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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apollo26
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Shao XI system
Planet Taoshe

Raven 2, Captain Talikan

Talikan’s soldiers were obviously smoked, he could see in the way they walked and moved. Speaking had become a un-needed function amongst the company and after a 17km patrol through the night, he doubted any of them could pass information effectively.
His Battalion commanders liked to do these types mission drills frequently and most of the time without warning, today was no different. This Full Profile Mission or FPM in Army speak started as a mass parachute op at night. The drill itself was routine the company had done this many times but what made this odd was what they carried. They jumped with Full packs and combat loads: Sleeping kit, rations for 5 days, water, armor paint, 5 pounds of C12 explosives each and a minimum of 2500 rounds, 5000 rounds for Automatic gunners. At least 90-100 pounds of essential gear per man, not counting specialized weapons, rockets and larger weapons. In short, today was meant to suck. Shortly after landing on the ground, Talikan received a message from his battalion commander to patrol to a certain point and lay in ambush, they would receive further instructions at their lay up position. So Captain Talikan took his 34 soldiers and walked through the mountainous terrain of Taoshe.

“ Raven 2 actual, Nest” he heard from his secure communication line. All Mk-3L powered armor suits have integrated company and platoon comms, but long range communications required additional gear. A rounded square radio laid in his pack allowed him to communicate with his leadership in orbit. “ Raven 2 actual, send it…..” he quickly answered, “ Aggressor force will enter your battle space between the hours of 07 and 09, you will destroy this force.” Just as this message was passed 5 light trucks came into view, cresting over the hill to their 2 o-clock. Talikan’s company was set up on the opposite side of the mountain valley, on the edge of the tree-line. He split his company into three platoons and spread them out on line right on the tree-line ,his 4 person command squad lay just behind his front line. Each platoon was dug in and camouflaged, camo nets lay draped over machine guns and each hole was naturally camouflaged. Five men in each platoon became his weapons teams, they manned the machine guns and mortars that were dug in each hole. The remaining five were his assault force they were spread along the tree line with a couple yards between each man, everyone had painted their armor for camouflage. All of his soldiers maintained light and IR discipline, there were no IR range finders, lasers or any infrared signature given off by his company. Even to the trained eye looking through night vision, his company looked like a series of bushes and unintelligible blobs on the hillside, and the aggressor force was certainly trained.

Without informing his company, the battalion C.O enlisted their sister company to play the role of the aggressor force, this added to the realism and the difficulty. Essentially they were fighting a mirror image of eachother, same tech, weapons, training and strength, this would be a good fight. The trucks maintained good light and IR discipline as well, they moved almost silently down the worn trail and up to the structures. Had he gotten here five minutes later he might of missed their insert and would certainly have a harder time locating their camouflaged vehicles and troops. Luckily here was all 34 of them in the open without any cover. He was sure his snipers had already ranged every doorway, window and alley, this information was quickly passed to his mortar men. All Captain Talikan had to do now was launch the attack.

Talikan pulled the magazine from his FS-01 and inspected the paint rounds inside. Non-lethal/high speed marking round were in every rifle and machine gun, they had the same ballistic trajectory as normal lethal rounds but shot a marking round. They hurt if you got hit between the armor, bruises and lacerations were common, it was desirable to take the round to the plate. They carried more kinetic energy then normal rounds and would certainly take and soldier off his feet when hit. Grenades and mortars were replaced by something the Army called “force rounds”. They were old non-lethal riot control shells that blew everything within a 15ft radius away, usually resulting with soldiers flying through the air before landing on the ground in a heap or hitting something, again injuries were common in training. In a real time mission, his company would not be assaulting village. Raven 2 was the recon company to Raven 1, Raven 1 being the main combat force. However the battalion commander wanted to see we could do, usually they would be supported with a company of Marines and all the Naval and Air support they wished. Today however it was just recon company Vs recon company.

Talikan pushed the magazine back into the weapon and increased the magnification on his faceplate, the aggressor force was just starting to dismount from their vehicles. For this attack to work, he would need to take out most of their number during the first 3-5 seconds. “ Mortars, target the trucks…” he spoke through his company comm channel. He waited a few seconds as they dialed in their ranges before tolling the radio twice, this was the universal signal to begin.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Brittania Homeworld, Dig-site in the Jungles of Lagrana:

"So, you're saying that, the ground just gave way." asked a Galfan Archaeologist, following a Female Kalel towards a large hole, equipment being set up around it to begin excavation.

"Yeah, Jameson's down there at the moment, nursing one hell of a headache." repluied the girl he was following. "But... From what he can tell, he said that it looks like the entrance to an ancient temple." The male threw his fist in the air.

"I KNEW IT!" he said, rushing toward the hole. "I SAID THAT WE WEREN'T THE FIRST TO POPULATE THIS PLANET!" he reached over for a Winch and tied it around his waist "Lower me in, I HAVE to see this." he jumped into the hole and was lowered in. "Jameson, it's Oroca." he said as he saw the concussed archaeologist sat around a glowing orb. His feet touched the ground and he looked around the chamber that they were in. The walls were filled to the brim with ancient writing. Oroca looked at it. his eyes glowed as they scanned the writing... He then stumbled back and fell over. The Kalel, Jameson ran over to him.

"Oroca, you alright?" he asked.

"Tha... Those words... Tk'Aiod Na Tuu Rellia Vas Aenittec Ppproessi." he said. "The Ancient Oppressors... It's. A variation, but it's their language alright." he said. He continued reading. "It... It says. Votn Na Possossls, The Temple of Riches... Wishes... Temple of Wishes." he said.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" asked Jameson.

"I don't know." he said. Looking around, he saw a door. "Hmm... Let's see what's behind that." he said. Running back to under the hole, he looked up. "Throw us Bazookoids." he said. "We've found a door and are going in, we'll need to cut through any caved in areas we might encounter." he said. A few seconds later, a pair of the Pump-Action laser cannons were winched down to them. Picking it up, he set it to it's lowest setting. "The last thing we want to do is destroy any valuable artifacts." he said. Walking over to the door, Oroca put his hand on the door and the whole cavern lit up, green lines of energy flowing along the entire wall.

"Shit..." Jameson gasped. "This is amazing technology." The door then opened. They pointed their weapons in and began to advance...

--1 week later--

The entry chamber had been completely unearthed, and Galfan Scientists were swarming all over, deciphering whatever they could. "So, after Professor Oroca and Doctor Jameson went into here... Then what?" a Mogg female asked a Levinti female.

"Well, Officer Kassh." began the girl "After they went in here, they weren't heard from again. We've since cordoned off the area." The Mogg female began walking toward the door, vaulting the cordon barrier. The door opened. "Please, Officer, I don't think that going into the scary door of doom is the smartest thing you can do."

"I am a trained professional, I have faith that I can traverse whatever traps are in there." She said.

"Yes, but you can't read the Language of the Ancient Overlords." replied the Leviniti. "If you're going then I will have to come with you." Kassh looked at her, it was true.

"Very well, Doctor Frein." replied Kassh. Walking through the door, she took a pistol from her jacket. Frein grabbed her gun and tried to lower it.

"Ma'am, this is a tomb worth more in scientific value than the entire rest of the solar system... The entire scientific community would appreciate a lack of plasma-scores on it." she said.

"What if the reason they never returned was because of some ancient guard?" asked Kassh. She walked forward through the darkness. An orb of light floating above them to provide a means with which to see. They walked down a long flight of stares and into a small box-like room. This had no writing anywhere. "Alright, I don't like this." she said. "If this is all that was down here, then where did Oroca and Jameson go?" she asked. She then saw a rectangular block raise from the floor. "What the hell" she asked. A green light blanketed the room before a sound of shrieking metal filled the room.

"IT'S INCOMPREHENSIBLE!!!" yelled Frein, grabbing her ears. It then stopped.

"Language scanned and analyzed." said a voice. This is a pre-recording from the Jooran. If you have found this, then you are most fortunate." suddenly, the whole room began to shake, before the wall behind them opened, the whole room was descending into a chamber with... What could only be described as a giant stone. A red beam of light shot into their fore-heads. and suddenly, they were floating in space. "We have left behind, for you, the greatest treasure that you could ever hope." it said. Zooming through space, right into the Galactic Core. In there, a giant black, floating cube. "The fountain of knowledge, where every single answer is stored. Physics, Biology, Mathmatical... Life and Death..." it said. "However, only those with the purest of intentions are going to access this knowledge. The last thing we want is to grant infinite knowledge to insane dictators." It then shot back to their solar system and zoomed in to show them standing where they stood.

"The hell?" asked Kassh. She waved her hand, and saw her counterpart in her mind do the same.

"Within here is the knowledge to build a vessel capable of reaching this destination." The beam going into their heads pulsed before shutting down. The pair of them stared at each other.

"W... Why do I know how to build a starship?" asked Kassh.

"It said." replied Frein. "This ship can reach that destination."

"But... What happened-" at that point, they disappeared in a flash of green "To the Doctor and Professor?" she finished as she re-appeared outside, she looked around. "Wait... The camp's about 2 miles that way? So this is where they were sent. So why didn't they return." The Levinti looked at her.

"They want to get to it first." she said. "But why?" she asked. They began walking back towards camp.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alexjits


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

T-T-C-S - Snot-Kla, Officer Glarz - Subject: Research on nearby planets

Glarz walked around his small office watching all of his employee's work quickly to find out information of nearby planet's "Sir I detect a few nearby planetary solar system's...", Glarz rushed quickly over towards the snotling's desk to inspect the planet's

"As you see sir, The planetary systems are these two",The snotling worker highlights the location's close to the TTCS as Glarz nods in approval "How dangerous are these planets...Do we know snotling?"

The snotling nodded in disappointment "Unfortunately not...We will walk in blind if we attack!" Glarz snickered to himself "Tell Gutzsmash to come to my office...I have a discussion to do with him" The Snotling rushed off quickly to find the only intelligent orc on the planet, Glarz walked and sat in his office waiting for thirty minutes as he arrives

"Uh...You wanted to see me boss?" Gutzsmash scratched his head as Glarz nodded "Indeed Gutz...As we know there is nearby planets and we need to bring together our armies to be able to destroy these planets" Gutz nodded as he remembered "Like those annoying Damocleus guys?", Glarz nodded "That's the spirit Gutz! Now get together your armies, We travel in a few day's time...!" Gutzsmash nodded rushing out quickly to prepare the armies as Glarz looked down at his blade "I'll be killing some people soon!"
As soon as Glarz said that a Snotling ran into the room his personal assistant Perz "G-Glarz! We got news down near Dranar!"

Later on in the day

Glarz landed in his cruiser onto the planet of Dranar where the Foreman greeted him "We have found some sort of mysterious relic, Telling us about a Galactic Core...We could make amazing ship's!" Glarz chuckled to himself "Find Gutz...Tell him we have a change of plan's...After a little research before I came here there is a system inhabited by small creatures called Kerbal's...We take that system to get us closer to the center!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azico


Member Offline since relaunch

Kais was standing on his ramp, overwatching the training grounds beneath him. This month's new recruits, slightly over two million. He himself had long given up on training them and had given that task to his secondary commanders who had enough renown to be known by everyone in the alliance. As he stood upon the ramp, one of the government officials approached him, namely a war-veteran diplomat named Aunshi.

''Kais, the Spectres have found something of interest from two nearby systems. One from the Snotling homeworld and one from a system inhabited by a faction named the grand federation of Britannia. From what we can tell from our interceptions and readings, the activity on both have been increasing above the usual and some ancient alien message was picked up from a world inhabited by the federation. It said something about a fount of knowledge and a ship design. We have no idea if the two are connected or if the ship design is the fount of knowledge. We didn't get the design either, we just know of it. We require you to do two things. Send messages to the outer worlds and tell them to up their scans from the snotlings and have their defence units ready for battle, also send them reinforcements. Second, prepare a fleet that can travel towards this so called Federation. It is advised by the Spectres that you bring minimal ammounts of soldiers as to not seem aggresive, although keep in mind it will take a long time for reinforcements, so bring what you see fit.'' As Kais listened he started thinking of possible outcomes to this but his thoughts cut short as his duty was made clear and replied the diplomat, ''I will make sure to notify the outer sections. And you can inform the Spectres I will bring two Army Regions, each consisting of two and a half million soldiers and split it into groups of five-hundred-thousand each with a general of their own.'' As Kais prepared to leave, Aunshi haulted him and started to speak in a harsh, no discussions tone ''I will be comming with you and I will take command of one of the 500k units. You will also be required increase production on the new prototype suit and finalize it so we can use it in our assault, if it comes to that.'' Kais nodded as he replied ''Will do, if you are to come, please talk to the other generals. They will be situated in the War Council in one hour.'' At that, they both nodded and left to do their duties.

Later that day, in another quadrant of the world

As Rovun was walking along the production quarters, he took the nearby shuttle towards the mining shafts and digsites. As he arrived a worked sprinted directly towards him, screaming with a certain ammount of glee ''Rovun! We found something! We were just continuing to expand digsite 624B to prospect for minerals when we found this ruin. Our foreman went in with two workers and when he came out he was rambling on about some ship design or whatever.'' Rovun's eyes expanded to an unnatural size, remembering Kais' orders from earlier about finishing the prototype suits as he said something ship designs from a foreign planet. He grabbed the worker's arm and dragged him into the shuttle and launched it towards the military council.

