Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Niccia shivered as Michael stroked her head, she looked back at him with a gentle nod.
"Yeah." She said with a small smile, "That sounds like a nice idea."
She looked to Saruya before she smiled down at Missy and Sparky. "I guess I should let my ones out." She said, moving to pull out Harry's Pokeball and let the odd coloured Arcanine out.

Harry blinked and shook his body before he looked around. He saw Gavin's Pokemon and gave a small shiver at the look of the large lizard, before he turned to noticed Saruya. He fluffed himself up before he started over towards the female of his species, moving to gently press his head against hers.

Gavin smiled softly, "Not many around here have." He said to Mindy with a glance to Lea, "She comes from Alola, I found her rejected from her old group because of her colouring and the fact another female bet her out of top spot."
Lea moved over to Gavin slowly and pressed her head up against his chin before she moved to say hello to Blubelle.
"She's a lot different from other's of her kind." He said quietly, "She's not as manipulative as other Salazzle."

Blubelle moved to press a couple buttons on the Pokeballs she held, Jack, the Fearow, appeared out of his ball and gave a yawn and a click of his beak.
Blubelle let out Saber, the large Hydregion, quickly, before she walked to him and gave him a hug.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

While he didn't need much, he did like to have Niccia to himself. Even if it was for just a few minutes. Michael noticed how Anthony flew to the trees and followed him with his eyes. He didn't mind his Pokémon did their own things, and Anthony was just recently caught too, but he always was a little worried when they strayed too far.
He glanced around the area too, it was quiet here. That was nice. And everyone seemed to get along well too. What more could they want?

"Hello there, handsome, Saruya greeted him, rubbing her head against him. "Why don't we sit overthere?" she suggested, nodding with her head to place further away, still close enough so she could keep an eye on the little ones, but far enough to have a little privacy.

Anthony flew to the tree where Merlin and a Noibat where. "Hello Merlin, the Fletchling greeted him as he settled on the branch next to him. He examined the Noibat who sat a couple of branches lower.
"Good morning," Merlin greeted him.
"Have you made a new friend?"
Merlin looked at the Noibat too. "Friend is a strong word," he stated.

"It's their loss," Mindy said, "but it is sad Pokémon get rejected from their group. Professor Bansing once talked about it in the academy, his Primeape was the same, when he found him as a Mankey he was alone, rejected because he was considered too weak. It's so sad when that happens." She looked at the Salazzle. "But she looks happy with you."
She took her own Pokéballs and partly turned around so she had a clear area for all her Pokémon to join them. One by one she opened them and everytime the light faded a new Pokémon was there.
Soon they were joined by a Charizard, a Dunsparce, a Decidueye, an Onix and a Lapras. She proudly turned to Michael, who blinked when he saw the team, the grinned and raised his thumb.
The Dunsparce crawled towards her and she picked her up. "These are my partners," she said to Gavin. "Minus one, but she will soon be here."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Saber lifted Blubelle off the ground with a small spin. He grinned before he placed the Weavile on the ground and moved to sit down.
"Will Alleil be joining us?" He asked, Blubelle gave a nod and moved to take the final Pokeball from Fez. She moved over to Saber and held it up.
"You get to do the honours." She said with a gentle smile. The Hygregion moved to press the button with one of his mawhands before the redlight flickered around before it burst.
As the light faded, a slightly smaller than expected Gosisopod stood awkwardly. "Mmmm... " He started before he saw the new people around him and blinked in fear. He shuffled towards Saber before he hunkered down a little.

Niccia watched everyones pokemon, her eyes widened at the Pokemon Gavin had gotten, "I wasn't expecting to many Alola Pokemon." She uttered out loud, "I was expecting more... Kantoen." She said before she looked at her other pokeballs. "Oh I have a lot more to bring out.." She mumbled.
She let out Ixia, and Jycii. The Umbrechu moved up onto Niccia's shoulder with a happy yawn. The Pidgeot stood proudly, fluffing her tail slightly before she looked to Niccia. "You still have the young winged one... yes?" She asked Niccia and Michael quietly.

The Noibat blinked towards the new small Pokemon. "Hello little one!" She said with a big smile. "I am merely an observer."
Her eyes returned to the group, looking at Jycii before she looked towards Sparky again.

Harry's tail swayed happily as she asked for him to go off to the side with her.
"Of course~" He said happily, starting to move to the spot she suggested. He liked being with Saruya, she made him happy.

Gavin nodded at Mindy's words, before he looked at her Pokemon. "Impressive!" He said with a smile, "I'm sensing a pattern of Dragons and Flying." He commented before he looked back to his pokemon "Alliel!" He said happily, the large bug pokemon giving a weak squeak.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Lytse saw how the Gosisopod shuffled back and hide. He wasn't sure why a Pokémon larger than him would have to do that, but he understood the feeling all too well. He walked over to the Golisopod. "H-hey," he squeaked. "It's a big crowd here, isn't it?"
Luckily he had met most of the Pokémon, and he wasn't scared of them, but he didn't feel comfortable being surrounded by so many Pokémon larger than him. He glanced to the Onix of Mindy, and lowered himself a bit. Out of all the Pokémon that one scared him the most. The Dunsparce on the other hand, that was a friend.

