Fei Iordanou
Fei Iordanou
Recently turned 19
Sexual Orientation
Heterosexual, but is Pan-Curious
The closest 'job' that could describe Fei would probably be a Sky Knight. As the name suggests, she is adept in aerial combat on the back of her pegasus she's dearly named Charna. From delivering goods to actual skirmishes, Fei is your girl for the job, most who know of her giving her the alias of the Maiden of the Sky because of it.
Fei's appearance doesn't stray far from the picture above (5' 1" || 100lbs), however there is her Mark which is ironically placed. The Mark itself is located right underneath her left eye in the shape of a teardrop.
- Stargazing
- Bright Lights
- Animals of every shape and size, especially Charna
- Sweets / Baking
- Nature (like flowers, being outside, forests, and things like that)
- The color Purple
- Flying
- Super Serious People
- Unneeded Violence
- Thunder and Lightning (Bad Weather in general)
- Materialistic things with no sentimental value
- Intense Flavors
- Blood
- Liars
Fei is a perfectionist at heart, a trait that bleeds into all of her personas. She's an idealist who wishes for things to be a certain way, and easily gets distressed when they are not. She holds herself and others to unrealistically high standards, and gets distressed when these standards are not met as well. This leads to her being self-deprecating - because she doesn't meet her own standards - and critical of others - because those others do not meet her standards. Fei wishes to learn and to understand, to know the details of every little thing, because to be ignorant is to stray from the perfection most see her as. She isn't content to just accept things the way that they are. This leads to her being an over-analytical, neurotic worrier. Very stubborn, because she tries very hard to stick to her own carefully considered views and standards of perfection, and is not easily shifted from this path.
She can be pretty pessimistic and assumes the worst due to these unrealistic standards. She thinks and plans before she acts; she isn't the type who will resort to rash, impulsive behavior, and will panic if she can't plan in advance. When it comes to intimacy, it's easier for her to reject and hate things than it is for her to love and embrace them. Her interests and tastes are picked carefully, and she gives a lot of attention to each one, and holds them close to her heart, rather than having many fleeting interests that change quickly and often. She argues using reason, evidence, logic, and explanations, delivered analytically or with pleading. She only argues to set wrongs right, rather than to assert dominance.
Fei responds poorly to compliments, often 'rebutting' them by saying that she's not so great after all. She's an idealist, who imagines perfect fantasies and feels upset when things don't live up to these fantasies. She's extremely introverted, which comes from her perfectionism. Once she has someone to talk to in a quiet and relaxed environment, she can talk a lot and will enjoy sharing thoughts and ideas. Prefers having a few close friends to many acquaintances and is moved deeply by beauty, and by distress. She is very easily hurt, because of her perfectionist tendencies, responding to things that she dislikes with misery and with tears rather than with rage. Very slow to 'snap', but will hold onto emotions for a very long time. She's not exactly aggressive, but more wishes to flee from things that cause them distress but doesn't stray from what she wants.
She can be pretty pessimistic and assumes the worst due to these unrealistic standards. She thinks and plans before she acts; she isn't the type who will resort to rash, impulsive behavior, and will panic if she can't plan in advance. When it comes to intimacy, it's easier for her to reject and hate things than it is for her to love and embrace them. Her interests and tastes are picked carefully, and she gives a lot of attention to each one, and holds them close to her heart, rather than having many fleeting interests that change quickly and often. She argues using reason, evidence, logic, and explanations, delivered analytically or with pleading. She only argues to set wrongs right, rather than to assert dominance.
Fei responds poorly to compliments, often 'rebutting' them by saying that she's not so great after all. She's an idealist, who imagines perfect fantasies and feels upset when things don't live up to these fantasies. She's extremely introverted, which comes from her perfectionism. Once she has someone to talk to in a quiet and relaxed environment, she can talk a lot and will enjoy sharing thoughts and ideas. Prefers having a few close friends to many acquaintances and is moved deeply by beauty, and by distress. She is very easily hurt, because of her perfectionist tendencies, responding to things that she dislikes with misery and with tears rather than with rage. Very slow to 'snap', but will hold onto emotions for a very long time. She's not exactly aggressive, but more wishes to flee from things that cause them distress but doesn't stray from what she wants.