As he arrived he immediatly ran for Kais, finding him just leaving the council with Aunshi. As he approached he screamed in an exhausted voice ''Commander! Gracious Aunshi! We found something simillar to that ship thingy you talked about. This workman can tell you about it.'' As Rovun started to catch his breath the workman explained ''Well, we found this ancient ruin and as me and the foreman and another worker entered, this voice started speaking to us about the galactic core and a fount of knowledge and then some ship designs. Our foreman has already started preparing the designs for building, although it may take awhile.'' In response to theese news Aunshi turned towards Kais with a certain demeanour ''Kais, our plans have changed. Me and you will still travel to the Federation but with the proposal of working together. I also need you to find someone capable of researching what the galactic core is and what dangers it may posses.'' Kais nodded as he walked off to appoint said man as Aunshi bowed to Rovun and the worker, speaking as he did so. ''Thank you for this information, it has been of most help. If you wouldn't mind, could you lead me to this ruin?'' Rovun and the worker both nodded as they started to lead the way, wondering what Aunshi would do.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hyperdrive
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Hyperdrive Not Possible

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Tyr'grande, Underwater Shrine of Sy'Keth:

Haraven arrives at the hidden shrine of their god Sy'Keth and enters one of its deepest chambers, the Deviant Hall.

"I've heard your calling my lord.." He says, as if there's someone else inside the dark chamber he's in. For a short moment, the room went silent, until suddenly, whispers began creeping into his mind.

"Your people are in danger Haraven... I sense it.. the temples.. the others know of their existence." Says the deep voice that resonates in his mind. It is as if something or someone talking to him through his consciousness.

"What? what do you mean by temples? and how are my people in danger? tell me!" He asks, showing a slight expression of fear through his voice.

"The answers you seek are not mine to tell young one.. but I can show you the way to where you'd find it." As the voice finishes its sentence, the floor below Haraven begins to split in two, revealing a flight of stairs that leads to a lower level.

"The knowledge you'll learn is possibly more that you can comprehend.. but I believe your race is now capable of handling such knowledge." The voice then fades, and only the rumbling sound of the moving floor can be heard.

Seeing that the voice had faded, Haraven then begins to walk down the steps, cautious that his actions might eventually lead him to an untimely death. He eventually ends up inside a room with nothing but a small black pedestal on the middle. Curious and all, Haraven tried to interact with the object. At that exact moment his fingertips connected with the stone, a large flash of green covered the room.

-A few days later-

Shortly after arriving back at the imperial palace, Haraven is seen to be completely distracted, clearly over thinking about the information he'd just acquired from the chamber below the shrine. One evening, after walking a few laps around the palace halls, Haraven decides on what action should be undertaken about the situation.

"Have the Commissar linked to my office, I must speak with her, NOW" Haraven shouts to his assistant as he head towards his office. As he arrive by the doors he slams them open, letting it split in half and revealing the holoscreen by his table that is projecting the Commissar.

"Novaria reporting in my Praetor." The Commissar says, as she was clearly surprised by the sudden call.

"Novaria, I'm contacting you to inform you that I've approved the Black Project Initiative you've presented a couple years back, It is to proceed as planned, but is to remain off the books, only you, me and the Consular knows of this, so use only your most loyal subjects, if you need additional manpower, I'm allowing you do whatever you want, just do it discreetly."

"I understand my Praetor, is there anything else you want me to do?" She says.

"Yes, I want you to send out another fleet of scouting drones. I want you to find this galactic core, along with every route that leads to it."

"Understood, I'll dispatch another fleet of drones immediately." She replies before being cut-off by the Praetor.

Haraven then contacts the Consular shortly afterwards.

"Consular, I'm hoping the construction of the blueprints are going well?" asked Haraven

"Construction are going as planned, I'm assuming that you've told Novaria about the Black Project yes?" Addr'ikir replies

"I did, and I'm expecting that the funding will arrive in time for the operation to begin Consular." Haraven says in a stern voice.

"Of course, the trade fededartion and my optio's won't even notice their missing tichars." Addr'ikir replies in a assuring tone.

"Very well, I'll contact you again soon to check on the progress, Haraven out." Haraven cuts the comm and begins to walk towards the window overlooking a city.

He stands there, facing the city, watching his subjects go on with their lives as if nothing else mattered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apollo26
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Valag Timonus
Taoshe, Executive Palace
Shao XI system

“Exploration?!” screamed Vice Admiral Shalkur Timonus, “ Our highly specialized troops…..sent on exploration missions……Brother….please..?” Shalkur said to his brother Valag. “ This is a political decision, we are at peace at home. I want the First through Fifth special forces groups and the first special warfare group ready to deploy for PEACETIME……..long range recon patrols..” Valag said with a smile towards his younger brother Shalkur. Valag always knew his younger brother was hot-headed but he was not dumb. They both knew that this wasn’t just a snap decision to explore, there was more out there. “ The Laucomb has been intercepting stray radio traffic for weeks, alien languages mostly, and our combat recon teams have started detecting radar signatures just past the Kalai Abyss” ( The asteroid field and gas cloud that lies to the galactic south east). Valag sighed a bit as if he were making this decision for the first time “ If it wasn’t clear before….it is definately clear now that we cannot be isolationists . Anything we find out there must be dealt with peacefully or we risk annihilation.” Shalkur nodded and studied the galactic map, his brothers concerns were his and the thought of starting a galactic war made him feel uneasy. “ Alright, you will have your troops, we will launch today”. Valag clasped his brother on the shoulder and nodded, “good….get it done” he said as he turned back towards the map as Shalkur began to walk off. “ Oh…..” Shalkur added as an after thought “ Two recon platoons found something…….well it found them rather. I think you might want to see it…..it is, beyond explanation” he said before walking through the large double doors to the main chamber of the palace.

Captain Yulan Talikan
Taoshe, somewhere in the woods

Raven 2, Army

“ Well things sure did escalate quickly” said one of Talikan’s lieutenants, “ Yes, it sure did, just our luck huh…..we are doomed to forever find things” Talikan said with a chuckle. Shortly after the engagement started, the repeated mortar impacts made the ground give way. After maybe 10 seconds of fighting, the entire aggressor force fell into the newly formed hole, a win in Talikans book. Luckily no one was killed, only a few cases of broken bones and concussions. “ Lucky them…..” talikan said as he pulled a expertly rolled cigarette. White paper encapsulated a ground blue herb, with what looked like a rolled up notecard acting as a filter. Yulan’s helmet was already hanging off his belt when he brought the cigarette up to his mouth to light it. The Blue herb was one of many psychoactive herbs that were natural to the planet, this was known for relaxation and feeling of euphoria. It was also a favorite of soldiers in garrison due to the relatively light effects.
Taking a long drag, he placed the small plasma torch back in a pouch and let the sweet smelling smoke wash over him. “ They are searching what ever this is, we need to be back in orbit. We are scheduled for more training operations on Haloh” he said calmly as the cigarette took effect. He wasn’t exactly happy that their sister company would get all the glory for “finding” the ruin, he wanted to be the one exploring it. This would certainly lead to some promotions, maybe even a senatorial appointment if they find something. Captain Talikan scoffed and continued to take long drags from his cigarette “ Breakdown the gear and have Alpha squad set up a landing zone, transports will be here soon…”. The young lieutenant nodded and sprinted off towards the troops who were lounging by their holes. A sigh escaped Yulan’s lips as he looked over the commotion in front of him, ‘what could this be….’ he thought to himself before pitching the cigarette butt and walking back to his company.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

150 Years Ago

Flight Log, KSS Spaaaaace!
[0:00] Ignition and Lift-off
[0:45] Booster seperation
[1:45] Separation of Stage 1
[1:50] Stage 2 ignition
[3:00] Catastrophic fuel gauge failure
[3:17] Rock-O-Matix engine on fire (I knew we should have gone with Rockomax! -Bill
[3:25] Emergency command module decoupling
[3:28] Rock-O-Matix engine fails rather exothermically
[3:52] Parachutes deployed
[7:01] Touchdown in Kerbin's desert. Mysterious temple nearby.
[8:12] Took picture with mysterious temple. Harder than it looked (see Addendum 1).
[8:20] Bored. Broke out cards, played solitare.
[21:42] Rescue plane arrived. Belatedly realized that Ace of Spades was left at mysterious temple. Recommend recovery mission. -Bill | Went to Mun instead. -Jeb

KIS Jebediah, ~19,500 ly from Kerbol
|Mission: Investigate Big Glowy Cloud (Long Bar, near galactic center)
|Course: Somewhere to the left of the Big Glowy Cloud (in the general direction of the Septonium Concordant [actually, quite near to the Septonium Concordant])

Living Module
Chris stared at the porthole. It was noticeably dark outside. Stars slowly drifted aft (while others, of course, simply stayed stationary in the background). According to Danman, they could extrapolate the distances and locations to each of those stars based on their velocity. Chris didn't really care about that; he was much more concerned with the lack of a Big Glowy Cloud filling the porthole. They should've been there by now. Oh, well. He was sure that Danman would've mentioned something as Navigational Advisor if they were going the wrong way. Maybe they passed it. Chris hoped not. Space was overwhelmingly large, and Chris didn't want to get any more lost than they probably were.

Rationally, if they just turned around, and accounted for stellar drift, and followed the same path through space (Danman kept claiming that space was littered with ideal faster-than-light paths, like lanes on a highway, where space could be more easily bent), then they'd get back to Kerbol. If their ship didn't fly apart before then.

"Just look at how well those Rockomax™ brand fuel tanks are holding up! Golly gee, what a site, eh, Chr?" Hadfrey said, clapping Chris on the back. Chris hated being called "Chr". It reminded him of when he was very young and still got Space Meals™ from MkRocket's. Well, truth be told, Chris had eaten a Space Meal™ for lunch, but that was only because of the Rockomax sponsorship deal. Hadfrey coming along was also part of that deal.

"Please don't call me Chr," Chris said. At that moment, Stacey came bounding up the ladder into the communal living area with the same awkward, waddling gait that all Kerbals had thanks to their oversized heads. "Uh-oh," Chris said. Stacey never ran. What if they were out of snacks? Chris liked to think that they'd advanced somewhat past that point in the last 125 years. Eh, it'd be worth it, if only they'd ever get to land on something. Drifting through empty, folded space was boring.

"I just double-checked the fuel gauge," Stacey started.

The fuel gauge was, of course, sensibly mounted on the fusion reactor. On the outside of the ship. As was the majority of the science equipment and spare parts. And the extra deuterium. Really, it was a very good thing that the Alkubierre drive allowed Kerbals outside the ship (as long as they stayed within the distortion bubble [Barlas was the first to discover where the bubble actually was; it was now marked with a small ring of incredibly slowly-orbiting MkRocket's wrappers]).

"We've only got enough deuterium for 500 lightyears." she finished.
"Erm. Well, then, I'll just show myself to the Rockomax™ brand entertainment system, shall I?" Hadfrey said, awkwardly leaving the conversation.
"But we're not that close to the Big Glowy Cloud!" Chris said.
"Well, why don't we go somewhere else, then?" Stacey asked.
"Because it won't be as awesome as the Big Glowy Cloud!" Chris replied.
"There's nothing I can do," Stacey said, throwing her hands in the air.
"Hmrmph." Chris grunted. He thought about it for half a second, and then decided that he didn't want to decide where to go. "Danman," he said into his coverall mic, "we're not going into the Big Glowy Cloud. I-"
"Oh, dear. I'd hoped it was just me who thought we were going the wrong way. That's terrible news!" Danman replied.
"Um. Yes, it is," something was bothering Chris. Something that, if thought, could revolutionize Kerbal behaviour. But he ignored it, and pushed on. "But that's not important. What is important is that you pick a star with planets to land on. A cool star."
"Ooh! I've got just the system! It's got a binary sun and four planets. One might have three moons!" Danman said.

The entire crew "Ooh"'ed appropriately. Even Hadfrey.
Kerbtown, Capital of Kerbin
Billboard said "RKEA is proud to sponsor the latest three interstellar rockets: the KIS Illüminadir, the KIS Flammenmakör, and the KIS Titanïc Two Thösander. Tickets available now!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hyperdrive
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Hyperdrive Not Possible

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Tyr'grande, Imperial Palace, Praetor's Office:

"It was right under our noses.. how does the council of elders not know about this..?" Haraven asks Addr'ikir in an interrogative tone. "We told you everything we knew my Praetor.. knowing that the shrine was an ancient temple all along is also new to us." Addr'ikir replies defensively. Haraven pauses for a second, resting his back against the cushion of his chair. "Just make sure this information is kept from the public, we don't want them questioning their beliefs, understood?" Haraven would say before clearing his throat and speaking again. "I'm also prohibiting any further investigations on the shrine, if you need any more research about it, best you look for other planets that has one. I won't have anyone else step inside." Haraven says to Addr'ikir in a stern manner. "I understand my Praetor, I respect your wise decision on keeping our shrine sacred. I'll deal with this matter and keep any information that leaked under control." Addr'ikir bows lightly towards Haraven while speaking.

