Welcome to Star Wars: Knights of Fate! (Title is a WIP)
As promised, this initial post will be a location for finding character sheets, reference images, links to Wookieepedia articles, and other essential information pertaining to the roleplay!

*All links should refer to the "Legends" version of Wookieepedia Articles when and if applicable, unless otherwise noted.
As promised, this initial post will be a location for finding character sheets, reference images, links to Wookieepedia articles, and other essential information pertaining to the roleplay!
Species/Race: Human
Name: Kael
Middle Name: Xaron
Last Name: Arkanus
AKA: Master Arkanus
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 45 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin)
Place of Birth: Aldera, Alderaan
Age: 28
Height: 6’ 2”
Weight: 210 lbs
Home Planet: Alderaan
Current Residence: Unknown
Hair Color/Style: Brown/Buzz-Cut
Facial Hair: None
Eye Color: Green
Body Appearance: Right arm has been replaced with a custom cybernetic prosthesis, otherwise his body is in prime condition, trim, and physically fit. Wide shoulders, powerfully built torso.
Vehicle/Starship: Eta-2 Actis Class Light Interceptor
Armor: Black Jedi Robes
Primary Weapon(s): Three Blue Singled-Bladed Lightsabers
Secondary Weapon(s): Echani Martial Arts
Allegiance: Jedi Order
Rank: Jedi Knight
Official records claim that only seven Jedi were present at the Battle of Hypori. In truth, there were eight. Young Jedi Knight Kael Arkanus was redirected to Hypori due to a malfunction of his starfighter's hyperspace ring. He was on board the Acclamator-Class Assault Ship with the other Jedi when it was shot out of orbit. When General Grievous offered the surviving Jedi a "warrior's death", Kael fought fiercely against the cyborg. But the General found a hole in Kael's defense and severed his right arm at the shoulder before kicking him back into the wreckage. Kael was knocked unconscious and when the Republic’s Advanced Recon Commandos evacuated the Jedi, he was left behind, presumed dead. Thankfully, Grievous made the same mistake. When Kael regained consciousness, he managed to escape the planet, and broadcast a distress signal. Once rescued, he was returned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
Upon his return Kael was fitted with a prosthetic replacement for his lost arm. Having seen Grievous split his arms in two to wield four lightsabers at once, Kael had requested a prosthesis designed after the general’s own limbs. When completed, Kael's new arm could split along its length the same way and sported a six-fingered hand, allowing Kael to effectively wield three lightsabers at once. When the Jedi High Council questioned his choice, Kael told them that he had wanted it as a reminder of what he’d lost and what he’d lost it to.
Kael spent months retraining himself in lightsaber combat to make use of the third blade he could now wield. After almost a year of rehabilitation and training he was ready to rejoin the war effort, secretly harboring a desire to face General Grievous again and repay him in kind for the loss of his arm. However, his path and the general's never crossed. He had just received word of the cyborg's death when the clones he was commanding turned on him. He managed to escape and disappear into hiding in the Outer Rim.
Name: Kael
Middle Name: Xaron
Last Name: Arkanus
AKA: Master Arkanus
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 45 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin)
Place of Birth: Aldera, Alderaan
Age: 28
Height: 6’ 2”
Weight: 210 lbs
Home Planet: Alderaan
Current Residence: Unknown
Hair Color/Style: Brown/Buzz-Cut
Facial Hair: None
Eye Color: Green
Body Appearance: Right arm has been replaced with a custom cybernetic prosthesis, otherwise his body is in prime condition, trim, and physically fit. Wide shoulders, powerfully built torso.
