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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Sara gave a frown, she thought to herself quietly.
"Maybe..." she started, "mention that he wants his medical records sent home to him so we can check there...?" She asked, tilting her head, "Or... is that dumb too?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin looked at Sara and frowned. "The first suggestion wasn't dumb, why would this one be? It's a good idea, but I think records are shared among doctors and not send to a patient or his family." He leaned back, looking at the ceiling. "Do you think Marc is the kind of guy that would help others when they screwed up?" He glanced at Sara after he asked his question. "Because if he is that kind of guy, maybe you could pretend to be worried that you wrote something inaccurate in Simon's file. And maybe, if Marc really is your friend, he won't mind to correct the mistake for you. And when he's back you can ask him about other things he might have seen in the file." He looked around. "Could that work?"
He was running out of ideas himself.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sara nodded at his words, thinking.
"I think Marc would be the guy to help... yeah." She started, thinking. "Abd it wouldn't be out of my character to accidentally misprint something; I've been yelled at about it in the past..."

She looked to Benjamin and gave a nod; "Yeah, I think that'd work."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin nodded too, looking relieved they had come up with something that could work. The next part was for Sara then, she needed to talk with Marc. He put a hand over his stomach when it rumbled.
Not that he was looking forward to the meal, the warm meals they served here were of low quality. But it was food and he'd rather not starve to death. And it would be close to lunchtime.


"Oh..." he suddenly said, followed by a sigh. "I think I missed my group therapy today. I guess I'll be hearing about that." He had completely forgotten. He shrugged it off. "Lunch, anyone?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sara frowned at his words, "I can try and vouch for you?" She asked, thinking of something quickly. "You... came to me about seeing something somewhere and I helped explain to you it was just... not... something?" She asked.
She didn't like having to lie about this stuff, "Or maybe..."

Ray stayed quiet, listening.
"They'll probably end up blaming it on me." She said under her breath, "they always do."

Both girls stood when offered lunch. Ray up first, "I'm starving." She said with a small smile.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin had a thankful smile for Sara, it was kind of her to take the blame for it. The idea that they would blame it on Ray didn't sit easy with him, that meant he had to talk to the psychiatrist leading the group session before she would start pointing fingers. But maybe eat first, otherwise he could get a remark about missing lunch too.

He too got up and he went to the door. "Let's go then," he said and he opened the door. He looked in the corridor and saw three other patients walking towards the dining hall of the asylum. None of them paid much attention to him leaving a room that wasn't his, they probably didn't even know where he stayed. He left the room first and waited outside for the other two.

Marc was in the dining hall and looked at the list with medication. The others helping with the meals weren't allowed to hand out the pills, that had to be done by a registered nurse. He glanced around, he knew Sara was here somewhere, usually working during the meals as a staff. He wondered if she had already eaten, he had eaten a bit before coming here and he had looked around for Sara, but hadn't seen her.
He looked at the list again and filled the next cup with the pills on his cart.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sara moved to walk out of her room first, pausing and holding the door for the others too.
She shuddered as she realized the time; she was going to get yelled at by Vivian, unless she could come up with a reason. The only reason she could think of is her spirit, but she didn't want to go through that talk with Vivian again.

Ray moved to leave the room, looking back towards Benjamin with a small sigh.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

When the other two were with him, Benjamin started walking towards the dining hall. He noticed the patients ahead of them were chatting about something, but he couldn't hear what they were talking about. Not that it mattered either, he didn't try to hear the words they spoke to each other.
Truthfully, he wasn't particularly looking forward to the lunch, but it was better than being hungry. As always it would be a warm meal, logistically it was easier to serve the main course at noon instead of in the evening. But the meals here seemed even worse than the standard hospital meals he had had when he had been admitted to one.

"You look worried," he said to Sara. "Were you supposed to be there already?" He put a hand on her shoulder. "Let's do what you suggested, I came to you because I saw something and you took the time to explain to me there was nothing there. That way the fault lies with me and you did your job."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sara fliched at Benjamin touching her before she nodded gently.
"Y-yeah; I was on foodrun today." She started before she nodded again, "I'm sure they'll believe that! Or... I hope they'll believe that.".