Just as the silence begins to set in, the holoscreen projected from Haraven's table started flickering. Haraven would then receive the transmission, and see that its from the Praetorian Legion Commando, Galerius Krovak.

"Sir, sorry to interrupt, but I have an important matter to report." the man on the screen speaks. "Go ahead Galerius, what is it?" Haraven replies. "Sir, our outlying drones intercepted multiple transmissions from several locations recently. All of the entries were spoken in alien languages, therefore we don't know what the entries contain. However, the R&D department told us that we can make a translator out of the data, but by the time we finish it, the entry would be long outdated. Also, energy spikes were traced on multiple points in the galaxy, its seems that some of the alien lifeforms we haven't contacted are becoming increasingly active as of late." Galerius says through the holoscreen, finishing his report. "I see.. have the R&D department develop a translator from the signals you've intercepted as fast as they can. Regarding the alien movement, I'll have the HIF mobilized for the defensive, but while I take care of it, have the Silver Armada sent to Titan's Hold and wait for further orders." Haraven says to his most loyal subject. "Understood my Praetor, I'll report back soon after we've arrived at Titan's Hold, Galerius out."

"So whats your plan?" Addr'ikir says to Haraven after seeing Galerius sign out. "We'll have to secure our borders first, before we move out. The clone army is still at its earliest stage, and the relays aren't done yet, we'll have to rely on what we have for now." Haraven tells the Consular, as he would remain seated on his chair attempting to find a relaxing position. "Its going to take time.. but we'll be more than ready to face what's out there."

--A few days after--

Revar System, Planet Hllalen, Primus Legion Loading Grounds:

With the Praetor's orders, half of the HIF went to his command, and were ordered to neutralize the nearby systems that surrounds the core systems of the Imperium. Overseeing the whole operation was Novaria Mithe, the military head of the Harlaci Imperium. She stands there by the large window inside her office, watching the soldiers below as they board their assigned transports. The soldiers she was watching belonged to the 105th and 118th division of the Primus Legion, divisions that are known to be composed mostly of commando groups, infiltrator squads, and sniper teams. The divisions were basically the elite's of the Primus Legion.

"Aryana, status report." Novaria asks one of her assistants. "According to the data sent from the Praetor's office the 105th and 118th are assigned to.. Duranthos, the ice planet in the Argonia system. They are assigned for.. garrison duty? strange, why would the Praetor ask the best of the Primus for garrison duty?" The assistant side comments as she read the file. Novaria would frown to herself as she hear what her assistant said. "You'd better be watching your tongue Aryana, unless you want to be executed for questioning the Praetor's orders." Novaria comments to her assistant, reminding her of her position. "Fo-forgive me Commissar, it won't happen again." She replies lowly, bowing before Novaria.

At that same moment, a Decanus (Fleet Commander) enters the room, accompanied by his two bodyguards. "You've summoned me Commissar?" the Decanus says as he walk slowly towards Novaria. "I did Decanus Liev, please, have seat." Novaria says to him, as she dismisses Liev's bodyguards and her assistants.

She walks towards him while pouring herself a glass of Harlacian Brandy. "I've seen your records Decanus, and I have to say I'm quite impressed, its almost as good as my records during my days in the HIF." She comments to him before drinking.

"Thank you Commissar.. but I believe complementing me is not the reason why you've summoned me here, isn't it?" He says to her, trying to get to the point.

"Very well.. you see Decanus, I've been tasked by an important mission by the Praetor himself. A task, that would involve me giving him the best of what the HIF and the Primus has to offer. That's why I've summoned you here, because I believe you're the only one up for the task this mission requires." Novaria tells him as finishes her drink.

"I'm willing to serve the Imperium with all my heart Commissar, what will you have me do?" He says to her with much endeavor.

"You'll be leading these two divisions to Duranthos, once you arrive, I want you to deploy the two divisions, and send squad 40 of the 105th to the coordinates I'll provide you. Afterwards, I want you to deploy a blockade, so that only ships with my approval can gain access to the planet. Think you can handle it?" She says.

"Yes Commissar, I'll do my best on the task you've given to me." The Decanus replies as he salute to Novaria. She then dismisses the Decanus and walks back to the window she used earlier. She begins to watch the ships remain idle for a while, before seeing them take off, leaving the planet.
Drone Fleet:
With the approval of deploying a drone scouting fleet, a total of 10,000 drones were sent to aimlessly travel the galaxy, mapping out their coordinates as they go. It is possible that a drone or two might have found its way into a spacefaring nation's territory unintentionally.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apollo26
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Captain Yulan Talikan
Above Icarus,
STC Acheron A-2 ( Aries class vessel)

No matter how much warning he was given for a training operation it always felt somewhat real to Yulan. There was no different gear for training only the dummy rounds in their rifles, in a firefight however this was quickly forgotten. It was common to see new soldiers with the “1000 yard stare” after full invasion profiles or FIP in military speak. Yulan prided the Septonian military on its realistic training, it worked and made them all better warriors.
“ Captain Talikan…..” the admiral on board said towards Yulan “ Raven two will secure the hill-top, overlooking the village of Poikoi. You will provide cover and intelligence for the Marine assault and Raven one’s occupation.” Yulan nodded and spat a quick yes sir before the major moved on to the next assignment. This was a FIP operation, we were invading Icarus home of the veteran 1st and 5th Marine battalions and the elite 12th Infantry regiment. Yulan’s mind went towards planning, what did he need to effectively support the Marine assault? Before his mind left that thought the briefing ended with a crisp “ Dismissed” from the Admiral in command. Thoughts of the mission dominated his mind as he made the short walk back to him company area.
His soldiers has already gotten the warning order, somehow without him telling them. The advice ‘Never underestimate the tenacity of the enlisted man’ echoed in his mind as he waded through the chaos to find his junior officers. “ Delta and Echo squads drop the mortars and pick up long range rifles, I want rockets and snipers. Alpha through Charlie pack carbines, I want one machine gun in each team. Camouflage of the day is…….. rocky desert, any questions?” Captain Talikan said towards his Junior officers. They all shook their heads and instantly ran off to brief their platoons. This was going to be a good operation, he had drafted four new members from the newest training class and he was eager to break them in.

STC Gaston BH-32 ( Blackhole class ship)
30,000 ly bearing 30 degrees
Ship log:
-Disembarked from Taoshe
- Jump- Exiting slip-space just outside of the Kalai abyss ( approx 35,000k ly bearing 20 deg)
-Entered Kalai Abyss
-Succesfully Navagated the Kalai Abyss( vou ne compre pa’a quel poi’c eta) Translation ( You don’t understand how hard that was)
- Docked with asteroid, conducting recon operations

Peaking over the lip of the asteroid increasing the magnification of his HUD , Sergeant Margaux could just make out the shape of a craft in the distance. It looked segmented and modular, frankly it looked rather unstable to him. “ Ey……Hakto, get over here…” he whispered over the team communications channel. Outside of the conventional combat divisions rank and formalities fade away. In most special forces teams, operators referred to each other by nicknames or first names. Hakto was the name of a particularly large farm animal on the core worlds, known for its ability to cary and pull large loads. ‘Hakto’ the Aradite was also fairly large and carried the heaviest gear, he embraced his name well.
“ oui chef…..?” Hakto quipped as he floated up beside Sergeant Margeux.
Zero gravity operations were always….peacefull, for lack of a better word. It was silent, save the communication between the team and the ship. Floating around absolute nothingness forced you to calm yourself and remember to keep three points of contact or how hard you pushed off an object. This calmness also helped you forget how dangerous this job was. “ Can you identify that? Ever seen something like that before”? Hakto shook his head “ No chef, thats new to me….” he quipped again dropping his head below the lip of the asteroid, “ We should call the ship……”. Margaux nodded and dropped below the lip himself before switching radio channels, “ Gaston this is Kabal……Gaston, Kabal how copy”? “ Loud and clear Kabal platoon, send it” was the answer from the ship after a few seconds. Margaux explained what he saw and waited to hear the response, communication took a bit when the ship was running its stealth protocols. “ Kabal platoon, return to the ship, we are going to shadow this vessel”
Sergeant Margaux sighed inwardly as he heard the message, there was nothing worse then sitting in Blackhole class ship while it ran its stealth protocols. All non essential electronics ( Internal Temperature controls, artificial gravity, Holographic systems) were shut off. To mask its thermal signature the exhaust was channeled back into the ship and out though a series of micro exhaust ports, if you were looking though thermal imaging you would see a dark almost black blue object moving over a black backdrop. All radar and sonar traffic was strictly controlled. The ship becomes a ghost but for the crew inside, life is hard. The directed exhaust makes the entire ship feel like a sauna, there is no cold water and the crew has to eat non perishable rations. The galley has the only refrigerated section on the ship, which is locked down under stealth protocols. Every essential crewmen ( which is everyone on the ship) is ordered to quarters to standby, everyone except Sergeant Margaux and his platoon.
The captain let Kabal platoon bunk down in the missile bay, which happens to be in the rear of the ship in front of the engines. It was the the hottest place on the ship, according to the crew. Of course no one told Kabal platoon about this, they had to find out the hard way. When then ship was “Stalking”, military speak for running stealth protocols, his platoon was sealed in the missile bay. which resulted to a lot of restless operators.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

KIS Jebediah
|Mission: Investigate Big Glowy Cloud Land on a planet in Shao XI.
|Location: 30,000ly, Bearing 30 Degrees (quite near to the Septonium Concordant)

Five hours ago:

Jebediah had decelerated out of the first reasonably successful, controlled, and purposeful FTL jump in Kerbal history. As soon as the Alkubierre drive had spooled down, the Jebediah quietly re-obeyed the standard laws of physics and resumed going the direction and speed it had been going (relative to the galactic center) pre-jump. While the Kerbals had been prepared for this, they hadn't known what, exactly, they should have done about it. Chris had guesstimated a reasonable distance from their target asteroid, hit the little red "stop" button, swung the entire ship around, and then frantically burned retrograde. Several MkRocket Meals™ had tumbled from the snacks locker. The end result was that the Jebediah narrowly missed crashing into its target asteroid at 2,236m/s - around 2,200m/s faster than their desired orbital speed.

The whole maneuver had started because Gregara had asked a stupid question: whether or not they would, in fact, have enough fuel for both the lander to land and the
Jebediah to decelerate from FTL. So Danman had picked a nice, small asteroid on their way to the target.

That nice, small asteroid was, at that point, 7.2km behind them. By the time the
Jebediah had slowed down sufficiently, they were much closer to a different, lumpier, slighty larger asteroid. So Chris had decided that they would simply spool up the Alkubierre drive and jump to the proper side of the new asteroid to let their course and speed take them into orbit. Being the first Kerbals to ever use the Alkubierre drive for a second time, it had taken a few hours of reading the manual to realize that the drive needed to cool down before it could be reactivated after such a long initial jump.

So when the
Jebediah had come out of FTL orbiting yet a third asteroid, Chris threw up his hands, declared that it was good enough, and retired to his cabin.


Completely unaware of the stealthed ship on the far side of the asteroid, Ferfen suited up for EVA. While his brother Danman had figured out a good asteroid to aim for, this wasn't that asteroid, and Ferfen had no idea whether or not this asteroid would have kethane. Kethane was a valuable and easily-refineable fuel source. The best way to detect it would have been a surface sample, but they also could use the parabolic stereomagnetic spectrographic kethane scanning dish (understandably referred to as the "Kethane Detector"), which was mounted on the outside of the ship. It was a good thing they had the kethane detector, as the lander was incapable of returning from moon-sized objects without refueling.

Ferfen adored EVA's. He could flip endlessly, and often did, just for fun. Just now, he'd completed a quinteple backflip before reluctantly activating his suit's manuevering thrusters. Nearing the kethane detector, he activated it, performed a few barrel rolls, and went back inside the ship. The results of the scan showed a few scattered deposits, and nothing else unusual. It was time to assemble the lander.

KIS Bob and Bill, vacuum configuration
Chris, Gregara, and Barlas all crammed into the lander's tiny cockpit. As it turned out, they had even less fuel than they'd thought - despite the miniscule amount of thrust needed to land on this particular asteroid, they ran out of fuel halfway up. They were going around 1m/s faster than the maximum impact tolerance of the landing legs. Desperate, they piled out of the ship, grabbed on, and activated their spacesuit maneuvering thrusters. The Bob and Bill slowed fractionally. Around 15 seconds before impact, Gregara shoved everyone back into the cockpit, trying to at least angle the ship so that the legs would all touch down simultaneously.

Unfortunately, the Bob and Bill was landing on a hill. It touched down, the legs compressing to their fullest extent before one of them collapsed. The shock caused the entire lander to start tumbling down the hill end over end, bouncing in the very low gravity, before settling in a cloud of dust and small rocks at the bottom, miraculously rightside up, though leaning precariously. Pleased at their progress, Chris ordered everyone out. Their first order of buisiness would be finding enough rocks to make up for the missing leg. Between the three of them and the low gravity, they should be able to lift it. Their second task would be to use the Bob and Bill's mounted drilling and refining units to refuel the Jebediahi. That would take several trips from the asteroid's surface back up to their ship. After, of course, Chris planted the mission flag.