The Dunsparce noticed Lytse looking at him and wriggled to get released again, which Mindy did. As soon as she felt the firm ground under her, shestarted to make her way towards them. "Hello,", she said to Lytse and the Golisopod. "How are you doing?"

Michael looked at Jycii. "If you're talking about Anthony, then yes, he flew to that tree." He pointed to where he had seen his Fletchling go, although he couldn't see him through the leaves. There was another Pokémon though, but he wasn't entirely sure about the species. It did look familiar though.

Saruya walked with Harry and settled down in the grass. It was nice to see everyone happy, but it was even nicer that she had the handsome Arcanine to herself for a moment. The young, playful ones could play with each other for now.
"I wonder where we will go today," she said. "But it's great everyone can have breakfast together. Although I do hope I will get an opportuntiy to stretch my legs." She glanced to Harry. "We could race."

Mindy smiled and looked at her Pokémon. "Completely unintentional," she said and turned her attention to the sky. Something approached fast, at first it seemed like a grey spec in the distance, but it swiftly got larger, the shape of wings became clear and a dark-yellow colour could be seen. Moments later a Dragonite landed, who wore a bracelet that was similar to Mindy's pendant.
"There you are," Mindy said as she hugged her Dragonite. "This here is Gavin, there is Michael and that is Niccia."
The Dragonite looked at the humans, although Gavin and Niccia seemed rather odd humans, and nodded.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Alliel seemed to try and cower away when Lytse moved towards him, Fez looked over with a small wave. "Their friends, we're all friends here!" He said, Alliel seemed to relax slightly.
He moved slowly not to startle the smaller Pokemon, trying to flatten himself enough to be closer to the ground, falling over and stayed lying on his belly.
"M...Mhm." Alliel said to Lytse as he spoke, "I...I'm not used to large crowds. G...gavin usually travels... Alone."

Jycii looked towards the tree quietly, nodding at Michael's words before she looked back to her trainer. "I assume he will be let out as well?" She said, with a bit of a sneer.
"If you're meaning Jack, he's already out. If you're meaning Charles, then yes." Niccia said with a smile, "Play nice Jycii."
Jycii looked at the other larger bird pokemon before she moved up to the top of the pokecenter, keeping a watch on everyone; As much as she disliked the male birds, she wanted to avoid any sort of confrontation.

Niccia smiled at her group of Pokemon, moving to grab even more Pokeballs. "I forgot how many Pokemon I have." She laughed, throwing out two more Pokeballs and smiled to Charcoal and Bolt.
Bolt sat down and flexed his ears slightly before he gave a yawn. "Breakfast gathering by the looks of things?" He asked, before quickly being trampled by Missy and Sparky running over to him.
Charcoal looked around and his wings twitched. He saw the dragonite and his eyes widened, he quickly moved towards Mindy's Partner Pokemon and looked up at her. "A dragonite!" He said happily.

Gavin looked at the Dragonite and smiled towards her, "She's gorgeous." He stated, glancing as Saber moved to stand behind him. "Yes Saber, another dragon."
Saber watched the Dragonite quietly, his tail swaying softly as he still held Blubelle.

Harry looked to Saruya as she mentioned about racing. "Mmm, maybe. I'm sure they'll let us go for a walk." He said as he looked over to the other Pokemon of Niccia's.

He watched as Charles was let out of his Pokeball. The large Staraptor stretched slightly. He moved a wing to push his fringe out of his way before he bowed to the two trainers, looking around.
"Interesting group." He said quietly.

The Noibat froze up as she saw Michael see her, she swallowed quietly and tried to look normal; but up close she would seem like she was acting a little suspicious.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Imagine being in large crowds when you are so small people can step on you," Lytse said. "I'm glad I'm small enough for my trainer to carry me," he added.
"Yeah, that is nice," the Dunsparce agreed, shuffling closer to Alliel. "So, is your master a friend of mine?" She glanced to Gavin, having never seen him before, but Mindy seemed at ease with him, talking and laughing. It seemed to be okay.

"Thank you," Mindy said, smiling brightly at Gavin. "I don't keep her in a Pokéball, because she's claustrophobic, but with my pendant I can call her when I need her. She can fly faster than the speed of sound, so it never takes her long to be here, regardless of where she is." She fiddled with her hair as she looked at her partner. "I can't use her for a Pokémon battle inside, she doesn't like to be confined in a room with no clear access to the sky."

The Dragonite looked down at Charcoal. "Indeed I am," she said to him and she examined the small Pokémon. "You look different from other Charmander I have met, but those wings look cute on you." She looked up at Mindy's Charizard. "Don't they, Blaze?"
"Can you fly with them?" the Charizard asked as he joined the Dragonite and the winged Charmander.
As Blaze asked his question to Charcoal, the Dragonite watched Saber.

"That is Michael," Anthony said when he saw who the Noibat was looking at, and that she seemed nervous about him looking in their direction. "He's a good guy.
"That is true," Merlin agreed, looking at the Noibat. He wasn't sure why she acted like that all of the sudden.

