Hidden 6 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
Hello, My name is Cosmos, I am the senior Intergalactic agent at Paradox HQ. I'm also the resident Go For here at the Arena, I will provide for you anything you need or want while you stay here. Right now I am on duty, meaning I am free to answer any questions you may have about the Arena or the Arena Royale. Ask away then!

Type your question in the OOC, and I will answer accordingly. the I.C is strictly for people like myself, so don't flood it with posts that have nothing to do with other residents of the Arena.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
Avatar of Liseran Thistle

Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Name: Cosmos

Age: 24

Speech Color: Steel Blue

Picture/Description: Cosmos is an alien girl with two different forms in order to better blend in with human society. When she’s in her natural form, she has light, blue skin and dark cerulean eyes. Her hair is always the same, plain white yet she likes to keep it short when in this form. She wears the standard Paradox uniform, accept it has been altered slightly to fit her tastes. The blazer is dark blue, the hem and ruffles of the sleeves are white. Her moth pin is the only green on her person. She wears it on her left breast pocket. Cosmos wears a skirt with a slit, and silk that drapes over the cut. The skirt is also a navy blue, like the blazer.

When she is a human, her skin is a slightly tanned cream color, and her eyes are just the standard baby blue. When she is human however, just to add some more blue to the mix, she has made her has dyed her hair lightly.

Species: Alien: Specifically a race of invading aliens called Cosunians who have the innate ability to shapeshift.

Background: Cosmos is an Alien on the run from her own alien government. The Cosunians are a very invasive race of conquerors who pride themselves on being in control of over fifty other planets and even a few star systems. Cosmos, or Collins as she was known back on her assigned ship, was the top of her class when she was still a cadet and training to be a soldier for the Cosunian race. She wore her badge proudly, answered any and all questions to the name of “Collins” despite how off it made her feel, and served the state as best she could. She flew through her training in no time, and soon landed herself as right hand Assistant to General Heris Lyers.

Cosmos thought serving Heris was what she had always wanted, but things soon took a turn for the worst. Heris and Cosmos grew very close in their time together, yet he still called her “Collins” and not “Cosmos”, a name she had recently chosen for herself. That nagging feeling of “Something is wrong with me” continued to bug Cosmos for years, and as time went on she began to change her appearance. While she was changing, Heris was getting ready to invade another colony, this one on the cusp of dying. It was a small planet of shapeshifter, just like the Cosunians, who were steadily being genocided by them. Heris brought in countless prisoners, and tortured them to no end. Cosmos spent time with these same prisoners, and steadily began to grow empathy for them.

She felt bad that they were being slaughtered by her people, and suddenly it was as if that nagging feeling finally made sense. She contemplated all day and all night while in her bunker, and one night she finally came to a conclusion. She did not agree with the actions of her government and she knew she couldn’t confide in Heris. So she snuck down where the prisoners were being held, only to find that only one was left. She unlocked the cage they were in, and the prisoner didn’t even hesitate to run out and leave. Cosmos didn’t even see their face, or hear a thank you. What she did see however, was the glaring eyes of her commander, Heris.

Cosmos, just as that alien a moment ago, tried to leave. But Heris shot her in the arm, stopping her. She was dragged before the high court, judged guilty on counts of treason, and sentenced to be executed.

However, the day before she was sentenced to be executed, a slight green moth landed outside her jail cell. Cosmos had never seen a moth before, so the creature was entirely new in her eyes. It was there in her tiny jail cell that she met two extraordinary beings. The first was Charlotte, the moth flying around her cell. The second was Leila Mayner.

Leila explained that she was the head of an organization called Paradox that was dedicated to helping people solve impossible problems, and right now her predicament seemed impossible enough to warrant a visit. Leila helped her get out of the cell, and then asked Cosmos if she wanted to work for Paradox. Knowing she could never actually go back to her people, she decided that she would join Paradox. She works as the first Intergalactic agent of Paradox.

Strengths: Cosmos can shapeshift, and morph different parts of her body into weapons. She can morph her arm into a sharp blade, or a high functioning Cosunian shooter.

Weaknesses: Cosmos is still very mortal, and is also not gifted with enhanced strength. Her body is very weak, and not really durable.

Can you post pics on the forum?: Yes

Sample Post: ( You must write a short paragraph using your character, this is only for first timers who have never made a character for the game yet.)

Notes: As a part of the staff, she won’t have a sample post, but you can still talk to her about things in the OOC by simply asking her a question.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
Avatar of Liseran Thistle

Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character you have created: Eris Goodoire

Alias: E.G

Speech Color: Medium Spring Green

Character Alignment: Walking the Line

Identity: Their identity is known to the public.

Character Personality: E.G is a very eccentric person, and often times they confuse the people around them so much that its hard to keep up with their odd personality. E.G is loud, obnoxious, and does things spur of the moment because they feel it is the best way to do anything. While they are a very social person, they only have a few close friends who they trust with all their heart. Most of the time, E.G is happy, and when they're in a good mood they try to make others feel happy as well. Usually with music, or their own singing, as long as it puts a smile on someone's face by the end of it, its a win for them. Music is very important to them, so important that they've literally begun to see the world in a different way. E.G will see the environment around them differently based on how the music makes them feel, and while that may be hard to describe, E.G has said that its a lot like walking through a real life, music video. E.G is not the first person to jump in when a situation is hot, or when their are baddies nearby. They have special rules for when they intervene, and for when they don't, but they always intervene in the case of abuse or bullying. Those two topics strike a cord with them, and as such they help anyone else who may also be struggling with it.

Characters Costume/Design:

(I couldn't find a suitable pic online so I drew my own, the art is definitely my own I didn't steal.)

Origin Info/Details: Eris Goodoire was born to wealthy parents in the middle of suburban Atlanta. Ever since they were a child, their parents have planned their life out for them for basically the next forty years. They were going to marry some man who they had never met before, and they were going to have two kids, and before all of that they were going to go to school as a doctor. There were no ifs, ands, or buts about it. They had no choice in anything, and as long as they lived under the roof of those two domineering people, they never would. One day, near their 17th birthday, they decided to finally do something about their uncontrollable life. They had a plan to escape, and a place to get to once they left. The only person in the world who they trusted with enacting this plan was the butler Charlton, an old man who wanted to help them escape just as much as they wanted to leave.

On the night of the plan, Eris snuck out of the dining room where the guests were talking and discussing their future plans. While the adults haggled over who's son they would marry, they tied the curtains in the bathroom into a makeshift rope. While they discussed which college they would send them off to, they dropped the rope down the side of the house, and climbed out. And while they discussed whether they would truly make a wonderful doctor or lawyer, they were speeding away in a car with the butler on their way to greater things.

They lived in apartments rented out by somewhat close friends, and they moved frequently when the hunt for them made the front page of the newspaper's. They needed help desperately, but the only thing they could do was hide in the lower slums of Atlanta until they finally found them. And find them they did. Once they were found and returned to their parents, their parents had a lot to say for their behaviour. They said that they were crazy, and disruptive. There was only one cure for such a person's behaviour, and that was a pill. Their parents held in their possession a powerful drug said to induce a calm like state over anyone who takes it. To make sure the drug was working properly, the bottle said, you must listen to some kind of therapeutic music under its influence.

