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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Originally made by Asuras

Queen Raidne is currently the GM. I don't have much free time for the forum at the moment.

"A time will come when men will stretch out their eyes. They should see planets like our Earth.”

--Christopher Wren

With conflicting ideologies and cultures, there's bound to be violence between civilizations in this roleplay. That's okay. What's not okay is the pursuance of showing how your nation is the best by subjugating all others (bonus points to your asshole meter if you specifically target smaller civilizations because it's 'easier'). This roleplay is about civilizations interacting in more than just a war-like fashion, and I expect to see this reflected in IC posts. With that said, just about anything goes here. Whatever it is your nation does, it does. While there will be specific events that occur, nations are not required to act in any certain way. Note thought that those civilizations that are more active will receive higher chances of positive random events occurring for them.

Random events will be enacted at the end of every week (Fridays) for every nation, and can vary vastly. Sometimes they will be on a small scale, others on a titanic scale. Though you control your nation, some of these events may necessitate that I control certain aspects of it. If you have an issue with a random event, PM me with decency, please. Other non-random events will appear that allow for all nations present to participate in, and will technically be more important towards the plot of the roleplay. Sticking with them to the end will reveal prizes.

All civilizations and their worlds will be mapped out using Universe Sandbox, a real-time 3D space simulator, with accurate distances and time functions built in. Bonus points to players who detail their worlds and the solar systems they reside in. It'll help me a lot. If you need to know specific about your own planets/stars/systems/etc, feel free to ask me. The program includes a number of details on different stellar bodies that would otherwise be pretty difficult or obnoxious to try and deduce on your own. I'm still figuring out a way to display this map accurately for everyone to see.

Below is a basic skeleton for you to fill out with your nation's information, as well as the race(s) in it. You are free to add on anything else you wish, so long as you include at least what is asked for below.

Race(s) should include appearance and basic physiology. Racial traits should be a single positive and negative trait. Use common sense and careful consideration.

Civilization Tier is understood according to the following list:

Tier 1 Civilizations are not allowed unless given permission.

The CS said Nation Name:
Racial Traits:
Civilization Tier:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Nation Name: The Grand Brittanian Federation

Civilization Tier: 2.5 Galactic Power/Interstellar (By no means merely an Interstellar Federation, as they have colonised multiple star-systems, but also, not a Galactic power, outside of their neck of the woods.)
Kalel: 50 billion
Levinti: 64 billion
Mogg: 45 billion
Kenris: 450 billion
Galfan: 120 billion
With the exception of the Galfans, the Brittanian Federation started with a small number of colony ships, fleeing across the galaxy from a parasitic plant race known as the Triffars. The colony ships met up with each other, banding together believing there to be safety in numbers. They eventually reached a planet called Galf... The home of the Galfans, a race of Mechanoids that had been built as servants for an ancient race, they had rebelled and fled, setting up a haven on Galf. Initially, there was an all out conflict with the native Mechanoids, however, when the Triffars made themselves known, a truce was called. Unfortunately, even their combined strength was not enough to defeat the Triffars, so, evacuating everyone they could, the Mechanoids lured as many triffars as they could to their world, before destroying it. Since then, the Triffars have not been heard from. The Galfans travelled with the rest of the Colony ships to the next Solar System and they landed on the lush planet that they named Brittania (Named after the Kalel's Colony ship.)

Each planet in the System was colonised by a different species, the Mogg, prefering the warmer climate, took the 2nd planet from the sun.
the Levinti, prefering the cooler climate, took the 4th planet, the Galfans, wanting the place with the largest abundance of raw materials and not needing an atmosphere, took the 5th planet, a Gas Giant they had named New Galf. The Kenris, due to their amazing work-force, set up hives on all of the planets, it took 200 years, but by the end of it, the civilizations looked as thought they had always been there, the Many moons of New Galf, all mechanical, logically built. Brittania, a beautiful world, teaming with commerce. the Second planet, Moraggar, a planet where the males fought and hunted, whilst the females discussed and kept the relations of the Federation. The 4th planet, Liva is considered a luxury holiday destination, the Levinti celebrate something almost every day. The Solus day celebrations are so bright that they can be seen from space. The Kenris keep to themselves mostly... But their vast underground hives are considered marvels by the entire architectural community.

Their flag represents them as a Federation, 7 stars surrounding the large star in the middle. The 7 stars represent each of the key structures in the Federation: The Kalel Society, The Levinti Society, the Mogg Society, The Kenris Hive Mind, the Galfan Society, The Church of Solus and the Cult of the Star Gods. The middle star represents the Federation that binds them as a whole.

Animosity: Although the 5 races are in an alliance, there is animosity between them, some races get on better than others.

Galfan and Kenris: The Galfans and the Kenris do not see eye to eye, there are many reasons, but the predominant one is that the Kenris are not religious, as such, do not celebrate Solus day. Although there is little active hostility between them, the Galfans are exceptionaly distrusting of the Kenris.

Levinti and Mogg: The Levinti and Mogg are actually from the same planet, they both grew as the dominant species on their respective continent. There are many a song sang about the horrendous and bloody battles between the Levinti and the Mogg.

Close allies: Though there is animosity between certain races, there is also close alliances between them as well.

Levinti and Galfan: The Levinti and the Galfans are inseparable allies, both believe in their lord and savior Solus, and fight in his name. Surprisingly enough, there are actual hybrids between the species... That's right, a Galfan and Levinti can successfully breed. This is an extremely hotly debated and researched subject in the science community. Although, it is a common religious belief that Solus granted them the ability to interbreed as a reward for their service to him.

