Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 15 days ago

Jill cursed under her breath. She did know some first aid but had no idea what to do now. Ash was breathing, barely, and somewhat conscious. "Damn it, I need Seb. What good is a doctor when he isn't around whe you bloddy need him!" She said as she pounded once on the floor. A rumble could be felt. She looked at her fist, she couldn't have hot that hard, could she? Then she realised the supporting beam Traff had crashed into and her head jerked in that direction. "g'repoj" she cursed. "We got to move Ash." she said. Jill reached under Ash their arms so she could start pull him to safety if she could at all.

Gnol felt a small tremble and hear the sound of a crack forming. Very soft but his trained ears picked it up. He was a dwarf afterall and tunnels were a speciality. "I don't want to alarm everyone but we have to hurry to find the Captain and our second in command. Whatever that blast was earlier it might have compromised the intregety of the structure." Gnol closed his eyes and touched the floor, he got up again and touched the wall. "Not that far from here." He mumbled, "Can't possibly be to far. Gnol nodded, he was fairly sure where to find them.

Althea jumped up when Gnol spoke, her previous fears almost comming back. She could feel the wall closing in on her again and her claustrophobia threatend to take the upper hand. She looked at Derrek and calmed down a bit. "Can you move? Can you help?" Althea preffered that she could get out of here asap instead of having to venture deeper to find the last two missing crewmembers. Jillian and Ash.
"Maybe I should go back to the surface, I'm sure the flarewolf can find the way out by following a stream of fresh air or something. And we can mark the way out for you guys to follow" she said hopefully. Eventhough Althea was a brave woman she was an Avian. The sky was her home and being below the ground was a serious strain on her nerves. Eventhough she had battled and conquered her fears earlier with Derrek it wasn't completly gone.

Alan knew better then to offer his help to Gnol. Gnol didn't like him that much because of his elven part but he could help Althea if they chose to split up again. "We need enough to go further and help the Captain. They might be hurt but getting help from the ship is as important I'd say." he looked at Ricki. "Can the Flarewolf find the way to the surface? If it is starting to get dangerous in here it might be better to make sure she gets out of here fast."

Treghor looked nervously to the building ahead. "I-I hope w-we can find them soon and we eh won't get lost ourselves." he said a bit gloomy. In is mind everything that could go wrong already had and it wasn't helping his nerves at all. He sa the open doors and swallowed hard. "H-here goes n-nothing." he said as he walked inside the buidling to try and locate the rest of the crew. He looked towards Seb and Alice to see if they had any clue to know where to start looking. Seb probably had Treghor asumed as he had escaped there earlier.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Ash's body seemed to respond to Jill's words, he wasn't too heavy to carry at least, but Ash started to move weakly as well.
The ground seemed to tremble, the aura of the area slowly clearing up and becoming lighter, but the ground around them seemed unstable.
The house on top didn't move or shake, it was perfectly fine and stable.

Ricki listened to everyone and knelt by the Flarewolf, "I need you to take these guys up top. I'll follow on, but I'm going to find the others." She said, moving to pull out a small pendant and put it around the beasts neck, "You'll be safe. Just wait for me outside."
She turned away from the beasts and nodded towards the others, "You guys get out, I'll found them." She said before she took off on all fours, darting along as she flicked her ears to try to pick up on anything.

Derek stood as Althea asked him, moving to try and grab Ricki as she ran past him, but she managed to disappear before he could.
"Fuck." He said before he shook his head, "What is with these Aliens and being so.. Disgustingly self-sacrificial?" He huffed before he looked to the remaining group. "Right, I'll take the Flarewolf and Althea and a couple others out, which ones of you want to come with me and who wants to follow the maniac pup into the shadows?"

Avia flexed her wings slightly, her tail flicking across the ground as she watched Ricki run off before she turned to Derek and then Gnol, "What would you like to do?" She asked him, "I think Alan should go with the Flarewolf as he's someone she's bee with for a while."
The Flarewolf whined in the way that Ricki ran before she looked to Alan.

Alice followed quietly, looking around as she tried to focus on what she could hear.
Seb on the other hand, stepped into the building and seemed to pace towards the center of the building. Seb paused and jumped up and down for a moment, listening to something that the others couldn't hear.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 15 days ago

"Let's get you out of here..." Jill panted. She rather not get burried alive and also didn't want to leave her friend behind. Eventhough Ash didn't seem to heavy it was still more weight then Jill was used to drag, let alone carry, around. She just hoped that everyone would get put safe and sound. "We'll...be...out of here...in...no time." she promised Ash.