Anthony noticed Jycii on the roof, he spread his wings and flitted towards her to greet her. It was nice there were so many winged Pokémon with them today. In Michaels team he was the only one who could fly. He just hoped he would be big and strong soon, so he could carry Michael when he needed to go somewhere.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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"I... I used to have that." Alliel spoke to Lytse, "When I was a Wimpod Gavin found me stuck upside down between two rocks. When I joined the team Saber used to stand on me accidentally. Jack used to throw me around with his beak."
He looked to the Dunsparce as she spoke, "I...I'm unsure, I only just got let out of my ball.."
"Gavin is a friend, yes." Fez added as he walked to the Gosisopod and held out his hand to touch his shelled friend gently. "They only met a few days ago, but they're friends."

Gavin nodded gently at Mindy's words. "I definitely understand that." Gavin said with a glance back to Niccia's team before he looked back to his and back to Mindy. "Gavin isn't fond of his Pokeball and Alliel in general tends to stay out of fights. I know Niccia doesn't use Sparky in many fights as she's too much of a wildcard." He said as he looked back to Saber and Blubelle before looking back to the Dragonite, "Not everything about Pokemon is about fighting, which I have noticed many forget about these days; we can co-exist alongside them and work as a team, as companions- Sure battling is essential for them to stay alive and find food." He stopped himself as he felt himself ready to ramble.

Charcoal looked at his wings and flexed them slightly, "I..." He started, "I don't think I've ever tried. They always said they were too small. But seeing as Dragonites can use their wings to fly then I should be able to!"
Blubelle watched the Dragonite before she looked down at Saber, he didn't seem to move, even his breathing was gentle. She thought before something finally clicked for her.
"OH MY ARCEUS SABER." She started, startling her Dragon companion and caused him to jolt backwards, in turn knocking her to the ground. The Weavile landed on her back laughing her head off, "Oh my Arceus. I Can't believe it! You're in Love!"
Saber's eyes widened and his entire face tinted red before he moved to cover his face with his hands, stepping away from Blubelle. "N...No! S...Shut up."

Jycii looked down to Anthony gently and bowed her head to him.
"Good morning little one." She said gently, flexing her tail feathers, "Did you rest well? How are your injuries?"

"And he is... A good hearted human?" The Noibat asked, her colouring seemed to shift slightly, black lines slowly flickering over her red wings before fading again. "As he is travelling with Mew I would only think so."

Niccia threw another Pokeball, a Houndoom appeared and stretched slightly, looking over as he saw Sparky. He moved over to sit beside Niccia, his tail swaying as his trainer moved down to pat his head.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Of course," Mindy said. "Yeah, Pokémon can be a lot more than used in battles, which seems to be the main focus of trainers nowadays. Battles and 'catch them all'. I think some start too young too. Professor Bansing-" she glanced to Michael, "-Michaels uncle, he taught Pokémon Ethics at the Academy. I learned a lot from him." She flashed a smile at Gavin and then turned to her Pokémon. She saw her Dunsparce, Charizard and Dragonite were socialising with Lytse and some of Gavin's Pokémon, her Lapras and Onix stayed to themselves in the corner where she had released them - her Lapras couldn't move and Onix kept her company - and her Decidueye walked to some trees where a Michael's Fletchling had come from. "Okay you guys! Who wants to eat?"
All of them showed their approval, so she went to the cart with the food to see what was available and who would like what. She smiled when she noticed the Blissey had added two large cans, one with seafood and one with rockfood, special recipes for salt-water Pokémon and rocktypes. Those two would be the first she'd feed.

When Michael joined her at the cart she smiled at him and walked away with two big bowls and the cans. Michael rummaged through the cart and filled a bowl with some dry food and a selection of berries for Lytse and Marie. The Cyndaquil and Dunsparce were small and knew each other, they could share a bowl. And he filled a bowl with canned food suitable for canine Pokémon, this one would be for Missy and Sparky.
With the two bowls he went first to where Missy and Sparky were playing. "Here you too, eat a bit. You can play more afterwards," he said to them. Then he went to Lytse and Marie. "There you go," he said to them."

The Charizard picked the small Charmander up. "You should try," he said. "I had to wait until I evolved before I could fly."
"Me too," the Dragonite chipped in, watching Mindy bring food to the Onix and Lapras. "I will go see what they have, do you want anything, Blaze?"
"Something spicy," the Charizard reacted and he looked at Charcoal. "And you? Will you eat with us?"
As the Dragonite waited she looked towards Saber, the other Dragon in the company. It was nice to see Pokémon of her type.

"Yes, thank you, Anthony said as he sat on the roof. "I am fully healed." He watched the two trainers who had began distrubting food. There were lots of mouths to feed, so he'd wait for his turn. Maybe he could eat with Jycii. And that Decidueye. Merlin didn't seem to be interested in food, but Anthony assumed he had been hunting during the night and had his stomach full.