Landing the Bob and Bill would be interesting now that one of the legs was missing. Chris made a mental note to aim for somewhere more flat next time.

Eva Kerman, current KIS administrator, stared at the small pile of papers on his desk. Out of the corner of her eye, she'd noticed something stuck to the bottom of her "in" box. Curious, she lifted the box, dumping half of the project requests and approval-needed papers into an auxilliary "in" box. The paper was a small brief about a potential rescue mission.

She had to do a double-take at the date and location of the rescue mission. This form was from 150 years ago. It was written on by none other than Jebediah and Bill Kerman! Still, Eva had had rescue missions take a long time before. A few kerbals may or may not be still trapped on Eve. They had been for at least 35 years. She kept meaning to rescue them, but with the Alkubierre drive, there were so many other interesting places to go. She did at least paradrop them supplies every so often, along with notes saying that she'd really rescue them soon, and that she meant it this time. 150 years, however, was pretty long.

And the location of the stranded kerbalnaut? Kerbin. Some mysterious desert temple. She wrote a note:

"Evas Note" said Rescue 'Ace' from mysterious temple!!!

PS: Either rescue the Eve mission, or give up on them! Stop just sending them supplies and putting it off for another year!
PPS: The Eve mission really hasn't had a supply of snacks for a while; we should probably do something about that before they die.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 16 days ago

(wall of text warning X3 took me a while to make this, sorry for the wait =3)

RZE home system, home planet Zargonia, capital city

the cluttered streets and skies of the capital buzzed like a hive with vehicles, high in the sky in low orbit hover warships, guarding the cities from possible rebel bombardment, In the throne room of the palace in the center of the capital city, the King speaks to his advisers, a Sas-Zak and Zargan, with a pleasant smile. The throne room is massive, it has guards lined alone the walls all fully combat ready, for even in these times of peace, there is still the danger of attack from the monstrous creatures of this planet. The doors to the throne room open as a Sas-Zak scientist makes his way in, the guards keep their eye's on him as he approaches the King's throne. When the King take notice of the approaching scientist he kindly dismisses his advisers and they take their leave after bowing. The King then focuses his attention on the scientist with a smile.

The Sas-Zak bows before he looks up to the King
"Barrakus my old friend, what news do you bring me?" the King asks with a smile, Barrakus then gets to his feet to speak, he then lets out multiple rapid chirps and clicks, the King slowly raises a brow as he lets out a chuckle
"Barrakus, your doing it again" the King said with a slight grin

Barrakus has a confused look on him for a second then his eye's widened slightly as he realised what he was doing, he placed hand up to his head as he shook it slightly. Barrakus then looked to the King
"forgive me your majesty, I keep forgetting, it's a bad habit" Barrakus thought to the King through telepathy

"think not of it friend, now, what news have you brought?" the King asked with a smile, a serous look grows on Barrakus's face when he's asked this

"your majesty, we found something in the desert, near the center of the super continent, what appears to be an entrance to some kind of structure it was buried under the sand, we haven't been able to find a way to open it, the exterior designs seem to resemble those that are found on the fortress world but on a much smaller scale..." the King's expression went from a pleasant mood to serous, he leaned forward in his throne with a dead serous look, his golden reptilian eye's in deep thought

"this could be very bad... do you recall what happened when we found the fortress world?..." the King said as he looked to Barrakus

"how could I forget your majesty... it was the most costly battle the Royal Zargonian Empire had ever fought..." Barrakus thought to the King with a slightly unsettled expression
"we were lucky to have had the defenses we had in place, were it not for them that system would have been lost, who knows what lies within that structure... it could be an army" Barrakus thought.

The King slowly grew a determined look
"if their is an army within the structure, then we will meet it with our own, we have ruled over Zargonia for over a million years, we will not let the ancients threaten our rule on our home world" the King said as he looked into the eye's of his Sas-Zak friend

"what will you have me do your majesty?" Barrakus thought to the King

"I shall ready a battalion to help your science teams explore and secure the structure, accompanied by heavy mechs to guard the surface, they shall engage if anything attack's" the King instructed

"understood your majesty, but might I inquire how we are to get inside, we've tried to open what we believe to be a door for hours, nothing seems to work" Barrakus stated

"hmmm.... I'll send some heavy firepower to blast the door open if necessary, will that help" the King asked with a grin

"we'll see" replied Barrakus as he turned to leave
"I'll make sure to contact you if anything important happens" with that thought Barrakus spread his wings and flew to the doors of the throne room, he just happened to reach the door as the King's advisers returned, opening the door for him to fly on out

somewhere in the desert where the structure is located

a slight sandstorm is blowing near the ancient structure, it's over 25ft tall, and 40ft across, it's a square shape it one looks from a birds eye view, the science labs set up near it have their shields up, for protection from the storm that is closing in and the threat of possible creatures attacking. The sound of drop ships approaching draws the attention on the scientists inside the labs both Zargan and Sas-Zak alike. They look out the windows to see six drop ships closing in, when they reach the labs ten heavy mechs are dropped and land with a thud, they then begin to walk towards the structure with weapons primed, the last drop ship drops a mobile planetary defense cannon, the ground shake as it hit the ground, it hums to life as it begins to move towards the structure. The drop ships land and open their doors, then RZE soldiers begin to pour out of them all making their way to the structure. after the mechs get in place the soldiers, mostly Zagan, get into formation as the mobile planetary defense cannon gets into place.

the scientists leave the lab and meet with the person in command, one of the female Zargan scientists steps forward to speak
"what is going on?" she asks, the Zargan commander looks to the scientists

"we're going to be doing a storm op, it's possible that their is a great threat within the structure, we are here to make sure that if that is true we will meet that threat with everything we brought" the commander said to them
"gather your scientists, have them ready to enter the structure after we clear it out, if their is no threat, then you can get to researching whatever it is we find inside" he said as he turned to look at his soldiers

"b-but we've already tried to get in, there is no way to open what we think to be a door, no button or scanner of any kind" the scientist said to the commander, to which he turned around with a grin

"we know, that's why we brought the big gun" the commander said as he looked back to his soldiers
"soldiers! take aim at the structure!" he commanded, all the soldiers aimed their weapons at the doors to the structure, the heavy mechs did so as well, they were a good distance away from it
"ready the cannon!" the mobile cannon had gotten into place and planted it's legs, it aimed it's cannon at the structure, it then made a charging sound as it readied to fire
"Fire!" exclaimed the commander, the second he gave the command, the cannon fired, a shockwave exploded from the barrel of the cannon that blew away the sand. As the shell that was fired sped over the sand, in its wake the sand was shot into the air behind it, the second it inpacted the structure, a bright light followed by a trumendous shockwave and explosion was seen. The soldiers braced themselve in their armor as the shockwave and explosion washed over them, the scientists had taken cover in their labs before the cannon had fired. after the smoke cleared from the impact, it revieled the structure, where what they thought to be a door was now a gaping hole that lead into the structure, the soldiers had their weapons aimed at the hole as they waited. The commander narrowed his eyes as he waited
"alright, move in" he said in a calm and serous tone as he began to move towards the structure, his weapon at the ready. the battalion slowly made their way to the entrance, when they did they stopped, it seems like nothing more then an empty room, they had confused looks on them as they began to whisper amongst each other but stopped when the commander stepped forward
"I'm going in..." he said as he stepped into the empty room he looked around, aiming his weapon with it's light, it seemed like nothing more then an empty room, until the commander reached the center of the room, when he stepped inside of a circular it lit up bright blue, the commander jumped back and aimed his weapon at the floor where he stepped. The soldiers out side were watching with their weapons aimed in. The commander stayed still, until he decided to find out what just happened, he cautiously placed his armored foot inside the circle design on the floor, it lit up again, but this time he didn't take his foot off, the circle then flashed and stopped glowing, a pedestal then came from the center of the circle, it had a flat surface that glowed light blue. The commander slowly raise his right brow as he lowered his weapon and slowly placed his left hand on the top of the pedestal, it then glowed slightly brighter before the designs that filled the room began to light up, the commander didn't know what was going on, he had taken his hand off the pedestal and placed it back on his gun as he looked around, the soldiers that were standing outside slowly began working their way into the room.

"Commander... what is this?..." asked one of the soldiers as they looked at the designs

"it is something made by the ancients, possible the same who made the shield world..." replied the commander as they looked around, the pedestal from before then displayed holographic alien text, the commander walked up to it and tilted his head, he slowly reached out for the text and when he touched it the text dispersed and the pedestal glowed brightly for a second before went back into the floor, the ground then shuddered as it began to change into some form of spiral staircase, the soldiers were slightly bothered as they kept still with their weapons at the ready
"..... interesting...." the commander said as he began to move down the stairs he then looked back to the soldiers
"have some soldiers stand guard, let the scientists do their thing, I'm going further in" as soon as the commander finished talking his will was done, the Sas-Zak and Zargan scientists entered the structure and did what they did best.

Deep inside the structure the soldiers and the commander began to notice the appearance of some ancient symbols on the walls become more frequent, they seemed similar to the ones reported on the fortress world, this was beginning to unsettle the commander, if what he thought was true, then they'd be in for the fight of their life, as they made their way deeper into the structure they came to the end of the stairs, into a pitch black room that seemed to go on forever. The Commander looked around, even with his natural night vision he couldn't see anything
"what is this?...." he asked as he looked around, he aimed his weapon with the flashlight on to the floor, it looked like they were standing on nothing but darkness, the "floor" didn't give off any reflection from the flashlight

"I have a bad feeling about this Commander" on of the soldiers said

"noted..." the Commander said as he took a few steps foreword, lucky enough that he stepped on another symbol hidden on the floor, it lit up bright blue, then it seemed like lines of bright blue light spread out from it, forming into a massive ancient symbol that circled around the base of the stairs, all the soldiers were taken back slightly as they held their weapons at the ready. The commander stood still with a determined look, gripping his weapon as he looked around, then out of the corner of his eye he seen glow, he turned to look and seen a perfect sphere rise out of the "floor", it glowed bright blue with dark blue designs on it. Instinctively the Commander aimed his weapon at it and stepped back, the air around the sphere began to shudder as a charging sound came from it
"what the....." The Commander stepped back further as his soldiers took aim at the sphere, but before they could do anything, a loud sound erupted from it, almost deafening, a trembling wave of air washes over the area, the sound continued to come from the sphere for a few seconds, the soldiers both Zargan and Sas-Zak alike were clutching their heads, even the commander was fighting to stop himself from grabbing at his head, he took aim at the sphere and was about to fire but then the sound stopped. The sphere glowed brightly before thousands of what looked like small holographic data cubes came from it, surrounding it, making it take the form of a silhouetted alien figure that glowed bright blue, it then began to speak, but nothing it said make any sense, it was gibberish to the Zargans and Sas-Zak
"what are you?...." the Commander asked it not expecting it to understand, just as he thought that a bright blue light scanned him from head to tail, a Sas-Zak that was approaching the Commander was also scanned, they stood confused for a second before the holographic silhouetted alien figure began to speak, to the Zargan's is seemed it was speak in their language, to the Sas-Zak, it was speaking in their language

"Language scanned and analyzed" the hologram said in a distorted cybernetic voice. suddenly, the whole room began to shake, walls that seemed to have never been there began to light up with ancient alien designs and symbols, the whole room began descending into a massive chamber with a giant glowing sphere floating about 25 meters away from them. the hologram then spoke again
"We have left behind, for you, the greatest treasure that you could ever hope." it said to the commander and the Sas-Zak scientist
"A fountain of knowledge, where the answer is stored...." The commander tilted his head slightly to this

"the answer to what?" he asked as he lowered his weapon slightly

"everything, However, only those with the purest of intentions are going to access this knowledge. The last thing we want is to grant infinite knowledge to insane dictators."

"then tell me, what does this-" the Commander said, gesturing to the giant sphere
"object have to do with it, there's a reason you show it to us" the Commander inquired

"it is to light the way" the hologram said to him, just then a loud hum could be heard from the giant sphere, then a hole in the ceiling began to open up over the giant sphere
"Within here is the knowledge to build a machine capable of granting your vessels the ability of reaching the answer" the hologram said as a data cube separated from the hologram and into the gauntlet on the Commanders right arm
"I bid you good luck, for your not the only ones looking for it" as it said this the hologram dispersed leaving the small glowing sphere from before, it slowly hovered down to the ground and rested on the floor, the Sas-Zak scientist grabbed the small sphere to research it later just as the room began to shudder. The giant sphere had become louder, a blue mist had formed around it as it shuddered, then a deafening boom came from it as a massive beam of energy shot out of it making a shockwave that knocked all the soldiers off their feet, the beam exited the room through the hole in the ceiling.

