The galleon Madre Santisima rode lightly at her moorings, the early morning sun of Veracruz already making her decks sticky with loosened pitch. Despite the swelter, the ship was covered with seamen and dock-laborers, all working to make the galleon secure for her journey to Havana, and then Cádiz beyond. In addition to the tons of food, livestock, lumber, rope, and sail required for such a voyage, the Madre Santisima was also being laden with its most precious cargo; the sealed sea-chests of treasure bound for the coffers of King Charles II.
This cargo was loaded under the watchful eye of Captain Gonzalo Martin, as well as the local garrison commander, Luis Gutierrez. Both men personally oversaw the transfer of each chest from the carriages on land, and into the purpose-built lockers below decks. Working without respite, the loading of the chests was completed just hours before dusk, and Captain Martin chained, locked, and sealed the lockers with a silent efficiency that belied his fatigue . The locks that secured each length of chain were dipped in yellow wax, and the royal seal of Charles II was stamped above the key hole. Only the regional governors and the Viceroys of the Audiencias held such seals in the New World, and if the lockers reached Cádiz without the seal intact, then there would be hell to pay.
Even with the treasure securely locked away, Captain Martin did not avail himself of the feeling of comfort, and indeed it wasn’t until the Madre Santisima, and her sister ships, sailed the following morning that he at last breathed a private sigh of relief. With the galleon’s sails pulled taught with a favorable west wind, and the port of Veracruz now diminishing to a green smudge along the horizon behind him, Captain Martin relinquished command of his vessel to the helmsman. Retreating to the relative quiet of his cabin, the captain pulled off his boots, and lay heavily upon his bed before falling instantly into much deserved sleep.
Captain Martin’s sleep was not a restful one however, and as he lay tossing and turning, his mind became tormented by strange visions and flashes of horrific images of death and destruction. Despite his nightmares, sleep did not relinquish its hold upon the captain, and he was trapped by its clutches for several hours before it at last relinquished its grasp. Sitting up in bed, drenched in a cold sweat, Captain Martin tried to force the thought out of his still reeling mind that his dreams had been nothing more than nightmares, and not an omen of what was to befall his ship in the weeks to come...

tirgesfu-Jozua Arie Xander (Jax)
Lillian Thorne-Nicolette Beauchamp
AmongHeroes-Thomas Lightfoot