Kalel and Kenris: The Kalel and Kenris share their royal family, it is a common tradition for an unmarried prince, upon reaching the age of 30, to marry the Kenris Empress. The Empress' humanoid appearance is due to her possessing a strain of the first Kalelan Queen's DNA. They cannot mate, but are still rather close.

The rest of the relationships are neutral.


The military is made up of multiple different branches, each controlled by the different governments, meaning that no 1 government is superior to any other when it comes to military might.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

|Nation Name: Kerbal Interstellar Program

|Race(s): Kerbals

|Physiology: Kerbals have very bulbous eyes, a comparitively small torso and large head, two teeth (one attached to the jaw and one attached to the skull), two arms with four-fingered hands, and two feet with four toes. Their blood uses vanadium rather than hemoglobin, giving them a greenish tint. 80 percent of a Kerbal skeleton is actually cartilage, significantly increasing their squishiness and allowing them to survive falls from great heights... not that that, honestly, helps them significantly. The majority of their organs are housed in their cylindrical heads, leaving only their lungs, heart, and "intestinal piping" in their torso. They have no nose, instead relying on their mouths to breathe. Nor do they have ears; instead, sound is detected through vibrations in the fluids contained in their oversized eyeballs.

In the Age of Genetic Engineering, however, a few things changed from their natural physiology. The first was the invention of asexual breeding via mitosis, preventing all those tricky times when Kerbals forgot about Kalentine's Day. This also had the effect of quadrupling their birth rate. The second was the addition of symbiotic algae to their skin, enabling them to survive without food for longer periods of time. This was totally the intended result, and not brought about because a genticist was embarrased at the paleness of his skin.

|Habitat: Earthlike

|Summary in a Sentence: Lovable idiots with rockets, whose main goal is to land on every celestial body that they find (they're still figuring out how to land on their sun).

|Racial Traits:
-Extreme Stupidity (Or is it just courage?)
Kerbals will generally try anything at least once, no matter how ridiculous. Perhaps it stems from an innate trust that the Kerbals before them knew what they were doing. If a rocket was designed with thrusters off-center and only on one side (because the engineer's printer ran out of ink halfway through), then the builders will construct it without question. Similarly, the pilot will fly it without question. And then die when it inevitably explodes -spontaneously lands- 50m from the launch pad.

+Incredibly Rapid Reproduction
One of the more prominant families on Kerbin, the Kerman line, has over 1,000 siblings in the current generation. At least half of those have died.

|Systems Occupied:
|Name: Kerbol

|Location: In the middle of a galactic arm, not unreasonably far from other civilizations

|Civilization Tier: 3
The Kerbals have finally, after many thousands of deaths, stranded kerbalnauts, and mysterious accidents, just managed to crack the secrets of FTL travel. Now if only there was any guarantee of their rockets actually making it anywhere....

|Population: 25 billion

|Culture/Society: The Kerbal way is trial and error. They got into orbit only after losing their initial crop of volunteers, and then they realized that they never put parachutes on the oribiter. Luckily for Jebadiah, he was rescued after only 7 more attempts. His rescue went down in history as the first successful orbital rendevouz. Missions to Duna, the fourth planet in their system, regularly ran out of fuel until they managed to guess the correct amount (and the correct thrust-to-weight ratio of the rocket).

They also are a remarkably one-purpose civilization. Their society goes through different phases, each marked by a remarkable drive for the entire species to work toward a singular goal. In the modern era, they are obsessed with rocketry, spaceflight, and aeronautics. Their entire economy is devoted to that goal, which is good for them, because the cost of the sheer number of failed spacecraft is astronomical.

These guys generally have three emotions - terrified, bored, and ecstatic. Arguably they also have a fourth - terristatic, a combination of the first and the last. Kerbals are adrenaline

|Military: The Kerbals don't have a real military. In the Age of Hunting, they developed the standard spears and guns with which to defend themselves, but once they progressed to the top of the food chain, weapons development practically stagnated. They've stumbled upon space weaponry via rocket staging accidents and wildly overpowered communications arrays, but never having a need to use them, there's no military to speak of. They do have a few weapons lying around that they like to use on uninhabited planets and to deorbit space stations, though.

Kinetic Missile: This is an unmanned rocket. Explodes rather nicely.
Mass Driver: If you put a big ball of ceramics in front of a rocket, it gets launched at speed. Great fun.
Maser: Early experiments in beaming power via microwave lasers occasionally roasted chunks of Kerbin and the Mun.
Lasers: A kerbal engineer accidentally designed a vastly overpowered communications laser once, and this is the weaponized result.

|Government: There is no government. Any actual progress in society is due to emergent behavior, generally speaking. This makes it difficult, however, to reassure other civilizations that treaties will be respected. Not that they've met any other civilizations yet.

|Economy: Kerbal economy is generally capitalist. Given the complete lack of law, several megacorporations and monopolies have cropped up, and the stock market tends to crash and peak rather spectacularly every few decades. Most Kerbals don't actually care, instead being focused on whichever goal their society is working toward at the moment. That means that any company that doesn't demonstrate its usefulness towards aerospace in the current age will fail. Even restaurants are sponsered by aerospace groups, if not owned by them outright.