Eris' parents locked them away in their room, with nothing but food, water, the pills, and a cassette player that held a variety of different music. For days, Eris had horrible nightmares filled with the songs that their parents played on repeat. It was a single cassette called "The Many wonders of Kenny G" and it nearly drove them to insanity. On the tenth day of being locked away in their room, Eris found they had finally had enough of being trapped, and more importantly they had had enough of Kenny G and his saxophone. They wanted new music, anything else besides that man's jazzy tune. And then, seemingly at will, they played a new song from the cassette tape. They had only one tape, and it was Kenny G's, but suddenly they weren't hearing that. They were hearing the Beatles.

They closed their eyes in relief then, finally happy that they had found some kind of relief from the torture. As they laid on the floor of their room, images of beautiful panorama filled their minds eye. The world they created in their head with the beautiful shapes and sounds seemed so much nicer than the world they lived in now. They wished it were real somehow, or at least that they could make it real. They tapped on the floor to the beat of "Here comes the Sun", and unbeknownst to them little multicolored, pixel like podiums the size of a a finger rose from the ground where they tapped. They opened their eyes to find they had created a tiny version of the things in their head.

They got up, and completely lost to reason, began to dance to the song. They closed their eyes and just let the music and the images do the talking. Their room was over taken by colors and meta physical sunflowers that had popped up during the chorus. When the guitar riff played, they had made giant stairwells with each beat, and destroyed the ceiling in the process. They could distantly hear their mother's screams of terror, but it was drowned out by this point because all they could here was "Here comes the Sun, here comes the sun and I'll say...It's alright!"

They destroyed the house listening to a song they loved. And when the song finally ended, they had created what they saw in their head, and their house was now converted into a strange, colorful music video for a song over fifty years old. They smiled for the first time in days when they saw what they had made, and walked down the street a new person. With their newfound power, they decided they would help people smile a little more than they usually did with music. They moved away from their parents, got new clothing, and finally lived how they wanted to live. They work part time at an old music shop, and rent an apartment far, far away in southern New Jersey.

Hero Type (Select one): Other, they have the ability to project their feelings on a particular song to the world, and manifest it physically in the form of a colorful panorama of shapes and color.

Power Level (Select one below): Street Level

Powers (Be Specific): They have the ability to project their feelings of a particular song to the world, and manifest those feelings physically in the shape and color of a musical panorama. They can change any song on a radio or cassette player or any music playing device to whatever song they want at will, and they can make this song as loud as they can handle it. If they want other people to hear it, they can raise the volume of the song so others can hear it, but it can't be too loud or else it'll make them go deaf in the process.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Height: 5"8
Weight: 120 pounds
Strength Level: Normal Human
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 3 hours
Agility: Normal Human
Intelligence: Average
Fighting Skill: Untrained
Resources: Extreme

Weaknesses: They can only handle the volume of a song like any other human can. Raising the volume too high could damage their ears and hurt them. They cannot infinitely stretch their panorama to the sky, or influence things they cannot see. The panorama can only be manifested in a song that E.G likes, so I'm afraid they can't make a music video for something like Beethovens fifth. They don't have super strength and they are not incredibly durable, a punch to the gut will hurt them the same as any other human. If they're tired it becomes a little harder to make a panorama.

Supporting Characters: Charlton the Butler, Mindy Diasco a Prodigy Doctor much like Dougie Howser, Phoenix their close friend who doesn't really talk much, Leila a girl who has her own strange abilities involving a green moth and who will regularly help them when they need it, and Max the owner of the store they work at.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: yes.

Sample Post: " 'You ain't nothing but a hound dog...!' Come on Charlton sing with me!" Charlton, the Butler shook his head.

"On the contrary, Master Goodoire, I don't think dancing before dinner to Elvis is appropriate behaviour in this..." he nodded his head to the window, where outside you could see the dirty walls of the alleyway below. "Neighborhood." E.G shook their head.

"You've gotta learn to live a little, Charlton. I mean, what's the harm in a few songs before bed time? I haven't heard anyone complain yet." And just as they said that, a rock was thrown through the window, with a nice note tied around it. The message read "Please shut the fuck up with that Elvis shit, people are trying to sleep." E.G instinctively toned the volume of the record player down. "Okay, so maybe we're a little loud." They said. "But who doesn't like Elvis?" Another rock was thrown through the the same window, completely destroying the rest of frame. This time the note read "You can miss me with that Rockabilly shit." E.G crumpled the note in a defeated gesture. "I guess he wasn't as great here as I thought, huh?" They said.

As Charlton set the table with the scanty amount of silverware they owned, and served up spaghetti, he tried to console them a little. "If it's any consolation, I believe in New Jersey it is custom to play something akin to 60s music rather than 50s, miss. They do like Elton John here." E.G scoffed.

"Everyone likes Elton John, Charlton. That's practically cheating if you say your favorite artist is Elton John." They snapped their fingers, and the record began to play a track from the Beatles first album. E.G took a seat at the table, and Charlton joined them as they listened to music while eating dinner. "Seriously though, what do these people even like?" They asked. "How can I help them with music if I don't even know what kind they like?"

"You're neighbor is not the whole of New Jersey, sir. They're ideas on what good music is doesn't speak for everyone else." He smiled, as he poured them both water in glasses. "Sometimes tastes will vary, depending upon who's listening to what at the time."

They groaned, and rocked their head back on the chair. "I guess you're right. But still, Elvis is sweet! Who doesn't like a bit of rock and roll?"

"Our neighbor, apparently. Which reminds me, one of them dropped by yesterday. He came to congratulate you on your successful moving in." Charlton said. "He brought a package as a gift, you may want to open it after-" E.G shot off from the table and straight into their room, where the present would no doubt be. Charlton sighed, and began to clear away their plate for them. Knowing E.G, they would be in their room all night, obsessing over their new toy.

The gift lay on their bed wrapped neatly in brightly colored packaging. Without waiting to read the note attached to it, E.G ripped open the package and pulled out what was inside. It was an old-fashioned walkman with headphones, and a stack of old tapes to go along with them. Excited, they plugged the headphones in, and popped a tape in the Walkman. And slowly, once they pressed play, the horrifying sounds of Kenny G's sax filled their ears, and they were transported back to that horrible room with the pills. They ripped the head phones off of their head, and flung it at at the wall. Charlton came into the room, a look of concern etched on his old face.

"Is everything all right in here?" He asked. E.G turned to him with a terrified look on their face.

"Charlton, who brought these tapes in?" They asked. Charlton peered closer at the package on the bed, and noticed the rest of the tapes still in the box.

"Why a neighbor, of course. Not the man who threw a rock through our window, but another tenant in the building. I believe he said he lives up above us." He explained. "Why? Is something wrong with the gift?" E.G stood up, and picked the shattered remains of the Walkman up from the floor. Whoever brought those tapes in was dangerously toeing the line with them.