Gnol looked at Avia after he shook his head at Ricki darting off like that. "Find them ofcourse, they might need help and one person, or maniac pup as Derek observed so kindly, might not be enough." he said. "You know, 'the Strong' is not behind my name merely because it sounds good." he said with a wink before running after Ricki. "Ricki! Wait up! Gnol shouted after her. He sure hoped the rash girl wouldn't end up in trouble or something.

Alan looked startled at Ricki as she dashed off. "Ricki? Ricki wait!" He wanted to follow her but the flarewolf whined made him stay. He put his hand on her back to reasure her. "Don't worry, she'll be fine. Lets do as we were told and go up and ait for her there, Ok?" Alan looked at Derek. "I'm coming with you." Alan looked over his shoulders worried but Ricki was better off with Gnol and possibly Avia going after her.

Althea was glad she was going outside. She felt guilty for wanting to go to the surface and not go after Jillian but she had no choise. She couldn't risk going and that it proved too much for her to be down there. "Let's go." she said softly to Derek. There wasn't anything they could but get everyone outside that wanted too.

Treghor looked around. "S-so ehm no enemies here?" he asked hopefully. He watched Seb jump up and down and glanced at Alice to see if she found it odd too. "Why did you eh jump?" Treghor asked Seb almost whispering. It was some strange behaviour in his opinion. If one wanted to test the strenght of the floor one wouldn't jump on it and he couldn't think of another reason to jump like that.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

As Jill moved, runes on Ash's body seemed to glisten, lighting up among the ground and walls.
There was silence around the two of them, before the sound of skittering legs seemed to echo; The shape of Ash's spiritual beast came into view, as it seemed to scuttle towards Jill before it stopped. The large spirit of the centipede seemed to twitch it's antennae before it bowed it's head towards Jill, as an offer to take Ash from her.
"I will... Take you safety." A voice echoed into Jill's head, it sounded similar to Ash's, but it was still different.

Avia looked towards Alan and gave a small smile, "I'll keep her safe." She said before she quickly followed afterwards- She fanned her wings from her back before she took off after the Dwarf and the young alien.

Ricki on the other hand was bounding along, following whatever innate feeling was driving her along. She leaped over a fallen pole before she skidded around a corner. She froze on all fours, keeping her head down and ears back.
She heard the scuttling sounds from Ash's Spirit creature. Her pausing allowed Gnol and Avia time to catch up with her.

The Flarewolf turned to Alan, Derek moving to walk off before he paused, "Come on Alan." Derek said, he glanced to the Flarewolf and sighed. Why did they have to be stuck with a wild animal.
Derek nodded at Althea's words and started to walk out the way he could sense. "Fresh air is here somewhere." He said, he could feel it.

"No Enemies." Alice said with a shake of her head, "The area just smells of dust." She said with a flicker of her tongue. She looked to Seb with a furrowed brow, why would he be jumping?
Seb stopped jumping before he moved his leg out and tapped the ground with his foot twice. He narrowed his eyes before he knelt down and moved his hand over the wooden floor.
The floor beneath him seemed to just be a solid thing, the jumping only caused dust to fly into the air.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 15 days ago

Jill looked at the spiritual beast and stopped, even more impressed being so close to it. She flinched as she heard the words spoken in her mind and looked from Ash to the centipede. She nodded. "Yes, thank you." she said although she didn't have an idea yet as to how the spirit animal could help.

Gnol ran as fast as he could his feet punded on the ground. He noticed the fallen pole Ricki had jumped over and just in time and he stopped right before it. He climbed over it and went around the corner. He noticed Ricki standing on all fours and he didn't think that was a good sign so he grabbed an axe and held it up He heard the sounds too and when he tried to locate it saw a strange centipede bowing his head to Jill. Gnol raised his axe and was about to charge the centipede, thinking it was attacking the Captain who seemed to be dragging Ash to safety.

Alan nodded after he glanced in the direction half of the team went too. "Yes, coming." he said as he followed Derek and Althea. He put his hand on the back of the Flarewolf to guide her along. "I'll be happy when we are out of this mess and we can go back to the ship." He said. He glanced at the Flarewolf, unsure what to do with her when they would be back on the surface and going back to the ship. Ricki and the others kept being on his mind he was worried about them.

Althea also followed Derek and as he spoke of sensing fresh air somewhere she was sure she felt a little bit of draft coming from the direction Derek was going. "I think you are right." she said eager to get out of these cramped, underground tunnel system. First thing she would do once they were on the surface she would spread her wings and take of to the sky. Althea shuddered slightly as she recalled how claustrofobic she had felt and how she panicked. Althea felt a bit ashamed but at the same time proud she managed to get out of it and be able to function almost as good as normal.