Age of Hunting: Lasting from the initial Kerbals wading ashore (and waving goodby to their tunicate cousins) to the moment Tombal Kerdison discovered steam power.
Age of Steam: Lasting from the first steam engines until Nikla Teska discovered electricity.
Age of Electrics: Lasting from the first dc generator up to Howie Kendel's completion of the Kerbal Genome Mapping project
Age of Genetics: Lasting from the first hesitant steps toward mitosis to the moment Wernher von Kerman's lab exploded so violently that some of the ceiling tiles never fell back to Kerbin.
Age of Aerospace: From the first rather explosive rockets all the way up to the present day Alkubierre Drive technology.


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apollo26
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Nation Name- The Septonium Concordant
Civ Tier: 3 ( Maintains 6 stations outside of the Shao XI system, 4 civilian trading hubs and 2 military Garrisons)

Capital Planet-
The Capital of the Septonium Concordant is Taoshe, it is a lush green planet with a temperate climate. The planet is a mixture of lush multicolored grass like expanses, Alpine territories topped with blue snow and large rough oceans. The coastal territories and the oceans is a big contrast from the beautiful expanses of the inner regions. Storms are frequent along the coast and it rains most of the 24 month year, making the seas extremely rough. This is due to the gravity of the binary star Shao XI and the planets 3 moons. Taoshe is the Executive center of the concordant and is also home to the central military headquarters.

The core four planets in the empire lie within the binary star system of Shao XI are Taoshe, Haloh, Icarus and Jalag other worlds are named based the date at which they were found, allied or conquered. The concordant does maintain large space stations in the large expanses between planets.

Taoshe- Center of government, seat of military and political power. Three moons ( Tao 1-3) are frozen methane balls.

Haloh- The agricultural center of the Concordant and home to the top architectural and engineering universities. Haloh is the heartland of the concordant 50% of its surface is farmland. Haloh is also the trading capital of the Concordant and home to many of the International corporations of the concordant. This is a major tourist center because of the large amount of history.

Icarus- The largest and most desolate planet in the system, made up of large deserts and giant gorges, canyons and mountains. The lower hemisphere is a weapons testing ground for the military while the upper hemisphere is home to the diplomatic universities of the Concordant.

Jalag- A large manufacturing world, protected by the three other core planets. Jalag is home to the biggest naval port in the Concordant. Jalag is a major manufacturing world and is home to the majority of the weapons plants that service the military

Leader-The current chairman of the Concordant is Valag Timonus

Government- The Septonium Concordant is a Republic with a large senatorial body, laws and other decisions of the state are governed by this body. Senators are chosen from the ranks of the military, selection is based on merit and honor in combat. The Septonium Concordant is a military state, the military funds, directs and oversees all actions made by the state. Non-military assets and military assets share a nice relationship and cooperate readily, helping in anyway they can in non military matters. It is not uncommon for military transports to transport building materials for civilians builders and it is common to see the military pull in civilian help for humanitarian missions. The Concordant's second largest body is the diplomatic corps which handles all foreign relations and non-combat missions. Because of the slow recruitment and training time for recruits the concordant cannot sustain large military campaigns. Peace and Diplomacy have become paramount for the concordant and military action is seen as a very last resort.

Population- The radiation given off by the binary star makes most of the planets in the system inhospitable. With the exception os the Aradites, the native population of the Septonium Concordant there are savage feral beings that inhabit other worlds in the system. The total population of the Concordant is 10 billion.

Species-The Aradites are the only species in the Septonium Concordant, they are a odd humanoid like species that have adapted to their radiation rich environment. The binary system Shao XI is home to 12 worlds, four of which are inhabited by the Aradites, the rest are inhabited by feral beasts which are the mutated remnants of past civilizations.

Habitat- The core planets all have temperate climates with long winter and spring like seasons. Aradites can adapt to almost any climate but prefer cooler temperatures typically associated with alpine terrain.

Appearance- Aradite physiology is not to distant from human although a bit taller, they exhibit all the same reproductive organs and have all of the standard circulatory organs. Aradite skin is hard and leathery but appears smooth, slightly changing hue based on their mood. The Aradites have complex eyes that have a bright yellow/green color, their evolution as nomadic hunters has sharpened their eyesight and has given them a small amount of natural night vision.

-Tough leathery skin
- Resistance to radiation
-Bright complex eyes

Personality- Aradites are honorable people who share a very strong nationalist bond . They are generally very accepting to outsiders and are polite and respectful , not wanting to offend any other being. Aradites are very easy to spin up however; giving them the stigma of being very hotheaded and brash. Aradite men usually are very headstrong and brave, competing to be chosen for senatorial slots or top positions in the Diplomatic Corps. Women are held in very high esteem in Aradite culture, venerated as symbols of beauty and elegance. Women compete alongside men for the same positions and are often more successful.

Lifespan/Birth/Aging- Aradites live for three to four centuries, the constant radiation given off from the binary stars has made them age extremely slow and has lessened the physical impact of aging. It is not uncommon to see a 200 year old Aradite who still looks like his 23 or 25 year old human equivalent. Child birth is very similar to human child birth except for the lack of an umbilical cord and belly buttons. Mating is usually for life due to long lifespans , it is not uncommon for a male to court a female for weeks even months before formal dating begins.

Language- Aradite language is Demioi, it is very elegant and smooth, native speakers often blend together words and speak very quickly making translation extremely difficult to the forgien ear. There are two Dialects of Demioi, Daimet and Dai'kat. Daimet is the informal version of the language and is spoken in everyday life, Dai'kat is dated and extremely formal. Dai'kat is only spoken at formal events and briefings.