Vehicle/Starship: Eta-2 Actis Class Light Interceptor
Armor: Black Jedi Robes
Primary Weapon(s): Three Blue Singled-Bladed Lightsabers
Secondary Weapon(s): Echani Martial Arts
Allegiance: Jedi Order
Rank: Jedi Knight
Official records claim that only seven Jedi were present at the Battle of Hypori. In truth, there were eight. Young Jedi Knight Kael Arkanus was redirected to Hypori due to a malfunction of his starfighter's hyperspace ring. He was on board the Acclamator-Class Assault Ship with the other Jedi when it was shot out of orbit. When General Grievous offered the surviving Jedi a "warrior's death", Kael fought fiercely against the cyborg. But the General found a hole in Kael's defense and severed his right arm at the shoulder before kicking him back into the wreckage. Kael was knocked unconscious and when the Republic’s Advanced Recon Commandos evacuated the Jedi, he was left behind, presumed dead. Thankfully, Grievous made the same mistake. When Kael regained consciousness, he managed to escape the planet, and broadcast a distress signal. Once rescued, he was returned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
Upon his return Kael was fitted with a prosthetic replacement for his lost arm. Having seen Grievous split his arms in two to wield four lightsabers at once, Kael had requested a prosthesis designed after the general’s own limbs. When completed, Kael's new arm could split along its length the same way and sported a six-fingered hand, allowing Kael to effectively wield three lightsabers at once. When the Jedi High Council questioned his choice, Kael told them that he had wanted it as a reminder of what he’d lost and what he’d lost it to.
Kael spent months retraining himself in lightsaber combat to make use of the third blade he could now wield. After almost a year of rehabilitation and training he was ready to rejoin the war effort, secretly harboring a desire to face General Grievous again and repay him in kind for the loss of his arm. However, his path and the general's never crossed. He had just received word of the cyborg's death when the clones he was commanding turned on him. He managed to escape and disappear into hiding in the Outer Rim.

Species/Race: Twi'lek
Name: Baladeen'plaat
Middle Name: N/A
Last Name: Plaat
AKA: Master Plaat
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 41 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin)
Place of Birth: Tann, Ryloth
Age: 24
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 128 lbs
Home Planet: Ryloth
Current Residence: Unknown
Hair Color/Style: Long Lekku, coiled around her neck.
Facial Hair: None
Eye Color: Yellow
Body Appearance: Though short and lean, Bala has a body honed for the acrobatic leaps and dynamic style of Form IV Lightsaber Combat. Her shoulders are shallow compared to her hips. Her face is round and feminine.
Vehicle/Starship: Delta-7 Aethersprite-Class Light Interceptor
Armor: Brown Jedi Robes.
Primary Weapon(s): Yellow Single-Bladed Lightsaber
Secondary Weapon(s): Two Ryyk Blades
Allegiance: Jedi Order
Rank: Jedi Knight
Baladeen'plaat was born in an isolated village, deep within the jungles, on the Twi'lek home planet of Ryloth. As a result, Bala was already almost a galactic standard year old when Jedi Knight Aayla Secura came to claim her for the Jedi Order. As a fellow Twi'lek, Aayla had little trouble convincing Bala's parents to part with their precious child, who would in time learn the ways of the Force and become a guardian of peace and justice in the galaxy.
As a youngling at the Jedi Academy on Almas, Bala exhibited a strange and somewhat contradictory pattern to her personality. While eager to learn and a quick study, she was not one for always following the rules. This tendency often found her caught up in all manner of mischief. It was at this time that she caught the eye of the Academy's Battlemaster, a wookiee named Kirlocca.
Kirlocca took on young Bala as his Padawan learner, and directed her more mischievous energies into lightsaber combat training. Through constant martial training, Kirlocca passed on his knowledge of the Force and the ways of the Jedi to his young apprentice. When the Clone Wars broke out, Bala remained at the Almas Academy with Kirlocca, who had elected not to take up arms against the Separatist Droid Army. Instead, he organized a meditative retreat into the Almas Wasteland, a dead region on the planet's surface surrounding an ancient Sith Fortress. Though her Trials of Knighthood were scheduled to begin soon, Bala elected to accompany her master on his foray into the dead zone, along with the other Knights and Padawans that had chosen to go on the retreat.
During the retreat, as they were meditating, the group was attacked by a group of maddened Jedi, tortured by the Dark Side energies emanating from the ancient fortress at the wastelands' epicenter. This was Bala's first real-world exposure to the effects of the Dark Side. While she, her master, and the others on the retreat were able to subdue the mad Jedi and return them to the temple, the memories of the experience stuck with Bala cementing her commitment to follow the path of the Jedi.