Ray watched Sara and Benjamin interact, part of her had a small twang of Jealousy, but she shrugged it off and continued onwards towards the lunch hall. She, sadly, was used to the gunk they served here so she wasnt about to complain. At least they didnt try to sneak the medication into her food without her knowing.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"I will confirm it if they ask," Benjamin promised. "And I'll even tell them when I explain why I didn't go to group therapy today." He couldn't hold back a sigh when he realized they would ask him about that. "I don't want you or Ray in trouble and if we do it like this, they can't get mad at you or blame Ray. It will be completely my fault and I'm okay with that. I'm definitely not the worst behaving patient here, so I'm sure there will be little to no consequences."

Thining about it, the worst thing he would get would be a lecture about why group therapy was necessary for him. He would just make sure to go to the therapy next day, like a good boy, and that would be that.

He glanced back, flashing a smile to Ray and to see if her spirits were following them too.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ray listened to Benjamin, while she watched Sara with a small smile on her face.
She's so brave to try and take the fall for this... Just like she tried to take fall for the incident... She thought before she blinked at Benjamin, who was looking at her. Her face flushed red momentarily before she looked to her spirits.

Dia was at the back of the group, Ari in front of her, close to Ray. At least in an arms reach at all time, if she needed to grab Ray and take control she was ready.
Dia on the other hand watched everything carefully, making sure not to miss anything. "Mmm.." She mumbled to herself, "I never really paid attention to this place... Or have I really seen it in this light."
Ari gave a laugh, "You've bonded with another human other than your host, I feel like you can see through both sets of eyes so you get a better picture." She spoke with a huff.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin had a smile for Ray and looked briefly at Ari and his eyes lingered for a moment on Dia, until he looked back at Ray. While Ari was the aggressive one, she had behaved rather well and his fear for her started to subside. "Would you allow me to talk with Ari?" he asked, "since she is a part of you I want to get to know her too." He looked straight at Ari. "If she agrees to give back control to you after we're done talking of course." He remembered Dia explaining Ari wanted to be in control and would even fight Ray for it. It probably wasn't safe to allow Ari take control, as far as he knew she could be aggressive and was unpredictable, but if he ever wanted to understand her, he needed to get acquainted with her.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ray blinked as Benjamin asked that question. She looked back to Ari before she nodded once, "Of course." She said, "Did you want to speak to her now or after lunch?" She asked, part of her didn't want to let het out in the lunch room; as any pressure from the nurses could make her flip.

Sara got to the cafeterias doors first; pushing them open and braved herself to be yelled it by anyone. "I'm going to talk to Marc, see if I'm in trouble." She said to the other two before she briskly walked to the other nurse.
"Sorry I'm late Marc." She said quietly, waiting for him to scold her. "Did I miss anything at all?"
She held back on flinching as she felt her spirit try to take control, a black shadow coiling down her arm that only the other two could see.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin looked from Ray to Ari and back at Ray. "After lunch," he said. "If that works for you two. We can eat fast and leave before they start cleaning up, that should give us some time to talk before we're needed for whatever they have in mind for our treatment." He rolled his eyes at his last comment, the treatment was ridiculous, but not going through with it wouldn't help him get out of this place.
Several conversation topics went through his head, the question had been asked in an impuls, he hadn't prepared any questions and he didn't know yet what he really wanted to know. But he'd figure it out during lunch. He too entered the cafetaria and went to a table to the side, hopefully they would be able to talk without being disturbed.

Marc turned to Sara and had a smile for her. "We're just beginning with the soup, you haven't missed much. I'm doing the medication, if you could start handing out the soup, that would be great." He looked at his list again and filled a new cup, but remembered he had to tell her something and looked at her again. "Oh, and I talked to your aunt, we can go out after work, if you wish."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ray followed Benjamin quietly, she ignored the glances from everyone else. She refused to look at anyone at this point either. She thought about what Benjamin would have wanted when it came to talking to Ari, surely he just wanted to get along with her, and she hoped that her darker spirit would place nice.

