"It's not your unlife I'm worried about," he said. "It's hers. And when it comes to that unlife, Lock, Shock, and Barrel are better influences than you give them credit for."
Jack frowned, but nodded.
"As her creator, I expect better from you. Locking your creations up didn't work with Sally, and it certainly doesn't work with Carver. Something different is indeed in order."
But at least the doctor seemed to be coming around to the idea. Carver would be happy to hear it, especially knowing that she wouldn't be grounded for sixty or so years.
Jack frowned, but nodded.
"As her creator, I expect better from you. Locking your creations up didn't work with Sally, and it certainly doesn't work with Carver. Something different is indeed in order."
But at least the doctor seemed to be coming around to the idea. Carver would be happy to hear it, especially knowing that she wouldn't be grounded for sixty or so years.