Final Notes: Eris is Nonbinary, and prefers They/Them pronouns. When Charlton speaks to them, he will often alternate between the feminine and masculine verison of Master. I.e why he calls them both Sir and Miss in the same conversation. I'm putting this here in case anyone is confused by the wording in the sheet.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
Avatar of Liseran Thistle

Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character Sheet

Create a Hero RPG Application
Interested? Fill Out This Application:

Character you have created: Mindy Diasco

Alias: Serum

Speech Color : Slate Blue

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret Identity

Character Personality: Mindy is a bubbly, excitable person when you really get to know her, but to others on the more scholarly side of things she tries to keep her happiness and excitement down a little. She is a genius, and will talk about the things that interest her from sun up till sun down if you let her. She’s very prolific when it comes to the defense of others, and will always stand up for someone who she see’s being pushed around. While she is not physically strong, she is crafty enough to escape using her brain rather than brawn. She is a tiny bit self conscious about her emotions though, and feels that if she shows herself being too happy, people may not take her as seriously in the medical field as they do now. As a hero, she is very quick to jump in when things get messy, and has a soft spot for the bullied.

Uniform/costume: Hey, this time I couldn't find the time to download my own drawing I did of Mindy awhile ago, but if you guys want I can post that.

Origin Info/Details: Mindy Unicia Diasco was born just a hare's breath away from New Years. She grew up in an otherwise normal home for most of her childhood, that is until she reached the age of 12, and discovered she had a very innate affinity for the sciences. Her parents were very supportive of their daughter going off and wanting to become a doctor, but they hadn’t anticipated just how fast Mindy was learning about everything. By the time she turned 16, she had already applied and finished college courses for Biology and medicine, and was now a licensed doctor despite being the youngest to ever take the course. Once news of the Doctor Prodigy spread, there were offices all around the world trying to get their hands on Mindy, but the Diasco family refused any and all offerings for work at one of their top exclusive hospitals.

That is, until a man by the name of Darius Winters showed up at their doorstep. Mr.Winters was the owner of a small Prodigy program he liked the call “Snowflake”. The program, however stupid sounding its name was, was a program specifically designed to let prodigies be prodigies but on their own terms and conditions. Snowflake provided prodigies of all kids with the Labs and offices they need to hone their crafts all by themselves. Mr.Winters said he wouldn’t be asking for anything from the Diasco family, and that the only thing Mindy had to do was sign a paper telling them when she wanted her hours at the lab, and how big said lab would be. Her parents discussed it, but ultimately the decision was left up to her. Mindy decided to join Snowflake, and for the next year or so she studied at the lab, and saved people. She began to rebel against Snowflake though, as while they are not a terrible company, they didn’t want her to work on certain things they didn’t think she was ready for. Mindy created Soundria, a drug created to calm and soothe people with the power of music and pills. It had terrible side effects that were not only internal, but external, and showed signs that it was not yet ready for the public.

However, the pills end up becoming inadvertently the cause of her friends pain. Eris Goodoire, a rich elite with an unrequited crush on Mindy, was tortured for 2 weeks using Soundria and music to the point where they developed a power that calls itself “Surround Sound”, a power that is able to project the thoughts and feelings a person has when it comes to a particular song they are listening to.

Mindy now resides in Atlanta, and has been working tirelessly to find a cure for Surround Sound. She hasn’t heard of her friend Eris in months, and hasn’t been able to get in touch because of how busy she was with the antidote. Now that it’s done, she really hopes her friend can forgive her for her recklessness.

As for her powers, they are incredibly specific, and she hasn’t yet discovered them. Though the recent antidote she crafted up definitely has something to do with the fact that she can reverse any drugs negative side effects with the power of her tears. This, of course, implies that when she was making the antidote for Surround Sound, she had been crying over all of her petri dishes and samples. So...enjoy that very happy image...I guess.

Hero Type Other: She has tears that reverse the effects of poison and other deadly toxins.

Power Level (Select one below):
A. Street Level (Ex. Punisher, Daredevil)

Powers (Be Specific): Mindy is able to reverse the effects of poison and other harmful drugs with her tears. This doesn’t mean crying over someone who has recently drank cyanide will help them. She has to specifically cry over the poison itself in order for it to be reversed, and then she can help that person.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Height: 5:2
Weight: 120 lbs
Strength Level: Normal Human
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human
Agility: Normal Human
Intelligence: Genius ”she’s a Genius sir, what did you expect?”
Fighting Skill: Untrained

Weaknesses: She can’t force herself to cry right, even though she has at least tried to imitate actresses on the silver screen doing it, she just doesn’t know their secret. That, and she thinks of herself as a bit of an ugly cryer, so crying in front of others makes her a bit more unwilling to cry.

Supporting Characters: Eris Goodoire, A local superhero who is also her best friend; Charlton Gaslowe, Eris’ butler and mutual friend of Mindy; Darius Winters; Her Snowflake advisor, and a very nice man that Mindy looks up to. Phoenix, A friend of both Eris and Mindy, who neither has met yet. Leila, mysterious girl who seems to have a connection with Eris, and has a soft spot for the color green and moths. Max Heighnsworth, a local D.J and record store owner who got suckered into moving with Eris and Charlton due to an old enemy of his.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: yes

Sample Post: As I have already done a sample post before, I don’t think I will write another one. But, you will def see posts in the perspective of Mindy soon, so don’t worry!
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
Avatar of Liseran Thistle

Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

fun fact, i thought pheonix up before i thought eris up, so i guess technically he's older despite being younger then them.


character you have created: Fexiote (Prounounced Fesh-e-oat-ay) or Fexi (Fe-shi the 'E' is soft like the 'E' in 'flesh' or 'fresh')

Alias: Pheonix

Speech Color: Maroon

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Known

Character Personality: Pheonix is a very quiet person, he doesn't talk much. Though that doesn't mean he's stoic and unmovable. He has emotions just like anyone else, he just expresses them differently than others. His anger is his weakness and his strength, as it is literally what fuels his power. He can get pretty angry at things, even things that are what others would think are small inconviences. Though he tries, his anger gets the best of him sometimes, and he often ends up hurting people because of it. Pheonix is slow to apologize, more out of awkwardness than pride. He likes helping people, and he wants to be a hero with his power, but he knows that his power can be very scary to some. He also knows he can hurt others with his power if he's not careful.


(Pheonix's hair is realllllllly long, and luminous looking no one knows how he keeps it so pretty looking, especially with all that ash.)

(Rolun is a fake language.)

Origin Info/Details: Fexiote was born in a small village located in the middle of the ocean. His parents were not very active in his life, and when he was about 4 they were both killed. The village he lived in had customs, traditions that demanded to be followed till the end of time. Their leader, a man called Yulioxolo (Pronounced Yu-lee-oh-show-lo) claimed to be immortal, he had magick powers that proved it. Fexi understood that his culture was one from long ago, almost long forgotten. They called themselves "Rolonu" (Pronounced Row-Low-New) which is Rolun for "Hidden". "No one but us speaks our language, no one but us eats our food, for we are the pure, the ones hidden from the world." Yulioxolo said that the night his parents died. It was one of the few things Fexi remembers him saying from when he was a child. On that night, his parents had been choosen for the sacrfice.