Then, at the conclusion of the first year of the Clone Wars, her peaceful life on Almas was brought to an abrupt end. Newly knighted and acting as an assistant to Kirlocca at the Almas Academy, she received word that her former master had been killed at a peace conference he was attending. Raik Munn, an initiate who Kirlocca had dismissed from the Almas Academy for falling in love with another student, had attempted to discredit the Jedi Order by unleashing a pair of t'salaks aboard the ship on which the peace conference was being held. Kirlocca had died defending himself, his fellow Jedi, and the peace delegates.
After Kirlocca's death, Bala was reassigned to command a company of clone troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic. Being a relatively untested warrior, her unit was usually ordered in as support in smaller skirmishes and as a result, never saw the large scale clashes of the war.
Name: Baladeen'plaat
Middle Name: N/A
Last Name: Plaat
AKA: Master Plaat
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 41 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin)
Place of Birth: Tann, Ryloth
Age: 24
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 128 lbs
Home Planet: Ryloth
Current Residence: Unknown
Hair Color/Style: Long Lekku, coiled around her neck.
Facial Hair: None
Eye Color: Yellow
Body Appearance: Though short and lean, Bala has a body honed for the acrobatic leaps and dynamic style of Form IV Lightsaber Combat. Her shoulders are shallow compared to her hips. Her face is round and feminine.
Vehicle/Starship: Delta-7 Aethersprite-Class Light Interceptor
Armor: Brown Jedi Robes.
Primary Weapon(s): Yellow Single-Bladed Lightsaber
Secondary Weapon(s): Two Ryyk Blades
Allegiance: Jedi Order
Rank: Jedi Knight
Baladeen'plaat was born in an isolated village, deep within the jungles, on the Twi'lek home planet of Ryloth. As a result, Bala was already almost a galactic standard year old when Jedi Knight Aayla Secura came to claim her for the Jedi Order. As a fellow Twi'lek, Aayla had little trouble convincing Bala's parents to part with their precious child, who would in time learn the ways of the Force and become a guardian of peace and justice in the galaxy.
As a youngling at the Jedi Academy on Almas, Bala exhibited a strange and somewhat contradictory pattern to her personality. While eager to learn and a quick study, she was not one for always following the rules. This tendency often found her caught up in all manner of mischief. It was at this time that she caught the eye of the Academy's Battlemaster, a wookiee named Kirlocca.
Kirlocca took on young Bala as his Padawan learner, and directed her more mischievous energies into lightsaber combat training. Through constant martial training, Kirlocca passed on his knowledge of the Force and the ways of the Jedi to his young apprentice. When the Clone Wars broke out, Bala remained at the Almas Academy with Kirlocca, who had elected not to take up arms against the Separatist Droid Army. Instead, he organized a meditative retreat into the Almas Wasteland, a dead region on the planet's surface surrounding an ancient Sith Fortress. Though her Trials of Knighthood were scheduled to begin soon, Bala elected to accompany her master on his foray into the dead zone, along with the other Knights and Padawans that had chosen to go on the retreat.
During the retreat, as they were meditating, the group was attacked by a group of maddened Jedi, tortured by the Dark Side energies emanating from the ancient fortress at the wastelands' epicenter. This was Bala's first real-world exposure to the effects of the Dark Side. While she, her master, and the others on the retreat were able to subdue the mad Jedi and return them to the temple, the memories of the experience stuck with Bala cementing her commitment to follow the path of the Jedi.
Then, at the conclusion of the first year of the Clone Wars, her peaceful life on Almas was brought to an abrupt end. Newly knighted and acting as an assistant to Kirlocca at the Almas Academy, she received word that her former master had been killed at a peace conference he was attending. Raik Munn, an initiate who Kirlocca had dismissed from the Almas Academy for falling in love with another student, had attempted to discredit the Jedi Order by unleashing a pair of t'salaks aboard the ship on which the peace conference was being held. Kirlocca had died defending himself, his fellow Jedi, and the peace delegates.
After Kirlocca's death, Bala was reassigned to command a company of clone troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic. Being a relatively untested warrior, her unit was usually ordered in as support in smaller skirmishes and as a result, never saw the large scale clashes of the war.
*All links should refer to the "Legends" version of Wookieepedia Articles when and if applicable, unless otherwise noted.