Culture- Aradite culture revolves around honor in combat, honor in family and honor is life. Honor and prestige is very important in Aradite institutions and is the most common way to earn promotions and other merits. It is common for men and women to fight alongside each other in battle. Aradite women are fierce and elegant warriors along with being symbols of beauty, it is common to see wives and husbands in the same regiment or even squad.
Advantage Traits- Aradites have extremely good eyesight and hearing naturally, their evolution as nomadic hunters sharpened their hearing, eyesight and has given them a small amount of natural night vision.

Disadvantage Traits- Hotheaded, Naive, Some can be rather stuck up, Due to long life span Aradites do not reproduce much. Bare Aradite eyes glow at night and reflect light (Much like a cat)

Other Traits- Large, ornate and sometimes glowing tattoos along with piercings are becoming more popular with the Aradite communities in the core worlds.

Currency- Septonian Dari

--Aradites are known for being extremely liberal in allowing use of Alcohol and certain psychedelic drugs. The military allows the use of both alcohol and drugs while on deployment as long as it does not effect their combat readiness.
-- When showing up to formal events, it is Aradite culture to bring gifts like food and wine. This can include a large amount of gifts and can sometimes overwhelm hosts.

Advantage Traits- The Septonian military is excellent, tempered by years of fighting feral beasts on the nearby worlds, each raw recruit enters a battalion with a year or two of actual combat experience. The Soldiers and Marines are extremely disciplined and field the best equipment known to the empire.

Disadvantage Traits- Debate in the senate is common, therefore it takes a long time to get major bills passed.
- Aradites share a strong nationalist bond that can lead to hostility.
- Some citizens can be rude, stuck up and prejudice towards other species

Other Traits- The Septonium Concordant has beautiful planets and is great a terraforming, they have a very open building style resembling the style of ancient Rome and Greece. Aradites are hospitable people and are generally very nice, even if they are a bit easy to rile up.
Most core planets distill there own wine, liquor and spirits, it is very strong and said to cause hallucinations and euphoria due to the ingredients. The ingredients are a closely guarded secrets among the families.

Aradite romantic novels are very long and drawn out, very similar to the dating style of the Aradites. These novels are very popular among some other species but are seen to be too long and slow for others.

History- When the Aradites evolved into a humanoid being they immediately began hunting and gathering, quickly becoming nomads. These nomad groups eventually met each other and created small settlements and attracted more people into these settlements. As time progressed Governments formed and nations were established around these former nomadic tribes, as the nations grew conflict between these nations became inevitable. A bloody period of war started, including three world wars and countless small conflicts over land and resources on the planet. The victor of these conflicts and the superpower on the planet was the Septonious family a strong a charismatic house known for their ruthless military and wealth. The family began to conquer the planet and by the end of the late modern age the entire planet was under Septonian control. The Septonian leadership installed the senate into the government and removed all the power from the monarchy and placed it in the hands of the senate, Most of the senators were old veterans from the different campaigns of conquest and a few scholars. Most of the senators came from the millitary's marine battalions and the diplomatic corps. The Septonium Concordant has since expanded to is current reaches and is still fighting ancient colonial battles with separatists. The Concordant has a long and friendly relationship with its neighbors, The New Arcturus Republic and The Fringe Commonwealth. The concordant has been trading partners with the two since the beginning of the Septonian space age, and has even fought for the Republic during their civil war. Septonian forces also played a minor role in the "Duchy conflict", providing special reconnaissance for NAR forces.

Military- The military is broken into three separate branches:

Operations Branch: The Operations branch consists of the Navy, Army and Marine forces, these forces encompass the armed wing of the Concordant and preform three separate duties. The Navy serves in an offensive role and a transport/ exploration role as well as being the primary deployment platform for the Marine battalions. The marine battalions are the primary shock troops of the concordant, their primary duties are lightning fast raids and specialized offensives. They lack the ability to hold and occupy terrain however and deploy with limited resources. Occupation of territories is the army's primary duty, they deploy with a regiment of combat engineers to quickly build fortifications and other defensive structures. They are trained as military policemen to combat civilian threats along with military targets. Against specialized forces however the army lacks the same operational capability.

Diplomatic Branch: The diplomatic branch is the main voice of the concordant, some of the best minds in Foreign policy and galactic relations make up the Diplomatic corps staff. The Diplomatic Branch maintains a small fleet of specialized diplomatic shuttles and cruisers. Their primary duty is conflict avoidance and conflict resolution.

Agriculture/Colonial Branch: The A&C Branch is strictly a exploration and terraforming branch, their only duty is the exploration of new worlds and terraforming operations on other worlds to be colonized. They maintain a large fleet, second in size to the Operations branch. A company of marines is assigned to the A&C branch and all their vessels are unarmed.

Septonian Marines: Joining the military is a life choice for most Aradites, choosing to attend military academies at a very young age. Once accepted the new candidates are put through an intense curriculum of military history, tactical applications and operations, galactic history, Galatic culture and daily physical training. By their 5th or 6th year in the academy candidates are given the first round of bio- enhancements, these include mitochondrial and protein stimulants for increased muscle growth and computer assisted optical implants for another 10% boost in natural night vision. The curriculum continues until their 16th year when they are given their second and final round of enhancements. Veins and arteries are widened and a second small synthetic heart is implanted allowing for a higher blood flow and clotting speed, all marines have a identical scar under their left arm pit from the procedure. After graduating from the Academy, new marines are assigned to training platoons and sent to the neighboring worlds of Falkaide XXI or Harum VI to combat the feral beings there. This serves as operational training and tempers new marines to combat, the surviving marines are then relieved by the next group of fresh marines and are assigned to operational battalions. Marines spend 18-19 years in training including school and devote most of their lives to the military. Marines are heavily armed aiming for shock and awe, their weapons are made up of carbines , personal defense weapons and heavy shoulder launched rockets. However, they can be seen using a wide range of weaponry. All marines carry light shields to help against energy based attacks but are very weak.