His sister, the only person he had then, explained to him before they attended the ceramony what the sacrfice was for. "Mala and Paxa (Paw-sha) have been chosen, little one. They are going to our God, the one in the sea. They will not return, but their souls will feed him and he will be happy. They were good people, and good people keep him happy. They taste the best." She tried her best to put a positive spin on it, but it didn't stop Fexi from crying then. "It's okay to cry, for you will miss them. But one day, you will see them again. If you are good like Mala and Paxa were, we can both see them again in the sea. Maybe one day, we will be chosen to go." She kissed his forehead, and Fexi watched his parents drown.

Years later, he became quite the eccentric little boy. He had outbursts, and would often play tricks on his neighbors. He soon garnered the name "Fexixote" (Fesh-shi-show-te) (which is a play on the word wildfire in Rolun) Many liked him well enough, he wasn't particularly mean just oddly emotional. His pranks almost never worked, and no matter what his sister always forgave him.
Everything was going great on the little island he lived on, until Fexiote heard a conversation he should never have heard. The talk was between Yulioxolo and a strange man with a red coat. Back then, Fexi could not understand what they were saying as they were both talking in a language he had never heard before. The Red Coat reached into his jacket, and took out a mysterious orange jewel that glowed. Yulioxolo and The Red Coat hid behind a corner, trying to be unseen and speaking in a different language to be misunderstood. Fexi didn't understand the scene at first, but then a voice whispered to him in Rolun, and it asked him a question. "Thexi yu eresil thulix?" Do you wish to know what the jewel is?

Fexi nodded, slowly. "Thulix yu dere funkil, Fexixolo." It is the key to me, Pheonix. Fexi still didn't understand. "Rexi rexu, hulike yu dere ghox. Thulix gre erexil, Fexixolo." Take the jewel, and the spirit will reveal itself to you. The Jewel is knowledge, Pheonix. Fexi understood then. He had to take the jewel from The Red Coat. Said man hid it away, and began to walk away. Yulioxolo rounded the corner, and bumped into Fexiote. He looked down at the boy, who began to ask questions about which way his ball went. Yulioxolo rolled his eyes, and shooed the boy away, the latter gladly obeyed thankful that his quick lie was brought easily.

That night, Yulixolo announced that The Red Coat would be staying with them for the next month. "He is a friend, and shall be treated as one." He said. A friend of Yulioxolo was a friend to all Rolonu. The Red Coat, who said his name was Thaddeus Goodoire, was very friendly. He didn't treat anyone terribly when he stayed with the village people, and everyone loved him. Everyone, except Fexi's sister (Semix means sister in Rolun. Pronounced Se-meesh, again the 'E' is soft.) Fexi's Semix did not trust The Red Coat, but Thaddeus had taken a liking to her. He fell in love with her in a week, and decided he must take her back with him to his country. Fexi's Semix declined, "I cannot go, I would reveal the secret of all Rolonu and that is forbidden. We are to stay hidden." She had said.

Thaddeus grew angry then. On the last night, he planned to kidnap her. Fexi he-ard him, yet again in that strange language, talking to the orange ewel. The voice whispered to Fexi again. "Semix fruline thused gre therix. Thulix gre frolike monu erexis, bruy thuy er froi, Felixolo. Wiyla hu airy dre gre yulix!" He plans to take your sister. The jewel is his key, take it Pheonix. Gain your wings, and fly! Fexi jumped from his hiding spot behind The Red Coat's door, and lunged for the jewel. The Red Coat stood up, startled. He was raving mad at Fexi, and easily flung him aside. Fexi laid on his side, hurting.

Fexi heard a scream, and then the breaking of wood. He got up, and stumbled to his Semix's room only to be met with a grisly sight. The Red Coat held a bloodied Semix in his hands, his fist was wrapped around her neck and he held her dramaticlly in the air. Her legs kicked at him, but he refused to let go. Fexi didn't have time to wonder how a man could possibly hold so much strenght in one hand. He beat against the side of The Red Coat, but it did nothing.

Fexi watched his parents drown at 4. He watched his sister suffocate to death at 14. The Red Coat dropped her lifeless body by his feet, Fexi could see the orange jewel clutched in his other hand. He held it so tight, Fexi noticed. He stared at The Red Coats hand, and the glow of the Jewel because it was easier than looking at his Semix on the floor. The Red Coat said something, but Fexi did not understand. He stared at the jewel, and the man picked him up effortlessly. He shook him violently, yet Fexi's eyes never left the jewel. By this point, The Red Coat felt so much anger and hatred for Fexi in him.

He dragged the boy outside, and threw him down on the front steps. The Red Coat said something, and raised the jewel in the air. He threw it down, and flames hotter than any Xeote (Rolun for match stick, and it is in fact what Fexi is named after) bundle burst from the rock. Everything scorched around Fexi, accept himself. The flames licked him, and seemed to grab him every chance they got, but no matter what they could not take him like they did everything else.

People came from other houses, screaming about how The Red Coat's house was on fire. Fexi could hear them calling his house "The Red Coat's" house. He felt sick, and far too hot, and yet he did not burn. When the flames died, it was dawn. Nothing was left. Nothing but Fexi, and his Semix's winter shawl. It had blown out a window before the flames could take it. Fexi had stayed on the steps, or what was the steps of his house. Some tried to console him, patting his back and apologizing. He was alone now, no one to call family. "Yu yulike fru dre hyui" You will always have me. Said the voice. And Fexi couldn't argue with that. He welcomed the voice, whoever they were. "Golux dere thuh thre sader drelix, thru freg hui yu eres xi." I am that God in the Sea, the one who burns for eternity. Yulioxolo came upon the scene, and looked horrified. His friend was gone, dead. Taken by fire. Yulioxolo blamed Fexi, as he was the only one who seemed untouched by the flames.

"If not for you, he would still be here! Traitor!" Yulioxolo had spat. He was taken over by anger, but no one knew why at Fexi. Yulioxolo ordered for Fexi to be given to the God, and at this point everyone in the village had heard and was very concerned for their leaders mind. The boy has clearly lost everything, why take his life now? Nonetheless, they complied and took Fexi to the port. The Port was where all sacrifices were held. The Offering namely the person being pushed into the sea, were not shackled or chained in anyway. In fact, there was nothing to stop the Offering from swimming to safety. Nothing but the water itself. They called the sea Golux (Pronounced Go-Loosh, meaning God) and it showed, as no matter how calm it seemed, the water would hold you. The water never raged, it was quiet and the most beautiful crystal blue anyone had ever seen. To swim in it is to ensure death. The waves whispered to its Offerings. They dragged you to the bottom like a stone. They made you want to drown, to join the others down below.

To finally hit the bottom of Golux is said to be euphoric. To others, it seemed as if Yulioxolo was, while very angry and willing to kill the boy, not mad enough to torture him. This relaxed some. "You will be with them now, Fexiote." Yulioxolo said, coldly. "You are but a child, so I cannot impose harm on you. The waves will take you to your Frelike (Pronounced Fray-Lee, meaning family.) The God will judge you, not I." Fexi said nothing, he accepted his death.

At 4 Fexi saw his parents drown in these very calm waters. At 14 he saw a mysterious stranger strangle his sister. And shortly after she left the world, he tried to follow her.

The waves whispered sweet forgiveness in his ears as he fell deeper into the water. But beyond them, another voice whipsered louder. "Yu dre wiyli aser thulix dere thul, Felixolo?" Do you wish to have wings, Pheonix? It asked.