The soldiers on the surface as well as the scientists and heavy mechs were taken back when they seen the sands behind the structure begin to form into a funnel like shape, the sand was falling into something leaving a massive hole in the ground, a few seconds later a huge beam of energy shot out of the hole and into the sky, the soldiers and mech all got to what they thought to be a safe distance

Fortress world orbiting Zargonia

The Fortress world was on it's regular orbit around Zargonia, but something happened that put some researchers and scientists in a slight panic, the Fortress world had altered it's orbit on it's own and made it so it was orbiting over the desert, exactly over the structure that had been recently unearthed, where the hole had opened up. When the beam of energy fired up from Zargonia it was aimed directly at the fortress world, it took less then a minute for the beam to close the gap between the fortress world and the planet. When the beam reached the fortress world a hole had opened up where it was going to impact the second before it did, the beam sped down the hole that led directly into the fortress worlds core, when it reached the core which looked like a massive black marble sphere, it absorbed it, the core of the planet then began to glow, lighting up to a bright blue glow as ancient alien designs and symbols became visible on the sphere. It was if the fortress world was turned on, things began to move, hum to life, and operate on their own. the beam that was firing from the structure in the desert had stopped and the hole in the ground had closed up, this was the same for the hole on the fortress world

The king was informed of this only minutes after it happened, and the data the Commander had received from the hologram was given to the King, the unearthed structure having nothing else to offer was left alone, all possible artifacts were taken away to be studied and tested on, the soldiers pulled out and the scientists stayed behind to report any further developments. Meanwhile the King had sent for research teams to traverse the fortress worlds interior and exterior for anything of interest

two weeks later, fortress world interior

a few new interesting things have been found, over the course of two weeks, but they were nothing big to celebrate about, the King had been summoned by Barrakus, he had found something new, a door that wasn't there before, he didn't bother to open it because he feared what could have been inside. when the King arrived he had an escort of six royal guards
"Barrakus, it is good to see you again so soon" the King said to his friend
"so what is this "New thing" you've told me about?" he asked

"it is a door, that wasn't there before, we were afraid to open it not knowing what was inside" Barrakus thought to the King

"....... I do not fear the ancients...." the King growled as he looked to Barrakus
"nether should you" he said as he walked towards the door, he looked to what looked like some form of scanner to the side of the door, the King stared for a second before he placed his hand on it, the scanner shined blue for a second before the door opened revealing a dark room with small glowing orb floating in the middle. The King walked in with his eye's on the orb, he approached it and tilted his head, he then poked the small orb and it released a bright flash. When the light died down slightly the King opened his eye's, then they widened in awe when he seen a large holographic map of the galaxy they resided in

"it's... our galaxy..." Barrakus thought as he stood beside the King

"indeed...." the King said as he looked around, he then noticed a small blinking light in the map, he reached towards it and touched the blinking light with the tip of his claw on his index finger, and the map zoomed in on it, showing the Zargans capital system. The blinking light was coming from the fortress world orbiting around Zargonia. The King slowly reached out and touched the holographic fortress world, the map then zoomed out as lines started to bridge out, the King and Barrakus watched as the lines spread out to the nearest RZE systems then they continued spreading out to other systems that the RZE had yet to explore, what the King and Barrakus didn't know is that each system that was being mapped out had a planet that could support life, which meant they had an ancient temples on them as well
"it's a map...." the King finally said as he watched the lines continue to bridge across the galaxy to multiple systems

"these are star systems.... including our own....." Barrakus thought to the King
"your forces were going to explore the ones closest to us not to long from now for possible colonization........ perhaps.... the reason our systems are on here.... are because they hold..... or can hold life....." Barrakus thought as he looked to the King

The King's eye's widened slightly when hearing this
"this could be what the Royal Zargonia Empire needs, if your theory is correct, then that means their are more then enough systems to house the entirety of our people, so that our planets populations can get some breathing room" the King thought with a smile

"as good of an idea as that sounds your majesty, what if we find other life out there? intelegent life..." Barrakus thought, the King looked to him with a rather serous look when he brought this up

"if they are primitives with intelegince, we'll try to make contact, maybe help them if they need it.... if they are hostile primatives, we'll leave them alone..... if they are an advanced race such as us, or more so, then well try to make contact peacfully, your telepathy should help us with this" the King said as he looked at the map
"and if they are hostile.... we'll try to leave them alone, but if they persue, then we will wipe them out" he said in a serous tone
"the rules of engagement are simple.... we are not to fire unless fired upon twice, to make sure if the first shot was a mistake" he said as he notice one of the lines on the mape reaching the galactic core and it began to flash
"?..... what's this?..." the King asked as he reached out and touched the flashing point, it then zoomed in on what looked like a huge cube, planet sized with glowing designs covering it

"perhaps a construct of anceint make you majesty" Barrakus suggested to the king

"if i recal correctly, from commander Drakon's report of what he found at the anceint structure, he said he found a hologram, it told him that there was a great treasure to be found, a fountain of knowage, where the answer to everthing is.... i doubt it..." the King said as he paced around the holographicgalactic map

"just thinking out loud your majesty, no pun intended, but if there lies the answer to everything, wouldn't that include the blueprints for immortality, we could make it so no one would have to fear death, fear the loss of loved ones" Barrakus thought to the King with growing excitment

".... if anyone was to find this.... they could become gods.... but with such power.... it would be easy for one to abuse it..... and become tyrants....." the King said as he paced around he then looked to Barrakus
"I wouldn't want our people under the eturnal rule of a dictator, or any other race out there..." he said as he looked t the map

"were we to get there first your majesty, we could prevent such tyranny from ever happening, and possibly help other races in need" Barrakus thought as he walked up to the galactic map and touched the blinking cude on the map, making it zoom out showing the whole galaxy

"even with such a plan, what are the odds we'd get there before someone else, it is a long trip..." the King said as he looked at the distance their home planet was from the galactic core

"didn't commander Drakon also recieve scematics from the hologram as well?... to better our ships to allow such long journys to be vasty shortened?" Barrakus thought to the King as he flew to the other side of the map

"indeed he did... the designs were that of a new type of space travel, they have already added to our ships, we have decided to call it the Hyper Velocity Drive, we've already tested it, what would take us a few months to travel between our farthest spread systems has only taken us weaks"

"then what thr problem?..." Barrakus inquired

"it's a big galaxy... and we're not the only's out there, the anceint hologram said so, and we're a far distance away from the core... there is a good chance that the great treasure has already been found..." the King said as he came to a stop beside Barrakus

"there is the off chance that it hasn't been found" Barrakus thought hopefully
"your majesty, surely you remember the old saying, it's better to have a weapon and not need it, then need a weapon and not have it, well that applies here, it would be better for us to go to this anceint structure, to make sure if it has or has not been found, it doesn't matter if it has been found by good race or bad race, we'll deal with it if it come to ether of those, rather then leave it be, and find out it has been found by a bad race and not be prepaired if they appear at our doorstep" Barrakus advised as he looked up to the King.

The King grinned and looked down to Barrakus
"I am glad you are my friend Barrakus, come now, we have an exploration party to ready" the King said as Sas-Zak scientists began entering the galactic map room. The King and Barrakus left the room to make ready the plans

one weak later

a mighty fleet has been gathered to head towards the galactic core and stop at star systems that looked habitable along the way, consisting of many variations of ships. The head of the fleet was the scouting party, they would be the first to jump into a star system, and give the go ahead for the next part of the fleet to advance, if the coast was clear they would have colony ships advance with the warships, if there was danger, the warships would advance and do their best to get rid of it, and if they so happen to come across inteligent life, the scouting part would advance without the warships or colony ships to see it they could make peaceful first contact, if peacful they would try to communicate with them to see in they could share the star system, if hostile they would leave them alone, but if they persued, the RZE would seek to destroy them, basically the rules of engagment, don't fire unless fired upon twice, to make sure the first shot was a mistake.

with that, the scouting party activated their HVD's (Hyper Velocity Drive's) and readied to jump to the nearest star system. the exterour of the ships became enveloped in a light blue sheild, the engines hummed loudly as the HVD's charged up, then the ships vanished in a blur of speed one by one, sometimes a few would jump at the same time, all gave off a visable blue vertical shockwave as they entered Hyper Velocity, their targeted destination was a star system at 36 degrees, 45,000y.


scouting party:

10 Frigates

colonising party:

7 Colony ships

30 Freighters

combat party:

4 Carriers

10 Heavy Cruisers

15 Light Cruisers

20 Destroyers

5 Battleships

50 Frigates
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apollo26
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

STC Gerrard ( BH-04)
Commander Velka Marseilles
Bearing 36 degrees at 43,000ly
Ship Log:
Left Taoshe dockyards
Jump bearing 40 degrees
Exiting slip-space : bearing 36 degrees at 40,000ly
Set up LP1 ( listening post)
Jump bearing 36 degrees
Exiting slip-space bearing 36 degrees at 43,000ly
Set up LP2 / cooling Slip-space drive.

For the past few weeks the Gerrard had floated through the immense vacuum of space without seeing much of anything. An asteroid field here, small nebula there, it was all sort of like a research journey. Most of the crew was new, the entire bridge crew had just graduated from their technical schools and this was the Commanders first command, it was all very exciting. Even after proving herself fit to command a vessel she still had a lot to learn, it was one thing to know the capabilities of the ship but using them effectively when it was life and death was something completely different. Commander Marseilles loved the challenge but she was still slightly nervous and eager to gain experience.
It was roughly 03:00 core world time when things started getting………weird. First the radar operator detected a singular radiation spike on the long range scanner, this alone was nothing to be concerned about. Thinking it was just an echo from a super-nova or maybe even their own echo from exiting slip-space, the crewman dismissed it as coincidence. A few minutes after that, the long range scanner picked up multiple radiation spikes at the same range and in almost the same location, this was cause for alarm. Everyone on board had ground warfare experience and everyone was well versed in reconnaissance tactics, this just looked too……..planned. At 03:00 everyone was asleep, on watch was a skeleton crew of 3 officers; and Ensign and two Junior-grade Lieutenants. Word was passed between the officers quickly and it was decided to send a singular radar ping to identify what caused the radiation disturbance. Without a second thought, the radar operator turned on their active radar and pinged once, sending the radar waves flying through space.
It was around 04:20 when Commander Marseilles woke to the distinct sound of an active radar ping. It was a high pitched hollow sound, that resonated throughout the entire ship, everyone who was awake heard it. Active radar was usually left for search and destroy operations, or to distract an enemy with a obvious target. Pinging during a reconnaissance operation was almost unheard of and gave away their position almost immediately, not the smartest thing to do when you want to watch and not be seen. With a groan the commander got up out of her bed and hastily threw on service fatigues as she walked out of the door. Almost immediately after leaving her stateroom she felt the vibration of the engines, “the ship was moving, but why” she thought as she made her way to the bridge.
The first thing that caught her eye was how hurried the crew was running about, she hadn’t seem them move this quickly since their ship trials, even then they had an calm demeanor as they ran/shuffled from place to place. This was much different, they all had the same worried but stern demeanor as the sprinted form station to station. “ Whats wrong?” Velka said in a groggy voice, expecting to hear something about a systems malfunction. The radar operator stopped mid-stride and turned towards the commander “ We detected multiple radiation spikes on the long range scanner, so we decided to ping it and see what it was. After waiting for the ping to bounce back we got this image” the officer said, pulling a crude grainy print-out of the radar readout. The picture was grey and heavily distorted but six solid objects were clearly seen the this picture and they were big. “ We thought they may be asteroids so we scrubbed the image and ran it through our infrared camera” the officer said, walking/ trotting to another station before pulling up another image. A hologram image of the same picture but enhanced with infrared appeared on the main holo-screen, all of the objects were yellowish gold becoming darker towards the rear, they were vessels. “ We think they are ships, probably still dissipating the heat from jumping….” another officer said. “ They are quite large, outclassing us by a few hundred meters, and there are a lot of them. We counted four more since we pinged..”
Velka nodded and eyed the third officer who was busy plotting point on the map and entering them into the navigation computer. He was steering the ship into a “lay up” position, where they could hide as they watched the mystery vessels. A light wave of fear washed over her as she walked to the command chair, quickly pressing the intercom button on the control panel. “ tou’le ains, Au’ostes de combat………..Au’ostes de combat………..” ( translation: all hands to combat stations).

STC Gaston BH-32 ( Blackhole class ship)
Somehwere around last coordinates
30,000 ly
Ship log:
-Disembarked from Taoshe
- Jump- Exiting slip-space just outside of the Kalai abyss ( approx 35,000k ly bearing 20 deg)
-Entered Kalai Abyss
-Succesfully Navagated the Kalai Abyss( vou ne compre pa’a quel poi’c eta) Translation ( You don’t understand how hard that was)
- Docked with asteroid, conducting recon operations
- Sighted Unknown vessel
- engaged stealth protocols
- bringing stalking operations

“ They are still sitting there….. They have been sitting there for........... * he looked at the clock* 72 hours now….” the radar operator said nonchalantly, the heat had sapped the energy out of him and the rest of the crew for that matter. At this point uniforms became optional, men and women walked around in armor underlays and underwear to combat the heat. The deck was slick with the constant sweating of the crew and the smell was that of a gym that was not allowed to be aired out. The entire crew was miserable and the captain knew it. Captain Hagaas was a veteran of two naval campaigns and four campaigns as a ground commander, he knew war and no one dared question is orders. Even he was beginning to doubt this current action, the vessel was clearly not a threat and he doubted they even knew where they were. “ Cant we just……talk to them?” a junior weapons officer exclaimed between sips of water “ We might be able to learn more if we just…..reveal ourselves”. The entire bridge crew froze and stared at the junior officer who was blissfully unaware of his actions.
To the surprise of most of the bridge crew Captain Hagaas chuckled and let out a long sigh “ Oui, disengage stealth protocols and hail the vessel, we are going to get to the bottom of this”. Everyone was still shocked and smiled awkwardly around the bridge, the weapons officer was still to tired to notice. After a long awkward laugh someone finally shut down the stealth protocols and the ship coasted behind the unknown vessel. Captain Hagaas pressed the master siren twice, the naval signal for battle stations and pressed the intercom for the missile bay.