Septonian Army: The Army follows the same pipeline as the Marine candidates but are deployed to the contested planet of Gaiconda to fight the insurgency there. Surviving soldiers are assigned to operational companies and relieved by the next group of new soldiers. Soldiers carry a wide range of weapons and deploy with large surpluses of gear, they are heavily armed with main battle rifles and machine guns along with a wide range of artillery. Aradite Soldiers are usually better conditioned and stronger then their marine counterparts.

Septonian Navy: Space travel is relatively new to the Aradites, what they lack in raw knowledge however they make up for with technology and mathematics. Aradite vessels are built from scaled durasteel under a sloped alloy like armor. vessels are commonly narrow at either and and smoothly bubble around the scaled durasteel to help kinetic projectiles glance off. All vessels have light to medium shields, able to absorb one or two energy based strikes before failing. The navy maintains the intelligence service for the concordant and a special warfare branch made up of 3 platoons of special forces and special operations operators.

JIIC ( Joint Internal Intelligence Command): The intelligence service for the concordant sometimes referred to as the "Laucomb" or hole by citizens. The JIIC tries it best to stay below the radar, even evading the Concordant's security measures. The JIIC is completely independent of the military branches and has its own leadership and funding, JIIC case officer and operators are considered some of the best trained operators in the Concordant.

Aries class : This is the biggest class of vessel in the fleet, carrying 12 missile pods, two forward facing magnetic accelerated torpedo tubes, 30 point defense turrets ( 10 fore, 10 mid, 10 aft) and space to carry a fighter squadron and a marine battalion with all of their gear and vehicles.

Carrier : 6 missile pods, one forward facing MAT, 20 point defense turrets, space for a fighter squadron and 2 companies of Marines.

Septum class : Three 120mm cannons , two forward facing MAT, 10 point defense turrets, capable of laying mines

Lahai class : Two 120mm cannons, One forward facing MAT, capable of laying mines,

Blackhole class: Excellent stealth and electronics suite, capable of laying mines, one forward facing MAT, 3 missile tube

Shrike Fighter:
Extremely fast and maneuverable both in orbit and in atmosphere.
- Hardpoints under the wings for mounting missiles and bombs
-Two 30mm cannons ( HE or AP tipped rounds)
-Physical and Electronic countermeasuer system ( Missile defeat and mild cloaking)

Faulk Fighter-bomber: Agile but heavily armored, lacking the speed of the Shrike fighter. Called "Vol'citerne" ( flying tank) by its pilots because of its ability to take tremendous damage and still fight.
-Large internal bomb and missile bay
- Two large 40mm Gatling cannons ( HE or AP tipped)
- 105mm MAC ( Magnetically accelerated cannon) mounted off center, used as an anti emplacement weapon or for punching holes in larger vessels

Septonian weaponry: All Aradite weapons are magnetically accelerated, which fire a small caseless projectile, these rounds are often high explosive or armor piercing tipped.

MAT= Magnetically accelerated torpedoes
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hyperdrive
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Hyperdrive Not Possible

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name of Empire: Harlaci Imperium

Homeworld: Tyr'grande (orbited by 3 moons, Myloth, Troz, Licion, and an asteroid ring called "Hymtos")
Homeworld Info: The planet is basically earth like, lush green forests covering the country, with the exception of an abundance of mountain ranges and fewer, but deeper oceans.
Home system: The entire Harlaci Imperium originated from the Argonia system, it is home of the yellow star Mor and 6 planets, Tyr'grande being the 3rd being closest from its star.

System Descriptions:

Civilization Tier: 3 - Although they have multiple advanced technologies, they didn't attempt to expand further, leaving them with only 6 systems under full control.

Harlacs. - An almost human-like species with pale complexion and tall figure.
Hannost. - A sentient aquatic race native to the planet Tyr'grande. They are responsible for uplifting the Harlacs to their current state.
Harlacs - Harlacian, Harlaci, Harlac, White Suits
Hannost - Hannost, Hannoth, "The Mentors"
Language: Hannosai - Introduced by the Hannost and was eventually accepted as the national language.

Population: 228 Billion Harlacs, 19 Billion Hannost

Description of Races:






Unique Technology:

Melpharic Plating and Core - The pride of the Harlac technology is the refinement of a rare mineral found only on its homeworld.

Orion-Class Particle Cannon - An energy weapon powered by a Melpharic Core. This weapon sends out a black flickering beam that packs a firepower enough to slice through a thickly packed fleet of ships with ease. Its does have a long 30 minute recharging drawback.

Mass Cloning Capabilities - Mastery over the biological matter is the specialty of the Hannost, making them capable of creating multiple copies of one specific life form.

Currency: Tichar - A synthetic form of gold, it is usually shaped in small rectangles with the Imperial insignia in the middle along with the represented amount.
Economic Status: Above Stable (Budget is allocated almost instantly to different projects, with a satisfactory amount for savings.)
Economic Focus:
30% - Science (R&D, Ship & Weapon designs, Basic planet knowledge in their system)
30% - Military (Ship production, Recruiting, Training)
30% - Economy (Import, Export, Asteroid mining)
5% - Expansion (Harlacians are isolationist, they prefer to dig in rather than expand... most of the time)
5% - Black Project Initiative (Top secret military project)

Description of military:

Conditions for declaring war:
The Harlaci Imperium only declares war on a race under these conditions:

  • Their military endangers the safety of the Harlacian citizens.

