Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

⚜️ Welcome to Nox Tenebrae.
⚜️ A world where the mundane and the supernatural exist back to back, with a veil of secrecy keeping them separate.
⚜️ It is a realm of the fantastical, hidden from mortal eyes, shaded and covered in mist, despite unfolding in clear view.
⚜️ We are not entirely oblivious to the bombastic nature of the supernatural, however.
⚜️ Myths and legends all find themselves rooted in some form of truth.
⚜️ However, throughout the millenia, humans have grown to disbelieve the concept of magic and otherworldly beings.
⚜️ Make no mistake, this is greatly beneficial for a world that wishes to stay hidden.
⚜️ In a world where humanity rules, there is little telling what would come to pass in the wake of magical discovery.
⚜️ Luckily, the absolute majority of found footage videos posted online are considered little more than hoaxes and entertainment.
⚜️ However, what if someone was to tell you, that the alleged monster chasing kids through a sewer system was in fact a true string of events?

⚜️ Nox Tenebrae takes place at the monster hunting academy of the same name.
⚜️ It is a school for the supernatural, which trains eager prospects into "Agents of the Veil."
⚜️ What this entails is that students of Nox Tenebrae have one sole duty.
⚜️ This duty is to keep the mundane world blissfully unaware of the horrors actually lurking within a young girl's closet, and under an unsuspecting boy's bed.
⚜️ It is the responsibility of protecting a world which disregards their existence from horrific monsters seeking to feast on the succulent flesh of mundane meat.
⚜️ Agents of the Veil hunt down those who would seek to further their goals by involving the human world in their plans for greed, power, and lust.
⚜️ From mindless monsters aiming for their next meal, to powerful mages seeking the eradication of mundanes, as an Agent of the Veil, you are what stands between widespread chaos, and a blissful separation of two worlds.

⚜️ This roleplay will focus on a group of students at Nox Tenebrae, studying to become full-fledged agents.
⚜️ It is a story revolving around action, horror, and most all, character interactions.
⚜️ There are two primary aspects of this roleplay.
⚜️ The first is mission play, where players can make up their own missions by themselves, or together.
⚜️ The second is a more slice of life oriented interaction between characters within the safety of Nox Tenebrae.
⚜️ Nox Tenebrae is going to be a hub which characters can return to, whenever they wish, to gather their strength, and attend classes on hunting.
⚜️ In essence, this Roleplay is going to be a combination between a school themed setting, and an action-oriented story.

⚜️ What separates the supernatural world from the mundane world is a mystical shroud dubbed 'The Veil'.
⚜️ This mysterious, overlaying power acts as a thick screen between the two worlds, keeping the mundane existence blissfully unaware of darkness they once feared.
⚜️ However, while human beings cannot see through The Veil of their own volition, this barrier will be broken, if a supernatural creature attempts to interact with the mundane world in any notable way.
⚜️ An elf, fairy, or beast-related creature can walk down the street and appear as if any other part of the environment, shielded by The Veil.
⚜️ However, closer interactions with the mundane will consistently weaken that protection throughout the scene.
⚜️ A monster attacking a human in a dark alley will completely shatter The Veil for that person, revealing for them that their worst nightmares are actually real. 

⚜️ The supernatural world has categorized its countless different species into two different groups.
⚜️ This includes the 'Civil' races, and the 'Monstrous' races.
⚜️ It is as one would expect, where vicious creatures of folklore would fall under the category of monsters, and beautiful fey would be revered within the supernatural community.
⚜️ Of course, this is not to say that every monstrous species deserves their strictly shunned position.

⚜️ In this roleplay, you can create essentially anything you want, within a frame of limitations.
⚜️ Darker creatures such as the undead, demons, or mystical horrors may, in fact, not be mindless beings of destruction.
⚜️ However, anyone belonging to these categories will face discrimination from their more 'civilized' peers.

⚜️ Nox Tenebrae is an esteemed school of hunters, one of the places that do, in fact, not care for your background or species.
⚜️ If you managed to pass their tests, you will find yourself being a full-time student at Nox Tenebrae, with all the luxuries and responsibilities this entails.
⚜️ Nox Tenebrae is located, ironically enough, in the heart of culture.
⚜️ This is New York City, which displays a proud and massive castle amongst the countless other buildings stretching across its cityscape.
⚜️ Of course, it is worthy of note that for those of mundane life, Nox Tenebrae appears as if it is yet another company building, among the rest, with its students adding a false scene of workers entering and leaving the building in a daily routine.

