So I'm thinking there's a plow horse, or it's supposed to be a plow horse, in Greyrock that's not very well behaved. The badness that Darin is sensing follows them to Greyrock. Darin tells Ridahne what's going on. The person that Darin is feeling has had run in with the pervious Gardener. They know how Darin figured it out. They go to kill her. Ridahne and the misbehaved plow horse save Darin (I'm not sure how on that bit) The horse's owner doesn't understand why the horse decided it liked Darin. It liked Darin because even the animals know that something is wrong with The Tree. Since animals aren't really evil they know what Darin is. That's why she's been lucky enough not to get eaten by wolves or something. Maybe that why Mitaja liked her. And I was thinking the plow horse only looks like a plow horse. I was thinking it would be more like Shadowfaw form LoTR. But not the king of horses. Just really impressive and Ridahne knows what it is really, and knows that he wouldn't pick Darin without a good reason. So she can't deny it anymore. Darin is the Gardener, Darin still tried denying it until Ridahne flats out says it. And Ridahne was right. If she wanted to kill Darin she would have done it already. And Darin is tired of doing it alone so why not. If that makes sense. I'm sorry for all the ands.