Treghor sneezed when the dust filled his nose. Puzzled he looked from Seb to Alice and back. He only saw a solid floor and the jumping seemed unlogical. So far it had only lifted dust that had settled there. Treghor sneezed again. "I ehm think the f-floor is sturdy enough to eh keep us from falling through it." Treghor remarked still with a confused look on his face. He tapped the floor twice himself but it sounded like any wooden floor. Looking at the floor didn't help Treghor either as he still didn't see anything unusual.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The centipede looked at Ash, a few of its backplates quivering before slowly cracking open to reveal what looked to be some sort of glittery goop.
"Place him in here. It will keep him safe." It said before it twisted it's head towards Gnol and Ricki, moving to stand in front of Jill as Gnol charged.
"Do not harm our captain!" It rumbled angrily, it wasn't sure if Gnol was on their team or not.

Ricki watched the Centipede, before she sprinted after Gnol to try to get in front of him. She didn't have time to talk but she got a weird feeling about the Centipede.
Her tail swayed as she watched Jill with Ash, then back to the Centipede.
Avia followed after everyone slowly, she watched the Centipede quietly.
"Gnol." She said, loudly but calmly, "The beast isn't an enemy." She glanced to the Centipede and lowered her head. "Fer'a."

The Flarewolf stuck beside Alan, as he was the only one in the group she trusted. She was slightly slower than what she would normally be, her weight from her pups starting to weigh her down. She heaved while she walked, looking up at Alan with a small 'arf'.

Derek glanced at the beast and muttered something under his breath before he looked around. A bit of dust dripped down from the ceiling.
There was silence from Derek before he moved to knock back.

Seb jumped slightly when he got a response. He grinned before he knocked again, Derek knocking back twice.
Seb looked to Treghor with a smirk, "Found someone." He said before he flexed his hand.
Energy bubbled over his hand before he slammed his hand down; the ground sparking with lines before they seemed sink down.

Derek glanced up as the runes trickled down from the ceiling.
"Seb's above." He started, "We're close."
He looked around, his tail swaying quietly. He looked around, trying to figure out where everyone else was above ground.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 15 days ago

Jill started to hoist Ash into when the centipede moved to stand in front of her. She looked up when she heard the centipede say to not to hurt her. The charging Dwarf was more impressive then she thought it would look but she was glad he was halted by the words of the centipede and Avia.

Gnol was charging when he saw the centipede move to stand in between and when he heard the words it said and when he heard Avia's words he stopped and lowered his axe. He gestured to Avia that he had heard and understood her. "Glad to see you're allright Captain." He eyed the centipede suspiciously before he looked worriedly at Ash. "What happend to the first mate?" he asked as he walked closer to help Jill get him here she wanted.
Jill sighed. "Traff happend, it was hard against hard. A magic duel." Jill pointed to the fallen beam. "Traff is under there. Doubt he survived but if anyone would want to check to be sure that would be great. The Centipede said to put Ash in that glittery goop thingie."
Gnol nodded and helped Jill getting Ash there.

Alan looked down and smiled. "Must be hard for you, let me carry you for a bit." He said as he carefully picked her up. The Flarewolf was heavier then he expected but he was determined to do it. He looked at Derek with a rasied eyebrow as he knocked on the ceiling and glanced aT Althea to see if she understood why. When someone knocked back Alan grinned. "The cavalerie has arrived?" he asked. He looked at the lines. "Figured it must be Seb, don't think Treghor can do that." he said in reply to Derek statement that it was Seb up there.

Althea was happy when Derek knocked on the ceiling as she felt more draft and a little light through cracks. "The way out!" she said happily. She was startled briefly when unexpectedly someone knocked back but let out a sigh of relief as she realised hat it meant.
"Thank the Feathery Ones." she sighed. She looked around. "So is there a trapdoor or something or do we need to break through the ceiling?" she asked Derek as she watched the lines get down.

Treghor looked intesively at the floor and yelped and jump back startled when someone knocked back. "I-i-iss...w-who...w-what?" he stammered. He swallowed a couple of times. He was afraid it were enemies as someone could mean a whole lot of people but when he thought about it, enemies wouldn't knock back probably. "The Captain?" he asked hopefully.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

As soon as Ash's body was placed inside the Centipede, the opened part of carpus snapped shut; Ash's body trapped inside.
The centipede looked over at the beam quietly; "Traff has been... eliminated." They stated quietly, "His Aura has disappeared. His body has probably already crumbled to dust. It's been Centuries since he has started his magic."

