma couldn't help but crack a smile, look at the both of them, acting like Main Protagonists. Karuma's hand rose to meet Dae's and clasp together in a brotherly hand hold. "Yeah, count on it!" Karuma's smile seeming brighter in the sunlight as their hands separated, Dae attempting to discreetly wipe away tears. Karuma draped his duffel bag over his shoulder, and took his rolling suitcases handle in preparation, then Jae approached Karuma, holding out his skateboard deck with a sad expression shading her usual perky face. Karuma couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he received the skateboard deck from her clutches, "Not you too, Jae.. I'll cry too you know." As if his lighthearted joking and general way of being was too much for her to handle, she didn't reply, and tears began to flow down her cheeks uncontrollably. She clutched tightly onto Dae as he patted her head softly. "You.. Be safe out there man." Dae's voice choked. Delivering one final smile to the both of them before quickly dragging his belongings off into the terminal with him, Karuma whispered "You too.." with a strained heart.

Plane rides weren't the worst part of travel. In Karuma's opinion, sitting in a transit bus traveling across country is real hell. Plane's are high class luxury, but then again maybe thats why people aren't used to it. Upon arrival Karuma was filtered into a van amongst a few other wolf smelling teenagers. Luckily he had plenty of leg room, and surprisingly good service, he spent the time catching up on a favorite anime of his until they neared their destination. A stern and official sounding voice briefed him and his apparent classmates on Alpha Prep and what is to be expected of them while here. Glancing out of the window Karuma noticed a few interesting students piling out of the van ahead of his, some Wolves were even present to greet them, the new blood.

His van was next, and the driver confirmed this by barking a command to the flustered and anxious group. "Everyone out!" Karuma was about the third or second out of the van, immediately breaking into a much needed stretch. He pondered to himself if all of the drivers were that rude and drill sergeant feeling. Karuma caught the last bit of the Councilman Corbyn's introduction speech, and quickly perked up, his curiosity insatiable. "Uhh, yeah chief, Can you skateboard on campus?" he asked, holding up the printed bottom of his skateboard deck, still wrapped in a see through protective wrap from the plane ride. His ocean blue eyes already scanning the extravagant school grounds for possible hot spots for shredding.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tonks
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Corbyn stood at the base of the steps, staring out at the small crowd of newbies. Though he had grown to not judge books by their covers, this new batch of students didn't look as promising as the last. Only a couple of brutes sticking out to Corbyn in particular. A voice from within the small crowd spoke up, forcing Corbyn's gaze on him, staring at him down his nose. "We are not savages. I am not your chief, son. And as unfortunate as it is, no, there is no riding boards on campus. If you so have the urge to use such a thing, you will need to ask to be taken off campus in your free time." The councilman gave the boy a rather stern look before looking towards the other two van drivers, nodding once before staring at the wolves behind the group. "The lot of you, get back to it." With that, the wolves each took a turn bowing their heads before turning away to run off towards the backside of the school.

"Alright, if that's it, then, let's get on inside." Corbyn pivoted on his heels and walked with a pace that had a purpose. His strides in themselves could easily speak for themselves. Keep the fuck up. Two men stood at each side of the double doors, pulling them open as the councilman and the group quickly approached. As Corbyn stepped through, he quickly turned to the group, walking backwards as he spoke. "As unfortunate as it may be, we will be hosting a grande tour for you all tomorrow morning bright and early. For now, we will show you to your rooms so you can get yourselves situated and comfortable. After that, supper will be served and then you will have the chance to return to your dorms to have some time making yourselves more at home and get to know your dormmates, if you have them. Very few of you will have single dorms to yourselves." He turned back around just as a woman dressed in a pant suit wandered down the grand entrance, a very neutral expression plastered on her face.

"Welcome, students. Ladies, if you would.. please follow me to the West Wing. I will show you to your rooms. Gentleman, stay with Mr. Corbyn and he will show you to yours."

Bronwyn Rae Knowles

Location Alpha Prep
Blake @WSilversun || Murrok @Draven || Imee@Kitty

Brynn had been all too aware of who had and hadn't answered her question in the van, keeping a mental note of the faces who were friendly and not. Her eyes found the rest of the contestants around her, doing some sizing up of her own. They weren't much to look at. Well, most of them. Brynn felt a slight victory, there. Not that she was hoping to get through this, but she seemed to have quite a fair chance of doing so. Brynn caught sight of one of the other girls from the van, pressing her lips into a firm line. She didn't look like she was from the U.S. She desperately wanted to put a label on what nationality the girl was, but didn't want to just assume. Not that she got it wrong 98% of the time that she guessed on her own, but it was just better to ask than potentially getting it wrong and feeling dumb later on.

