...I'm in.
Cyber Attacks. Advanced Persistent Threats. Hacktivist Organizations. All of these have become a standard artifact of daily life in our digitally interconnected world. And as more systems become digitized, a certain subset of the population grows more powerful: Hackers. Threats have skyrocketed to lethally dangerous levels, to the point where a simple script kiddie has the potential to take down physical systems connected to the net. Crash trains. Pollute water treatment. Burn fuel. But fortunately, another group has risen to counter this insurgence of malicious actors. Information Security professionals, many of them ex-hackers themselves, are perpetually at work to restore order to the cyber world and stay ahead of this game of cat-and-mouse, lest those with no stake in the game obtain the power to destroy it.
Every player will generate two characters: A hacker (including hacktivists, foreign government agents, malware developers, lone wolves doing it for the lulz, etc.) and an information security professional (including penetration testers, defense specialists, compromise analysts, local government agents, etc.). The attackers cause some degree of mayhem that corresponds to their particular goals, whereas the security professionals aim to nullify efforts of malicious actors and to protect the world from their antics. Every hacker can be stationed at anywhere in the world, while the professionals are either based in America or travel to the same location. Every scenario is akin to what real attackers encounter and how they interact with systems across the globe.
I am an information security professional IRL, and I'm more than willing to answer any questions you might have and I'll gladly work with you to ensure that you're prepared to take the attack/hunt in the direction you want it to go and I'll give you any resources you'd like to carry out the situation you have in mind. H@ck3rz is about the players, not the GM, and in a world where cyber criminals can hit just about any system, virtually no attack is too outlandish to carry out in one way or another, be it through social engineering, exploit development, or even physically breaking into secure facilities. I have access to real attack tools and can provide anything from screenshots to software in order to ensure that your vision of your incident is fulfilled.
Character Sheet Template (feel free to modify however you think is best):
NibbleOverfl0w (Screen name/username)Name
U.N.K.N.O.W.N. (Hackers may have names if well known, InfoSec agents will have names, but they might be fake)Origin
Country (If known)Organizations
Dragon's Scythe (If the hacker is a part of a hacking group or other team, put it here. The InfoSec agent will most likely work for a company or be a freelancer)Known Details
Place personal history or personality details about the individual. InfoSec agents may have a life, a family, hobbies, etc. Hackers may have the same and it's up to you whether to keep those secret, but they'll likely have some sort of known personality among online friends. Avatar

Again, feel free to modify it to suit you. Since you're making two of them, they don't have to be abhorrently long, just reasonably enough to get the details across.