Merlin stared at the Noibat and let the silence between them linger for a moment. "Michael is a good kid, he takes good care of his Pokémon and Mew. He's the nephew of my owner, I've seen the boy grow up and I will vouch for him. You can trust him"
He noticed the Decidueye standing at the base of the tree and looked down. "Timothy," he greeted the other owl-like Pokémon. "It's been a while."
"Hello Merlin, are you eating with us?"
"I have eaten, he assured the Decidueye, "but depending on the plans of these trainers, we may be able to catch up. Once my trainer is up, I will go sleep."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Gavin nodded to her words, he looked down at his last Pokeball and lifted it up, letting out the small shiny Deino he had saved and moved to lift him up.
"Hey Darling." He said to her quietly, moving to lift her up gently, "I want you to meet someone."
The Deino known as SmallFang looked to her trainer before she looked around. There was a large group of Pokemon around her, all different shapes and sizes. There were some Pokemon that looked familiar but slightly different. "T...These are all friends...?" She asked quietly, Gavin nodded once before he stopped beside of Saber and tapped his Dragons shoulder.

Saber turned to him quickly, having knocked off Blubelle and shooed her away. He looked to the small Pokemon in Gavins hands, his eyes widening.
"A small one!" Saber gasped, "You never told me you got a-"
"She's mildly new, I saved her from Team Rocket." Gavin started, "She was called SmallFang but I'm still deciding a new name."
Saber moved his arms to take her from him, the Deino looked at the Hydregion with widened eyes. "I will protect you." Saber said, closing his eyes with a smile, "We shall call you Mei." Saber said before he looked up to Gavin, "Her name is Mei."
Gavin smiled with a nod. "Mei is a good name." He said before he looked around at everyone else.

Blubelle wandered over to the Food and started rummaging around, mumbling something to herself as she searched for food. She wriggles around and found some Sour berries; She grinned and set herself by the cart and started eating.
Gavin walked over and grabbed a few bowls, getting some food for each of his Pokemon; a small pile of Oran berries for Fez, some small seafood for Alliel, some dried meat strips for his two dragons. He looked down at Blubelle with a small smirk as she ate the berries, he moved to grab a small bowl of bird-Pokemon seed, and looked as Lea slowly stood beside him and looked over the food.
"Are there any sweet berries?" She asked, Gavin motioned to the plate of Pecha berries and the Salazzle grabbed two before she scuttled off to the shadow of a bush near the two Arcanines before she started eating.

Both Missy and Sparky stopped playfighting as soon as the food was placed down. Both of them scrambled over each other and started eating, each other trying to headbutt the other out of the way to get more food.
Niccia let out another Pokemon, a large Flygon. "Hello again, Tyson." She started, moving to press her forehead against his. "There is food for you, would you like me to get some?" Tyson gave a gentle nod, looking around at the group. His eyes settled on the Lapras and the Onix for a second, he moved over to stop beside them, sitting not too far away. Far enough not to seem a potential threat, but close enough they could talk.

Niccia walked to where the food was, she looked up at Jycii and moved to grab a small bowl through of seed. She looked to the rest of her group, grabbing another bowl of seed for Charles as he seemed to stand alone from everyone else.
Bolt walked over and offered to take the bowls for her, Niccia smiled to the Luxray and placed two of the bowls on his back; knowing he could use his tail to get them off. She moved to place another bowl, this time with Spicy Canine food, down for Spike and looked to the Arcanines. "Come back once you've done these ones." She said to her Luxray, who gave a nod before he started to walk off carefully.

Bolt stopped by the wall where the two birds sat upon. "Jycii!" He called up as he placed her bowl, before setting off again towards Spike and placed his plate down, moving towards the Staraptor.

Charcoal flailed his feet as he was lifted up, he had a large smile on his face.
"I'd love to eat with you!" He said excitedly, "Only if thats okay? Is it okay? I've never been accepted like this before..." his tail wagged happily.
Jycii looked to Anthony before she looked down at the bowl placed down, "Shall we?" she asked as she fluffed her wings. "I'm sure your food isn't too far away little one."

The Noibat watched the group before she nodded at Merlin's words, "Of course." She started, "And the other Male with them... They are aware of who he is... Yes?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

Harry waited for his turn for food. He swayed his tail as he sat with Saruya, he was happy, he enjoyed her company. He moved to gently press his snout against her cheek and gave a happy huff.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Of course that's okay," Blaze said. "I invited you.
The Dragonite went to the cart and started to fill a large bowl with sweet and spicy berries, enough for Blaze, the cute little Charmander and herself. She glanced to Saber, that dragon had his own small friend to take care of. She went back to the other two and put down the food on the ground.
Blaze let Charcoal on the ground again and sat down, taking one of the spicy berries.

Mindy gave her Lapras and Onix their food and flashed a smile at Tyson before she turned back. She saw her Dunsparce was sharing a meal with Michael's Cyndaquil and that her Dragonite was taking care of herself, and judging by the food she took she was taking care of some of the others too. Which meant her next Pokémon to feed was her Decidueye.

The Lapras smiled at the Flygon. "Good morning," she greeted him, before taking a bite from her food.
The Onix only gave him a greeting nod.

Michael joined Niccia and smiled at her. "I'll bring some food to our Arcanines," he offered as he took two more cans of canine-Pokémon food and filled the bowls. He looked around, almost all Pokémon seemed to have food now, after Saruya all his Pokémon would have their breakfast and then he would eat too.
He went to Saruya and Harry, who seemed to enjoy being together. "Here you go, you two."
"Thank you," Saruya replied. "Is it okay if we go for a walk afterwards?"
"I'm fine with that," he glances at Harry, "I'll ask Niccia too, but I think we'll wait for uncle to be up and ready before go, so there is time for a walk."

