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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

TheBiddz said
This isn't Exalted, and no one in here is going to play it like it is. How long is the Exalted rule book, anyway? It sounds pretty complicated.

The Core Rulebook is 403 pages, but a lot of that is just listing and detailing the various abilities a character can possess. The secondary books (of which there are about 30 or so) vary between 100 and 300 pages each. Many of those are supplements that detail the various settings and realms that the game can take place within, as well as the different types of characters that can be made in the game.

And I never expected people to play like this was Exalted. In fact, I did what I could to remove the references to dice rolling, and balance many of her abilities accordingly to compensate for the removal of said rolls. That said, the recently-discussed spell is still pretty much a giant "Fuck You" card when not defended against pre-emptively or via magic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

While I fully agree that the technique is completely ridiculous, I have no issues with you using it in this context. I'm a huge fan of "From hell's heart I stab at thee" moments, so feel free to make it such. Since I am unable to make any dice rolls to avoid losing dots I don't have, I'm going to go ahead and assume it's not going to kill or comatose Edmund. Severely wound in a permanent manner? Oh yes. Go right ahead Beta.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

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Green said
While I fully agree that the technique is completely ridiculous, I have no issues with you using it in this context. I'm a huge fan of "From hell's heart I stab at thee" moments, so go right ahead. Since I am unable to make any dice rolls to avoid losing dots I don't have, I'm going to go ahead and assume it's not going to kill or comatose him. Severely wound in a permanent manner? Oh yes. Go right ahead Beta.

One point for using a Khan quote.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

GreivousKhan said
One point for using a Khan quote.

I assure you, upon being cursed, if he knew Ysolda's name, I would have gone further with it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vordak


Member Seen 5 mos ago

BTW, im pretty sure this question hasn't been adressed prqoperly before.

If a character preps, what is the amount of impacts that their prep can transfer to?

EXAMPLE 1: Viking McMighty preps, and then leaps towards his enemy, bringing down both of his swords onto the lad's head in unison.
This is one action, both of the weapons have the same target and the same motion put into them. Will the prep be accounted to one impact, or to all of the attack's components?

EXAMPLE 2: Gunslinger Mary is pissed off, and decides to put all of her preps into a vile minigun rampage.
I assume that while she holds the trigger down, it still counts as a prepped attack, but am i right? Or what if the post is written in such a manner, that blends several short bursts into one action: all of them fired off at the same target, in a short period of time and throught the action, the shooter remains stationary?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

That is one hell of a good question Vordak. I have no clue. I would think that the attacks would add up to the equivalent of a prep when added together, or something. At least in the minigun scenario. But that's just shooting in the dark.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Green said
While I fully agree that the technique is completely ridiculous, I have no issues with you using it in this context. I'm a huge fan of "From hell's heart I stab at thee" moments, so feel free to make it such. Since I am unable to make any dice rolls to avoid losing dots I don't have, I'm going to go ahead and assume it's not going to kill or comatose Edmund. Severely wound in a permanent manner? Oh yes. Go right ahead Beta.

Beta said
I am aware that Edmund has no "scores" in anything stated here, but surely he has his wits, some intelligence, stamina, and a willpower of his own. I am not expecting you to roll dice OR put him at "zero" for anything, as that'd be just as bullshitty as "LOLBYENUKEROFLMAO", but there is no way he won't be CRIPPLED in one way or another.

Already went over the "not having scores" thing.
Anyways, I have shit to do and will work on a post later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Vordak said
BTW, im pretty sure this question hasn't been adressed prqoperly before.If a character preps, what is the amount of impacts that their prep can transfer to? EXAMPLE 1: Viking McMighty preps, and then leaps towards his enemy, bringing down both of his swords onto the lad's head in unison. This is one action, both of the weapons have the same target and the same motion put into them. Will the prep be accounted to one impact, or to all of the attack's components? EXAMPLE 2: Gunslinger Mary is pissed off, and decides to put all of her preps into a vile minigun rampage.I assume that while she holds the trigger down, it still counts as a prepped attack, but am i right? Or what if the post is written in such a manner, that blends several short bursts into one action: all of them fired off at the same target, in a short period of time and throught the action, the shooter remains stationary?

Generally a fair bit of logic is used when dealing with prepped attacks. Generally it will depend on the context in how exactly he prepped. Was he swinging both his axes to gain more momentum before the blow? The example is kind of unclear but if the momentum was the case, and assuming his opponent used a common shield, like a Targe or something, and was readying/bracing himself for the swing (since he seems to dense to try and avoid it) then the attack would be far more devastating then if he was swinging only one axe. (assuming he would have been swinging with one hand.)

The second example is also vague in how she is prepping the attack. Generally you can't prep fire arms, the inherent damage of the gun will pretty much remain the same no matter how lovably you squeeze it. Now if the opponent has some kind of ability that installs more destructive power into each round that's another story. Now assuming that Mary has such a power, each bullet would count as one perp, in that each one would be doing the same amount of damage as the rest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Vordak said
BTW, im pretty sure this question hasn't been adressed prqoperly before.If a character preps, what is the amount of impacts that their prep can transfer to? EXAMPLE 1: Viking McMighty preps, and then leaps towards his enemy, bringing down both of his swords onto the lad's head in unison. This is one action, both of the weapons have the same target and the same motion put into them. Will the prep be accounted to one impact, or to all of the attack's components? EXAMPLE 2: Gunslinger Mary is pissed off, and decides to put all of her preps into a vile minigun rampage.I assume that while she holds the trigger down, it still counts as a prepped attack, but am i right? Or what if the post is written in such a manner, that blends several short bursts into one action: all of them fired off at the same target, in a short period of time and throught the action, the shooter remains stationary?

