Around ten years ago, an incident in a small town on the outskirts of Jakarta, Indonesia, was brought to international attention. A home in the very middle of the town had suddenly been consumed by ice. First responders entered the -50 degree building, discovering the frozen corpses of the family within.
And the infant who had caused it.
Superhumans are a dangerous breed. A superhuman body drives men to madness with overuse of their abilities. Those that choose their humanity suppress their abilities, keeping the beast that dwells within themselves at bay, but those who desire power or cannot handle their power choose to let it harm the innocents around them.
What of those people who can't defend themselves? Do they rely on the government to aid them? Do they hide and fear for their lives?
We here at Javelin believe that they should rely on neither of those options. So welcome, those who wish to protect their friends, their family, welcome to those who have fought and lost. The world needs a protector, and we at Javelin will provide a bulwark for decades to come.
"Uncommon Strength, for the Common Man"
-Javelin company slogan
-Javelin company slogan
The introduction video sure makes it seem glorious, doesn't it? Defending the defenseless and all that, but working for Javelin is not easy. You've never felt fear until you've been chased by a pissed off skeleton that is swiftly regenerating all of its musculature in mere seconds. A Javelineer, as ground-level employees are known, is an expendable creature. Very few make it to their third mission, but if you survive that long, you're likely to keep surviving. At least, that's what the statistics say. So hey, there's a target to work towards.
Crazed superhumans are no easy target, even for a whole company of insane mercenaries, but usually you only have to deal with the one incredibly powerful freak of nature. That's comforting isn't it? Just remember that withdrawing and applying what you learned the first time to come back with a better plan is always an option.
Some of you may have personal vendettas against superhumans, some of you may be ex-soldiers with nowhere else to go, hell, some of you may just be psychopaths looking for a way to get your fix. No matter why you joined Javelin, there's a place for you and a gun on your back.
Try your best, that's all you can do. Well, that and hope to leave a pretty corpse.