Anthony looked at the bowl with seeds and flew down. The seeds looked good, so he flew to the cart where Niccia was. "Can I get some seeds too?" he asked after he landed on the edge of the cart.

"Yes," Merlin began, but then he noticed Mindy. "No, he corrected. "I do not think she knows yet, but Michael and Andy do."
With renewed interest he looked at Mindy, she had been talking with Gavin a lot, but he didn't think she was aware of his true identity. It would be interesting to see her reaction to it. He had missed Michaels reaction, hopefully he would be able to observe how this human would handle the truth.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Charcoal's tail wagged happily, he was happy to finally been accepted into a group outside of Niccia's team.
"My name is Charocoal by the way!" He said quietly, realizing he hadn't introduced himself.
He grabbed a small sweet berry as he sat beside the Dragonite. He looked over to Saber and Mei. He had noticed that the Dragonite was watching him. "New friends!"

Bolt set Spike's food in front of him and flinched as the Staraptor flew over and took his bowl quietly.
"Thank you Kitten." Charles said with a grin at the Luxray, who only growled in response. He looked to the Houndoom and nodded once at him before he headed back to Niccia moved to pet Bolt's head. She placed a bowl on his back before she placed another bowl for him on the ground, "Take this to Tyson please?" The Luxray nodded before he moved to lift up his bowl to carry it over to Tyson and sat down beside the Flygon.
Tyson moved and gently took his bowl from the Luxray and moved to try and pat his head like Niccia did. Bolt only laughed at Tyson's movements.

Niccia looked to Anthony as he asked for seeds. "Of course." She said happily, grabbing another bowl and the half bag of seeds, before she offered her hand for Anthony. "Did you want to eat around anyone else? Jycii, Merlin, Carles?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

Harry's tail slowed as Michael walked towards them, he listened to the trainer quietly. "Thank you for the food Michael." He said with a smile, his eyes drifted over to Missy and Sparky.
The two puppy Pokemon had finished their food before starting to playfight with each other all over again.

Saber sat with Mei, Gavin walked over with a shared bowl of mixed berries for the two of them. "I don't know what your taste is Mei, but Saber doesn't mind what berry he eats." Gavin said, Mei looked at him and sniffed one of the berries, chomping down on it violently.
Saber only laughed and followed suit, but in a much gentle way.

"If she travels with these two," The Noibat said with a small smile, "She'll get a lot of surprises. Has Gavin extended his invitation to StarFall to anyone?" She asked with a glance towards the Owl Pokemon.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Blaze," the Charizard replied. "And that is Mable," he added, nodding with his head to the Dragonite, who smiled in response. He picked up a new berry once the other was gone and he looked at the happy little Charmander. It was odd he had wings already, and he would ask how it was possible, but after breakfast.
"How did you sleep?" he asked the Dragonite.
"I found a good place in a dark forest. There were some Hoothoot around who agreed to keep watch while I slept."

"Oh," Anthony began as he looked around. "I would like to eat with Jycii, she's kind and Merlin already ate." He knew he couldn't carry the bowl, so he flew up and landed next to the Pidgeot, where he waited for his breakfast. As he did he looked up to the larger Bird-Pokémon.

Both Michael and Mindy joined Niccia at the cart. The both looked at the bird seed Niccia had and Michael looked at his Fletchling who seemed to look at the bowl Niccia was holding.
"Is that for Anthony?" Michael asked.
"Is there any left for Timothy?" Mindy asked. "I mean, I can feed him berries too if not." She looked around, making sure she didn't forget any of her Pokémon, but aside from her Decidueye everyone was eating. Her stomach growled and she put a hand over it, it was time she would eat something too.

Saruya ate from the food and looked at the playing pups. It was nice to have them. It would be nicer if she'd have pups of her own. After a quick, sideway glance to Harry she focussed on her food again. She definitely wouldn't mind carrying his pups, but all in good time. But the implications... it would mean the pups would share blood of both Suicune and Entei. It was watered down of course, Harry was a son, she was a granddaughter. Suicune's blood would be thin, Entei's blood even thinner. But it would be there nonetheless.

Merlin shook his head. "To my knowledge there has been talking about Gavin taking Andy, but.." He turned his attention to Mindy again. "There might be competition now."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Charcoal took a bite out of his berry as he listened to the bigger dragons, his tail swaying slowly. He looked back to his wings, flexing them softly as he thought back to what he had heard about himself.
"He won't be able to evolve, something happened when he was experimented on and caused him to be infused with an everstone." Oak's voice echoed through his head, before Niccia's voice echoed through his mind.
"Him not involving isn't a problem, He'll be a good friend and I will protect him." The little Charmander felt his tailflame burn brightly when he remembered this memory, his wings flexing and folding back onto his back quietly.

Niccia looked up at the two other trainers and smiled happily, "Yeah," She said to Michael before she turned to Mindy, "There should be enough, I didn't fill my two bowls with a lot." She looked to Anthony before she walked over to Jycii to place the smaller Pokemons bowl down and poured about a cup of seed in, "Will this be enough for you little one?" She asked the small flying pokemon.