"Name's Blake, by the way. Blake Russ."

The voice just behind her caused her to jump a little, turning to find the boy who had been kind enough to exchange words with her in the van. She gave a genuine, slightly shy smile to the guy as he introduced himself, reflexively shooting her hand out to offer a firm handshake as she did the same.

"Bronwyn Knowles. Call me 'Brynn', though. Less of a mouthful."

She smirked slightly, about to launch into a small conversation with Blake before she had to step slightly out of the way as the less friendly van-mate pushed passed them with a gruff "Excuse me." The hair on the back of the girl's neck stood on end, gritting her teeth slightly as she called out to the rude soul. "No, really. After you. Afterall, it is ladies first." She shook her head and gave Blake a look like 'Who invited that guy?', turning to pay attention to the boy who'd asked a question about skateboarding on-campus. Councilman Corbyn's response forcing a soft 'Yikes,' from the girl as she adjusted the strap to her ferret's carry crate, corner eyeing Blake. "There's no place like home, Dorothy," she laughed, feeling somewhat at home already. The harsh response was nothing new for her, having been the result of two Omega wolves, harsh actions were nothing but old friends to Brynn.

Brynn did what she could to keep up with the herd, not having to struggle too much but it was a faster stepping pace than she was used to. She kept a sharp eye on the two men at the doors, narrowing her eyes a bit at the pair of them as she crossed through the threshold and into the large, high-ceilinged room. Her mouth fell agape, finding it suddenly hard to remember her manners. This was the largest room she'd ever seen, besides that of the airport of course. Her eyes focused on the councilman as he spoke again, then caught a glimpse of something moving upstairs towards the grand entrance, watching the woman intently. It was her time to depart. She gave Blake a small smile and a wave as she gravitated towards the woman. "Catch ya' later, B." With that, the girl turned back and followed the woman down the corridor towards the west end of the building.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location: Alpha Prep > East Wing Corridor Interactions/Mentions: @Tonks@Karuma@Kitty@WSilversun

"No, really. After you. Afterall, it is ladies first." Marrok rolled his eyes as he strode past.

"Entitlement," he muttered to himself with a tone of disgust. "Privilege is earned." He came to a brief stop as Corbyn addressed the gathered. Marrok glanced over to the skateboard aficionado and gave a confused smirk after he and the councilman's exchange. It seemed like everyone thus far, with the exception of the Corbyn himself, was very laid back. That was good for a few reasons. It gave those that were focused an edge and it meant that it would likely be easy to get along with the others. No one seemed real confrontational.

That was a big change. Marrok's pack was militant and disciplined. Each member was family for whom you'd kill or die. The pack was as strong as their weakest link, so they all made sure their weakest was still a force to be reckoned with. Even Stan, the happy-go-lucky drunk, was a beast of a wolf when he was called to arms. This whole environment would take some getting used to.

As they continued inside, Marrok regarded the woman descending the staircase with mild curiosity. She was attractive and petite, but he couldn't help but wonder what her other self looked like. They say dynamite comes in small packages. Maybe that small frame was hiding a monster. As she helped Corbyn segregate the sexes, he followed the councilman toward the east corridor. There was mention of roommates, which could present an interesting dynamic. As they walked, he looked to the faces of those with him, continuing to size them up, to observe how they moved, how their faces reacted. He felt like he could tolerate rooming with any of them and, actually preferred it. Friends close, competition closer. As the thought crossed his mind, his eyes fell on the larger guy from the van. He'd definitely be one to keep eyes on.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Karuma
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Karuma Hitamara

Character Profile
Location: Alpha Prep -> East Wing Corridor
Interactions/Mentions: @Tonks@Marrok@WSilversun@Kitty

Well shit.. Karuma's thoughts raced, his previously enthusiastic expression melting into one of unamusement as his raised skateboard slowly dropped to his side. Now you're the 'Skateboard Kid'. Its junior high all over again. Tsk, looks like it'll be tough.. Dae. Karuma let out a breathless sigh as he examined the faces pointed in his direction, his shoulders slumping as he began to slip into the background of the crowd. The other students didn't miss a beat, a few snickers after he and Corbyn's chat, then back to business. Keeping up with the fast paced elder wasn't a challenge, but it was a bit overwhelming, looking at all that was different from home.

