Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jackdaw
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Limited-Use Character Template

Name: [Your Character's Name]

Occupation and Affiliation: [i.e. Freelance Bounty Hunter, Mos Vaada Transportation Security, Independent Smuggler, Czerka Corporation Mercenary, Pilot]

Description: [Include such details as age, species, clothing, weapons on person, details regarding appearance, whatever suits you]

Background: [A very short and sweet, third-person account of who your character is, what he does, and what he's been up to prior to the commencement of his or her participation in this story]
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Jackdaw
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Name: Beck Ducrae

Occupation and Affiliation: Mercenary, Contracted by Mos Vaada Transportation

Description: Beck Ducrae is a tall, lean, hard looking human male hailing from the planet Corsin. He wears a woven poncho over light armorweave, a wide-brimmed hat, and boots he purports to be made of Krayt leather. Beck carries a blaster pistol at his hip, a standard military issue sidearm with the Corsin Planetary Defense Force, and a slugthrower carbine of Czerka design and manufacture. The slugthrower, a firearm of durasteel and wooden construction, carries eight slugs to a cartridge and can put a hole in all but the toughest wildlife on Tatooine. That includes the people, too.

Background: Beck Ducrae was an enlisted infantryman with the Corsin Planetary Defense Force during the closing years of the Galactic War, signing on with the army just as the Sith campaign extended into the Greater Plooriod Cluster. He saw combat for much of his short tenure with the Corsin PDF before the planet fell, and after the surrender of the world he struck out on his own aboard one of the many refugee vessels that fled to Republic space. A deserter, though there weren't much of an organized Corsin PDF to hold him accountable for his actions, he headed out to the Outer Rim, putting his military experience to work as a bounty hunter, enforcer, and general purpose mercenary for the Hutts. One among those Hutts under whom he found employment was Doga Anjiliac Jitetso, better known as Doga the Prospector of Tatooine and as the mayor, if you would, of the mining town of Mos Vaada.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Admiral Moskau
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Admiral Moskau An Admiral of the Binary Seas

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Noname

Occupation and Affiliation: Freelance Bounty Hunter

Description: Noname possesses a lithe, agile build, and moves with an elfin grace that is distinctly inhuman. She has dusky brown skin marred with scars and lavender eyes that smoulder with cold anger drawn from a deep reservoir. Her hair is the color of midnight streaked with stripes of gunmetal grey, and shorn just past her shoulders.

Secure in her own abilities Noname eschews any and all armor, preferring to dance around the bullets of her opponents. She wears a battered brown hat with a telescope crown, a pale blue shirt, black pants, tan boots, and a priceless Tomuon cloth vest. She matches a green patterned poncho with a cloth bandana of the same color that hides much of her face. A leather gunbelt and two bandoliers stuffed to the brim with cartridges ensure that she is rarely out of ammunition.

On her hips Noname wears an ornate set of twin heavy slughthrowers of an unknown make and model. Beyond functional improvements, Noname has added wooden grips inlaid with silver and spent time meticulously engraving almost every visible inch of metal on each gun. She keeps a small palm-sized hold-out Czerka Arms slugthrower pistol concealed in her left sleeve and a vibrodagger tucked in her right boot.

Background: Noname is an enigmatic bounty hunter that has cut a bloody swath of unparalleled violence across the Outer Rims over the last couple of years. Targeting pirates and crime syndicates in equal measure, she has become a painful thorn in the side of Czerka Arms as they attempt to expand their influence in the Outer Rims. Beyond rumors, precious little is known about her, and the most reliable witnesses that corporate investigators have manged to dig up report that she is an average looking Vahla.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Necroes
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Necroes Dice Lord

Member Seen 24 hrs ago


His Ship

EM-Rad Grenades(X4)(Approved)

Side arm(X10 rounds)(Approved)

He'll have his standard kit, and the additional items listed.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Bea
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Bea Loves Creativity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Kid, or "The Kid"

Occupation and Affiliation: Simple crewmember who works alongside Beck, as almost an apprentice of sorts.