Harry ate quickly, his hunger finally bubbling up. He finished his bowl quickly, before he turned his head to face Saruya before he let out a happy grumble.
He looked over to the pups quickly, he caught himself smiling at them before he gave a small sigh.
"I guess we've both obviously thought about it." Harry said quietly, "Pups, our bloodline... Everything."
Missy sprinted away from Sparky quickly, running over to the Arcanines and quickly scrambled over the both of them. Sparky was hot on her tail but she stopped before the Arcanines.
Sparky quivered with energy, it was obvious she wanted to chase after Missy, but she didn't want to get in the way of the larger canines.
"N..No fair!" Sparky growled, "T..That's cheating! No climbing o..on others!" She barked and gave a whine, rubbing her paw against her snout as she tried a playbow.

The Noibat smirked, "I feel like he's probably pressured into taking Andy." She said quietly, "He never was the one to bring anything or anyone to StarFall before." She gave a small huff. "It'd be interesting to see if he brings someone, I put money down on him bringing someone this StarFall, especially when I heard he became human."
"For a normal Pokemon, you really know a lot about legendaries!" Blubelle said, she had snuck up the side of the tree without anyone knowing. "What have you got hidden Bat!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Anthony looked from his bowl back up to Niccia. "Yes, thank you," he said and he started to peck the seeds. Being with a trainer certainly had its benefits, in the wild he'd be pecking all day at scattered seeds on the floor. Here he got all he needed in a bowl.

Mindy filled a bowl with seeds and a few small berries. "Timothy!" she called as she walked towards the Pidgeot and the Fletchling. "Come eat."
The Decidueye came sat with the other two Pokémon. "Which ones are your trainers?" he asked them as he started to eat.
"Michael, Anthony said, pointing with his beak to the young man.
"I know him," Timohty commented and he glanced to Lyste. "And him, but the last time I saw them I was still a Rowlet. And everyone else is new to me."

Since all their Pokémon had food, Michael looked to see what was available to them and found some sandwiches with cheese and some with what seemed to be a cucumber salad, all neatly wrapped in a napkin. Mindy joined him and took one with the salad as she looked pleased at all her eating Pokémon.
"Niccia, Gavin, we have cheese and cucumber salad," Michael said to them. "What would you like?" He opted for cheese himself, but there were plenty left.

"Yes," Saruya said, but she didn't go further into it when the two young Pokémon ran over. "Come now, Missy. Hop down. If you want to play with Sparky don't hide on other Pokémon. The energy these two had was fantastic to watch, but it wouldn't be bad if they would play a little further away so she and Harry could talk a bit more about the subject he had raised.

Merlin chuckled. "To my understanding Andy learned about StarFall from his nephew and went to Gavin telling him he needed an invite." With that knowledge shared, he glanced to the Noibat. "She does have a point. What is your connection to the Legendary Pokémon?" You do seem to know them quite well.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Jycii had moved her head to look at Anthony as he started to eat, before she straightened herself up at the sight of the Decidueye. She looked him over before she softly blinked.
"I am with the girl with Michael," She started, "Her name is Niccia. She is Michael's girlfriend. I've been with her for most of my life."
She spoke before she moved to continue eating the seeds. She kept an eye on the other pokemon, watching them all quietly.

Gavin blinked as he was called over, "C...Cucumber?" He asked, almost confused.
"Cheese for me please~" Niccia said as she walked back over to the cart, she looked towards the two Puppy pokemon. She gave a small smile before she looked back to Michael with a bigger smile.

Missy popped her head out at Saruya's words before she gave a defeated huff, darting out from in between the two larger Pokemon before she leapt over Sparky.
Sparky growled and followed after Missy, breaking in and sending a small ball of glitter at the Poochyena, which caused her to stumble and faceplant.
"Oh." Missy said, moving to stand up and turned towards Sparky, "It. Is. on."
Both Puppy Pokemon stood in battle stances, Missy's tail slowly wagging while Sparky's swayed slightly. They seemed to stare each other down before they ran towards each other. They moved quickly and seemed to keep dodging each others attacks.

Harry watched the two smaller pups run off, his tail swayed softly.
"I want some one day." He said quietly, smiling to himself before he rested his head against his paws before he yawned.
"What were you thinking about this?" He asked after a moment of silence, before he looked over towards the female of his kind, shuffling a little closer.

The Noibat jumped at Blubelle's words, before looking sheepishly to Merlin.
"I... I can... Explain!" She started, Blubelle raised an eyebrow.
"Wellllll?" She asked with a furrow of her brow.
The Noibat frowned before she sighed, "I know a lot about legendaries because I myself, am a legendary." She said, flexing out a wing to show the pattern running down her body, "I am Yvetal."