  • They attempt to establish colonies on Harlaci space territory.

  • They have attempted to compromise the very structure of the Harlaci Imperium.

  • They have trespassed Harlaci space territory with multiple military vessels without proper clearance.

  • They have violated a pact or treaty with the Harlaci people.

Military Weapons

Military Divisions:

Harlacian Galactic Legionaries (10%)
These are stationary troops assigned on planetary vessels, stations, and shipyards. Sometimes they are assigned as support troops to the main fighting force, the Primus Legionaries. Every failed trainee from the Primus Legion is automatically drafted to this legion, along with a 20 year service time.

Praetorian Legion (15%)
A military division composed of all the best Harlaci soldiers in the army, this legion is under the command of the Imperial Praetor. These units are outfitted with the best armor available, and given particle weapons from the armory. They are expected to serve under the legion with their entire lifetime.

Primus Legion (30%) (Main Army)
Being a member of the Primus Legion is the dream of every Harlacian citizen.The Legionaries receive minimum wages, but receive benefits like exemption from taxes, higher recognition in the society, and free basic supplies during their service. A normal Legionnaire is expected to serve 50 - 80 years in service during peace time. They are the most disciplined and loyal infantry units so far in the galaxy. Weapons issued to this legion are mostly Gauss, Ion, and Plasma.

Harlacian Assault Response Drones
These units are normally merged with the main infantry companies, Other than that, they They are issued to planetary expeditions or in fleet support.

Harlacian Galactic Armada (45%)
The whole armada is composed of 3 major fleets.
All fleet ships are armed with the latest military tech available, and are refitted whenever possible.

HIF (Harlaci Imperial Fleet) - Command over the fleet is shared by the Imperial Praetor and Commissar during peace times. Full command is given to the Commissar during wars.

Harlaci Trade Federation Fleet
The HTFF is commanded by the Consular, the fleet's main purpose is to ensure all economic operations are not compromised, like trading and economic meetings.

The Silver Fleet: Commanded by the Imperial Praetor, they act as the royal fleet of the Harlacs

Micro Factions: These organizations originated from the Imperium, and holds quite a reputation in the Harlaci society.

Note: I'm still having a hard time using the small box for posting, and with the QQcodes so please bear with me for a while. :(
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 16 days ago

Nation Name: Royal Zargonian Empire (RZE)Theme: Indestructible

Home World: Zargonia, a desert planet that's three times the size of Earth with three times Earth's gravity, it has three moons and orbits a binary star system that's near the edge of the galactic rim in a pretty isolated area. Both stars are the same size as each other and are yellow like Earths sun, but their slightly bigger. There are five other planets in the solar system.
Zargonia has two small pole continents both covered with Ice, a super continent at the equator that's mostly desert that take's up almost two thirds of the planets surface. Part's of the continent near the poles are more tropical and covered with plant life, there are three other continents, two of which are close to the super continent but are near the north pole so their mostly covered in plant life and partially snow. The last continent is at the other side of the planet, it's also at the equator in the middle of the ocean and it's less then a fourth in size compared to the super continent, but it's extremely hostile due to dangerous wildlife.

Race(s): Zargonians or Zargans (Reptilians):
Their height can very from 13ft tall to 15ft tall, their tough reptilian hide has scales that are a light golden brown color. They also have a row of spikes going from the tip of their snout, down their spine to the tip of their tail. They have an incredible sense of smell, natural night vision and good hearing, they also speak verbally to each other like humans do.

This picture closely resembles them =3 they basically look like but without the fin on their back, or the blue skin tone, and they wear more clothing then that, where as soldiers and guards wear armor. =3
Sas-Zak (Insectoids):

These bug's stand just under 6ft tall, the spikes on their arms and legs helps them climb on almost any surface and their pincer like feet help them keep their grip on multiple surfaces. Their wings allow them to fly at incredible speeds, they have what appear to be very short tails attached to their shell like abdomen, but it's actually a stinger with a volatile poison which could paralyze most creatures on Zargonia, excluding most of the larger creatures on the planet. Their shells are mostly dark colors to help then stay hidden from dangerous creatures. When they aren't in danger they have bioluminescence as a way to communicate, as well as multiple clicking, chattering sounds, but one thing that they evolved to have was Telepathy, which helps them communicate amongst themselves, and some of the creatures on Zargonia, which has helped them survive.

Racial Traits:
Zargan: because of their home world they evolved on, they have very tough scale covered skin. Zargan's are incredibly strong, determined and durable, they heal quickly from small injury's and if one was to break their arm, it would take them less then a week and a half for it to fully heal,, if they were to lose their limb it would grow back, but it would take about three months to grow back to the way it was before. Their scaly hide hardened to protect them from the heat of the suns and scorching desert's along with the sandstorms as well as defend them from the dangerous creatures that also live on their planet. They fight with ferocious savagery and tenacity, both with weapons, technology and with their claws and teeth. If they have to they'll rip their enemy limb from limb to secure a win, and they wouldn't be bothered by it, and they can live up to 700 years if their lucky.

