Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

LeeRoy said
The Flight Of Separation huh? Neato. And that'll be only a few birds, mind you. As you're on the verge of death



She spent a FUCKTON of motes healing herself. I even went so far as to point out that she was nearly back to full steam when Erde got there.

As for the spell, it's listed not in the core book, but a supplement known as "The Book of Black and White Treatises". I will list the spell below.

This is word for word from the book, no alterations

So... the birds DON'T need to stay that close together. They "fly together" can be EASILY interpreted as "at the same time" or "in the same general direction. And if you really want to use Exalted general rules, "no further apart than the caster's Essence Rating in yards". In addition, she doesn't have to fully speak the word until the spell is over/cancelled.

As for trapping the fairly sizable flock that she'd create, having healed up quite a lot... you'd have to make a pretty decent-sized dome. And from what I understand, Erde can't just poof bigger things into existence like that, and has to concentrate for a time before bigger effects can be conjured... giving the majority of birds time to escape. And even if some DO get trapped or crushed... technically she can just leave them there and take some health damage when the spell is concluded.

I also note that she would only regenerate motes if Erde did not attack, you poor reader, you.

Just because you think you know Exalted doesn't mean you know Exalted.

As for trapping her in an area, you just made surviving SOOOOOOO much easier... as she was already motionless in the post before the Ysolda/Erde conflict started, healing herself. Then trapped under his foot in my most recent post. Have fun with a perfect defense charm. Unless, of course... you're willing to parley. In such a case, Ysolda's personality allows for forgiveness and letting bygones be bygones.


On a side note, I have noticed I'm in a "damned if I do, damned if I don't" situation with you people. If I am a nice guy and tell people about my character's abilities, I am "borderline" metagamed against. If I make note of "if this happens, I do this... but if that happens, I do THIS", I get borderline autohit with a "lolyertrappednowgetcrunched" move.

If you all don't want me here because I'm raining on your T1 parade or not doing it right or whatever, just fucking say it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 days ago

So she can immediately heal after blowing a huge amount of magic? Neat.

This is from another Exalted Book, Book of the Emerald Circle.

Funny how one is longer and further explains how it works than the other.

Also, I'm not getting into a dick waving competition with you. If you get trapped in the dome you're going to die. That's the end of that thought.

And as I said.

Erde's influence is a 2 mile radius from the core. Unless those birds can fly at past the speed of sound I can entrap them in an enormous 4 mile diameter dome.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 days ago

And the only reason anyone ever has complaints with you, Beta, is because you're using magic based off of a system that is wholly incompatible with T1 rules. Which, mind you, we are trying to follow.

However you keep mentioning motes, essence, peripheral, personal, et cetera. And to anyone who HASN'T read the enormous fuckall book of Exalted, it makes no sense.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

LeeRoy said
So she can immediately heal after blowing a huge amount of magic? Neat.


And that's PROBABLY an Exalted 1st Edition book. No longer valid material. All my material is the up-to-date 2nd Edition.

LeeRoy said If you get trapped in the dome you're going to die.

Perfect. Defense.

LeeRoy said And as I said.Erde's influence is a 2 mile radius from the core. Unless those birds can fly at past the speed of sound I can entrap them in an enormous 4 mile diameter dome.

Zero-prep dome of instant giant creation from dirt. Yeah... I'll just blow through it with ease next post, according to the prep vs prep rules. In addition, you couldn't really make something that big and then instantly crush it inward, either. I could also be a dick and render Erde inert by melting his earthen body off. I was tempted to do it last post, after asking if his body is simply his core surrounded by manipulated dirt and rocks... but figured that might be construed as metagaming. However, if trapped, I'm sure I would have more than enough reason to do it.

GG, kid.

LeeRoy said However you keep mentioning motes, essence, peripheral, personal, et cetera. And to anyone who HASN'T read the enormous fuckall book of Exalted, it makes no sense.

All explained in my CS, if people would ever fucking bother to read it. In this setting, motes, be they personal or peripheral, are LITERALLY just there to keep track of how much Essence/Magical Power/Mana/Gummibears that she has left before being completely fucked up shit creek.

LeeRoy said
Which, mind you, we are trying to follow.

Implying that I'm not trying to follow the rules. You all want to be that way? I can leave. Just say the word.
In any case, I sent you a PM. I've been up for 18 hours, and will be going to bed soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 days ago

To be honest you're being a bit of a piss baby about this, I'm writing in a calm and concise manner and you're shitting yourself. Using insults, ranting about how you're going to leave. Et cetera.

Turning an argument into an ad hominem against me isn't gonna fly.