Age: 16
Species: Human

Background: Orphaned due to the war and the violence that follows it, Kid was on his own for quite some time, scrounging for scraps and stealing in order to survive. He had been born on Tatooine, and naturally as a young boy had no way of leaving. Crime was the only way he could get by, and for a couple years of living as an orphan, he had grown accustomed to it.
While attempting to pickpocket one day, he was caught by his target, Beck Ducrae. The Kid had nowhere to go, no name to go by, but was young and trying his hardest to survive. So after an offer, Kid decided it was in his best interest to tag along with Beck, no contract, nothing forcing him to stay, yet the young kid stuck around.
Not a stranger to violence or death, he quickly learned how to defend himself and the crew, both in hand-to-hand combat, with a slugthrower, and everything else in between. He was young, but the boy was bright and willing to learn.
Sticking with the crew, it's been two years since Beck picked up the Kid. He's earned his stay, so to say, but still has much to learn.

Skills and Pastimes:
> Kid has gotten pretty good in terms of long range cycler rifles. Some say he is a natural born sniper, though he still has much to learn and definitely isn't the best of the best.
> If he isn't busy helping the crew, the Kid can usually be found in his quarters cleaning the crew's weapons, tinkering, fixing, anything to do with his hands. He enjoys being useful, and he knows he has a knack for repairing weapons and tinkering with other devices.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by webboysurf
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webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

The Great Dev Arx

He's running with Goshnak currently as backup, a Trandoshan blaster for hire. Basic Equipment in his possession.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by vFear
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vFear monochrome boi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

B1-LL3 "Billy".

Occupation and Affiliation:
Bounty hunter and hired gun. Known to be freelance.

B1-LL3 is a battered and rusting droid that stands a little underneath the height of the average man. It is constructed from an amalgamation of different droid parts, with the base chassis resembling a mass-produced protocol model used extensively by Czerka Corporation. Memory analysis details that not only is a mandated memory wipe 7 and a half years overdue, but that the droid has gone so far to develop its own quirks and personality. In many ways, B1-LL3 resembles a sentient being. Lacking a working voice modulator, it butchers together extracts from news reports and audio logs instead to communicate.

B1-LL3 dresses in coarse swathes of leathers, wools, cotton, and even a couple of oil-stained bandages, with a beaten poncho and a broad hat taking prominence in the outfit. One leg is crudely built to the design of a peg leg, while one hand is a finger short. Somewhere along the line, someone with a sense of humor worked on B1-LL3 by going as far as installing a smoke emitter at about the same place as a human mouth would be, presumably to emulate smoking.

While B1-LL3 is quite deliberately separated from the holonet, it comes with a variety of interesting modifications. The arm with three fingers is built with a series of additional motors, designed to facilitate a high-powered punch as often as the motors can fully spool - which is never really consistent. B1-LL3 carries an elongated blaster rifle of his own design which like him, is an amalgamation of several blasters. The blaster rifle is designed to output almost an entire energy cell in a single shot, giving it incredible range and power at the cost of being quite dangerous to the user. After every shot, it exhausts the side effects of super-heated plasma from several points along the weapon. Additionally, the weapon runs incredibly hot, and energy cells need to be loaded manually into the breach after most shots. The average temperature of the weapon while being used is far too hot for an organic to handle without suffering burns, making it inappropriate for an organics and even some droids to use. Less significantly, B1-LL3 also carries a heavy blaster pistol, a sawed-off slugthrower scattergun, and a vibrodagger.

B1-LL3 - Designation B1, lower levels 3 - was originally produced as a protocol droid in service to Czerka Corporation. It primarily maintained an assets database in addition to answering phones and processing related data. It's uncertain how long B1-LL3 continued with this function due to the frequent memory wipes for Czerka service droids. This continued until almost 8 years ago in Tatooine local time, where B1-LL3 was being transported on a convoy that was attacked by raiders and left in the dunes. B1-LL3 was recovered by Jawa scavengers shortly after.

B1-LL3 was then sold by the Jawas to a mining enterprise, where it was then decommissioned after sustaining serious damage to one arm. It was then sold to a local elder to provide aged care and look after her young wards: a daughter and a son, 4 and 3 respectively. The elder passed shortly after. B1-LL3 continued with his only remaining directive without interference: looking after the deceased elder's wards. Without proper maintenance, B1-LL3 continued in its protocol until it developed personality quirks, which came with an independent streak. These quirks and streaks later developed into a full-blown personality, where B1-LL3 has become a reluctant but surprisingly loving stepfather to two young children, despite being a droid.

B1-LL3 took up all sorts of work to make ends meet for the odd family. It scavenged and bartered for droid parts to repair itself, and took to work to keep food on the table. B1-LL3 found more reliable work as a bounty hunter and all-around hired gun, where it's since settled. It's since fallen into employ with various Hutts, where it chased down debts and gave muscle to work in exchange for care for its two growing wards.
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