🌈 Leda Storm 🌈
Location: Houston, Texas
Skills: Greek Mythology, Superspeed
The ground shook and Leda turned just in time to be sent flying. She hit the ground hard, no doubt skinning the back of her leg or something. Dazed, Leda tried to remember anything she knew about the Colchis Bull, but she was coming up blank. All she knew was that they were sacred to Hephaestus and she doubted shouting Aphrodite is a whore would work. "I'm gonna try to run us the rest of the way to the club, maybe the bull and Marysas can kill each other - Godzilla v Mothra or something." She grabbed Kristin and Zeke and took off at a run, managing to get halfway to the comedy club before she had to come to a halt, panting hard and trying to catch her breath. It was difficult to run and carry someone, much less two people - and the bull was hot on their heels.