Avia looked to the Centipede, before the beast looked to her and bowed its head, "It's been a while Avia." They started before they looked towards the way they came. "There is an exit this way."
Avia nodded to the Centipede before looking to Jill, "I'm glad you're okay. I'm glad Fer'a was able to appear even if Ash is unconscious."
Ricki walked towards the Centipede, holding her hand out before she gently touched pressed her hand on the beast.
Fer'a froze before they looked down at Ricki with a click of his mandibles. "Little one..." They started before runes seemed to etch up its body in the same colour as the Galaxy goop they put Ash into.

The Flarewolf let out a 'wuff' as she was lifted up, moving to gently press her snout against his cheek.
Derek looked back at Althea and Alan before he stepped back. He readied his hands before he summoned his energy into his hands, before he charged a large volt of fire to the ceiling.

Seb stepped back and narrowly missed the jet of flame that was shot up.
"Not the captain." He started, "But it's Derek, Althea and Alan." He looked down through the hole with a smirk, "Come on up guy-" He was cut off as the male Flarewolf pushed him out of the way with a wild growl.
The Flarewolves mane flickered between several colours before he let out some barks and bared his teeth towards the three.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 15 days ago

Jill sighed reliefed, to hear Traff was really gone was very good news. Jill looked at Avia. "Yeah, I suppose. I have no idea how such things work. I mean I know Ash for a while now but him trying to explain magic always gave me a headache." Jill shrugged. With Ash in safety and the treath eliminated there was no reason to linger around. "Allright, let's go back to the ship and head out." she said, starting to walk into the corridor they all came from.

Gnol nodded and followed suit. "I have no idea what that thing is and why Ash had to be placed in it. But since Avia trusts it I'm sure it is a good bug." He said. Jill chuckled. Gnol looked at Avia. "You are one hunderd percent sure that thing isn't digesting Ash as we speak right?" He glanced at the beam Traff was underneath or at least the dust the became. "Idiot, who does a magic duel underground?" he said as he shook his head.

Alan turned his back when Derek blasted through the ceiling. He turned back and looked up. His face lost colour when he faced the wild growling male Flarewolf. Protectively he tightend the grip on the Flarewolf he was carrying and stepped back as the Flarewolf was barking. "Seb, Who's your friend?" he asked.

Althea stepped back when Derek readied himself. Impressed she looked at jet of flames. When she wanted to climb up she quickly darted back when she saw the bared teeth. She was so ready to get out of here and now she was hindered again. "It is a flarewolf." She snapped at Alan. "Maybe looking for the one you are holding."

Treghor shrieked when the fire shot trough the floor. "A-are they a-alright?" he wanted to look but reconsiderd when the flarewolf was growling and snarling. "S-shoo, shoo." he stammered under his breath, weakly making he gestures. He hadn't thought the Flarewolf would go berserk, he had thought Seb and the flarewolf had some sort of understanding. "n-now what do we do." he asked.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ricki nodded at Jill's words, turning and starting off on allfours again. She pushed through the rubble a little bit in order for the others, especially the large bug, to get through.
Her ears pricked up as she heard growling, and quickly bolted off.

Avia looked to Gnol with slight confusion over her face before she looked back to Fer'a.
"Fer'a wouldn't digest Ash." She stated, almost matter of factly, "Without Ash, Fer'a would cease to exist. A guardian Spirit needs a Mystic to guard, otherwise it wouldn't be a guardian." She looked to Fer'a again with a small frown. "He didn't use too much forbidden force did he?"
"Ash is Safe and stable." Fer'a stated quietly, giving a nod, "Injuries of flesh aren't hard to heal. Scarring to his mentality from the magic may be.... A different story."

Derek went to attack the Flarebeast before Seb moved to gently lift the Male's snout away.
"Relax." He stated to the beast, "She's in very good hands. They'e looked after her for you. Your cubs are safe."
The Male Flarebeast gave a snarl to Seb before he turned his attention back to the female, swaying his tail before he moved to step back, moving to settle on the ground by the hole.
Seb smirked before he tossed something down the hole.
Whatever it was, as it fell, it unfolded out into a perfect ladder. "It's safe up here, come on up."

The female Flarewolf's tail wagged quietly at the sight of her mate, before her ears drooped at his snarling. She went to make a sound before she winced as something in her belly moved. She let out a bit of a whine and a sway of her tail; looking to Alan with worry in her eyes.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 15 days ago

Gnol nodded to Avia. "Fair enough." he said. "Ricki?" he asked whe she bolted off. He glanced at the weird looking centipede which apperantly had a name too.
"Safe and stable, those are terms I like hearing, I don't like hearing about scarred mentalities or whatever." Gnol said. "Ash better wake up allright or I'll smack him silly myself." Gnol grumbled. He was worried about Ash and he masked it by his words and tone. Gnol went ahead and took the led over from Jill as he knew the way better.