STC Gaston, Missile bay

The missile bay was a giant hotbox before the battle stations call, one of Kabal platoon’s operators “Tanaka” smuggled twenty kilos of Pryzanthium, a blue herb known to cause euphoria and joyous behavior, Kabal platoon thought it would be fun to see how smoky they could make the missile bay. After A day of constant smoking some sleep and another day of content smoking the missile bay looked like a foggy bog. They were still smoking when the battle stations call rang. “ Shit…..” an operator said quickly putting out the cigarette, “ I know right, they are shutting down the stealth protocols too…..” Sergeat Margaux said quickly running to his gear. “ Sergeant…..” the intercom barked, as Margaux was half way through putting on his underlay. Running over to the wall he pressed the button “ Oui Capitaine, he said as shimmied into the bottoms of his armor. “ Go make contact with the unknown ship…” he quipped quickly, shutting down the comm line. “ Shit……..” he exclaimed running back to his already staged gear “ Tanaka, Hakto and…….Gulan, stage on our ship as snipers. I will make contact, if it goes south the rest of the platoon will rocket in take down the ship……all good”? The platoon stared at him in a high stupor and nodded slowly, if they hadn’t done this many times before he would of never guessed they were ready for a mission.
The ship accelerated next to the unknown vessel and mirrored the first hatch they saw, coasting next to it as Kabal platoon launched their operation. The snipers covered Sergeant Margaux’s advance as he floated over to the unknown vessel carrying a magnetic line.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 16 days ago

(wall of text warning X3 )

RZE Scouting party, just exiting Hyper Velocity.

The first Frigate arrived within the newly found system shortly to be joined by the others, Zargan's and Sas-Zak alike were busy at work at their stations, the head of the scouting party, Captain Parucke (Pa-ruck) walked onto the bridge, he was a fairly tall male Zargan wearing his armor, except the helmet was deactivated. He had a smile on as the metal window shielding was opened up to reveal a green star far off in the distance.
"Isn't she a beauty.... a green star.... like the gems from the caves of Zargonia..." Parucke said aloud to his crew members as he walked to the middle of the bridge, where a circle shaped table with a grid on top on it was positioned. Just then another ship came out of Hyper Velocity, a few seconds later and another cam out of Hyper Velocity, quickly followed by two more, then shortly followed by one more. But that's when something happened, something they weren't expecting, as Parucke's ship hovered in place in front of the other ships, waiting for the remaining four ships to exit Hyper Velocity, there scanners picked up something. a Sas-Zak pilot was at her station when she picked up what could only be described as a "ping", she looked to the captain with a urgent expression

"Captain Parucke" she thought to the Captain, he looked to the Sas-Zak pilot, even though they were many pilots, both Sas-Zak and Zargan alike, he knew exactly who they were when they called him even in thought Sas-Zak don't sound the same. The captain walked towards the pilot with a curious look

"yes Shiloke? (She-low-ki)" the Captain said as he placed his right hand on the top of her seat

"you might want to hear this..." she thought to the captain, he looked to the other crew members

"everyone, listen up..." the captain said to everyone through their coms, on the other ships as well, Shiloke then put what she was receiving on the coms to everyship, everyone went silent and they waited, then a Ping echoed into their coms. Everyone remained calm, and silent, that's when the other four ships dropped out of Hyper Velocity, then they heard another ping.

"Captain, what do you make of this..." Shiloke asked in thought to the captain, to which he was still for a few seconds

"I think were not alone in this system..." Parucke said in a pondering tone

"what should we do..." Shiloke asked him with a somewhat concerned look

"....." the captain let go of her seat and walked up to the grid table
"if we happen to find out where it is coming from, we'll try to find what is making it, and if we happen to find out what making it, we'll deal with it then, but for now, we have a system to map out and scout" Parucke said to Shiloke, and everyone else who was still listening on the coms.
"You know the drill, everyone in formation" the captain instructed, then the ships moved into place, the lead ship was dead center in the middle of the other nine that were in a circle formation around it
"latch power transfer cables and fire up the grid generators" he ordered, from the other ships cables were shot out from them, and locking onto the captains ship, transferring their power to help charge up the grid generator. A pilot two seats down from Shiloke punched in the codes and flipped the switches, inside the ship the grid generator powered up, this happened inside the other ships as well, but the power was being funneled into the captains ship for maximum effect.

"grid generators at full charge Captain" said a Zargan pilot said as he looked back to Parucke

"good..., activate the pulse scanners on my command........... Now" the captain said to the pilot, the other ships did so as well, a deep charging sound emanated from the Captains ship as it powered up, the others made a sound almost similar to it but not as deep, then, a massive faster then light energy wave erupted from the Captains ship in an expanding sphere shap at the same time as it did for the others but not as powerful, this energy was harmless, but loud. The Captain walked up to the grid table as a holographic projection of their ships took form dead center over the table, the ships size rapidly shrank as the grid grew with the pulse wave. When the scan of the grid had finally stopped growing they knew it was finished, the system had seven planets to explore, there holographic projection was displayed over the grid table with a small blip showing there current location, they were just at the edge of this new solar system. But now the fun part began, they would have to go to the planets to see if they were habitable or not. They had a good idea where to start, the star's habitable zone, they estimated the heat of the star by it's color, there should be four planets in this habitable zone.
"seven planets and ten ships...." Parucke said to himself
"have two ships stay behind with us, well monitor the system for abnormalities and warn them if necessary, the rest of you, split up and scout the planets, be carful, we don't know what is out there..." he said into the coms of his fellow ship captains, shortly after seven ships locked onto their targeted planets and activated their HVD's, they jumped into Hyper Velocity for a quick trip to the planets. with that Parucke went to his captain chair and sat down on it, looking out the front window with a slightly smile

"are we intercepting anymore of those "pings" Shiloke?" Parucke asked

"no captain, what ever it was, it's gone silent..." she responded as she looked back to him

"... keep and ear out for it Shiloke, if you get something, let me know" the captain said as he kept his eye's on the holographic solar system in front of him, tracking the other scouting ships as they traveled trough Hyper velocity. the first two planets were void of atmosphere, their were no signs of life on ether of their surfaces, but they were high in metals, and would be mined for resources.

Fifth planet from the star

The first scouting ship exited Hyper Velocity just outside the planets exosphere, it was a cold planet just two times smaller then Zargonia, from orbit the only thing one could see was white and some dull spots of blue, perhaps they were lakes that weren't frozen over. Aboard the Frigate the captain looked out the window and shuddered slightly
"it looks this planet might have liquid water...." she said to her crew

"our scans are picking up oxygen in the atmosphere, we should be able to breath on it's surface" a male Zargan pilot said to the captain

"exploration team suit up, we're going to land...." the Captain said as she activated her helmet, which covered her head, the eye parts lighting up orange as the environmental control turned on. The Frigate flew down to the planet as a safe speed, and approached one of the supposed frozen lakes, but it wasn't frozen it was warm, there was plant life around this lake, it was a natural heat deposit. Steady streams of steam trailed into the sky, it was the first sight the exploration team seen when they got off the Frigate, a team of ten soldiers all in armor to protect them from the cold. The team made their way to the lake, the water was crystal clear, the air around this area was warm, the cold winds seemed to avoid the warm zone. The soldiers looked around, then one noticed something in the lake, aquatic life, they looked like crustaceans about five feet long, three and a half feet wide, they had a oval like dome shaped body, they were two feet tall, they had three short legs behind two long legs on each side of them, near the head their was two arms, a small pair that looked like it was for eating, and the big ones with sharp looking pincers that they guess was for defense, or fighting/ hunting, on the front on the side of it's head were to large compound blue eye's, then on the front of it's head were four smaller blue compound eye's. One not to far away came out of the warm water and onto the dry land, it made it's way to one of the plants and used its large pincers to cut it down, it then dragged the plant into the water backwards and began eating it
"well, I'd say this place is worth checking out" the captain said as she turned to face her team
"place a beacon near the ship, we're going inside to get out of this cold" she said as she made her way to the Frigate, the lift was lowered down and she walked into the ship the soldiers followed and the last one took out a spear like object and stabbed it into the ground, he then pressed a button on it and it started transferring it's location to Captain Parucke, giving the planet a green light
"three down, four to go" Paruck said as he sat in his seat

Fourth planet from the star

Another Frigate exits Hyper Velocity near the planet roughly less then half of the size of Zargonia, it looks like it's a terran planet, it's suface has an equal amount of land to it's oceans and lakes, clouds cover the sky's. Aboard the Frigate in the captain chair sat a Sas-Zak wearing armor that was made specifically for him, he sat up in his seat, his two small arms holding onto the arms of the chair while one of the large arms held onto a data pad and the second large arm pressing buttons on the data pad. He looked up from the data pad to see the planet, his eye's widened slightly, he then looked to one of his Sas-Zak pilots
"Pilot, what are the scans reading?" he asked the pilot in his native tongue through clicks, hisses, low screeches and chirps.

"It has plenty of oxygen to breath, lots of plant life, were picking up small thermal readings far inland near lakes, rivers and near coastal regions, it's would appear to be a pretty stable planet captain" the pilot replied

"well then-" the captain said as he got off his chair as walked up to the front window
"-lets go have a look" the captain said to the Sas-Zak pilot, he then looked to the others
"pilots set a course to one of the larger lakes with the most thermal readings" he instructed to them

"right away captain" the pilots responded, the ship's engines powered up as they made their way to the planets surface. It was night on the side of the planet they landed on, but the forest the ship landed in was glowing like the night sky, the plants and trees had bio-luminance, and large crystal like rocks glowed multiple colors, it was a beautiful sight to see. a team of ten soldiers exited the ship, including the captain, they were armed for their own protection and also wearing armor. the team made their way to the lake, little did they know that they were being followed. The team was following a path that, most likely made by animals that lived here, the foot prints were no bigger than a foot long, one of the Sas-Zak with the team guessed they were made by a four legged creature. As the team closed on the lake, some rustling in a patch of bushes some distance behind them made them stop and look towards it, one of the Zargans with them looked to the captain

"ever get the feeling we're being followed..." the Zargan said just before a growl of some kind could be heard

"no... I get the feeling we're being hunted..." the captain thought as he tightened his grip on his Battle Rifle, just then another growl could be heard as something poked it's head out of the brush, it's skin was slick and as dark as the night, but then certain areas on it's body began to glow.

The beast stood just over eight feet tall and ten feet long, and it was glaring at the captain, it then let out a roar as it jumped out of the brush and charged towards them, it's four strong legs propelled it forward at a great speed, heading towards the captain, the Sas-Zak soldiers took to the air and readied their weapons, while the Zargans held their ground and took aim, but they waited. The beast closed in but came to a stop in front of the unmoving Zargan's, they weren't scared of this creature that they looked down upon it, they faced much larger beasts on Zargonia that were much more dangerous then this. The animal glared into the eye's of the Zargans with a low growl as it glowed red, the glowing then stopped as it backed away, it then turned around and ran into the brush, the Sas-Zak landed and the Zargan's lowered their weapons, slightly confused
"...what just happened?.... why didn't it attack?...." one of the Zargans asked as he looked to the captain, who remained still the whole time

"it was a bluff, it was testing us, were we to run or panic, it would have most likely attacked thinking we were prey, but you having kept calm and holding you ground must have convinced it that we weren't it's prey, that and the fact that we out numbered it and your bigger than it probably stopped it from attacking" the captain thought to them as he turned towards the lake
"now lets get to that lake, we need to see if the water is safe to be ingested" the captain thought as he continued walking. When the team got to the lake, their eye's widened at the sight, underwater plant life lit the water up like a light show, small aquatic creatures swam close to the shore through the water with glowing designs on their body's. The captain walked up to the water and kneeled down to it, he pulled out a scanner and put it near the water, the scanner made a bleeping sound for a few seconds then a green light turned on with a higher pitched bleep sound.
"waters safe, looks like this planet is a keeper, a little more scouting and we should be golden" the captain thought as he scooped up a handful of water with his right big arm and drank it, it had a very weak sweet taste to it, the scan read that the water had small naturally forming sugar crystals in it, it must have been the plant life in the water.
"lets head back to the ship, and place a beacon" the captain said as he got to his feet and held his battle rifle. the team headed back to the ship with little difficulty, they placed a beacon near the ship and activated before heading inside, closing the door on the way in.
"another one down, good" Parucke said as he checked it in his data pad as he looked it over
"hmm.... this seems like a good one, the wildlife might be bothersome but they wont be to much of a problem" Parucke said as he handed off the data pad to his second in command.