"Xa..."(Pronounced Sha, meaning yes.) Wings sounded nice, everything sounded nice when he was at the bottom of the ocean. His lungs grew tighter, but he did not mind them closing.
"Yu rexu gre thuy frelike gru, Felixolo" I will give you wings and a family, Pheonix.

Suddenly, everything grew hot. Fexi could breathe, and this time he was not calm. He felt the hot pricks of anger poke at him all the way from the bottom of the sea. His skin was blistering, but he didn't care. The water around him was boiling, until he grew so hot he evaporated it all into steam. Hot geyser air rose in the air, and Fexi could feel his anger burst out of him. They were heavy on his back, but soon they felt like air. Wings of flame came from him, they were so erratic and wild, they tried to burn him but he would not catch. Screams of terror could be heard below, and Fexi looked down to see terrified people. He scanned their faces trying to see anyone he recognized.

But he knew no one below him. He flew above a city he did not know, and people who held strange glittering devices in their hands. "Wyli...Whe..." He tried to speak, his words getting jumbled in a strange conglemeration of language. "Whe...where...am I?" He said. He was scared now, his anger gone. And with it, went his wings. He fell from the sky, but someone caught him in the nick of time. They wore a uniform, black and green and silver. And pinned to their chest a tiny little pin, one that Fexi recognized as a moth. He felt himself in the arms of a stranger, and yet he could've sworn that they too had wings on their back.

When he woke up, the stranger who saved him was there. He smiled at Fexi. "You're awake now." He said. He had a nice voice, calming like the waves. "Do you think you can speak?" The stranger asked.

"X...a...Yes. Yes I...can talk." Fexi said. His language was slurred, and he kept mixing Rolun with whatever he was speaking now. The stranger nodded his head, kindly.

"What's your name? I'm Crow, I saved you from a pretty nasty fall back there." He said.

Fexi tried to think of his name, but the only thing coming to mind was the word Pheonix. Fexixolo. It was what the voice called him. "Pheonix." He told the stranger. Crow had been the first person Fexi had ever spoken to, before he formerly joined Paradox Agency.

Hero Select one): Elemental fire controlled by rage, given to him as a gift by a God.
Power Level (Select one below): city Level

Powers (Be Specific): Pheonix has the ability to summon wings of flame and fly, as well as scorch anything in his path as long as he is angry enough to summon them.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Height: 6"5 (He is tall)
Weight: 225 pounds
Strength Level: super human strength
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: super human
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 17 hours
Agility: Super Human
Intelligence: Average
Fighting Skill: Trained
Resources: Extreme

Weaknesses: He fears water, and suffocating. His fear can stifle his anger, which in turn gets rid of his wings. Pheonix has to remain angry when fighting, otherwise he loses his powers.

Supporting Characters: Crow Dreiford, a friend of his at Paradox who bears black wings on his back. Leila Mayner, his friend and boss in a way. Eris Goodoire, a good person who Pheonix thinks is nice (Though he swears they seem so familiar to him somehow...). Hailey Hughes, a friend of his at Paradox who bears humming bird wings on her back. Mindy Diasco, a brilliant and pretty scientist who loves Eris dearly.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: yes.

Sample Post:

(ust so you guys can get a feel for him.)

"The Bermuda Triangle is a mystery I have been trying to solve for years." Marian said. She stood in Leila's office, papers and maps scattered all over the floor in an attempt to explain to her the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. She pointed to one map pinned up to the wall, scribbled and littered with notes. "Right here is where I'm most concerned, because it's where the planes are most likely to get lost in. And here," She pointed a little ways to the left. "Is where I believe the cause of the disapperances resides." Leila, who had been supervising Marian Freedman's claim, nodded along as if agreeing but then said something quite alarming.

"This all seems quite interesting Ms. Freedman, but I'm afraid this mystery isn't really a personal problem of your's. It seems more like a hobby than anything." She said. Marian nodded.

"I understand completely, but I'm not interested in the Triangle for nothing Leila. It's taken someone from me. My sister." Her tone became deflated. "She was an airline pilot who did tropical flights. One night, she crossed the Triangle, and never came back."

"But the flight did." Leila continued. "I remember hearing this story on the news about 2 years ago. The passengers, and even the Co-Pilot made it back home safely, but the Pilot hadn't. No one could even recall when she disappeared, for they say they heard her voice on the intercom and the Co-Pilot was sure that she was sitting next to him when they landed." She scratched her chin, curious. "That was a strange predicament. How does one go missing in front of dozens of people like that?"

"I don't know, all I know is that the Triangle is not what it seems." Marian said. "It's not just a myth made by conspiracy theorists. The Triangle is...alive. Or at least sentient. Something out there is taking ships and planes with it."

"I think I know just the Agent to help you, Ms. Freedman. This case seems Paradoxical enough in nature." She said, smiling.
Pheonix stood in the planes doorway, his poncho wildly fluttering in the wind. He tied his hair back to keep it out of his face, but a few sand colored strands escaped. Marian Freedman, his client, was flying the plane lower. "Alright, you're gonna jump in a little while!" She yelled over the wind. "I'd try to fly closer, but the plane might go down! So you will have to make the trip by yourself." Pheonix nodded, he felt a pang of fear. He swallowed it, upon realizing he'd need his wings to fly.He waited for the signal, and then Marian shouted "Now!" And he jumped from the plane. The world seemed a blur as wind flew past his face. He tried to tell himself to calm down, and when he finally did, he felt his wings release, but a tad bit too late.

He hit water, but he flapped his wings twice to soften the landing a bit. He landed near a shore line, and stood up quickly once he realized where he was. He flew into the air, away from the water, and finally stood on solid ground. He was on an island, one that he knew to be his island. The island hidden from the world, home of the Rolonu. The God at the Bottom of the Sea whispered to him, "No one is here, Pheonix. You are in a time without them." Pheonix knew that already. He was a stranger from the past, someone of this world but in the wrong time. The God who Whispered to him tried to explain this when he first woke up in Paradox HQ. The God in the Sea had given him a new family and wings just as he promised. Pheonix wasn't sure if he was happy with it though.

He walked further into the depths of the Islands forest, and found a path he remembered from childhood. It was a pathway used to get food from the tree groves, he remembered walking along on warm sunny afternoons with his sister to get Banana's and small honey suckle flowers. He trudged along the path, trying to erase the image of his sister from his head. He couldn't think of her while he was here, it would be too much for him to bare. Soon he came across the grove, and noticed that the trees were more plentiful than they had been when he was a child. Probably because there was no one here but animals to pick them now.

He looked around, and wondered shortly just what was he supposed to be looking for. A woman? The island seemed barren. He could fly up to get a better view, but he didn't want to risk burning the beautiful honey suckle bushes nearby. He decided to continue walking. Perhaps the woman had stumbled upon his empty village. As he neared the entrance he remembered so fondly, he could hear a strange static noise coming from within the village. "Come on! Work, you stupid thing!" It wasn't a woman's voice, but that of a man's. As Pheonix entered the villlage he saw a man in rags, banging on what he had come to know as a radio. Pheonix could feel his frustration.