Tyson had finished his berries and got up. He stumbled softly before he walked over to where Niccia stood and held out his bowl to her.
"I finished." He mumbled, "Where can I put this?"
Niccia looked to Tyson and moved to rub his neck before she took the bowl. "I'll take it. Go socialize; Gavin has another Reptilian Pokemon if you'd like?"
"I see other Dragons." Tyson added quietly before he nodded, "I will socialize." He said as he waddled over to Mindy, Blaze and Charcoal. He moved quickly to scoop the Charmander up playfully.
Charcoal let out a squeak of surprise and let out a small jet of blue flames. "Bah gah! Put me down! Don't hurt me!" He glanced back at Tyson and relaxed a little. "Ty!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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The Decidueye nodded when he received the information and turned his attention to eating. Anthony examined him for a moment longer, it was the first time seeing a Pokémon like that, but started pecking the seeds again. Hunger won it from his curiosity.

Michael handed Niccia one of the cheese sandwiches, but looked at Gavin. "Cucumber is a vegetable," he explained. "They chopped it up and added it to a sauce, often yoghurt or mayonnaise."
Mindy chuckled. "I'm sure he knows what a cucumber is, Michael. He probably didn't expect they served a cucumber salad." She took a bite from her own. "It's good though," she added, taking another bite.

"I would like some too," Saruya said. "Imagine a Growlithe with blood of two Legendary Pokémon though. Maybe it would be diluted enough to not show, maybe they'll be perfectly normal Growlithe, but if the pups do end up different somehow, they won't have an easy life. Organisations like Team Rocket will be after them." She looked at the Arcanine besides her. "I love how you look, but was it easy for you, growing up with that fur?"

Merlin examined the pattern the Noibat showed them and then looked at the Noibat. "Didn't know Yvetal was a Noibat," he stated. "I am getting accustomed to legendary having an alternate Human form, but a Noibat?"

Mable and Blaze looked at Tyson as he approached. Mable had a friendly smile for them and Blaze gave a nod.
"Unusual flames too," the Dragonite commented when she saw them. [i]"You must have an interesting story, little one."[/u] She didn't ask him to share it, but this little Charmander was certainly a special one.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Jycii watched the two other birds before she flicked her tail. Her eyes scanned over the large group before she looked to Merlin and the trees. Her eyes narrowed towards the Noibat before she turned back to pecking at her seeds before she had finished.
The sun flickered against her few rainbow feathers.

Niccia smiled and chomped down on the cheese sandwich, grinning to herself as she did. She glanced to Mindy when mentioned that Gavin would know what Cucumber is, having to hide a grin with another bite of sandwich.
Gavin looked to Michael and Mindy before he nodded, "yeah... J-Just surprised, of course." he said, before he smiled a little, "I'll have a cucumber sandwich." He steeled himself.

Harry's ears drooped slightly, he looked away from Surya as she asked.
"No." He said quietly, "I was kicked out of my pack from birth, essentially. I was found by a Breeder who managed to raise me. I was bounced around trainers before one of them just released me. I found Niccia not too long after that and she instantly took me in. I had gotten into a fight with a larger, older Arcanine when I tried to hunt for the first time." He swayed his tail as he fell silent, moving his paws slightly.

The Noibat gave a small laugh; "We have Human forms, yes. But some of us like to walk around like normal Pokemon." She said with a small smile, "I know the Beast Trio like to show themselves as Eeveelutions." She laughed.

Tyson smiled as he set Charcoal back on the ground as he listened. Charcoal blushed as Mable commented on him, "I've had... an interesting upbringing to match that too." He said quietly, before he looked over to Niccia before back to the dragon Pokemon.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Mindy dug up a cucumber sandwich for Gavin and stretched her arm so Gavin could take it from her. As she did she made sure to check up on her Pokémon quick, but everyone seemed to get along just fine and they were all eating. The only two who were eating seemed to be Michaels Poochyena, whose red ribbon was just adorable, and that peculiar Pokémon of Niccia.

Michael was looking for something to drink, there were small bottles with fruit juice and flavoured Moomoo-milk. After finishing his sandwich he took an apple juice and opened the bottle. There was definitely room for another sandwich, but he wasn't in a hurry. As he drank from it he too looked at all the Pokémon that were mingling and eating or playing together.

Lytse and Marie had finished eating and walked to the bird Pokémon, Lytse adjusted his speed to the crawling Dunsparce. With his short paws it was easier to adjust to a slower Pokémon, than try to keep up with the energetic puppy-Pokémon.
Anthony saw them coming, but continued to peck the seeds. Timothy had his back to them, but as he ate he did examine Jycii's feathers.
"Those have different colours than I am used to," he said to her. "The only Pokémon I know that has rainbow colours is Milotic. And Lytse, but that is a rare case. And Ho-Oh is of course linked to the rainbows. But that's it."

Saruya gave Harry a loving nudge. "However our pups will look, Michael and Niccia will accept them. As long as they will stay together, we can stay together." She looked at her trainer. "I don't think he has any intention to leave her side. And I'm not planning to leave yours."

"Or fly," Merlin commented, looking at the wings. How much did he know about Yvetal? Not much, just what Andy had told him. The things he could tell the man if only he could understand Pokémon like his nephew could. But despite the human limitation to understand Pokémon, Andy did a good job compared to other people.

