"If you are ever at the mercy of another, pray to whatever deity you believe in, that he is a bad person. A bad person will want to take it slowly, enjoy his power over you, which would give you at least a chance for comeback. A good person will simply kill you without any mercy. Because he would not enjoy what he is about to do, he will do it as quickly as possible." - Unknown
Please click below if you encounter any terms you are unfamiliar with in the RP Information.
Many years ago, the woman who would become Scarlet Empress united the entire world of Creation under her banner. The incursion of the Fair Folk and the threat of the Contagion were as nothing before the might of the Realm Defense Grid, a weapon array of unparalleled destructive power. With such a weapon at her command, she was hailed as a hero to all the land, and declared the master of the fledgling Dragon-Blooded empire. For nearly eight centuries, few dared to oppose her, for fear of the Realm Defense Grid.
Eventually, things began to settle and the Realm went on as normal. However, soon after the relative peace had begun, there were rumors that the Empress was missing or dead... and power struggles erupted between the various regions. Merchant Princes turned Warlords, Tribal Chiefs turned Conquerers, Slavers turned Politicians. The world was on its way to ruin. That is, until the return of the Scarlet Empress.
A mighty demon known as the Ebon Dragon had kidnapped her and twisted her very soul to fit his malicious ends. At the head of a mighty army, the Empress returned to the world... seemingly bent on destroying all that she had fought for so long ago. But this was not the worst of things. Seeing the realm's weakness and the return of the Empress causing such disarray, the undead monstrosities known as the Deathlords mounted a coordinated assault on Creation. At the head of their armies was the mighty Juggernaut, an ancient creature that was slain by the Deathlord known as Mask of Winters and now controlled through immensely powerful necromantic magic.
Lastly, the realm turned to its once mortal enemy for assistance. The Fair Folk. Creatures of the ever-changing Wyld Lands, they were offered all the lands of Creation outside the Blessed Isle if they were to fight the Empress, Yozis, and Deathlords. All too happy to accept, it was they who finally turned the tide. Fighting alongside the Solar, Lunar, Sidereal, and Dragon-Blooded Exalted, the war was finally on more even terms... but that just meant more destruction and chaos for those less fortunate.
The tales of the ensuing war vary wildly and grow more outlandish with each telling. All that is known for sure is that the Scarlet Empress, her Yozi allies, AND the Deathlords were all defeated... but at immense cost. All the armies of Creation, from former Realm legions to ragtag militias... all were devastated. It is said by lore-keepers and scholars that nearly ninety percent of people in Creation were slain by the time all the fighting had stopped. Those who remained had saved the world, but how much of that world was left?
That was only a scant fifteen years ago. Since that time, very few Exalted have come to being. Most think the strain of the war on their normally-immortal souls was too much, and their essences literally unraveled. Those few who remain or do become Exalted, are in positions of power or quickly elevated to them. However at last count, there are only twenty Exalted left on the Blessed Isle. Four Solars, four Lunars, three Sidereals, and nine Dragon-Blooded. Among them are the late Empress' daughter, Mnemon.
Unfortunately, the last bastion of Creation is now under threat once more. The Fair Folk now covet the Blessed Isle above all else, as it is the only thing they haven't returned to the Wyld. Fishing vessels in the oceans that surround the isle have reported sightings of mutated creatures and semi-human beastmen attacking their fellows... a sure sign that the Wyld taint is beginning to approach the isle. While this goes against the Scarlet War Concordat, the few remaining Exalted can do little against the near-limitless forces of the Faerie.
This is the end of times... but the Blessed Isle will not go quietly.
Eventually, things began to settle and the Realm went on as normal. However, soon after the relative peace had begun, there were rumors that the Empress was missing or dead... and power struggles erupted between the various regions. Merchant Princes turned Warlords, Tribal Chiefs turned Conquerers, Slavers turned Politicians. The world was on its way to ruin. That is, until the return of the Scarlet Empress.