Jill was glad when the Dwarf took the lead over. She frowned slightly as Ricki took off, wondering what had gone it the girl this time. Jill was worried sick about Ash and those worries soon removed her thoughts about Ricki. She glanced often towards the guardian spirit and couldn't help but wondering what was going on in there. "When we get back to the ship I want Seb to examine him toroughly." she stated.
"Avia, maybe you can make some easy but comforting food for dinner. It has been a nerve wracking day for everyone, think some quick and easy comfortfood will be apreciated by everyone. Soup, burgers, meatpies, omelettes. I don't know, I trust your choise of menu." Jill said, talking about the dinner was keeping her from worrying too much.

Alan got instantly pale as Ricki exclaimed the flarewolf was about to have puppies. He looked with big eyes at the wolf in his arms. He had no idea what to do. He was afraid the puppies would fall out right then and there.

Althea, who was glad the male flarewolf not growling in their exit walked briskly to Alan and took over the female Fmarewolf. "For the love of the eternal skies man, bring the poor girl up." she said as she bended her knees and half jumped, half flied out of the hole with the female flarewolf in her arms. Althea put her down so the male good check to see his partner was ok and she quickly walked out of the building to take several breaths of fresh air. Althea raised her face towards the sky and enjoyed the feeling of fresh air and warm sunlight on her feathers.

Alan looked at Ricki. "having her puppies? you sure we should do that on the ship? Can we make that? Maybe we can make her comfortable in the forest? Is she goning to have puppies now?" Alan shut his mouth when he felt he was starting to babble. He waited for Ricki to go up first so she could look at the flarewolfs.

Treghor flinched when Althea suddenly appeared through the hole. Treghor took a few deep breaths to try and calm down. He leaned against a wall since everyone would be able to climb out.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Fer'a listened to Gnol's words before they waited for Jill and Avia to follow before following quietly. The smaller female that ran off confused him, there was a lot of energy in that small creature and he didn't understand.
"Ash will wake up." Fer'a confirmed, hoping that would fix everyones mood. "I promise."

Avia looked towards Jill as she mentioned about food. She nodded once.
"Yes, I should be able to do that." She started, "I have enough stock to make different soups, I think we have some fish that I can fry up and some meat for burgers." She said with a nod, her ears pricked up slightly and focused on the area ahead of them.

The male Flarewolf nearly snarled at Althea as she held his partner, before he relaxed as she put her on the ground. Both beasts nuzzled together slightly before the Male Flarewolf barked at Seb twice, letting out a rumble before he looked to the rest of the group.

Ricki reacted quickly, grabbing Alan and flew out the hole as well, placing him on the ground before she moved to the Female Flarewolf, watching the male step away gently with a bow of his head and a whine.
"She's not having them physically right now, but she'll go into labor soon." She said, placing a hand on the beasts belly gently. "This planet won't stay alive for much longer. Traff's energy was keeping it alive. He had already killed it off before hand. She should make it back to the ship."

Derek swayed his tail as he exited, furrowing his brow before he looked to Seb, "Do we have room for them?" He asked, Seb seemed to ponder about it before Ricki nodded.
"Yeah, they can stay in my room; I'm sure that the captain would let us... right?"
"If there's no room I have a portal door I can ope n up in your room as well." Seb added in quietly with a nod.

Alice looked around with a frown, "Where's Avia? Is my mother okay??"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 15 days ago

Gnol looked over his shoulder to the Centipede. "Right, right, all the better." He said. "We are nearly where we left the rest of the gang." He said. "I can hear them talking already." Gnol increased his pace, he felt some rumbles coming from deep down and it worried him a bit. It could be that the mages their battle had sent the tremors that were caused by the attacks deep down and that fracture lines were triggered.

Jill sighed and nodded both in response to Avia and Fer'a, she hardly heard the Dwarf his words. She did feel a bit better with Fer'a's words but it was a strange magical creature that was beyond her to understand how it worked.
Absentmindedly she walked on. Even though she had seen some strange things in the universe, magic still was strange to her and hard to grasp. Even the better to have Ash as her second in command. he was an expert on the matter.
Seb seemed to understand both science and magic.
Avia seemed to understand it better than herself and Althea would just accept it as it is and not pain her head with trying to make it fit in the universe.
Treghor was all science, he would try to explain it rationally or dismiss it.
Gnol was all technological and science too. Dwarves weren't really known for their magic after all. Ricki seemed to be.
Ricki and Derek both could do magic too and Alan was most likely to go with the flow and adapt to whatever he needed.
Jill sighed again, it seemed only she and Treghor would have to adjust to the magic all around them.