Sas-Zak: Their strong, there's no doubt in that, they have the strength to move rock's almost as big as them with relative ease for tunneling underground. But if one was to get into an accident and break it's exoskeleton, it would take a while to fix even with medicine because it's hard shell takes time to heal, but the tissue beneath heals quickly. The middle eye on the top of their head see's in infrared which helps them spot prey or predators in the dark, the two eye's behind the first two eye's see in night vision which helps them see under ground or at night on the surface, the two eye's near the front of their head see things in color like humans for when their on the surface during the day. They are somewhat savage when they fight, but there's also planning in it, they fight smart because they aren't the strongest being's where they live. Sas-Zak have been known to live up to 200 years if their lucky.

Racial disadvantages:
Zargan's: Because of their size they're not that hard to miss in an open battlefield, and their size give's them overconfidence in battle when they are facing a smaller enemy

Sas-Zak: Because they evolved underground they breath through there skin as well as their mouth to get more air. Because of their evolution they are more susceptible to poisonous and dangerous air born chemicals then other races, as well as getting sick.

Civilization Tier: Interstellar (on their way to Galactic): Expanded from their home system. Colonization of first exo-planet to full-scale colonization of stars. FTL discovered.

Population: 1,000,000,000,000
Zargan's = 600,000,000,000
Sas-Zak = 400,000,000,000

Culture/Society: the R.Z.E has a warlike society, with a monarchy culture, but there is honor in them, both in combat and life (that's the best i got =/ )

Air-Space Forces: all ships have light speed drives

Land Forces:

Weapons :

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

QueenRaiden: Definitely approved, although, do you want to give them the Ork ability to change the laws of physics around them, just by believing that things work that way.
Apollo26: I can't see anything wrong, i'll accept.
Hyperdrive: Same for you, I can't see anything wrong, I'll accept.
NacNak: I'm calling a cap of ship size at 15 KM. I mean... Seriously... Your big ship is 31 miles long... Sorry, but that's a little big. I will only allow bigger ships for Ancient races.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 16 days ago

could you possibly make an exception for mine to be 17 KM (10 miles)? =3

if not I understand and wont complain, just asking =3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

NacNak said
could you possibly make an exception for mine to be 17 KM (10 miles)? =3 if not I understand and wont complain, just asking =3

... You ask me for an extra two kilometers...? *Puts revolver on Nak's desk and walks away... Then a minute later, peaks head around door.* Go for it, just do me a favour, first, and clean my gun, i've been a little busy lately and have been neglecting it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 16 days ago

mattmanganon said
... You ask me for an extra two kilometers...? *Puts revolver on Nak's desk and walks away... Then a minute later, peaks head around door.* Go for it, just do me a favour, first, and clean my gun, i've been a little busy lately and have been neglecting it.

umm..... *has upset look* sorry... I ate it...... *burps*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apollo26
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Please dont let this stagnate!!! :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 16 days ago

okay =3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

We could just go. I'm okay with us just going. But that's me.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 16 days ago

go? you mean just start posting in the Ic? =3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

I'm currently unwell, but if you guys want to get the ball rolling, go right ahead.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 16 days ago

uh..... um...... o-okay, hope you get well soon =3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apollo26
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

IC post OTW!!!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 16 days ago

awesome =3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azico


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Nation Name: Damocleus Adeptus
Races: Major races:

Minor Races:

Civilization Tier: 3- Interstellar: Expanded from their home system. Colonization of first exo-planet to full-scale colonization of stars. FTL discovered.

Population: Vior'la: 20 billion
Krevs: 15 billion
Demiurg: 12.7 billion
Tarellians 7 billion
Gue'vasa 5.6 billion


The Damocleus Adeptus alliance are based around a system with 7 planets close enough to only take a few minutes to travel between with the set up public transport shuttles. They are a very minor faction in the universe and so far have not met that many other races. Their numbers are small compared to other factions but they make up for this due to their extremely high technology capacity. This is a result from there never being war between the Vior'la as the people grew in age, always working together to achieve their goals, and so they are far ahead in technology. They have shared this technology with the other races of the alliance, each of them adding their on variation on it to fit their lifestyle and fighting style. Of the seven planets in the system, each of the races have their own planet. The Vior'la have the planet Vior'la in the middle. Once a planet rich with minerals and plains and a few forests, the planet is now entirely covered in cities and technology. THe only plant life left on the planet is mainly in private gardens and in their version of museums.

The Krevs have the planet Fengir, a planet covered in forests and plant life. The main part of the Krev race have a very primal lifestyle and the only technology they use in their day to day life is guns to hunt their prey. There is a giant city on the north side of the planet where the space port is and the government is.

The Demiurg have the planet Regnak. The surface of this planet is barren and consists of only a flat rock floor stretching across the planet. On the west side of this planet is a giant tunnel that leads towards the core where the Demiurg live, underneath the surface in giant cites. All buildings being carved out of rock. They also have a spaceport that is at the very entrance of the giant tunnel where they do their trade and talk with the other races. The most important part in their society is the magma shields the have around the core of the planet. THe core is what provides the Demiurg with ''sunlight'' and heat. If the magma shields fail then their entire planet would be ruined.

The Tarellians have their own planet named Taros, to remind them of their home planet, but on it is only a single city which is large enough for all of them. The rest of the planet is used as testing facilites by the Vior'la.

Lastly the Gue'vasa have the planet named Heaven, it has this name as it is heaven for them compared to their old life. It is pretty much like earth although with more high tech civilization. The other two planets are used for factories and resource gathering to fuel the alliance.