⚜️ Within Nox Tenebrae, student ages vary drastically, depending on when you chose to sign up.
⚜️ There are children as young as twelve training within those medieval halls, and new arrivals scratching fifty, who desire to protect their world, and that of the mundane.
⚜️ Age holds little meaning in Nox Tenebrae.
⚜️ What does matter, is your experience, and how long you have been at the academy.
⚜️ No hunter is allowed time on the field during their first three years, rather focusing all of their attention on training and studies.
⚜️ On the fourth year, they will begin their journey into danger, where further training and education becomes entirely their responsibility. 
⚜️ From magic, to physical training, to theoretical studies, there are countless different classes to take at the academy, and they tend to be tailored towards the applicants.
⚜️ Not every species is physically inclined, and not every race is capable of using magic.
⚜️ However, theoretical studies, monster knowledge, monster biology, and various other important book-related classes are available to everyone, and highly mandatory during the first three years. 

⚜️ One might ask how and where these agents are informed of incoming danger, where they need to step between mundane lives, and a vicious monster.
⚜️ Nox Tenebrae has specialized scouts maintaining an ever vigilant, watchful eye over the world, and consistently keeps the academy updated.
⚜️ Every fourth-year student is given a small, handheld device reminiscent of a phone, where they can accept missions that come and go periodically.
⚜️ Missions will always be ranked on their danger level, and recommend a certain number of hunters to group together.
⚜️ When partaking in a mission, students consent to whatever danger they put themselves in, and are completely responsible for themselves.
⚜️ If a fourth-year student wishes to test their mettle, and accepts a mission by far surpassing their capabilities, incoming death is their own provocative. 

⚜️ Though Nox Tenebrae retains the architecture of a medieval castle, it as modern as one might have expected, in this day and age.
⚜️ The school contains all manner of rooms for classes, lounging, dorms, training, and so on.
⚜️ All dorms are single rooms, and in a hallway of dorms, genders are mixed.
⚜️ Students may proceed to live in their dorms for as long as they wish, as attendance at Nox Tenebrae never truly ends.

πŸ”… At Nox Tenebrae, there are several types of classrooms, for the multitude of subjects taught at the academy.
πŸ”… If students want to borrow a classroom to hold classes of their own, they may.Β 

πŸ”… Nox offers luxurious lounges for rest, relaxation and company.
πŸ”… These lounges include professional spas, baths, and various different gardens to accommodate a peace of mind.
πŸ”… The lounges also offer movie cinemas and gaming rooms.
πŸ”… For those who prefer, there are many pools to pick from, for a relaxing bath.

Sports Halls
πŸ”… When the hunter desires some more mundane training, which doesn't involve their powers, magic, or the supernatural, Nox offers a selection of gyms and sports-related venues for training.

Training Rooms
πŸ”… For when the hunter wants to practice their powers, Nox offers highly technological danger rooms which allow the hero to combat holograms and artificial scenarios.

Computer Rooms
πŸ”… These areas are used by designated faculty members who maintain constant surveillance across the world and hand out assignments to students based on what they find.

'The Board'
πŸ”… Here, students are able to see various mission types on rows of screens displayed in the mission room.Β 
πŸ”… The same information can be seen on their handheld devices.Β 

πŸ”… Nox has a giant library containing an incredible amount of knowledge, most of which has been added to a digital format, which is accessible through every student's handheld device.
πŸ”… Otherwise, the library does contain original, physical copies of these ancient tomes.
πŸ”… The library is also where information on monsters, species, magic, and anything else you can imagine is stored.

☣️ Due to the nature of this RP, you have an incredibly vast pool of creativity to dip into when making your character.
☣️ I want to see balanced characters, with strengths and weaknesses.
☣️ Your character can be between fifteen and fifty years old.
☣️ All of our characters are between fourth and fifth-year students.
☣️ Be realistic in terms of age.
☣️ No fifteen-year-old is going to be a fifth-year student at Nox Tenebrae.
☣️ Consider that the youngest first-year students are generally twelve years old.
☣️ You are welcome to create your own species, but if you do, I want a detailed description of them, their culture, their strengths, weaknesses, appearance, and so on.
☣️ You cannot play a mundane human.
☣️ If you do play a human, it is someone who has discovered the supernatural world, and is in some way linked to it through a series of events.
☣️ You cannot play a member of the Nox faculty.
☣️ You can have family that works at the academy if you want.
☣️ You cannot play a villain.

✨ The mystical barrier which prevents two worlds from overlapping.
✨ This magical energy is constant throughout the planet.
✨ Due to The Veil, a supernatural creature will never be spotted by a mundane, unless they are seeking to earn the mundane's attention, in some way.
✨ Depending on the creature's appearance, their ability to blend in will vary drastically.
✨ A seven-foot demon covered in scales would immediately shatter the barrier if they aimed to order a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
✨ Meanwhile, a more human-like creature could easily slip in and out of human interaction, without much of an issue.
✨ In essence, everything supernatural is entirely invisible to human senses, unless it actively provokes attention.

✨ With this in mind, a battle between supernaturals could occur in broad daylight, in the middle of town square, without anyone seeing it.
✨ This would assume that no mundane person is in any way affected by the battle, and as such, would disregard the clashing of swords as if a passing breeze.
✨ However, interaction with the environment will weaken The Veil, and too much of this will eventually shatter the barrier, allowing view of the scenario at hand, for those present.

✨ The Veil repairs itself after the conclusion of a scene, rendering the supernatural entity invisible once more.
✨ This is what has lead to many 'bumps in the night', and peoples' so-called, 'imagination'.
✨ The less people know about the supernatural world, the more powerful The Veil is.
✨ The more people know of this fantastical stage, the less powerful The Veil is.

πŸ”± Be mature.
πŸ”± Communication is the golden road to success, don't be afraid to express yourself.
πŸ”± Be civil when you express yourself.
πŸ”± A polite approach will take you far.
πŸ”± Don't be passive aggressive.
πŸ”± If you have a problem with another player, take it up with me. There is no use in crowding someone.
πŸ”± I personally do not care how inflammatory someone is, but to make it pleasant for everyone, don't actively try to push any buttons.

πŸ”± I am here every day.
πŸ”± I do not expect the same level of commitment from others, but I do expect weekly attendance.
πŸ”± If your last IC post was seven (7) days ago, I will scratch you from the RP.
πŸ”± Anyone stuck in a scene for days, waiting for someone else, is welcome to write themselves out of it.
πŸ”± If you address your vacancy beforehand, you are welcome back whenever you're no longer busy.

πŸ”± I expect to see fully fledged characters submitted.
πŸ”± No WIPs in the OOC, please.
πŸ”± You are welcome to be as dark and gritty, or colorful and bombastic as you want.
πŸ”± You can tackle whatever taboo theme you want.
πŸ”± Your character can be as sexist, homophobic, racist, etc, as you want, as long as it actually fits their personality.
πŸ”± You can use whatever kind of picture, or lack thereof, that you want, be it drawn or real.
πŸ”± Write your character the way you're most comfortable, just keep the important bits there.
πŸ”± There are no aliens.
πŸ”± When you post your character, do so in hiders.
πŸ”± This is fantasy RP, and not a sci fi RP.
πŸ”± You cannot play a futuristic character, or something that would belong to a sci-fi setting.
πŸ”± The roleplay is purely urban fantasy, with everything that this entails.
πŸ”± Technology available to characters stretches only as far as the modern day of 2019 allows.
πŸ”± Potatoe πŸ₯”

πŸ—ƒοΈ GM
🏷️ @Shard

πŸ—ƒοΈ Co-Gm
🏷️ @MsMorningstar

πŸ—ƒοΈ Co-Gm
🏷️ @Bea

⚜️ You never need to wait for me, or a Co-GM to progress the story.
⚜️ This roleplay is freeform, and you are able to pave your character's path without restrictions from me.
⚜️ If you want your character to tackle something bigger, run it by me or a Co-Gm, otherwise, go nuts.
⚜️ The key to this roleplay is character interaction and mission-fun-times.
⚜️ Overlaying plots, arcs, and main villains are nothing I am going to put emphasis on.
⚜️ However, players are more than welcome to come up with something, along with myself, which we can then introduce into the roleplay.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Ryteb Pymeroce
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Ryteb Pymeroce The Emerald Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Got a character for ya. @Shard

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by XWillowX
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XWillowX Chronically Anxious

Member Seen 12 mos ago

I am very interested in this and plan to make a character if there is still room. :3
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Ryteb Pymeroce

Good to go, once the OOC is up. I take it he studies mechanical engineering on his free time? That's fine, but he is primarily a Nox student.


Yeah there is room.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ChaoticLaw
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Certainly interested, I'll have a character made at some point today I believe.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shakyamuni
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Interested. Might make a character and see if you are ok with it.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

You are certainly welcome!

Go ahead, mate.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by MsMorningstar
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MsMorningstar Momo

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Fucking beautiful.

Top hoe.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 21 days ago

Yep hello I'm very interested, this looks great. Let me get home to give it a thorough read through and devise a character.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ChaoticLaw
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I like your character, and he is accepted, after one small addition.

I would like to point out that humans do not have powers in this world, unless they are somehow related to something supernatural. Jack's Pyrokinesis could easily be explained away by stating that somewhere along the family tree, a fire-based creature got together with an ancestor. There are other ways of explaining powers in a human, of course, such as pacts, and so on.

Bottom line, humans have no powers. There are no mutants, or magical humans. He would need to be a descendant from a magical creature somewhere in his family line. It's an easy addition, though, and nothing that would change anything about your character, other than making him lore-friendly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ChaoticLaw
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@ShardI added that he is part Efreet (fire genie). Do I need to add it anywhere besides species? I might be able to work it into the biography, although it would have been so long ago that I doubt Jack would know much of anything about it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Nah, you done good.

When the OOC is up, you can drop him in the character bin.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Naw
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'll keep an eye on this for now.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shard
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