How strange it was that you had found yourself in this situation. Driven from your home and country, exiled and forced into the service of the Sacred Flame. Perhaps, at one point, fate and luck had been on your side, that you had been born a noble and given full rights in your homeland. Or you had simply been one of the lowest of the low, forever looking to pinch a loaf of bread from nearest stall. It mattered not where you came from, what you had done in your life before, or even how you had come to travel to the Northern Lands, to enter Weirn. You had been saved by the Order of the Sacred Flame, at a cost of course.
You would likely have been beheaded or thrown in an arena had it not been for the Order. They argued on your behalf, going so far as to put their own neck on line to save yours. To offer you a chance at redemption, glory, or even gold. Your Freedom came at a cost, an exile from your homeland until you had performed well within the Order. Here, in the frozen lands of Weirn, you shall find you redemption. Here you shall prove yourself.
Do you want a world with its own, deep and ongoing development of lore? A world with a wealth of places and people? A world with magic which can develop into a great asset for a caster or even a normal warrior? Or do you want to delve into the intrigue which thrives in the alliances between Kings and Queen, Nobles and Merchants? Well then come on in friend and Prepare yourself for Cinders.
Welcome one and all to the fantasy world of Cinders. Cinders is an idea that I have been working on for a long time and have developed a decent bit of lore about thus far and have finally decided to bring before the public. In this world the players take control of people who have been ‘saved’ by the Order of the Sacred Flame, offered another chance at life in light of their past. What you have been saved from is up to the player to decide however the life you have been thrust into will not be nearly as glorious as legends would say. The Order requires you to follow their will and guidance to obtain your redemption and be freed from the weight of the past.
In the Northern Lands, commonly known as Weirn, characters will find their redemption and the cost which comes with it. After their months of basic training under the Order they have been sent to Weirn as their assignment, to serve the Order and the Kings of Weirn. Their work will not always be glorious nor will they always see battle. Combat, in fact, can be very deadly in the world of Cinders and characters can die if something goes awry. Nor will combat be the sole focus of the Rp, however, as the cities of Weirn will offer the characters a chance to experience the world and the intrigue which thrives in the North. Whether they wish to be involved in it is up to them and player choice is, ultimately, what shall guide the RP along its path.
Anyway, I'm looking for about 6 people before I officially compile everything I have into an OOC. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.