A mighty demon known as the Ebon Dragon had kidnapped her and twisted her very soul to fit his malicious ends. At the head of a mighty army, the Empress returned to the world... seemingly bent on destroying all that she had fought for so long ago. But this was not the worst of things. Seeing the realm's weakness and the return of the Empress causing such disarray, the undead monstrosities known as the Deathlords mounted a coordinated assault on Creation. At the head of their armies was the mighty Juggernaut, an ancient creature that was slain by the Deathlord known as Mask of Winters and now controlled through immensely powerful necromantic magic.
Lastly, the realm turned to its once mortal enemy for assistance. The Fair Folk. Creatures of the ever-changing Wyld Lands, they were offered all the lands of Creation outside the Blessed Isle if they were to fight the Empress, Yozis, and Deathlords. All too happy to accept, it was they who finally turned the tide. Fighting alongside the Solar, Lunar, Sidereal, and Dragon-Blooded Exalted, the war was finally on more even terms... but that just meant more destruction and chaos for those less fortunate.
The tales of the ensuing war vary wildly and grow more outlandish with each telling. All that is known for sure is that the Scarlet Empress, her Yozi allies, AND the Deathlords were all defeated... but at immense cost. All the armies of Creation, from former Realm legions to ragtag militias... all were devastated. It is said by lore-keepers and scholars that nearly ninety percent of people in Creation were slain by the time all the fighting had stopped. Those who remained had saved the world, but how much of that world was left?
That was only a scant fifteen years ago. Since that time, very few Exalted have come to being. Most think the strain of the war on their normally-immortal souls was too much, and their essences literally unraveled. Those few who remain or do become Exalted, are in positions of power or quickly elevated to them. However at last count, there are only twenty Exalted left on the Blessed Isle. Four Solars, four Lunars, three Sidereals, and nine Dragon-Blooded. Among them are the late Empress' daughter, Mnemon.
Unfortunately, the last bastion of Creation is now under threat once more. The Fair Folk now covet the Blessed Isle above all else, as it is the only thing they haven't returned to the Wyld. Fishing vessels in the oceans that surround the isle have reported sightings of mutated creatures and semi-human beastmen attacking their fellows... a sure sign that the Wyld taint is beginning to approach the isle. While this goes against the Scarlet War Concordat, the few remaining Exalted can do little against the near-limitless forces of the Faerie.
This is the end of times... but the Blessed Isle will not go quietly.
For the Cartographer in all of us!
All about the Money!
1. Don't be a jerk. A bit of arguing is alright, as is friendly debate. But if things start getting heated, take it to PMs.
2. Don't argue with GMs too much. If you disagree with a ruling, say so and say why. I will re-evaluate my opinion and may reconsider my stance. If I say something is final, however... do not continue to debate it.
3. This is not a place for short posters. The accepted MINIMUM is two paragraphs per post, with three to five paragraphs being the expected normal. If something is particularly tough to respond to... let people know in the OOC that you need something more to reply to.
4. Godmodding. Do it, and I swear to God your character will die the next time I post. “Autokilling” or “Autohitting” of PCs defines Godmodding without prior agreement with the player, as does making up attacks on the fly, dodging every attack even when it is not realistic, nuking cities in one shot, and being Superman.
5. Please try to remain active. Give notice if you'll be gone. Extended periods of absence will result in characters being moved along and/or killed off. If you can not make a post within ten (10) days of a GM post, please alert me as to why. I am willing to work with my players if they cannot get something up in the IC thread, but I won't stall indefinitely.
5b: This rule is far more lax on or around holidays such as Christmas/New Year, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, and so on. Please enjoy your holidays and your time with friends and family.
6. Collabs are encouraged. They're fun. :3 Don't know what a collab is or how to do one? Just ask.
7. No OOC chatting in the IC Thread. That is why THIS thread is here.
8. Have fun. Don't spam GIFs. No Lemon Party. Thor is best Avenger.
9. This RP WILL involve characters dying. If you do not want to risk a character dying, don't join.
10. Put "I will not bow" at the end of your CS so I know you read the rules.
11. There will be mature themes in this RP. That said, any intimate situations must either fade-to-black or be taken to PMs. Blood, gore, violence, blasphemy, torture, and other unsavory subjects will come up in this RP as well, so if you are easily triggered or quick to report people... this may not be the RP for you.