The man turned, and yelled when he saw Pheonix. "Who the hell are you?" He asked, scared. Pheonix raised a hand in greeting, trying to calm the man.

"I'm here to help." Pheonix said. The man squinted at him, but his eyes widened upon seeing the moth pinned to his poncho.

"You're a Paradox Agent?" He asked. "That's great! Get me off this island!' He ran up to Pheonix, frantically shaking his arm.

"Okay, we go. But first, I need to find a woman." He tried to explain as best he could, but his english could still use some work.

"Woman? You mean...." He looked back at the radio. "There's a crazy lady who lives up there, in the mountains." He pointed up where Pheonix remembered the Leader slept. His house must still be standing, for her to live up there.

"Take me to woman. Now." He said. The man shook his head, scared.

"No, what are you crazy? Lets leave! What did you come in on?" Pheonix shook the man off, and headed for the mountains. He would just find his way to her with his memory. "Okay, okay fine! I'll help you!" He said. "There used to be a pathway up to the mountain top but-"

"It's gone." Pheonix finished. The man nodded, slowly.

"Yeah...hey, how did you find me?" He asked.

"I used to live here. Long time ago." He answered. "Your radio was also loud..."

"Woah, wait. This place is your native land? You're one of the...locals?" He looked around, confused. "I thought you were all gone? Where did you all go?"

"I don't know. I left before I could find out what happened to the others." Pheonix said. "Why...are you here? How you find my village?"

The man perked up, "Oh, I'm an Anthropologist from the states. My name is Cedric Rails, I was going to take a look at things in Tahiti, some old artifacts from the Bentu people that were recently discovered, when the plane crashed and I ended up here." He explained.

"Where the plane?" Pheonix asked. He didn't see one on the shoreline.

Cedric stopped. "Well. I'd like to know that too. The plane definitely crashed, but where it is on this island, I couldn't tell you." He said.

"Island is big." Pheonix conceded.

"Yeah, it is, but I've been on it for about 2 years now. I've searched every where and still can't find any ruins of a plane." They reached the beginning of the mountain trail. "All I've been able to find is your people's village, and that hut on the mountain. With the crazy lady in it."

2 years, he claims. He must be from the same flight, for what are the odds of two people going to the same place, but only one of them making headlines? Pheonix began the trek up the mountain, retracing his steps from the days he went to see Yulioxolo to relay messages. Cedric, having taken in interest in his culture, badgered him with questions. "What did your people call themselves? Were they violent, wait excuse me that was rude of me. I mean, did they ever fight with other tribes or villages? Were there rituals of any kind?"

"Can't tell you anything." Pheonix replied. "It's a secret."

"What? Seriously?" He complained. "Can you at least tell me what you called yourselves?"

"We were Rolonu." He answered.

Cedric stayed quiet for awhile. "Rolunu...?"

"Rolonu. It means 'Hidden'." Pheonix corrected him. As they walked, Cedric began to ask questions about Pheonix himself. The trek up the mountain seemed longer than he remembered.

"Why did you leave? How did you leave? Paradox HQ is all the way in Jersey, and where here in the Bermuda." He pondered.

"I...I don't really remember how I got to Paradox." Pheonix said.

"You have amnesia?" Cedric asked. Pheonix shook his head.

"Bits and pieces float around in my head. I just...I don't know." He said. "It's strange, it is. To think about how I got....to there."

Cedric looked at him sadly. "What's your name? I completely forgot to ask."


"Well Pheonix, hopefully we can all get off this island in one piece. Do you miss home?" He said.

"Sometimes." Pheonix answered. They reached the broken down mountain path. "I know a way around."

Cedric followed Pheonix, and soon they reached the top of the mountain. A big hut decorated with ceramonial regalia and words in Rolun stood at the very top. A woman sat on the front steps. Judging from her clothes, Pheonix had no doubt that she was the missing pilot. She stood up upon seeing them, and held something out to them.

"Careful, she has a knife." Cedric warned. Pheonix could see that was not the only thing in her hand. She held a necklace in her other hand, and it had a familiar orange glint. The God whispered to him, "Ah, I see you've found a part of my key."

"WHAT ARE YOU HERE FOR?!" She demanded. Cedric held his hands up, frightened.

"We're just here to talk. We're leaving the island now." he told her, wary.

"Come with us." Pheonix said. She would not listen.

"You. He warned me about a Rolonu coming to take him away from me." She said, in quiet suspicion. "WELL YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM! The Jewel is mine, Felixolo." Cedric looked at Pheonix.

"See? I told you she was crazy!" He said. The orange jewel had driven her crazy, just like it did Thaddeus Goodoire. There was only one thing Pheonix could do to remove it's influence. Take it for himself. He walked towards her, and told Cedric not to follow him.

He thought of something that made him angry, and the wings he hid released from his back. Cedric felt hot flames on his face, and backed away quickly. The Pilot held the orange jewel close to her heart. He shot a ball of flame her way, but the jewel protected her. A purplish aura surrounded her. "She has found a way to control the key, Pheonix." The God whispered. Pheonix lunged at her, and a flap of his wings sent him hurtling towards her. The Pilot bowled over on her side, and the jewel went flying and balanced on the side of the mountain's edge.

Pheonix shoved her aside, and went for the jewel, snatching it up quickly. The minute he touched the jewel, a heat radiated from it so hot that it burned his hand. He held onto it though, and released a heat of his own, contesting with the spirit inside of it. It soon gave up, and the key glowed a bright orange, before bursting into flames and disappearing. "It is done." Pheonix said. The Pilot got up from the ground, dazed and slightly confused. The effects of the jewel wore off, and the The God who Whispers voice grew louder to Pheonix. "Very good, Pheonix. The Key is not yet complete, but you have gotten an integral piece.

Pheonix returned to Paradox HQ with the help of Marian, who was finally able to reunite with her sister. The jewel did things to her, but because of Pheonix taking it away, she became her old regular self in no time. Cedric also returned, but oddly enough no one seemed to know he was gone.
"So, how was it? Returning back there?" Leila had asked him, as they sat in her office going over the field report.

"It was not...bad. I am still confused, though. About the missing people." He said. "Maybe Triangle worked some kind of magick on them. My leader had powers that could make people see things that weren't there. He was why the island was never discovered." Leila nodded.

"How strange." She said. "Well it certainly sounds like a harrowing tale, Pheonix. I'm sure the others would love to hear you talk about it!" Pheonix laughed, a rare sound.

"Yes, I'm sure a tale like that would be interesting to tell." he said.
Darius gaped at Leila the entire time she relayed her friends tale over tea. It had been about a month since he got the assignment, but it still made for interesting table talk. "Wow, that's...unbelievable. Like, I literally don't believe you." He said.

Leila chuckled knowingly. "Oh I'm sure in due time the story of Pheonix and the Bermuda Triangle will become believable to you." Darius rolled his eyes.
"There you go again, being all cryptic and spooky." He said. "I doubt there could ever be anything to make me believe such a story. And I probably won't ever meet this Pheonix fella."

Leila just sipped her tea, a smile on her lips.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
Avatar of Liseran Thistle

Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character you have created: Bobi Adolow

Alias: She has none.