Biggest Fear
Fei's biggest fear would be if anything bad happened to her beloved Chara. The two have been inseparable since they met. Even the slightest bit of injury on the majestic beast or not seeing her around for longer than normal could send Fei into a trigger-induced panic. Charna's her entire life and vice versa.
Greatest Dream
Fei's greatest dream would be able to fly to the floating city above the clouds, Skyla. Now, most know Skyla to be the main location of the famous fairy tale book, Maiden in the Sky, a term that's also been connected to Fei for said reason. Although she's constantly made fun of for her interest in going to the fictional place, Fei has yet to back down from this dream.
Fei believed her life to be normal while she was growing up. Born in a well-known family of merchants, Fei was able to see the world before she could fully walk. Most would think a child being pulled to and fro without much of a choice in the matter would lead to problems in the future, however this didn't seem to be the case as Fei had both her father and old brother Sora to take care of her and keep her entertained; their mother had left before Fei had even been a month old. They made sure she ate properly, got enough sleep, and was healthy and happy. . Sora in particular would read her the well known storybook, Maiden in the Sky, everyday before bed, it becoming sort of like a daily ritual the two would do without without fail...
...that is, until they couldn't do it anymore.
It happened so quickly, Fei has trouble remembering how they found themselves surrounded by a band of raiders in the middle of the desert. These raiders even had possession of Ruin, a type of magic that involves inscribing incantations onto pieces of parchment and pulling the magic from those words to make them into being. She could remember Sora rushing out to stand in front of her while his father seemed more interested in keeping his goods safe. Of course, not having any form of magic nor weapon on them, Sora was sucked into the sandy ground, his muffled screams causing the ground to vibrate while Fei herself being pushed back by Sora, her eyes unable to leave the spot where he brother once was. The raiders seemed to be enjoying this as well, pulling Sora up just a bit to watch him struggle before sinking him back down. By then, her father had the cart moving while the raiders were busy with his son, and they were never seen again.
One night was enough to change everything Fei knew about life. She was only 6 when this all happened, so of course it was traumatizing. For a full year, she had trouble even touching the ground, let alone walking on it. It was at this point that her father stocked the whole cart with weapons they could use to defend themselves with, however not liking the idea of his only child wielding something so dangerous at such a young age was worrisome, so he instead hot her a lexicon, as well as some spell books to see if she had an affinity for Ruin; especially after surviving when it was used on her.
A few more years passed and Fei was growing more accustomed to walking around on her own. She had her Ruin lexicon to protect herself and was more getting a bit of fresh air until she came across a whine. It was so small, so helpless, like it could easily be snuffled out by the winds of nature around them. Fei followed the sound before eventually coming across a pitch black horse with wings...a Pegasus. It had to be a baby with how small it was, and with how curled up in on itself it was, Fei was scared that the little guy might be hurt. She tried approaching, but the nervous squeak from the pegasus stopped her. Instead she sat where she originally stood, watching the horse's movement and waited for it to approach her, which it did about two hours later. Ever since then, they've been together, Fei affectionately giving the pegasus the name, Charna.
Knowing the benefits of having Charna by her side, once the two of them where old enough, they insisted on acting as a messenger for Fei's father, helping business grow and giving her and excuse to fly around with Charna. It started out with just a few times she needed to fly ahead and deliver things, but it quickly escalated to helping out in other ways, be it combat-wise or for the sake of protection. Through these many missions, Fei got a name for herself, the Maiden of the Sky, which only brought back memories of Sora when she was called that.
...that is, until they couldn't do it anymore.
It happened so quickly, Fei has trouble remembering how they found themselves surrounded by a band of raiders in the middle of the desert. These raiders even had possession of Ruin, a type of magic that involves inscribing incantations onto pieces of parchment and pulling the magic from those words to make them into being. She could remember Sora rushing out to stand in front of her while his father seemed more interested in keeping his goods safe. Of course, not having any form of magic nor weapon on them, Sora was sucked into the sandy ground, his muffled screams causing the ground to vibrate while Fei herself being pushed back by Sora, her eyes unable to leave the spot where he brother once was. The raiders seemed to be enjoying this as well, pulling Sora up just a bit to watch him struggle before sinking him back down. By then, her father had the cart moving while the raiders were busy with his son, and they were never seen again.
