"I've been peace keeping since before you were an itch in your father's pants, boy."
Name: Julia Condottieri
Nicknames: Baba Yaga, Crazy old witch, Capitano
Operational/Code Name: Gretchen Prigent
Age: 51
Gender: Female
Biology Type: Normal Human
Height: 5'10"
Biography/History: Born in a civilized place from civilized people, Julia's Italian parents were deeply Catholic people whom never however partook or approved of the terrorism wave that the country was victim of amid the solar wars. As her father said, civilized people could disagree on things, but the way to solve disagreement was through discourse and debate, not through superiority of might. It was ironic really, for her father was a high ranking member of the army and only left to join a political party opposing the formation of what would become the AEU. Ultimately her father would die without accomplishing any of his goals. The catholic church would be swept aside of Italy and the AEU would be born. But it was the will of the people and he accepted it, dying in peace.
Julia didn't understood the true nobility of her father until much later, she saw it as moronic that he was against the use of strength but was a soldier. Even if she joined the army to pay for her studies (she was almost forced to do so by her parents for the sake of 'tradition') she had a rebellious streak to her, studies of history and political science did show that there was such a thing as the tyranny of the mass and it would be truly ironic that she ended up doing her doctoral paper as a refutation of Aeolia Schenberg and other so called pacifists that there was a misuse of knowledge. After all, technology freed the masses and people had a RIGHT to wage war to secure their existence as they had through history! It is only now, much later that Julia openly admits that she had completely missed Schenberg's point, that her paper was amateurish at best and should never have had her doctorate.
As she was stuck in the army however, Julia decided she might as well use this time to see the world a little and volunteered for the UN peace keeping forces. They were and still are of course, a total joke. She initially entered the third world as a sneering neo-colonialist soldier, as much of the UN Peace Keepers were and still are of course, so many people fail to understand the complexity of the solar wars. Even if she didn't understand she had a job and that was to keep the peace and so she did, often in the most theatrical ways possible. After all, the Peace Keepers could only fire in self defense and so she didn't hesitate to jump right in the middle of a firefight and call self defense to open fire in turn.
This patern repeated, earning herself the admiration of the people she served with and protected while the brass could only reluctantly follow her advancing career as she was unfortunately too competent to be thrown out of the army. As the years went by, her mind opened itself to the complexity of it all. For a good number of years she was perplex, was all she was doing worth it? Wasn't fighting for peace an oxymoron akin to fucking for the sake of virginity? The words of her father came back to her mind in her old age. Some people have a right to be angry, yes, but its not self defense to attack someone first for the sake of what might happen in the future, there is no excuse. Ultimately the only thing that can keep the bad guys willing to use force at bay, is good guys with more force willing to defend what's right.
Imagine her surprise when she was due to retire and Celestial Being contacted her! She might not be in her prime, but she where others in the organization had youthful vigor and reflexes, she had experience and could bridge the gap between a 250 year old man's ideals and a bunch of 'Child Soldiers' in their 20s.
Skill Set:-Military Knowledge (She knows how to push and pull the 3 factions, what kind of firepower to apply to make them fallback without being excessive.)
-Polyvalent Pilot (Julia sat in the first bipedal mech, piloted multiple vehicles and saw a lot of competent pilots. She may not have the best reflexes at her age, but she knows a few tricks to turn the battle in her favor non the less.)
-Soldier's Instinct (Its a creeping feeling, when something isn't right or they are about to step in an ambush.)
-Dirty Fighter (More than training, Julia has experience and gained so much experience by fighting to win. In CQC others might have a physical advantage on her but she has a few tricks that can work only one time, but after all, she only needs one time in a real combat.)
Mobile Suit: GN-000 0 GundamDescription: Overall white with red parts and green outlines.
Weapons and Operational Systems of Mobile Suit:-Beam Saber
-Beam Gun
-GUNDAM Shield
-Trans-Am System
-Veda-linked Operating Systems
-GN Feathers