'The Orphan Priestess'
is the name she was given at the Temple.
"And behold, a pale horse, and to she who sat it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, that men would slay one another and despair, and to her was given a chalice, filled with all the woe in creation."

'The Orphan Priestess'
is the name she was given at the Temple.
"And behold, a pale horse, and to she who sat it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, that men would slay one another and despair, and to her was given a chalice, filled with all the woe in creation."

The corruption of the Soul
Angharad's truest strength before and now has always been her charisma, this is a great asset when it comes to her other strengths; plotting and planning are her bread and butter, she weaves a twisted web across the land leaving those who are ensnared utterly helpless.
Whilst Angharad is naturally much more capable than your average Guardsman Bob in a scrap, having more than human physical capabilities and some training in how to wield a blade, she will find herself quickly outmatched by any more serious contender in a straight up fight to the death.
I am given and I am taken.
I was there at your first breath,
But you didn't ask for me.
But I will follow you till your death.
I was there at your first breath,
But you didn't ask for me.
But I will follow you till your death.
The before:
For the first 7 years of Angharad's life she lived with her parents and siblings in a small and remote farming town, her family owned a small farm and Angharad was known to love exploring the local forests, with strict supervision from her older siblings! Angharad isn't really sure what happened, from her childish recollections it seems a darkness crept into the minds of the villagers and her family and slowly everything soured as if from poison.
She ran away from home, perhaps this would have been a temporary state of affairs, many young children 'run away from home' only to come crawling back after losing their nerve at the edge of the village, however... Angharad, brave soul that she was and thinking to herself that she knew the local forests quite well, did not lose her nerve and as the dark of night swept across the land she found herself quite lost.
A few months later she found herself in a large city, not the kind of place that is kind to stray penniless children, you can imagine. She lived on the streets for around a year and unlike most her time on the street was characterized by her willingness to help those even less fortunate than her and her steadfast moral fortitude, even with the gaunt face of starvation she refused to steal.
Her good character was observed by a priest with a similar penchant for helping the less fortunate and a few short weeks later she was recruited into the Priesthood.
After completing her training she stayed in the city for another year before wanderlust called for her, she out into the wide world travelling from city to city, village to remotest of villages and if she kept a careful eye out for a familiar face in most quiet hope, then who can blame her?
By 20 years of age tales The Orphan Priestess's piety and deeds had spread far and wide and the name Angharad could be heard whispered in a thousand quiet prayers throughout the land.
The tale of her capture is comparatively rather boring, whilst travelling in the wilds she was set upon and though the clearing where they found her is now the final resting place for a very sizable number of foul creatures, at the last they did take her.
The after:
The foul peoples who captured her tried everything earthly they could to break her and they failed and so they turned to more estoric means. Her blood was drained and her veins filled with demonic ichor, she was fed nothing but the flesh of innocent children sanctified and sacrificed in the name of dark gods, her soul was shackled with the longing of the 9 Cardinal Sins and though her body was wrought anew, her soul mangled she did not break.
Growing desperate her captors enacted a great ritual, a thousand souls sent to the dark to corrupt a most holy artifact, a chalice containing an ocean of holy water, sullied in despair. From the pitch black waters of this new Unholy Artifact she was made to drink and so she broke.
It is telling that a year on from her fall every single member of the sect that broke her have met untimely ends, a coincidence perhaps.
Now like before she wanders the land and the people once more whisper her name in their prayers.