One night was enough to change everything Fei knew about life. She was only 6 when this all happened, so of course it was traumatizing. For a full year, she had trouble even touching the ground, let alone walking on it. It was at this point that her father stocked the whole cart with weapons they could use to defend themselves with, however not liking the idea of his only child wielding something so dangerous at such a young age was worrisome, so he instead hot her a lexicon, as well as some spell books to see if she had an affinity for Ruin; especially after surviving when it was used on her.
A few more years passed and Fei was growing more accustomed to walking around on her own. She had her Ruin lexicon to protect herself and was more getting a bit of fresh air until she came across a whine. It was so small, so helpless, like it could easily be snuffled out by the winds of nature around them. Fei followed the sound before eventually coming across a pitch black horse with wings...a Pegasus. It had to be a baby with how small it was, and with how curled up in on itself it was, Fei was scared that the little guy might be hurt. She tried approaching, but the nervous squeak from the pegasus stopped her. Instead she sat where she originally stood, watching the horse's movement and waited for it to approach her, which it did about two hours later. Ever since then, they've been together, Fei affectionately giving the pegasus the name, Charna.
Knowing the benefits of having Charna by her side, once the two of them where old enough, they insisted on acting as a messenger for Fei's father, helping business grow and giving her and excuse to fly around with Charna. It started out with just a few times she needed to fly ahead and deliver things, but it quickly escalated to helping out in other ways, be it combat-wise or for the sake of protection. Through these many missions, Fei got a name for herself, the Maiden of the Sky, which only brought back memories of Sora when she was called that.
Personality Questions
1. What is their worst specific memory from childhood?
2. What do they think of being Marked? Do they believe in it? Have they come to the festival in search of love, or for some other reason?
3. Spirit animal?
4. Thing they’re most proud of?
5. Thing they’re most ashamed of?
6. What motivates them?
7. What would they change about themselves if they could?
8. What’s most important in a romantic partner?
"Worst? That's pretty loaded question. Um, it'd probably have to be when my brother, Sora, passed away. I'd rather not go into detail, but I was there when it happened...and it's pretty vivid in my memory. ...How did he die? S-Suffocation."
2. What do they think of being Marked? Do they believe in it? Have they come to the festival in search of love, or for some other reason?
"Honestly, I'm not quite sure? I mean, it's pretty exciting, but I can't really believe someone loving for who I am. Everyone normally see me as a Maiden, not really a person, you know? Not to mention, it feels a little forced too, because what if we don't have feelings for each other? It's a little scary, but I was already on my way to the festival to patrol the skies, so I didn't see why I shouldn't come and see who my 'fated' is."
3. Spirit animal?
"I see myself in every animal, though...do I have to pick one? Hm, probably some bird? Ooo, maybe a sparrow! Small, simple, but perfect all the same!"
4. Thing they’re most proud of?
"It has to be how well I've raised Charna. She was only a baby when I first met her, so seeing her so grown up brings a tear to my eye! Yes, pun intended, haha."
5. Thing they’re most ashamed of?
"U-Um, I don't like being on the ground for so long due to, uh, reasons... I know, it's really stupid, and i shouldn't have to worry about something like that, but it's so embarrassing! ...And you have no idea what I'm talking about. Sorry, just forget about it."
6. What motivates them?
"Motivation? It would have to be Charna! I'm the only family she has so I want to do my best for her and take to the one place we'd both be happy!"
7. What would they change about themselves if they could?
"I wish...I wish I was more open? I mean, I wish I didn't have to hide my feeling or suppress them out of nervousness. I wish I didn't have to be...perfect."
8. What’s most important in a romantic partner?
"...Trust. A true bond that transcends the relationship even if things don't go well. Someone who sees me for who I am."
Color Code: Rosy Brown
Theme song:
Face Claim: Morgan (F) from Fire Emblem Awakening
Theme song:
Face Claim: Morgan (F) from Fire Emblem Awakening
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