Karuma couldn't help but gawk at the gold and brown patterns decorating the floor and walls of the grand entrance to the school. Is this A Cinderella Story?.. Karuma joked to himself. He was half-listening to Corbyn's continued speech, somewhat out of angst fueled rebellion, but he caught the important bits. Tour early tomorrow, dorms, food, dorm-mates. Pretty standard stuff, all things considered. The only thing sweeping Karuma off his feet was the grand design of the entrance hall. Karuma's pack believed in humble beginning's and were more like an Indian tribe than a wolf pack, they certainly weren't high class dignitaries like Councilor Corbyn.

Karuma's gaze climbed up the beautifully crafted walls of the building, and examined the embroidering on the rug draped down the steps of the stairs, until he suddenly met eyes with a stunning woman of Asian lineage. Whoa, she's a beauty.. Maybe Korean? He thought as his eyes narrowed and drifted down her perfect frame. Definitely a beauty though.. He decided, his eyes glancing back to Corbyn, worried of being caught gawking by the old codger; She could be his wife. Despite that, the woman once again caught Karuma's attention as she called for the ladies in the crowd to form up behind her. She didn't look all that interested in welcoming the new blood. Finally the groups separated, heading in separate directions down hallways leading out of the main entrance. Karuma followed suit, sticking to the back of the male group, but noticing one of the chiseled Caucasian guys from the first van giving him a second glance over. Karuma noticed him also looking at the beauty from earlier. What's this guys problem?.. Never seen an Asian before? he narrowed his eyes and tried not to notice the intimidating jock, hoping upon hope that they aren't roomed together.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LC
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LC Thirteen foxes in an overcoat

Member Seen 42 min ago

Blake Russ

Interactions: Brynn @Tonks, Marrok @Marrok, Karuma @Karuma

Blake was almost too busy admiring the entrance hall to hear Corbyn's last little speech, or Brynn's responses to him. He replied a little belatedly, as the groups were starting to separate out- raising a hand in farewell and flashing her a grin, even as he carefully avoided smacking anybody in the face with his bags... A task that proved surprisingly difficult, given the size of the bags and how close everybody seemed to be crowding together, despite the size of the hall...

"Er, right! Brynn, then. Later."

With that brief farewell, he let himself get drawn off with the rest of the men, gaze running briefly over each of his new counterparts, wondering who he'd be roomed with. He got the feeling that he'd wind up at odds with the other tank in the crowd, eyes lingering a slight bit longer on Marrok, sizing him up properly even as the other did the same to him. After a moment, he offered a half grin- a friendly expression, on the surface, though it was clear that he was wary. Far from afraid... But certainly wary. From there, his eyes fell to Karuma, the boy who had asked before about skateboarding. He, at least, seemed like he'd be easy to get along with. So, Blake shuffled through the crowd to his size, lightly nudging the smaller male with an elbow, just to get his attention. He kept his voice low, but even then, it was just the sort that carried.

"Hey. Am I the only one a little shell shocked by the size of this place, or what? Could probably fit every pack in the U.P in here and still have room to keep them separate... Name's Blake, by the way, but most just call me Red."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Squeezing into a corner to keep out of the way of everyone else seemed like a good idea at the time, that was until a new person began speaking to the group once they had all gotten into the main building. Imee couldn't see them, she could only hear them or who she assumed at the time was a woman. The woman soon called for all of the girls to follow her and Imee stayed put in her spot for a moment. Allowing all the others to begin moving before she followed suit. Once Imee felt that it was safe for her to begin walking she did so, following behind all the other girls.

Staring at her feet Imee accidentally ran into the back of a brunette girl from walking too fast. Looking up as her eyes widened, Imee realized it was the girl from the van she was in who had introduced herself. She had completely forgotten her name though and felt bad for that.

"S-sorry" Imee stuttered out a quick apology before quickly moving to the back of the group again, not waiting to hear if the girl said anything back. Imee was too scared of a possible negative outcome to stick around. After that incident, Imee made sure to actually pay attention to where she was walking. Not wanting to run into anyone else as they made their way to the west wing.
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