Name/Callsign:Jin Long, "The Bot"
Appearance:Jin was, prior to the suit, a soldier like any other- Average enough in appearance, but athletic, carrying himself with the discipline and poise suited to his role. Now, all anybody gets to see is a visor, and the faint shadow of the face inside. The armor is industrial, functional, and not at all pretty- but it's all he has, now.
Race:Human, Enhanced
Role:Security Officer
Biography:Jun was a soldier. So far as he's concerned, he still is, despite everything. He had a good career, a comfortable position as a warrant officer, good scores, a solid track record. Not the best of the best, or any kind of indespensible, but worth his pay. He could almost wish he hadn't been. They needed volunteers, smart soldiers who knew their way around tricky equipment, and he was happy to sign on.
It was supposed to be temporary; Help them test a new piece of equipment in the labs before it was sent out for field testing with the SF boys. Powered Armor. The fantasy of ages, featured in every book, movie, and conversation about the far future since the twentieth century. They said it would be revolutionary, that it was perfectly safe and ready for testing. He climbed in with all the eagerness that could be expected, listened as they gave instruction, explained how it worked. It would tap into his nervous system, take direction straight from his brain, as efficient as his own muscles. It would just altake some practice, and with his help, it would change the face of the special forces.
At first, it all went just how they described. Pain, as needles pierced his spine, then relief, as painkillers followed on their heels. Enough that he never felt the burning. For hours, they ran tests, had him perform basic tasks, just getting the armor to move. When they were satisfied, and tried to remove the armor, the fault was discovered. Data overload had heated the connections between him and the suit, and what fail-safes had been in place hadn't worked as intended. The needles were fused to his spine. Removal would kill him.
For months, they kept him in the labs, seeking a solution, trying to save their project, more than him. A liquid diet, fed through injectors in the suit, kept him alive. Waste scrubbers kept him from sepsis. It has been meant for long missions, after all, weeks of wear. Weeks, but not forever. Eventually, they decided there would be no way to get him out of it alive. He could persist for a few years, maybe a decade, before he simply wasted away inside the suit. The problem was that the suit was still government property, still classified, kept behind layers and layers of red tape and secrecy. What time he had would be spent locked away in labs, studied and prodded, with only the slimmest hope of a discovery to save him.
He didn't plan to wait around and find out that way, or to see how long it took them to decide the better option was just to kill him and move on with the project. In desperation, he staged an escape, thinking a short life on the run would be better than one in a lab. He didn't get far, before somebody found him. ExoGensis. He was too valuable to lose, they said- or at least the suit was. So they offered him a happy medium- work for them, and he's at least get to go out in the stars.
Traits:Trait 1- Suited Up
Despite its core failure to be removed, the suit itself is functional, and well designed. While not particularly agile, it provides unrivaled physical power and durability, let alone the inclusion of some hefty weaponry.
Trait 2- Full Suite
The armor is equipped with short wave communications, diagnostics, and local sensory hardware, keeping Jin aware of his surroundings, condition, and companions at all times.
Trait 3- Mobility
The armor certainly can't be called agile- but it's damn well all terrain. Pressurized and sealed, it can function under water, in vacuum, and at any altitude in between, and is equipped with a powerful, but limited, jump jet. He can't fly, but he can leap.
Trait 4- Joy for Spite
Jin knows where this road leads- He's the walking dead, and it either comes fast or slow. He's determined that what time he still has, he'll spend in a good mood. Unerringly cheerful and upbeat, he's making it his personal mission to keep cracking jokes and downplaying his circumstances until the end. After all, he might be dying, but at least he'll never be the shortest guy in the room again, right?
Trait 5- Remote Feed
While he shut the a hardware down during his escape to avoid being locked down, the armor is equipped with a remote feed- both for sending data back to a home server, and for controlling the armor remotely in the case of pilot death. A connection to the ship may prove useful in the future.
Equipment:The Suit- Powered Armor. Permanent, killing him slowly, and with all sorts of toys.