From my experience, usually, you don't prep melee attacks unless there is something 'special' about it. And if you do, it usually goes into the one attack. So in scenario A: it would be the sum of one attack, I believe. But if you prepped something on one sword, it wouldn't also be on the other during the attack. Generally though, you don't really prep non-magical attacks. If you want to swing the sword, you swing that somebitch. The most prep it would have it how far you cocked back for it.

In scenario 2: Same deal, you just pull the trigger - unless they are magic bullets, or something. Then, in that case, it comes down to the type of magic the minigun has itself. For each prep does it shoot out a specific type of ammo? Does the piercing power increase? things like that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vordak


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ah, so that must mean the prep does affect multiple strikes, but only if implied by the nature of the attack/prep. Thanks for clearing that up! :3
Though i still think that a prep can be used for a plain, non-magical attack. If a character makes any certain action to improve their physical condition (flex their muscle to supply it with more blood, change posture for a better strike, slightly wince for a keener aim and ect.) or concentrate, im pretty sure that may count as a prep. A well placed shot or sword strike may as well bust one's defence and inflict a lot more damage than expected. Unless you character has already perfected each and every of their attacks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I don't think so, as far as a gun, I'm not sure what you could do to non-magically prep the bullet/shot. It's going to come out any faster or hit any harder.

As far as melee goes, usually most people don't count it as a prep since it has no magical properties. While, yes, doing those things could make it stronger, we just don't look as it as a prep unless there is some type of magical properties to it. At least, I don't.

And depending on your interpretations of the rules(I may be wrong on this, Skalla is the poobar of it), some places I don't think you can charge AND use the attack in the same post. Like Adinraen(R.I.P, homie), didn't charge up the earth pillars on the same turn he summoned them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

That is the give and take of technology, your weapon always fires with the same amount of damage every time and usually very quickly. And magic tends to take longer to use but can become more powerful generally.

In the end it leads to Tech < Magic.

Unless of course you can combine tech and magic, and I would place sci-fi and high grade technology in that pile as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Glitchy


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

GreivousKhan said
That is the give and take of technology, your weapon always fires with the same amount of damage every time and usually very quickly. And magic tends to take longer to use but can become more powerful generally. In the end it leads to Tech < Magic. Unless of course you can combine tech and magic, and I would place sci-fi and high grade technology in that pile as well.

I thought the give and take of technology was that you had to explain everything you were doing...You can always overclock equipment to produce better results...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Futuristic weapons have a lot more options to be charging then modern ones.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

What about sustained attacks? How do those work with preps?

I'll throw out Green's mech as an example, specifically its shields which are stated to be capable of stopping any un-prepped attack. What if someone was to hit them with an un-prepped sustained particle beam and then continue the beam attack for several posts? Would each successive post that the beam continues to hit the shield count as an extra prep that he would have to focus the shields to defend against, or would he be able to essentially ignore it because it still counts as an un-prepped attack no matter how long it's hitting the shield?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Glitchy


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Schradinger said
What about sustained attacks? How do those work with preps? I'll throw out Green's mech as an example, specifically its shields which are stated to be capable of stopping any un-prepped attack. What if someone was to hit them with an un-prepped sustained particle beam and then continue the beam attack for several posts? Would each successive post that the beam continues to hit the shield count as an extra prep that he would have to focus the shields to defend against, or would he be able to essentially ignore it because it still counts as an un-prepped attack no matter how long it's hitting the shield?

If you continue the beam attack for several posts it still counts as an unprepped attack, unless the beam is getting stronger. You would not be able to ignore it because unblocked attacks still hurt your character. That is your forcefield shield is taking the beating instead of your character and should receive damage accordingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Glitchy said
I thought the give and take of technology was that you had to explain everything you were doing...You can always overclock equipment to produce better results...

That's silly, considering it gives one side the option to crank the handwavium up to 11 while the other side is severely constrained by the laws of physics.

I also can't possibly see how some of the more 'mundane' technologies can be overclocked, like a Mosin-Nagant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Both magic and technology can do heavy use of hand waving.
*cough cough death star cough cough*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

ASTA said I also can't possibly see how some of the more 'mundane' technologies can be overclocked, like a Mosin-Nagant.

Take the standard barrel off, bore it for a higher caliber or simply replace it. Go from .308/7.62mm to .408 Lapua or .50BMG rounds.

Better damage, better range, better accuracy. Though TECHNICALLY it wouldn't be a Mosin anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Being able to crank an attack up to eleven has a downside too. Sure it can end up being drastically more devastating than an un-prepped attack, but it can also be interrupted by those un-prepped attacks it seems so greatly superior to. Back on the star wars site where I got my start in writing combat RP, I'd go up against jedi and sith masters with epic force powers equipped with armor and some guns, and 9 times out of 10, their built-up force attack of utter devastation was made completely useless by a bullet to the head. And even if they avoided the bullet, they still had to break their concentration and lose a lot of the energy they were gathering for their charged attack.

Point is, there are ways to defeat prepped attacks that don't involve a defense that opposes them directly. Unless the T1 rules on interrupting a prep are very different from what I'm used to... In which case I'd love it if someone could point out the correct methods involved. :)
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