Althea spread her wings and flew up in the skies she looked around and tilted her head as she noticed some of the trees nearby starting to change colour. Which was odd given the temperature. As if the planet started to wither with the death of Traff. She dived down and scoured the planet's surface for some useful specimens as she knew the biologist and scientist would appreciate it. And even if they wouldn't, alive specimens or seeds of a dead planet would be worth a lot in some markets.

Alan looked at Ricki when they were above. "Thanks." He said before sighing in relief the Flarewolf wouldn't have her puppies right now. "I don't know if there is room for two adult flarewolfs and a litter of puppies. The ship is big to spacetravel standards but they would need a whole lot of room for exercise and I am not sure if they can get it in the quarters and the second deck. Maybe with the third deck, the storage and cargo area but when we are hauling big shipments or passengers I fear it won't be enough room. I hope the Captain will allow them on board, I wouldn't want to leave them behind." Alan said as he petted the female flarewolf. "Can Flarewolfs live on the things we have in stock, should we find some things they can eat and hunt or gather it quickly?" Alan turned to Alice. "Avia went back with Gnol to get to the Captain and Ash, I'm sure they'll be here soon. "Ricki is already back here so nothing has happened over there or she would have told us. They are on their way back." He glanced at Ricki. "right?"

Treghor paled at Ricki's words. "It is dying? We need to save as much as we can!" Treghor shouted as he rushed out to examine everything he could see. He had never been to this planet and wanted to know as much as possible about it. Preserve if possible. He took some vials, syringes and small orbs, half glass and half device, out of his backpack and started looking interesting specimens.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"The Planet is dying off." Fer'a spoke quietly, their head moving slightly as their slender antenna flexing above their head. "We are close. I feel beings that are familiar to Ash, which means he's also healing."
Avia nodded and flexed her wings slightly, her ears flicking slightly before she moved her fingers to her maw and gave a loud whistle that echoed forward.

Fer'a looked towards Jill as if they could hear her thoughts. They scuttled closer to her for a moment. "He will Teach you if you wish." Fer'a mentioned, [i][b]"Ash has a way of sensing Magic in others, if you with, he can try to activate it if you have anything."[/i][/b]

Ricki nodded at Alan's words, "They're alive. Ash is... Hurt, but alive. His Spirit Beast came and took him into it's body... It was. Interesting."
Seb stepped over to Alan and pressed a hand gently on his shoulder, "We don't have to worry about the space." He said with a wink, "I'll be able to make an encapsulated Portal in Ricki's room until we find a safe place to place them." He continued with a small smile, looking to the sky before he looked back down at everyone focused on grabbing samples.
For once Seb didn't seem too bothered by this, not because he didn't care, but because he had a few more clones roaming around collecting all the important things they could find, as well as Aero keeping a look in the air.

Derek listened to Ricki's words, his horns glinting red before he winced as a loud whistle echoed through the air, both the Flarewolves reacting the same.
"Ah fuck!" He yelled as he collapsed onto a knee and shook his head. "Fucking hell what was that?" He hissed, looking towards the hole.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 15 days ago

Jill flinched at Avia's whistle before she looked at Fer'a shocked. Jill she shook her head a little. "Magic? Me? That couldn't be." she said but not too sure. It was true that some people had hidden abilities or latent powers but Jill couldn't possibly imagine that being the case with her. While she talked the other words that Fer'a spoke dawned on her. "The planet is dying? How much time do we have?" Jill hurried forward. "Gnol, scavenge what you can." Jill finally saw the hole. "Alan! Scavenge what you can everything you think has some worth take it." She ordered. "Avia, you make sure Ash gets to the ship ASAP."

Althea was high in the sky and could see quite some parts of the planet dead and others dying. The radius with the building in the centre was still alive but the signs of deteriorating were starting to get clear. The forest between the building and the ship was still there but the ship was starting to get on the edge of the alive part of the circle, it was obvious it was going fast because the whole planet must have been deteriorating while they were inside. She coughed and noticed a slightly heavier feeling in her lungs and her breathing increasing, the oxygen levels were starting to drop. Althea sent a message to Jill and Seb, she thought that Jill should be out or close enough to the surface to be able to receive it. 'I'm going back to the ship to get her ready. Hurry, with all the trees dying the oxygen levels are dropping slowly but steady.'
Althea flew to the ship, went in and put her in alien atmosphere modus so there would the doors would be pressurised with an air lock activated.