Sara blinked at Marc's happiness to see her, she was fully ready to be told off.
"O-Oh!" She started, "Okay! Yeah I can do that." She said before she quickly moved to the soup station.
She listed to the other two female nurses chatter as they got the soup ready for her to hand out, before she started setting her cart up.
She made sure to note where Benjamin and Ray were sitting down.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin sat down and looked around. He missed having Simon around, but there was another that was late. The girl he had seen in one of the corridors who had gotten her medicine evaluated. Maybe she forgot the time, but he was certain someone of the staff would check up on her if she missed lunch. They were quite adamant on everyone being present during mealtimes. Social gatherings were good for the healing process or something like that. They always had excuses like that to explain why their orders had to be followed, it was always 'good for the healing process'.

Marc finished up the last cup with pills and waited for the soup to be handed out before making his round. Most of these pills had to be taken with food, and soup could act as both food and the liquid needed to swallow the pills. His eyes moved to Sara and lingered there. It was nice to see her work.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ray moved and sat down beside Benjamin. She glanced to Sara momentarily before she looked around. She hadn't noticed the other person who had disappeared, but she narrowed her eyes as she felt something off.
"Where are they?" Dia asked, slightly worried.
"I'm sure he's with doctors." Ari said with a small sneer.

Sara moved around handing Soup out slowly, telling patients to be careful with it.
She slowly walked towards Benjamin and Ray, trying not to make it too obvious.
Josh felt his body jolt awake as he blinked, squinting at the light from the sun.
He had to get up and go to work now. At least he had gotten the food he wanted.
"At least I don't have to worry about almost killing anyone at work..." He mumbled sleepily to himself.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin examined everyone, they all seemed to act normal. Normal for them anyway, one guy seemed to be swatting invisible bees away. A girl sulked as she stirred her soup. And the catatonic woman still stared ahead, one of the caretakers joined her table to feed her.
He watched Sara hand out the soup, and a few tables behind her was Marc with his damned cups. Another set of pills meant for the trash can, because he certainly wouldn't take them.

Marc dutifully gave every patient their medicine, something most patients took without complaint. He glanced ahead, to the table with Ray and Benjamin and sighed. He felt safe betting money on them not taking their prescribed medication. And if they didn't he'd just note it in the file and let the psychiatrist handle it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"You don't get it Dia. He's not here." Ari hissed towards Dia, who just looked at her companion with a neutral look on her face.
"yes, I realize this Ari." Dia spoke calmly, she turned to face Sara as well before she looked at Ray. "You don't have to yell. I can feel when someone is dead too you know."

Ray returned her eyes to her table, listening to her spirits quabble.
She glanced to Benjamin and followed her eyeline to Sara than to Marc and frowned slightly.

Sara managed to get to Ben and Ray before Marc, placing their bowls down rather quickly- almost splashing the soup around before she gave a small awkward smile to the two.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Who is-" Benjamin began, but he cut off when he noticed someone standing next to him. He looked up and sighed in relief when he noticed it was Sara and he returned the smile. One look behind him learned him Marc was a few tables behind her. "Who is dead?" he whispered. While he didn't want the staff hearing him ask that question, Sara being an exception, he knew no-one could hear Dia's reply to it.
He pulled the soup closer to him, it had spilt a bit and some of it hung on the side, but he wiped it away. It would be best if no-one saw him look at nothing, so instead he took his spoon and played a bit with his soup until it was cooled down, leaning with his head on his free hand.

Marc looked to where Sara was as he placed some medicine on a table, he noticed how bored Benjamin looked. But he wasn't alone, a girl on the other side had her arms crossed and just looked at the wall while tapping her foot. Maybe the bored patients were better than those staring in the distance while rocking back and forth, at least they still had some grasp on reality.

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