They have no religion as they have all agreed that religion would only cause strife and slow down their advances in the universe and technology.
All the races are united, all of them working together. The Gue'Vasa especially, praising the Vior'la like gods and following their commands to the letter. The Tarellians are also loyal, but the other races often discuss on how much they should trust them as in the past, before the Tarellian home planet was destroyed they often betrayed thier ''allies''.

Military: The military of the Damocleus Adeptus is based around a set ammount of soldiers from each race each yer. Approximately 10% of each of the races are soldiers. There are two different military organisations. The Navy and the Wrath Fighters. About 25% of the soldiers are in The Navy.
The Wrath Fighters have different squads and different unit types depending on the soldiers skills.

Wrath Warriors: The basic foot soldiers, can be equipped with any of the weapons listed in the armoury below. All Wrath Warriors has a pulse pistol. They also all have Combat armor.

Stealth Pilots: Theese pilots equip the XV25 Stealth Battlesuits. Stealth Battlesuits, also called Stealth suits, employ a holographic disruption field to make them hard to spot and target.Like the larger XV8 Battlesuit, the Steath Battlesuits incorporate a Jetpack in their design. These suits use standard ion rifles in order to neutralize enemy turrets or vehicles.

Crisis guard: The XV8 is the standard-issue suit used by the Wrath Warriors, though other variants exist, the most common being the Broadside Battlesuit. The Crisis suit is packed with advanced technology, including a jetpack, recoil absorbers and targeting sensors. Information gathered from the Crisis' sensor suite can be transmitted to command units, providing them with updated battlefield intelligence. A nanocrystaline alloy armour is used, giving the suit superior protection while keeping weight at a minimum. Although the armour provides superior protection against most small arms, it is no defence against heavier weapons such assault cannons and lascannons which penetrate right through.
The suit also has three hardpoints that allow it to accept any combination of weaponry, support systems and other devices.

Broadside Pilots: Broadside Battlesuits are only issued to Wrath warrior veterans who have gained sufficient experience piloting Crisis Battlesuits. The jetpacks commonly found on Crisis suits are replaced with twin-linked Railguns or Heavy Rail Rifle's or large numbers of Missile Pods, some of the most powerful anti-tank weapons available in the Vior'la arsenal. Other armament includes either a twin-linked Smart Missile System or twin-linked Plasma Rifles, along with a single Battlesuit support system. The Broadside is mounted with a Particle Accelerator on its back which is used to power its heavy rail weapons.
Being one of the most well protected units in the Tau arsenal, there are reports of Broadside battlesuits surviving direct hits from autocannon and lascannon fire.
Broadsides tend to be encountered supporting larger Vior'la formations, where one or more three-member teams are tasked with providing fire support for entire Warrior Cadres. Occasionally, a single Broadside is tasked with providing support for a smaller Vior'la force. Although, due to an incident in a Vior'la colony, a faction of Snotlings managed to recreate this suit and so the Vior'la have constantly been adding upgrades to the suit to make it better than the ones the Snotlings have.

Riptide Destroyers: The XV104 'Riptide' is a type of heavy Vior'la Battlesuit. It stands twice the size of the XV8 Crisis Suit series. However, it nonetheless is an extremely agile and fast suit. Riptides are most commonly armed with a Heavy Burst Cannon or Ion Accelerator as well as Riptide Shield Generators, twin Smart Missile Systems, and twin Fusion Blasters or Plasma Rifles, giving firepower and protection to compliment their agility. The Riptide draws power from two primary energy sources. The first, the Fusion Reactor, is a the standard and more reliable method of energy. However the Riptide is also equipped with a Nova Reactor, an experimental dark matter energy source that is only activated should the Riptide's pilot require a burst of extra power

Btw, yes my faction is based on the tau from 40k
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alexjits


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Nation Name: The Technological Civilization of Snotlings (TTCS)


Civilization Tier: Interstellar: Expanded from their home system. Colonization of first exo-planet to full-scale colonization of stars. FTL discovered.

Population: 21 Billion
Snotlings: 16.8 Billion
Orcs: 4.6 Billion

TTCS is a very very War based civilization, They will send out fleets of soldiers to go and take weaker planets and build their Snotlings and Orcs rapidly, Causing them to be a highly dangerous race if they invade.
On their planet's their Fortification's are all mainly ground based for invasion's, Each city is built out of Scrap Metal to save the strong Metal for warfare so each city is fairly weak, The Snotling's and Orc's despite having a very good relationship they also have their bad times, As the orc's have a constant Defiancy against order's unless it comes from another Orc and Snotling's get annoyed by this, Snotling's are mainly in charge of the planets except on Orc-Ja where the Orc's rule on that one planet, When they are not causing war they communicate to nearby solar System's about trade routes where they have gotten a few minor ones already

Economy: The Snotling's and Orc's run off of a substance called "Snot-Coin's" Formed in the disgusting way of taking a Snotling's Snot and melting it into a coin shape, And the Orc's use their own teeth for currency, Snot-Coin's are only For Snotling's when Orc Teeth are only for Orc's

Government: There are only two government official's, Slark the Snotling in charge of Technology and Parlok the only intelligent orc as he is in charge of warfare, They do have certain policy's for war

Planets: All the planet's in their solar system The Snarlak System (TSS) is under Snotling control consiting of
Main Planet: Snot-Kla

Unique Technology:

Their ground forces consist of 50% Power Suits, 40% Orcs and 10% Snotlings to be able to dominate their forces, Sending the Orcs first the Snotlings to do ranged fire and the Power suit's afterwards they dominate their enemies easily



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