11b. In accordance with United States Law, no characters listed under the age of 18 may be depicted engaging in explicit sexual acts. Failure to abide by this rule will result in an immediate and non-negotiable ban from the RP.
12. For those familiar with Exalted: We will be starting the RP as Heroic Mortals, not Exalts. The potential for Exaltation later in the RP does exist, however. ... for those not familiar with Exalted: We're just normal people caught up in extraordinary circumstances. Down the road we might become a lot more awesome and powerful, but not for a while.
Arc 1: Where are your Gods?
They call them the "Imperial Ruins". They act like the city is gone. The people in the capital city of Lord's Crossing prefer to ignore the ghosts of the past and act like nothing is wrong. However, those not blinding themselves to the truth know that the 'ruins' of the Imperial City still house a large number of people. Nearly fifty-thousand call the damaged city their home, rebuilding what was lost in the war and trying to salvage their way of life. They are a strong people, united by adversity and a strong sense of community. However... that is all about to change.
They fey are growing tired of the Blessed Isle. They were given all the rest of creation, and some of them feel as though they should simply take what is left. Occasional raiding groups attack fishing vessels and coastal villages... but they are not the only threat. A resurgence of Lintha pirates signals the rise of something far darker: The Yozis. Still others claim that the dead have begun to walk once more within the few wilderness areas remaining on the Blessed Isle. If this is true, then a Deathlord likely survived the Scarlet War as well.
As a mortal human living in the Imperial Ruins, you hear the dark whispers and rumors... you listen to the murmurs and fearful stories of those who claim to have seen this and that and the other thing... you might even tell others a personal accounting of one of these tales. All that you know for sure is that people are scared. Do you share their fear? Are you made of sterner stuff? Do you not care either way? Do you embrace the end like others who have become doomsayers? This is where your tale begins... only you will determine how it ends.
Notable NPCs
Active Character Roster
Fergus Mac Teague, played by Salroka
Cilia Cosgair, played by Meleck
Axley Crawford, played by YoMoves
Snow Sparrow, played by ShwiggityShwah
Sasuke Stormwind, played by Cosmic Fury
They call them the "Imperial Ruins". They act like the city is gone. The people in the capital city of Lord's Crossing prefer to ignore the ghosts of the past and act like nothing is wrong. However, those not blinding themselves to the truth know that the 'ruins' of the Imperial City still house a large number of people. Nearly fifty-thousand call the damaged city their home, rebuilding what was lost in the war and trying to salvage their way of life. They are a strong people, united by adversity and a strong sense of community. However... that is all about to change.
They fey are growing tired of the Blessed Isle. They were given all the rest of creation, and some of them feel as though they should simply take what is left. Occasional raiding groups attack fishing vessels and coastal villages... but they are not the only threat. A resurgence of Lintha pirates signals the rise of something far darker: The Yozis. Still others claim that the dead have begun to walk once more within the few wilderness areas remaining on the Blessed Isle. If this is true, then a Deathlord likely survived the Scarlet War as well.
As a mortal human living in the Imperial Ruins, you hear the dark whispers and rumors... you listen to the murmurs and fearful stories of those who claim to have seen this and that and the other thing... you might even tell others a personal accounting of one of these tales. All that you know for sure is that people are scared. Do you share their fear? Are you made of sterner stuff? Do you not care either way? Do you embrace the end like others who have become doomsayers? This is where your tale begins... only you will determine how it ends.
Notable NPCs
Active Character Roster
Fergus Mac Teague, played by Salroka
Cilia Cosgair, played by Meleck
Axley Crawford, played by YoMoves
Snow Sparrow, played by ShwiggityShwah
Sasuke Stormwind, played by Cosmic Fury