Speech Color: CornflowerBlue

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Not a secret

Personality: Bobi can be very closed off and guarded from other people, as she has a very hard time trusting anyone nowadays. Other people may see her as rude, and even a bit of a bully, but it doesn’t bother her. She isn’t prone to hanging around other people, and often closes herself up in the Paradox Lab department for weeks on end. When she feels uncomfortable around other people, she gets agitated and loses her patience with them very shortly. The only person she can’t seem to shake off her tail is Shay Vanabound, another agent of Paradox and her assigned partner for the job.


Origin info/ Details:

Bobi Adolow was born in her father's lab in the middle of a dead end town somewhere in Australia. The details of her life and where she used to live are hazy at best for her, seeing how most of her childhood was spent being cooped up in the lab. She never knew her mother, her only caretaker was Jerome Adolow, the man who created her. Bobi was always more of a machine than a human. Her body, while made of skin and nerves, are hiding a mash of organs and metal. Bobi has no heart, quite literally. She runs and breathes thanks to a core implanted in her back. It’s a small, round disc bigger than her hand. It’s made of metal, and glows an ethereal light blue color. The core’s name is 8081, an odd name given to it by Jerome, its creator. She never quite understood the name, all she knew was that 8081 was a nuisance and a very distracting feature on her body.

8081 is not her only technological feature. Bobi’s left arm is completely made out of metal, and while Jerome has tried to explain to her this oversight, she has learned to accept it as it is. Her arm, as Jerome puts it, is directly connected to 8081. It is an enhancement of sorts, she understands that much. What she doesn’t understand is why he wouldn’t cover it in skin. He had just shrugged in his own, quiet way. “I was just too...proud of it to cover it up. I thought kids your age were supposed to like cool robot stuff like this anyway.” He had said to her.

Bobi lived with Jerome Adolow in his house, and was barred from leaving the laboratory in the basement because “The world just isn’t ready yet, Bo.” She was a very lonely child, and the longer she stayed in the basement and did Jerome’s diagnostics and his tests, the more she steadily grew to resent him. She was 8 when she finally understood that she truly hated Jerome. He may be her father, or creator, but she didn’t love him like one. She was 9 when Jerome introduced her to her first actual friend. Jerome never brought anyone else home, and sometimes Bobi didn’t even think other people came to the house. Her first friend was a girl, who was lot older than Bobi was then, and who stood behind Jerome with a look of wonder on her face. The girl was tall, that much Bobi could see, but also very lanky. Her hair was a light, mouse brown that hung straight past her shoulders; when they first met she had been wearing a faded green flannel shirt, plain jeans and very dirty boots. 8081 told her the brown slush around her feet was mud, something Bobi had only seen in small glimpses here and there.

“Bobi, I’d like you to meet someone very special to me. This is Tucker.” Jerome introduced her. Bobi stood in the dark lab, staring wide eyed at both of them, blankly. Tucker walked up to her, kneeled before her to be on her level, and offered a genuine kind smile.

“We are alike, you and I.” She said, her accent was very different from Bobi’s and Jerome’s. Tucker rolled up one of her sleeves, and held her arm out. At first, Bobi wanted to scoff and push her away from her, because all she saw was plain pale skin. But then it disappeared. The arm was gone, leaving only the cuff of Tucker’s sleeve. Then the arm reappeared, but this time it held colorful dots, then stripes, then odd looking lines that Bobi couldn’t quite name just that they were….squiggly? 8081 told her that it wasn’t a word, but it perfectly described the patterns that Tucker made on her skin. “See? We’re both very different, huh?” Tucker offered. Bobi just nodded, and from that day forward Tucker had been like an older sister to her.

Bobi was 12 when she was first allowed to leave the lab. Jerome had let her sit outside in the backyard for the first time, and it was an eye opening experience. 8081 was buzzing with all of the new information it was taking in, and it soon grew to be too much. She had fainted for a short while, and it gave Tucker and Jerome quite the scare. When she awoke, she finally knew how most of the world worked, how plants grew, why the sky was blue. All of the questions that everyone could possibly ponder about the world they stood on, she had the answer to thanks to 8081. Jerome was reluctant to let her out again, but Tucker convinced him to let her sit on the porch, to which Bobi was thankful for. This time, she did not faint. She and Tucker both sat outside for the second time in her short life, and it was a memory she valued dearly.

Jerome wanted to continue his experiments on Bobi, and while he did, she soon started to wonder why. What purpose did she hold in the world other than running diagnostics? Jerome laughed, something she had almost never heard him do. “You will soon find out. Don’t worry Bobi.” Tucker also told her not to worry, and to pass the time told her stories of the outside world and all that lay in it, like airplanes, and big cities. The days grew longer and longer, and eventually turned into years. Bobi was 16 when she finally decided she had had enough of being cooped up in the house, confined to the back porch and nothing more. She hadn’t told Tucker about these thoughts she was having, as she already knew Tucker would try to hold her back, or worse even: tell Jerome.

She had decided she would sneak away somehow, so when it came time to go on the back porch, she made a run for it and hopped the fence. She could hear Tucker yelling for her to come back, but it was far too late by then. The world grew even larger the more she ran. She could feel that familiar heat behind her back that meant 8081 was reaching its limit on information. She ran into the street, suddenly not in control of her own body, and was hit head on by a car. It was a hard hit, hard enough to send her flying through the air. Sparks flew as her metal arm, which had been hidden beneath the sleeve of a blue sweater, ripped through the soft fabric at the point of impact. The person in the car was frantic, and ran over to see if she was okay, but before then it was too late. Bobi Adolow had died at the scene of the crash.

She was dead for about a week, until 8081 jump started itself again. Bobi slowly came to life, her vision obscured by a sheet that had been pulled over her head. She lay on a cool, metal table that made her skin feel clammy and weird. She mustered enough strength to sit up, and remove the sheet. She was greeted with the dark room of the Thurst City morgue and funeral home. This is where the bodies were kept. She looked around, her eyes much more accustomed to the dark now, and saw that she was not alone in the room. There were a few other dead people in the room with her it seemed, and that didn’t bother her so much as inconvenience her. One of them lay on a table that blocked the door for some reason. She got up, and made her way to it, bumping into this table and that one, muttering sorry as she went. When she reached the door, it opened seemingly on its own, but Bobi came to realize that a nurse must have heard her bumping around in the dark room. When she spotted Bobi, she screamed horrified, something Bobi very much understood as she had probably already been embalmed and lying dead for weeks before this incident. Bobi walked further out into the hallway, scaring the hell out of almost everyone who passed her before one of the staff directed her to a room.

They asked her questions, trying to see if maybe she was just one of those wandering bodies that got up sometimes. “It’s happened before, you know.” One of the nurses explained. Bobi was able to finally convince them that she was indeed alive, but they couldn’t believe it.

“You’ve been…scooped out already though. How the hell are you walking?” One nurse asked; she shook her head, and headed to the front desk. The phone had rang, beckoning for her to answer it. “What?!” The nurse exclaimed. She ran back into the room, and looked at Bobi with terrified eyes. “There’s a girl on the phone asking for you? Your name is Bobi Adolow...correct?” Bobi just nodded.

