This host is a tutorial/example host. It's secrecy isn't important.
Host Name
Jacob Moores.
Nick Name
Shady Wood Strangler-by Cops- the Gasper -by urban Legend-


This illustration was taken at a different time, a time where the facade of humanity was still alive in Mister Moores. Now, the body has stayed the same but the soul has become sick of hiding. His body has the wiggling fragility of an old man, shivering with a soothing, false security of weakness. His muscle are strained, thin, almost boney but flex like stiff wood when he acts.
That bearded face at a distance hides his long, dreardy, oil paint bruised bags under his constant donward gaze. His eyes are steel grey, devoided of light and has more in common with a metal door than a window to a soul. His thin body stands at 5 foot 10 and All of his clothes are from an previous generation, filled with cheap stripped suits and formal wear coupled by sweater vests. All of a warm color that his cracked wrinkled body could never hope to show with its deathly pale glow.
Weapon: Belt
DOMAIN: The House in the Woods
Arch Type: The Hermit
The Hermit practice was one of a long, unending spree of torment that left a scracth on any happy trip into the woods of America. Moore's started his spree when he was but beginning to enter his forties and continued unabated until he was in his late sixties. He lurked in the woods, sabotaging, misleading, betraying and manipulating those who ventured forth near his long woodland treks. Dooming those that took the woodland path or went camping to eventually come to him for help.
In all cases these poor fools would be found later on by a road somewhere, strangled to death. Sometimes they had ropes on them, sometimes they had belts. Sometimes even bags, in the end the result was the same. The Hermit has no great moment in history that awarded him his domain, it was a power that came to him over a long legacy of horror. Now the hermit has a new home.
Tastes: The Hermit is from a different period in time and his home reflects this. Many of the magazines, technology and items are blatantly outdated by up to 40/50 years. A cheap, gritty radio can be heard in sometimes while old tropes are still alive in his "new" reading material.
His home outside and inside reflect this with retro-colors of soft lime green and sandy yellow. Cheap curtains and wallpaper of flowers are also apparent.
Moore's enjoys the sensation of straggling and has many toys to explore and lengthen this hobby. Around his home evidence of cruelity to local wildlife are apparent, with special traps and useful tools designed just for that. His human prizes have a special place, however within his home. Less in sight.
Note: Because the Hermit is a TUTORIAL killer, designed to aclumate MPs. He will only have 2 perks. Not 3. In order to stop perks repeating for other killers-potentially taking away from their uniqueness- Hermit will have his own, special perks.
Hold You Forever: When the hermit would normally make an attack he instead grabs-or strangles with his belt- while a player is grabbed they cannot run away and slowly lose 1 hp each turn as if they were hit. A stun or damage breaks this grab.
Lung Worm: The hermit will always know when someone is breathin within a 25 foot radius around him. He can tell how many MP are in this area thanks to this but not their exact location is or who breathing is who's.
This host is a tutorial/example host. It's secrecy isn't important.
Host Name
Jacob Moores.
Nick Name
Shady Wood Strangler-by Cops- the Gasper -by urban Legend-


This illustration was taken at a different time, a time where the facade of humanity was still alive in Mister Moores. Now, the body has stayed the same but the soul has become sick of hiding. His body has the wiggling fragility of an old man, shivering with a soothing, false security of weakness. His muscle are strained, thin, almost boney but flex like stiff wood when he acts.
That bearded face at a distance hides his long, dreardy, oil paint bruised bags under his constant donward gaze. His eyes are steel grey, devoided of light and has more in common with a metal door than a window to a soul. His thin body stands at 5 foot 10 and All of his clothes are from an previous generation, filled with cheap stripped suits and formal wear coupled by sweater vests. All of a warm color that his cracked wrinkled body could never hope to show with its deathly pale glow.
Weapon: Belt
DOMAIN: The House in the Woods
Arch Type: The Hermit
The Hermit practice was one of a long, unending spree of torment that left a scracth on any happy trip into the woods of America. Moore's started his spree when he was but beginning to enter his forties and continued unabated until he was in his late sixties. He lurked in the woods, sabotaging, misleading, betraying and manipulating those who ventured forth near his long woodland treks. Dooming those that took the woodland path or went camping to eventually come to him for help.
In all cases these poor fools would be found later on by a road somewhere, strangled to death. Sometimes they had ropes on them, sometimes they had belts. Sometimes even bags, in the end the result was the same. The Hermit has no great moment in history that awarded him his domain, it was a power that came to him over a long legacy of horror. Now the hermit has a new home.
Tastes: The Hermit is from a different period in time and his home reflects this. Many of the magazines, technology and items are blatantly outdated by up to 40/50 years. A cheap, gritty radio can be heard in sometimes while old tropes are still alive in his "new" reading material.
His home outside and inside reflect this with retro-colors of soft lime green and sandy yellow. Cheap curtains and wallpaper of flowers are also apparent.
Moore's enjoys the sensation of straggling and has many toys to explore and lengthen this hobby. Around his home evidence of cruelity to local wildlife are apparent, with special traps and useful tools designed just for that. His human prizes have a special place, however within his home. Less in sight.
Note: Because the Hermit is a TUTORIAL killer, designed to aclumate MPs. He will only have 2 perks. Not 3. In order to stop perks repeating for other killers-potentially taking away from their uniqueness- Hermit will have his own, special perks.
Hold You Forever: When the hermit would normally make an attack he instead grabs-or strangles with his belt- while a player is grabbed they cannot run away and slowly lose 1 hp each turn as if they were hit. A stun or damage breaks this grab.
Lung Worm: The hermit will always know when someone is breathin within a 25 foot radius around him. He can tell how many MP are in this area thanks to this but not their exact location is or who breathing is who's.
Excuse my crappy art. But I didn't want to,motherfucking, meddle searching for more images.