Alan nodded to Seb. "Cool! That is super convenient to have. And really comforting to know we can take them with us. Alan closed his ears when he heard that whistle. "Well damn, that is one loud whistle. He didn't think it was the Captain and the Dwarf probably neither. Avia or that Spirit Beast?" he asked. Then he heard the Captains voice. "Yes Captain!" Alan said and he rushed off to do as he was told. There had to be a personal space with maybe some valuables.

Gnol nodded to Jill and quickly climbed the ladder. He noticed Alan going in one direction so he went in another.

Treghor was taking all kinds of samples even of already dead planets. He wanted to test it all to see if the claim that magic kept it alive and magic was the source of the doom and see if that magic left a residue of some sort or not.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Fer'a nodded at Jills words, "If you wish to learn, please do not hestitate to tell Ash, he would be overjoyed." Ash Jill mentioned for Avia to take Ash to the Ship. The Naganara looked towards the Spirit Guardian, she hesitated before she offered her arms to Fer'a. "I can carry you." She said.
Fer'a slowly clambered onto Avia, his size shifting slightly that he is easier for the woman to carry. Avia moved and lifted the beast up onto her shoulders, he was almost weightless. She fanned her wings out and felt the Beast coil around her body, but allowed her to move.
"I'll meet you back at the ship!" Avia called to Jill before she bolted up into the air, quickly past everyone before she darted to the ship. Fer'a holding tightly onto the Naganara.

Seb moved to kneel down beside the Female Flarewolf and offered his arms to her. The Female looked to Ricki, who nodded before she to hop into Seb's arms. The male followed after Seb as he sprinted towards the Ship. The Male Flarewolf kept pace with ease, growling and barking things to Seb as they moved, Seb only listening.
Aero was in the sky, circling with ease. She dove down towards the group before she took to the sky again, reminding them that she was in fact there and had a small saddlebag type design on her body.

Ricki looked around quickly, she crouched as she was free to run away now. She readied herself and felt her energy bubble before she sprinted off into the trees. She pushed her body to its limits, feeling the lightning crackle through her muscles as she pushed around the trees and grabbing what she could where she could.

Derek flicked his ears before he slowly stood up, watching Avia fly into the air and turned to see Alice follow her mother instinctively. He turned back to the hole and offered his hand down to Jill quietly, "Everyone else has started to run off." He said with his usual tone of voice, "Traff's dead?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 15 days ago

Jill glanced at Fer'a, she wasn't ready to talk about magic, magic seemed more alien to her then every alien planet she had visited.
She nodded briefly when Avia said she'd see her back on the ship.
Jill took Derek's hand and she nodded. "Traff is dead, and the planet will soon be dead too. Some have returned to the ship, others are scavenging and collecting samples."
She paused as she glanced on her ComNav. "Alan! Gnol! be back on the ship in thirty minutes tops." she shouted and sended out the message before turning back to Derek.
"You better get back to the ship too unless you want to collect some valuables too."
slowly it dawned on her that she wouldn't be able to make it in thirty minutes herself. "Can you help me get back to the ship in time?" she asked.

Alan stopped briefly and shouted a "Yes Ma'am!" back. He put some commands in his ComNav to summon his hoverboard. "Gnol, our ride back is summoned!" Alan had found a few trinkets and some equipment.
Gnol muttered something inaudible. He went through rooms and picked up a couple of scrolls he saw lying around. Gnol hardly looked at Althea's message. He had figured that much.

Treghor paled when he received the message. "Oh no oh no oh no. He grabbed a few more samples before he started half jumping half running back to the ship. His very long legs made sure he'd get to the ship well on time. Along the way he grabbed what he could hile he was talking out loud to the recording ComNav about what he was seeing.

Althea was sitting at the helm's panel and scanned the surroundings. She was relieved to see several dots making their way back to the ship. Althea got up and made her way to the airlock so she could let everyone in who would go through the entrance.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Derek pulled Jill up slowly, nodding once at her words.
"Ash is injured by the looks of things. Fer'a doesn't come out unless needed." He said before he looked around, "I can get you back to the Ship quickly if you'd like?" He offered his captain.