If you're going to post? Go ahead.
If you're going to leave the fight? Go ahead.
If you're going to straight up quit the roleplay? Go ahead.

It's your choice, I don't care whatever way you're going. I'm going to go make a coffee.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

LeeRoy said
To be honest you're being a bit of a piss baby about this

you're shitting yourself.

Using insults

Turning an argument into a deus ex machina against me isn't gonna fly.

1.) Like you were against Khan?

2.) No?

3.) Until point #1, not really.

4.) So you're allowed to autohit your zero-prep superdome, but I can't destroy/counter your zero-prep move with one of my own. Nice. As for your edited term, my dispute is not a fallacy, nor irrelevant. Your obscure vocabulary is not above my comprehension, my good man.

Respond to the PM before I go to bed, or take your time and wait for like 10 hours for a response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 days ago

I responded.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vordak


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Beta said 1.) Like you were against Khan?

Now THAT looks like an ad hominem to me. :D

Though seriously, stop ranting and get straight to the business rather than jumping each and every of Leeroy's words like a rabbid dog. You wanna blow a hole that dome? Go, do it and stop making a fuss about this. Leeroy never said you cant, though i guess you will need a reflexively executed attack for that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hokay. Don´t feel like watching this turn into a shitfest along the lines of what happened last time, so we´re going to clear this up real quick;

- "Flying together" can in no way be interpreted as "Flying at the same time." - Especially as the spell is describing how the caster turns into a flock of birds (as in, a swarm creature), not that it matters, since the dome is going to stop them anyway, but it´s worth mentioning. If the writers of the book wanted to say "flying at the same time", they would have used that wording, and not something different entirely.

- Yes, Erde can create a massive stone dome like that, poof, super fast. As a high-tiered single-element focused character, that is actually well-below the worst he could have done. He is not auto-hitting you at all.

In short; There´s a dome around you, trapping you inside with Erde. What do you do?

Edit: What Vordak said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vordak


Member Seen 5 mos ago

uteea])L u n a q
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[double post]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Green said In short; There´s a dome around you, trapping you inside with Erde. What do you do?

Well, first I mention that it's not your character or your fight

Then I mention how anyone who reads my CS can likely think of just as many things to do that can fuck that dome over as I can.

Vordak said
Now THAT looks like an ad hominem to me. :D

It was intended to be. Your grasp of the obvious has been noted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

You'd have to reach the done first, and turn back into your human form (since the birds can't attack), then prep an attack, THEN finally break through the dome, and Erde has all that time to put more whatever he uses into it in order to reinforce (that is, prep) it against an attack. From the information I was given earlier, you can add preps to an attack after it's initiated, so long as you put more energy into it (or in this case, add dirt).

And unless the perfect defense has an equal number of preps behind it and a legitimate way to avoid the damage (for instance, a perfect defense focused on dodging would do nothing at all against a giant stone dome crashing in on Ysolda), it's not going to work.

As LeeRoy pointed out before, you're on a writing forum, not at a table. I think the concept of exalted characters is pretty awesome, I was even in an RP with them on another site, but you can't just spit out a boatload of tabletop rules and expect them to apply here. The ones that make sense in the setting and situation? Absolutely. But there aren't any automatics. Everything has a chance of failure if your opponent is clever/resourceful/powerful enough.

*drops two more pennies in a jar on the floor*

Also: if this sounds rude I apologize. I just woke up to be greeted by all this... *waves his hand in the general direction of the last two pages* ...and haven't had a coffee yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Beta said
Well, first I mention that it's not your character or your fightThen I mention how anyone who reads my CS can likely think of just as many things to do that can fuck that dome over as I can.It was intended to be. Your grasp of the obvious has been noted.

Then -do- those things, and stop ranting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Schradinger said

Beta said
Well, first I mention that it's not your character or your fight

Were input from outside parties desired, it would be requested.

Green said
Then -do- those things, and stop ranting.

I repeat my previous statement
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Why do I even try... *sigh*

Oh, now I remember. It's because I'm insane. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

On that note, morning Schradinger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vordak


Member Seen 5 mos ago

KK, bail out guys.

I guess Beta started using PM's for a reason.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salroka
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Salroka Antivan Crow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Schradinger said
It's because I'm insane. :P

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. So yeah, so far you seem insane to me.

That said, the dispute is now moved to PM so as not to flood the OOC, as happened previously. I would appreciate it if it was dropped.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Morning, Green. How's that Jedi coming? I'm itching to fight something that can actually fight back. Ever since I got here it's been nothing but nameless NPC's. Lol.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Beta said That said, I moved the dispute to PM so as not to flood the OOC with drama, as happened previously.

Thank you for that.
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