Third planet from the star

This planet is thick with forests that rival skyscrapers and swaps that go of for miles, dark jungles with deep undergrowth line the planets equator, the forests are above and below the jungle area, followed by the swamps that lead into oceans at both poles of the planet, there's no sign of ice at the poles, it's roughly more then half the size of Zargonia. a scouting ship touches down between the swamp lands and the forests, a team of 10 soldiers set out on foot to head to the swamp area to text the water to see if it was able to be ingested, the heat was incredible, in was nothing like the deserts of Zargonia, but it was comfy to the team. life was easy to spot on this planets, insects of all shapes and sizes buzzed and crawled around, and more or less ignored the soldiers as they went about doing whatever it was they were doing, the largest thing they seen was a sight to behold, a red armored beast with dozens of legs and multiple compound eye's with a red exoskeleton and two long antenna near the front of it's head.

It was at least seven hundred feet from head to tail, it got close to the team really close, the team had their weapons at the ready as it got closer. only to find out it was trying to get a certain bush near them, after it tore the bush from the ground it went on it's way
"this place sure it busy..." one of the Zargans said as he lowered his weapon

"well, at least everything isn't trying to kill and or eat us" a Sas-Zak thought as the team made it to the water, their captain, kneeled down to the water and began the scan, after a few seconds he was given the green light, and he read the scan, he then scooped up a palm full of the water and took a drink, then scrunched up his snout as he swallowed, he then gave a disgusted grunt as he spit out the remains of the water in his mouth

"the water's drinkable, but I wouldn't bother drinking this swamp water, it has a nasty taste to it" the Zargan said as he got to his feet
"the ocean water must be cleaner, no doubt it's better" he suggested as the team turned around to head back to the ship, when they got there, they placed a bekon and went inside the ship.

"Shiloke, picking up anything?" captain Parucke asked, the three Frigates floated together near the edge of the solar system

"no captain, I'll make sure to let you know when something comes up" Shiloke replied as she went back to monitoring the scanners
"wait, we just got another confirmation beacon from the third planet from the star" she thought as she looked to the captain

"good news, just two more" Parucke said with a smile as he looked at a data pad that was handed to him

Second planet from the star

this planet was small, very small, it was just over half the size of the fortress world that orbited Zargonia, it was a desert planet, with little to no sighs of water or life. the scouting ship had landed near some rock formations that had caves leading into them, they went onto one of the caves and found a large underground water reservoir, there was small amounts of plant life and tiny insect creatures, along with small reptilian creatures as well, the water was tested and it was drinkable, thus the exploration team gave the planet the green light, it was really hot on the planets surface, but the Zargans were okay with it, and the Sas-Zak didn't mind, they went back to the ship and placed a beacon

the first planet closest to the star was explored, it was nothing more then stifling hot temperatures, lakes of lava and acid clouds of sulfur covered the planet, it was a great place to take resources from, but very dangerous, it would be mined of it's metals.
with the planets all explored, Captain Parucke sat in his chair, watching out the front window, now that the planets were dealt with, they had to focus on that "ping" they picked up, the scouting ships would stay on the planets they found, or take off and stay in orbit until further orders were given
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hyperdrive
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Hyperdrive Not Possible

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Beronnia System, Titan Hold

Titan Hold, a massive space station built by the Harlaci Imperium as a forward military base on the colonies. It's size can be compared to a small sized planet, making it capable of supporting a large army. The station is also capable of manufacturing ships and weapons, rendering it to be self efficient with military hardware if they ever get cut-off from the core systems. These days, the station acts a center for communications, with most of the comm traffic coming from the Primus sector armies sent by the Praetor to secure their empire's holdings.
Praetor Haraven, the leader of the Harlaci Imperium, was standing by the window in his office, found inside the station. He was drinking a glass of Harlacian brandy, the best of its kind, as he watch the stars flicker in space. He was enjoying the moment as he rarely had a time all by himself, ever since he became the Praetor. His small moment of peace was cut short however, when an agent of the Imperial Intelligence enters the room, along with two of Haraven's personal guards. The agent stops before Haraven's desk, waiting for a couple of seconds to let the Praetor know of her presence before finally speaking.

"My lord, forgive my intrusion, but I have the reports from the Primus Legion, concerning their efforts on securing our empire's borders, I've been ordered by my superiors to deliver them to you as soon as we have their reports." The agent says as she slide a small comm pad on the desk before her, letting Haraven see the report himself. Haraven walks towards his desk as he gulp down the last contents of his glass, feeling the searing texture of his drink as it rush down his throat. He places the empty glass on the desk before picking up the pad and reading it.

Harlaci Imperium Campaign Log: said
Northern campaign report: Decanus Malazzar, Captain of the HIF "Resonance"
> The northern borders were successfully cleared and are being reinforced with the defenses stated on the border defense protocol. The systems we passed before reaching the borders are also being cleared by the time this report arrives. A follow up report about our progress will be sent soon. So far, no sentient lifeforms were found on the initial scan on the northern systems. However, we have found multiple alien structures on some of the planets in the systems, implying that sometime before, these planets contained sentient lifeforms. I have to request that these structures to be further investigated by our Intelligence branch, since it may provide us valuable information.
Western campaign report: Decanus Ioda, Captain of the HIF "Desolation"
> The western border's defenses are fully operational, with several sector armies stationed and awaiting further orders. We have cleared all of the systems found on the western side of our empire, and have found nothing but ice and lifeless rocks. These planet's however, posed a great use for military strongholds for our empire, due to its unsavory environment it would give us an advantage if we dig in first. Other than the proposal I'm sending about the strongholds, there's nothing much of interest on the western side.
Southern campaign report: Decanus Taranus, Captain of the HIF "Malevolence"
> The southern campaign is going as planned, we have secured the south-eastern and south-western side of the border and have constructed the defenses stated on the protocol. There's a slight problem however, the series of defenses is not complete as there is a system, belonging to the border systems containing a planet with sentient lifeforms, resisting the occupation of our forces. The lifeforms call themselves the "Archanea" a race of insectoid species that are on their pre-spaceflight age. All diplomatic attempts to subjugate them proved pointless. Due to their extreme hostile nature, our diplomatic advances turned into a massacre of innocent Harlaci diplomats. If the Praetor wishes to validate an extermination order on the species, we will see it through, enough innocent blood was spilled on their account already.

Other than the resistance, we have faced no other problems. The systems found on the southern side of our empire contained several mineral-rich planets, implying a future source of resources for our nation. We will await the Praetor's orders regarding the hostile species, but until then, we will be on the defensive.

Eastern campaign report: Decanus Rigalf, Captain of the HIF "Resurgence"
> All border systems fortified and are operational. The systems found on the eastern side contained no sentient alien lifeforms as deducted by the scientists on our Hannost department, but contained small pockets of independent colonies from our race. Some of these colonies were gang holdouts and smuggling centers. We have began implementing the Imperial laws on these colonies, and so far, no violent reactions have occurred. Further reports will be sent once we've gained valuable information on these systems.

After reading the report, Haraven takes a few moments of silence, contemplating on the next move. He then moves to his chair by the desk and sits on it, before turning on the holoscreen infront. The holoscreen remains clear for a while, as Haraven just leaves it be, not connecting it to anyone. After a while, he connects to the Consular's comm, showing his image on the screen.

"My lord.." Addr'ikir says, as he would bow on the screen. "I'm validating all colonization permits on the systems secured by the Primus, except for the border systems, those are to be garrisoned by our forces. I'm expecting your Optios to move as urgent as possible Consular, I want us to establish a firm hold on these systems before we begin with out conquest towards the galaxy." says Haraven in a commanding manner. "It will be done my lord. I'm assuming that you're allowing me to exploit these new planets to our mining fleet too, yes?" the Consular replies. "I am, just make sure that those planets you extract are not of value to our empire Addr'ikir, I don't want the Hymtos incident happen again." Haraven says, reminding the Consular of the tragedy that caused an imbalance on their homeworld's atmosphere, almost killing all of its inhabitants. "Of course my lord, I'll see to it that those planets we mine are of no strategic value." Addr'ikir says before being cut off by the Praetor.

"I wish to be left alone." says the Praetor, signalling the Intelligence agent to leave the room, along with the guards. He would then turn his chair back, to face the window again so that he could continue to stare at the constellations. Time began to pass, and eventually, Haraven's consciousness began to slip away, allowing him to take a nap during these stressful times.


Revar System, Duranthos, Black Project Facility #01:

Commissar Novaria, the Haralcian military head, arrived at the arctic wasteland just a couple of months after she received orders from the Praetor. By the time of her arrival, forty three of the eighty planned cloning facilities were already done and were ready for use. Most of the equipment found in the facility were based from Hannost technology that are capable of producing multiple clones efficiently, without sacrificing quality. Novaria began her inspection of the facility immediately after she arrived, wasting no time idling around. As she began her inspection the head scientist of the program came to her and acted as her guide.

"Commissar, we are pleased to report to you that the initiative is going to proceed as scheduled. The cloning hardware have arrived are being installed to the functional facilities as we speak." The scientist says to her as they walk along the corridors of the facility.

"Good, may I remind you that the operation will only commence, when all of the other facilities are operational, do I make myself clear?" She says, while inspecting the DNA chamber, making sure that the scientist won't do a move ahead of the plans.

"If our estimations are correct, facilities on this planet will finish by next month Commissar, along with the cryobanks the Praetor requested." The scientist says before being interrupted by Novaria with a question. "Cryobanks?"

"Yes Commissar, the Praetor ordered that the army produced from the facilities to be stored inside the cryobanks, until they are called into action. The first batch however, will be used as the garrison for the planet, to relieve the current units stationed here" the scientist replies. "I see.." by her tone, the Commissar was clearly concerned that the Praetor tampered with the initiative's plan, but she immediately dismisses the fact, and just resumes with the inspection.

"As for the template DNA, the Praetor chose the volunteers from the best units on the Primus Legion, with each unit specializing in their own fields. We can assure you that these clones will live up to your expectations on the battlefield, just like their templates." The scientist says reassuringly as he watch Novaria look at the training grounds for the clones.

The Commissar nods her head, signifying that she understood everything the man said. "I'm assuming the funding the Praetor has given the project, enough to let it run for a long time?" "Yes Commissar, but barely, production for quality clones like these are expensive, not to mention the military equipment's cost for each of them." The scientist says in a lowly manner. "I understand, I'll try to see what I can do regarding the equipments, but for now, just stick with what you have.. I think its time for us to inspect facility number two, am I correct?" Novaria says to the scientist as she check her comm pad. "Ah..yes Commissar, right this way please." replied by the scientist before escorting her through the tunnel that connects to the other cloning facility.
Drone Fleet:
Several drones were able to map out the Harlacian half of the galaxy, but are unable to find a way to the galactic core. A couple of drones sent to the other end of the galaxy were lost in contact with, but are still mapping out their path.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rescue Mission 4,323
|Stranded Pilot:
|Location: Kerbol, Desert Temple
|E.M.T.: [0Y:0M:0D:7h:23m.17s]

Hadma stared at the smooth sandstone wall of the mysterious desert temple. Ace wasn't anywhere to be found outside the temple, and there wasn't anything significant around the area for hundreds of kilometers. Not even an oasis.

"Try pushing on the walls," Nedry said. "Maybe there's a hidden door."

Seemed as good an idea as any. After several hours of randomly pushing parts of the wall and nothing happening, Hadma was ready to admit defeat. Nedry was already back in the plane, presumably enjoying snacks and nice, cool, refreshing water.

In fact, Nedry had fallen asleep. In the plane's cockpit. Leaning against the throttle.

The plane's engines started with a whoosh.

"Uh-oh," Hadma said. She turned around. The plane was pointed directly at her. "Uh-oh," she said again. After a moment's paralyzing shock, she leaped to her right and ran for all her legs were worth.

The plane impacted the wall, exploding spectacularly. A wing went sailing over the temple, lodging itself in the sand several meters behind the far wall. As the smoke and sand cleared, Hadma could see a hole in the temple wall. Inside was a big, empty room. Good enough, Hadma thought. She said a few words commemerating Nedry's noble sacrifice, carefully not looking in the suspiciously gooey and mangled cockpit, and then made her way to the hole. She paused to warily eye the remaining airplane parts. They seemed to have exploded as much as they wanted to for today.

The temple was much smaller than she'd thought from the outside. It was still pretty big, though. It would probably-
"Echo!" she shouted.
Nope, no echo.

Hadma turned around. Ace obviously wasn't in here, and- wait. Had this little pedestal always been there? And since when was the floor glowing blue. Interesting. Hadma eyed the pedestal warily. She reached out a finger and poked it. Designs on the wall glowed brightly; text lit up on the pedestal, too.

"Oooh!" Hadma said.

When things seemed to stop lighting up for the moment, she went back to the pedestal. Squiggly lines and strange symbols flashed before her eyes. Nope, she had no idea how to read this. But it was obviously some sort of computer. Hadma randomly pressed a symbol. The text disappeared and the pedestal glowed brightly before receding into the floor. The ground rumbled, and a spiral staircase lowered around Hadma. Apparently a squiggle with a line through it created staircases. Well, at least she thought it did. There weren't any other squiggles with lines through them that Hadma could press to find out.