"I just grew up as a simple Dratini," Mable said. "But after living in the open waters, not enclosed by anything, the Pokéball was frightening." She shuddered at the thought. "I spend a lot of time wrapped around Mindy's neck as a Dratini, and as a Dragonair she released me, because it wasn't practical to travel on land. She did give me a tracker and at every beach she came, she let me know where she was and I would visit her. And as a Dragonite I returned to her so we could travel together again."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Gavin moved to grab the sandwich, almost dropping it before he got ahold of it properly.
"Ooh... Almost." He said quietly before he munched down on it. He watched the large group of Pokemon with a small smile. He looked over to Timothy as he asked Jycii about her feathers, before he glanced over to the two Arcanine.

Niccia watched her Pokemon mingle, looking to the trees where Merlin, Blubelle and the oddly coloured Noibat was. She turned her attention to where the Salazzle was and watched Ixia run over to her quietly.
She smiled, looking to the two puppy pokemon run around Charles for a moment before darting over to pester both Bolt and Spike.

The Luxray only welcomed the playful pups quietly, allowing them to run around and over him before they seemed to turn their attention back to Spike.
Bolt relaxed a little, lowing his head back to the ground as he closed his eyes. He listened to the wind as he seemed to rest, but he was very much awake. His ears flexed at every sound, every yip and bark that the pups made, every bite that the trainers and pokemon took.

Spike watched the pups run around and jump over him, before he jumped up as well.
Missy stepped back in fear when the big houndoom hopped up, her tail moving to fall between her legs; Sparky on the other hand readied a playful stance, flicking her ears back before she let out a loud bark, a sound that echoed around before she zipped off away from the Houndoom.
Spike seemed confused for a second, obviously unsure how pups actually played, before he looked to Missy, who ran off in another direction.
"Do they not... Like me?" Spike asked Bolt, who smiled, still keeping his eyes closed.
"Pups are weird. Missy was a bit spooked by you, probably not used to beasts as large as you. Sparky on the other hand is mental." Bolt said quietly, slowly opening his eyes as his third eyelid slid over out of the way.

Jycii almost smirked at Tim's words, "That is because I am of the Rainbow Birds blood." She said, looking to the Decuideye, "Niccia found me as a chick, being attacked by a group of Fearow."
She moved as she finished eating to preen herself, nipping at one of her loose feathers before she plucked it off, looking at the rainbow colours glistening in the light- Close to that of the rainbow wing for Ho-Oh themselves.

Harry gave a gentle mumble at Saruya headbutting him. He enjoyed her presence, she made him feel happy; he hoped he made her feel the same way.
"Should we mention to them about our thoughts?" He asked, glancing to his female companion, "Or shall we sit on this idea for a while?"

Yvetal gave a laugh at Merlin's words, "Yes, or fly." She watched the area before her ears twitched, "I must me off. I hope to meet you again. Take care of your trainers and Blubelle?"
The Weavile looked up from gently chewing on her claws, "Look after Gavin for me." She fanned her wings out before she flew up out of the tree and dove back into the forest and out of sight.

"Show off." Blubelle uttered as she sat on the branch Merlin sat on, she looked to Merlin quietly, "How do you feel about having Darkrai's old guardian on your team?" She asked out of curiosity.

Charcoal listened to Mable speak before he nodded once.
"I don't remember too much of where I came from, I just remember the cold silver of a lab and the feeling of needles." He started, "Then I woke up in Professor Oaks lab one day and Niccia was there, looking at me expectedly."
Tyson listened quietly, swaying his tail before he moved to put Charcoal onto the ground and slowly crawled off towards Saber and Mei.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Finishing her sandwich, Mindy retrieved a bottle of strawberry-flavoured Moomoomilk and as she uncapped it she walked to Gavin as he was standing by himself, and she guessed Michael would want to be with Niccia. There would be plenty of times to catch up with her friend, she definitely didn't want to get in the way of the lovers.

Michael joined Niccia. "It's good to see everyone gets along well," he said. The only two Pokémon he hadn't seen talking to anyone were the Onix and Lapras of Mindy, but the Lapras couldn't move well on land, so he could understand why she stayed where she was. And the Onix looked a bit stoic, but it being a rock-type it was hard to tell. His Fletchling seemed to be drawn to the taller bird-Pokémon, but it looked like he favoured Jycii and Merlin. When he looked at their Arcanines snuggle, he wanted to do the same to Niccia and he moved a bit closer so he could put a hand on her shoulder.

"If the topic comes up we can tell them," Saruya said. "We should give them a heads up before we sleep together though, because it will affect the entire team.
She looked at the playing pups and then at Michael and Niccia. "I wonder if they gave the subject any thought themselves. A lot of legendary have offspring, but I don't think Mew has any. And for human standards, I reckon Michael is old enough."

"Maybe it's good you don't remember," Blaze rumbled and he put his claw on the Charmanders head. "At least you are somewhere good now."
Mable had a gentle smile on her face and nodded. She turned her attention to Tyson and Saber, both Pokémon of her type. And even though Blaze wasn't officially, she counted him as one of her kind too, just based on his built.

Merlin watched the Noibat fly away and then turned to Blubelle. "Never tell Andy I said this, but I trust his judgement in the matter. If he wants her in his team, I have no qualms about it." He paused and let an amused sound. "Being in his possession will probably be sufficient atonement for her past actions. But in all seriousness, I do believe she should make amends somehow. I will have a word about that with Michael, so he can inform his uncle about my thoughts regarding the matter."

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