She was handed the phone, expecting for it be Tucker, only to be very surprised to hear the voice of a girl she had never met before.

“My name is Leila Mayner, I’m sorry we’re meeting on such odd terms.” Leila said, explaining to her very quickly how she ran an Agency named Paradox that was bent on helping anyone with an impossible, unsolvable problem. “I want to know, before Jerome Adolow reaches the morgue, do you want to work for Paradox?”

It seemed to be such a bizarre situation, but the more Bobi thought about being back in the house with no one but Jerome and Tucker, the more her resentment for the man grew. She had never before shown outwardly that she hated Jerome, but she knew if she saw him come through the morgue door, she’d try her hardest to get away from him again. Not even Tucker could convince her to come back. The morgue was such an interesting place, and she found that 8081 wasn’t freaking out like it was normally prone to do. Clutching the phone cord tightly, she nodded to herself.

“Yeah…” She had said. “I wanna work for Paradox.” She could almost hear Leila smile through the phone.

“Excellent. Charlotte will escort you to the nearest kiosk.” Leila said. She could hear excited murmurings around her, and saw that the staff were looking at her with a new kind of reverence.

“You’re a Paradox Agent?” One nurse, the one she had spooked when she first woke up, said. Bobi thought on it for a second, before a slight green moth appeared before her. Everyone in the room seemed to look at her in a new light, as if they understood something she did not.

“That must be it then...she’s one of those Agents, so maybe she’s got powers or something…”

“She’s got a damn robot arm, Harold. Of course she’s a super.”

“I was just saying, I thought the arm was like a fancy prosthetic.”

“Well you guessed wrong, obviously.”

She could hear them theorizing about her, but that didn’t matter then. She grabbed a hold of Charlotte the moth who fluttered before her, and instantly found herself in new clothing. The standard Paradox, dark green blazer. A green, emerald pin with the insignia of a moth lay on her chest. She turned to the other members of the staff.

“Um...thank you, for looking after my body.” She said awkwardly. She walked out the front doors of the morgue and headed straight for a back alley. 8081 was now accompanied by Charlotte who seemed to be leading her through it’s interface, just like Leila had said. There, hidden in the brick and mortar wall was the moth insignia on her pin. She pressed her hand against it, and the bricks moved aside, revealing an elevator. She wasn’t sure which way she should go, up or down, so she let Charlotte choose.

Ever since that day, Bobi Adolow worked as an Agent of Paradox. She was 18 when she was assigned her first solo mission, it wasn’t as harrowing as she thought it would be, but it was something she thought was special. She was 23 when she was first introduced to another friend, her assigned Paradox partner Shay Vanabound. Despite Bobi’s closed off demeanor, and otherwise grumpy disposition, Shay never left her side. Bobi never saw Jerome or Tucker again, and though she missed Tucker, she was far happier working as an Agent than she was running diagnostics for them. There were times where she hated the both of them, but she always lost that battle in her head. She couldn’t bring herself to hate Tucker.

Bobi Adolow is now 25 years old, and works tirelessly in the Lab department of Paradox. Though she hates tests, she finds learning more about 8081 is important. The more she knows, the more she can help people on assignments, and that was something that she worked endlessly on. Despite coming from Australia, she does not work from there. All Agents work from HQ, no matter what kiosk they enter or exit from. Paradox kiosks is scattered all over the world, and to accurately pinpoint where HQ is would be insanity. The only true location I, Liseran Thistle, can give you is that it is definitely located somewhere in the states. Because of this, Bobi is one of the very few international Agents at Paradox HQ.

Hero Type: Brick/Muscle

Power Level: City Level (8081 still has a few tricks up its sleeve that even Bobi hasn’t discovered.)

Powers: Bobi is an enhanced human with robot prosthetics, one of which is incredibly powerful. She has enhanced strength, and is able to connect herself to the world's database, gaining access to any and all information.

Height: 5”6

Weight: 128 lbs

Strength Level: 50

Speed/Reaction Time: 60

Endurance at Maximum effort: 3 hours

Agility: Normal human (She’s not very coordinated on her feet)

Intelligence: Genius

Fighting skill: Trained (Shay has taught her a few things since they’ve first met)

Weaknesses: Even though 8081 has regained some kind of composure, sometimes it can reach its limit. This can happen if Bobi pushes her abilities too far, or even still if she gains too much knowledge at once. When 8081 reaches its limit, parts of her body start to malfunction or shut down completely, which is very bad if she’s fighting someone.

Supporting Character: Shay Vanabound, her assigned Partner; Leila Wingsbury, the Leader of Paradox; Mindy Diasco, a girl Genius; Eris Goodoire, New Jerseys number one music hero; Phoenix, a kind boy from another time; Beatrice Hanamura, Paradox’s only weapon smith; Shou Hanamura, Paradox’s only spy; Cosmos, Paradox’s first interstellar Agent; Thomas Beastly, Paradox’s mythological Beastmaster; Charles “Coggs” Devesh, Paradox’s only practicing Mage and another international Agent like Bobi herself.

Do you know how to post pictures on rpg boards?: Yes

Sample post: (I won’t post one, I feel you guys can get to know her through the posts.)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
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Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Shay Vanabound

Age: 22

Speech Color: Indian Red

Picture/Description: Shay is a tall, red haired young woman whose paradox blazer is a pale red color. Her face is littered in freckles, and she holds her wild frizzy hair out of the way with a stray rubber band. Her skin is light, and she has bright amber eyes.

Species: Human

Background: Shay Vanabound started off as a normal girl. But as she grew older, it became apparent that there was something extraordinary about her. When she was 8 she was able to lift the family van, and when she 12, she was able to sprint the 50 yard dash in record time. Shay Vanabound was born with enhanced strength, and because of this she was pretty much raised with the idea of becoming a professional Hero.

And she did, for a while she was a licensed hero who saved countless lives, and defeated countless bad guys. Hey two parents, who adopted her when she was just a baby, trained her very hard in terms of combat and weaponry. Seeing how both of them work for the government as special agents, it was only natural for them to train their super daughter in the ways of being a super agent.

Shay soon became bored with the super life however, and longed for something else. She retired her title, and went into hiding trying to avoid the public. One day however, she couldn’t help but stop to save some poor girl being held up. It was in a dark alley, and Shay was walking home from her new boring job as a store clerk. She heard a cry for help, and instinct took over. The girl being mugged was none other than Leila Mayner. Shay took care of the robbers quickly, and they ran off before she could contact the police.

Leila introduced herself, and then kindly thanked Shay for saving her life. She then proceeded to tell her about Paradox, an Agency that is determined to help people with impossible problems. Shay thought that joining Paradox was exactly the kind of thing she wanted to do with her life, and thus began her time as a Paradox Agent.

Strengths: She has incredible strength, and is strong enough to punch through buildings. Her endurance is crazy strong.

Weaknesses: She can get tired, and once she does she gets very slow and sluggish.

Can you post pics on the forum?: Yes

Sample Post: ( You must write a short paragraph using your character, this is only for first timers who have never made a character for the game yet.)

Notes: Shay trains all of the new Agents at Paradox before they go out on their first assignment.

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DELETED jdl3932 Sok Il-Seong / (Second Initiation)

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