Happy to at least have more things to explore, Hadma bounded down the staircase. Minutes later, she found herself in a black chamber. Something blue beneath her feet caught her eye. Symbols were spreading around the room. Now this was a massive room. Her head craned up, she could only just make out the circle of ight, far above, that was where the staircase originated. She felt sure that this time-

"Echo!" The room politely echoed her voice. Immensly warm and fuzzy feelings erupted throughout her head. For once, a room was actuall cooperating. A loud sound snapped her attention from the ceiling. It hurt her eyes! She clamped her hands over her eyes, trying to keep the sound out, until it abruptly stopped. She turned around and discovered a see-through alien standing as if it were always there. It started speaking to her in gibberish. On a whim, Hadma grabbed her glove and threw it at the figure. As the glove arced through the air, the alien abruptly stopped talking. Somehow it seemed surprised. It said something again as the glove sailed through it. Interesting. Hadma pulled off her other glove and threw it, too. The alien watched the glove pass through itself, and then turned back to Hadma. It was garbling quite a lot, now.

"Have you seen Ace?" Hadma interrupted.
"Language scanned and analyzed," the hologram said. "We have left behind, for you, the greatest treasure that you could ever hope. The fountain of knowledge, where every single answer is stored. Physics-"

"Excuse me, but have you seen a Kerbal called Ace?" she asked. The hologram seemed taken aback.
"No," it said.
"Hmm, that's too bad," Hadma replied.
"Physics, Biology-"
"It's just - sorry for interrupting again - it's just that I'm supposed to find him."
"I haven't seen him. Sorry. Now then, Physics, Biology, Mathmatical... Life and Death... every answer has been stored." it said.
"But not," Hadma said, "where Ace is."
"Aren't you interested in infinite knowledge?" the hologram asked.
"Not particularly," Hadma replied. "That seems like an awful lot when I just need to find Ace."
"But this is my creator's legacy! Secrets to space, time, and life itself! Surely if you aren't interested, someone else of your species would want to know. Or perhaps you'd be more attracted to the monetary value of this knowledge!"
"Well," Hadma said, "could I make a rocket with it?"
"Certainly! You could travel across the universe in a second, if you wanted to."

Hadma considered this for a moment.

"All right, then," she said.
"However, only those with the purest of intentions are going to access this knowledge. The last thing we want is to grant infinite knowledge to insane dictators."
"That seems very reasonable," Hadma agreed.
"I-. Yes." The hologram was speechless. Whatever response it had been expecting, Hadma clearly wasn't giving it.
"Oh! Before we get much farther- I was wondering if you'd like to play cards. I found some outside. They're a bit old, but I think only the Ace of Spades is missing, and it'll be a while before I get rescued."

The hologram debated whether or not Hadma was being serious. In the end, it decided that it didn't really matter. All it had to do was fufill its creator's programming, and then it wouldn't have to deal with this strange, disproportionate humanoid.

"Why not," it said. "But first, behold, the location of the fountain of all knowledge!"

A holographic map of the galaxy exploded around Hadma. Kerbol was highlighted, with lines spreading from star to star around it. A prominent line was linked to a flashing dot in the Big Glowy Cloud near the center of the galaxy. A laser shot into Hadma's skull, burying schematics for a ship drive even greater than the Alkubierre drive in her brain. Or maybe it was just equivalent. Hadma wasn't a rocket scientist; she didn't know. Abruptly, Hadma found herself in the Kerbol space center near Kerbal City. She had a rocket to convince the engineers to design, and a new mission to the Big Glowy Cloud to convince Eva to start.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

System of Tevintar; Olympus Mons

In the edge of the galaxy, the Empire of Tevintar was sat, seething and glaring at the lesser races as usual, it never trusted anyone, since the great betrayal, and it had lead to an unending disdain of the entire galaxy, but not quite the universe. However, as much as they hated them, Tevintar just, lounged in its edge and did nothing. That is, until it's outer most communications, a small rock called Olympus Mons, picked up a wave of drones, heading their way. From the trajectory, it was not so much heading for them, as searching this part of the galaxy, for something, but they none the less had been found. A quick relay with Command, gave them the orders.

"Destroy them, but salvage the on-board CPU, we want to know what they know". And so, the long-range orbital flak cannon, designed to eliminate drop pods more than anything, fired off a storm of metal, shredding the drones to bits. Out of the wreckage that fell to the Comms array's ground, only five of them where deemed salvageable, and taken back to base. Once there, the cores they had been able to rescue where cracked into, and the firewalls quickly, and efficently, torn down to reveal the information with in. There was some basic stuff in here they already knew, like scans of surrounding planets, habitants, and that sort of thing.

But, there was one thing that was big news, the part about the 'temple' that would give anyone that found it a single wish. Olympus Mons related it to Tevintar quickly, thinking it was a grand way to recover their position, and remove everything that had happened during the Great Betrayal, but the Emperor had different plans.

"It's like the Infinity War all over again. The galaxy will tear itself apart for this, and then the victors will step over the rubble to find, naught but rust and ash. Well, we can't do much about ambition but we can stop these ' Harlaci' from messing their whole race up. Mobilize the fleet, let's go be nice, for a change" The Emperor ordered, and with that the great and rather big Kabal Fleet docked with Two Gluttony carriers, and followed Gaia's Arm out, into the Galaxy to prevent a second galactic war, for some stupid, and most probably insubstantial prize.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hyperdrive
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Hyperdrive Not Possible

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Iorca system, Hypergate-0D40

Ever since the discovery of the alien temples in the Imperium's territories, scientists devotedly worked on unraveling information from the data banks inside the structures. Uncovered data ranged from advanced AI programming to alien ship blueprints, each pushing the Imperium further to find whatever it its hidden inside the galactic core. One of the recent discoveries from the temples was the location of a hyperspace wormhole located at one of the southern border systems, Iorca. The wormhole led to a sector in space that is yet to be explored by the Imperium.
HIF Flagship Resurgence

"I still can't believe that they are sending us through this gate, they didn't even tell us what's on the other side!" says a lieutenant inside the bridge. "I heard that they sent scouting ships through the gate, but none of them returned, not even a distress signal." a fellow lieutenant replies. "Going through the gate is a one way trip fellas, didn't you listen during the briefing?" says Decanus Rigalf, captain of the Resurgence as he overhears the conversation upon entering the bridge. "Decanus on deck!" shouts the guard by the door. "Sir..I-I didn't mean to question our mission, I just want-" "Enough lieutenant, you don't have to explain further." Rigalf cuts the lieutenant that was nervously trying to explain himself.

"You can leave your post if you can't handle this mission." Rigalf says while walking to the captain's console. "My ship has no place for anyone who harbors any form of hesitation towards this mission." The bridge went silent after hearing the Decanus' words, almost all of them felt their hearts getting pricked by guilt as they were certainly hesitating on the mission that is about to commence. Silence inside the room was soon breached by a beeping noise coming from a console on the bridge. "Sir, we've just received clearance from Commissar Novaria to proceed through the gate." "Excellent, patch clearance code to the other ships, we'll be leaving once they all received the code."
Revar system, Disclosed HIF Shipyard

"I approved the clearance of the expedition fleet, they'll be leaving shortly." Novaria says while sitting on a chair inside the meeting room of the Ark of Sy'Keth. "Are you really sure one armed ship is enough to escort your fleet through the gate? I can still reassign a few ships to the expedition." Novaria adds. "That won't be necessary Commissar, according to the data we have, the exit point is located at an empty region of space, only accessible through the use of other wormholes connected to it. If other spacefaring nations found out about the wormholes before us, I'm sure they would have arrived here already." says Addr'ikir, the Consular of the Harlaci Imperium. "Besides, it won't be long till the Leviathan is operational, You know we will send it through once its finished." "I know, but it still doesn't gives me the assurance that the men we sent there are capable of fighting back efficiently." Novaria adds.

A few minutes of silence has passed until Haraven arrives, initiating the meeting the two officials was called to attend to. The meeting lasted for almost five hours, with topics discussed involving matters from the economy and military. The meeting room soon opened when the meeting was over. The first to leave the room was Addr'ikir, who was prompted to manage an upcoming festival to be held in Tyr'grande. Novaria and Haraven was left inside the room, conversing with each other about shallow matters that didn't involve politics. The two appeared to be close with each other when unseen by the eyes of other people.

"Isn't she a beauty?" Haraven says while looking through the window of the room, seeing the Leviathan as it sat lifeless in space. "Its marvelous." says Novaria as she removes her helmet, to look at ship the ship directly. The two stood idly before the window, admiring the ship in silence as they remained occupied by the sight before them.

Beronnia System, Titan Hold

Border patrol reports, docking permit applications, these were the things that filled the console of Decanus Obryn, head of the station. The day seemed dull to him, as nothing was really interesting in his daily routine on the station. Sometimes he just wished there was a civil revolt that the Praetorian Legion forgot to dealt with, just to have piece of the action himself.

"So you're telling me that there was something that took out our drones?" he says while facing an Imperial Intelligence agent, reporting to him about missing drones. "Yes, one of the drones managed to relay a signal before we lost contact with them, I'm not implying that something took them out, but these drones wouldn't send signals unless they encounter something." The agent says before handing the full report to Obryn. "I'll do the necessary preparations according to protocol, send this report to the Commissar's office as soon as possible." Obryn says before dismissing the agent and turning to his secretary's comm. "Rena? send Captain Reid and Lorvac to my office, and inform the 17th division for departure." "Yes sir, right away." a female voice replies.

Soon, the HIF Flagship "Dominance" along with the 17th fleet division departs from the station, with the mission of investigating a possible threat to the Imperium.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apollo26
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Galactic Center : Map Room
Brittanian research team

A long holographic bridge stretched from the entrance of the temple down to a large domed shaped room. Below the bridge was the galactic core itself, an immense supermassive black hole, glowing red and yellow as it sucked in the light around it. Inside the room, a large black cube sat suspended off the ground emitting a slight humming sound. Outside, an entire battlegroup sat in wait as the two scientists studied the structure.

Jameson was unable to speak as he studied the galactic map in front of him. Every planet, star and gas cloud was visible in the holographic display in front of him. “ This is……our galaxy, all of it.” he said as he looked at the various planets. Each planet had a different symbol over it and every planet was labeled, “ What do these symbols mean?” Jameson said, turning his body towards Oroca, who was silently studying the map himself.

“ They are labels, the ancients named all these planets” Oroca said while outstretching his hand towards the map and tapping on a random planet. As his finger touched the image the map quickly faded and was replaced by an enlarged image of the selected planet. Symbols surrounded the enlarged planet and continents and oceans could be seen on the image. Oroca was speechless as he read the symbols, his eyes were wide and his mouth hung open. “ I……I don’t believe it…” he finally said “ There is information on every planet in the galaxy…..” Oroca went back to the larger galactic view before tapping on another planet. “ Rare elements, metals and minerals, its all detailed here. Even other sentient species, this is…incredible.” Oroca, turned to face Jameson once again and cracked a rare smile. “ Imagine what this can do for the Federation, imagine what this can do for the galaxy! We can really make a difference”

Jameson nodded and sized up the map silently before turning to face Oroca, “This can make us the most powerful force in the galaxy, think Oroca….The Grand Brittanian Empire can be a reality.” Oroca shook his head and took a step back from Jameson “ We can’t let this information make us tyrants, we have a responsibility to use this correctly”. Jameson shook his head slightly, turning to face the map once again, he was clearly not happy with what Oroca said. “ We have a duty to the people of the federation, their safety is in our hands.” Jameson said as he looked down towards the ground for a moment “ I………I won’t let you stand in the way of doing my duty….”

Oroca looked shocked as the words left Jameson’s mouth and simply shook his head, slowly turning around to walk back towards the entrance. Before he could reach the door a loud snap caught his attention. Suddenly, his breathing became shallow and his vision extremely blurry, walking became impossible and Oroca soon feel to his knees. His breathing came in gasps as he reached up towards his chest, feeling the fresh smoldering hole. Desperation and panic set in as breathing also became impossible and Oroca began crawling towards the edge of the holographic bridge. “ I am sorry friend, Jameson said as he walked up behind Oroca “ This must be done”. without any more hesitation Jameson kicked him off the edge, watching his body fall through the abyss and into the black hole.

50 years later
- Popular uprising

The Kalel along with their allies the Kenris used the wealth and popular support of the royal family to overthrow the grey council. A bloody period of internal conflict followed and the Kalel and Kenris royal family succeeded in securing the Brittanian Federation. Renaming themselves the Grand Brittanian Empire, they began liquidating the unfriendly races and granting amnesty to those who pledged alliegence to the empire and royal family. As a result the Mogg race has been completely wiped out, making the Kalel, Kenris and Galfan the major races of the empire. The cooperation of the Galfan was completely unexpected, however; they were the first race outside of the royal family to join. The Levinti population has been severely impacted, those who remain are loyalist to the royal family and hold high positions in the church of Solus.

100 years later
- Expansion

Due to an increase in the amount of natural resources at the empire expense, they have begun expanding into the areas around them in all directions making them a galactic super power. The Empire of Brittania is now less the 10,000 LY from the borders of the Haracli imperium and have a clear at fortified route to the galactic center.

Can they be reasoned with?

Are they Hostile? Friendly?

Can you live with being conquered?
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