Bronwyn Rae Knowles

Location: Airport > Alpha Prep
"Brynn! Brynn, wake up.. We're here."
Bronwyn gasped, sitting upright before blinking hard at the bright sunlight glaring down at her through the car window. It was as if only moments had passed since she was up, but truth was they'd been on the road already for a couple of hours now. Brynn was thankful her good friend had offered to drive her rather than being tortured with saying goodbye to her family at the airport. A quick 'goodbye' and hugs all around, and she'd gotten the heck out of there before the waterworks started flowing. Last memory Brynn had was hitting the highway listening to Metallica. Girl wasn't a hardcore fan, but she didn't mind it at all. Enter Sandman had been playing, if she recalled right. And enter he did, cause she had fallen right to sleep. The traffic leading up to the front doors of the airport was a bit overwhelming, to say the least. Brynn almost offered to get out and walk, but the time it'd take to get to the front meant more time spent with Danny. She sat up in her set and looked next to her at her friend, who coincidentally was already looking at her with a big ol' smirk. "What?"
Her friend just shook his head though, looking forward again with a long silence hanging between them before he spoke up slowly, his expression neutral. "Just wish we had more time, is all." Trust be told, Brynn wished the same thing, but there was no way around it. Her flight would be leaving within the next couple of hours. As they neared the unloading area near the front doors, Brynn reached into the back seat to make sure her things were accounted for before sitting faced forward again to look at the crowd of people coming in and out of the airport. Great. Crowds. The car came to a stop, and Danny was out before Brynn could even get her seat-belt off, getting out to grab her things but he was already there to assist her. She only had two bags and a carry cage with her pet ferret in it. Danny held all three bags in one hand, pushing the car doors shut as he stared down on Brynn, who's eyebrows suddenly raised.
"Um, hello... Danny Boy, I need my bags." She pointed to them, but when she got nothing but an empty stare back, she tried snatching them out of his hand. Danny wrapped his free hand around her and pulled her into a tight one-armed hug. Brynn, though, wasn't much of a hugger. Squirming in his iron grip, she huffed softly and gave up after her few feeble attempts to break free. "Look, I know I'm never gonna get to see you again, but there's seriously no need to get all mushy." It was all she could say, had she said anything more her voice might've started to break. The boy slowly let the brunette go, looking down on her with a half smile that was clearly forced. "All you gotta do is fail, you're good at that, right?" The boy laughed when Brynn smacked his chest, adding softly, "I'm not gonna say goodbye." Brynn smirked a little, shouldering her bags. "Well, good. Cause I didn't plan on saying it, either." She turned to walk away but his hand had shot out and caught her wrist, turning her back to him. Before Brynn even had a chance to realize what was going on, his lips were pressed to hers, eyes shut. Brynn's however, never left his face, even as he pulled away and turned to climb back into his car. His face twisted in... too many emotions to pinpoint one in particular.
She watched as the boy pulled off and fell in line with the rest of the cars trying to exit the area, standing there somewhat confused but mostly filled with regret. Their relationship had always been sort of strained. Their on-again-off-again fooling around. It was hard to be anything but close with the history they had, but as she stood there and watched him disappear into the sea of traffic, it hit her the hardest. None of it would matter. She'd never see him again. Tears stung at the corners of Brynn's eyes. It was then that she felt a hand clasp over her shoulder, forcing her to turn around a bit alarmed as she slapped the hand away, a low growl sounding off in her throat. The man before her narrowed his eyebrows as he glared at the hand she smacked him with, then turning his hardened gaze onto her. "Bronwyn Knowles, I presume?" Brynn's eyes widened, nodding. She couldn't speak. The poor girl's anxiety suddenly shot through the roof. "Follow me." Re-positioning her bag strap on her shoulder and fishing out her wallet and passport, she kept pace with the man as they maneuvered their way through the place to get to the private flight gate that would take her across the open oceans towards her new home.
There was no sleeping for this girl, even with the jet lag hitting her hard, her eyes were too busy taking everything in around them as they drove up the wooded roads. It was beautiful here. Not like the streets of New Orleans, but in a much more natural way. All the green, it never seemed to end. Wasn't much of a change for the girl, though. Back home she spent most of her time in her furry form down in the bayou where she found it was the most quiet, where she could just be herself. Her images of home were quickly driven from memory as the treeline faded into the distance, opening up the area to a large field of bright green grass, a massive mansion sitting in the background. An low, drawn out howl sounding off in the distance, calling to the beast within the girl. The full moon was drawing closer, and it was getting more difficult to reign her other half in. In Brynn's lap, she could feel her pet getting anxious, walking circles around his confines impatiently.
"Alright, now that we're all here I want you to listen up and listen well. I won't repeat myself. I am sure most of you are wondering what you are doing here. I am Councilman Corbyn. The council has been watching each and every one of you closely and we are pleased with what we see. You have many of the qualities we are looking for in Alphas, however, the path to leading a Pack is a long and rigorous one. For the next four years, you will be attending Alpha Prep, a school designed to prepare young Wolves such as yourselves to become great Alphas in the years to follow. Over half of you won't make it through your first year; half of those that do, won't make it to graduation. Some of you may even die. Those of you who do make it to graduation will be rewarded the title of Alpha, and rewarded with your own pack territory where you will start your new lives." He gives everyone a once over, smirking slightly. "Now then, welcome to Alpha Prep."
Brynn sat up a little straighter, looking around at the other four kids in the van with her. Two boys and two girls. Of course, she had to throw off the even count. Unless you counted Councilman Corbyn, but what teenager includes adults into anything?.. exactly. That slightly bugged her. Her OCD getting the better of her, she shook the pestering thoughts away and watched out the front windshield as the gates swung open to allow them passage. Brynn turned to the other teens riding with her, swallowing nervously before speaking up, "Where are you guys from? I come from New Orleans. The Bayou Wolf Pack out there was my home." Brynn tried everything not to think of them, focusing on the faces in front of her. These... strangers, who had somehow stayed quiet the entire ride.
Brynn's attention was momentarily pulled out to the field she had seen before, a small group of wolves lining up a ways away from the pavement as the vans came to a stop at the foot of the steps leading to the large double doors of the school. The wolves along the grass looked on curiously, their tails swaying to and fro with a few heads hung low, others cocked to the side. It was still odd for Brynn, even though these details had been apart of her existence since birth, but what Brynn was looking at were over-sized canines. Sometimes she had to remind herself that they too were human, as well. A quick, "Everyone out!" brought Brynn back to the land of the living, quickly grabbing her things as the van door was yanked wide open, forcing her up out of her seat and out of the vehicle. The sun was beginning to set, the sky painted orange and pink.
"Alright. No time for lollygagging. You get your things, you stay close and follow me. Dorms are separated by sex. Boys, you will be sleeping in the East Wing, while ladies, you will be sleeping at the West. Curfew is at 10pm, lights out is at Midnight. Seems pretty fair, all in all, I reckon. Are there any questions you lot might have before we head inside?" Councilman Corbyn looks out at the small crowd of teenagers, an eyebrow raised. Brynn had plenty of questions, however she didn't feel too obligated to be the only one asking anything. The girl took a look around at the others, wondering if anyone else would pipe up with anything. If no one would, she would just keep the questions to herself and find someone inside to ask without the big audience. Brynn sat back at the furthest point of the group, biting on her tongue piercing anxiously as she rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet.