Hay guys, I wont be on much tomorrow for two reasons, One. im going to have a friend over at noon, And my man has the day off tommorw....so hes going to get the computer for most of the day
@Nuadha Argetlam they have to save the world from serapis who is trying to become a god and they are about to fight a threat in Alexandria I'm still thinking of how to start the threat and I want everyone here so that's why they're doing other stuff
Hypothetically,let's says the House was on the British Isles and the Hunt was on Rowan's tail. Literally chased to the far ends of the earth to escape them for stepping back on British soil.
Let's say I did squeeze in to Egypt to catch a free ride back to US. What's happening now? A... pit fight? Cage match? Demigod chicken fights?