Seb got back to the ship with ease, walking up into it with the Male Flarewolf following close behind, the Flarewolf looked to the Hellhound as they passed each other, their tail swaying slowly.
The Hellhound bowed his head to the other canine, moving to look back out into the planet.
"He's a friend." Seb said quietly towards Valour, who nodded once.
"Right." He started before Seb moved off towards his room.
"Vee, Lights on." Seb said as he entered his room, he had set up a port of his AI onto the ship for his room specifically. "Open Field portal, Pregnant Flarewolf with her mate. Puppies estimated within the day."
"Understood sir." A computers voice replied back and a door against the wall seemed to have symbols appear on it.

Avia landed as she got to the ship, moving her hand to gently pat Valours' head before she entered, heading towards Ash's room.
"He is going to be okay." Fer'a mentioned to Avia, "You do not have to worry."
"I'm not worried for him." She started, placing the guardian on the ground, "It's the captain that I'm worried about. She cares about him."
"He cares for her." Fer'a replied, Avia's eyes widened slightly. "He pas passed that worry of the past."

Aero flew down to fly alongside Alan, spinning around him happily before she took off towards the ship with a whistle.
Ricki was still sprinting along, managing to get to as much of the living parts of the planet as she could. She turned and took to the air to fly back towards the ship. She couldn't get too much, the planet itself seemed to be rather scarce as it was.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 15 days ago

Jill nodded and sighed, not her proudest moment in her opinion when Ash got hurt. She didn't like to feel that helpless. Now she felt better. There were things to take off, things to organise. "Ash is injured indeed. And yes please, help me get back to the ship. I won't make it on my own."
She didn't mind admitting to that or accepting help when it was needed.

Alan and Gnol didn't find many things. The most valuable Alan had found was a piece of equipment with a blade made of a rare kind of metal. Other then that he found some small things that weren't exactly valuable but more convenient to have. The couple of scrolls Gnol had been schematics of the place mostly and with some standard information about the planet as in day length, general mineral deposits and the mineral Traff was mining. At least Gnol considered it a mineral. One of the scrolls had some print he couldn't understand but he figured Ash or Seb could figure it out.
"I think Traff his books, magic items or whatever he possessed were not here or hidden so well that we can't find it." Alan said when he met Gnol again.
Gnol nodded. "We can always come back in protective suits to search later, if Ash suspects there is a treasure room or safe or secret study he is the one who can find it."

Treghor made it to the ship pretty quickly with his frog-like jumps. He was parched from the exercise and his legs felt awfully wobbly. But he made it. He went to the main entrance and walked into the first part of the airlock. Conditions weren't that bad outside yet so it didn't take long at all before she opened the airlock on the inside. "Welcome back." she said
Treghor nodded and after mumbling a thank you, he went to his work station to preserve what he could and properly document everything he had found and learned. He made a note to talk to the biologist to see what her findings were.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Derek gave a small smile at her words, moving to pull her into his arms and fan out his wings.
"Hold on." He said before he flapped his wings, pulling himself into the air. He sped along quickly, looking around as he did so. He landed near the ship not long after taking off, letting Jill down quietly before he stretched.
"Here we are." He said, looking up towards Althea. "How many are left?" He asked with a tilt of his head.

Alice hopped after Treghor, fanning her wings out every once and a while to try and fly for a little bit. She stopped at the airlock and looked up to Althea too, before flinching at Derek landing near her.
"Bah!" She squeaked before she looked back towards the ship, moving to go inside quietly.

The door Seb requested slowly slid open, the smell of fresh air and long grass entered through his room. Seb moved to walk through the door and took a few steps before he moved to place the female Flarewolf down.
"Easy girl." He whispered to her, the Male following quietly. He swayed his tail and gave a small rumble and sat beside his mate, moving to lick her face. "Ricki will be back soon, She'll come keep you company. I'm here until then, okay?"
The male gave a nod before the Female let out a small huff and moved to rest her head against Seb's leg.

The Female Flarewolf closed her eyes slightly and her breathing became heavy, showing signs of being about to give birth. Seb sent a mental message to Ricki as he started to set the wolf up quietly.
"Vee I need my med gear." He asked, before a small drone flew over and dropped a small box beside Seb.

Ricki got the message and suddenly span around quickly, zooming back towards the ship. She fanned her wings out quickly and took up into the air and zoomed straight towards the ship; straight passed everyone else without another word to anyone.
She put all of the stuff she had gathered into her room before she changed into clean clothes before moving to Sebs room to join him and the wolves.

F'era lifted his head slowly, twitching his antenne before moving to coil up on Ash's bed.
"He wishes to see her."
"He has thought... about giving in."
Avia's eyes widened, F'era paused before continuing. "Jill started to contact him in the darkest times... He would never tell her what he went through. He started getting sleeping problems, the memories of the Slaughter haunted him. But ever since he got back in contact with Jill... He has been, happy."
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