March 19th, 2022 marked the end of Modern England. A battered Soviet R-12 nuclear missile, excavated from a dilapidated silo in Kyrgyzstan was smuggled into England and loaded into a car. At approximately 12:22 in the afternoon, that car was driven into the Gherkin and the bomb inside detonated, destroying the structural integrity of the building and bringing it down. The massive amounts of material meant that much of the City Of London became badly irradiated, but it would only prove to be the beginning.
A series more attacks, these mostly using cobalt-infused dirty bombs were smuggled into London and detonated across the cities. The worse affected areas include the Canary Warf Underground Station, which was hit with the highest amount of radiation, Buckingham Palace, where the royal family had hidden in an emergency bunker, Elizabeth Tower, which thanks to recent repairs withstood the attack remarkably well, the London Eye, which was toppled onto the banks of the Thames, with parts of the structure in the river itself, and the Millennium dome, which also withstood the attack remarkably well. The Houses of Parliament were subject to a failed attack, but by March 20th, the damage was finished.
What followed was anarchy. Mass rioting, looting and fear gripped England, leading to an exodus of inner London and a setting up of what is now known as the Outer Shanty, a rather nice slum by all accounts. The breakdown of the government thanks to these attacks lead to the foundation of the CDA- Centre for Disaster Administration, given a massive budget and nigh free-reign to do as it pleased to rebuild the city.
Unfortunately, the CDA revealed itself to be ripe pickings for unscrupulous individuals. Pale Horse, a formerly unknown mercenary organisation started to attack the CDA head on, stealing their hyper-valuable tech in order to make a quick buck. In retaliation, the CDA hired their own mercenaries... In many cases the same individuals that were working for Pale Horse. What was once a serious fight to rebuild London has devolved into a rather silly conflict, with mercenaries switching allegiances near-constantly, battling with the few private individuals left on London and generally wrecking any sense of decorum.
Hey there folks, this is MFFAP, a vaguely Overwatch (or, if you're aware of the game, Dirty Bomb,) inspired RP, with mercenaries battling over London and the riches enclosed within it. Applications are currently Still open! So, just fill out the CS below.